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Ma. Ellah Patricia M.

Gutierrez 3C- BC
General and Industrial Microbiology

Are you in favor of genetically modified microorganism?

Genetically modified organisms are plants or animals that have been genetically
engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. These experimental
combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in nature or in traditional
crossbreeding. The purpose of GMOs is to produce plant and animals for food use, that have:
increased size, better disease resistance, larger crop yield and better overall quanlity.

In my opinion, GMOs are beneficial but they are more harmful than they are beneficial to
human. Here are some of the reason by Im not in favor or GMOs.

First, Genetic engineering creates dangerous side effects. By mixing genes from totally
unrelated species, genetic engineering unleashes a host of unpredictable side effects.
Moreover, irrespective of the type of genes that are inserted, the very process of creating a GM
plant can result in massive collateral damage that produces new toxins, allergens, carcinogens,
and nutritional deficiencies.. By mixing genes from totally unrelated species, genetic engineering
unleashes a host of unpredictable side effects. Moreover, irrespective of the type of genes that
are inserted, the very process of creating a GM plant can result in massive collateral damage
that produces new toxins, allergens, carcinogens, and nutritional deficiencies.

Second, GMOs are unhealthy. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine

(AAEM) cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system
disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. This show how genetically modified (GM) food can
leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems. Genes inserted into GM
soy, for example, can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us. The number of health
problems increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996. The percentage of Americans with
three or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% in just 9 years; food allergies
skyrocketed, and disorders such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems, and
others are on the rise.

And lastly, GMOs Increased the Resistance to Pesticides. For example, in mosquitoes
that developed resistance to the pesticide DDT. Insects could also develop resistance to the
pesticides produced by genetically modified plants, making it more difficult to control infestation
and insect damage rather than less difficult over time.

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