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Diagnosis of Chondral Injury After

Supination Trauma 1

and medial side [3]. According to their report, an

Take-Home Message ankle positioned in inversion and dorsiflexion pre-
CT scan and MRI have a similar accu- disposes for an OCL on the lateral side, while
racy for detection of a talar OCD; CT medial lesions occur mostly with the ankle posi-
scan is preferred for preoperative tioned in inversion and plantar flexion [3]. They
planning. also reported that 57 % of OCL to the talar dome
New imaging techniques include were located medially and 43 % laterally [3].
SPECT-CT scan and dGEMRIC. Clinical symptoms and physical examination
Arthroscopic examination is the defini- are the bases for correct diagnosis of an OCL in
tive method for assessment. the ankle. However, because clinical findings can
be nonspecific, diagnostic imaging is routinely
performed if an OCL is suspected. Routine
X-rays have long been the first choice for diag-
1.1 Introduction nostic imaging, but due to lack of detail on aspect
and location, there is usually a necessity for fur-
Ankle injuries caused by forced supination are the ther imaging such as computed tomography (CT)
most common injuries affecting the foot and or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [17].
ankle. Recent investigation revealed that an osteo- Recent advances of MRI in detecting injury of
chondral lesion (OCL) of the ankle is an increas- articular cartilage are remarkable; there are sev-
ingly common injury following the common eral established classification systems for OCL of
ankle sprain [22]. Berndt and Harty reported on the talus based on MRI findings [11, 15, 21].
possible mechanisms for the occurrence of OCL Despite these advances, CT remains the imaging
on the talar dome after supinating ankle trauma. of choice for talar OCL. Imaging is effective not
They reported two predilection sites, the lateral only for diagnosis of OCL but also for deciding
on treatment options.

1.2 History

The classic history preceding an OCL is supina-

tion or pronation trauma. Furthermore, hindfoot
valgus and flatfoot type can be predisposing
factors for injury. A combination of complaints
of persistent pain, hematoma, and swelling over a

2 W. Miyamoto et al.

period of 34 weeks following an ankle sprain is plain radiographs. The four stages are I, a small
suspect for an osteochondral or chondral lesion compression fracture; II, an incomplete avulsion
of the talus. fracture; III, a complete avulsion of a fragment
without displacement; and IV, a displaced frag-
ment. This system remains the basis of other clas-
1.3 Clinical Evaluation sification systems in radiological investigations
[3]. However, up to 50 % of OCL of the ankle is
In the acute phase, it can be difficult to clinically missed if only plain radiography is indicated as
diagnose an OCL of the ankle due to severe pain diagnostic imaging [13]. Because of the lack of
resulting from the primary supination trauma. If detailed information on the articular cartilage and
there are remaining symptoms following treat- subchondral bone, plain radiography alone is
ment of acute supination trauma such as dull insufficient for diagnosing an ankle OCL.
deep ankle pain, swelling, restriction of range of
motion, locking, or crepitus, surgeons should
suspect an OCL. As mentioned above, the two 1.4.2 CT (Fig. 1.1a-1, 3, b-1, 2)
predilection sites are the lateral and medial talar
dome. OCL on the medial side tends to be located CT produces detailed information on the size,
more posterior while OCL on the lateral side shape, and extent of displacement of the bony
tends to be located more anterior [3]. Therefore, injury. It is especially effective for the evaluation
palpation for tenderness should be performed of subchondral (cystic) lesions [7]. Because of
with the ankle in full plantar flexion if a medial its effectiveness, a CT-based classification sys-
lesion is suspected, but mild plantar flexion can tem was established. The stages of this system
be sufficient if a lateral lesion is suspected. are I, a cystic lesion in the talar dome with an
Sharp deep pain located at the medial or lat- intact roof; IIA, a cystic lesion with communica-
eral joint space longer than 1 or 2 weeks after tion to the talar dome surface; IIB, an open artic-
trauma is clinically suspect for more than just ular surface lesion with an overlaying
ligament injury. That is why, and even more so in non-displaced fragment; III, a non-displaced
athletes, there is an indication for a further imag- lesion with lucency; and IV, a displaced frag-
ing using CT or MRI. ment [8]. A common reported disadvantage of
CT compared to MRI is the insufficient ability to
evaluate the articular cartilage [17]. To over-
1.4 Radiological Examination come this disadvantage, CT techniques which
contain a CT arthrography and helical technol-
As mentioned above, routine diagnostic imaging, ogy with multiplanar reconstructions have been
such as radiography assisted by CT and/or MRI, advanced recently. A study on the comparison of
is necessary for the correct diagnosis of an OCL MR arthrography and CT arthrography for the
because there is no specific definitive clinical evaluation of cartilage lesions in the ankle joint
finding. revealed that CT arthrography was superior to
MR arthrography with regard to interobserver
variability and detecting articular cartilage
1.4.1 Radiography (Fig. 1.1a-2) lesions [20]. It has also been reported that the
diagnostic value of MRI did not prove to be bet-
If an OCL of the ankle is suspected, anteroposte- ter than high-resolution multidetector helical CT
rior radiographs with additional lateral and mor- for the detection or exclusion of an OCL of the
tise views are the first choice for radiological ankle [23]. Furthermore, single-photon emission
examination [17]. Berndt and Harty established a computed tomography (SPECT)-CT, a combina-
4-stage classification system of OCL of the ankle tion of a 3-dimensional scintigraphy bone scan
by evaluating the severity of the lesion through and CT, was introduced as a new tool in the
1 Diagnosis of Chondral Injury After Supination Trauma 3

Fig. 1.1 (ab) Osteochondral fracture diagnosed one year after trauma by radiograms and CT scan. (a) Coronal view;
anteroposterior X-ray; 3D reconstruction. (b) Transversal and sagittal view

orthopedic field recently [12, 14]. SPECT-CT MRI, SPECT-CT, or a combination of both.
detects scintigraphic osteoblastic activity in the SPECT-CT provided additional information and
area of interest in combination with the anatomic influenced decision making, and it was recom-
resolution of a CT scan. The effectiveness of mended in this study to perform both MRI and
SPECT-CT to diagnose OCL of the ankle has SPECT-CT for diagnostic evaluation in OCL
been proven in previous literature [12, 14]. [12]. Another study on the usefulness of
SPECT-CT has been compared to MRI for imag- SPECT-CT reported that the advantage was an
ing interpretation and decision making in OCL ability to identify the active lesion, especially in
of the ankle [12]. Ankle OCL was evaluated by multifocal disease or revision surgeries [14].
4 W. Miyamoto et al.

a b

Fig. 1.2 (ab) Professional soccer player with an ankle sprain. MRI revealed FTA rupture and medial talar dome edema

1.4.3 MRI (Figs. 1.2a, b and 1.3a) Three Tesla (T) MRI has also been applied as
a diagnostic tool with the expectation of
MRI has been reported by some as a noninvasive improved visualization of multiple organ sys-
diagnostic imaging of choice for OCL of the ankle tems. The usefulness of such high-resolution
[6, 19]. It visualizes the surface of articular carti- imaging is mostly for the diagnosis of OCL in
lage and subchondral bone by means of multipla- an ankle with thin cartilage [1, 24]. The imaging
nar evaluation. There are several classification quality and ability of 3 T MRI to assess carti-
systems using MRI [11, 15, 21]. One classification lage, ligament, and tendon pathology have been
system for MRI was based on Berndt and Hartys tested in fresh human cadaver specimens and
4-stage radiographic classification [11]. Another compared to 1.5 T MRI. In this study, the imag-
classification system for MRI was based on ing quality was found to be significantly higher
arthroscopic findings [15]. T2-weighted MRI pro- (P < 0.05) at 3 T than at 1.5 T [1]. Furthermore,
vides extra information on articular cartilage status they emphasized the usefulness of 3 T MRI in
and the subchondral bone. A high-intensity area assessing cartilage pathology. However, because
between a fragment and its attachment to the talar signal patterns in the talus can exaggerate the
dome can indicate instability of the fragment [4]. severity of the bone injury due to its high
1 Diagnosis of Chondral Injury After Supination Trauma 5

a b

Fig. 1.3 (ab) Small chondral flake medial talus after supination trauma. (a) MRI. (b) Ankle arthroscopy

sensitivity, the decision making of treatment assessing the thin cartilage layer of the ankle.
should be decided through a combination of The technique was used for evaluation of carti-
imaging evaluations [7, 17]. lage following matrix-associated autologous
Although MRI is useful for detecting articu- chondrocyte implantation [5]. Furthermore, T2
lar cartilage injury with morphological abnor- mapping permits evaluation of changes in col-
mality, it cannot detect degenerative cartilage lagen arrangement and water content in the
without morphological change. Recently, new articular cartilage [16]. Normal articular carti-
techniques which can quantify the structural lage contains a close and regular arrangement
and composition change of degenerative articu- of collagen with fixed water content. However,
lar cartilage have been developed and its appli- as degeneration of the articular cartilage
cation to detect OCL in the ankle is expected advances, the collagen arrangement becomes
[2, 16]. Delayed gadolinium-enhanced mag- irregular and the amount of water content
netic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEM- increases, and such changes make T2 intenser
RIC) technique is considered to be specific for than that of normal articular cartilage [16]. This
assessing the concentration of glycosaminogly- is useful for detection of early-stage degenera-
can (GAG) in cartilage which generally reduces tive change of articular cartilage and quantita-
in accordance to degeneration of the cartilage tive evaluation of cartilage degeneration [16].
[2]. In this technique, negatively charged gado- As a clinical evaluation method for OCL of the
linium diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid ankle, T2 mapping has already been used to
(Gd-DTPA2) is injected intravenously which evaluate cartilage after autologous chondrocyte
distributes inversely to the concentration of implantation for OCL of the ankle [10]. Further
negatively charged GAG and alters T1 depend- studies which apply these new techniques for
ing on the amount of GAG [2]. The effective- diagnosis of OCL of the ankle are to be
ness of dGEMRIC has been reported for expected.
6 W. Miyamoto et al.

a b

Fig. 1.4 Ankle arthroscopy after 14 months because of pain on exercising: (a) Stable cartilage coverage tested by a
probe. (b) PRP (ACP) injection to enhance subchondral healing response

1.5 Arthroscopic Examination remains first choice as it is easy and inexpen-

(Figs. 1.3b and 1.4a, b) sive, despite reports mentioning its limited
value. Further imaging such as CT and/or
Arthroscopy is the most effective diagnostic and MRI is necessary for suspected patients. CT is
staging tool because of direct visualization of effective especially for cases with subchon-
articular cartilage injury [18]. Even if cartilage dral cystic lesions because of its ability to
damage cannot easily be confirmed through depict the subchondral character of the OCL.
direct visualization, arthroscopy enables the sur- Moreover, CT scan is preferred for preopera-
geon to diagnose such lesions by probing the tive planning. Some studies have reported
articular surface and feeling for softening and/or advancement of CT by helical technology
fissures. Probing makes it possible to not only with multiplanar reconstructions and
diagnose OCL but also to evaluate the extent of SPECT-CT. MRI has been reported as a popu-
the lesion and instability of the fragment. The lar diagnostic tool for OCL of the ankle
prospective study by van Dijk and coworkers because it can assess articular cartilage. New
demonstrated a higher accuracy for arthroscopy uses of MRI are being developed, and recent
in the detection of a talar OCD when compared to techniques (dGEMRIC, T2 mapping) make it
MRI and CT scan [23]. Significant correlations possible to evaluate degenerative change of
between arthroscopic stage and clinical outcome articular cartilage quantitatively. However,
have been reported where no correlation has been there is no evidence to support a gold standard
found for plain radiographs, computed tomogra- for imaging with respect to the diagnosis of
phy, or magnetic resonance imaging staging [9]. ankle OCL. Evaluation using a combination
Generally, arthroscopic diagnosis is combined by of CT and MRI may be necessary in some
surgical intervention such as excision of the frag- cases. Arthroscopic examination is invasive,
ment, debridement, microfracture, and AMIC but it provides the best assessment for the
procedure. extent of the lesion and (in)stability of the
Although clinical findings are important to
diagnose an OCL of the ankle, it always needs Conflict of Interests The author has no current conflict
to be supported by imaging. Radiography of interests with the products presented.

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