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The effect that modern science has on our lives is immense.

From what we eat to how we

communicate, science is constantly changing our world. I have always had a great passion for
science and technology, and because of this I eventually decided to study a science degree at
UEA. My passion for the subjects, as well as experience, makes me an excellent candidate for
editor of the science and technology section of Concrete. Working for Concrete will also give me
the opportunity to become more involved with student life and donate my skills to the student
body of UEA.
As editor of the science and technology section I would have two main goals. My first goal
would be to include stories from a large range of scientific and technological subjects in order to
appeal to many interests and to maintain a well-rounded section. My second goal as editor
would be to focus on topics that have the largest impact on universities and on the lives of
students. The overall layout of the section would be comprised of two halves. The first half of
the section would be dedicated to reports on the latest developments in science and technology,
mainly discoveries and inventions. The second half would consist of reviews of technology
available on the consumer market as well as previews of new and upcoming technology.
There are several reasons why I will be able to achieve all of these goals should I be chosen
for the editorial position. As a biochemistry student I am exposed to a wide range of scientific
subjects including biology, chemistry, physics, and computing. Having a working knowledge of
all these subjects will aid me in picking stories from a variety of different scientific subjects in
order to appeal to many interests. Alongside the study of many sciences, a substantial part of
my degree is spent interpreting the various effects that scientific advances have on society. I
therefore have experience in determining which stories have the greatest impact on students
and universities. I am also an avid technology enthusiast. I have built my own computer in the
past and I have a great amount of experience with the hardware and software of many devices;
something which will become useful when new technology is being reviewed. Lastly, at my old
college I was a frequent contributor to the school newspaper The Chieftain. I was also
responsible for compiling all the articles into the final printed paper, giving me experience in
both writing and publishing a student paper.
Alongside my knowledge of many scientific subjects and experience working for a student
newspaper, I have many other desirable traits, such as leadership and cooperation, which make
me a suitable candidate to work for Concrete. I proved my leadership skills as an elected
student senate member at my old college, where I represented a group of twenty-five boys
during senate meetings and organized group activities. I showed my ability of cooperation on
my championship football team, where a collective dynamic was essential to our winning of the
league cup. I also obtained a large amount of experience in the work environment; working as
the assistant manager of a petrol station I learned the basics of management and further
developed my people skills.
As Concrete expands with the new science and technology section I believe I would make a
very fitting addition to the editorial team. My various experiences and traits make me an
excellent candidate to develop the new section and to maintain the high standards set out by
the newspaper and its entire staff.

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