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The ultimate goal of magnetic confinement is to confine high temperature plasmas at

sufficiently high densities and long enough confinement times so as to be applicable to
fusion power production. A magnetic field can be used to confine plasma. The sun
holds its plasma with gravity plasma itself is electrically charged: Plasmas are the
primal state of matter, but magnetic fields are the primal state of consciousness. Whether
the magnetic field is established by electricity generated by volatile ions dissolved in
liquid (human) or flowing plasma (galaxy) the end result is a magnetic field.

No its not clear! Its not clear its not clear.

Hon. Jean Chrtien

Concerning the torture of Wm. Sampson by Saudi Arabia1

Earth is wrapped in a donut-shaped magnetic field : Circular lines of flux

which continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole: The
ionosphere an electro-magnetic-wave conductor (100 kms above the earth) consists
of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds. Natural
waves are related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere: quasi-standing extremely
low frequency (ELF) waves that naturally exist in the earths electro-magnetic cavity,
the space between the ground and the ionosphere. These are identical to the spectrum of
our brainwaves.
The best way for people to understand electromagnetic waves is to think of the
oceans waves. Some waves are big and some are small size is amplitude. Some
beaches have waves that come quickly and some have waves that come slowly this is
called frequency that the waves come. Researcher figured out how they could change
the amplitude and/or the frequency of electromagnetic waves in a controlled way :
It is easier to mind-control and to hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial
electromagnetic-wave: [The lower brain frequencies pertain to sleep and dream states.
A huge customer of British Arms, Saudi Arabia is the insular, sterile birth-place of Islam, prisons are
torture chambers, strictly ruled by misogynistic clerics, where foot whipping, variously known as falanga
(phalanga) falaka (falaqa), and bastinado, is a form of corporal punishment whereby the soles of the feet
are beaten with an object such as a cane or rod, a club, a piece of wood, or a whip. It is favoured as a form
of torture because, although extremely painful, it leaves few physical marks, (though evidence can be
detected via ultrasound technology). Due to the clustering of nerve endings in the feet and the structure of
the foot, with its numerous small bones and tendons, the wounds inflicted are particularly painful and take a
long time to heal. Rendering it a particularly brutal and cruel punishment. The prominent display of the
offenders bare feet contains an element of punitive humiliation as well: This is especially true in Arab
cultures, where it is considered humiliating to bare the soles of ones feet. Foot whipping is convenient in
that it can be employed on both male and female students in lieu of other forms of punishment considered
inappropriate for female students (such as caning of the buttocks).
The middle brain frequencies pertain to normal wakeful activity. The higher brain
frequencies pertain to aroused [ ] states of anxiety. No brain waves means a person is
BRAIN DEAD even though some body functions may continue.]
The Creator designed living beings to resonate to a natural frequency pulsation
in order to evolve harmoniously: Naturally occurring phenomena, such as lightning in a
thunderstorms or sunny days that soak a person with extra positive ions can all affect the
thinking of brain. The ionosphere is being manipulated by US govt. military scientists
using an Alaskan transmitter called HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the
ionosphere, which bounces power down again ...: ELF waves from HAARP when
targeted on areas can weather-engineer and create mood changes affecting millions.

Power can be transmitted through the ground using ELF waves.

Nothing stops or weakens these signals.

Nikola Tesla (1901)

There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves, too: And, just as a
tuning fork has natural frequencies for sound, the planet Earth has natural frequencies,
called Schumann resonances, for electromagnetic radiation. The HUMAN BRAIN also
has natural frequencies for electromagnetic radiation: The natural frequencies of the
HUMAN BRAIN are: Beta waves2 (14 to 30 Hz), Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz), Theta waves
(4 to 7 Hz), and Delta waves (1 to 3 Hz). Earths Schumann resonances are in tune
with the human brains Alpha States (associated with meditation and relaxation) and
Theta States (associated with dreamy, creative states of the subconscious mind).
Delta brainwaves (associated with the unconscious mind) are the slowest and
least understood brain waves [besides gamma the brains optimal frequency of
functioning. Gamma brainwaves are commonly associated with increased levels of
compassion, feelings of happiness, and optimal brain functioning. Gamma brainwaves
are associated with a conscious awareness of reality and increased mental abilities.
Gamma brainwaves range from the frequency of 38 Hz to 70 Hz and have virtually
unnoticeable amplitude. Gamma brainwaves can be found in virtually every part of the
brain: They serve as a binding mechanism between all parts of the brain and help to
improve memory and perception.)]

An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts biorhythms.

The subconscious mind operates at a speed many times faster than the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind is also very sensitive: It can hear things that the conscious mind
ignores. The subconscious mind can hear and discern the subliminal message even
when there is background noise. Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology
which sends out ELF waves, because they immediately start resonating to the outside
signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect. ELF waves change RNA and DNA, breaking
According to an article in the London Telegraph (18 March 2001) by David Harrison: ... the purring of
cats is a natural healing mechanism between 27 and 44 hertz was the dominant frequency for a house
cat, and 20-50Hz for the puma, ocelot, serval, cheetah and caracal. This reinforces studies confirming that
exposure to frequencies of 20-50Hz strengthens human bones and helps them to grow. (Almost all cats
purr, including lions and cheetahs, though not tigers; however, according to a Bengal Tiger web page:
[Bengal] tigers purr. Domestic cats purr when breathing in-and-out; tigers purr only when breathing out).
hydrogen bonds to make a person have a higher vibratory rate [ ] ultra-violet cause
hydrogen bonds to break and this raise the vibratory rate.
The earths crust contains 64 elements which are vital the so-called trace
elements: Each of these trace elements possesses its own characteristic types of
vibrations. The earths magnetic field is influenced or modulated by these vibrations, the
resulting modulation being known as geomagnetic waves (see picture below). The
earth crust contains the same essentially vital mineral material (trace elements) as
those existing in the red blood corpuscles of humans. The relation among one another is
nearly the same.

The Illuminist Shadow-Government is also moving full-speed ahead to the point

where they can program dumb-downed minds en-masse prior to the time they want to
actually begin controlling minds of entire populations. Certain segments of science have
been working, to control the minds of people utilizing electromagnetic radio which no
one can see, hear, or smell. We are saturated with microwaves all the time from
television stations, communication satellites, etc. and yet we do not have any
symptoms because microwaves do not have the ability to trigger localized synaptic
responses in our brains.

When one knows that the great void is full of chhi [Qi], one realizes that
there is no such thing as nothingness. How shallow were the disputes of the
philosophers-of-old about the difference between existence and non-existence;
they were far from comprehending the great science of pattern-principles (Li).

Cheng Meng of Chang Tsai (1076 CE)

Behavioral modification process starts with identification and qualification of

the subject; the subject is increasingly isolated from their familiar and trusted peer
groups, causing the subject to experience depression, apathy, and ultimately social and
financial failure, etc. Just like an athlete may wish to steroids: Adolph Hitler instructed
the use of Meth (methamphetamine pills with caffeine) for his soldiers during World War
II He wanted them alert and ready for battle.
A promise of controlling peoples minds

To make the world safe for democracy specific frequencies that cause a certain
emotion or thought are identified so precisely that a fingerprint of it can be made and
stored on a computer, then this fingerprint can be sent out over other types of Mass
Media! In other words, the frequency of brain wave that is proven to cause suicidal
thoughts, for example, can be recorded by computer and then subliminally sent out via
radio programs or TV shows! Or, if the government wants to cause huge numbers of
people to suddenly go into depression, or into euphoria, they can emit the recorded
signals via radio or TV and reach the entire population over a period of time!
This capability can even implant specific thoughts or commands into the minds of
people. Huge numbers of people within a population can suddenly receive simultaneous
thoughts or commands, causing many numbers of them to suddenly carry out the
command. If the command is to kill anyone you suddenly might have large
numbers of unexplained violent assaults by people who have never committed crimes
before. Of course, the application to Biblical prophecy is direct and very serious for
citizens living in the END TIMES.
Further, if none of the slaves knew that they were being manipulated, or how they
were being manipulated, youd have the potential of people living lives of slavery
without realizing they were slaves!

August 2002: A critical mention of HAARP technology came from the State
Duma (parliament) of Russia: The Duma published a critical report on the HAARP
written by the international affairs and defense committees, signed by 90 deputies, and
presented to then President Vladimir Putin.
The USA is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the
near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves ...: The significance of this
qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to firearms, or from
conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapon differs from
previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct
influence and its component. We are controlled by technology from having our
brainwaves deliberately changed en-masse by transmitters regulating our state of
consciousness, to how we are victims of electromagnetic waves disrupting the quality of
our health, and, finally, to how many of us will die as decided by our global masters.

There are billions of conscientious body cells oxidating away day and
night like dumb animals at their complicated job of keeping me alive and healthy;
and every one is a potential traitor and foe.

Yossarian, Catch-22 [Joseph Heller]

Dr. Andrija Puharich (in the 1950 & 60s), found that a clairvoyants brainwaves
turned to 8 Hz when their psychic powers were operative: In 1956, he observed an Indian
Yogi controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to
another. And, in 1963, Dr. Robert Becker explored effects of external magnetic-fields on
brainwaves, showing a relationship between psychiatric hospital admissions and solar
magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed magnetic-fields similar to magnetic
storms, and found a similar response: One person, emitting a certain frequency, can make
another also resonate to the same frequency.
Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology that sends out ELF waves,
because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork
effect. Puharich made ELF waves change RNA and DNA in the body breaking
hydrogen bonds to make a person resonate at a higher vibratory rate. He really wanted
to go beyond the psychic 8 Hz brainwave and attract psi phenomena.3 James Hurtak,
who once worked for Puharich, also wrote that ultra-violet caused hydrogen bonds to
break and this raised the vibratory rate: (The Keys of Enoch).

Puharich presented the mental effects of ELF waves to military leaders, but they
would not believe him; he then gave this information to certain dignitaries of other
Western nations; the US Government burned down his home in New York to shut him up,
whereas he then fled to Mexico. However, the Russians discovered which ELF
frequencies affected what portion of the human brain it was on 4 July 1976 that they
began zapping the US Embassy in Moscow with electromagnetic-waves varying the
artificially induced vibratory rate, also focusing on 10 Hz. (10 Hz puts people into a
hypnotic state).

Those power mongering multi-billionaire global masters who want this planet
to have a sudden leap in evolution, populated only by the psychically aware and therefore
superior class of human? What about the billions of people who are commonly referred
to as useless eaters? Are they to be conveniently disposed of by electro-magnetically-
induced cancers and diseases? 4

The seven known Psi phenomena are: Near-Death Experience (NDE); Out-of-Body Experience (OOBE);
reincarnation; heightened sense perception (HSP) clairsentience, also known as psychometry, is the
highly-sensitive persons ability to hold an object or touch someone and sense the energy surrounding a
person; apparitions; and psychokinesis (PK), also known as telekinesis, (literally distant movement from
the mind): Examples of psychokinesis could include distorting or moving an object, remote viewing the
purported ability to gather information about a distant-or-unseen target using paranormal profiling or
extra-sensory perception, &c.
Now that the cloning of animals is a new reality, cloning of humans is absolutely inevitable: This science
promises political power to the man who can first successfully use it, and since we know that absolute
The physics and engineering behind electromagnetic disease transmission are
frightening: Diseases can be reproduced as disease signatures in that the vibration of a
disease can be manufactured and sent on to be artificially induced. (The brainwave
pattern of hallucinogenic drugs can also be copied and sent by ELF waves to induce
visions). Once diseases are sprayed in the air, electromagnetic waves attune to the
disease by using harmonics and sub-harmonics, which in turn make them even more
lethal and infectious; actually a more apt description would be deadly, as in inducing

power corrupts absolutely: Since we know that all men and women are inherently, abominably evil, we
know there is no man with whom we can trust with this technology. [Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful
above all things, desperately wicked, exceedingly corrupt and beyond cure. Who can understand it?]
The worlds first human clone of an adult has now been made, by an American biotechnology
company in Massachusetts, Advanced Cell Technology: They took a cell from Dr. Jose Cibelli, a research
scientist and combined it with a cows egg from which the genes had already been removed: (November
1998). The genes activated and the egg began to divide in the normal way up to the 32 cell stage at which
it was destroyed. If the clone had been allowed to continue beyond implantation it would have developed
as Dr Cibellis identical twin. Technically 1% of the human clone genes would have belonged to the cow
the mitochondria genes. Mitochondria are power generators in the cytoplasm of the cell; they grow and
divide inside cells and are passed on from one generation to another. They are present in sperm and
eggs. Judging by the successful growth of the combined human-cow clone creation it appears that cow
mitochondria may well be compatible with human embryonic development.
However, the fact that they kept cloning secret for three years after doing it, and presumably they
were trying to do it at least a couple of years before that: [Six states have banned human cloning:
California, Rhode Island, Michigan, Louisiana, Virginia, Michigan and Iowa while there are no federal
laws banning the practice. Human cloning is also illegal in Britain.] These scientists had already carried
out successful human nuclear transfer into an unfertilized egg before the first successfully cloned mammal,
Dolly the sheep (born in 1996 by Dr. Panayiotis Zavos). HUMONKEYS are within our capability and have
been for several years: Scientists have already made geep (combined sheep and goat) and camas (combined
camels and lamas) simply by rolling two balls of cells together after fertilization. Monkeys and humans
have 97% of genes in common so if the right 1.6% were transferred from a human to a monkey we could
land up with a monkey more human than animal.

All people have the right not to be cloned if cloning is against their ethics.

Dr. Panayiotis Zavos has cloned human embryos are the genetic equivalent of Xerox-copies of
humans Zavos implanted one of four women with a human DNA-cow hybrid embryo (a mixture of a
deceased 10-year-old girls DNA and a cow embryo): He created 14 human embryos, 11 of which he
implanted into four women, although none of these resulted in a viable pregnancy. All four women have
been reported to have miscarried the human embryos. Zavos is deliberately misleading the public,
claiming his quest is to help people who cannot reproduce their own offspring deliver a healthy cloned
baby: His true intent is to be forever cited in the annals of history as the first man to successfully clone a
human baby. Consequences be damned!
Numerous reports from around the world in Jan/Feb 2001 of fresh attempts to clone human
embryos: New Yorks Rockefeller University and Sloan-Kettering Institute made a cloned embryo from a
mouse tail cell combined with a mouse egg work led by Teruhiko Wakayama: Similar cloning experiment
conducted by US National Institutes of Health Ron McKay. Australia has been home to secret human
cloning experiments for years: Researchers implanted a cell containing human DNA into a pig in 1999 but
terminated the embryo after it lived for 32 days : Human cloning made from almost any source
including saliva, mothers-milk, and blood implying human cloning without knowledge or consent
may produce serious gene mutations: Three goats cloned by Nexia Biotechnologies Canada to create a
goat that secretes the spider silk gene in milk for commercial extraction to make BIOSTEEL strongest,
toughest fibre in the world, tensile strength 300,000 pounds per square inch; stronger and lighter than steel
The skies are filled daily with crisscrossed white Chem-trail patterns that are
deliberate sprayed out across the heavens in the United States, Canada, and other
countries : Contrails dissipate rather quickly, but the lingering Chemtrails containing
insidious chemicals (retrieved, analyzed and proven) which affect normal states of
consciousness, producing apathy spreading, to dissipate and settle down and cover us
on the earth below which leads one to imagine an entire secret army of jet-pilots sworn
to secrecy in a clandestine operation to defraud the hoi polloi of truth health and
freedom. This is only one program that has been initiated to keep the populace in a
continual apathetic and dumbed-down state : Add to this, the fluoridation of the
drinking water, aspartame nutri-sweet, etc., and other highly-questionable drugs.
Fluoride disables the willpower section of the brain, impairing the left occipital lobe.
Both fluoride and selenium (in additional amounts) can produce strange effects; one
common symptom is that of hearing voices.

ELF waves create disturbances in the biological processes of the body, activated
on a large scale once the body has been exposed to the aforementioned disease-causing
Chemtrails. Some Chemtrails have been analyzed under laboratory conditions, the
elements shown to cause cleavages in spatial perceptions, blocking the interaction of
various amino acids that relate to higher-consciousness. Some were also shown to
increase dopamine in the brain thereby producing a listless, euphoric state of lower
reactive mind. This is done to basically create confusion, rendering a person unable to
differentiate between the real and illusionary.

The science of comedy is rooted in such tragedies: For centuries, thinkers from
Aristotle to Darwin tried to discern the nature and origins of humor: Humans are the only
creatures that crack jokes, but lots of animals like to laugh. In his 1872 treatise, The
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin pointed out that very
many kinds of monkeys, when pleased, utter a reiterated sound, clearly analogous to our

Humor, it is assumed, is all about the element of surprise.

or polymers; uses could be artificial tendons or ligaments and other biodegradable structures in medicine.
Agent Orange was the code name for a herbicide developed for the military, primarily for use in tropical
climates. Although genesis of the product goes back to the 1940s, serious testing for military applications
did not begin until the early 1960s: The purpose of the product was to deny an enemy cover or concealment
in dense terrain by defoliating trees and shrubbery where the enemy could hide. Agent Orange, a code
name for the orange band that was used to mark the drums it was stored in, was principally effective against
broad-leaf foliage, such as the dense jungle-like terrain found in Southeast Asia. The product was tested in
Vietnam in the early 1960s, and brought into ever widening use during the height of the war (1967-68),
though its use was diminished and eventually discontinued in 1971.
Agent Orange: a 50-50 mix of two chemicals, known conventionally as 2,4,D and 2,4,5,T the
combined product was mixed with kerosene or diesel fuel and dispersed by aircraft, vehicle, and hand
spraying. An estimated 19 million gallons of Agent Orange were used in South Vietnam during the war.
The earliest health concerns about Agent Orange were about the products contamination with TCDD, or
dioxin. TCDD is one of a family of dioxins, some found in nature, and are cousins of the dibenzofurans
and PCBs. The TCDD found in Agent Orange is thought to be harmful to man. In laboratory tests on
animals, TCDD has caused a wide variety of diseases, many of them fatal. TCDD is not found in nature,
but rather is a man-made and always unwanted byproduct of the chemical manufacturing process. The
Agent Orange used in Vietnam was later found to be extremely contaminated with TCDD.
In a seminal study, Bartlett noted that memories are not literal representations of
the past: Instead, facts are unconsciously constructed to fit our schemata, which can
lead to false memories. Whilst constructive memory is an important component of an
efficient healthy memory system, and is important for future planning, there are obvious
benefits if false memories can be reduced temporarily in certain circumstances. False
memories are reduced by temporarily disrupting anterior temporal lobe activity, using
low frequency magnetic pulse stimulation (rTMS).
In their summary of the study, psychologists Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss
point out that the right frontal lobe has long been considered the most silent of brain
areas. But their findings suggest it may instead be a kind of cerebral clearinghouse, a
place where all the components of self-awareness memory, logic, language, sensation,
and emotion come together. Understanding humor is a serious business, Stuss says.
You need the ability to make an inference; you also need the ability to have a self-
awareness concept. Then you need the connectivity to your emotional reactions. The
right frontal lobe has the ability, because of its connectivity to different brain regions, to
actually pull that all together.

HERMES-THOTH, meditating in a rocky desolate place, saw the Great Dragon

Poimandres, the Mind of Universal Light which was before Matter and divided from
who said:

The material universe was created according to the Harmonic

Seven-Spheres in the Mind of Universal Light.

If a person learns to understand the nature of Life and Light

and realize that the body is but the tomb of the soul
thence shall the soul be absorbed into the Light
at the level of the Ogdoas, the Eighth Dimension.

The path to immortality is hard, and only a few find it.

The rest must return again, unconscious and unknowing, to the
seed-ground and await a new beginning.


Susano slaying the Yamata no Orochi by Kuniteru

The tip of a Masamune sword

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