Sie sind auf Seite 1von 11

Devonian continental deposits of Central Kazakhstan

M . A. S E N K E V I C H

Devonian continental deposits of central Kazakhstan are con- Central Kazakhsta n i s include d i n th e Palaeozoi c geosyn -
fined to the Caledonian zone comprising vast areas in the nor- cline area . Withi n th e Palaeozoi c massi f o f centra l Kazakh -
thern, eastern and southern parts of the region.
stan th e Varisca n zone , th e Caledonia n zon e an d junctio n
In the area of the Caledonides, geosynclinal conditions per- zone, i.e. , th e margina l volcani c belt , ar e designate d (Bo g
sisted during the Riphean and Lower Palaeozoic. At the end of danov, 1959) . Devonia n continenta l formation s o f centra l
Silurian time, the geosynclinal zone was turned into the zone of
folding. New tectonic conditions continued up .to the Eifelian. Kazakhstan ar e confine d t o th e Caledonia n zon e includin g
Uplifts were accompanied by volcanic extrusions and accumulation vast area s i n th e northeast , north , wes t an d southwes t o f
of continental volcanic and sedimentary rocks. the region , an d t o th e margina l volcani c bel t a s wel l (Fig .
The Eifelian folding caused redistribution of the areas of de- 1). I n th e Caledonia n zon e a geosynclina l regim e existe d
pressions and uplifts in Givetian time: source areas became during th e Riphea n an d Lowe r Palaeozoic ; sinc e th e en d o f
more widespread. The Givetian volcanic rocks are localized and the Siluria n th e geosynclin e wa s a highland . Thi s chang e
confined to significant fractures. In the Givetian, extensive took plac e durin g th e perio d fro m th e Ludlovia n til l Lat e
emergent areas existed, bordered by Caledonide midland basins
in which a molasse was deposited. Couvinian time ; i n th e Varisca n zon e th e geosynclina l re -
gime existe d durin g th e whol e cours e o f th e Middl e Palaeo -
In Frasnian time, the region was largely emergent, and even
in the midland basins inundation was intermittent. Lava extru- zoic an d th e geosynclin e turne d int o a folde d are a toward s
sion from fracture zones continued. the en d o f th e Carboniferous .
By the beginning of Famennian sedimentation, the topographic
relief of the Caledonides was somewhat reduced by erosion. Tec- The continenta l lithologica l formation s o f centra l Kaz -
tonic movements resulted in marine transgression from the Var- akhstan whic h wer e accumulatin g durin g th e Devonia n
iscan zone into Caledonian depressions. To the south of the period, ar e o f a rathe r unifor m composition : re d effusiv e
Caledonides extrusives were localized. clastic formations , re d effusiv e formation s a s wel l a s vol -
Plant and fish remains occur abundantly in Devonian continen- canic formation s ar e dominant . I n th e Earl y Devonian -
tal rocks of central Kazakhstan. The marine Devonian also Early Couvinia n th e las t on e i s prevalent .
yields a flora, associated with a number of different faunal
assemblages. This association sets more precise distribution limits Plant remain s wer e considere d a s th e principa l criteri a i n
of floral taxons in terms of the marine assemblages of known chronological identificatio n o f th e Devonia n continenta l for -
age so that the age relations of the continental rocks of Early
Devonian, Eifelian, Givetian, Frasnian and Famennian of mations, bu t d o no t occu r everywhere . A detaile d sub -
Kazakhstan have thereby been established. division o f roc k masse s withi n on e give n regio n i s difficul t

(1967) Intl. Symposium of the Devonian system: Papers, Volume ,I

2010 by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
because o f strik e fault s i n sedimentar y bands , insufficien t
palaeontological evidenc e u p throug h th e sequenc e i n thic k
layers o f continenta l deposit s an d simila r sedimentatio n
conditions. Besides , th e facie s developmen t o f Devonia n
deposits i s characterize d b y a sharpl y marke d zonalit y de -
fined b y th e tectoni c positio n o f separat e zones . Fo r thes e
reasons, scientist s studyin g th e Devonia n deposit s i n cen -
tral Kazakhsta n wer e no t abl e t o agre e o n th e ag e o f th e
Devonian continenta l formation s i n thi s region .
However, whe n analyzin g an d correlatin g lithologica l for -
mations an d flora l complexes , a definit e cycli c recurrenc e i n
the formatio n o f effusiv e serie s an d effusive-clasti c serie s
is observed , dependin g upo n th e tectoni c developmen t o f
central Kazakhsta n durin g th e Devonia n period .
In thi s pape r th e establishmen t o f a chronologica l sub -
division o f th e Devonia n continenta l formation s i n centra l
Kazakhstan base d o n factua l dat a an d analyse s o f plan t
remains i s attempte d (Tabl e I) .
Plant remain s ha d bee n date d o n th e basi s o f worl d ag e
limits o f th e flora l taxons , correcte d b y fauna l complexe s o f
central Kazakhstan , becaus e i n th e Variscid e are a band s
with plan t remain s ar e interbedde d alternatel y wit h band s
yielding fauna , o r occu r wit h faun a togethe r i n th e sam e
The flor a wa s identifie d i n differen t year s b y A . N .
Krishtofovich, A . L . Jurin a an d th e author . Th e fish
fauna wa s identifie d b y D . B . Obrutshe v an d O . P . Obrut -
sheva an d spore s b y L . N . Rjanikova .
I \
Early Couvinian
Since th e en d o f Siluria n tim e th e area s o f sedimentatio n
in th e Caledonia n are a bega n t o decrease . A par t o f forme r
1 . KYZYLOSK ZONE 7- E R E M E N T A U MOUNTAINS areas o f sedimentatio n becam e area s o f erosion . I n Earl y
8 , KEREGETAS MOUNTAINS Ludlovian marin e condition s stil l persiste d a s i s prove d b y
Wenlockian an d Ludlovian-date d faun a foun d i n re d sand -
4. SARYSU - TENYZ UPLIFT 11 . W E S T B A L K H A S H L A N D ZONE Stones, a s wel l a s b y th e presenc e o f calcareou s pebble s wit h
5. ESKULA DOME 12.CENTRAL ZONE a brachiopo d faun a o f Lowe r Ludlovia n ag e i n Lowe r De -
vonian basa l conglomerates .
Fig. 1. Disposition of zones of Devonion continental deposits within Palaeozoic
structures in Central Kazakhstan. (Compiled on A. A . Bogdanov's Tectonic Zon-
ation scheme). Later, wit h th e risin g movement s increasing , th e se a
basin cease d t o exis t an d th e Caledonia n are a turne d int o a Ripple marks , occurrenc e o f caulin e an d filamentou s algae ,
highland. long an d ben t offshoot s o f Psilopsida ar e indicativ e o f a
In Earl y Devonian-Earl y Couvinia n th e geosynclina l re - water regime .
gime whic h existe d i n th e Riphea n an d Lowe r Palaeozoi c During dr y period s th e quantit y o f wate r sharpl y decreas -
was replace d b y a perio d whe n th e geosynclina l zon e turne d ed, th e strea m carryin g powe r lessene d an d detrita l materia l
into a folde d area . I n thi s perio d th e continenta l deposit s grew finer ; river s becam e dr y an d a large r amoun t o f fine -
are represente d b y a re d clasti c formatio n an d b y re d grained sediment s wa s transporte d b y wind . Th e basin s
terrestrial volcani c formations , bot h representativ e fo r th e also partl y becam e dry . Dessicatio n fissure s and flo w trace s
conclusion o f th e Caledonia n cycle . correspond t o thi s period . Alternatio n o f rain y an d dr y
As a consequenc e o f th e rapi d an d large-amplitud e eleva - seasons, poo r vegetatio n cove r i n th e epoc h i n questio n ar e
tions a mountain-dissecte d topograph y appeared . I n thi s the reaso n fo r th e smal l humi c matte r conten t i n deposit s
period th e Caledonia n landscap e presente d a sigh t o f hug e as wel l a s fo r th e oxidatio n o f weatherin g product s account -
intracontinental basin s bordere d b y mountai n ridge s an d ing fo r th e reddish-brow n colourin g o f th e clasti c forma -
dissected b y valley s wit h norma l orientatio n t o th e ridg e tions.
strike. This descriptio n o f th e sedimentatio n proces s canno t b e
On th e vas t Caledonid e surfac e Earl y Devonian-Earl y applied everywhere . I n th e Kyzylso k depressio n situate d i n
Couvinian sediment s di d no t accumulat e everywhere : thos e the centra l zon e o f Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m th e sedimen -
in th e shap e o f detrita l rive r cones , lak e deposit s etc. , wer e tary strat a consis t o f differin g grey-green, greyish-pin k an d
deposited merel y i n intracontinenta l basins . A n enormou s more rarel y o f violet-brow n deposits . Sandstone s ar e lam -
quantity o f clasti c materia l wa s carrie d b y river s down - inated becaus e o f alternatin g band s o f differen t intens e col -
stream fro m mountain s an d a t th e foo t o f ridge s conglom - ouring. Clasti c material s ar e angular . Th e lac k o f desic -
erates accumulated , ofte n wit h boulder s an d typica l o f cation fissure s i s typical ; rippl e mark s ar e onl y seldo m ob -
molasse, ver y poorl y grade d an d wit h angula r pebble s o f a served.
most varie d composition . Durin g thi s perio d formation s During th e Earl y Devonia n - Early Couvinia n downwar d
accumulated irregularly . Basa l conglomerate s rang e i n movements apparentl y subordinate d th e risin g on e i n th e
thickness fro m 10-13 0 m i n variou s part s o f th e Betpak - Kyzylsok zone . A strongl y pronounce d downwarpin g ten -
Dala anticlinorium , u p t o 55 0 m i n th e Uluta u folde d zone , dency wa s th e caus e o f a continuou s wate r regim e i n th e
while i n th e Wes t Balkhas h synclinoriu m th e conglomerate s intracontinental basi n o f th e Kyzylso k depression , wher e
are abou t 67 0 m thick . Th e thicknes s o f conglomerate s tremendously thic k Devonia n sediment s (9600m ) accumu -
permits a reconstructio n o f th e relie f whic h existe d i n thi s lated. Thi s i s particularl y tru e o f th e Earl y Devonia n -
period. Th e highes t ridge s (mai n erosio n areas ) wer e i n Early Couvinia n deposit s whic h reac h abou t 460 0 m i n
the southwester n part , i n th e souther n an d norther n termin - thickness.
ation o f Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m centra l zone , an d i n th e
Keregetas an d Erementa u mountain s o f th e Erementa u The continuin g risin g movement s wer e accompanie d b y
anticlinorium. Intracontinenta l basi n part s mor e remot e volcanic effusions . I n abyssa l fractur e zone s o f long-ter m
from th e mountain s wer e place s fo r th e accumulatio n o f development (th e Djalair-Naima n zon e an d Sarytu m zon e
continental re d clasti c strat a a s follows : siltstones , sand - in th e Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m an d th e Akbastau s zon e
stones, gritstones , tuffaceou s sandstones an d tuffaceou s silt- in th e Tschingy z anticlinorium ) outpourin g o f lav a occur -
stones. red; consequently , a n effusiv e series wit h a comple x struc -
ture ha d bee n formed . A margina l volcani c bel t arose ,
It appear s tha t river s playe d a considerabl e par t i n th e probably als o a s a resul t o f larg e fracture s situate d alon g
formation proces s o f re d deposits . Durin g th e perio d o f the souther n par t o f th e West-Balkhas h synclinorium , alon g
abundant atmospheri c precipitatio n river s overflowe d thei r the norther n par t o f th e Karagand a synclinoriu m etc . Be -
banks an d i n freshet tim e hug e territorie s wer e flooded . sides abyssa l fracture s throug h whic h t o fee d lava , ther e
Table I. Correlation scheme for sections of Devonian continental
Marginal Volcanofenous Belt Step t onal Unif l e d
51 rat l gra-
Sir a I i graphical
Eremcnttsu a n t i c I c T6 chin f> y z West-Balkhash phical SchemeScale
3 n t id i n ore u Synclinorium Synclihor
Southern zone Eremeniau Moi/nta ins
fferepctas Mountains Pretschinpyz zone Went -BalkhashCentral zone
tffesides the author's
py 2
those of A # He
(Malert sit of J. 6 Hats, Land zone y

M V. Marty nova, AI Juri na

(Besides the
those ef A.A.Boo
(Besides t (Besides the author's
e(o", '9SO, were used) et a/, ltd, and fl Uspens- danor, J.f. Mabanov, OA
... /^j flte U f f j iy Masarovitsh,
I960, were used)
the orj

Srey tt/nestones
Srey limestones Limestones,
Sandstones with
fat Grey, prey - li^ht
siltstones, f m
Ce^halopterts cf m

Greyish - drown sands to Grey. yellowish

- ore y
West East
ft e d ie r i e r - sandstones with faun. grey-lilac fetsites, gu an des ft c Akbastau
tuffs, In the
Red, tight yellow tout -
der conpfomerates,
Cyclosttgma jp., Knorrta artz porphyries,
dtabasic porphyries,
tuff phy rites,
green, grey
- May

ent rt/da ce o sands t on e s, calcareous, the iasement

Conplc sandstones. rarer liti
stones, . ,.00m
In the upper pari: Most I sandstones
melt* sp. fniomophyfot
Y Gray, red sandstones.Green sandstones fine
cf. super ium, S,al6erdi, tones with fauna, in
polymorph/; fishes:
Both rio(epii as i ateca -pebble conglomerates.
In Ih'e lower part: H^e"ta ^rifti,
ffraeiliphyton arlscha -
leneit, Protoleptc/oden- OraciCifihyton
sp ^Protojate-
dron schariartum Pseudosporochnus cf. hrejt>
Barra ndel na cf.dusli-
scharia nurr., P sp , fepn
dendropsis hdiachslan, Tomtphylon primae mm, TcmeZe, A i darly
ca, Bar r,< ndeina ep., Hostimetla
street tssi ma,
sp , ffraci h -
Cephalopte -
Brigfaria norregtca phyton artsehalensis,
Protolepidodendron scha- in the north
ria rum, Lepi dedendrop -
sis katachslantca

Red, It oh t - green, snuff

cotoored %iff
- Ham bo baa cfy r
sandstones, s e r i e s - reef-6ro w.
Irgaily sen e s
tuffs with acid comp< fled conglomerates tuffi
siltstones, sandstones tuffs with acid compo tlOn. tufaoenoi/t sandsto tes, ItpartCe porphyry tuffs,
Asteroxyton rarer aetd effusive sition, ti/ff sar&ston. Jndcsi i oid dace C e por-
Pro tolepiefo jtiirtcv>
nes. siltstones, m the
dendren tuffs, 750 f in the iasement large phyries, rarer querti da
SCharlanum, Ancum.
aero -peiite congto tes, thin dasa^lt porphy Tire porphyries, diadast
phyton germ ant TaCa't
Pr. sp , Cala rr fitlopstda, Graciiiphyton
<3rtschalensis, Lidasimo
phyton aAJrermerrsis, fin
to I ept do dencfrop sif ( V

In the nc
Ccnptomerat e stratj - n l/ppc. Xaic/aol A Uppe r Vpper Jfa Ltfau I part-
large - 6oulder - fine member - i g y r^/d I redd is >
pi title conglomerates, fyro w n alditopAyres, grey, grey-vt olet Qua.
quari atiitophyres, mrer tuffl with acta porphyries, luffs wit A
tuffs with acia> com -
position, sandstones. stones with plant '
Volcanogenous strata Srey-litac toffs
red-brown quart por acid compost 11 or Pro to tep:. cfo dendro n scha.
rianum, Pr. sp , In the Icerpa
phyries, al6i tophy res
tuffs with an aeid f^itophyton turnotense Zosteryihyltw.
Composition, tufa ceo Drepanophycus spinoe- vu'ta, pre pa no
phycui ept na e>
limestone 6and, '
Atbitophyre screes- Albitophyre series-
tivas, hparite porphy,
preen polymictic -ey
a pi . ,
tuffs atittophyre
' '
rarer daoite porphy-
tic porphyrites, in ries, in the Case me.-'
the basement targe- a pacAet of large -
-peiile conglcme r& - peidle conolomerat
(00 m) /ioo m
Porph yrtie ten'e
andesitic porphyn'les a SP
Porphyrite Sen es-
in West do cite Balk hash
in tes
i.r rites,
tower darh -green
with pyroctsitu mate-
in fait-tufsgenous sandsto -
nes and conglomerates,

deposits of Central K a z a k h s t a n . Compiled by M . A . Senkevich, 1966.

existed a grea t numbe r o f centra l typ e volcani c system s fo r sediments a s wel l a s th e occurrenc e o f welde d tuf f band s
the eruptio n o f larg e lav a masses . are indicativ e o f th e manifestation s o f mainl y explosiv e
volcanic activit y i n thi s period . Fro m thi s poin t o f vie w
The onse t o f th e effusiv e serie s i n th e Earl y Devonia n -
Early Couvinia n i s characterise d b y a n effusio n o f lava s Late Couvinia n tim e sharpl y differ s from th e Earl y Devon -
with basi c an d intermediat e compositio n (andesitic , diabasic , ian-Early Couvinian .
basalt porphyrites) . I t i s succeede d b y lav a accumulatio n Tuffs wit h liparit e compositio n an d tuffite s playe d th e
as wel l a s b y a n aggregatio n o f pyroclasti c formation s o f principal par t i n th e formatio n o f pyroclasti c accumulations .
liparite-dacite composition . Onl y i n th e Pretschingy z zon e In th e Tschingy z anticlinoriu m an d withi n th e West -
is th e onse t o f th e effusiv e cycle manifeste d b y effusion s of Balkhash synclinoriu m th e Lat e Couvinia n volcani c cycl e
lavas wit h liparit e compositio n (500-75 0 m) , succeede d b y began wit h effusio n o f lava s wit h basi c an d intermediat e
the formatio n o f lava s o f intermediat e compositio n (u p t o composition, succeede d b y a n accumulatio n o f tuff s an d
1600 m) . tuffaceous sandstones. I n th e Kurmantschit a anticlinoriu m
Volcanic formation s wit h basi c an d intermediat e composi - lava effusive s wer e andesiti c an d andesitic-basal t i n com -
tion wer e accumulate d everywher e whil e thos e wit h liparit e position mor e rarel y wit h a n aci d composition ; tuffaceou s
composition wer e bu t locall y propagated . sedimentary rock s als o wer e accumulating .
The Earl y Devonia n - Earl y Couvinia n effusiv e series i n Late Couvinia n pyroclasti c accumulation s ar e no t devel -
the West-Balkhas h synclinoriu m i s 2200-250 0 m thick ; i n oped everywher e (Tabl e I) . I n th e wester n par t o f centra l
the Karagand a synclinorium , Tschingy z anticlinoriu m an d Kazakhstan thes e formation s ar e contemporaneou s wit h
on th e Sarysu-Teny z uplif t th e thicknes s o f volcani c forma - molasse-type re d formation s yieldin g a considerabl e amoun t
tions rise s up to 400 0 m . of tuf f material s (th e Sarysu-Teny z watershed , Eskul a
dome). I n th e Erementa u anticlinoriu m a s wel l a s i n Ere -
MIDDLE DEVONIAN mentau an d Keregeta s Mountain s re d molass e wa s formed .
Late Couvinian The flor a foun d i n thes e deposit s i s rathe r wel l preserved ,
In th e middl e o f Couvinia n tim e orogeni c movement s pro - which prove s tha t th e buria l wa s no t fa r distan t fro m th e
ceeded correspondin g t o th e fina l phas e o f th e Caledonia n vegetation site .
tectogenesis. Consequently , th e area s o f depositio n a s wel l Pyroclastic formation s reac h 1000-120 0 m i n thickness ,
as area s o f erosio n ha d bee n redistribute d an d a t th e be - while contemporaneou s sedimentar y accumulation s reac h
ginning o f th e Lat e Couvinia n a highlan d ha d bee n formed . 700 m an d rarel y ar e 100 0 m i n thickness .
The principa l mountai n structure s probabl y wer e situate d
in th e zon e wher e th e margina l volcani c bel t wa s joine d Givetian
with th e Caledonia n zone , a s evidence d b y th e presenc e In Givetia n tim e th e tectoni c regim e i n th e southern ,
of conglomerate s i n Lat e Couvinia n deposit s withi n th e western, northwester n an d norther n par t o f centra l Kazak -
West-Balkhash synclinorium , o n th e Sarysu-Teny z uplif t hstan proceede d generall y i n th e sam e manne r a s durin g
in th e souther n zon e o f th e Erementa u anticlinoriu m an d i n Late Couvinia n time . I n thes e part s risin g movement s con -
the Kurmantschit a zone . Mountai n structure s wer e no t tinued accompanie d b y renewe d volcani c eruptions , bu t th e
very hig h (basalti c conglomerate s di d no t excee d 100-15 0 m volcanic activit y wa s o f a merel y loca l nature .
in thickness ) an d wer e separate d b y downwarpin g inter -
The Givetia n landscap e consiste d o f hug e intracontinenta l
montane trough s fille d u p wit h fresh-wate r sediments .
basins bordere d b y moderatel y hig h mountai n structures .
In Lat e Couvinia n risin g movement s stil l continue d bu t The differen t facie s conten t o f th e basin s prov e tha t the y
were les s intens e a s compare d wit h thos e i n th e previou s were separated . Durin g Givetia n tim e insid e thes e intra -
epoch. Volcani c outburst s change d somewha t i n character . continental basin s situate d withi n th e margina l portio n o f
The increas e o f pyroclasti c material s i n Lat e Couvinia n the Caledonia n area , molass e wa s accumulatingth e Ere -

mentau an d Betpak-Dal a anticlinori a (Kurmantschit a Famennian time . Th e se a ha d bee n a shallo w on e wit h a
zone). number o f island s covere d b y profus e vegetation , a s evi -
denced b y a n abundan t an d wel l preserve d flor a foun d i n
In th e Givetia n th e area s o f accumulatio n a s wel l a s th e
Givetian marin e sediments .
erosion area s underwen t som e redistribution . Th e centra l
zone o f th e Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m decrease d i n dimen - Within th e Pretschingy z zon e i n th e beginnin g o f th e
sion a s compare d wit h th e previou s period . Aci d lava s Givetian submarin e eruption s o f andesitic-basalt s occurred .
erupted fro m th e centra l typ e volcani c focu s an d thi s pro -
cess stil l persiste d durin g Frasnia n time .
Simultaneous growt h an d destructio n o f mountai n struc - During Frasnia n tim e th e natur e o f sedimentatio n differ -
tures wa s accompanie d b y outburst s o f volcani c activity . ed fro m tha t o f th e Givetian . I n th e greate r par t o f th e
Givetian tim e set s i n wit h eruption s o f lava s o f a n aci d Caledonides risin g movement s dominate d an d i n a numbe r
composition: Sarysu-Teny z uplif t an d Kyzylso k zon e i n th e of intracontinenta l basin s (Kyzylso k basin , Kandykta s
Betpak-Dala anticlinorium , Pretschingy z zone . I n th e south - basin, etc. ) th e wate r regim e cease d t o exist . Depressio n
eastern par t o f th e Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m th e volcani c areas decrease d whil e erosiona l area s increased .
activity wa s changin g i n character , eruption s o f andesiti c
basalts alternat e wit h accumulation s o f tuffaceou s sand - The Frasnia n landscap e a s wel l a s th e Givetia n on e con -
stones an d siltstone s yieldin g plan t remains . Th e sedimen - sisted o f intracontinenta l basin s bordere d b y rathe r hig h
tary rock s ar e grey-violet , grey-gree n i n colour . Seldo m mountains. Th e clasti c materia l decrease s i n siz e whic h i s
are rippl e mark s encountered . Finel y laminate d rocks , lac k typical fo r Frasnia n molass e an d prove s tha t i n thi s perio d
of dessicatio n fissure s an d grey-gree n colourin g o f sedi - a lowe r an d les s dissecte d relie f existed . Intens e risin g
ments prov e tha t durin g th e Givetia n i n thi s anticlinoriu m movements ar e observe d onl y i n th e Kurmantschit a zone .
portion downwar d movement s wer e prevalent . Givetia n During th e firs t hal f o f Frasnia n tim e re d conglomerate s
sediments her e reac h 300 0 m i n thickness . and, i n a smalle r amount , sandstone s proceede d t o accumu -
late her e whil e late r onl y sandstone s wer e aggregating .
In th e souther n par t o f th e margina l volcani c bel t withi n
the West-Balkhas h synclinoriu m volcani c activit y some - The molass e i s ove r 120 0 m thick . I n al l othe r place s
what relaxe s i n compariso n wit h th e Earl y Devonia n - terrigenous accumulation s d o no t excee d 500-70 0 m i n
Early Couvinian : onl y i n th e Karakamy s distric t a loca l thickness.
lava eruptio n fro m a centra l typ e focu s too k place . Erup -
tions proceede d unde r terrestria l condition s a s i s evi - The volcani c activit y get s stil l mor e local . It s manifesta -
denced b y effusive s turnin g int o re d stone . tions ar e registere d withi n th e margina l volcani c bel t an d
in th e centra l zon e o f th e Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m a s
In th e norther n par t o f th e margina l volcani c bel t ande - well. Th e lav a compositio n remain s abou t th e sam e a s i n
sitic-basalt lav a eruption s whic h aros e i n th e Lat e Couvin - Givetian time .
ian stil l continue d i n th e Givetian , increasin g i n intensity .
In additio n ther e appeare d smal l focuse s erupting aci d lavas . Palaeontological evidenc e concernin g Frasnia n continen -
During Givetia n an d Frasnia n tim e th e wester n termina - tal sediment s i s ofte n lackin g an d strat a assigne d t o th e
tion o f th e Caledonide s (Eskul a dome ) wa s a n erosio n area . Frasnian ar e s o place d becaus e o f thei r positio n i n th e
In th e en d o f th e Couvinia n an d a t th e beginnin g o f Givetia n section, betwee n florall y characterize d Givetia n an d
time, tectoni c movement s withi n th e Tschingy z anticlinor - Famennian formations .
ium cause d th e se a t o transgres s fro m th e Dzhungaria -
Balkhash geosynclin e are a int o th e Pretschingy z zon e an d
partly i n th e Bayanaul-Tschingy z zon e a s well . I n thes e At th e onse t o f Famennia n sedimentatio n th e contras t o f
zones marin e condition s stil l persiste d durin g Frasnia n an d the Caledonia n relie f ha d becom e somewha t reduced .
Vast an d fla t lan d portion s wer e situated , i n th e sout h PALAEONTOLOGY
within th e Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m an d i n th e wes t o f FLORA
Kazakhstanthe Sarysu-Teny z uplift , Eskul a dom e etc . In th e Devonia n continenta l deposit s o f centra l Kazakh -
This lan d ha d bee n a barrie r betwee n th e Ura l zoogeogra - stan si x non-coeva l floral complexe s yieldin g ove r 5 5 plan t
phic provinc e an d th e East-Kazakhsta n zoogeographi c pro - species hav e bee n distinguished. * Plan t remain s ar e dis -
vince (Nalivkin , 1926) . tributed irregularl y bot h withi n th e whol e sectio n an d
The re d Famennia n strat a ar e a typical , obliquel y lamin - along th e strik e o f th e strata . Th e Earl y Devonia n epoc h
ated molass e forme d unde r condition s o f a moderatel y high , is notabl e fo r a poo r floral complex . Intens e risin g move -
slightly dissecte d relief . Thi s molass e rest s wit h shar p un - ments an d violen t volcani c activit y prevente d th e plant s
conformity o n variou s olde r formations . I n th e firs t from dispersin g an d als o fro m growing .
phase o f Varisca n orogeny , tectoni c movement s cause d th e The Earl y Devonia n flora l comple x i s represente d by :
sea t o transgres s int o th e Caledonia n depression , fro m th e Parka cf . decipiens Flem. , filamentou s an d caulin e Algae ,
Variscide area . Cooksonia crassiparietilis Jur. , Zosterophyllum australianum
In th e northwester n par t o f th e Betpak-Dal a anticlinor - Lang e t Cook. , Z. sp. , Psilophyton burnotense (Gilk. ) Kr .
ium (Kurmantschit a zone ) shallo w se a condition s existe d et W. , P. princeps Daws. , Psilophytites rectissimum (Hoeg) ,
for th e firs t tim e an d armoure d fishe s o f th e Placoderm i Hedeia parvula Jurin a sp . nov . (in litt.), Dawsonites arcu-
class appear , bu t bein g indifferentl y preserve d thes e coul d atus Halle , Hcstimella sp. , Taeniocrada decheniana (Goepp. )
be identifie d onl y dow n t o th e Antiarch i an d Arthrodir a Kr. e t W. , T. sp. , Drepanophycus spinaeformis Goepp. , D.
subclasses. Th e occurrenc e o f thes e fis h i s confine d t o gaspianus (Daws. ) Stockm. , Lidasimophyton akkermensis
only one thin band . Senk.
Both her e an d northward s (i n th e centra l par t o f th e The flora l comple x unde r investigatio n ha s bee n foun d
Tenyz depression ) condition s ha d bee n create d i n littora l in te n location s an d i s represente d b y singl e specimens . A
regions favourin g depositio n o f evaporites . Drillin g ha s dominant par t i n th e flora l compositio n i s playe d b y th e
revealed gypsum , sal t an d greenish-gre y claystones ; fro m Psilopsida ( 9 species) , whil e th e Lycopsid a ar e represente d
the latter , spore s hav e bee n isolate d datin g th e deposit s a s by 3 species . Amon g thes e 1 2 specie s onl y Parka cf . decip-
Famennian. Th e occurrenc e o f sal t an d gypsu m i s indica - iens Flem. , Cooksonia crassiparietilis Jur. , Zosterophyllum
tive o f dr y condition s whic h existe d durin g th e Famennia n australianum Lan g et Cook., Psilophyton burnotense (Gilk.) ,
in thi s par t o f centra l Kazakhstan . Kr. e t W. , Hedeia parvula Jur . sp . nov. (in litt.) an d Drepan-
ophycus spinaeformis Goepp . ar e critica l fo r Lowe r Devon -
Eastwards, i n th e littora l region s o f th e West-Balkhas h ian deposit s whil e th e res t ar e encountere d bot h i n Lowe r
synclinorium withi n th e Sarysu-Teny z uplift , a t th e begin - and i n Middle Devonian deposits .
ning o f th e Famennian , re d sediment s yieldin g band s o f
manganiferous sandstone s an d manganes e ore s wer e ac - In th e Earl y Couvinia n a numbe r o f intracontinenta l bas -
cumulating, indicativ e o f a humi d regim e du e to a n adjacen t ins drie d up , ai r humidit y decrease d an d mos t Earl y Dev -
sea-basin. onian plant s becam e extinct . I n th e souther n an d south -
eastern par t o f th e Caledonia n are a th e Psilopsid a ha d bee n
Northwards an d northeastward s i n th e Karagand a syn - replaced b y the Lycopsida . Th e Early Couvinia n flora l com-
clinorium an d als o i n th e Erementa u an d Tschingy z anticlin - plex ha s bee n foun d i n si x location s an d i s represente d by :
oria, a marin e transgressio n followe d th e Famennian . Taeniocrada cf . dubia Kr . e t W. , Lidasimophyton sp. , Bla-
In thi s perio d terrestria l volcani c eruption s wer e restrict - saria sibirica (Krysht. ) Zal. , Protolepidodendron scharian-
ed t o th e Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m centra l zone , i n th e
Karasay region . Th e fina l phases o f a centra l typ e volcani c *Plants mentioned here have been found only in continental de-
activity ar e relate d t o Famennia n tectoni c pulses . posits.
um Kr. , Pr. sp. , Arthropsid a an d Betpakphyton rhombicum The Psilopsid a ar e represente d b y 2 specie s an d occu r a s
Senkevich gen . e t sp. nov. (in coll.). single specimens ; th e Pteropsid a ar e als o represente d b y 2
The principa l par t i n th e comple x compositio n i s playe d species; th e grou p o f unestablishe d systematizatio n consist s
by th e Lycopsid a ( 4 species) , whil e th e Psilopsid a ar e re - of on e species .
presented b y bu t 1 species . Fo r th e firs t tim e th e Arthrop - It i s typica l tha t almos t al l comple x specie s appea r fo r
sida appear , poorl y preserve d an d therefor e indeterminabl e the firs t tim e i n th e Middl e Devonian , excep t Lidasimophy-
below th e orde r limits ; onl y on e Pteropsid a specie s appear s ton akkermensis Senk . appearin g b y th e en d o f th e Earl y
as well . Devonian.
Early Devonia n an d Earl y Couvinia n floral complexe s The Givetia n flora l comple x wa s mor e abundan t a s com -
had bee n me t wit h onl y i n th e Uppe r Kaidau l membe r pared wit h th e Uppe r Couvinian . Ai r humidit y increas e du e
aCo,). I t wa s impossibl e t o distinguis h Earl y Devon - to transgressio n an d localizatio n o f volcani c activit y favour -
ian an d Earl y Couvinia n deposit s withi n th e membe r be - ed a mor e intensiv e plan t developmen t an d th e appearanc e
cause th e plant s occure d i n lithologicall y simila r layer s an d of ne w taxon s a s well . Durin g Givetia n tim e i n central Kaz -
the sediment s seldo m ha d bee n characterize d b y th e flora. akhstan al l vegetatio n type s o f th e Middl e Palaeozoi c wer e
In Lat e Couvinian , consequen t t o orogeni c movement s growing. Simila r t o Lat e Couvinia n time , th e principa l
during th e final phas e o f Caledonia n tectogenesis , sedimen - background wa s forme d b y th e Lycopsida . I n th e Givetia n
tation condition s wer e changed ; lav a eruption s cease d an d i n flora ther e were : Pseudosporochnus cf . krejci P . e t B. , P .
a numbe r o f intracontinenta l basin s a wate r regim e se t i n nodosus Lecl . e t Benks Taeniocrada decheniana Goepp. , T.
increasing th e ai r humidity . Th e Lat e Couvinia n flora l timanica Tschirk. , T. sp. , Tomiphyton primaevum Zal. , Hos-
complex wa s fa r mor e varie d tha n tha t o f th e Earl y timella strectissima Hoeg , cf . Lidasimophyton akkermen-
Couvinian. I t consiste d of : Asteroxylon sibiricum Krysht. , sis Senk. , Graciliphyton artschalensis Senkevic h gen . e t sp .
Dicranophyton niayssiense Zal. , Lidasimophyton akkermen- nov. (in litt.), Protolepidodendron scharianum Kr. , P . sp. ,
sis Senk. , Graciliphyton artschalensis Senkevitsc h gen . et. sp. Archaeosigillaria rotunda Senkevic h sp . nov . (in coll.),
nov. (in litt.), Protolepidodendron scharianum Kr. , Proto- Lepidodendropsis kazachstanica Senk. , L . cf . theodori (Zal.)
lepidodendropsis (? ) sp. , Calamophyton sp. , Aneurophyton Jongm., L. sp. , Hyenia cf . sphenophylloides Nath. , H. vogti
germanicum Kr . e t W. , Barrandeina kirghizika Krysht . sp . Hoeg, Calamophyton sp. , Protopteridium hostimense Kr. , P .
nov. (in coll.). (?) ramulosum Jurin a sp . nov . (in litt.), Karagandella kab-
anovii Jurin a gen . e t sp . nov . (in litt.), Cephalopteris (?)
The Lycopsid a ma y b e considere d a s th e mai n back - praecox Hoeg , Betpakphyton rhombicum Senkevic h gen .
ground i n th e flora l composition o f th e Lat e Couvinia n land - et sp . nov . (in coll.) Barrandeina dusliana (Kr. ) Stur , B.
scape despit e it s bein g represente d merel y b y fou r species . agadirica Senk. , B. sp. , Broggeria norvegica Nath .
The lycopsi d Lidasimophyton akkermensis Senk . whic h
appeared fo r th e firs t tim e b y th e en d o f Earl y Couvinia n In th e Givetia n comple x th e Psilopsid a ar e represente d b y
became firml y establishe d i n Lat e Couvinia n an d it s area l 6 species , mostl y me t wit h i n singl e specimens ; th e Lycop -
distribution becam e expanded . I n th e sout h o f th e Caledon - sida als o ar e represente d b y 6 species , bu t eac h o f the m
ian are a a s wel l a s i n th e West-Balkhas h Lan d zon e som e amounts t o man y score s o f specimen s i n ever y localit y oc -
bands ar e packe d wit h stem s o f thi s interestin g plant . currence. Th e Arthropsid a ar e represente d b y 2 species, th e
Still mor e propagate d wa s Protolepidodendron scharianum Pteropsida b y 6 species ; th e grou p o f unestablishe d system -
Kr. Durin g th e Middl e Devonia n epoch , especiall y i n Lat e atization consist s o f 3 species.
Couvinian time , thi s plan t gre w almos t everywher e i n cen - Most plant s o f th e Givetia n comple x rang e throug h
tral Kazakhstan . It s stem s aboun d i n sandston e band s the whol e Middl e Devonian . Suc h specie s a s Taeniocrada
even i n th e pyroclasti c layer s (Bayanaul-Tschingy z zone) . decheniana Goepp. , Lydasimophyton akkermensis Senk .
had alread y appeare d b y th e en d o f th e Earl y Devonia n boniferous. Th e genus Leptophloeum whic h appeare d i n th e
epoch; Betpakphyton rhombicum Senk . ge n e t sp . nov . (in Frasnian cease d t o exis t i n th e Earl y Tournaisian .
litt.) i n Earl y Couvinia n an d merel y Hostimella strectissima
Besides macro-remain s i n Famennia n deposits , th e follow -
Hoeg, Tomiphyton primaevum Zal. , Lepidodendropsis kaz-
ing plan t spore s hav e bee n detected : Hymenozonotriletes
achstanica Senk. , Hyenia vogti Hoeg , H. sphenophylloides pallidus Naum. , H. famenensis Naum. , H. submirabilis
Nath., Barrandeina agadirica Senk . an d Broggeria norvegica (Luber) Jush. , H. varius Naum. , H. cf . macrosetus( ? ) Kedo ,
Nath. ha d appeare d i n Givetian time . Lophotriletes rugosus Naum. , L. rotundus Naum. , L. aff .
Dominant risin g movements , increas e o f area s o f erosio n grumosus Naum. , Archaeozonotriletes famenensis Naum. ,
and i n par t se a regressio n cause d th e plant s t o becom e ex - A. aff . rugosus Naum. , A. cf . luteolus Naum. , Zonotriletes
tinct i n th e greate r par t o f th e regio n unde r investigation . subterus Waltz. , Trachitriletes solidus Naum .
The flora l complex o f Frasnia n ag e i s not varie d i n composi -
tion. Lac k o f flor a i n Frasnia n deposits , excep t som e singl e Composition analysi s dat a fo r th e abov e mentione d com -
occurrences ( 5 burials) , i s apparentl y indicativ e o f a drie r plexes sho w tha t i n th e Earl y Devonia n flor a th e primitiv e
and hotte r climat e i n thi s period . Merel y i n littora l region s plant grou p o f Psilopsid a wa s prevalen t (7 7 pe r cent ) an d
the Lycopsid a an d Pteropsid a stil l continue d t o grow . the Lycopsid a forme d a quit e unimportan t par t (1 3 pe r
The Frasnia n flora l complex consiste d of : Lepidodendrop- cent) (Baragwanathiale s order) .
sis theodori (Zal. ) Jongm. , Cyclostigma kiltorkense Haugh. , In Earl y Couvinia n th e plan t typ e rati o undergoe s a
Knorria sp. , Enigmophyton cf . superbum Hoeg , Svalbardia change: th e mai n backgroun d i s compose d o f highe r organ -
polimorpha Hoe g an d Archaeopteris sp . ized types , th e Lycopsid a (6 4 pe r cent ) represente d no t
The Lycopsid a dominat e bot h i n numbe r o f specie s ( 4 merely b y th e primitiv e Baragwanathiale s orde r bu t b y th e
species) an d i n numbe r o f specimens , whil e th e Pteropsid a more highl y organize d Protolepidodendrale s orde r a s well .
are represented b y 3 species. The Psilopsida , Arthropsid a an d Pteropsid a pla y a n approxi -
For th e Frasnia n onl y Cyclostigma kiltorkense Haugh . i s mately equa l par t (1 2 pe r cen t each) .
critical; Archaeopteris appear s i n the Frasnian , continue s t o In Lat e Couvinia n th e Lycopsid a ar e stil l dominan t (4 5
exist throughou t th e whol e Lat e Devonia n epoc h an d die s per cent ) bein g represente d b y th e sam e orders . Bu t i n
out i n th e Tournaisian . Th e res t o f th e plant s ar e foun d specimen quantit y th e mai n par t i s playe d b y th e Protolep -
in th e Givetia n a s wel l a s i n th e Frasnia n deposit s al l ove r idodendrales order , th e Psilopsid a an d Pteropsid a constitut e
the world . less tha n hal f (2 2 pe r cen t each) : th e plan t grou p wit h
Sea transgressio n durin g Famennia n cause d th e ai r hum - unestablished systematizatio n i s insignifican t (1 1 per cent) .
idity t o increas e an d favoure d plan t migratio n fro m th e In Givetia n tim e th e Lycopsid a wer e th e prevalen t typ e
Variscan are a an d dispersio n int o th e Caledonia n one . Suc h (31 pe r cent) ; beside s tw o formerl y existin g order s a mor e
plants a s Leptophloeum rhombicum Daws. , L. nothum (Ung - highly organize d order , th e Lycopodiales , arose . It s speci -
er), whic h i n Frasnia n tim e wer e growin g o n th e coas t an d men quantit y wa s importan t whil e th e genera l compositio n
on island s o f th e Varisca n area , wer e no w penetratin g in - included bu t thre e species . Th e Psilopsid a (2 7 pe r cent )
land. Onc e agai n Arthropsid a specie s appear , suc h as : and th e Pteropsid a (2 3 pe r cent ) constitute d on e hal f o f
Pseudobornia ursina Nath. , Sphenopteridium subtenerrim- the Givetia n complex ; th e Arthropsid a 7 pe r cen t an d th e
um Nath. , Eviostachya hoegi Stockm. , a s wel l a s Pteropsid a plant grou p wit h unestablishe d systematizatio n 1 2 pe r cent .
Cephalopteris cf . mirabilis Nath. , Tortkophyton globosum
Jurina gen . e t sp . nov . (in litt.), Pteridorachis sp . In th e Lat e Devonia n durin g Frasnia n tim e th e Psilopsid a
were becoming extinc t an d i n the floral composition a n equa l
Pseudobornia ursina Nath. , Eviostachya hoegi Stockm . number o f Pteropsid a an d Lycopsid a ar e left.
and Cephalopteris mirabilis Nath. , di e ou t i n th e Famen -
nian. Th e genu s Sphenopteridium continue s int o th e Car - In th e Famennia n th e rol e o f th e Pteropsid a increase s
still more ; the y constitut e hal f o f th e whol e flora whil e redistributed an d th e se a partl y transgresse d int o th e north -
the res t i s forme d b y th e Lycopsid a an d Arthropsida . eastern par t o f th e Caledonides . Th e landscap e o f thi s tim e
This analysi s show s tha t i n th e Devonia n withi n th e Cal - presented a sigh t o f hug e intracontinenta l Caledonide -
edonian are a a s wel l a s i n th e margina l volcani c bel t o f cen - bordered basin s wit h molass e accumulatin g i n them .
tral Kazakhsta n thre e larg e phase s o f vegetationa l develop - 4. Durin g Frasnia n tim e risin g movement s wer e preva -
ment ar e observed , durin g whic h th e mai n backgroun d wa s lent an d i n a numbe r o f intracontinenta l basin s th e wate r
formed b y a definit e plan t type . Accordin g t o th e preva - regime cease d t o exist .
lent typ e th e Devonia n flor a ma y b e respectivel y sub -
divided int o thre e floras : Earl y Devonia n - Psilopsid a 5. A t th e onse t o f Famennia n sedimentatio n th e contrast -
flora; Middl e Devonia n - Lycopsida , whic h becaus e o f th e ing Caledonia n relie f ha d bee n somewha t reduced . Du e t o
Protolepidodendrales orde r dominatin g an d Protolepidoden- tectonic movement s th e se a transgresse d fro m th e Varisca n
dron scharianum Kr . growin g everywher e shoul d b e name d zone int o th e Caledonia n depressions .
the Protolepidendro n flora; an d Lat e Devonia n th e
Pteropsida ( Archaeopteris) flora. I n Kazakhsta n ther e i s 6. Lithologica l formation s steadil y accumulatin g durin g
no reaso n t o designat e a n Hyenia flor a (R . Krausel , 1937 ) the Devonia n i n th e regio n unde r investigatio n wer e rathe r
widely distribute d i n th e Middl e Devonia n o f th e world , uniform i n composition . Til l th e Lat e Couvinia n th e fina l
because her e al l thre e Middl e Devonia n complexe s yiel d no t formations o f th e Caledonia n cycl e (th e continenta l re d
more tha n 10-1 2 pe r cen t o f Arthropsida . Thi s subdivisio n clastic formatio n a s wel l a s th e terrestria l volcani c one )
confirms tha t th e Psilopsid a an d Archaeopteris floras wer e dominate. I n a late r perio d th e continenta l volcani c clasti c
really existin g a s th e polychroni c flora s designated b y A . N . formation widel y develop s a s well . Th e terrestria l volcani c
Krishtofovitsch i n 1946 . formation i s especiall y wel l represente d i n th e margina l
volcanic bel t an d i n th e Betpak-Dal a anticlinoriu m centra l
The Middl e Devonia n Protolepidodendro n flor a i s rathe r zone; i n th e las t mentione d i t accumulate d throughou t th e
peculiar an d fo r it s greate r par t n o analogue s i n contempor - whole Devonian .
aneous worl d floras hav e bee n found . Therefore, i t probabl y
should b e considere d a s a specifi c typ e dependin g upo n 7. Centra l Kazakhsta n i s on e o f th e fe w region s i n th e
the inheren t developmen t condition s o f centra l Kazakhstan . world wit h a widel y develope d terrestria l volcani c forma -
In thi s regio n th e final phase s o f Caledonia n tectogenesi s tion, whic h wa s accumulatin g withi n differen t area s durin g
created mountai n structure s surroundin g intracontinenta l the whol e Devonian . Wide-rangin g lava-typesfro m basal t
basins eac h wit h it s ow n peculia r microclimate . to liparit e are typica l fo r the abov e mentione d formation .
8. I n th e Devonia n continenta l formation s o f centra l
SUMMARY Kazakhstan plan t remain s ar e ofte n me t with , whil e a fish
1. Devonia n continenta l deposit s o f centra l Kazakhsta n fauna i s bu t rarel y found . I n Devonia n marin e deposit s
are relate d t o th e Caledonia n zon e embracin g vas t area s floras interbedde d wit h o r occurrin g togethe r wit h variou s
in th e south , west , nort h an d northeas t o f th e region , a s faunas hav e als o bee n found . Thus , i t wa s possibl e t o se t
well a s t o th e margina l volcani c belt ; th e latte r i s th e precise distributio n limit s fo r floral taxon s an d t o elaborat e
fracture zon e o f th e Caledonide s an d Variscides . an ag e standar d fo r th e Devonia n continenta l deposit s o f
central Kazakhstan .
2. I n th e Caledonia n are a th e geosynclina l regim e exist -
ed durin g th e Riphea n an d Lowe r Palaeozoic ; fro m th e en d 9. I n Devonia n continenta l deposit s o f centra l Kazakh -
of th e Siluria n til l Earl y Couvinia n th e geosynclina l zon e stan 6 flora l complexe s yieldin g ove r 5 5 plan t specie s hav e
was turning int o a folded area . been distinguished .
3. I n Lat e Couvinia n an d Givetian , i n consequenc e o f M . A. S E N K E V I C H ,
folding movement s th e depressio n an d uplif t area s wer e South Kazakhstan Geological Department, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan.

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