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Translations of Ashtar
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The Arcturians: GMO Moratorium
"You Are Moving Between Many Levels of Dimensionality!!!" Movement
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - July 11, 2017
"We are the Arcturians. And we thank you and we offer you our GALACTIC GOOD NEWS
blessings for welcoming us here, to this beautiful Gathering of MIND & MATTER
Lights of Love! For that is how we see you, and that is how you are
seen throughout the entirety of the Universe. And, yes, we are
members of the group that have come to bring messages to this HIGH-VIBE CHANGES
Ashtar On The Road Family and, indeed, to all of Planet Earth. And UPLIFTING
in that capacity we are One. And we are speaking with One voice! INSPIRATIONS

It is not necessary to identify us as individuals for this purpose. It is Susan Leland-The Voice
rather to know that we bring the Love, the science, and the Products and Services
spiritual connections of Arcturus to you! DONATE ANY AMOUNT

"And yet beyond our Oneness, we are One with The Mentors. We Contact Us
are One with the Ashtar On The Road Family. We are One with the Email Sign-up
Humanity of Planet Earth and indeed, we are One with all beings in M.Mary: Road to Joy
the Universe who carry the Light of Love within their beings! Tara& Rama Report 9-26-
There really is no such thing as separation except what might exist 17
in some levels of what you call your 'third dimension.' You are
transitioning now, and some of you may be recognizing that you
indeed carry the Arcturian genetics within yourselves.

"And yet, there is a mixture because you are all adventurers or

explorers of some kind or other. And you are teachers at the same
time. So you are learning. You are teaching as you progress
through your various lifetimes. And this is a component, a very
necessary component of what we call wisdom!

"What is knowledge anyway, except that which resonates as Truth

within you!!! And your Truth may be different from your
neighbors,' but there are certain wisdoms which are universal. You
have already heard them spoken of. The most profound, as is often
the case, requires the least amount of words to be spoken WE ARE
ONE!!! We are God, or we are Divine. We are Love. We are Light.
And even if you put those altogether, it is more important to feel
the feelings than to count the words!

"We are famous for the University of Arcturus, where many of you
have come to learn and to teach, because there is no such thing as
separation of learning and teaching, none whatsoever. You are
learning and teaching all of your lives. And even when you are not
embodied in your human forms, you are still learning, exploring
yes, adventuring - and at the same time teaching all of those
around you. Just by sharing your LoveLights, you are teaching
while you are assisting and serving and uplifting!

"Now, you have presence in many levels of dimensionality, and we

understand this is - for some of you at least - a bit of a challenging
concept. So we wish to share a bit of wisdom about this with you.
And the wisdom of it is, learn wherever you are and focus! Keep
your focus on lifting up Higher. Keep the LoveLight always, always,
not only in your Hearts and radiating it out throughout all of your
energy fields and beyond, but keep it in your vision, your wisdom
eyes!!! You have heard about 'keeping your eyes on the prize.'
That is a very common expression on Planet Earth and that is very
true. What is the prize? The prize is your Homecoming, and your
upliftment along the way!!! But you're already there, or here, as
you wish to define it. You are multi-dimensional beings already!

"You know that you have what are called your Higher Dimensional
Selves where you are always, and where there is only Love and
Light. And there are levels within those dimensions, and you are
present in more than one of those. And you already know that you
have levels of dimensionality in 3D and beyond. And many of you
are literally bouncing back and forth between the various levels.
And that can explain sudden unfamiliarity, or a sense of, 'What did
I come in here for? What am I here to do? I'm not quite in memory
of it!'

"Well, it's because you're literally jumping from one level to

another and we're not talking about. . . Well, let's talk about a
piano. You know, a piano is a musical instrument. And did you
know that music is very scientific? Alright, so you have these
octaves and you can think of the octaves as representing entire
dimensions. And then you have the keys. And then you can take
each key and divide it into so many parts, you can't even see the
dividing lines, and so on and so on.
"And that's what I'm talking about when I'm speaking of levels of
dimensionality. And yes, I told you that we're speaking as one
voice, and I'll say 'I' - or I shall say that we say 'I'. Now, when the
lines between the levels of dimensionality are hardly visible - or
sometimes not even visible -, you can imagine how easy it is to
move between those levels. And you're not necessarily in
conscious realization of it!

"Let us say that you are walking down the street, and you greet a
neighbor who has a lovely greeting and a big hug for you. Doesn't
that lift you up? And so you cross into the next Higher level, or
maybe several Higher levels. And then you go on your way, and you
greet someone who says, 'Oh, Im not having a happy day,' and they
want to tell you all their troubles. And does that not just bring you
down a bit? And we're not saying its wrong! Don't make yourselves
wrong for experiencing different levels within your feelings and
your thoughts!!! Recognize them. Honor them. Say, 'Oh, I'm so
glad that I shifted down into a lower level, because I really know
that I'd like to be up a bit Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher
- until I get to be a lot Higher all the time upon my timeline, and
then I get to a place where there even isn't any 'time!' You see? So
imagine that!

"Now we're going to throw something more into the mix, and then
this can really confuse, but don't let it. Keep it simple! You have
other identities on the same level. Those are called 'parallels,'
parallel selves. So what do you do with all of these aspects of
yourselves? You bring them into unity, into Oneness. If you want to
clear something out, you can say something to the effect that, 'I
have this program running. It is an old 3D program. I no longer
need this because I am now recognizing the LoveLight within me,
and I know that I am in my Ascension preparation mode! So I say to
this particular program, thank you so much. I am so grateful to
myself and my guidance team, who I'm a part of, for being aware of
this. And so I put the LoveLight upon it to fully transmute it and let
it go into the Universe as even more Love, including throughout the
entirety of my being, all of my energy fields, all aspects of me,
including those which are called, by third dimensional
standards,past, present, future, dimensional and parallel!!!'

"Now, if you really want to clear something up, that's how you do
it. You clear it from ALL OF YOU!!! Don't just think that just
because there's something let's say that you have an ingrown
toenail in your physical self, and that you are going to be able to
clear that ingrown toenail, because what if that ingrown toenail is
your father tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you that you
need to do something that he taught you do, to which is no longer
applicable to 3D? So when you use this comprehensive clearing
technique, you can clear out whatever root cause, if any, there
might be. On the other hand, don't get too wrapped up in this,
because you might have an ingrown toenail just because you were
wearing shoes that were too tight!

"In other words, give yourselves the honoring that you deserve.
Give yourselves the Freedom that you deserve. Be the explorers
and the adventurers that you came here to be, starting within your
own Divin Selves, knowing, KNOWING or shall we say, recognizing
the wisdom that you are Divine Beings! You are here, yes, to
create miracles, but the miracle - the beginning miracle for each
and every one of you - is each and every one of you
yourselves!!! So take care of yourselves!

"Now, you may have heard that we have healing ships. And yes, we
do! They are bringing Higher technologies to Planet Earth. We
cannot land them yet, as you know, because we are held back
because there is still a bit of a struggle going on by those who
would perpetuate the myth that we are to be feared and that we
come to conquer. And so when the ultimate clearing of these dark
programs is accomplished - and it is being accomplished even as I
speak and it is being accomplished at exponential light speed -
nevertheless, we are available, until we land our ships on the
ground. Come on up!!!

"Thats right! We are here. And this group - this group, speaking as
one and although we are a collective, I can say, 'I' tell you,
absolutely truthfully and from the Highest of LoveLight levels, that
you are welcome to come up to our ships if we can be of service to
you during this interim time. But be prepared, that when you state
what it is that you are coming for in the way of services or healing
or clearing, it is to state your intentions to clear it from ALL of your
beings, as I have already spoken. So that if there is a root cause
- or more than one - behind that ingrown toenail, you will be
addressing that cause, or causes, wherever they are within your

"And also, I will tell you this. You have constrictions of time. We
don't have those constraints upon us. We can see time as it exists
on Planet Earth or, rather we can see your clocks. We can see that
you do many things according to what the clocks say. And you also
have calendars.

"And so it is that not everything that takes place in the Higher

dimensions comes into 3D in precisely the moment that you
adventured out of 3D, in order to receive it, but it still must pass
through a bit of a time barrier. And for reasons known only to your
own innate wisdoms, it may be that it might take more than one
visit to our ships or it might take a bit of time, as you measure it,
for the miracles to be manifested within your beings. But make no
mistake, the miracles ARE happening!!! Access the miracles from
your wisdom selves and present them to the entirety of your
beings, again as I have already discussed. That's how you apply the
wisdoms that we come to share with you!
"See yourselves as we do. You're whole and complete onto
yourselves, but yet you are One with many different groups, and
ultimately One with all beings of LoveLight. Do not pause to try to
understand in your 3D brains how this all works! Some of you
already have that understanding, that wisdom, and I promise you
that it's here for all of you. It's already available to you, if you
choose to access it. But you must access it from Higher
Dimensional Perspectives, in order to really get it, because it's not
as much a brain understanding as it is a Heart understanding, as it
is a TOTALITY OF YOUR BEING understanding!!!

"Well! We have imparted some useful information to you. And

when I say 'useful,' it is as full of usage capability as you choose to
make it! We honor you in your individual identities. We honor you
as members of this Family gathered here. We honor you as
citizens, if you will High Dimensional, Divine Citizens of the
Universe! We are here with you. We are in service to you even as
you are in service to us by allowing us to be here and, indeed, in
service to this grand Mission of Ascension for all of Planet Earth!

"The wonderful steps along the way - it's an absolute tour through
many, many, many levels of dimensionality. And you, Beloved Ones,
are all on the High Road for success in your journeys, and reaching
your ultimate destinations. And indeed for some of you, that will
include a return to one of the places - locations, dimensionally
speaking - from which you came, or whose genetics you carry
within you and that, of course, is a place that you know as
Arcturus. And when you arrive, you can be sure that you will be
welcomed with all honors and all Joy, whether you choose to
remain for what you would call 'a moment,' or more. Because
indeed you are already here, as we are already here with you, and
in our togetherness, we are One in the Light of Home, which is
everywhere in the Universe where there is only Light and its
Love!!! Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your
attendance. And we say unto you with the very Highest of meaning
and Love, Namaste, Beloved Family!"
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, July 11, 2017.
Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2017. All rights reserved; however,
this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all
accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2017. All rights reserved.

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