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Cloud Computing

Cloud computing (also on demand computing) is a kind of Internet

based computing that provides shared processing resources and data to
computers and other devices on demand. It is a model for enabling on
demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
(networks, servers, storage, applications ,services).
The main enabling technology for cloud computing is
virtualization it separes a physical device into one or more virtual
devices, each of which can be easily used and managed to perform
computing tasks. It also adopts concepts from Service-oriented
Arhitecture(SOA), that can help the user brake a problem into services
that can be integrated to provide a solution.
Cloud computing shares characteristics with :
Client-server model : any distributed application that
distinguishes between servers and clients
Grid computing : a collection of computer resources from
multiple locations to reach a common goal.
Fog computing : distributed computing paradigm that
provides data, compute, storage and application services
closer to client or near-user edge devices, such as network
Mainframe computer : powerful computers used mainly by
large organisations.
Utility computing : packaging of computer
resources(computation and storage) similar to a public
resource like electricity.
Service Models
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Providers of IaaS offers computers (physical or, more often,
virtual machines) and other resources. It refers to online
services that abstract the user from the details of
infrastructure like physical computing resources, location,
scaling, security, backup.
Platform as a service (PaaS)
PaaS vendors offer a development environment to
application developers. The provider typically develops
toolkit and standards for development and channels for
distribution and payment.
In this model, cloud providers deliver a computing platform,
typically including operating system, programming-language
execution environment, database and web server.
Examples of Paas platforms are Microsoft Azure and Google
App Engine.
Software as a service
In this model, user gain access to application software and
databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and
platform that run the application. SaaS is sometimes
reffered to as on-demand software and is ussualy priced
on a pay-per-use basis.
Example of SaaS : Gmail,Yahoo mail, social networking sites
If we speak about practical examples of Cloud Computing, that we use
day-by-day, we are going to present 5 examples :
Email on the go
Online email has been offered by all the big names (such as
Microsoft, Yahoo and of course, Google). Whereever in the world
we are, the emails have always been available to me.
No need for data storage
Storing your mp3s, videos, photos and documents online instead
of at home gives you the freedom to access them from any
location with Internet access.
Working in a virtual office
Googles online suite of office applications is probably the best
known. Rather than having a Word processor, a spreadsheet
creator and a presentation or publishing platform on your
computer, you can opt to work online instead.
Collaborative work
Helps teamwork a lot especially on projects you can find
information a lot faster without the need to download files.
Google launched a service that allowed groups of people to work
on the same document, ideea or proposal in real time or
whenever convenient to each participant.
Using Google Wave you can create a document and then invite
others to comment , offer opinion, or otherwise join in with the
creation of the final draft.
No need for extra processing power
For the dedicated cloud enthusiast, something like Amazons EC2
virtual computing might be the answer to all his needs.
Rather than purchasing servers, software, network equipment ,
users would buy into a fully outsourced set of online services

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