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Name: Emma Macchabee


Date: 09/10/17
Area of Interest: Student's Perspective on Our Overpopulated School Lord
Tweedsmuir Secondary
Attached Timeline Completion Dates Handout
1. Attached a separate word document with the following questions.


1. Reason for choosing this career or area of interest (briefly explain why you chose
this career/interest and what you hope to learn from completing this project).
I chose this topic for my capstone project because I would like to have the

student's, of our school, voices heard. I am going to survey students, all grades,

asking them for their opinions on our very overpopulated school. Once I am finished,

I will put together all of my findings into an article for the Cloverdale Reporter to help

spread the word on what students have to say, as we are the main people that

overpopulation in schools affects. Many articles on this topic are from an adult's

point of views and not kids. I am interested to see what other people have to say

about Lord Tweedsmuir besides just me.

2. What prior knowledge (if any) do you already have which relates to this project?
(Explain how this project will help you gain new knowledge or information)
Lord Tweedsmuir is a very overcrowded school. We have over 2000 students and

about 150 staff. Our school was only built to hold 1400 people. Due to this we have 18

portables, shared lockers for grades 9-10, and block E for grades 10-12. Personally, I
find it to be very stressful in a school this big and every day when I get home it is a sigh

of relief and it feels like a big wait has been lifted off my shoulders. By doing this project

I will learn new knowledge on what students have to say about the overpopulation and

hopefully it will help correct the excessive overpopulation at our school.

3. How will completing this project help make a connection between your academic
and career goals?

Completing this project will help me when I become a teacher. I will be able to take

what I learned about what students have to say about what struggles they have with

overpopulation and apply it to my work. I can help make sure that all of my students are

having an enjoyable time at school rather than a stressful time.

4. List any other related information that you feel should be included in the
I plan to have all of my surveying done by the end of October and hopefully have

my article published by the end of November. Then in December I can see if there are

any responses to my article and by the end of December I plan to be all ready to


I understand the responsibilities to submit my Capstone materials by the deadline date

established in my timeline and in maintaining academic honesty and integrity. My
Capstone Project will be presented on:

Student Signature: Date:

I understand the responsibilities of my son/daughter in submitting his/her Capstone
materials by the deadline date established in the timeline and in maintaining academic
honesty and integrity.

Parent Signature: Date:

Approved: Yes No

Career Life Connections Teacher Signature:

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