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Inovatif Ilmu Pangan dan Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214-224

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Ilmu inovatif Makanan dan Emerging Technologies

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Pengaruh terus menerus flow-melalui sistem cahaya berdenyut dikombinasikan

dengan USG pada survivability mikroba, warna dan umur simpan sensorik jus

Mariana Ferrario 1.2, Sandra Guerrero .3

Departamento de Industrias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 CABA, Argentina

artikel Info abstrak

Pasal sejarah: The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of a continuous flow-through pulsed light system (PLc, 0.73 J/cm2, 155
Menerima September 2015 7
mL/min, EEO: 1.8 1034.1 103 kWh/m3/order) single or combined with ultrasound (US, 30 min, EEO: 4.4 105 1.1
Diterima dalam bentuk direvisi 9 Februari
2016 Diterima 10 Februari 2016 Tersedia 106 kWh/m3/order) at ambient temperature on Escherichia coli ATCC 35218, Salmonella Enteritidis MA44 and
online 22 Februari 2016 Saccharomyces cerevisiae KE 162 and indigenous flora in commer-cial (CAJ) and freshly pressed (NAJ) apple juices. In
addition, for the combined treatment, color evolution, sensory shelf life and consumer sensory field studies were also
Kata kunci: conducted during NAJ cold storage (4 C). The Weibull model adequately characterized inactivation curves (R 2adj: 95.0
cahaya berdenyut 99.1%). No differences in single or combined PL effectiveness were observed between CAJ and NAJ, resulting in 1.84.2 log
USG reductions for single PLc while US+PLc led up to 3.76.3 log reductions of inoculated microorganisms. Moreover, the
Model Weibull combined treat-ment delayed yeast and mold recovery and prevented from browning development during storage. Processed
Warna NAJ was well accepted by a group of consumers who highlighted its fresh natural apple taste. Sensory shelf life was
atribut sensori determined by 6 days (25% rejection) with 95% confidence.
kehidupan rak sensorik
Industrial relevance: There is a growing consumer demand for fresh-like products as traditional thermal process-ing may have
undesirable effects over the sensory and nutritional properties of fruit juices. From an industrial perspective, the content of this
publication has the potential to be used for the development of novel products, with enhanced quality, processed by a
continuous flow-through pulsed light system combined with ultrasound, both emerging technologies with good prospects for
the decontamination of foods. In particular, this study showed that apple juice processed by US and PL ensured
microbiological safety and was widely accepted by a group of consumers interested in sour products and its fresh natural
apple taste.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Ada berbagai macam agen modern yang menyebabkan inaktivasi fisik
atau kimia mikroorganisme pada suhu kamar atau sub-mematikan. Beberapa
During the last decade considerable research on the application of non- teknologi yang muncul yang berada di bawah penelitian meliputi listrik yang
thermal technologies for juice preservation has been developed to replace, at tinggifield pulses (PEF), high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), ultra-sound (US),
least partially, traditional pasteurization processes. These emerging pulsed light (PL), short-wave ultraviolet light (UV-C), ozone and hydrogen
technologies must assure the absence of pathogens like Escherichia coli peroxide, among others. These non-thermal technologies are being
O157:H7 and Salmonella Enteritidis, which may form part of the juice's encouraged for fruit preservation because, without the need for severe
microflora (Vojdani, Beuchat, & Tauxe, 2008), Mencegah dari ragi heating, they cause minimal damage to flavor, texture and nutritional quality
pembusukan, terutama disebabkan oleh Saccharomyces spp. (Armada, 1992), of some foods (Ross, Griffiths, Mittal, & Deeth, 2003).
Dan mencapai peningkatan kualitas (Hogan, Kelly, & Sun 2005). Pulsed light (PL) is a non-thermal technology for microbial decon-
tamination, which involves short time pulses (100400 s) of an intense
broad spectrum between 100 and 1100 nm (Oms-Oliu, Martn-Belloso,
Penulis yang sesuai. Tel .: +54 alamat 11 45763366. E- & Soliva-Fortuny, 2010a). PL has gained increasing attention because of the (S. Guerrero). very short treatment time required to achieve the desired microbial
Sarjana Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas de la Repblica inactivation. The lethal action of PL has been mostly attributed to dimmer
Tel .: +54 11 45.763.366.
formation, which impairs DNA replication and subsequent cell division
Anggota dari Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas de la Repblica
(photochemical effect). In addition, the photothermal and photophysical
Argentina. effects, caused by the high peak power and the visible
1466-8564/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214224 215

to near-infrared portions of PL spectrum, respectively, seem to be involved treatment US + PLc, and v) sensory shelf life of NAJ processed with US+PLc
(US FDA, 2001) and may coexist, leading to cell structure damage (Wekhof, during cold storage.
2000; Takeshita et al., 2003).
The main food parameters that influence PL effectiveness for microbial 2. Materials and methods
inactivation are the intrinsic transparency of the material allowing light
penetration, the reflection coefficient and the surface condition of the item. 2.1. Strains and preparation of inocula
This means that product surface should be smooth, clear and without pores or
grooves which could exert a shadow effect to light penetration in the Experiments were performed using E. coli ATCC 35218, Salmonella
microbial cells, thus decreasing process effectiveness (Gmez-Lpez, Enteritidis MA44 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae KE 162 (all strains were
Ragaert, Debevere, & Devlieghere, 2007; Palmieri & Cacace, 2005). Other generously provided by Medica-Tec SRL, Buenos Aires, Argentina). Initial
parameters such as presence of particulate materials, treatment time, distance bacterial inocula were prepared by transferring a loopful of Trypticase Soy
of sample from the light source, composition of emitting spectrum, volume of Agar plus 0.6%w/w Yeast Extract (TSAYE) slant stock culture to a 20 mL
the sample, number of lamps, orientation, and design of lamps, have a direct Erlenmeyer-flask of Trypticase Soy Broth supplemented with 0.6%w/w Yeast
relevance and affect the samplelight interaction (Pataro et al., 2011). These Extract. The inoculum was incubated at 37 C under agitation for 18 h until it
limitations have suggested PL use under a hurdle approach (Guerrero, reached the stationary phase. A similar procedure was repeated for the yeast
Alzamora, & Ferrario, 2014). cul-ture, where the initial inoculum was prepared by transferring a loopful of
Combining emerging technologies with conventional preserving ones or a fresh stock culture maintained in Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) to an
with other novel techniques to interfere with the homeostatic mecha-nisms of Erlenmeyer-flask containing 20 mL of Sabouraud Dex-trose Broth. Incubation
microorganisms has been successfully explored in the last years (Guerrero, was performed at 27 C for 24 h. All inocula were harvested by centrifugation
Lpez-Malo, & Alzamora, 2001; Guerrero, Tognon, & Alzamora, 2005; (1475 g, 5 min) (Labnet, USA), washed twice with saline and re-suspended in
Ferrante, Guerrero, & Alzamora, 2007; Ferrario, Alzamora, & Guerrero, peptone water to give a cell density of 108109 CFU/mL. All microbiological
2015; Lado & Yousef, 2002; Raso & Barbosa-Cnovas, 2003; Ross et al., procedures were done in a Class II biological safety cabinet (Nuaire Inc.,
2003; Schenk, GarcaLoredo, Raffellini, Alzamora, & Guerrero, 2012). If PL Plymouth, USA). All microbiological media used in this study were from
is combined with other preservation techniques which sensi-tize the organism Britania (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
structure to the action of light, microbial disruption, and then inactivation will
be probably enhanced (Guerrero et al., 2014).
High-intensity ultrasound (US) has been proposed as an emerging method
to disrupt cells by the cavitation phenomenon which produces intense 2.2. Preparation of produce samples
localized changes in pressure and temperature, causing shear-induced
breakdown of cell walls, disruption and thinning of cell mem-branes and In order to evaluate the influence of suspended particles on treat-ment
DNA damage via free radical production (Guerrero et al., 2001 and 2005; efficacy two types of matrices were used, commercial clarified apple juice
Lpez-Malo, Guerrero, & Alzamora, 1999; Ross et al., 2003). Recent studies without any additives (CAJ; CEPITA, Coca-Cola, Argentina; pH: 3.5 0.1;
revealed that the effects of US are multi-targeted, and at least the cell wall, the 11.1 0.9 Brix; A254 nm: 0.031 0.001; A660 nm: 0.063 0.003; particle
cytoplasmic membrane, the DNA, the internal cell structure and the outer size: 1.37 0.15 nm) and centrifuged freshly pressed apple juice (NAJ; Pyrus
membrane are affected by this emerging technology (Alzamora, Guerrero, malus L., var. Granny Smith, pH: 3.5 0.1; 12.6 0.6 Brix; A254 nm: 0.070
Schenk, Raffellini, & Lpez-Malo, 2011; Ananta, Voight, Zenker, Heinz, &
0.007; A660 nm: 0.071 0.005; particle size: 1068.33 137.46 nm) were
Knorr, 2005). US tidak dipertimbangkan untuk digunakan sebagai faktor
used in this study. NAJ was aseptically obtained from apples that were rinsed
pelestarian unik karena tingkat tinggi gelombang ultrasonik yang diperlukan with 0.02% sodium hypochlorite and sterile water to eliminate surface
untuk secara efektif membunuh semua microor-ganisms, merugikan microbial load, and gently dried with a sterile cloth. Juice was obtained under
memodifikasi sifat gizi dan sensori makanan (Ferrante et al., 2007). aseptic condi-tions in a 90% ethanol sanitized and 10 min UV-C exposed
Penggunaan AS dalam kombinasi dengan rintangan lainnya (PL, sinar household apple press (Bluesky, Ningbo, China), centrifuged in order to
ultraviolet, antimikroba alami, sedang tempera-mendatang) telah terbukti reduce pulp amounts (2213 g, 10 min) (Eppendorf, model 5804 R, Hamburg,
meningkatkan inaktivasi mikroba diamati (Arang, Mitilinaki, Guerrero, & Germany), stored in caramel bottles at 80 1 C and defrosted at 4 1 C
Alzamora, 2010; Guerrero et al, 2001 dan 2005.; Ferrante et al., 2007; for its immediate use.
Ferrario, Alzamora, & Guerrero, 2013a).

permintaan konsumen untuk teknologi pengawetan yang mempertahankan 2.3. Measurements of physic chemical juice parameters
kualitas segar seperti telah mengakibatkan meningkatnya minat untuk metode
pengolahan nonthermal (Santhirasegaram, Razali, Soloman George, & Jus kekeruhan diukur dengan sampel mensentrifugasi (198 g,
Somasundram, 2015). Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa selama 15 tahun 10 menit, Eppendorf, Model 5804 R, Hamburg, Jerman), dan mengukur
terakhir banyak dikombinasikan non-thermal preservation processes absorbansi supernatan di 660 nm (Rivas, Rodrigo, Martnez, Barbosa-
involving PL and/or US have been proposed for a varied range of foods, Canovas, & Rodrigo 2006). Pengukuran dilakukan dalam rangkap tiga.
quality aspects have received less attention than microbial stability and safety. Ukuran partikel jus apel mulai dari 0,6 nm ke 6m ditentukan dalam rangkap
In particular, Muoz et al. (2012b) examined pH, Brix, color, non-enzymatic tiga dengan hamburan cahaya dinamis (DLS) pada 20 C dalam Zetasizer
browning and antioxidant activity of apple juice subjected to different Nano-Zs (Malvern, Worcestershire, UK) disediakan dengan Dia-Ne Laser
(633 nm) dan correlator digital (Model ZEN3600). Pengukuran dilakukan
combinations of PL and thermosonication. Whereas, Caminiti et al. (2011 and
padafixed hamburan sudut 173 , dengan rentang pengukuran sesuai dengan
2012) evaluated pH, Brix, color, non-enzymatic browning changes and con-
produsen. Hubungan antara ukuran partikel dan koefisien difusifisien adalah
ducted sensory analysis to evaluate sweetness, acidity, odor and overall
de-fined oleh Stokes-persamaan Einstein (d (H) = (k T) / (3 D))
acceptability of apple juice treated by PEF and PL and orangecarrot blend (Instrumen Malvern, 2004), where, d(H): hydrodynamic diameter (m), D:
subjected to combinations of manothermosonication and PL.
translational diffusion coefficient (m2s1), k: Boltzmann's con-stant (1.38
1023 N m K1), T: absolute temperature (K), and : sol-vent viscosity (N s
The objective of this study was to investigate: i) the effect of single PLc,
or combined with US (US+PLc) on the inactivation of some micro-organisms m2). The intensity distribution obtained was converted to volume
of relevance in fruit juices, ii) the suitability of the Weibull model to distribution, using the Mie theory (Malvern Instruments, 2004). A refractive
characterize single and combined treatment inactivation kinetics, iii) changes index (RI) of 1.35 and an absorption
in color of apple juice after being processed by PLc and US+ PLc and during
cold storage (4 1 C), iv) sensory attri-butes and overall acceptability of
NAJ after applying the combined
216 M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214224

parameter of 0.1 were used, according to the specifications provided by the Tabel 1
manufacturer for colored samples (Malvern Instruments, 2004). For these cahaya berdenyut (PLc) Kondisi perlakuan yang diterapkan untuk jus apel.

studies, uninoculated juice samples were used. PLc kondisi

Dosis per pulsaSebuah 0,398 J / cm2

2.4. Treatments laju alir 155 mL / menit
trb 0,12 s
2.4.1. Ultrasonic treatment frekuensi denyut 3 Hz
lebar pulsa 360 s
pengobatan US dilakukan di sebuah kapal 600 mL-ganda dinding silinder
Tidak Reynolds 220
(diameter 8 cm, tinggi: 13 cm) yang berisi jus (250 ml) yang serial terhubung
nc 1.8
ke mandi air termostatik dikendalikan (HAAKE, Model Rotovisco RV12, waktu perawatan 10 menit
Jerman) , untuk mencapai 25 1 C. USG (Vibracell, output daya bersih: PLc flpengaruhd 0,73 J / cm2
600 Watt, Sonic Bahan Inc, Newtown, CT, USA) pada 20 kHz dan 95,2 Jumlah tertentufimasukan energi c 0,0175 J / mL
(80%)m dari amplitudo gelombang diaplikasikan ke media melalui Jumlah siklus 5
tenggelam 13 mm diameter penyelidikan. Setelah 3 menit dari sonikasi, suhu EEOe 1,8 103-4.1 103 kW h / m3/memesan
yang diinginkan tercapai, dan itu dipertahankan konstan pada 25 1 C di Diukur pada 10 cm dari lampu.
seluruh percobaan. Lima (5) suspensi mililiter mikroba diinokulasi ke dalam waktu tinggal teoritis dihitung sebagai rasio antara volume tabung kuarsa (0,314 mL) dan
flTingkat ow.
kapal dan diperlakukan selama 30 menit. Karena gelembung yang dihasilkan c
Jumlah pulsa dihitung dengan mengalikan tr, Frekuensi denyut (3 Hz) dan jumlah siklus.
oleh proses kavitasi, sistem itu selalu sangat beragam dari awal percobaan. d
PLc flpengaruh dihitung dengan mengalikan dosis per pulsa oleh n.
Suhu sampel terus dipantau oleh thermocouple terpasang ke perangkat AS. e energi listrik per pesanan diperkirakan menurut Bolton et al. (2001).

Disonikasi sampel jus yang segera PLc diproses (pengobatan gabungan AS +

PLc). Percobaan dilakukan dalam rangkap tiga. untuk jus apel yang tercantum dalam Tabel 1. Menurut penelitian
sebelumnya,flpengaruh diukur konstan dalam posisi tengah tabung, dan
sampai 10 cm maju dan mundur dari tempat ini (Gmez, Salvatori, Garca
2.4.2. perawatan ringan berdenyut Loredo, & Alzamora, 2011). Oleh karena itu, hanya 20 cm dari total Panjang
PLc pengobatan dilakukan dengan perangkat RS-3000B Steripulse-XL masing-masing tabung terkena PL (Gambar. 1), Sementara wilayah non-
(Xenon Corporation, Wilmington, MA, USA), yang menghasilkan radiasi terbuka dari tabung tertutup untuk memblokir paparan cahaya. Inlet dan outlet
polychro-matic dalam panjang gelombang berkisar 200-1100 nm sesuai-ing dari jus ke tabung serial terhubung dilakukan oleh autoclavableflselang
ke pro spektralfile disediakan oleh produsen (xenon Corporation, 2008). Ini fleksibel (Cole-Parmer, Guruflex, L / S 15, Illinois, USA), yang dibuang ke
dihasilkan intensitas tinggi PL pada tingkat pulsa 3 pulsa / s dan lebar pulsa sebuah kapal 400 mL mengalami agitasi dan direndam dalam air-mandi es.
360 s. Menurut tertentu yangfikation yang disediakan oleh produsen, pulsa sampel jus diambil secara berkala dari kapal. Daerah terbuka dari tabung
masing-masing disampaikan 1,27 J / cm2untuk masukan dari 3800 V di 1,9 kuarsa adalah countersunk di alur di unit aluminium yang mengandung
cm di bawah permukaan jendela kuarsa lampu. Juice (250 ml) dituangkan ke pendingin yang beredar. Juice tem-perature selalu di bawah 25 C. Dengan
dalam kapal dan disirkulasikan pada 155 mL / menit menggunakan pompa asumsi bahwa seluruh volume jus dirawat dalam satu siklus, dosis PL yang
peristaltik (CPX-400, Cole Parmer, Illinois, USA) melalui dua tabung kuarsa berbeda diperoleh dengan mul-mengalikan dosis satu siklus dengan jumlah
berturut-turut (1 mm id 20 cm panjang) ditempatkan 10 cm di bawah sumber
siklus yang sesuai untuk setiap waktu perawatan. Dosis yang sesuai dengan
cahaya terkena PLc selama 10 menit (maksimum flPengaruh: 0,73 J / cm2, satu siklus dihitung sesuai denganPataro et al. (2011) (Tabel 1).
Maksimum masukan energi total: 0,0175 J / mL) (Gambar. 1). Hanya untuk
studi tantangan mikroba, 5 ml di-oculum ditambahkan ke 245 mL jus. PLc Semua percobaan dilakukan dalam rangkap tiga. Sebelum digunakan, PLc
kondisi perlakuan yang diterapkan de-wakil itu benar-benar flushed dengan air suling steril. Setelah pengobatan,

Aliran udara

lampu rumah

10 cm

modul power / control

pompa Persitaltic 20 cm alur

tabung kuarsa
logam kandang
Data logger

Sistem pendingin


Gambar. 1. diagram skematik yang terus menerus flow-melalui sistem cahaya berdenyut (PLc) .suatu bagian putih dari dua tabung kuarsa serial terhubung mewakili daerah terkena PLc.
M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Ilmu Inovatif Makanan dan Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214-224 217
tc n 1 =n& =b1=n 4
10 menit pembersihan mencuci dengan 5% v / v larutan natrium hipoklorit itu
dilakukan dengan diikuti oleh air suling steril.
Untuk gabungan AS + PL yangc perawatan, 250 ml pra-disonikasi (20
kHz, 95,2 m, 30 menit, 25 1 C, jus yang segera PLc (155 mL / menit, 0-
0,73 J / cm2, 0-0,0175 J / mL, diproses seperti dijelaskan di atas). sampel
yang tidak diobati diinokulasi digunakan sebagai kontrol. evolusi tem-
perature jus selama PLc pengobatan dimonitor menggunakan termokopel T-
jenis terhubung ke data logger Digi-Rasa Model 69.202-30 (Barnant Divisi
Perusahaan, Barrington, USA). Semua percobaan dilakukan dalam rangkap

2.4.3. energi listrik per estimasi rangka

energi listrik per pesanan (EEO), Sebuah fiangka-of-jasa yang defined
sebagai energi listrik di kilowatt jam [kWh] yang dibutuhkan untuk
mengurangi beban mikroba yang diberikan oleh salah satu urutan besarnya
dalam 1 m3 sampel yang terkontaminasi, dihitung untuk menentukan energi
yang terlibat dikirimkan ke perawatan AS dan PL dan dengan demikian, ef
merekafisiensi menonaktifkan mikroorganisme yang berbeda. ItuEEO nilai
diperkirakan menurut persamaan yang diusulkan oleh Bolton, Bircher,
Tumas, dan Tolman (2001) untuk batch dan flow-melalui operasi dalam
sistem listrik-energi-driven.

2.5. Penelitian tantangan mikroba dan pemodelan prediktif

Untuk tes tantangan mikroba, E. coli, S. enteritidis dan S. cerevisiae

secara terpisah diinokulasi di CAJ sementara hanya satu mantan di NAJ.
Setelah inokulasi, sampel jus segera dirawat oleh tunggal PLc dan gabungan
(AS + PLc) Perawatan sesuai dengan metodologi yang dijelaskan sebelumnya
di bagian 2.4. Pada interval waktu yang dipilih, sampel tripli-cate diambil
untuk analisis selamat. air pepton (0,1% b / v) aliquots sepuluh kali lipat
pengenceran yang permukaan berlapis oleh duplikat ke TSAYE untuk E. coli
dan S. enteritidis, atau PDA untuk S. cerevisiae menggunakan plater spiral
(Autoplate 4000, Spiral Biotech, USA). Ketika pengobatan PL
mengakibatkan jumlah rendah (waktu pengobatan lebih lama), 1-mL jus buah
langsung tuangkan berlapis dalam setiap cawan Petri. Pelat diinkubasi selama
72 jam pada 37 1 C (bakteri) dan 27 1 C (ragi), masing-masing.
Sebuah penghitungan grid digunakan untuk penghitungan koloni dalam kasus
plating spiral. kurva survival yang dihasilkan dari data eksperimen dengan
memplot log N / N0 (Di mana N adalah jumlah CFU / mL pada waktu tertentu
dan N0 jumlah awal CFU / mL) dibandingkan total spesifikfimasukan energi c
(J / mL).
Data inaktivasi mikroba yang sesuai dengan mikro-organisme yang
diinokulasi dalam sampel jus apel yang fitted dengan bentuk kumulatif
distribusi jenis Weibull resistensi (Peleg & Cole, 1998):

S t N
mencatat 0 -b:tn 1
dimana S (t) adalah sebagian kecil dari korban pada waktu tertentu dan b dan
n adalah skala dan parameter bentuk, masing-masing. Mereka diturunkan
menggunakan teknik regresi nonlinear. Nilai-nilai b dan n kemudian
digunakan untuk menghasilkan kurva frekuensi resistensi dengan
menggunakan persamaan berikut:

dtc b:n:tcn-1 exp -b:tcn 2
di mana tc adalah ukuran resistensi organisme atau sensitivitas dan d/ dtc
adalah distribusi Weibull sesuai dengan tc. parameter lain statistik yang lebih
menjelaskan frekuensi yang diamati (modus distribusi, t cm, Mean, varians,
TC2, Dan koefisienfisien kecondongan. 1) Dihitung dari persamaan
berikut (Peleg & Cole, 1998):

tcm n-1 =nb&1=n 3

n Hai
s berbeda-ences di L *, a *, b * dan BI / BIHai nilai-nilai yang sesuai dengan jus
n 2 - n 1 a 2
sesuai dengan faktor-faktor pengobatan dan waktu dan interaksi
2 h

2 5
tc bn
h saya
n 3=n =b3=n
1 h saya3=2 6
n 2=n =b2=n

dimana adalah fungsi gamma. Modus distribusi, tcm, Merupakan waktu

pengobatan di mana mayoritas penduduk meninggal atau tidak aktif. Mean,
tc, Sesuai dengan waktu inaktivasi rata-rata dengan varians nya, 2tc.
Itukecondongan koefisien, 1, Repre-sents condong distribusi.

Selain itu, dalam rangka untuk membandingkan sensitivitas

mikroorganisme untuk PLc dan US + PLc perawatan, pengurangan desimal
(D10) Dosis nilai yang ob-tained dari bagian linier dari dosis-kurva survival
respon (Koutchma & Parisi 2004).

2.6. Asliflora

Dalam rangka untuk mengetahui pengaruh AS + PLc perawatan di evolu-

tion pribumi flora di NAJ, diinokulasi dan disimpan semalam (dalam rangka
meningkatkan mikro asliflora jus level) apel digunakan untuk penelitian ini.
Kontrol dan dirawat oleh AS + PLc sampel dibagikan ke 10 mL karamel
flmeminta dan dingin disimpan (4 1 C) selama 10 hari. Sepanjang
penyimpanan, tigaflmeminta diambil pada interval waktu yang telah
ditetapkan (24-72 h) untuk analisis dalam rangkap tiga total aerobik mesofilik
dan ragi dan jamur sur-vivors. Jumlah populasi aerobik mesofilik ditentukan
pada Lempeng Count Agar (PCA, Britania SA, Argentina) piring diinkubasi
selama 72 jam pada 37 1 C, sedangkan ragi dan jamur populasi dikultur
pada Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA, Britania, Buenos Aires, Argentina ; pH: 3.5
disesuaikan dengan asam) piring tartrat dan diinkubasi pada 25 1 C
selama 5 hari. Plot log N terhadap waktu pengobatan diperoleh. Jumlah total
tidak melebihi 107 CFU / mL untuk koloni aerobik diambil sebagai syarat
perjanjian-ing ke Badan Perlindungan Kesehatan (2009).

2.7. pengukuran warna

Warna jus diukur dengan tristimulus re genggamflec-dikan

spectrocolorimeter (Minolta Co Model CM-508-d, Jepang) dengan
menggunakan 1,4 mengukur aperture dengan latar belakang putih dan hitam.
Con-trol, PLC dan US + PLC sampel secara aseptik dibagikan ke 10 mL
karamel flbertanya di rangkap empat. Mereka segera disimpan dalam gelap
pada 4 1 C selama 12 hari. Selama penyimpanan, tigaflmeminta setiap
Condi-tion diambil pada interval waktu yang telah ditetapkan untuk
penentuan. Tiga
(3) mililiter sampel diukur menggunakan C iluminan dan 2 ob-server.
Sebelum tes, instrumen dikalibrasi dengan standar yang disediakan oleh
produsen. Koordinat warna CIE (X, Y, Z) dan L (ringan), seorang * (green-
merah), dan b * (biru-kuning) komponen ruang CIELAB dicatat. Nilai-nilai
numerik con-verted keindeks browning (BI) fungsi warna menggunakan
Pers. (7) dan
(8) (Buera, Lozano, & Petriella 1986).

A 100x-0:31 & 7

x X Y Z 8

Perubahan relatif antara BI sesuai dengan waktu penyimpanan tertentu
dan awal BI (BI / BIHai) Dianalisis pada interval waktu yang telah ditetapkan.
analisis multi-variate varians (MANOVA) diaplikasikan untuk mendeteksi
218 M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Ilmu Inovatif Makanan dan Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214-224

pengobatan * waktu. signifitingkat cance ditetapkan sebesar p b 0.05. presented in red plastic glasses at consume temperature (15 mL; 5 8 C).
multivariat outlier yang terdeteksi oleh jarak Mahalanobis dan dihapus dari Consumers were instructed to taste each sample and answer if they would be
kumpulan data. Dalam kasusfinding signifiperbedaan tidak bisa, perbandingan willing to consume it by selecting a positive (yes) or neg-ative (no) response.
post-hoc mul-tiple antara sarana multivariat faktor dilakukan dengan uji Water was available for rinsing between sample evaluations, which were
Hotelling berdasarkan koreksi Bonferroni. Statistik anal-yses dilakukan carried out in individual booths under white light (ISO 8589:, 1988). The
dengan menggunakan InfoStat 2009 (InfoStat Group, FCA-UNC, Crdoba, survival function S(t) can be defined as the probability of a consumer
Argentina). accepting a product beyond time t, so S(t) = P(T N t). Alternatively, the
cumulative distribution rejection func-tion F(t) = 1 S(t), can be defined as
the probability of a consumer of rejecting the juice sample before time t, that
2.8. studi sensorik is F(t) = P(T t), T being the storage time at which the consumer rejects the
sample (Hough, 2010). As usual, survival data is not normally distributed;
Hanya gabungan (AS + PL yangc) Pengobatan dievaluasi dengan metode models such as log-linear, log-normal and Weibull distribution for estimating
ini sen-sory karena fulfiLLS persyaratan pengurangan 5 log di patogen yang T are chosen (Klein & Moeschberger, 1997). The Weibull distribution was
dikeluarkan oleh FDA (USFDA 2001). Dikombinasikan (AS + PLc) the model that better fitted rejection data among other models in a pre-vious
Diperlakukan sampel NAJ yang sensorik dievaluasi oleh panelis terlatih untuk trial (data not shown).
menentukan penerimaan secara keseluruhan dan beberapa parameter sensorik
yang relevan dengan menerapkan konsumen fiuji lapangan. Selain itu, The rejection function given by the Weibull model is:
kehidupan rak sensorik dari gabungan proc-essed sampel NAJ disimpan di
bawah pendingin (4 1 C) diperkirakan oleh Analisis Metodologi ln

Kelangsungan Hidup (SAM).

F t 1 exp exp 9
2.8.1. Konsumenfiuji lapangan where and are the model's parameters.
Tujuh puluh tujuh (77) relawan yang belum dibayar direkrut dari personil The shelf life of US+PLc processed NAJ samples was defined as the time
dan mahasiswa Aires Universitas Buenos, 40 laki-laki dan 37 perempuan corresponding to a predefined percentage of rejection by con-sumers, which
berusia 25-55 tahun dan konsumen dari jus apel, berpartisipasi dalam tes was fixed at 25% (P25) and 50% (P50) in the present study. According to
monadik. Setiap subjek dievaluasi 15 mL sampel NAJ diobati dengan US + SAM, subjects who rejected the stored sample at time 0 were discarded from
PLc. Sampel disampaikan kepada para panelis di mengkonsumsi marah-K the analysis, and only the responses which met this criterion, were analyzed.
arakteristik (5-7 C) dalam gelas plastik merah. Evaluasi dilakukan di dalam Due to the large amount of par-ticipants and juice samples that were needed
terbagi bilik bawah cahaya putih (ISO 8589 :, 1988). Kuesioner ini dirancang to comply with this proce-dure, only the juice subjected to the combined
sesuai dengan rekomendasi umum yang dikutip olehLawless dan Heymann treatment US+PLc was evaluated. Survival analysis calculations were
(2010) untuk jenis tes. Pertama, subyek diperintahkan untuk menilai performed using the free software R statistical package 3.1.1 (www.r-
penerimaan umum dari setiap sampel pada skala hedonik sembilan poin (1
tidak suka sangat; 9 seperti sangat), barang yang segera diikuti oleh
pertanyaan-pertanyaan terbuka untuk menyukai atau tidak menyukai dengan 3. Results and discussion
tepat melewatkan pola. Pola melompat turun alasan untuk menyukai jika
responden adalah positif, dan kemudian diperiksa tidak suka apapun, dan 3.1. Effects of single and combined PL treatments on
sebaliknya. Selain itu, lebih spesifikfic attri-butes diselidiki melalui inoculated microorganisms
penggunaan intensitas dan skala 5-point tepat. Secara khusus, apelflavor
dievaluasi dalam skala Inten-sity pendek dengan ujung berlabel (1: tanpa During PLc treatments, juice temperature increased with time due to the
apple flavor; 5: terlalu banyak apelflavor). rasa asam jus ini dievaluasi dalam energy absorption (Ferrario et al., 2013a). On average, temperature of treated
skala tepat diberi label sebagai tidak cukup asam di ujung kiri; sangat samples after 0.73 J/cm2 (0.0175 J/mL) of PLc, increased by 4.4 0.3 C and
asam di ujung kanan, dan pas in the middle. Previous to each session, each 6.7 0.5 C for NAJ and CAJ, respectively. Nevertheless, the final
scale and terminology contained in the questionnaire was explained several temperature of the juices subjected to single US, PLc and US+PLc was always
times until the panelists fully understood. Data obtained from panelists were below 25 C (data not shown).
analyzed by converting assigned positions into numbers. Results were Fig. 2 shows experimental and predicted by Weibull model S. Enteritidis,
reported as an average of the individual values. Responses from open-ended E. coli and S. cerevisiae inactivation curves in CAJ and E. coli inactivation
questions were collected and qualitatively analyzed by grouping into curve in NAJ processed by single PLc or the combined US+PLc treatment at
categories the common attributes described by the panel-ists. An different doses.
agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out using weighted In general, PLc inactivation curves resulted in linear, reaching 4.2 and 1.8
average linkage and Euclidean distance to find whether there was log reductions in CAJ for S. Enteritidis and S. cerevisiae, respectively, at a
segmentation in the preference of consumers for the NAJ processed by US maximum dose of 0.73 J/cm2 (0.0175 J/mL, EEO: 1.8 103 4.1 103
+PLc (Lawless, 2013). Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to kWh/m3/order) (Fig. 2a, b, c), while 3.1 log reductions were obtained for E.
illustrate the association between the scores obtained for the overall coli in both juices (Fig. 2d). In a previous published work we investigated the
impression with the ones corresponding to the juice's attri-bute evaluation. inactivation of E. coli, S. Enteritidis and
The overall goodness of fit was measured by the cophenetic correlation S. cerevisiae by PL (batch mode operation, 2.471.6 J/cm2, T b 12 C, EEO:
coefficient (CCC) (Lawless, 2013). An adequate fit for the cluster and PCA 6.2 1063.8 107 kWh/m3/order) in commercial (pH: 3.5, 12.5 Brix) and
analyses is described by a CCC value close to naturally squeezed (pH: 3.4, 11.8 Brix) apple juices
(Ferrario et al., 2013a). In that study, inactivation curves showed an im-
portant decay during the first 10 s of treatment (b12 J/cm2) followed by a
1. Statistical analyses were carried out using InfoStat 2009 (InfoStat Group, second period with a lower microbial decrease. In contrast with those
FCA-UNC, Crdoba, Argentina). findings, in the present work, overall PLc and US+ PLc survival curves
resulted linear. In addition, batch mode PL resulted more effective in CAJ
2.8.2. Sensory shelf life estimation than NAJ due to the lower absorbance, reflection and scattering of light of the
Survival Analysis Methodology (SAM) was used to estimate the sen-sory former juice, whereas in the present study no significant differences in E. coli
shelf life of NAJ processed by US+PLc and stored at 4 1 C for 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 inactivation by single or combined continuous flow-through PL of CAJ and
or 7 days. Eighty (80) untrained volunteers who were apple juice consumers, NAJ were observed. The difference in the
from the Buenos Aires University staff, participated in the test. Each panelist
evaluated all NAJ samples corresponding to the dif-ferent storage times
previously mentioned, which were randomly
M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214224 219

1 1
0 0
-1 -1


-2 -2
-3 -3
0 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018 -7
0 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018
Dose (J/mL)
Dose (J/mL)

1 1
0 0
-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3
-4 -4
-5 -5
-6 -6
-7 -7
0 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018 0 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018
Dose (J/mL) Dose (J/mL)

Fig. 2. Experimental survival curves (points) and fitted values derived from the Weibull model (line) for S. Enteritidis (a), E. coli (b) and S. cerevisiae (c) treated in CAJ, and for E. coli in NAJ (d).
PLc () or US+PLc (). (I) Standard deviation.

survival curve shape may be attributed to the lower fluence applied in the E. coli log reductions (Fig. 2d). Therefore, US+PLc treatment exhibited an
present work. Notwithstanding, it is important to highlight that PLc was more additive effect as the inactivation obtained after combination of the mentioned
effective in inactivating these microorganisms than batch mode PL in apple hurdles was equal to the sum of both effects taken separate-ly. The EEO
juice, as 1.84.2 log cycles were achieved after applying 0.73 J/cm 2 of PLc, values (EEO: 441,8001,104,100 kWh/m3/order) estimat-ed for the
whereas 0.41.7 were obtained after expo-sure to batch mode PL at the combined treatment US + PLc, as the sum of the individual EEOs, were
lowest dose examined (2.4 J/cm2). More-over, the continuous PL operation closer to the EEO corresponding to the single US treatment since this value
used in this study seemed to be more efficient since its EEO value was was significantly higher in proportion (23 orders of magnitude) than the
approximately 3 orders of magni-tude lower than the EEO estimated for EEO value corresponding to PLc. Literature focused on EEO estimation is
batch mode PL (Ferrario et al., 2013a). In concordance with this study, Pataro available mainly for measurements of the cost ef-fectiveness of UV based
et al. (2011) reported similar inactivation of E. coli (~ 3 log-cycles) in apple AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) systems (Behnajady, Vahid,
juice (pH: 3.5, 10.9 Brix) after PL exposure (continuous device without Modirshahla, & Shokri, 2009; Li, Hokanson, Crittenden, Trussell, &
recirculation, 0.05.5 J/cm2). Despite the fact that they observed a change in Minakata, 2008). Unfortunately, there is a lack of information regarding EEO
the inac-tivation curve slope after PL exposure at a dose of 2.5 J/cm2, they did estimation for reducing microbial load in juices or other food matrixes
not study microbial inactivation at low doses as in the present work. processed by PL or UV-C light for com-parison purposes.
Moreover, Muoz et al. (2012a) studied the inactivation of E. coli and L.
innocua by PL in a continuous device (without recirculation, 3.3 J/cm 2, 42.5 Muoz et al. (2012a) studied the combination of PL (42.5 J/mL, 0.019 m
J/mL) in citric aciddisodium phosphate buffer reporting 3.6 and 2.7 log from the lamp) with thermosonication (TS, 500 W, 20 KHz, 4850 C, 100
reduction cycles, respectively. In addition, Muoz et al. (2012b) obtained 3.1 J/mL) in a continuous flow system, for inactivating E. coli and L. innocua
inoculated in buffer solutions (pH 4.0, for E. coli and pH 7.0, for L. innocua).
and 4.9 log reductions of E. coli after 4.0 J/cm2 (51.5 J/mL) and 5.1 J/cm2
They observed that the combined treatment contributed to an additive
(65.4 J/mL) PL exposure (continuous flow) in CAJ (pH: 3.6, 12 Brix). In the
present study, a higher distance from the lamp and a lower residence time increase in the inactivation by PLs for Listeria innocua, but not for E. coli.
were assayed, thus obtaining a lower PL dose compared to the reported liter- Moreover, Palgan et al. (2011a) reported that combinations of PL (continuous
ature, but recirculation of juice ensured similar microbial inactivation values. device, 0.019 m from the lamp, 3.3 J/cm2) and manothermosonication (20
kHz, 43 C, 750 W, 400 kPa) led to 6 log reductions of E. coli and Pichia
fermentans in a fresh blend of apple cranberry juice. These authors were not
able to detect the presence or absence of synergistic or additive effects as very
When US (EEO: 4.4 1051.1 106 kWh/m3/order) was applied prior low counts which were obtained after the application of combined treatments.
to PLc treatment, slight differences in the shape of the PLc survival curves Besides, Muoz et al. (2011 and 2012b) studied the combi-nation of PL (35
were observed comparing to single PLc treated samples. The use of single US C, 4.035.10 J/cm2) and TS (24 kHz, 400 W, 14 mL/min, 40 C or 8
resulted in scarce inactivation as 2.0, 1.4 and 1.1 log reduc-tions of S. mL/min, 53 C) in the inactivation of E. coli in orange and apple juices in a
Enteritidis, E. coli and S. cerevisiae were achieved in CAJ after 30 min of US continuous device. In agreement with our results, they found that the
treatment, respectively (Fig. 2a, b, c). Subsequent PLc treat-ment invoked combined treatments showed an additive effect, reaching ~ 5.0 log reductions
additional reductions of 4.2, 3.1 and 1.8 log cycles for these strains (Fig. 2a, in apple juice and ~ 3.2 log in orange juice. In a previous research, we also
b, c). Consequently, the combined treatment US + PLc led up to 6.3, 5.9 and observed an additive effect when applying US (600 W, 20 kHz and 95.2 m
3.7 log reductions for S. Enteritidis, E. coli and S. cerevisiae, respectively, in wave amplitude; 10 or 30 min at 20, 30 or 44 1 C) combined with PL
CAJ (Fig. 2a, b, c). Conversely, 2.7 and 3.1 log reductions of E. coli in NAJ (batch mode, 23.9 or 71.6 J/cm2, Tfinal: 1256 C) in S. cerevisiae cells in
were obtained after single US and PLc, respectively, while application of US CAJ and NAJ
+ PLc, provoked 5.7
220 M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214224

Table 2
Decimal reduction dose (D10), Weibull model parameters (b and n) and related statisticsa corresponding to E. coli, S. cerevisiae and S. Enteritidis survival in CAJ and NAJ treated with PL c or

System Strain First-order model Weibull model

D t v
10 R2adj b n R2adj cm tc 2tc 1

2 n 2
(J/cm ) (min ) () (min) (min) (min ) ()
PLc/CAJ S. Enteritidis 5.97*** 0.99 0.36*** 1.08*** 0.99 0.23 2.50 5.37 1.97
(0.23) (0.05) (0.07)
E. coli 4.18*** 0.98 0.27*** 1.05*** 0.98 0.19 3.41 10.57 2.02
(0.23) (0.07) (0.12)
S. cerevisiae 2.84*** 0.99 0.11** 1.22*** 0.98 1.50 5.72 22.20 1.78
(0.14) (0.03) (0.12)
PLc/NAJ E. coli 4.43*** 0.95 0.49** 0.81*** 0.95 2.70 11.35 2.69
(0.37) (0.11) (0.11)
US+PLc/CAJ S. Enteritidis 5.67*** 0.99 0.58*** 0.84*** 0.99 2.10 6.29 2.58
(0.22) (0.09) (0.07)
E. coli 6.40*** 0.99 0.49*** 0.97*** 0.99 2.11 4.75 2.19
(0.19) (0.04) (0.04)
S. cerevisiae 3.63*** 0.93 0.04** 1.78*** 0.98 3.84 5.42 9.93 1.40
(0.37) (0.01) (0.14)
US+PLc/NAJ E. coli 4.17*** 0.99 0.19*** 1.19*** 0.99 0.86 3.80 10.30 1.81
(0.22) (0.04) (0.10)
(value), standard error of each parameter. The Weibull model: tcm, distribution mode, tc distribution mean, tc variance, and v1 coefficient of skewness.
Significant at the 0.1% level.
Significant at the 1% level.
R2adj, adjusted determination coefficient for both models.

(Ferrario et al., 2015). It is worthy to note that the majority of binary or Overall, S. Enteritidis and E. coli PLc survival curves showed n values
ternary non-thermal treatment combinations reported in the literature around 1, as expected for a linear response. In contrast, S. cerevisiae survival
described additive more than synergy inactivation responses (Guerrero et al., curves exhibited downward concavity (n N 1, Table 2). No differences in the
2014). weibullian related statistics corre-sponding to E. coli were observed for each
Nonlinear semilogarithmic survival curves were characterized by the treatment between CAJ and NAJ indicating that applied treatments showed
Weibull distribution of resistance model. Table 2 displays the estimated similar effective-ness in both matrixes (Table 2). S. Enteritidis showed the
highest sensitivity to both treatments as it exhibited the lowest mean,
parameters obtained from fitting single PLc and US + PLc experimental data followed by E. coli and S. cerevisiae. Consistently with the mean values
to this model, and it also enumerates the specific sta-tistics related to the
obtained, decimal reduction doses (D10) also reflected that S. Enteritidis
weibullian distribution calculated according to Eqs. (3) to (6). The weibullian
model was appropriate for representing survival data, as the estimated proved to be the most sensitive strain to PLc, followed by E. coli and S.
parameters were significant (p b 0.01). High R2adj values were obtained cerevisiae in apple juice (Table 2). In addition, E. coli and S. cerevisiae
which showed that between 95.0% and 99.1% of the variation in the showed higher D10 values when US + PLc was applied compared to those
experimental data could be explained by the selected model (Table 2). corresponding to PLc processed CAJ

a 0.7

n -1 )

(min )





0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018 0 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018
Dose (J/mL) Dose (J/mL)

c d
in -1 )
(min 1 )






0.3 0.4
0 0
0 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018 0 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018
Dose (J/mL) Dose (J/mL)

Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of resistances corresponding to S. Enteritidis (a), E. coli (b), and S. cerevisiae (c) in CAJ, and E. coli (d) in NAJ survival curves treated with PLc () or US+PLc ( ).
M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214224 221

(Table 2), suggesting the higher sensitivity of these strains to the combined single PL (batch mode, 71.6 J/cm2) in apple, orange and strawberry juices,
treatment. and no significant differences in the evolution of treated and con-trol samples
In agreement with our findings, several studies reported that the Weibull during storage at 5 C. Conversely, the delay in the mold and yeast recovery
model could quantitatively describe microbial inactivation by PL in liquid observed in the present study could be attributed to an additive inhibitory
(Ferrario et al., 2013a; Sauer & Moraru, 2009; Uesugui, Woodling, & effect between US and PLc. In agreement, Palgan et al. (2011b) studied the
Moraru, 2007), and in solid substrates (Bialka, Demirci, & Puri, 2008; Izquier shelf life of a blend of apple and cranberry juice treated with a combination of
& Gmez-Lpez, 2011). PL (continuous flow, 360 s, 3 Hz, 1.213 J/cm2/pulse) and PEF (34 kV/cm,
The frequency distributions, generated according to Eq. (3) corre- 18 Hz, 93 s) during cold storage. They reported that although no counts of
sponding to microbial survival curves in apple juice treated by PLc and mesophilic aerobes and molds and yeasts were observed after PL treatment,
US+PLc are shown in Fig. 3. Frequency distributions corresponding to S. an increase of 2 log-cycles was obtained for both after 14 days of storage at 4
Enteritidis and E. coli in CAJ treated by PLc exhibited mode, while US + PLc C.
ones did not; therefore, the combined treatment improved the observed
inactivation for these strains (Fig. 3ab). S. cerevisiae in CAJ treated with
3.3. Color measurement
PLc and US+PLc, exhibited a large mode and a notori-ous tail, and high
variance compared to the frequency shapes corre-sponding to the other strains
(Fig. 3c), according to its high resistance to death by PL. No differences were The evolution of average L*, a*, b* and BI/BIo values corresponding to
observed for frequency distributions of resistances corresponding to E. coli US+PLc treated CAJ and NAJ during storage at 4 1 C are presented in
subjected to single PLc or US+PLc (Fig. 3d). Table 3. The two-way MANOVA revealed the significance of the cross-
product term time treatment (p b 0.001), indicating that the evolution of
It is worthy to remark that previous studies have shown the exis-tence of juice color depended on the applied treatment.
viable non-culturable cells (VBNC) after single PL exposure (Ferrario, Immediately after treatment, CAJ samples processed by PLc and US+PLc
Guerrero, & Alzamora, 2013b; Rowan , Valdramidis, & Gmez-Lpez 2015), exhibited a decrease in a* and an increase in b* values with re-spect to the
which are incapable of undergoing cellular divi-sion, but are metabolic active control samples, while US+PLc treated samples exhibited the lowest
cells, which could seriously affect shelf life in PL treated foods (Zhao et al., luminosity. During refrigerated storage of CAJ samples, L* in-creased and a*
2011). Nevertheless, recent studies showed that apple juice subjected to the decreased in control single PLc samples turning them less green and with
combination of US (10, higher luminosity. On the other hand, US+PLc treated CAJ samples exhibited
30 min, T: 20 or 44 C) and PL (batch mode, 71.6 J/cm2, Tfinal: 12 or a decrease in b* value (more bluish samples) dur-ing cold storage (Table 3a).
56 C) treatments ensured the absence of these VBNC (Ferrario, Alzamora,
& Guerrero, 2014). Regarding NAJ samples, they exhibited a decrease in L* and an in-crease
in b* values immediately after PLc and US+ PLc treatment with respect to
3.2. Native flora control samples. The highest b* values were recorded for

The evolution of native flora (mesophilic aerobes and yeasts and molds) Table 3
existent in NAJ without any treatment (control) and after US + PLc treatment Mean values and standard deviations () of color parameters and BI/BIo function corre-
sponding to commercial apple juice, CAJ (a) and natural apple juice, NAJ (b) with different
during the 10 day-storage (4 1 C) is shown in Fig. 4. The aerobic treatments and cold stored for 12 days.
mesophilic and mold and yeast counts were 2.2 and 2.5 log CFU/mL in
control NAJ, respectively, while 2.2 and 2.0 log CFU/ mL were obtained after Treatment Time (day) L* a* b* BI/BIo sda

the combined treatment. Despite the fact that US+PLc was not able to reduce a)
Control 0 42.8 0.6 2.4 0.2 8.9 0.6 1.0 0.1 b
the indigenous flora counts immediately after treatment, it prevented its
2 49.4 0.7 2.7 0.1 10.9 0.4 1.1 0.0 ce
recovery for 6 days. While by this day, untreated yeast and mold counts 5 48.3 0.2 2.8 0.1 10.9 0.5 1.1 0.0 cd
increased by more than 2 log cycles. Besides, the recommended limit for 7 49.2 0.4 2.8 0.0 11.2 0.7 1.3 0.1 e
aerobic mesophilic counts (Health Protection Agency, 2009) was not 12 47.7 0.3 2.7 0.2 9.8 0.7 1.0 0.4 d
exceeded by 10 days of refrigerated storage. Previous studies demonstrated PLc 0 41.7 0.4 3.4 0.1 12.1 0.2 1.0 0.0 a
(Ferrario et al., 2015) a scarce de-crease of aerobic mesophilic and mold and 2 49.0 0.4 3.8 0.1 14.1 1.0 1.0 0.1 h
5 48.9 0.7 3.8 0.1 13.7 0.5 1.0 0.1 fh
yeast counts after exposure to
7 48.5 0.3 3.8 0.1 13.7 0.5 1.0 0.0 h
12 48.6 0.8 3.6 0.1 11.8 0.4 0.9 0.0 f
US+PLc 0 41.3 0.2 3.3 0.1 14.0 0.9 1.0 0.1 g
8 2 42.5 0.8 3.3 0.1 11.8 0.9 0.8 0.1 i
5 43.0 0.8 3.2 0.1 11.2 0.7 0.7 0.1 i
7 7 43.0 0.2 3.3 0.1 12.4 0.3 0.8 0.0 i
12 42.3 0.8 3.4 0.1 12.7 0.4 0.9 0.0 gi

4 b)

5 Control 0 49.3 0.4 1.3 0.2 5.19 0.7 1.00 0.2 fg

2 49.6 0.2 1.2 0.0 5.23 0.6 1.03 0.1 fg
5 49.0 0.3 1.2 0.1 4.88 0.5 0.95 0.1 fg
1.2 0.1

7 49.1 0.6 5.39 0.4 1.08 0.1 fg


3 12 49.1 0.3 1.1 0.1 5.81 0.5 1.19 0.1 f


PLc 0 48.0 0.1 1.5 0.1 10.43 1.2 1.00 0.1 de

2 2 47.7 0.2 1.4 0.1 11.40 0.7 1.12 0.1 d
5 47.5 0.3 1.5 0.2 10.06 0.3 0.97 0.1 e
1 7 47.6 0.3 1.3 0.1 10.21 0.5 1.00 0.1 e
12 47.6 0.3 1.2 0.1 10.72 0.3 1.07 0.0 de
0 US+PLc 0 36.9 0.6 0.8 0.1 23.33 0.9 1.00 0.0 bc
0 2 4 6 8 10
2 37.1 1.5 1.0 0.1 23.00 1.7 0.98 0.1 bc
Storage time (day) 5 38.0 0.7 1.0 0.1 22.90 1.0 0.96 0.1 c
7 37.8 0.8 1.0 0.1 23.15 1.0 0.99 0.1 c
12 36.7 0.5 1.0 0.1 22.73 0.6 1.01 0.2 b
Fig. 4. Evolution of indigenous flora in NAJ stored at 4 1 C. Control (dotted line) and
US+PLc treated (solid line) of mesophilic aerobic () and yeast and mold counts (). (I) a
Different letters indicate significant differences (sd) among mean values performed by the
Standard deviation. Hotelling test based on the Bonferroni correction.
222 M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214224

the combined treatment (less bluish samples), while PLc samples were less 3
sour apple flavour
green (lowest a*) followed by control and US+PLc treated samples (Table
3b). During cold storage of all treated NAJ samples, no differences in color
parameters were observed.
2 4
Interestingly, BI/BIo values corresponding to US + PLc treated CAJ and C1

0 7 6 9
NAJ samples were the lowest (p b 0.05), indicating that the combined 2 8
treatment prevented them from turning darker and brown-ish. It is well known
that enzymatic browning is a consequence of poly-phenol oxidase (PPO)
catalyzed oxidation of phenolic substrates into quinones, which undergo

PC 2
further reactions which produce dark pig-ments called melanins. Oms-Oliu,
Aguil-Aguayo, Martn-Belloso, and Soliva-Fortuny (2010b) reported that
mushrooms flashed at doses below 12 J/cm2 prevented samples from turning -2
darker compared to untreated ones, suggesting that PPO could be inhibited by
PL. According-ly, Manzocco, Panozzo, and Nicoli (2013) studied the
inactivation of PPO solutions (potassium phosphate buffer) by PL (batch
mode, 01.75 J/cm2) observing that enzyme activity progressively decreased
as fluence increased, obtaining up to 7.623.4% activity, depending on the -3 -2 0 2 3
initial enzyme concentration. Moreover, US treatment (75373 W/cm2, 210 PC 1 (79.5%)
min) has shown to inactivate PPO in melon juice (Vidal Fonteles et al., 2012).
These authors observed that a higher decrease in residual PPO activity was Fig. 5. Principal component analysis (PCA) bi-plot of the scores assigned by the panelists in the
observed with US power intensity increase, and they re-ported that the highest overall impression test, and the scores assigned during the evaluation of apple flavor intensity
and optimal sour taste of NAJ processed by US+PLc. Circles encompass scores corresponding
US treatment conditions (373 W/cm210 min) were the most effective in to C1 and C2.
reducing PPO activity. A power intensity of 452 W/cm2 and 30 min of
sonication were applied in the present work. Therefore, the lower increase in dimensional representations (PCA bi-plot) are presented in Fig. 5. The
the browning index observed for apple juice samples subjected to US+PLc CCC value was 1.0, indicating that an accurate dimension reduction
might be attributed to a possible PPO inactivation achieved by these was achieved with the analysis. The first two principal components (PC1 and
PC2) explained 100% of the total variance. The first two PC (Fig. 6) explained
Muoz et al. (2012b) examined the changes in L*, a*, and b* param-eters 79.5% and 20.5% of the variance, respectively. PC1 sep-arated the apple
corresponding to apple juice (pH: 3.6; 12 Brix) treated with flavor intensity, which was associated positively, from optimal sour taste
thermosonication (414 mL/min; 24 kHz, 4050 C) combined with PL in (negatively associated). On the other hand, PC2 was associated positively
with both juice's attributes. This analysis showed that C1 (scores from 2 to 5)
continuous flow arrangement (13.417 mL/min; 4.05.1 J/cm2). In this work,
was associated with extreme sour taste and low apple flavor, while C2 (scores
authors reported a decrease in the L*, a* and b* values of combined treated from 6 to 9) was associated with high apple flavor intensity and optimal sour
samples compared to untreated ones. Otherwise, Palgan et al. (2011b) taste.
reported no differences in non-enzymatic brow-ning index, L*, a*, and b* In agreement with our results, Bleibaum et al. (2002) evaluated the overall
between untreated (pH: 3.7; 11.8 Brix) and PL (batch mode, 028 J/cm2) acceptance of commercial apple juice and commercial apple juice
treated apple juice samples. supplemented with 3 g/L citric acid. The former juice exhibited 6.6 points in a
9-point hedonic scale, while the latter received 5.0 points, based on responses
3.4. Sensory evaluation of US+PLc treated apple juice from 97 consumers.

NAJ samples processed by US+PLc were evaluated by using a con-sumer 3.5. Shelf life estimation
field test to determine the overall sensory impression and their opinion about
some relevant sensory juice characteristics. The overall acceptability of Due to the fact that the combined US+PLc treated apple juice exhib-ited
samples averaged 6.1 in the 9-point hedonic scale, which corresponded to the adequate acceptability, and some positive characteristics, as its fresh-like
category like slightly in the used scale. However, by applying cluster appearance and natural apple flavor, were highlighted by most of the
analysis for segmentation of consumer group preferences, two clusters consumers, further sensory shelf life studies were conduct-ed. Sensory shelf
emerged: cluster 1 (C1), with 22 con-sumers, encompassing categories 2 to 5
life of NAJ processed by US+PLc was estimated by sur-vival analysis
in the 9-point hedonic scale, and cluster 2 (C2), with 55 consumers, including
focusing on the consumer rejecting the product, within the microbiological
categories 6 to 9 (data not shown). The CCC value obtained was 0.84,
shelf life already estimated. The maximum likeli-hood estimates of the
indicating that a good fit was achieved by this analysis. C2 had a marked
parameters by using the Weibull distribution function were = 2.00 0.05
interest in the product, exhibiting a liking overall mean of 7.0 in the 9-point
and = 0.17 0.15. Fig. 6 shows the estimated cumulative distribution
hedonic scale (corresponding to the category like it moderately). They also function F(t) = P(T t) obtained by replacing these values in Eq. (9), which
sig-nificantly perceived the sour taste (3.6 0.6), closer to the just right value
represents the percentage of re-jection versus US+PLc treated juice storage
(2.5) than C1 (4.5 0.5) (p b 0.0001). Therefore, NAJ processed by US + PLc
time. According to this plot, the shelf life for a 50% probability of consumer
exhibited a maximal appeal to a group of consumers, in agreement with the rejection was estimated with 95% of confidence in 7 1 days. For a 25%
segmentation approach which manufacturers have largely embraced in recent probability of consumer rejection the shelf life would be estimated in 6 1
years. This approach considers that constructing different products to groups days.
of consumers who display dif-ferent tastes will exhibit more acceptability
than developing a unique product to the entire pool of users (Lawless, 2013). 4. Conclusions
Open-ended ques-tions revealed that a fresh natural apple taste was the
attribute mostly highlighted by the consumers. A principal component This study contributed to give an alternative to the use of novel tech-
analysis (PCA) was performed in order to assess the relationship between the nologies when applied to real food systems and to show how they influ-ence
scores corresponding to the hedonic scale and the % of responses in the apple
microbial stability, some food quality parameters and sensory shelf life. In
flavor intensity and optimal sour taste of the juices. The two-
particular, this work provided quantitative information about the inactivation
of some targeted microorganisms, and overall quality of apple juice treated
with single continuous flow-through pulsed light
M. Ferrario, S. Guerrero / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34 (2016) 214224 223




% consumers rejecting






0 5 10 15 20
Storage time (day)

Fig. 6. Percentage of consumers rejecting NAJ processed by US+PLc along storage time.

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fields, ultraviolet light or high intensity light pulses in combination with
out to be a promising alternative in inactivating several relevant manothermosonication on selected physico-chemical and sensory attributes of an or-ange
microorganisms. The Weibull model puts on evidence that, though the and carrot juice blend. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90, 442448.
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The effect of pulsed electric fields (PEF) in combination with high intensity light pulses
always residual survivors. In addition, the combined treatment US + PLc
(HILP) on Escherichia coli inactivation and quality attributes in apple juice. Innovative
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