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German/Level I/Freizeit

Lesson I.4: Freizeit

Literally, Freizeit means free time, i.e., spare time. In this dialogue, Franz and Greta are familiarizing each other with
their sports activities.

Dialogue: Sports and time Sport und Zeit

Franz Hallo, Greta! Wie spt ist es?

Greta Es ist Viertel vor drei.

Franz Wirklich? Ich spiele um drei Fuball. Machst du Sport, Greta?

Greta Nein, ich bin faul. Ich gehe jetzt nach Hause.

Franz Fuball macht aber Spa!

Greta Bis dann.

Franz Wiedersehen!

Vocabulary: Sports and Time Sport und Zeit

English German

late spt

quarter das Viertel

to (+ hour) vor (+ hour)

three drei

to play spielen

I play ich spiele

at (+ time) um (+ time)

soccer der* Fuball

(to) make; (to) do machen

you make; you do du machst

sport(s) der Sport

lazy faul

(to) go gehen

I go ich gehe

now jetzt

to (+ place) nach (+ place)

house das Haus

home (direction) nach Hause

at home (place) zu Hause

but aber

fun der Spa

*The audio recording says "das", but it should be "der".

Sports and Activities

Vocabulary: Sports and activities Sport und Aktivitten

English German

the sport(s) der Sport

the interests, hobbies, activities die Hobbys (singular: das Hobby) or das Steckenpferd (-e)

the football/soccer der Fuball

the American football der Football (pronounced as in English)

the volleyball der Volleyball (the Volley- in Volleyball is pronounced as in English)

the basketball der Basketball

the tennis das Tennis

the baseball der Baseball (pronounced as in English)

the 9-pin bowling das Kegeln

the chess das Schach

the board game das Brettspiel

the game das Spiel

the homework die Hausaufgaben (usually plural; singular: die Hausaufgabe)

the TV watching das Fernsehen (the TV: der Fernseher)

the movie der Film

Section Problems>>
Name all of the sports in German included in the lesson that are not the same as in English.

Spielen, Machen and Other Verbs

All three verbs that you were introduced to in Lesson 2 are irregular in some way; however, most verbs are regular
verbs. In English, the regular conjugation is very easy: only for the third person singular an "-s" is added to the
infinitive ("to see" becomes "he/she/it sees"). Unfortunately, there are more endings in German. The following two
tables show the endings for the two regular verbs spielen (to play) and machen (to do; to make):

Verb: to play spielen

English German

1st person I play ich spiele

2nd person you play du spielst

3rd person he/she/it plays er/sie/es spielt

1st person we play wir spielen

plural 2nd person you play ihr spielt

3rd person they play sie spielen

Verb: to do_make machen

English German

1st person I do/make ich mache

singular 2nd person you do/make du machst

3rd person he/she/it does/makes er/sie/es macht

1st person we do/make wir machen

plural 2nd person you do/make ihr macht

3rd person they do/make sie machen

As you see, the endings are the same for corresponding forms of spielen and machen. In fact, they are the same for
all regular verbs. Thus, you can always just remove the -en from the infinitive of a regular German verb to form the
stem (e.g., spielen becomes spiel- and machen becomes mach-) and then add the ending for the particular person.
Here is a table with these endings:

Verb: conjugation Konjugation

English German

1st person I - ich -e

singular 2nd person you - du -st

3rd person he/she/it -s er/sie/es -t

plural 1st person we - wir -en

2nd person you - ihr -t

3rd person they - sie -en*

*The form for you (polite) Sie is exactly the same as for the plural, 3rd person pronoun they sie.

Was machst du?

What are you doing?

Ich spiele Basketball.

I'm playing basketball.

Spielst du Fuball?
Do you play soccer?

Ich mache Hausaufgaben.

I'm doing homework.

Er macht Hausaufgaben.
He's doing homework.

Machst/Treibst du Sport?
Do you play sports?
Note that in English one plays sport, while in German one does sport. You can also use the
question words from Lesson 3 to form more combinations:

Warum spielst du Baseball?

Why do you play baseball?

Wann machst du die Hausaufgaben?

When do you do the/your homework?
To say "not", use "nicht". "Nicht" goes after the verb but before the sport.

Wer spielt nicht Fuball?

Who doesn't play soccer?

Wir spielen nicht Tennis.

We don't play tennis.

Compound Sentences

Vocabulary: Conjunctions Verbindungen

English German

and und

but aber

or oder

Both German and English have compound sentences; the applications of these are enormous. They can be used in
lists and also in compound sentences. For example,

Ich spiele Basketball und er spielt auch Basketball.

I play basketball, and he also plays basketball.
The new word, also auch is very important. The one grammar rule about auch is that it always comes after the
Section Problems>>

Spielen, Machen, and Other Verbs

Translate these phrases and sentences from German into English.

1. Spielt er?
2. Wir machen.
3. Sie spielen Fuball.
4. Wir spielen Football, und er spielt auch.
5. Spielt ihr Tennis?
6. Sie spielt kein Volleyball.
7. Spielst du
8. Sie spielt

Other Verbs and Their Conjugations

Grammar: Verbs Verben

English German

(to) read lesen

(to) watch schauen

(to) see sehen

(to) work arbeiten

(to) write schreiben

(to) swim schwimmen

Schauen, schreiben and schwimmen are all regular verbs; i.e., they follow regular conjugations. To conjugate
them, you first remove the -en from the infinitive to form the stem (i.e., schau-, schreib-, and schwimm-), and
then add the correct ending. Here is an example:

verb (infinitive) first step (stem) conjugated form

schauen schau- ich schaue

Arbeiten is an irregular verb; however, it has a simple change. Whenever the ending starts with a consonant, an -
e- is added before it. For example, du arbeitest (not du arbeitst). As well as er/sie/es/ihr
arbeitet (not er/sie/es/ihr arbeitt).
Lesen is also an irregular verb. For the second and third person singular the form is liest, i.e., du/er/sie/es
liest (not du lesst).
Sehen is the last irregular verb. The second person singular is du siehst and the third person singular is er/sie/es
Section Problems>>
Other Verbs and Their Conjugations
Provide all of the possible pronoun subjects for the verb given. For example, if the verb is sind, the answers are wir,
sie (pl) and Sie. Note: This assignment works well as a quiz.
1. sehen
The possible pronoun subjects for sehen are:

wir, sie and Sie

1. sehen 16. hat
2. arbeitet 17. heien
3. heit 18. lesen
4. schwimmst 19. seht
5. machen 20. spielst
6. ist 21. mache
7. haben 22. sieht
8. schreibt 23. schreiben
9. spiele 24. hast
10. liest 25. seid
11. arbeitest 26. lest
12. schaut 27. arbeiten
13. bin 28. heie
14. schwimmen 29. macht
15. schaust 30. schwimme

Two More Verb Forms
There are two common verb forms in English that just don't exist in German: the ing-form (or: present
progressive); e.g., "I am playing" or "he is making"; and forms with "to do"; e.g., "I do play" or "he does not
The simple rule is: these constructions don't exist in German. Thus, you should translate I am playing to ich
spiele. Similarly, I do play is also translated to ich spiele. Anything else (ich mache spielen or ich bin spielen) is
either not possible in German or has a different meaning.
The phrase I do not play should be translated to ich spiele nicht (literally: I play not) since nicht (not) comes
usually after the verb. This may sound like Early Modern English in a play by Shakespeare, and this is no
coincidence since German and English are both West Germanic languages.
Section Problems>>
Two More Verb Forms
Translate the following sentences into German.

1. We're playing baseball, and they're watching TV.

2. Do you guys play soccer?
3. What are you doing?
4. Helena doesn't play tennis, and Markus doesn't play volleyball.
5. I don't play football or soccer.
6. Thomas and Hans are playing basketball.
7. We're bowling, but he's watching movies.
8. Bruno's doing homework and playing football.
9. Christine doesn't do homework, but she plays volleyball.
10. We're playing chess.
Extra Credit: Remember "Wie geht's?" from last lesson? It's really a contraction of "Wie geht es?". Since this means
"How's it going?", write out the conjugations of the regular (Best Ten Ten) verb for "to go".

Expressing likes and dislikes

Vocabulary: Expressing likes and dislikes Vorlieben und Abneigungen ausdrcken

English German

What do you like to do? Was machst du gern*?

I like to play. Ich spiele gerne*.

What do you like to play? Was spielst du gerne*?

I like to play soccer. Ich spiele gerne* Fuball.

* gern and gerne can be used interchangeably.

In German, there are several ways to express likes and dislikes; this is just one of them. You can also add other
verbs for other activities, e.g., I like to read. Ich lese gern. or I like to work. Ich arbeite gern. or I like to
watch TV. Ich schaue gern Fernsehen.
To express preference, you can use lieber instead of gern. For example, I prefer to play basketball. Ich spiele
lieber Basketball. or I prefer to read. Ich lese lieber.
To express favorite activities, you can use am liebsten (meaning most of all) instead of lieber or gern. For
example, Most of all, I like to play chess. Ich spiele am liebsten Schach.
To express dislikes, you can use nicht gern instead of gern, for example I don't like to swim. Ich schwimme
nicht gern. or I don't like to work. Ich arbeite nicht gern. or I don't like to play soccer. Ich spiele nicht gern
Section Problems>>
Fill in the blanks in these conversations.

A. Was ________ ___ gern?

B. ____ spiele gern _________, aber ihr _______ nicht Football. Was spielt ____?
A. Wir ________ gern Volleyball ____ Fuball. Sie ________ Football.
B. Gut! Tsch!
A. ____ spter!
A. Ich ______ Markus. ____ ______ ihr?
B. ____ heie Thomas, ____ er ______ Hans.
A. ____ spielt ____ gern?
C. Wir ________ Tennis _____, aber Fuball lieber. Aber am _________ spielen ____ Football.
A. _______ ihr Kegeln?
B. _____. Wir ________ nicht Kegeln.

Numbers are among the most important and most useful words: we need them to talk about time, amounts,
money, etc. Even if you are "just" a tourist, you often cannot avoid numbers. Learning numbers can be a bit of a
pain; thus, here is some advice: whenever you have time, count something in German; e.g., steps, cars, people,
seconds, whatever: just count.

Vocabulary: Numbers Zahlen

English German
zero null*
one eins
two zwei**
three drei
four vier

five fnf
six sechs
seven sieben
eight acht
nine neun
ten zehn
eleven elf
twelve zwlf
thirteen dreizehn
fourteen vierzehn
fifteen fnfzehn
sixteen sechzehn
seventeen siebzehn
eighteen achtzehn
nineteen neunzehn
twenty zwanzig
twenty-one einundzwanzig*
twenty-two zweiundzwanzig*
twenty-three dreiundzwanzig*
24 - 29 analogous to 22 and 23
thirty dreiig
31 - 39, etc. analogous to 21 - 29
forty vierzig
fifty fnfzig
sixty sechzig
seventy siebzig
eighty achtzig*
ninety neunzig*
hundred hundert (or: einhundert)
hundred and one hunderteins*
two hundred zweihundert*
thousand tausend (or: eintausend)
two thousand zweitausend*

*Some numbers are missing in the audio recording.

**Some people sometimes say zwo instead of zwei in order to distinguishing it more clearly from drei (three),
especially on the phone.

Notice the pattern: -teen translates to -zehn, and -ty to -zig.

There is one big problem with the numbers: in German the unit position comes before the tens and is connected
by und (and). For example: twenty-three dreiundzwanzig (literally: threeandtwenty), twenty-four
vierundzwanzig, thirty-five fnfunddreiig, forty-six sechsundvierzig, etc.
One exception is eins which becomes ein- in 21, 31, 41, etc.: twenty-one
einundzwanzig (literally: oneandtwenty), thirty-one einunddreiig, forty-one einundvierzig, etc.
German is not the only language with this "reverse" order of numbers: Danish (another Germanic language) and
Arabic do it the same way. This was also the standard way of forming numbers in older versions of English
("Four and twenty blackbirds/Baked in a pie."
Section Problems>>
Write in words (and say out loud) these numbers.

1) 30 2) 42 3) 9 4) 87 5) 1
6) 13 7) 20 8) 16 9) 5 10) 51
11) 4 12) 67 13) 17 14) 49 15) 70
16) 163 17) 812 18) 348 19) 975 20) 704
21) 580 22) 601 23) 596 24) 423 25) 259
26) 831 27) 647 28) 903 29) 251 30) 475

Exact form
Write how you would say the following numerical times in German.

1. 6:08 p.m.
2. 10:26 a.m.
3. 4:59 p.m.
4. 1:32 a.m.
5. 9:44 p.m.
6. 12:09 a.m.
7. 5:12 p.m.
8. 8:47 a.m.
9. 11:52 p.m.
10. 7:30 a.m.
Fill in the blanks in this short conversation:

A. Wie _____ ____ es?

B. ___ ____ Fnfzehn ____ sechsunddreiig.

Before/After the Hour

Write how you would say these times using before/after the hour.

1. 6:45
2. 4:34
3. 8:56
4. 1:06
5. 3:15
6. 12:52
7. 10:10
8. 9:24
9. 2:42
10. 8:30

Saying When You Do Something

Fill in the blanks in this conversation.

A. ________ ___ Baseball?

B. Ja, ____ spiele _________.
A. _____ ________ du _________?
B. ___ Achtzehn ____ ________. (18:30)
A. Prima! ____ spiele _____ Baseball ___ halb _______. (6:30)
B. ____ dann!
A. Tschau!

Other Time
Times of Day
Write the German translations for these English phrases.

1. this morning
2. tomorrow night
3. the day before yesterday
4. last evening
5. tomorrow
6. this afternoon
7. yesterday
8. the day before tomorrow
9. yesterday afternoon
10. tomorrow morning
11. the night before yesterday
12. tomorrow evening
13. this evening
14. the afternoon after tomorrow
15. tomorrow afternoon
16. today
17. yesterday morning
18. the day after tomorrow
19. last night
20. tonight
21. the day before the day before yesterday

Days and Months

Write the German translations for the following English words/phrases.

1) Tuesday
2) in March
3) Sunday afternoon
4) on Thursday
5) February
6) Friday night
7) Wednesday
8) in December
9) Wednesday morning
10) on Saturday
11) October
12) Tuesday evening
13) Friday
14) in August
15) Saturday afternoon
16) on Monday
17) June
18) Thursday morning
19) Sunday
20) in January
21) Saturday night
22) on Wednesday
23) July
24) Sunday morning
25) Thursday
26) in November
27) Monday evening
28) on Friday
29) May
30) Thursday afternoon

Write out how you would say these dates in German.

1. July 4
2. August 27
3. January 1
4. May 16
5. December 25

6. February 29
7. September 11
8. October 31
9. March 12
10. November 7
11. April 5
12. June 10

Fill in the blanks in these conversations.

A. ______ Tag, Frau Schneider.

B. Hallo, Lisa.
A. Wann _______ Sie ___________?
B. ___ einundzwanzigsten Februar. ____ wann _____ du ___________?
A. Ich _____ ___ achten Juli ___________.
A. ____ habe ___ vierzehnten Mai ___________. _____ _____ ihr _________?
B. Ich _____ _____ im ____ ___________! Ich _____ ___ dritten ____ ___________.
C. Und ____ habe ___ siebenundzwanzigsten September ___________.
A. ______ Morgen. Wie _______?
B. Sehr ____. Heute _____ ich ___________!
A. ______ _____ zum ___________!

Name the season the following dates are in.
Example. Der zwlfte Dezember ist im Herbst.

1. Der zwanzigste Juli ist im _________.

2. Der achte Mrz ist im _________.
3. Der vierzehnte Januar ist im _________.
4. Der zweite Oktober ist im _________.
5. Der sechsundzwanzigste August ist im _________.
6. Der elfte September ist im _________.
7. Der neunundzwanzigste Februar ist im _________.
8. Der fnfte Mai ist im _________.
9. Der siebzehnte November ist im _________.
10. Der dreiigste April ist im _________.

Periods of Time
Translate the following phrases and sentences into English.

1. von Acht Uhr bis Neun Uhr vierzig

2. von Freitag bis Sonntag
3. Ich spiele von Siebzehn Uhr bis Neunzehn Uhr am Dienstag Baseball.
4. Sie spielen von halb Zwlf bis Vierzehn Uhr Volleyball.
5. Spielst du am Samstag von Viertel nach Zehn bis Viertel vor Zwlf?
6. Wir machen von Zweiundzwanzig Uhr heute bis Ein Uhr dreiig morgen Hausaufgaben.
7. von Mittag am Mittwoch bis Mitternacht am Freitag
8. von dritten Mai bis vierundzwanzigsten Juni
9. Ihr spielt nicht am Donnerstag und Freitag von Fnfzehn Uhr bis Siebzehn Uhr.
10. Spielen Sie am Dienstag von Zwanzig Uhr bis Einundzwanzig Uhr dreiig Fuball?

How often?
A Number of Times
Match the following English phrases with their German translations below.
English Phrases:

1. __ four times a month

2. __ once a year
3. __ twice a morning
4. __ six times a week
5. __ once per weekend
6. __ five times a day
7. __ twice a night
8. __ forty-five times in a year
9. __ three times a weekend
10. __ twice a month
11. __ once a week
12. __ twelve times a day
13. __ five times a night
14. __ four times a morning
15. __ once a day
German Phrases:

a. zweimal in der Nacht

b. zwlfmal am Tag
c. viermal am Morgen
d. fnfmal im Nacht
e. einmal am Wochenende
f. zweimal im Monat
g. einmal im Tag
h. fnfmal in der Nacht
i. dreimal am Wochenende
j. einmal am Tag
k. einmal im Jahr
l. zweimal im Monat
m. sechsmal in der Woche
n. fnfmal im Tag
o. fnfundvierzigmal im Jahr
p. zweimal am Morgen
q. viermal im Monat
r. einmal in der Woche
s. zweimal am Monat
t. fnfmal am Tag

Often Adverbs
Translate the following sentences into German.

1. I always play soccer in fall.

2. They sometimes read on Friday.
3. We never watch TV.
4. You guys often swim, but you only (still plural) do homework sometimes.
5. We play tennis often, and we always play baseball.
6. He never plays sports.
7. I don't only play volleyball. Sometimes in winter, I play basketball.
8. Do you play football most of the time?
9. How often does she write?
10. I only play soccer in the spring, not in the fall.

Time-Related Words
Translate these phrases into German and complete the sentences to say when you have (free) time. Use standard
time-telling on the odds and before/after times on the evens, when applicable.
Example. Time, Only on Monday and Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Answer: Ich habe nur am Montag und Mittwoch von Dreizehn Uhr bis Siebzehn Uhr Zeit.

1. Free time, On the weekend, but not on Saturday from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
2. Time, in the morning from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
3. Time, Sometimes on the weekend
4. Free time, at 10:30 on Saturday
5. Time, on the 26th of April at 4:20 p.m.
6. Free time, Friday afternoon.
7. Free time, on Sunday, from 5:45 till midnight.
8. Time, from 10:15 a.m. till 3:40 p.m.
9. Free time, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
10. Time, Never

What's On the Test

To go straight to the lesson test, go here.
The test will have four parts to it: Grammar (79 points), Translating (95 points), Reading Comprehension (20
points), Vocabulary (20 points), and Previous Topics (10 points) in that order. The Grammar section will test
your ability to know the verbs from this lesson and its various versions, to know articles - the genders of them
and the correct usage of them, and correct word order.
The Translating section is worth the most points, and it too has three sections. You must know the translations
for sentences and phrases going from English to German, and be able to take a German dialogue and translate it
back into English. Also you must know the translation from Numbers to German.
The third section, Reading Comprehension, is Comprehension Questions you must know how to read the
conversion and after reading you will be asked question on the previous conversion.
The fourth section is a vocabulary section. You get 20 English words on the left and 20 German words on the
right, and be asked to match them. To study for that, check out the 401 flashcards related to this lesson
at Part I and Part II.
The last section, Previous Topics, is a quick review on Lesson 1 to get ready for this section, just look at some
past notes or go to Lesson 1 and study. That is the whole test. Take it!

Lesson 2 ~ Freizeit Test

Instructions: Print this test out. Work through it, and when you are done, grade your test against the answers here.

A. Grammar
Verb Forms
First, recreate the conjugations table for normal verbs in the box below. (1 point per blank)


ich ________________ wir ________________

du ________________ ihr ________________

er/sie/es ________________ sie, Sie ________________

Next, provide the conjugations for the German verbs you learned this chapter. ( point per blank, 3 points per
________________, to play _ _

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

ich wir du ihr
_ _ _ _

_______________ _______________ sie

du ihr er/sie/e _______________ _______________
_ _ ,
s _ _
er/sie/e _______________ _______________
s _ _
________________, to watch

_______________ _______________
ich wir
________________, to do/make _ _

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

ich wir du ihr
_ _ _ _

_______________ _______________ sie

du ihr er/sie/e _______________ _______________
_ _ ,
s _ _
er/sie/e _______________ _______________
s _ _
________________, to see

_______________ _______________
ich wir
________________, to read _ _

ich _______________ wir _______________ du _______________ ihr _______________

_ _
________________, to swim
er/sie/e _______________ _______________
, _______________ _______________
s _ _ ich wir
Sie _ _

_______________ _______________
du ihr
_ _
________________, to work
_______________ _______________ er/sie/e _______________ _______________
ich wir ,
_ _ s _ _
_______________ _______________
du ihr
_ _
________________, to go
er/sie/e _______________ _______________
, _______________ _______________
s _ _ ich wir
Sie _ _

_______________ _______________
du ihr
_ _
________________, to write
_______________ _______________ er/sie/e _______________ _______________
ich wir ,
_ _ s _ _
_______________ _______________
du ihr
_ _

er/sie/e _______________ _______________
s _ _

Score: _____ / 39 (free point)

Multiple Choice: Identify the correct answer from the choices below. You will not lose any points for guessing. (2
points each)
1. ___ Correct form of "in the night"

A. im Nacht B. am Nacht C. in der Nacht D. an der Nacht

2. ___ Correct form of "in the summer"

A. im Sommer B. am Sommer C. in der Sommer D. an der Sommer

3. ___ Gender of "Zeit"

A. Masculine B. Feminine C. Neuter D. Plural

4. ___ Correct form of "on Friday"

A. im Fritag B. am Fritag C. im Freitag D. am Freitag

5. ___ Correct form of "in the morning"

A. im Morgen B. am Morgen C. in der Morgen D. an der Morgen

6. ___ Gender of "Mdchen"

A. Masculine B. Feminine C. Neuter D. Plural

7. ___ Correct form of "in the day"

A. im Tag B. am Tag C. in der Tag D. an der Tag

8. ___ Gender of "Tag"

A. Masculine B. Feminine C. Neuter D. Plural

9. ___ Correct form of "in the afternoon"

A. im Nachmittag B. am Nachmittag C. in der Nachmittag D. an der Nachmittag

10. ___ Gender of "Freizeit"

A. Masculine B. Feminine C. Neuter D. Plural

Score: _____ / 20
Word Order
Multiple Choice: Identify the most logically correct sentence from the choices below. You will not lose any points
for guessing. (2 points each)

1. a. Du hin gehst wo?

b. Wo gehst du hin?
c. Gehst du hin wo?
d. Hin wo du gehst?

2. a. Sie spielt auch Basketball nicht.

b. Sie auch nicht spielt Basketball.
c. Sie spielt auch nicht Basketball.
d. Sie nicht spielt Basketball auch.

3. a. Wer liest nicht die Zeitung?

b. Liest wer Zeitung die nicht?
c. Wer nicht liest die Zeitung?
d. Die Zeitung nicht liest wer?

4. a. Herr Mller, Sie was haben?

b. Herr Mller, haben Sie was?
c. Herr Mller, Sie haben was?
d. Herr Mller, was haben Sie?

5. a. Ich schaue auch nicht Filme.

b. Ich schaue nicht Filme auch.
c. Ich nicht schaue Filme auch.
d. Ich schaue Filme auch nicht.

6. a. Spielt ihr Basketball nicht?

b. Nicht spielt ihr Basketball?
c. Spielt ihr nicht Basketball?
d. Ihr spielt Basketball nicht?

7. a. Karl nie macht Sport.

b. Karl macht Sport nie.
c. Karl macht nie Sport.
d. Karl Sport nie macht.

8. a. Sie manchmal am Morgen spielen Schach.

b. Sie spielen manchmal am Morgen Schach.
c. Sie spielen Schach manchmal am Morgen.
d. Sie manchmal spielen Schach am Morgen.

9. a. Wir spielen Fuball wann?

b. Wann wir spielen Fuball?
c. Spielen wir Fuball wann?
d. Wann spielen wir Fuball?

10. a. Petra oft in der Woche spielt Volleyball.

b. Petra oft spielt Volleyball in der Woche.
c. Petra spielt oft in der Woche Volleyball.
d. Petra spielt Volleyball oft in der Woche.

Score: _____ / 20
Section Score: _____ / 79

B. Translating
English to German
Translate these dialogues into German.

A. Hello. What's your name?

B. My name is Thomas. Do you guys play sports?
A. Yes, we play football. Do you play football?
B. No, I play volleyball. .
C. I also play volleyball! When do you play volleyball?
A. I play volleyball at nine p.m. (use standard time) on Wednesday.
C. I (or me, but that's wrong), too!


A. Does Karl play sports?

B. Yes, Karl plays tennis.
A. Good. Mark plays tennis, too.
B. When does Mark play tennis?
A. At 4:30 p.m. (use before/after) on Monday, Friday and Saturday. But he also plays soccer on Saturday.
B. Karl plays tennis on Sunday, not Saturday.

Score: _____ / 35
German to English
Translate the following phrases and sentences into English. Note: If there is a capital and a puncuation mark at the
end, it is a sentence; if either of those is missing, it is a phrase and capitalization is intentional. (2 points each)

1. am Morgen Hausaufgaben machen

2. Sie spielen nicht
3. Warum liest du nicht?
4. Wir spielen am Donnerstagabend Kegeln gern.
5. Der Junge spielt Volleyball nicht gern.
6. Schwimmt ihr gern?
7. gern arbeiten
8. am Nachmittag vor Sechzehn Uhr
9. am Freitagabend um halb Sieben
10. Er spielt Tennis sehr oft.
Score: _____ / 20
Numbers to German
Translate the following numerical times and dates into German (the dates are in the German order). For the times,
use standard time telling for 1-10 and before/after for 11-20. (2 points each)

1. 2:35 p.m.
2. 3 / 11
3. 11:18 a.m.
4. 21 / 5
5. 9:54 p.m.
6. 26 / 2
7. 6:07 a.m.
8. 15 / 7
9. 10:23 p.m.
10. 9 / 12
11. 1:15 p.m.
12. 30 / 8
13. 1:52 p.m.
14. 4 / 4
15. 12:09 a.m.
16. 27 / 1
17. 7:45 a.m.
18. 12 / 10
19. 5:30 a.m.
20. 18 / 3
Score: _____ / 40
Section Score: _____ / 95

C. Reading Comprehension
Comprehension Questions
Read the following conversations and answer the questions below each.

Felix: Wir spielen morgen Fuball. Hast du Zeit?

Jonas: Ja, ich habe morgen Zeit. Morgen ist Samstag. Wann genau spielt ihr am Samstag ?
Felix: Von halb Vier bis Fnf.
Jonas: Schlecht! Ich schaue um Viertel vor Vier einen Film.
Felix: Wie heit der Film?
Jonas: Er heit...

Answer the odd questions in English and the even questions in German.

1. What does Felix ask in the first line? ______________________________ (2 pt.)

2. What is today? (answer in German) ______________________________ (4 pts.)
3. How long will Felix be playing Fuball tomorrow? (answer in English) ______________________________
(4 pts.)
4. Why can't Jonas come? (answer in German) ______________________________ (6 pts.)
5. What was Jonas saying in the last line? (answer in English) ______________________________ (4 pts.)
Section Score: _____ / 20

D. Vocabulary
Place the letter of the English word in the blank before its German translation.

1. ___ nicht a. Birthday

2. ___ heute b. March
3. ___ Schach c. Time
4. ___ schauen d. Summer
5. ___ Freizeit e. to watch
6. ___ lesen f. to play
7. ___ Fernsehen g. Afternoon
8. ___ Kegeln h. not
9. ___ spielen i. until
10. ___ nach j. Homework
11. ___ Brettspiel k. to read
12. ___ bis l. today
13. ___ Geburtstag m. Board Game
14. ___ Hausaufgaben n. Bowling
15. ___ Frhling o. Free time
16. ___ Mrz p. after
17. ___ Sommer q. Television
18. ___ nachmittag r. Spring
19. ___ Herbst s. Chess
20. ___ Zeit t. Autumn
Score: _____ / 10
Word Translation
Give the German translation of the following English words in the space provided.

1. Soccer ________________
2. Movies ________________
3. also ________________
4. but ________________
5. to write _______________
6. to see ________________
7. gladly ________________
8. most gladly (2 words) ________________
9. late ________________
10. midnight ________________
11. afternoon ________________
12. quarter ________________
13. at ________________
14. evening ________________
15. the day after tomorrow ________________
16. day ________________
17. Wednesday ________________
18. Saturday ________________
19. December ________________
20. on (the) ________________
Score: _____ / 10
Section Score: _____ / 20

E. Previous Topics
Lesson 1

Translation from English to German

Hello. My name is Wolfgang. I am a boy.

What is your name, and how are you. Thank You.

Good day, Wolfgang my name is Monica. I am a girl.

I am good, thanks.
Good night and later.

Section Score: _____ / 10


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