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University of Twente

Faculty of Economics
Admission office

Subject: Motivation letter for scholarship

Dear Sirs, Madams,

I was very glad when I saw this scholarship opportunity. I am an graduate of a State University
of Jakarta holding BSc degree in economics with honors.

Since I have a quite strong academic background in economics I believe that Master course in
Business Administration perfectly suits my profile and career prospects. My ultimate goal is to
work with research based groups in applied economics sector as well as in local universities in
order to improve research and human resource capacity building through training.

Due to my financial situation I was able to continue my studies in my country or abroad, since I
am not in a position to finance my studies. Therefore, I will be very grateful to be provided with
scholarship to improve my education and incent my career prospects. Knowledge gained on the
studies at Twente University I plan to transfer to my home country, where I intend to work in
public sector or at the University.

This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to interact with students

and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds coming from all the World.
This type of networking is very important for integration of different ideas and perspectives
pertaining to diverse global issues.

At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of the scholarship
program. I believe that being a student in your department would not only empower my career
development, but would give me the framework to utilize my full potentials. Moreover I feel that
as a Masters student at your University, I can benefit from the numerous challenging career

Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a favorable reply.


Taufik Yuda Prawira


Motivation letter ini ditulis untuk memvisualisasikan motivasi saya mendapatkan

beasiswa studi pascasarja sehingga mengikuti event FSLN ini.

Saya Muhammad Syah Fibrika Ramadhan, mahasiswa tingkat akhir Institut Agama Islam
Negeri (IAIN) Purwokerto. Saat ini saya sedang menggarap skripsi yang berfokus pada
komunikasi pemasaran dalam perspektif islam. Fokus penelitian ini relevan dengan jurusan yang
saya ambil di IAIN Purwokerto yakni ekonomi islam. Kajian penelitian ini saya pilih dengan
beberapa alasan diantaranya yang pertama karena saya tertarik dengan berbagai macam proses
komunikasi, khususnya komunikasi dalam marketing (pemasaran). Dan yang kedua adalah
sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa periklanan di masa kini sudah menjadi hal yang tidak dapat
dipisahkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga ini menjadi suatu kajian yang sangat penting
untuk dipelajari. Motivasi internal saya adalah ingin mempelajari bagaimana menciptakan
periklanan yang baik dan edukatifsehingga dapat memberikan dampak positif serta
meningkatkan brand lebih baik lagi. Tidak hanya dari sudut pandang pemasarannya saja, saya
pun tertarik mengkaji periklanan yang baik menurut perspektif ekonomi islam sehingga
bagaimana brand itu dapat meningkat dengan dibalut nilai-nilai agamis.

Berdasarkan penelitian inilah saya kemudian memilih kampus Universiti Brunei

Darussalam sebagai tujuan studi lanjut. Beberapa hal lain yang menjadi pertimbangan
diantaranya :

1. Alasan mengapa saya memilih Negara Brunei Darussalam sebagai negara tujuan untuk
studi lanjut adalah karena Brunei merupakan negara yang menerapkan prinsip syariah
Islam dalam segala aspek kehidupannya. Islam dijadikan konstitusi, identitas nasional,
hak, serta cara hidupnya. Sebagai satu-satunya negara di Asia Tenggara yang menerapkan
hukum islam secara penuh, Brunei menjadi tempat belajar yang cocok bagi saya yang
mengkaji ekonomi islam.
2. Universiti Brunei Darussalam merupakan kampus terbaik di Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Dengan akreditasi kampus yang baik maka tentu kualitas pembelajaran di UBD pun baik,
sudah tidak diragukan lagi UBD telah menghasilkan lulusan-lulusan terbaik yang
kompeten di bidangnya.
3. Universiti Brunei Darussalam memiliki UBD School of Business and Economics
(UBDSBE) dimana di fakultas ini terdapat Master program yang salah satu penelitiannya
berfokus pada Halal Marketing and Branding, bidang yang menjadi penelitian saya saat
ini. Fokus penelitian ini belum banyak ditemukan di Indonesia, oleh karena itu inilah
yang menjadi motivasi kuat saya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di UBD.

Berkuliah di negara maju seperti Brunei Darussalam tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah jika
dipertimbangkan dari sisi biaya. Oleh karena itu untuk mewujudkan keinginan luhur berkuliah
disana saya bertekad untuk mendapatkan beasiswa. Beasiswa yang dapat membantu saya
berkuliah disana diantaranya beasiswa LPDP (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) dan
beasiswa Brunei Government Scholarship. Sebagai beasiswa dari pemerintah Indonesia, LPDP
mengharuskan saya untuk kembali ke tanah air selepas membereskan masa studi di Brunei
Darussalam. Sekembalinya ke tanah air, saya akan meng-improve bidang penelitian Halal
Marketing and Branding yang belum banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia sebagai negara dengan
jumlah penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia. Tentu ini menjadi kajian penelitian yang baru dan
menarik. Wujud pengabdian saya bagi Indonesia kelak adalah dengan menjadi salah satu dosen
di perguruan tinggi dan menyebarkan ilmu seluas-luasnya bagi mahasiswa. Selain itu, research
tentang Halal Marketing and Branding ini pun dapat menjadi terobosan terbaru dalam upaya
meningkatkan kualitas Marketing dan Branding perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia.

Saya percaya dengan mengikuti event FSLN ini saya dapat menggali informasi yang
banyak tentang studi di luar negeri serta beasiswa-beasiswanya dan yang paling terpenting
adalah saya dapat membangun motivasi yang kuat mengapa saya harus kuliah ke luar negeri dan
mewujudkan sebagian dari asa saya. Terima kasih.

Dear Sirs/Madams,

I was very glad when I saw this scholarship opportunity and with this letter I would like to
express my gratitude to LPDP for this opportunity. I am a fresh graduate of State University of
Jakarta holding SPd degree in English Language Education with honours.

Since I have a quite strong academic background in English Language, I know that Master
course in World English Literature of University of Sydney will improve and strengthen my
knowledge in English, most importantly literature. I have been interested in English literature
and how it affects the world since I was elementary. It amazed me how English can connect
people from different places in the world. My ultimate goal is to make literature piece such as
book, fiction or nonfiction. And work in public sectors or at The University since I have teaching
background. By writing books or teaching, I want to change the world to be better, even if it is
just a little. Call me a dreamer or anything but that is what I was dreaming since I was a little.
And to study at University of Sydney in this program also has been my dream for a long time.

Due to my financial situation, I will be very grateful to be provided with scholarship to improve
my education and to make my dreams come true. And I would like to point out that I am
determined to make the most of out of the scholarship program.

I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a favourable reply.


Ella Gusgita Kartikasari

Life is about help one another

Dear Sir/ Madame, I want to introduce myself before I explain all the reasons why I write
this letter. My Name is Siti Kholilah and usually, my familiy and my friends calls me Lilah. I
was born in Indonesia on 10th April 189. I totally really want you, Sir or Madame, who reads my
written will give me an opportunity to change my life mainly in educations field.

Let me to tell about the story of reason why I write here. Ive been growth in a unrich
family but I have big passion in education because I have a beautiful dream someday I will help
more unlucky people who cant continue their study to highest level.Sometimes a better life will
come if we have a good background in education, such as to work in prestige place and get big
earn. If all people has a big earn, of course their child as next generation in our nation doesnt has
problems to create a good life in the future.

Since I spent my time in my country, I got the big point. How the education makes the
people life better than before. In class, our teacher explain about everything and the student
surely practise their knowledge in daily life. My mother told me about life in her village in the
past, how pity are them because they live at difficult condition. Untill now, children in my village
can not take a formal education easily as they want. They used to walk very long as long as their
journey when was going to school.

So, even I live in a little and unrich family I must keeping my motivation to continue my
study till get the advantage from my formal education. Formal education makes someone do
much everything, include to join as government ministry. I realize, the goverment of indonesia is
so dirty now. Money for people corrupted by them and give the impact to our people. Almost
the people in Indonesia has difficult financial to get better education mainly in postgraduate or
doctoral level. No wonder if Indonesia sometimes hasnt update in specific technology.

I myself have been experienced in the case, when how to hard work for searching money
to pay the tuition fee at a small college just because I didnt got information about scholarship.
So, Im late to take a bachelor degree. I could studied at college when I had finished my High
School after 5 years later. Its bad because one step for being one the next leader was cancelled.
Now, I didnt got the same thing in late to take study. I always searching more information about
scholarship on internet and many source.

As we know, terrorisme issues is look alike a big monster to the world nowadays. How it
happened? I think, several people who dedicated they are moslem are not the truly moslem. They
learn islam not carefully so they have being astrayed people. They call this action as jihad, and
they believe will be a citizen of paradise in other life. Im not good moslemah, but Im trying to
be a better moslemah with my wish and learn about Quranic and Islam deeply.

I knew about a history which Turkey was a strenght empire of Islamic culture and its
seems so interesting if I join there to be a student and will get knowledge that doesnt get if I
study in Indonesia. I hope after I finish my masters islamic studies I will be a part of participants
to explain the people in mistakes the perception of Islam. ISIS and other astraying people needs a
guide who can hold them and wish them to back in truth islam. I want to be person who capable
in dawah at many different kind of people.
I was very glad when I saw this scholarship opportunity and with this letter I would like to
express my gratitude to the Foundation for this program. I am a graduate of a UniversitasNegeri
Jakarta holding B.Ed. degree in Chemistry with honours.

Since I have a quite strong academic background in Chemistry, I believe that Master course in
advanced ChemistryEducation perfectly suits my profile and career prospects. My ultimate goal
is to learn more about Chemistry and its application for life through research and study about
education matters. So I will able to improve my knowledge about Chemistry and skill about

I will be very grateful to be provided with scholarship to improve my education and my career
prospects. Knowledge gained on the studies at University _____ I plan to transfer to my home
country, where I intend to work at the University as a lecturer.

This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to interact with students

and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds coming from all around the
World. This type of networking is very important for integration of different ideas and
perspectives pertaining to diverse global issues.

At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of the scholarship
program. I believe that being a student in your department would not only empower my career
development, but would give me the framework to utilize my full potentials. Moreover I feel that
as a Masters student at your University, I can benefit from the numerous challenging career

Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a favourable reply.


Firsty Kartika
I am a graduatedfrom Faculty of Economis Management, State University of Jakarta in
Indonesia. My name is Elmia Nafisah I got full scholarship from Indonesia Program to continue
my study. Since I took in management department, I have identified that I have been interested in
the field of marketing. Tourism marketing issues are the ones that attracted me really, especially
when I had a chance to gotstudy visit and seminars scholarship that organizeby DAAD to
learning german innovation, creativity, and strategy for Jakartas tourism potential by marketing
and tourism management in Germany 2015. It was to me a great experience and an important
momentum to where I am now.

I get a chance to explore some of the museum in Frankfurt and Berlin. The way German strategy
to altering arid perspective into attractive by new innovationit is really challenging to learn.I
have identified that Museum in Indonesia has potential to encourage more tourists to visit
museum but very few were interested to visit because that are the boring place to visit.I also has
great discussion with Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and EnergyMr. Stedtfeldabout the
important things for tourism policy must be focus on twothings first promoting for tourism
abroad and for german tourist, but not only to gain profit or the number of tourist but also give
the tourist some value added.

As an indication of my seriousness in this particular field, I have finished my bachelor thesis in

marketing tourism.My thesis is about the study on the delimitation of intention to revisit of
Malioboro as the famous destination in Yogyakarta. This researchprovided me with an excellent
experience of conducting research in an independent manner.

Since the beginning of my involvement in this field I have published an international journal
publications, two newspaper articles. For In addition, I have internship in tourism ministy with
regard to career plans, I will continue my duties as a expertise in tourism ministry of indonesia. I
want to connect and build up my international network, and also promote Indonesia-UKs
relations through tourism.
Dear madam/sir

Let me introduce myself, my name is Annisa. I was graduated from 44 Senior High School of
East Jakarta and now i studied in State University of Jakarta, i take electronic engineering there.
In this such of sentences i would tell why i'd be this motivated to join FSLN 2016, so here i go

i want to study abroad to continued my bachelor and accomplished my dream. My dream is to

be an Animator. Seems awesome, right? So its implicated that i would study in Japan. a Most
Great Animation Country. Its one of my dreams. Since i was in Senior Highschool. I know that
i'm not those richful with their money spending their time discovering the world. No, i'm not that
rich. So i was think that i won't be able to study abroad. I wouldn't be like anyone else. To be
honest, i was envy. I was envy with someone from my country who be able to get there. I
couldn't remember it was Australia, i don't know.

I still in early 2nd Semester. As you see, i don't have any experience to get trough this big dream.
Since i was in Highschool i wish i go to Japan. Japan is wonderful country. Being an Animator is
most awesome thing that happen to be, and seems cool too. So i work hard for it. i've learn
anything that related on Animating world and do more practicing, like drawing digitally. But
first, i should learn how to draw traditional. But i feel that i'm not skillful enough to. I know
about my broke english, suck art, and i felt that i need more practice. I heard from Highschool
that my fellow senior study in japan. I was grateful of it. I kept supporting her. It felt like i
support for myself. It made supporting myself. Then i decided to get trough Japan after i
graduated from SUJ . Of course i will take Departement of Art and Design

I kept practicing. Searching for information, More drawing, etc. it was hard enough to be honest.
Since after my junior gave me some brochure from seminar (how to Study in Japan) in Japan
Foundation last day. After i borrow it, i read them one by one. Then in one book, in the corner of
of the bottomside i read what there was. A comment section. Comment of a student from Waseda
University, and she's Indonesian. My heart got jumped after that. It implied me that if she can, so
do i, right?

And i heard about Monbugakusho foundation, a well-known scholarship institute. This

scolarship offered by Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
Technology. some 65,000 students from approximately 160 countries and regions around the
world have studied in Japan under the Japanese Government Scholarship program established in
1954. Yet Indonesian

Heard about this, i make out this decisions. Many things make me such motivated. I will be
grateful if i can be accepted by Monbugakusho in order to enroll in National Art School, in
Yokohama (yet i hope it be able acess directly to Art School) Master program of Animation,
departement of Art because i want to be an Animator so badly, it will gave me more experience
of my own work, my creation, and more expressive. And if i being a real Animator, i know
where i should be begin. Indonesia has lose their best Animator, and i think i know when its
begin. So i will increased quality of Animation itself. And finally i made up myself that i would
go to Japan after my Bachelor Program and next step to my Master degree.

yours faithfully,

Annisa Resti Kurniawan

Surakarta, 3 February 2016

My name is Zulyani Evi. Im student from Sebelas Maret University with a major in History.I
have a dream to do something remarkable for this world, because the world does not owe you a
living, you owe the world something, you owe it your time, energy and talent, so that no one will
be at war, sickness and lonely again.

I have found my passion in organize a program and socialization. It has grown since I was in
Junior High School. I always do my best to develop the organization, thats why I can be a chief
of student council at junior high school and senior high school. Many events which is arranged.
When I was in senior high school I arrange a charity project named Cerita, Cita-cita, Cinta (4C).

My achievement in senior high school come from leadership competition. I brought second
winner of Bogor Next Generation (Bnext). My team made a project EARTH (Education, Action
and 3R to heal Environment) for society in Babakan Pasar village. Its location is near a market
garbage dump.

My activity not only at school, but also out of school, I had been a young journalist. I worked for
local newspaper as an editor in REBEL Jurnal Bogor column. I also worked for Raincity
Magazine, as a news editor and My School Page HAI Magazine as a freelance reporter. Writing
thoughts and fact in everlasting work is such a pleasure for me, especially when my writing can
change something to be better.

In college, I continue my passion by joined executive student council of Sebelas Maret

University. I also part of volunteer in Rumah Hebat Indonesia (RHI), its a social community
which is gave free lesson to the children near riverbank. I thaught English lesson for elementary
student. One year later, I became a Program Coordinator for that community. I love my activity
very much. It always charge up my spirit to be useful for other. An ancient Chinese phrase
teaches us to stop cursing the darkness and began to light the candles up.

Now, Im giving a try for myself to be part of the Utrecht University, International Development
Program. Not only I will practice my skills in project management, but also I will have the
opportunity to learn many things in a more professional way, in an international atmosphere.
Development studies is a dynamic field, thats why I always feel challenged, especially to
overcome poverty and insecurity.


Zulyani Evi

Motivation Letter
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Gianti Saraswati, I am 19 years old, and I came from Indonesia.Indonesia,
however still included in the one of the developing countries in the world. One of Indonesias
effortto become a developed country is to modernize the technology and the industry. But the
modernization of technology and industry can bring harm to the workers, such as occupational
diseases and work-related accidents. I think it is necessary to health and safety
officer/manager/specialist to protect the workers from those hazards, so the workers can be more
In order to assist my country, I decided to take my Master of Public Health degree in the
University of Iowa with focus on Occupational and Environmental Health. I believe that
obtaining a master degree in this field of study will help me to gain my competence, I will be
ready for professional careers in occupational and environmental health, and I will have a broad
overview of the public health perspective on occupational and environmental health. I am
interested with the master program that being offered by The University of Iowa, because this
master program have a great curriculum that can help me to gain my knowledge and competence.
I personally think that I can be a suitable candidate for The University of Iowas Master
Program of Occupational and Environmental Health,I have been taken the Bachelor degree in
Public Health and graduated from Occupational Health and Safety Department, Faculty of
Medicine and Health Science, SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN). I have a good
knowledge in Health and Safety and I have proven my competence during my Bachelors study
with GPA 3.78 (scale of 0 4). I also involved in some student organization activities, and lead
some divisions for several times.
I will be very grateful if I can be accepted in The University of Iowas Master Program of
Occupational and Environmental Health. I am sure it will give me and my country a lot of

Motivation Letter
Dewasa ini pendidikan bagi anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus masih belum terpenuhi
sepenuhnya terutama di daerah terpencil bahkan di Jakarta yang notabennya merupakan kota
besar pendidikan bagi ABK masih terbatas. Hal ini di perparah dengan minimnya tenaga
pengajar yang berkualitas, tak jarang di temukan bahwa guru yang mengajar di sekolah-sekolah
untuk ABK bukan berasal dari Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa atau Pendidikan Khusus. Adapun
sekolah yang merupakan alat vital bagi seorang ABK untuk mengenyam pendidkan juga belum
memenuhi standar di mana kurikulum yang di gunakan tidak sesuai lagi dengan keadaan
sekarang. Dapat dilihat di negera-negara maju seperti Inggris dan Amerika bahwa mereka telah
menggunakan kurikulum pendidikan sekolah inklusif yang merupakan sekolah yang sangat ideal
bagi ABK. Hal ini membuat saya merasa terpanggil untuk untuk ikut memberikan layanan
pendidikan bagi ABK dan juga mebuat saya ingin mengembangkan sekolah inklusif di
Adapun jalan untuk mewujudkannya, saya berencana untuk melanjutkan pendidikan
tingkat master di University College London (UCL) dengan jurusan Special and Inclusive
Education MA. Karena dengan kuliah di sana saya akan di tempa menjadi tenaga pendidik
professional dan bias mengembangkan sekolah inklusif di Indonesia yang merupakan sekolah
yang sangat ideal bagi ABK.
UCL merupakan univeristas yang terletak di jantung kota Inggris yaitu London.
Univeristas ini merupakan universitas No. 1 dalam bidang pendidikan di dunia menurut QS
Ranking. Oleh karena itu dengan belajar di sana akan memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar
bagi saya untuk menjadi tenaga pengajar professional dan juga bias mengmbangkan sekolah
inklusif di Indonesia. Saya pribadi berpikir bahwa saya sangat setuiu untuk menjadi kandidat
penerima Beasiswa LPDP ini, karena saya memiliki pengetahuan di bidang pendidikan luar
biasa. Saya juga memiliki nilai yang bagus di setiap mata kuliah. Selama masa studi saya juga
aktif mengikuti berbagai kegiatan dan komunitas yang berhubungan dengan disabilitas baik di
dalam dan luar kampus.
Saya akan sangat senang jika diterima untuk mendapatkan beasiswa karena dengan
beasiswa tersebut saya akan mendapatkan banyak pengalaman dan manfaat dengan belajar serta
melakukan riset di mana hal tersebut berguna untuk mewujudkan mimpi saya yaitu menjadi
tenaga pengajar professional serta mengembangkan sekolah inklusif di Indonesia.
Benazir Meutia Ananda

Motivation Letter

My name is Tri Wibowo. I am a university student in Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
Yogyakarta (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) majoring Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
(Islamic Society Development). I am currently on the 4th semester. Islamic Society Development
concerns in the sector of society development in order to empower the society, explore individual
potentials, and advocate their rights. Besides, this major studies also educates the students to be a
fasilitator. A fasilitator is a professional to empower the society in the form of advocation to the
society to get their justice for the same purpose. I believe that the job in this sector will give me
opportunities to contribute to the society. This is the reason that encourages me to enhance my

When I was on the 10th grade of Senior High School, I got the 13th and 19th rank out of 31
students in semester 1 and 2. I got the 2nd rank out of 27 students on the 11th and 12th grade.
During my time as a university student, I got 3,48 GPA in the 1st semester, 3,25 in the 2nd
semester, an 3,67 in the 3rd semester.

There are a lot of experience and lesson that I gained during my classes. I learne how to manage
garbage to be useful. This is conducted to manage it by dividing the organic and anorganic, to
create crafts from garbage such as bags and bracelets. It is also conducted by creating garbage
bank as how it is conducted in Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Besides managing the garbage, I also
gained knowledge that the society development is done by exploring the natural potentials such
as in the Jejeran village, Sleman, Yogyakarta. My interest courses are as follows: Introduction to
Society Development, Pancasila, Dawah Studies, Multicultural, Social Antropology, Civics,
Social Theories, Fiqih, Social Problems Analysis, Social Movement, Corporate Sosial
Responbility (CSR), Methodologies in Islamic Society Development, and Development
Sociology. From these courses, I have gained knowledge in developing society.

When I was in Senior High School, I actively participated in Students Organization as the staff in
sport division for two periods, from the 10th to 11th grade. I also joined the organization for
people with visual impairment in Ikatan Tunanetra Muslim Indonesia (Indonesian Association of
Visually Impaired Muslim ), Sleman, Yogyakarta as the vice-chief of social welfare division and
the chief in the next period. I am also the member of Badan Sosial Mardiwuto RS Mata Dr. Yap,

After Senior High School, I pursue a further study in UIN. While studying, I still actively
participate in ITMI, Yogyakarta in the entrepreneur division and I currently become the chief
division of socio-cultural society and in the marketing division in UIN Sunan Kalijaga

In the future, after finishing my study in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, I wish to continue my
higher study to take Master of Arts in Social Work in University of Manchester. It is because I
find it as my passion. I hope to make an NGO concentrating in guiding and advocating especially
for the sake of people with disability.

After completing the undergraduate and master, I wish to be a social worker. In this profession,
there is a professional and voluntary job that concerns in the society welfare.
For the tuition fee to continue Master degree in University of Manchester, I will use my own
saving from work and financial support from my parents. I also wish to get a scholarship from
Indonesian government.

Motivation Letter
I am Fatmania Indriana, study abroad a dream of mine since I was in high school, I am
one of those people who love to see new places, meet new people and learn in place and with a
different atmosphere. That is why from the first time I entered high school, I maintain my
position in the ranking of three is great for all semester. I am currently studying S1 at the Jakarta
State University majoring in Accounting Education and defend my IP above 3.5. So I spent four
years with activities to achieve my dream to study abroad

I want to continue my S2 education at the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton Business

School) in business. University of Pennsylvania is one of the best universities in the world of
business as well as offering many opportunities learning experiences through a vast network in
the field of entrepreneurship and leadership programs. By studying the University of
Pennsylvania I can confidently face the MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN).

I was born in a simple family, we are not rich and we are not poor. Growing up in a
family that both parents are working, (my father worked at one of the private enterprises in the
import and export and my mother is an accountant in a textile company) makes me always pay
attention to the economic situation in my country

My desire to study at the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton Business School) with the
experience and knowledge that I will be about the business, I wanted to open up business
opportunities and nice to also participate in the MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN). So that I
can take part in building my country through entrepreneurship, and develop businesses that
benefit the community.

Jl. Lawu No. 21
Setiabudi, South Jakarta, 12980
February, 3rd 2016

Yu Jae Hoon
Chemistry Education, Seoul National University
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 151-748, South Korea

Dear Mr. Yu Jae Hoon,

Be the staff of the academic department of religious organizations, teaching chemistry to

members of the organization, andwill be graduate from the Department of Chemistry, State
University of Jakarta in the next six months and a year, I wrote an application for a scholarship
'Korean Government Scholarships Program (KGSP)'.

I can give you what you are looking for as the grantee. I can learn and understand the material
that I learned well. I also attended educational workshops held at my college.

I will continue to add to my knowledge in the field of education and also in chemistry. I was able
to learn a new language well and quickly apply it. I can quickly adjust to the new environment. I
am interested in the Seoul National University because it is a good university Korea, particularly
Seoul's best university.

At the end of my application, I wrote down a list of curriculum vitae and references. if you are
interested in scheduling an interview, please contact me at 087780967574 or



Hugo Fahpryan Lawrens

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Berawal dari SMA, saya merasa pada abad ke 20 ini ada 2 hal yang terpenting dalam
kehidupan yaitu matematika dan teknologi informasi. Semua aktivitas manusia pasti melibatkan
matematika dan teknologi. Keadaan ini memotivasi saya untuk memilih matematika dan
teknologi informasi sebagai langkah selanjutnya pasca SMA, dan takdir memutuskan saya untuk
menimba ilmu dalam bidang Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer di Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

Di Universitas Negeri Jakarta ada 3 pilihan spesialisasi dalam Teknologi Informatika dan
Komputer yaitu, Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Multimedia dan Teknik Komputer Jaringan. Saya
memilih Multimedia untuk menjadi spesialisasi saya karena di dalam spesialisasi ini
mengajarkan animasi serta desain grafis, dan pada abad 20 ini animasi dan desain grafis
sangatlah penting baik yang 2 Dimensi ataupun 3 Dimensi. Di negara Indonesia, Malaysia dan
beberapa negara berkembang lain sudah mulai menggunakan animasi untuk memasarkan produk,
iklan layanan masyarakat ataupun film sedangkan di negara besar seperti Amerika, Jerman,
Jepang dan beberapa negara besar lain sudah lama menggunakan animasi untuk pembuatan film
ataupun iklan.

Sebagai mahasiswa di Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer,

saya mempunyai banyak kesempatan untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan. Saya memiliki
kesempatan beberapa kali membantu dosen mengajar animasi komputer dalam materi motion
graphic. Sebagai mahasiswa teknik informatika dan komputer juga saya membuat beberapa
proyek desain animasi. Secara keseluruhan saya senang dengan catatan akademik saya dan saya
percaya itu bisa menjadi modal saya untuk melanjutkan jenjang ke pasca sarjana.

Di dalam program sarjana saya, saya sudah mendapatkan dasar-dasar dalam bidang
animasi, tapi hal ini tidak cukup bagi saya untuk berbuat sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi negara
saya. Saya harus melanjutkan studi saya untuk memperkaya keterampilan saya dan memperluas
pengetahuan saya. Saya memiliki rencana jangka panjang terhadap pengetahuan di Indonesia.
Saya ingin memberikan ilmu keterampilan yang saya miliki kepada masyarakat yang belum
paham dalam hal teknologi informatika dan komputer khususnya dalam bidang desain dan
animasi, hal ini bisa membuka lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat yang belum memiliki

Dengan pertimbangan semua faktor di atas, saya percaya bahwa pilihan studi saya dapat
berguna bagi Indonesia secara umum. Saya menganggap diri saya pantas untuk menjadi kandidat
yang baik untuk beasiswa DAAD karena saya muda, mudah bergaul, energik, pekerja keras,
visioner serta termotivasi untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk negara saya pasca studi pasca sarjana.
Saya akan melakukan yang terbaik dengan segala usaha untuk negara saya. Dengan ilmu dan
keterampilan yang saya miliki saat ini, saya merasa belum puas dan tidak cukup untuk bisa
melakukan sesuatu untuk negara saya. Saya percaya bahwa saya dapat melakukan jauh lebih baik
jika saya ilmu dan keterampilan saya dilatih dan dikembangkan melalui master of fine art di
Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar, Jerman.

Name : Rijki Ramdani

PT : Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
Dear Sir or Madam

Sample scholarship application letter

My Name is RijkiRamdani. I am hereby writing you in relation to the advertisement you have
placed in the your website. I qualify for the scholarship by meeting all set standards very
cheaply. I have achieved all marks that are required to qualify for the scholarship program. I have
achieved first class 0 level certificate and my form continue towards my graduation as well. I
continued to perform well at my A levels and gained good marks there too. I have achieved first
division throughout my academic career. It was not the academic career where I have performed
but I was equally good at leading the school as well reader of quran and smart organization. I
graduated from Indonesia University of Education in year 2018 in cum laude marks. I however
could not continue my education due to lake of resources. This scholarship program is certainly a
ray of hope for me and I can perform once again unto my potential if I am provided an
opportunity to get entrance in masters program.

I am committed to perform well at my master's levels as well and have got the skills and
knowledge to do that. I am sure you would consider my application and would surely reward me
with scholarship. I will be really thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Faithfully
Rijki Ramdani

Dinha Alfia Syahri

Taman Tridaya Indah Blok G 17 no 7 Jalan Alamanda VIII
South Tambun, Bekasi
(+62) 8889724687

To : International Islamic University Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
P. O. Box 10, 50728
(+603) 6194000

With this letter I hereby wish to state my interest and apply for Master of Education in
Educational Management and Leadership Programme. I always have an interest in the
educational field especially in the educational equalities for each people in every circle. I have
graduated from Arabic Language Education Departement at State University of Jakarta, therefor
I want to continue my study to get Master Degree in Educational Management and Leadership
I have been applying my knowledge for teaching the students of Junior High School for
three months and teaching the children who live in village when I was a volunteer for one month.
Those activities proved that many children in every place especially in the underdeveloped
regions in Indonesia need an education. A better education for their lifes to make a better lifes,
there for I hope I can get a scholarship for continuing my study then I can develop my
knowledge to teach them, I have an opinion that the best education needs the best teacher for the
great learning process and for developing students abilities.
Actually I hope that every child get an educational equalities although they live in the
underdeveloped regions or they live in the advanced city. Education is dedicated to all people
who wants to get helpul knowledge, they are entitled to increase their knowledge. And for
making these happen, I want to make some educational blog used an Internet Based Learning
System then each people can get an information no matter he stays.
I believe that being a student in your department would not only empower my career
development, but it would give me some chance to increase my knowledge, and to let me get
some new experience I will not forget.


Dinha Alfia Syahri


Oleh: Rahmi Elzulfiah

Why do I want to study in Dutch? Science development in Dutch will help me to realize
my dream to be a physicist and physic lecturer. Dutch have competitive learning environment,
high quality campus, and good facilities. Several older and better university are in the Dutch, it
shown that Dutch is excellent in education field. Their Education system and dicipline is
valuable to be exemple for Indonesians education system. Then , when i graduate, I want to
implement it in indonesia.

What skills and knowledge do you hope to gain and how do you purpose to use them?
theoritical physic in Ultrech University. University that has given create some nobelist. Ultrechs
library has complete collection of book and Ultrechs students collage have unlimited access, so
it will help my study very much.

In my bachelor program, i have trouble finding a reference to complete my tasks, because

we have a limited collection. In addition, other libraries, out of my collage, also have a fewer
collection. I and my friends have to visited some library just just to find references in a course. It
was an unefficient time. Plus, the street jammed in Jakarta, it was exhausting and wasting time.

If i would be back to Indonesia, i want to facus in prospective teacher education,

especially as a theoritical physic lecturer. Becouse, in Indonesia, we have physics lecturer
shortage. Besides, when I was in bachelor program, i often had several tasks that are directly
related to physic teacher. To solve my tasks, i often have to met with physic education student in
master program. They recognized that not fully mastered the material, even tough they have to
teached their students. They recomended me to so taked adventage my time to study well in my
bachelor program.

So, i think that, become a physic theoritical lecturer is the best choice.

Andila Atmadja
Sempor Raya No.2,
Tangerang, Indonesia 15810
February 3rd, 2016

Academic Staff of
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my interest in the LPDP Scholarship for Indonesian Student
from the University of New South Wales. It is my hope to use this scholarship to aid in the
pursuit of my masters degree specifically on Master of Arts by Research in Indonesian Studies.

Despite coming from a disadvantaged background, my family has always stressed the
importance of academic success. I am an eight-semester-students in Universitas Negeri Jakarta,
who join Bachelor Degree in English Education Study Programme. My latest cumulative GPA is
3.47, the fifth highest in the class and now I am working with my final thesis. I am very
dedicated towards my universities study and I plan to continue succeeding throughout a master
degree study. My interest in education was sparked from a young age when my mother was
asked me to help her taught her students. My aim is to further the academic knowledge in master
of arts.

Along with my academic devotion, I am also extremely passionate about vocal group.
Throughout high school, I played an Alto for my vocal group school, in Delta Voice team. We
were undefeated in the city for two years that I played. In college, I also hope to be able to
continuedoingg the vocal group that I love. I understand that being a student with several jobs
besides studying requires rigorous self-discipline and hard work, but I believe that my academic
record shows that I am ready for such a commitment.

College has been a dream for many generations of my family. My mother was planning to return
to school when my father lost his job and it became her responsibility to become the breadwinner
of the family. Her sacrifices have enabled me to focus on becoming the first person in my family
to pursue higher education. I plan to succeed, regardless of what obstacles come my way.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours faithfully,

Andila Atmadja

Dear Sir/Madam,
With this letter, I would like to express my interest to continue my study in Europe.
I believe that Indonesia is a great country. With all Indonesias resources, this country can
transform into a developed country. Unfortunately, Indonesia has not given proper attention to
logistics sector, which is logistics sector can support the development of this country. Logistics
costs in every industry in Indonesia are still very high. In fact, logistics sectors have important
roles in spreading the economic growth.
But, blaming the government is not a wise way. This condition encourages me to take a bigger
role to improve logistics system in Indonesia.
Europe consists of many developed countries. Therefore, it makes me interested to learn about
good logistics system there. One of the developed countries in Europe is Netherlands. As a
developed country, Netherlands must have had good logistics system. Moreover, Netherlands
also has a good system in education, especially in higher education. There are so many
universities in Netherlands stand in the top rank as the best universities in the world, such as TU
Delft, TU Eindhoven, University of Groningen, and many others.
In conclusion, I would like to point out that I am determined to continue my study in
Netherlands, especially in logistics, transportation, and infrastructure major. I will learn, as much
as I can, all about logistics system and implement all of its in Indonesia.
At the end, I would like to say that if I get the scholarship, I promise giving my best to contribute
to make a better Indonesia.
Thank you very much for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,
Ahmad Aqsha

Motivation Letter
Dear Sir,

My name is Annisa Firdausi and I am writing for application scholarship Wagenigen University.
Right now, I am studying in Biology and interest in programme Molecular Life Science
Wageningen University.

I hope being awarded the chance to study in Wageningen University. It is incredible opportunity
for me and continuing my study in Biology. I will do hard and reward those who have granted
me a chance to prove such. Study further in Wageningen University can wide relationship and
sure knowledge. I have done my research in molecular for my end task in college. This research
assist me to study hard in molecular and give my attention about gene and mechanism consist.

I believe every difficulty there must be easy. Same with learning, I tried to comment on with
equal. Support from my family and friends really helped me to through difficult times. Especially
my mother who taught me not to give up. Difficult time is a challenge to do better and harder.

This scholarship represent me to do harder and fully focus my attention in Molecular Life
Science. I am very thankful to be able to attend this programme. I thank you for taking the time
to evaluate this application and look forward to arriving me in Wageningen University soon.


Annisa Firdausi

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing this letter to express my preparation for study overseas. This seminar would
give me the opportunity to know what is the things I should prepare before study overseas.

I am currently in my middle year at SMA N 54 Jakarta. My cumulative score isnt as high

as they have. But I am very dedicated towards study overseas, especially for scholarship. For me,
scholarship is my hope. Besides I ease my parents outlay, I could search my own interest. My
interest in astronomy was sparked from a young age when I thinking off how could the light of a
star over million hundred kilos could be seen on here.

I am a hardworking person that always trying to make something new. When people trying
to use the same way as before, I always thinking about how to make it more easier. In addicion, I
also work very well with group.

During my studies, I have been a student representative. I was chosen as President

Astronomy Division in KIR Jakarta Timru.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward for this semina

Your Applicant,


Dear Miss Asma Irma M,sc,
Head of Geography Department Program, State University of Jakarta 2016
Geography Department Office

My name is Ismalia Hinggis. Now Im studying in Geography Education (master degree)

program. In my Senior High School I was in Social Science program and Ive knew that
Geography is the mothers of science. Why? Because in Geography Ive learned so many
variety of science such as mathematic, physic, chemistry, sociology, economicand
anthropology. I also have knew that our world is getting old and begins much problems
occurred related to the earth. In the fact the world is the most important factor to support
all our activities. To solve it step by step, we need to give a knowledge based on earth
science and give more information about the phenomenon which is happening in this earth
today to all societies especially for the students who are the next gold generation. So after
passed my Senior High SchoolI choose the Geography Education Program as my
specialization in Social Science Faculty, State University of Jakarta.

Before begins to study, I became a deputy of student senate for 2013-2014 in my Senior
High School, in the same time I became a member of Islamic extracurricular in dakwah
division. In 2015I was a deputy of YayasanRumahSekolahJendelaPelangi. I have learned
so much from my experience such as how to lead the way of planning, organizing, and
evaluating. Currently, besides studying, in faculty Im active on DesaPendidikan
Community an under bow of university student executive to continuing my hobby and
sharpen my teaching skill. Even though Im active in campus, in Tangerang district Im
still active in JendelaPelangi Community especially in library division and in Family
Community especially in child center division. Both of that them have a background as an
education and social force.In free time in the middle of studying, I become a private
teacher in nearby of my campus.

According to my experience in teaching, leading, and active in some organization and

community. A Geography Teachers are very needed to improve the generation who are
very care with their earth. If we can prove it, so there will be a balancing between all
aspects of this life especially for this country which outstanding as the heart of the world.
So based on the reasons, ihave plan to continue to master degree study in Geography and
Education programagain in Oxford University to strive the best future to my country. I
believed that Im a good candidate for CheveningScholarship because I can pioneering
spirit, stay contribute in every place I lived, and have a good soul on leading.

Sincerely yours,

Ismalia Hinggis

Dear sir or madam,

I am Thifal Fauziah Setya, a final year student of Psychology Faculty in University of Pancasila
Jakarta, Indonesia. I am currently preparing my thesis to complete my study at the undergraduate
level. I had completed my internship period for 3 months which is a requirement of graduation at
the University of Pancasila. After graduating, I plan to work first for about 2 years, afterward I
plan to continue my studies to pursue a master degree in one of the University in Switzerland. I
have an interest in the field of developmental psychology and interested to do research for the
development of psychology science.

By writing a motivation letter, I wish I could get a scholarship provided to continue my studies to
the country that I want to go and on the field I am interested in, it is psychology. In Indonesia its
own, Psychology, has not so recognized by the public, there are still many people who are
unfamiliar with the science of psychology and psychologists. Developmental psychology can be
applied in several fields, such as in the field of education. The curriculum of education in
Indonesia itself has not adjusting well to follow the development of children, especially the early
childhood. Hopefully, if I could get a scholarship to continue my studies in psychology,
particularly the psychology of developmental, then I could be one of the professionals who help
contribute to develop Science of psychology, especially in Indonesia, and help develop an
education curriculum that better alongside with the developmental stage of children, so the
quality of life of children in Indonesia could be better because they get education according to
their developmental stage. Thank you for considering my application.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Thifal Fauziah S.


Greetings, Hello, I am Himatulkholisa. I am a person who have full of determination,

love doing new things, easy to adapt in society, cheerful, honest, and innocent. Sometimes, I am
a the one who doing something without a concept or target, so sometimes I can become a
deadliner person. Although I am a deadliner, but for a job, you can rely on me. I am responsible
with the tasks given even though the task was beyond the limits of my ability, I'll still try to do it.
I took a major in biology non education from state university in Jakarta. I took this field of study
because I am really interested in nature and environment. These things can make me think and
feel closer to Allah SWT. If we lookback, I really do not have a background in natural sciences
because, before I graduated from a vocational school where I never get the biology subject. In
other words, it can be said that I am 'trapped' in a world called biology. Although I felt trapped,
perhaps because of the help of the Creator, I can survive in this world even though the way I
experienced was very hard. Starting from vocational schools who have the soul of the field, until
the time of preparation towards SNMPTN, I get enlightenment in biology that could go into the
field, then I intend to take biology. However, even the biological world is not easy, that had to
memorize the Latin name, write the Latin name correctly, know the mechanisms and
physiological processes related to anatomy, until learn about immunity. From the beginning I
entered the biology, the score or we called it gpa that I get is not always good, until I get the gpa
2.00, and it made my mental breakdown, so I'm thinking 'Should I have to stop here?' but
because of the support and help from my parents and friends, I still can survive and learn more
about biology. Until I'm in third semester, and I got biochemistry, also given the task by my
lecture to present about myoglobin. This is where I started to thinking that turns biology is fun
and meaningful, the little things that are inside our body, even its in the blood, it can be
something that very meaningful and can be a concern. From here I am determined that I will
explore more about biology especially about molecular biology, so that I could become an expert
in this field.

If seen from experience, my experience in molecular is not much, it is only became a

biochemical laboratory assistant, interns student of Faculty of medicine research center that
examines the development of a vaccine adjuvant lysteriolisin, and became a trainee in the field
of biosafety and molecular cloning. However, my experience in wildlife photography can be
quite proud of. Became the first winner of the photography competition wildlife category in the
event smashB UNJ, become a favourite winner Bioleaf UNJ wildlife photography competition,
top five photos of wildlife categories in the event from, as well as became a
paticipant of photo exhibition of the in the water bird seminar KPB Nycticorax UNJ. Although
my experience is not much, but I really had the intention and ambition to get on towards
molecular. That's why I chose to continue my studies in the field of molecular biology.

Currently, I would do my research about the relationship of hemoglobin with cancer and
its relation with hypoxia. If I really get a chance to be able to continue my studies in the fields of
molecular, I want to become an expert in this field and continue my research. Because of that,
please allow me to be able to get this scholarship so that I can make my parents proud and
achieve my dream. Because in me always embedded a sentence that 'a person can be successful
if he is serious about pursuing and achieve his dream'.



Motivaton Letter
Memiliki kesempatan untuk melanjutkan belajar di luar negri siapa yang tidak mau? Semua
orang di seluruh dunia pasti memiliki impianuntuk dapat mengikuti perkuliahan bahkan dapat
mendapatkan gelar Doktor di salah satu Universitas ternama di dunia. Dan salah satu orang
tersebut adalah saya sendiri, Anisa Zakia.

Sejak kecil saya sudah memiliki mimpi untuk dapat mengelillingi seluruh negri di belahan dunia
ini. Bertemu dengan wajah-wajah seluruh negri dari setiap penjuru dunia yang berbeda.
berkenalan dengan bebagai macam kebudayaan dan peradaban. Tentunya itu sangat

Ketertarikan saya untuk meneruskan pendidikan di luar negri, khususnya negara-negara eropa
tidak datang begitu saja melainkan banyak pengaruh-pengaruh yang telah memotivasi saya
sendiri. Dan beberapa motivasi itu adalah:

1. Motivasi Agama
Faktor pertama yang terus memotivasi saya adalah agama saya sendiri, Islam. Islam
sebagai agama yang menjunjung tingggi ilmu pengetahuan memberikan penghargaan
yang sangat besar kepada siapapun pemeluknya yang berilmu. Banyak ayat-ayat Al-
Quran yang mendorong umatnya tanpa memandang perbedaan gender antara laki-laki
dan perempuan.
Sebagaimana Nabi terakhir kami sampaikan dalam salah-satu hadisnya tentang perlunya
kaum muslimin menuntut ilmu bahwa Menuntut ilmu itu merupakan kewajiban yang
dibebankan kepada pundak setiap individu umat islam, baik laki-laki maupun
perempuan. Kutipan hadis tersebut menambah semangat kepada diri saya pribadi yang
cinta terhadap ilmu pengetahuan yang senantiasa bertekad untuk mengisi kehidupan
dengan terus mencari ilmu. Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa mencari ilmu itu tak pernah
ada batasan-batasan yang menghalanginya.Baik batasan jenis kelamin, usia, ataupun
ruang dan waktu. Dan itu semua didukung oleh agama kami dan mungkin semua agama
manapun sepakat dengan hal ini.
Salah satu riwayat yang sering kami dengar dalam sebuah pernyataan Rasul kami
Muhammad adalah Tuntutlah ilmu dari buaian hingga liang lahat . jadi Islam
menginginkan pendidikan seumur hidup. Tidak pernah ada kata selesai ataupun
terlambat untuk mencarinya. Bahkan, di dalam doktrin agama kami Rasul Muhammad
juga mengatakan bahwa tuntutlah ilmu sekalipun di negri Cina.Hadis tersebut sangat
jelas sekali menggambarkan semangat pencarian ilmu yang hanya tidak terbatas pada
negri tempat kita sendiri dilahirkan. Kita bisa pergi mencari ilmu dimana saja dan kapan
saja. Dan Cina yang dimaksud dalam hadis tersebut mewakili satu dari banyak negara di
dunia. Meminjam istiilah dari Mulyadi Kartanegara bahwa cukup signifikan untuk
menyebut Cina karena bisa jadi ia menyimbolkan batas dunia.Sehingga sangat relevan
juga ketika kita berkesempatan untuk dapat berkuliah di luar negri dimana pun
universitas itu berada.

2. Infrastruktur
Tak dapat disangkal lagi hari ini Barat adalah pemegang dan pusat kemajuan Ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi di dunia. sejak permulaan abad ke-20 berbagai macam
penemuan telah ditemukan oleh ilmuan-ilmuan barat meskipun kemajuan barat dewasa
ini tak bisa lepas dari kontribusi ilmuan-ilmuan Islam pada abad keemasan di zaman
Dengan pesatnya kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi menjadikan segala
kebutuhan hidup manusia dapat dilakukan dengan mudah tak terkecuali semua
infrakstruktur yang terdapat di universitas-universitas ternama di sana. Dengan fasilitas
yang memadai dan teknologi canggih, semua itumembantu mempermudah proses
kegiatan belajar mengajar di dalam kelas bahkan untuk proses penelitian sekaligus. Hal
itu membuat saya menjadi lebih termotivasi dan menempatkannya menjadi alasan
motivasi kedua saya. Karena meskipun kita mempelajari mata kuliah yang sama antara
di negri sendiri dan di luar negri hasilnya pasti tetap berbeda. hal tersebut dapat
dipengaruhi oleh dosen-dosen yang mengajar maupun ketersediaan fasilitas-fasilitas.

3. Melatih Tanggungjawab dan Kesabaran

Hidup di negri orang tidak akan sama dengan hidup di negri sendiri.Sebagai seorang
perantau kita dengan sendirinya akan belajar tentang tanggung jawab dan kesabaran
penuh ketika kita hidup bersama orang-orang yang berasal dari budaya yang
beranekaragam. Kita seakan diberikan tanggung jawab yang lebih berat karena
membawa kebanggaan negri sendiri. Dan ialah beban tersebut bagaimana kita
mempertahankan kebanggan yang berasal dari tanah air tercinta. Apalagi dibandingkan
dengan fisik tentu kita jauh lebih kalah, dalam hal ini kita bisa dianggap dan dihormati
bukan dari fisik melainkan dari kemampuan kita sehingga harga mati jika kita sudah
berada di sana karena membawa kehormatan negara dan mendorong diri kita pribadi
untuk secara maksimal menunjukan kemampuan yang terbaik.
Tidak hanya itu, bersedia untuk belajar di luar negri berarti kita harus siap untuk berlatih
kesabaran, karena apapun keadaanyang akan terjadi di sana pasti sangat jauh berbeda
dengan keadaan di negri sendiri. Entah itu masalah gaya hidup, cuaca, bahkan makanan
sekalipun. Kedua hal tersebut begitu memotivasi saya sekaligus menjadi tantangan
untuk dapat berkesempatan kuliah di luar negri.

4. Faktor Ekonomi
Jelas sekali banyak orang yang ingin meneruskan pendidikan mereka di luar negri.
Namun kadangkala impian mereka pupusdi tengah jalan ketika dihadapkan dengan
biaya yang harus dikeluarkan termasuk biaya hidup sekalipun.
Sebagai seorang yang berasal dari keuarga dengan taraf ekonomi rendah saya tidak ingin
impian saya hilang dengan begitu saja hanya karena faktor ini. Justru dengan keadaan
saya saat ini saya lebih termotivasi lagi untuk berlomba-lomba menjadi orang yang layak
meneruskan pendidikan ke jenjang yang kebih tinggi bahkan mendapatkan beasiswa di
luar negri.

5. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Asing

Faktor kelima yang tak kalah pentingyang selalu memotivasi saya sepanjang hidup untuk
kuliah di luar negri adalah faktor bahasa. Kita semua tahu bahwa salah satu persyaratan
agar kita bisa lolos seleksi beasiswa luar negri dibuktikan dengan nilai tes TOEFL dan ada
juga beberapa universitas yang meminta hasil tes IELTS. Dengan adanya persyaratan
tersebut dapat mendorong anak bangsa terutama saya untuk lebih meningkatkan
kemampuan bahasa Inggris danada juga beberapa persyaratan yang meminta agar calon
penerima beasiswa mampu sedikit menguasai bahasa tempat dimana Negara tersebut
akan memberikan beasiswa. Persyaratan tersebut begitu menantang saya dan selalu
mengingatkan tentang pentingnya arti sebuah perjuangan demi mendapatkan sesuatu
yang ingin dicapai apalagi mengenai kemampuan berbicara bahasa asing terutama
bahasa Inggris yang menjadi bahasa international. Kiranya tidak salah pula kalau ada
suatu pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa Kuasailah bahasa maka engau dapat
menaklukan dunia.

Itulah beberapa faktor-faktor yang sangat memotivasi saya untuk dapat melanjutkan
pendidikan di luar negri terlebih saya mendapatkan beasiswa dalam melanjutkan
pendidikan tersebut. Aamiin.

Salam Perjuangan,
Anisa Zakia
(Mahasiswi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakrta)

Motivation Letter

Name : Infita Kamila

College : State University of Jakarta

With this letter, I tried to write my motivation for following this workshop with the theme Get
Scholarship: Writing Motivation Letter and Interview Preparation.
Studying abroad is my dream and i know that not easy to get it because there are many
requirements. After graduating from my boarding school, I have some friends who have been
studying in other countries, such us Malaysia, Cairo, and China and they are inspiring me for do
it too. Actually, I have prepared for continuing my study in Cairo, because there are some
reasons, I cant to follow it. And finally I studied at State University of Jakarta.

In the college, I tried to improve my language. I do it for preparing if sometimes there is an

opportunity to reach my dream. Actually I have given up, but here I have nice friends who very
supporting me. Therefore, my spirit is back and finally I want to try it for twice.

Although I can do what I want after graduating from my school, but Im very glad to study in my
college now. At first, I think I cant reach my dream here, but when I got the news about this
workshop, Im very interested.

Motivation Letter

My name is Indry Wahyuningsih . I am studying chemistry at Polytechnique of

chemistry analysis . I am applying scholarship for master program at france because i want
experiance the high standard education in europe . since i was a kid, i want go to france to see
eiffel tower. Thats a beautiful bulding for me. The man who made desain for it must be a great
architect with extraordinary innovation. I always imagine myself to be a great architect like him.
thats why i choose france for my study because from many sources of information that i found
in search engine, france give us a good atmospher for architecture. Beside, i am so interrest with
the ways france set their urban desaign. I hope i can expert in architecture and urban design
combined with my knowladges in chemistry that i learned before because i think good planner
and architect must plan their design based on chemistry knowladge to make a eco good design
that very needed in this era. i heard that many people from different countries coming to france
for live. It is possible for me to learn their culture and interact with many kind of people. I like to
explore cultures in this world. I learn some languages, i am making friends and having chats with
foreign in my social media .i read books of world culcures. My passion to learn architecture and
urban design and my interessant with culture will build my mind and personality. After i finish
my study, i will back to my beloved homeland indonesia to be a lecturer or civil servant as an
urban planner in the goverment.

Since i was a kid, i like to draw and make designs of home and dress. I often chosen to
represent my school in painting and design competition. i got two cups in major scale. They are
runner up in batik(a kind of indonesian fabric style) design and go green poster design. Besides
during my bachelor studies, i was involved in many sudent organizations activities. i am
secretary devision of student executive board. This organization always held discussion to review
the campus and goverment policies such us city urban design. I am a member of creative
devision for saveral time in some bigest events in my college. Besides, i am a teacher in a social
community. I love to teach children to draw, to love nature , to know many kind of cultures in
this world and to see beautiful buildings. My involvement in some organization make me usual
to work in team and interact with many people.

I will be greatful if i can be accepted to enroll in Universit Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne

s master program of architecture and urban design. Because it will give me a lot of benefit, with
doing state of the arts researches and theses in architecture and urban design. And it will also
allow me to live up my dream in the world of architecture and urban design engineering.

Your faithfully,

Indry wahyuningsih

Gria Jakarta JalanTanjung D4/11B Pamulang

15417, Tangerang Selatan
State University of Jakarta
English Department
January 30 2016

Subject : Motivation Letter

Dear Sir or Madam

With this letter I wish hereby wish to apply and state my motivation for entrance to the Master
program in Teaching secondary at the University of Melbourne for 2017/2018 academic year.

I appreciate this opportunity to introduce myself at your University and I perceive it as a perfect
opportunity to support my application for the Master program in teaching secondary offered by
your University. With my educational background and working experience, I strongly believe
that I am suitable candidate for the programme. I have chosen this University as my first choice
because of valuable scholarly resources and well-known reputation of the highly qualified
education of the University of Melbourne.

Since I was young I was interested in teaching, started when I saw my mother who was a teacher
to teach me when in junior high school. I was amazed because she can control the class and also
gave lessons until the student understands. Thats why I am interest in becoming an educator.
Education was also very important for a country, because the success of a country can be seen
from quality of the education. Besides want to be an educator I also wanted to advancing
education in Indonesia. Thus I took bachelor degree majored in English education. I think
education and English are important components, education as a means for learning and English
as a medium to communicate and exchange information. College education in English I learned
about the teaching method, especially in teaching the English language that is in the English
Language Teaching Methodology course, I also learned to design a lesson plan in Curriculum
and Material Development course as well as learning assessment in Crurriculum Based
Asessment course. Not only education courses, I also learned subjects English language skills of
speaking, reading, writing and listening. Therefore I am confident and able to continue the study
abroad which require use of English

I believe that Melbourne are perfect place for studying teaching secondary. Since your University
is the best University in Australia, I have decided to place my application for Master degree
programme here. After I read carefully the curriculum and the course requirements, I believe that
it perfectly matches my research interests and profile. Thanks to the University website, I gained
useful information about the University campus and the student life. Bearing in mind the
previous I believe I can fit perfectly achieving ideal academic results.

As I understand, this programme is very competitive, attracting highly motivated students, but I
am convinced that my good record at the University and professional experience give me a
strong recommendation for a place at it. Therefore I would be honored if you decide to accept
my candidateship for Master studies. In the same time I am aware of possible challenges and
high investments of effort I will have to place in order to successfully complete this course.

Thank you in advance for considering my application.

Yours faithfully,
Bagus Mega Jayeng Putro

JL.Jati Sirih No.26, Jakarta-Timur, Indonesia, 13220

Jakarta, 3rd February 2016

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Rosmawarni, Im a Bachelor of Economic Education, graduating from State

University of Jakarta in Indonesia, with GPA 3.54 in the scale of 4. During my study, I learn
about education, economic, and accountancy, where Im so much interested in learning economic
and education in higher level since 2009. In relation to my interest, I have attended important
training such as dedication to the people program in a village and teaching skills program in one
of vocational school in Indonesia. I was surprised when knowing that this year your University
had a Master Course Program for Business which is very matched to my interest. Therefore, I
would like to apply for this program.

A famous philosopher said what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. This statement
strengthened me when I faced difficult moment in my life in ten years old. When my parents
divorced and my mother decided to live alone with her three children. From that incident, I was
determined to be a child who can elevate my mother to have achievements in the academic. I
realize it can be when I can go to college with a scholarship to an undergraduate Bidikmisi
from Dikti. Live with a very simple life together my mother, my brother, and my sister.

I am very interested in the business program because I want to know more knowledge in the
business world so that I could be a professional businessperson even though I am also interested
role in education. After graduating MBA later on, I want to go back my country and creating jobs
and educational institutions in order to be able to share my knowledge to the future generation.
For as good as the man is useful for others. If the knowledge we have to share with others the
more it will make us grow smart.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,



Harvard University
Faculty of mathematics
Admission office

Subject: Motivation letter for scholarship

Dear Sirs, Madams,

I was very glad when I saw this scholarship opportunity and with this letter I would like to
express my gratitude for giving me the opportunity. I am an graduate of University of Indonesia
holding BSc degree in mathematics with honors.

Since I have strong background in mathematics, I believe that Master course in advanced
mathematics perfectly suits my profile and career prospects. My goal is to be an actuary which is
one of the applied mathematics.

Due to my financial situation I was unable to continue my studies abroad. Therefore, I will be
very grateful to be provided with scholarship to improve my education and incent my career
prospects. The knowledge I gained in Harvard University will be used to create an appropriate
insurance method in Indonesia.

This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to interact with students

and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds coming from all the world. This
type of networking is very important for integration of different ideas and perspectives pertaining
to diverse global issues.

At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of the scholarship
program. I believe that being a student in your department would not only empower my career
development, but would give me the framework to utilize my full potentials. Moreover I feel that
as a Masters students at your university, I can benefit from the numerous challenging career

Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a favorable reply.


Arya Sapta Jaladri

Jakarta, 3rd February 2016

Puti Nadhira


With reference to your advertisement published in the website of The Southeast Asian Ministers
of Education Organization; I am keenly interested in applying for the 2nd SEAMEO Youth
Leadership Forum. I am a native of Indonesia and now currently in my last year of studies in
Bachelors of Management from the State University of Jakarta (Universitas Negeri Jakarta).

I am a hardworking individual. I did an internship in Mumbai in 2013 and I got awarded for a
short study scholarship program in Hungary in 2014-2015. I have obtained excellent grades in
the last two semesters of my studies.
I have shown a good leadership skill by being a president in my high schools student
organization. I also became a supervisor in my universitys student association. In regards to
diversity my previous experiences add to my overall understanding and relating to others from
different backgrounds, cultures, religion, and nationalities where I had to work with them to
achieve the same goal.
It has been my goal to continue my study and get a master degree in either Marketing
Management or Business to help me reach my envisioned career path as a business woman and
have my own business within hospitality area but continuing my parents business and expand it
I hope that my biggest achievements are still yet to come in the future. At this moment I am
happy despite the continuity of my studies and work I find time to be satisfied with my social
life. However every new opportunity reaches me to perfection I am still looking for new chances
to develop myself. That is why I wish to be a part of the 2nd SEAMEO Youth Leadership Forum
and have the possibility to exchange knowledge, experience and points of view for different

I believe my qualifications and experience make me well suited for the position I am applying.
My enclosed CV provides an additional detail about my background. I hope you will give this
matter serious consideration.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you about this
exciting opportunity and my candidacy.

Yours sincerely,

Puti Nadhira

(To Study at University in United Kingdom)

Let me first introduce myself, my name is Hafizh Pragitya and recently i am

freshgraduate from senior highschool. My senior high school is the islamic boarding school
which puts forward the bilingual language both english and arabic as the crown of school. The
vision is to develope and improve students become islamic, advance and international standard.
Understanding about the global challenges, realizing about the the further study and
acknowledging about the needs much experiences, then i think science, knowledge and
experience are important but all of them in myself are deficient and i consider they need to be
expended. Therefore i decided to achieve higher education. I will take English Literature as my
next major of study realizing that it is international communication language and i interest to
extend this science to be my part of study.

As a student, i put a lot of attention on english language program, either formal or non
formal. If formal are like english lesson in my school and other lessons which relate with it. And
if non formal are like public speaking, speech contest, conversation in daily activity, debate,
story telling, scrable game and other events which brought advantages for me and my school. My
interest in english language and culture has been putting me in English Literature Department at
Islamic State University of Jakarta for four months. Inside it, i studied in deepening grammar and
structure of english, listening, speaking and reading. And i increased my knowledge and
experience in following some organisations which improve my ability in english such as
International Studies Club (ISC) and Public Speaking Club (PSC), joining some events such as
Model of United Nation (MUN), story telling competition, debate competition, bilingual drama
competition, and reading some english novels, articles, newspapers and short stories.

I absolutely interest in English Literature because it is unique. The are aspects of English
culture that are encapsulated by English literature. Of course, this is quite obvious when studying
the works of Shakespeare or of writers, poets and playwrights of the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries. It is, however, also true when studying other works of English literature. I can learn
about allusions and references to differnt aspects of English culture. I can also learn the context
and meanings of famous quotes and phrases.

But i do realize that i am still lest in english study and culture, i want to try hardly to
extend in this esoteric knowledge. This motivates me to increase and intensify my knowledge to
be higher and useful. Therefore i propose to continue my study in English Literature
Department.After an intensive searching, i discovered appropriate school that might fulfill my
establishment, i plan to a bachelor degree in United Kindom, which has advanced science,
knowledge, culture, technology and especially her native language that is relates to my major.
That was might me stunned and made me having a strong willingness to obtai course in this
Motivation letter

Neuroscience, when I study psychology in Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.Hamka University, I

have learned about neuropsychology. Neurosciencemovingon several frontsone of them is
psychology area. We can call neuropsychcology.I am very interest to learn more this science. We
knowed neuroscience be related directly with our brain. Brain is main of factor us to do
everything. When I can learn neuroscience with do the best. Then, nothing is imposible i can
develop neuropsychology in Indonesia. I choose neuropsychology because i have a basic
psychology and I want develop it. We know psychologist in Indonesian usually to know
personality someone with interview or fill quistionnaire. Where the common be refrection. So, to
avoid that we can use neuropsychology. When I done learned neuropsychology, I want to be
psychologist who develop neuropsychology.

As a student at Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka University, I always responsibility with

my assignment and currently my score. Besides studying, I member in organization student of
Muhammadiyah (IMM). And my hobby is writing; writing essay, poem or short story. I have
followed competition writing of poem and my poem being created a book by vio publisher.
Overall, I want to increase my activity.

Beside that, I have a mini business of top up. I become a agent of my business. With this
business I learn more about marketing system. Beside of neuropsychology, neoroscionce moving
on marketing fronts too. I hope when I learn neuroscience, I can learn neuromarketing too. With
neuromarketing I can develop my mini business. So, I have to continue study to enrich my skill
and broaden my knowledge.

In Indonesia neuroscience havent knowed by public people. Perhaps in health area,

neuroscience have a famous before. But for neuropsychology or neuromarketing in Indonesia is
the new especially in working world. So, my plan I can develop neuroscience psychology and
marketing area. That is not for me but to person especially Indonesia. Why Indonesia?? because
neuroscience in Indonesia very slowly of progress then foreign.

My self is young, energetic, and responsible person. So, i consider my self to be a good
candidate for get this scholarship. I done the best to work my activity and I can maximum effort
for I give my institution next. But this is no enough. I am not satisfied yet with what I did. I can
do much better if i am trained and developed through a master of psychology in Maastricht.

Tri Amiroh S.

Motivation Letter

(to complete the recommended requirement of joining FSLN agenda)

The abilities to strive for being better, not only the good attitude but also the high
education, are the most necessarything for everybody to face the world which is more and more
developed because either most people or institutions are recently finding those whose have the
mentioned criteria for their much own positive necessity. Therefore, to become our selves more
interested among other we should improve it by studying. The ministry of finance and the
ministry of education and culture had made a good programnamed by LPDP to supply the large
number of educational funds forwhose have strong-willed wishes and wide knowledge to study.

Indonesia endowment fund for education(LPDP)isone of some assigned foundations to

endow and supply funds in many various program shapes which one of them is education
program. Certainly, to get this worth chance we would need to study such mastered TOEFL and
IELTS as its requirement. In a bit of study process, we only need much information to espouse
intended plan in order to do notlost.

The festival of studying abroad (FSLN 2016), to be held at February 17-18, 2016 in
Jakarta State University, is an annual program held by PPI Dunia in which five students studying
amongvarious universities around the world share their remarkable experiences during studying
abroad. Not only do they share their remarkable experiences but also the way how to survive
around unacquainted people in the world. Additionally, there are also IELTS simulation test and
workshop to recognize the way of writing motivation letter and interview preparation

Therefore, I really hope to get a chance to follow the remarkably short program.


My name is Yudi Prasetyo. I am a last year student of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Currently
I am still working on my bachelor thesis to get my Bachelor Degree in Computer Science. The
concern of my thesis is on Data Analytic.
Honestly, I have a big passion on data. It was started when I was on Vocational High School.
Since that time, I have a lot of curiousity on database design, and queries and anything about
database. My passion on it getting bigger especially in my fifth semester, I got a lot of view of
data and something big, called Big Data. I also was attended a workshop that held by National
ICT Center from Ministry of Information and Telecommunication. It learning about about
datawarehousing and managing various kind of data. It also gave me paradigm to manage raw
data, it is called ETL (Extract, Transform and Load). With the transformed data, we can used it to
become a sourcefull information, such as to see the trend of marketing, and further to make
decision support system for example help the executive to decide on budgeting.

In my internship program, I contributed to make a human resource software in Dinas Pendidikan

Dasar dan Menengah, Ministry of Education. The main function of the software is to manage the
employees data and become a decision support system of employees promotion. It was a great
experience that I can contribute to my country with something that my passion.

The study that I would like to take for my Master Degree is Data Science. In my master research
I would like to deep dive in Machine Learning especially Predictive Analytic in government
studies. I think this programme is will very suit me that really like to exploring the data, playing
with logical analytic, and also making conclusion from data analysis.

After the study I really want to contribute in my country especially in e-government

development. With e-gov the the transparency in budgeting will be increase and corruption will
be pressed into minimum level. Another thing that I want to do is contributing in development in
Data Analysis and Decision Support System in BUMN. With predictive analytic the business
process can be calculate and analyze to make a good decision in business strategic, and it will
have very usefull and has a great advantages. The last thing, I also want to contribute for
education field. I am currently a teaching assistant in my campus, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta and I am sure that I have the ability to share my knowledge to the people of Indonesia.
Dear Madam or Sir,

My name is Nurul Khairunnisa, I'm 18 years old. I graduated from Senior High School in
About 10 years ago, when my sister took Psychology in one of the university in Indonesia, I
thought that Psychology isn't important. Because working in Indonesia doesn't need Psychology.
By the time, I think that Psychology is important factors in our life. Because whatever we do, all
of it comes from the mind and behavior. And it is learned in Psychology.

I like to analyze people around me of their behavior and motivations. I want to explore the
science of the mind and human nature. I'm very interested how to increase my knowledge about
human nature and understanding of human needs, human problems, and how such factors
interact within individual, group, and community. That's why I want to be a Psychologist.

And I believe that everything what we do are from our mindset. If we want to be better, we
should positive thinking. And I will prove that positive thinking has many benefits. Because the
most people around me dont believe about the miracle of positive thinking.

Recently, I think why many people have different characteristics. There are good or bad people.
If I meet bad people, I would like to affect their behavior to be a good person. And if I meet good
people, I will ask them how to do that. So it can be a good suggestion for me and people around
me. Perhaps it's just a simple activity. But from simple activity, the big change is will started.

In the future, I will assess and evaluate the problems of my patients and help them in overcoming
their personal issues. And I want to help people facing problems, especially in Indonesia.


Nurul Khairunnisa

Motivational Letter

My name is Hanifah Harfiatun Alhaq. Now, I am studying Islamic Studies at State

University of Jakarta. I am applying for the Scholarship Program of Erasmus Mundus 2016 at
University of Leipzig, Germany. Because I would like to experience the academic atmosphere in
Europe which has a high standard in research and innovation. I have a big dream to become an
expert in Islamic History, so I need to enrich my academic background, deepen my
understanding of the subject I am interested in, and also broaden my knowledge in another
subjects. Joining the course of Arabic language is an excellent step to reach my dream. I also
enjoy doing cultural exchange such as learning new languages, making friends, and other
activities that will improve myself both personality and professionally. So, from the reasons
above, I am giving a try to myself to be part of this program.

Growing up in a culturally diverse country makes me respect to diversity. I used to

interact and cooperate with different kinds of people. It always becomes an interesting challenge
for me to adapt with new environments and I am ready to learn all the positive things in order to
adapt to the new cultures. I also have ability to transfer my knowledge. When I was in senior
high school, I taught some of my friends in English and math lessons to help them preparing
their final exam. I think that it is a good thing if we have something in which we are skillful and
we share it with other people to enrich what we already have in our self.

I would like to apply for the Erasmus Mundus 2016, at University of Leipzig, Germany
for Undergraduate in Islamic Studies. The program of Student Exchange, for 6 months, starting
on June is perfectly for me.

After I finish the Student Exchange program, I will return to my country and finish my
undergraduate degree. After that, I would like to devote myself in education field, become
researcher or lecturer in my country. I am sure by participating in the program of Student
Exchange, I will earn more knowledge and valuable experiences and in the same time I will
share it to other people in my environment.

Letter of Motivation

Tangerang, 03 February 2016

Festival Studi Luar Negeri 2016 (FSLN)

My name is Syifa Fadhilah, I am 21 years old and currently a student of eighth semester in State
University of Jakarta with a major in English Language Education Study Programme, and
therefore I will accept a degree Bachelor of Education in this year.

Since I was at elementary school, my dream was to be a teacher especially an English teacher.
My family occupation background is teacher and lecturer as well. I have a big interest and
passion in teaching people specifically children. It has grown since I was a little girl, I often
played around with my friend to be a teacher-student in the classroom then we pretend to be a
teacher or student in that moment. I thought that to be a good teacher is one of the good things to
do because since that time, I believe that teachers can make someone be a better person in the
future and they can share their knowledge as well with teaching and educating. And so I had a
dream that one day in the future I would get to share my knowledge, teach and educate people
specially children by becoming a teacher. I thought it would not just be an exciting experience
but also something that would broaden my mindset and understanding towards learning to be a
teacher and educator.

I have always interested in learning English language, it has shown since I was in my junior high
school. I have joined some English courses in my boarding school. I enjoy learning English
because I thought that it was so fun and English is my favourite language. I realize that now
English has to be a means of international communication. All people around the world are
trying to learn English as their communication language with people in other countries. And
therefore, I choose English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) as my major in my
current study.

Since I was a student of ELESP in State University of Jakarta, I have studied some interesting
subjects and discussed several topics related to education. I have taken several subjects related to
teaching such as Language Learning Teaching Theory, English Language Teaching Methodology,
Classroom Based Assessment, Curriculum Material Development, etc. When I was at my second
semester of my study, I tried to teach English for junior high school in some study clubs to start
my teaching experience. I have also recruited in one of elementary schools to be an English
teacher for 3 years till now.
So with these reasons above, I am giving a try to myself to continue my master study in
University of Adelaide with a major in Master of Education. I know this program is suitable for
me to teach in higher education environment and develop my educational research capability. I
also see some interesting and relevant courses in this program such as TESOL Methodology,
Educational Issues in a Global Community, Creative Teaching in History Curriculum, etc. I
choose University of Adelaide because I see the opportunity comes from there. I know that
University of Adelaide is one of Australias most prestigious universities. The university seems
very welcome cultural diversity. Adelaide ranked as the worlds 5th most liveable city, most
affordable city with the lowest cost living of all the mainland capital cities; it becomes a
multicultural city and easily accessible city with free city transport and student discount
available. Therefore, I am sure by taking a study of Master of Education in the University of
Adelaide I will earn more knowledge regarding teaching and education in other context and


Syifa F.H


Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia 17125
Mobile Phone: +62 812 9552 3376
Dear, Sir/Madam
Committee of LingkarInspirasi;

I am Ika Farida Novyanthi, sophomore of Political Science Department State University of

Jakarta, Majoring Pancasila and Civics Education. With this letter I would like to express my
strong interest for participating at your event that will be held at 17-18 February 2016, Study
aboard Festival 2016 (FSLN 2016). As a future leader, I need to explore myself to be a great
leader and experiencing world-class education. So, this event will really mean a lot for me.
Moreover, in the global competition that will be faced by scholars over the world, we must have
Capability to communicate, problem solving, leadership and independency. So, I think by joining
an international program will build the motivation to develop our skills into someone that ready
to face global competition. I have ever tried a study exchange program of BinaAntarBudaya
when I was in high school and failed the tests. Then, I tried again a summer exchange program of
AIESEC Indonesia, I passed all the tests and interviews but failed because of the financial
problems. But, I have a strong willing to try and try again, because fail means First Attempt in
Learning, so I should get up, keep going and trying my best. This event will be provides me
anything that maybe I dont know yet about Study Aboard and will inspiring and motivating me
to reach my dreams to study aboard and become a future leader that will build the nation,

Ika Farida Novyanthi

I am Rizkita Kurnia Putri, the 1st year student of Jakarta State University
I have always been thinking about my future, building a career, becoming a successful person
and generally finding my own path in the life.
Almost all my family including my uncles, aunts and cousins have their jobs which somehow
connected to the field of technology. I have grown among intelligent people and it had great
influence on the development of my personality so since early childhood I have learnt the
importance of education.
My school teachers always noted that I had good abilities in such subjects as mathematics and
physics. This increased my interest in exact sciences, and I decided to connect my future career
with technological area of activity, wishing to gain success in the future. And if I become
successful I will pay back my parents for their warmth and loving tender, as they have been those
who have been supporting me throughout my life.
For that reason I constructed a plan for achieving this long-term aim. By the plan I accomplished
some small objectives: graduated from school in the number of the best students and won a
scholarship to study in Jakarta State University. Three years letter I am going to graduate from
my university and i have plan to enter one of the best universities of the world for my Masters
degree. As it was before I started to find one with an opportunity to win a scholarship. I spent
much time searching, and at last I chose Melbourne University
The first acquaintance with your university began from collecting particular information about it.
From the data I had found I managed to make some basic picture explaining why I chose it.
Melbourne University is the biggest innovative centre which takes active part in the field of
fundamental and applied sciences. Furthermore, the research investigations of students and
scientists make a great contribution to the development of high technologies in and out of
Melbourne. In addition to investigative work the university keeps on stimulating entrepreneurial
abilities in its students.
As far as my pertinent work experience is concerned, I would like to mention that when i was in
Vacational High School, i was undergoing training in local telecommunication company for 1
year. This company devotes itself to providing wireless broadband Internet access to its
customers. As a trainee I had many duties starting from reconfiguring equipment and finishing
by arriving to a certain client to set up a network. During the training I managed to acquire some
specific skills, for example, how to organize conduit in different kinds of buildings or how
exactly a cable laying is implemented. Likewise, I got to know the structure of
telecommunication agency. In addition, I learnt the principles of team work and improved my
communicative abilities. As a result, after completion of the training I was given a qualification
of assistant engineer.
As regards my interests, I am glad to say that I am not a person who is only engaged in studies. I
have dozens of activities which I like to do. Generally, I would like to note that I have always
kept healthy lifestyle. I was taught that it is much better to struggle with your sicknesses by
developing your health rather than taking drugs infinitely. All these clearly define my high
interest in keeping healthy lifestyle that is reflected in my big love of sport. For instance, I am a
real mountaineer. Thus I always try to find some time to go out and play such a wonderful game
with my friends. In addition, I also like such kinds of sports that upgrade strength, stamina,
reaction and flexibility. That is why the list of my favourite sports is very wide including not
only mountaineering but also basketball, swimming, long-distance jogging, sprint, table tennis.
Finally, I cannot forget that reading books is another passion of mine. Thus, most of all I prefer
science fiction, fantasy and detective novels as my favourite genres.
With respect to my future career, as I mentioned before the fact, that Melbourne University links
its activity with investigative work and at the same time develop entrepreneurial skills of its
students, is a fundamental reason of why I desire to study exactly here. The question is that our
nation is lack of highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunication. What is more, as
user I am not satisfied with the level of provision of different telecommunication services that are
also very expensive and I am sure that I am not the only one who supposes so. I believe that our
country has much more potential; therefore, as a true patriot, I wish to contribute to the
development of the national telecommunication. In other words, if I gain the Masters degree in
Melbourne university then I am going to return back to my homeland to make efforts to establish
my own telecommunication company for the purpose of providing telecommunication of a high
quality at a reasonable price. To implement such goal I need to improve my leadership qualities
and acquire special knowledge in chosen field of education, which will be possible if I join
Melbourne University.
In conclusion, I would like to say that if I become a student of Melbourne University, I promise
to be a worthy member of the team.
Thank you very much for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Rizkita Kurnia Putri

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Perkenalkan nama saya khoerunnisa
Saya tinggal di kabupaten Bekasi saya bersekolah di madrasah Aliyah AL-Imaroh berada di kab

Bekasi juga umur saya 17 tahun dan saya berdiri dikelas 12ipa saya anak terakhir dari 4
Saya bermimpi untuk bisa bersekolah diluar negri tetapi dengan cara beasiswa tapi saya berpikir
kembali kemampuan saya tidak mencapai internasional wawasan saya pun juga tidak mencapai
kesana dan orang tua kurang setuju karna biaya hidup diluar itu lebih mahal dibanding didalam
negri -.- tetapi dengan lantang saya menjawab perkataan orang tua saya bahwa saya yakin bisa

untuk sekolah diluar negri tetapi dengan beasiswa Full dengan PD saya

menjawab nya tidak perduli orang berkata apa tentang saya tetapi hati berkata lain walau
orang tua (mamah) saya kurang setuju tapi saya akan membuktikan bahwa saya yakin saya bisa
untuk berkuliah disana dengan cara apapun dan bagaimana caranya saya bisa untuk mendapatkan
beasiswa Full ..! Memang kemampuan saya tidak begitu hebat dari yang lain tapi allmdulillah
Saya mempunyai tekad yang kuat tekad untuk meraih kesuksesan saya sendiri untuk bisa meraih
apa yang saya mau ... Saya mengetahui bahwa ridho Alloh berada di ridho orang tua apalagi
(ibu) saya mengetahui dan pada bersamaan orang tua saya sendiri terutama (mamah) kurang
setuju saya menlanjutkan sekolah diluar negeri dengan fakto biaya , tetapi ayah dan kakak saya
mendukung untuk bersekolah diluar Sana dengan bertujuan fii sabilillah (dijalan Alloh) saya
tidak memikirkan bagaimana itu biaya tapi yang daya pikirkan bagaimana saya untuk
mendapatkan sebuah beasiswa dan meyakinin orang tua (mamah) untuk mendukung kemampuan
saya yang saya inginkan ... Saya ingin masuk fakultas kedokteran itu cita cita saya dari kecil
hingga sekarang ini dan semua keluarga mendukung saya untuk mengambil kedokteran awalnya
ibu sayapun mendukungnya pas waktu saya duduk di kelas 11 tiba tiba ibu saya tidak setujui
saya untuk masuk fakultas kedokteran dikarenakan biaya yang begitu mahal . Maka dari itu saya
ingin dan mencapai sebuah beasiswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan saya .... Allmdulillah saya
suka mengikuti lomba sains seperti biologi tingkat nasional lalu saya menguasai 4 bahasa Di
antaranya bahasa Indonesia bahasa Inggris bahasa Arab dan bahasa Mandarin dan saya aktiv di
bilang OSIS allmdulillah saya dapet kepercayaan dari guru guru saya di sekolah untuk mengatur
adik adik kelas dan teman temen saya dan saya pernah mengikuti lomba da'i tingkat Jawa barat
dan Jabodetabek dan allmdulillah saya aktiv di fashion wanita saya sering mengikuti lomba
lomba fashion show di Jabodetabek dan menjadi pengurus suatu komunitas (hijab style
community) di Jakarta allmdulillah saya sudah menghafal 2 juz yaitu juz 30 dan 29 dan saya
pernah mengikuti pemilihan putri Kartini kota Bekasi saya aktiv di bidang speach saya suka
sekali dengan bicara didepan dan berdebat dalam suatu pelajaran ... Saya sekolah di MA
ALIMAROH pindahkan sebelumnya saya sekolah di SMP-SMA latansa islamic boarding school
di Banten saya hanya bertahan sampe kelas 4 semester satu yaitu kelas 10 semester satu lalu saya
keluar dengan suatu kendala di karena saya sakit yang tidak bisa di tanggani di sana .
Semoga motivasi dari saya bermanfaat dan busa membantu saya untuk bisa sekolah di sekolah

luar negri dan bisa untuk membahagiakan kedua org tua saya dan keluarga saya

Walaikumsalam wr wb

My name is Muhammad, I was 21 years old man and I come from family with Arab descent who
live and become a citizen of Indonesia. I was the second of three brothers. From childhood to
adulthood, I was studying in elementary, middle, and high school which located in Jakarta.
Yesterday, at September 2015, I recently completed my undergraduate education in Computer
Science (BCS or S.Kom) at the Campus UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. I graduated with GPA
3.72 and cumlaude.
Since entry into IT department, I was quite interested in the field of information technology
which grows continuously in worldwide. I learned a lot of lessons delivered by the lecturer in the
classroom and the more I learn in communities associated with the IT sector. I think technology
will continue to dominates and grows in the world and will be as the solution to any problems
that exist in society. One of the things I was interested in the world of IT is that technology can
solve problems and be a perfect solution for every problem in the world.

My experience started in 2013 when I stepped in fifth semester. At the time I signed up as a
Microsoft Student Partner (MSP). I through very long stages when registering at Microsoft until
finally I elected as MSP represent my campus UIN Jakarta. I do some job at Microsoft with the
concept of learn, share, and influence. So I am always learning new technologies developed in
the world then the next step I share and distribute all of it to peoples in Indonesia. MSP has made
me often called to be a speaker and workshop presenter at several institutions and universities in

At the beginning of 2014 when I become as a speaker at the MSPs event, I met someone and
asked to work part time at oil and gas national companies in Indonesia which name is Pertamina.
In pertamina I worked as a developer of software applications for internal and external company.
One application that I developed during my work there is, the company
portal website. With a chance to get around from campus to campus from event to event has
opened my network to meet with friends from other campuses and some professional worker.
Until finally at the end of 2013 I attended an international competition titled Nokia Create
International Competition. In the competition I with my friend thank God became the second
winner or runner-up under contestants from Italy. Although at second place, this experience has
opened my eyes about the extent of the information technology world out there. Finally on my
next competition, I become the first winner in the competition entitled App Development
Competition held at UGM Jogjakarta. These accomplishments eventually led me to make a small
company or a startup called Elvbit Studio. I invite my friends in the class to join and cooperate
working on IT projects that I get. Thank God this business earn enough for my friends and me to
pay for college and pocket money for college. Startup Elvbit Studio continue until today and has
become an official company named PT. Nuri Technology Ultima. At the company I became one
of the Co-Founder.
With a wide range of experience I have gained, I have the vision to become a successful
entrepreneur in the field of IT or so-called as technopreneur. I will continue to learn and get
experience as much as possible to be a successful technopreneur. I began to realize this vision by
creating an IT company. I hope that this company will continue to be developed successfully and
can reduce the number of unemployed peoples in my country Indonesia.

Muhammad Assegaf

Bekasi, February 1st 2016

Letter of Motivation

Dear Sir/Madam,

Im writing this letter to explain my motivation to continue my study for higher degree. My
name is Fatimah Azzahra Shellyni Sari, I am 4 th teachers student at State University of Jakarta.
At the end of this year, I will obtain my bachelor degree in Management of Education, Faculty of
Education Science. I am one of the recipients of Bidikmisi scholarship, which is granted by the
Indonesian Ministry of Education. During my bachelor study, I was joining the legislation of
student organization for two period and won education debate contest in faculty phase in 2013.
My activities besides the lecture is becoming a part-time teacher, I had been a math and science
teacher for elementary school at one of learning courses for one year and then become a tutor
since 4th semester until today. Im really interested in education stuff, thats why I study very
hard with related matter. Furthermore, I loved to be a volunteer teacher, I had a few experiences
as a volunteer teacher in a poor area of education services in Indonesia, Recently, I have two
months as an intern for in Department of Education for East Jakarta region and took apart in
Finance Division.

Studying abroad is one of my biggest life goals. I started to look for the best university for
Masters degree in England related in educational management since a year ago, and after read
various information that I get from the internet, I choose UCL Institute of Education. As We
know, The UCL Institute of Education (IOE) is a world-leading centre for research and teaching
in education and social science, ranked 1st for education in the QS World University Rankings
(2014). Im planning to take curriculum, pedagogy and assessment program in order to adjust my
study program before. It made me curious about the education system there. In addition, the
circumstances Indonesian education campuses today makes me want to learn what they do, what
kind of learning system their applied are, in order to become the world's leading education

Educational campuses who educate prospective educators. I am determined to become a lecturer

at the university where I learned today and become one of the education policy makers in
Indonesia. certainly, I would like to share my knowledge and experiences that I have gained in
my later on college to anyone who wants to be a teacher. I would be happy if I have chance to get
scholarship to study aboard and reach my goal. That's my reason to do everything I can in order
to satisfy the requirements to get a scholarship to study abroad, especially in the United
Kingdom. I've studied hard in order to get a GPA above 3.25 in each semester, participated in
various trainings and seminars related to education in my country, and of course I push myself to
get familiar with English language. I watch British movies without subtitle, listen to British pop
songs, read a lot of English literature and try to practice working on IELTS by myself. I'm trying
to raise money to take IELTS preparation course before my graduation.

I hope with this letter I revealed my impetus and my desire to continue my study. I would be
delighted to have the opportunity to discuss my application further more. Thank you for your
time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Fatimah Azzahra Shellyni Sari

Get scholarship : writing motivation letter and interview preparation

Email :

I graduated in Diploma Program in August 2015 from the Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic
of Bengkulu, Midwifery Diploma Program. My degree focuses on promotion, prevention, and
early detection toward society in midwifery service. I also involved in several activity related
with society service in rural area which provoked my strong interest in issues that affect mind set
of people about health.

The rural areas are interesting to study because they are places where different cultures and rural
practices encounter each other. Health could influence peoples lifestyles including some
traditions which can put them in danger. Generally, the rural people are in need approachment
that deal with the figure who always help them take decision in health.

In addition, I have successfully participated in domestic open competitions. I have a passion for
teaching and I am especially interested in further developing my skills in social approachment.

Anisa Tyfani

Subject: Motivation Letter

Dear Sir,

I am applying for masters degree student in pharmacology in Cambridge University started in

October 2020. Cambridge University is qualified graduate school which can give such good
study in Pharmacology. Hopefully by studying there, Ihave opportunity to learn and join in
researches together with top researchers from all over the world.Now, I am student in bachelor
degree of chemistry at State University of Jakarta that will graduate in September 2019. I want to
continue my study in pharmacology where is related with my education on Chemistry. So that, I
can continue my career as a lecturer or researcher.

I am interested to continue my study in pharmacology because I have interested in chemistry

since I was senior high school student. Besides that, as countrythat has a tropic climate,in
Indonesia more than kind of the cause of the disease can causea new kind of other disease. But,
unfortunately we do not have enough researcher in pharmacology to solve this problem.
Therefore, I want to be a researcher in pharmacology that finds new kind of medicine or new
method of therapy that can heal new kind of disease such as HIV, cancer, etc. Finally, I can help
many people in the future.

I have strong education background in chemistry. In my campus, I am top student and I get
scholarship from Indonesian Government. In the same time, I am the active member of KPM
(Young Researcher Community), part of extracurricular in my campus and have cooperated with
many people there. I have been trained to think scientifically to solve a new problem. I like doing
a research to find a new thing related with chemistry. I also have actively participatedin seminar
and research competition related with pharmacology and chemistry. And I have got awarded for
my research.

To support my motivation letter as mentioned above, as attached I enclose all supporting

documents. If you require any further details or documents, please do not be hesitate to contact
me. I hope to hear from you soon.


Amir Mahmud

Statement of Purpose / Motivation Latter

Anggi Angelina PAT

Dear Madam / Sir,

The Miracle Worker movie will always motivated me, its based on the true story. The movies
about Helen Keller, how she knows words with her inability. Her ability to recognize the words
is not far from the greatness of her teacher Annie Sullivan. Annie teach Helen with so much
patience and love. Annie show us that teach is not just about told something or give something
new, but show the meaning of lesson. From Annie I know that being a teacher is not simple
thing. Being a teacher means that I need to know more about my student, being close to them and
teach them the meaning of the lesson with all my heart. This story impressed me so much, so that
I am obseesed to be a profesional teacher in physics.

Why physics? Because most of student in Indonesia hate physics more than the other lesson.
Why is that happend? Most of the reason because the teacher cant be the real teacher supposed
to be. Teaching physics need so much attention and be open minded to the student. In Indonesia,
teacher who teach physics is just give a new chapter just like lecture. It would be so bored for
student who doesnt know anything. More than that, if this is happend repeatedly, the student will
hate physics, they will think that physics was so difficult. Besides, the one whose wrong is the
teacher that didnt know how to teach profesionally, or the teacher who doesnt really understand
about physics.

Thats why I want to change that. I wanna be a professional teacher, a real teacher for student in
physics. I want to inspire the other teacher in Indonesia how is teacher supposed to be. I want to
inspire student in Indonesia that physics is not so difficult, that physics is fun lesson to learn. I
want to make the student in Indonesia love physics so they can compete in the national or
international olympic, or they can make something new with physics concept.

In order to do that, I have decide to take my bachelor degree into the next level and set my
master degree in the field of physics education as my next target. Because obtaining this master
degree will give me solid skills and knowladges to help me achieve my dream. And afterward,
when it is still possible, I also planned to continue my study in the doctoral degree of the same
field of my study, before I will finally going back to my homeland and become teacher, lecture
also researcher at a University in my homeland (after a couple years of research experience in
I personally think that I will be a suitable candidate for University of Helsinkis Master Program
of Physics education, because I have a solid knowladge in Physics. I can prove it with my GPA
of 3,3 (scale of 0-4, with 4 as the highest). Education in Finland is what Im looking for this all
time. Finland is very popular with one of the countrys best education in the world. And I will be
very happy be one of the student of Finland with all my dream. Because Im going to prove that I
can realize my dream when Im going back to my homeland.

During my bachelor studies, I was involved in many student organizations activities. Im a

hardworking and careful student in my class thats why I can be an assistant professor in
practicum class for 2 times in very young semester. I also follow the race scientific work even if
I lose. I often become a leader in many work lesson, debate class, and the last time that I cant
forget become a leader in real work lesson. It is the last lesson in 7th semester that I and my
fourteen friends have to lived in one village in one house to teach the villagers about how to take
adventages from new simple technology to have a new income. In that time I can prove to my
self and my friends that I can be a leader not a boss. These experiences make me able to blend
and work in team easily.

I will be greatful if I can be accepted to become one of student in University of Helsinky Master
Program of Physics Education, because it will give me a lot of benefit especially learn how to be
a professional teacher in one of the best education country. And it will also really help me to live
up my dream being a professional teacher.

yours faithfully,

Anggi Angelina Putri Andini Tanjung

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