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Research Question: Galileos Pendulum Investigation

In this investigation you will determine which of the following have the greatest effect on the potential
energy of a swinging mass:
1. The mass of the object
2. The length of the string
3. The height the mass is dropped from

Hypothesis: Make a claim

Please record your hypothesis in the following format to create a testable statement for our
investigation. You need to write one hypothesis for each of the things we are testing in your notebook.

Hypothesis 1: I think increasing the mass will (choose one: increase/decrease/not affect) the
time it takes to swing back and forth.
Hypothesis 2: I think decreasing the string length will (choose one: increase/decrease/not
affect) the time it takes to swing back and forth.
Hypothesis 3: I think increasing the height the ball is dropped from will (choose one:
increase/decrease/not affect) the time it takes to swing back and forth.

Procedure and Data:

Please record the data and write the procedure for EACH part of this investigation in your notebooks.

Investigation 1: Mass Demonstration in class! Please make sure you record the TIMES from
the timer box on the data table and then analyze what happens to the time as we increase the
amount of mass we add.

o Data Table 1:
Mass (description) Trial Number Time (s) Calculated Average
Time (s)
No washers added 2
6 washers added 2
12 washers added 2

o Procedure of Investigation 1: Please write a detailed explanation of how we collected

data!! It is important that you talk about all of the following:
How far back we pulled the mass
How many times we tried to do this
How we set up the timer to collect the data
o Results of Investigation 1:
Please analyze your data to see if your hypothesis was correct!
If you were not, please state what really happens
Investigation 2: String length! Please make sure you record the TIMES from the timer box on
the data table and then analyze what happens to the time as we increase the amount of mass
we add. Drop the mass from the 10 mark EVERY TIME so your data is consistent.

o Data Table 2:
String length Trial Number Time (s) Calculated Average
(description) Time (s)
The first set of data 2
from Data table 1 3
Shorter 2
Shortest 2

o Procedure of Investigation 2: Please write a detailed explanation of how we collected

data this time! You should add to your previous procedure and explain
What you did DIFFERENTLY this time
What was the SAME as the last time
o Results of Investigation 2:
Please analyze your data to see if your hypothesis was correct!
If you were not, please state what really happens

Investigation 3: How high it drops! Please make sure you record the TIMES from the timer box
on the data table and then analyze what happens to the time as we increase the amount of
mass we add. This is where you change the height that you are dropping from

o Data Table 3:
Height Dropped Trial Number Time (s) Calculated Average
(description) Time (s)
10 degrees use your 1
first set of data from 2
Data Table 1 3
20 degrees 2
30 degrees 2

o Procedure of Investigation 3: Please write a detailed explanation of how we collected

data this time! You should add to your previous procedure and explain
What you did DIFFERENTLY this time
What was the SAME as the last time
o Results of Investigation 3:
Please analyze your data to see if your hypothesis was correct!
If you were not, please state what really happens
Analysis and Conclusion:
This is where you are going to summarize the investigation. Please make sure it includes all of the
following elements:
A summary of your hypotheses. This can be in the form of I thought the mass would change
the motion of the pendulum, not the height length of the string.
A summary of your results. This can be a statement for each one of your investigations: In the
first investigation, I thought that _______ would happen. I found that ____________ really
Finally, you need to determine why you were correct or incorrect. I have a hint for youWhich
of the three variables have the greatest effect on the potential energy of the mass? This is
where you relate what you found back to what you know about kinetic, potential and total
energy in a system. It should be SUPER NERDY to demonstrate to me that you truly
understand how energy is converted from one form to another.

Galileos Pendulum Investigation Criteria for Success

Directions: Check off the criteria that your work meets.
Tch. Self.
Advanced: 16 19 points = A
Includes all Proficient criteria AND
1 The procedure sections are so detailed that it would be easy to go back and do
1 The results contain data to support if the hypotheses are correct or incorrect
1 The results and conclusions are supported by the data
1 The analysis and conclusion section is complete and CORRECT!
Proficient: 11 15 points = B
Includes all Basic criteria AND
1 All of the hypotheses were formatted correctly as testable statements
1 The information on the data tables is all correct
1 All of the procedures included how the data was collected and what changed
1 All of the results are completed and reflected on the hypothesis
1 The analysis and conclusion section attempts to answer final question
Basic: 10 points = C
2 All of the hypotheses are written but not formatted correctly
2 All of the data tables are completed but the calculations were not all correct
2 All of the procedures are attempted but contain mistakes
2 All of the results are reported on but contain mistakes
2 The analysis and conclusion section is attempted but contain mistakes
Novice (Revise PLEASE!)
meets fewer than 5 of the Criteria for Success

Total points: _____

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