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October 18th, 2017

John Noseworthy, M.D., CEO Mayo Clinic

200 1st St SW
Rochester, MN 55902

Dear Dr. Noseworthy,

Rochester is facing a massive crisis in affordable housing for low and moderate income people, including
many of your employees at Mayo Clinic. Millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent to help expand the
infrastructure of our city to the benefit of Mayo through the Destination Medical Center. The rapid
growth of the city, together with a lack of adequate resources and public policies is causing a shortage of
affordable housing options, leading to financial stress, displacement, and homelessness in our
community. As the primary employer and economic engine in our city, we expect Mayo Clinic to take a
leadership role in helping solve this crisis. As a group of hundreds of low and moderate income families
and Mayo employees, we respectfully request the following of you and Mayo Clinic:

1. Commit to meeting personally with Members of CURE, SEIU and our allied organizations
representing Rochester residents affected by the housing crisis before November 8th to discuss
the issue and potential solutions.
2. Play a leadership role in the community by raising $12 million per year over the next 5 years to
support a comprehensive housing plan detailed in the Olmsted County 2016-2020 Housing
Frameworki, which was undergirded by Olmstead County, the Rochester Area Foundation, the
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund, and Mayo Clinic-Rochester.
3. Publicly support and call on the Rochester City Council to support strong public policy that
would require 20% of all new housing development to be affordable (30% of the Area Median
Income for Rentals and 50% AMI for owner-occupied).

We believe taking these steps will be mutually beneficial to Mayo Clinic and the Rochester communities
that have helped make Mayo so successful over the years. We look forward to working with you to help
ensure that Rochester is a healthy and affordable place for all to live.


Communities United for Rochester Empowerment (CURE)

SEIU Healthcare Minnesota
403 Woodlake Dr. SE
Rochester, MN 55904



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