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[Verishchagin] Dmitriy Sergeyevich

The wisdom: The system of further energy-information development, am 5th I step,

2-1 stages, part 1

General parting words

To create new in itself and in the world
Road between the peaces - on the way to to the psycho-type of the creator
New view on our achievements
Way passed: step after the step
Zarya the creation
Creation - sense and the force
The methods, which we already know
Emotions - paint of peace for us and surrounding
Pole it is bad and well our emotions
Emotions: the unpredictable element?
Whip and cake for the consciousness
Button: enkephalin -[endorfinovyj] the balance
Emotions - engine of the thought
Emotions - bridge between the consciousnesses
Step 1. Temporary transfer of emotional significance to the object
Step 2. Detection of the transfer of emotional significance from the object to the man
Step e. Detection of the transfer of emotional significance from the man to the object
Development of reality and the creation of the sense of the life
Emotions inside us
Energy and the emotion
Steps 4 and 4a. Influence of central flows on the emotion
From control to the planning
Step shch. Compiling emotional vector for solving the specific objectives
Emotions are outside us
Exchange of emotions in the world
Transfer of the emotional values
The step of 6[a]. the detection of zone is pleasant in the virtual space of the consciousness

The step of 6[b]. the detection of zone is unpleasant in the virtual space of the consciousness
The step of 7[a]. creation in the external peace of pole is good
Step 7[b]. Creation in the external peace of pole is bad
To create happiness of the life
Truth of the emotional poles
Step of 8[a]. checking the truth of the positive pole
Step of 8[b]. checking the truth of the negative pole
Self-development of the significances
Step 9. Checking the self-development of the emotional vector
Beyond each horizon - happiness
Step 10. Formation of the emotional vector

General parting words

Opening this book, you obtain chance to forever change your life, after entering to the new step of
evolution. To you will be opened the true reasons for health, disease, behavior and human fate.
You will become free from the influence of the great energetic parasites, that rule by remaining people
and that push them to suicidal behavior. You remember that you must not cause to the not moving
themselves people of harm. Relate to them with the attention and help.
The things, unthinkable for the usual people, will be accessible for you. Do not spend your forces in vain
in pursuit of vain achievements. In you the giant is purpose - discovery new peace and the search for his
place in the Ger.
You will find the ability to heal, and this gift will arrive at each by its way. You will use it into the good.
Help unselfishly.
Your soul will pass the process of [ukraienija], and you will be able to conduct other people after
yourselves. Bring to them light and happiness, but not the dark and pain.
You will cease to depend on [karma] and [karmicheskikh] diseases. Help to reach the same by other.
You will manage the true tool of a change in the peace - by faith. Let your faith bring good not only to
In order to pass entire way to the end, aid can be required you. Find it in the same as you, travellers.
Recognize each other in the crowd. You learn in each other. You remember each other.
After ascending the new step of development, you will be the part of new energy unity, unity of free
people. Lend support each other. You remember about each other and share with each other by energy,
because the price of freedom is great and sometimes not under force one.
You remember about us, who first entered the new peace. We focus new energy unity for you. Be turned
to us into the difficult minute, and we will arrive to the aid. Be turned to us per minute prosperity, and we
will be able to arrive to aid to millions of others. There is no death. We will answer also because of the
You will perceive connection with me, with this author. I await this. You request about the aid and help
Add to the light of new energy unity your rays.
Create new free humanity. You deserve this.

To create new in itself and in the world

How do you do, friends. Those, who has already long ago followed the path of further energy-
information development, and those, who make by this method only first steps. You are ready to continue
way? In that case - forward!
I understand, that also the readers, and the listeners of confrontation courses [DEIR] of a little even
tiredness in the expectation of this book - she leaves somewhat later than this was planned. But you
indeed know that nothing random in the world it is. All occurs precisely when this must occur. And word
must sound precisely when matured all necessary conditions for this. Now is alien the time of this book -
now, not earlier and not later. When they are ready to perceive it. Therefore I please application in the
readers and listeners for their tightened expectation, but I hope for the understanding: there are realias of
th peace e surrounding us, which we cannot but consider.
Thus, up to the present moment you, my permanent readers and listeners, mastered already four steps
[DEIR] completely and first stages of fifth step. It entered from the time of the appearance of
management on the first part of fifth step [DEIR] to the address of school and a enormous quantity of
letters continues to enter. The listeners and the readers share their achievements, are posed the questions
about how it is possible to use these or other habits of system [DEIR] of the concrete situations.
Especially our readers interest different aspects of work with [karmoj], and also possibilities of action on
the surrounding peace. I want to report to you that at present we prepare a new series of the benefits,
dedicated to the application of habits [DEIR] of many practical aspects of our life - house, on the work, in
the studies, it is shorter, for purposes of social and health-improvement. But this - in the near future.
But thus far for us is in prospect the mastery of the second stage of fifth step [DEIR]. You themselves
will see, that everything that for us one must here learn, this as if the new, unmastered continent, journey
on which is full unexpected contingencies, the unprecedented adventures of and at the same time limitless
new possibilities. This continent for us - as if the white sheet of paper, on which it is possible to write any
picture. Indeed for us one must master th space of our new life, new reality e unmastered thus far, it is
more precise, to create this reality independently!
Already in the first part of fifth step we encountered the need for getting to know the new, [nadsotsialnyj]
stage of existence of man. We left to the levels of world flows - and there ends the authority of [sotsiuma]
and it begins But this is what there it begins - it depends only on man. Indeed we entered in the
regions, in which and from the point of view of [sotsiuma] generally there is nothing. Vacuum, void! But
void is this - living. And it is subject to the hands of that, who is capable to create - to create itself and
its life.
Each man conceals the possibilities to create. Here and for us with you one must become creators, and
this book sets for itself precisely this purpose - to help man in the formation itself as creator. Because it is
worth only wanting, and will be opened high creation - we, each of us, are capable of creating new peace,
of creating favorable conditions in this peace lives for themselves and for those, who go by track. For us
one must learn to as the minimum create possibility for this way. On this phase of development this
already the regularity: everything, which not is done, acquires new scale, and therefore, changing, it
would seem, only our life, we in reality lay the ways, which will become the property of others. Yes, this
is the way of trailblazer, and therefore it is complex. But the fact, who will go by track, it will be already
more simply. But this in our with you interests - so that you forward send others and so that it it would be
easier than to us. Indeed only in this case introduced by us changes, new possibilities will become steady,
only then the necessary culture, which offers new possibilities, will arise, only then humanity will be able
valuably to live at the new evolutionary step - indeed present life is possible if and only if we we at least
rarely meet to ourselves the similar.
We with you were touched the new evolutionary step - and therefore they encountered also the need for
that in order to change something in the surrounding peace. But give let us think, which to us is necessary

so that it is actual to change something. Knowledge of methods? Yes. But not only. In order to change
peace, are necessary still at least two very important [veshi]: these are internal force and internal
responsibility. But even for this is necessary depth of penetration into the peace and depth of penetration
into itself.
I am especially grateful to all facts, who one way or another participated in the creation of this step
[DEIR] - they truly completed scientific exploit. Because precisely at this step occurs true confluence
technician the methods [DEIR] with the sense and the force, without which is impossible the creation of
That, about which you learn from this book, this and present magic, this and magic. Since the creation of
new peace - peace around us - this always magic. But this magic is hidden in the man himself.
At first glance this book can seem by complex - precisely because it assumes not only and not so much
the mastery of new methods, as study of such spheres as culture, behavior, interrelation with the peace,
naturally, in the energy-information aspects of these concepts. And in the matter of the mastery of these
gigantic layers of existence us will be required everything - and the elementary habits of the works with
power engineering, which will be used for the starting of energy-information processes in the world, and
the habits of work with the fields of values for the initiation of these processes, and the habits of purely
logical thinking for developing the rules, but which organize th changes e necessary for us.
But not [bojtes] this apparent complexity - do not forget, which it new at first seems us complex. And
then it becomes the same natural as air, by which we breathe.
For facilitating the perception of the material of the book she is built only in a new way. Each chapter is
anticipated by the small division, where is stated the summary of th chapter into a somewhat e
forthcoming for the mastery simplified and generalized form. Thus, we first become acquainted with the
content of chapter in the first approximation, you interpret it as a whole, and then already you approach
the more careful study. But if all understandably already from the brief description - well, then then
become acquainted with the methods!
And this book only is volumetric than it seems visually. Examples are simple and commonplace, and the
logic of account in essence is concentrated on the banalities of our life. But you know how to read
between lines. It is more of each fact of consequences than it seems at first glance. You will know how to
examine more, if you look and a little you will think.
Thus, we leave from the narrow locked peace of our life, our I in large Mir, into the large life not only
of entire humanity, but also entire universe. But in order to leave in this large Mir, it is necessary to
without fail bring there something new, something, with itself, which there was not to you, it is otherwise
simple and leave- that in it will not succeed. Otherwise simply it will not come out! You are ready to
open this new in yourselves and to make by its property of infinity? You are ready by entire your essence,
by your thought, by your emotions and by the force of your soul to create new in the large peace?
Then - magic, magic and creation await us. In the good way!

Chapter 1
Road between the peaces - on the way to to the psycho-type of the creator

We begin how it was promised, from the division, where is briefly outlined entire way, which is in
prospect to pass in this chapter.
You does not seem, my dear reader that you now as if do go along the narrow path between two peaces,
you do balance on the thin face of the ordinary human peace and a certain other measurement?
No, you do not soar in the clouds, you steadfast cost on the earth, you know, what you want in this life
and successfully attain your. But in this case you look at the human fuss around yourselves as from the
side - as men, to which are familiar other scales of existence. As it is good to be man and to live on the
Earth! - you think sometimes about yourselves, but in this case you understand, that to be man - this
altogether only one possible hypostasis, these are game, and not and what is more - the game, into which
it does not be worthwhile to too strong flirt, it does not be worth forgetting, that this is only game, indeed
true life and true existence not only here, but also there, in other measurement, its participation to which
one cannot fail to perceive constantly. But that this for another measurement? There is no complete
realization of this indeed, not so whether? And there are no sensations of complete its freedom of actions
and absolute orientation in this other measurement also
So give finally let us be dismantled, where this we with you proved to be. Indeed there is no sense to go
further, until you are oriented in the locality, not to estimate the prospects for further way and its own
Thus, we began our way of further energy-information development in order to be freed from the
limitations, which prevent us from reaching greater in its life in order to make its life happier and more
diverse in order to move apart the boundaries of its peace as, as this possibly. Entire this it is possible to
reach only by passage to the new evolutionary stage - the stage, necessary for humanity as air. But for the
output to this stage was required ever deeper knowledge itself and peace around us.
You will recall, indeed entire our labor on the mastery of methods further energy-informationGA of
development was built thus such: first we investigated phase, moment of way, on which they proved to
be, and then thoroughly analyzed the problems and the tasks, confronting us, they studied their nature -
and already then they decided, what measures must be taken in order to move further. So give we will not
change itself and this time.
For the beginning we will examine that already passed by us way - but let us glance at it from completely
different point of view. This point of view would be senseless within the framework the benefits of the
first stage - but it to the highest degree was appropriate precisely now, when we know already so much
about the surrounding peace and about to ourselves.
Then we will switch over to the description of situation, into which we proved to be after the mastery of
fifth step, its first phase, which makes it possible directly to interact with the chance (chance -
conditional concept, because, as we we know, there are no chances in this peace and be it cannot), use
chance for the good to themselves and to determine, are opened or closed ways before us.
And only then we will reveal the regularities, which will help us to move considerably further into the
unknown peace of the highest reality, which surrounds us.
For us one must learn much new. So we will not expend words in vain. To the matter.
Cape by you, my dear readers, began the mastery of the first of cry of [peni] [DEIR] already more than
two years ago. Since then in your life much changed, I do not doubt this. And the matter not in the fact
that was improved your material welfare or simply the state of the matters, not this main thing. It should
not be forgotten that material achievements - it is far from always the sign of happiness, since they are
even and the burden: under the machine necessary sometimes and to stay with the open-end wrench, in
the large apartment to periodically make harvesting, etc Therefore material achievements appear in our
life exactly in that measure, in which this to us is necessary not to become the burden, and it is exact in

that measure, in which we actually this desire in the very depth of soul.
Where more significant changes occurred in that sphere, which considerably more greatly was connected
with the quality of our life, with its attractiveness and ability to bring to us happiness, namely in our
world view. You indeed already know that it is possible to surround itself with the heap of the most
expensive and most prestigious things - but if the world view remains in this case before, then any
happiness these [veshi] will not bring they will, on the contrary, become unnecessary ballast. And
having only changed world view, it is possible to change the quality of life to the best. But this is done!
You this reached - and therefore steels are wiser, it is calmer and, if you want, it is more talented in every
respect, in you indeed appeared the set of new abilities and possibilities. You now see peace further and it
is deeper. You feel, that behind the face of customary ordinary events hide themselves where the more
scale regularities. You perceive that they were pulled out by consciousness somewhere into the regions,
not not entirely customary to usual man, not known, but nevertheless talking with us in the language,
intelligible to our sensations, to our soul.
But how we with you entire this did attain? And where, into what spheres, in what measurements we as a
result were pulled out? Indeed, it would seem, our work pursued the quite series, simple and ordinary
purposes - to find protection, success, ability of influence on the events of life and on the people, the
force But with what here some other measurements?
In order to be dismantled at this, give let us glance at the thing from the new side - [sotsioevoljutsionnoj].
Yes, we strove for simple human happiness, for the finding of happiness, fullness, the full values of life -
and for this passed several steps on the way of our development. But the fact is that each passed by us a
step has as if two sides. From one side, passing sequential step, we solve the usual problems of our life
(usual for the man, who already knows how to manage and to govern [sobstven] noy by power
engineering, it is understood). But from other side, solving these problems and mastering the habits of
actions in the before yet not gotten to know by man regions, we, naturally, change themselves. But once
we change themselves, once we evolve - the our place in the world becomes already something different.
However, give let us examine how concretely each step [DEIR] changed this quite our place in this
At first stage, presented in the first book - release, we, first of all, attained freedom from the energy-
information parasites, for which were trained to manage energy, to perceive it, to use methods of
[samonormalizatsii]. We removed from our ether body all been present in us energy-information defeats -
and finally locked the shell, which made us by invulnerable for the invisible the feeler of energy-
information parasites. We were freed. This is - the first side of first stage.
But here is its second side. It lies in the fact that the freedom, achieved by us at first stage, helped us to
get rid of [zombirovanija] from the side of collective unconscious. The fact that they call collective
unconscious, this indeed and there are nothing else but the same [egregory], which more to us are
familiar by the name energy-information parasites.
This most collective unconscious, in the essence, [zombiruet] each man literally from the infancy.
Indeed the life of man as reasonable essence begins from the understanding of language - that sign
system, with the aid of which we associate with the peace. First we learn the values of words, learn how
one or other object, precisely is designated. And then we absorb from tN culture medium of our kind of
instruction e surrounding us - we learn how to enter with other one or object or another. And finally, we
begin to unconsciously obtain [energoinformatsionnys] signals from other people, in which is placed the
diagram of the behavior: as to behave precisely today precisely with the data by object or by
phenomenon. For example, yesterday to the Communist it was to be pray, today him they can beat - this
is a example of the order of collective unconscious.
I.e., the it turns out that enormous masses of people because of the order of collective unconscious
completely equally relate to one or other object or another, have similar intentions with respect to one and
the same fact, they act according to similar diagrams in the similar circumstances and have even unique
mode to these or other behavior!
This perhaps even is useful for someone and it is convenient. Indeed this identity of thoughts, feelings
and behavior makes peace into some of degree that predicted, which means, it helps to avoid errors it
frees from the need for thinking and making decisions independently - why, if everything is previously

solved for you. To someone so to live more easily is more convenient. But properly developed
personality, of course, understands entire perniciousness of this state of affairs. Indeed, living, thinking
and acting according to the conventional diagrams, man is not developed as individuality, it cannot find
in the life anything new, because it, as mechanism, repeats that thousandfold passed by others way, which
as a result leads to the sensation of the senselessness of existence and the total loss of the sense of life.
And here at first stage we created the shielding shell, which openly cut this strange action. We - will
focus attention, for the first time in the history of humanity - they rejected the procrustean bed of
[egregorov] was obtained the possibility to be developed independently - in the manner that in us it is
placed by nature.
What we did make? They got rid of the limitations of its own development - limitations, which have
obtained we by the inheritance from entire previous humanity. We as if rejected the old close foot-wear,
which disfigured our foot and could disfigure forever, if we in time were not freed.

You will recall, how many people in the Soviet time they worked on the defense industry, and many was
proud of its work, although, according to the large calculation, they created dark deed - were created the
weapon and other means, which use not for the good, but for the destruction of people. But people, which
worked in [oboronke], considered that they oblige for the prestige of the country, that achieves great
feat, which, by the way, and them completely properly for those times materially ensured. They did not
think that this them simply uses for its purposes appropriate [egregor], limiting consciousness. But
reforms then began, many defense enterprises became bankrupt, and those, who worked on the prestige
of the country, they proved to be those suffered vital crash. It came out that the same [egregor] squeezed
out of them all possible juices, and then simply it rejected after the uselessness, after leaving with the
beggarly pensions and Beza any possibility to ensure to itself the worthy life: other- that there were no
professional habits in these people! But here if they in their time could lock shielding shell and separate
themselves from the action of [egregora], and then listen to their soul and reveal their true desires - they
for sure would understand that not only the prestige of Communist empire enters into the number of these
true desires. Then the set of other pleasant occupations enters. I.e., closing this shell would make it
possible to master other professions, which would help to ensure worthy life in the crisis situation.
Alas, that generation of people did not have those possibilities what to eat now. We know that to live
stands for its own soul, but not for the digestive system of voracious energy-information parasite! Let us
leave our life for itself and our close ones.
At the second step, presented in the second book - formation, we mastered programs at random, luck,
effectiveness of our own actions. These programs make it possible to obtain from [sotsiuma] precisely
that the fact that it is necessary to us. At the same time we approached the work on the normalization of
health and took the first step in this most important direction as the removal of [karma]. As long ago we
already go along this way, as they far moved since then! It seemed this was so complicatedly - but as
easily we this we know how to make now It is possible to praise itself for the persistent movement to
this way, for all its achievements, which, I am confident, it is there are several!
But, of course, successes proved to be possible only with the condition for the sequential and thorough
passage of each step. Indeed it is however excellent the second step technique - they could not be
mastered without the knowledge the technician of first stage. Indeed precisely first stage technique,
which made it possible to get rid of the energy-information parasites, they made for us possible
realization at the second step of their freely selected programs, but not those, which are embedded into
the consciousness by the [ensrgoinformatsionnymi] parasites. Therefore at the second level we began
independent building ourselves and our life, we began the creation of something completely new,
uncommon for our peace.
For example, where the majority of people traditionally rely on fate, upon the chance they live on the
proverb fate it will arrive on the furnace it will find, we is built our fate themselves, without calculating
the at liberty blind case and for the fact that all perhaps somehow will be arranged. Somehow
everything can be arranged only on the will of the energy-information parasite, that already will care so
that in you everything would be arranged for its maximum benefit, and which will then with the man, to
it spit.

There are no, man must not await favor from the case and [egregora] - he is worthy to build his fate
[osoznanno], independently. Studied of technology with this significant problems do not have. There is
the desire to draw love into the life - they draw. A good work is necessary - they attract it to itself. They
want dacha - they build. With the condition, of course, that all this - true desires. But the performance of
unreal desires no one and is necessary completely - this only takes away forces, time and brings pain.

At the third step, whose methods are presented in the third book - influence, we encountered the
thematics, which very often causes questions and doubts. A it is good whether to program people? - ask

our readers, after seeing on the cover the appropriate subtitle of the third book. But in spite of these
doubts, I will take upon itself courage to assert: mastery the technician of the third step is extremely
important for our general development. And not so much in order and to indeed program people (if you
they mastered third step, then you understand, why - yes simply if you receive man deeply, this not
necessary for achievement for purpose), as in order to associate at the deeper level.
Indeed the third step gives to us the possibility to understand [egrsgorov], in other words, to from within
and even imitate their actions. This is necessary, first of all, in order to learn to recognize their action and
to deprive its force! Indeed the majority of people became accustomed to live and to act under the
conditions of a constant invisible presence of [egregorov]. Their coordinated action on our environment
so is usual, as to man it is usual to walk along the earth. But that is usual, remains usually unnoticed. In
fact, as we can recognize external alien action, if we do not know how it is achieved, what mechanisms in
this case are begun to operate. These mechanisms to man are unknown - and therefore it does not note
their action. This is nevertheless that action of the radiation: it is unnoticeable, because the man does not
have sensory organ, [raspoznajushchego] this action. But it does not unnoticeably mean harmlessly, as we
see, in addition based on example with the radiation! But thus far we do not note action - we do not run to
escape himself, we take no measures of fight and preventive maintenance. In exactly the same manner
and with [egregorami]. So here: the third step technique they allow, figuratively speaking, to develop this
sensory organ, which makes it possible to recognize the action of [egregorov]. But in order this
sensory organ to develop, it is necessary to test based on its example, as this action it is produced.
Visualize: it stands before you men and by hands it somehow so strangely waves before your face. But
you - the simple average man, you indeed do not know that this it makes; therefore you continue simply
it to [litsezret] Beza any thoughts about the danger. But the next morning you are spilled - and you
accomplish something not of their own free will.
Entirely another matter, if you perfectly well know, as are produced [zombi], it is well familiar with these
technicians. In that case you immediately will recognize, for which this it so by hands manipulates before
your nose, not only you will recognize, but you will here place insolent person on the place. And for this
it is also necessary the third step technique - in order to in time recognize the actions of enemy and to
render harmless him, if it is necessary!
Moreover the habits of the third step support us, not only helping to realize its purposes, dictated to us by
our true nature, but also making it possible to create around themselves the present zones, free from the
influence of the energy-information parasites, where it is possible [tsenimykh] by us people to pull out
from under this influence and to place on the service to the common advantage, well and to themselves,
loved, of course, also. In that case we simply free people from the harmful effects and we strengthen our
with them connections. But as - man nevertheless essence social, and any building without the
cooperation with to itself the the similar is simply impossible without this.
At the fourth step, described in the fourth book - maturity, we complete th stage of work e initiated at
the previous steps. The basic tasks of the fourth step - this is the association of consciousness, ether body
and soul. Already this association makes it possible to reach the enormous energy level, sharp
strengthening of creative abilities, aggravation of intuition.
How you do think that by yourselves it is, in which the consciousness, ether body and soul are not united,
and there do exist separately as the not connected together parts? I am confident, you already forgot, that
this for the state, in which is the majority of people. But state this the is same, when left hand does not
know that it makes the right, and each foot goes to its side spine it, while stands on the spot. Recall- kA:
intuition shouts that is the forces: N walk there, snow head will fall!, but the consciousness of this does
not hear, it occupied whatever by another problem, while body does know about that how it is occupied
consciousness, not about that, what does fear intuition, body does go for a walk by itself, it does run
where it will decide as the dog, that was torn away from the chain, and, naturally, snow head does fall,
and as a result did come to - gypsum, but everything why? Because man, planned by creator and nature
as united entire essence, was decomposed into the component parts and in no way he wants to be
gathered together
Different matter is man, who a little worked above itself. He - the united, integral essence, in which and
the soul, and consciousness, and ether and physical bodies live in the united rhythm, feel and hear each

other, they be in the accordion and the complete mutual understanding. The situations, when soul requests
one, the mind of another, here will not arise, but body - the third. Now these before the separate
component parts can hear each other, understand each other and agree between themselves. Both body
and reason of this man become inspired - soul directly expresses herself in the behavior of this man, in
everything, that he makes. But this is - the main condition for any creation, [samorealizatsii], obtaining
happiness of life. This man always hears his intuition - and therefore he does not fall into the undesirable
for it and all the more dangerous situations. Intuition gives it there, where to it it is must.

Now let us look to the results, achieved by us at the fourth step, from a evolutionary point of view. Indeed
after mastering these new knowledge and habits, we, certainly, no longer can remain at our previous
place on the stairs of evolution, we cannot but move far forward in our interrelations with the peace. You
will look to the table on p. 49, where you will see, in what a difference in the man at the fourth step from
the usual man from the point of view of advance on the steps of evolution.
Specifically, after the fourth step we already grew so, that we can for the first time come into contact with
the following, above the [soiialnym] level of our peace, to meet face to face with the regularities above
social sphere, connected with the world flows and the manifestations of the global reason, which unites
the entire our world.
Naturally, penetrating these spheres, we are similar to the intergalactic wanderers, who for the first time
open for themselves the new unmastered peaces. And naturally, for these new peaces no longer befit
usual our and terrestrial habits, methods of operation and stereotypes of behavior. For these new peaces
are necessary the new, more moved tools. Indeed for us is in prospect to live and to act, where man it did
not become accustomed to live and to act, for us one must lay ways on the spaces of the large universe,
not limited by the framework of the ideas of humanity. But new habits are necessary for this. This is why
for us it was necessary to go further - to the fifth step in order to entirely master these habits.
At the fifth step, in its first part, described in the book confidence, we directly encountered the laws of
large, [nadsotsialnogo] peace. And those events, which are usually considered random, regulate and are
ordered by it turned out that these laws. At the fifth step before us appears entire regularity and internal
consistency of such events - in that, of course, measure, in which they are accessible to a study in the
range of the fact that generally can be understandable to man.
During the first stage fifth step we learn, taking into account laws governing the [nadsotsialnykh] levels,
to create the regime of controlled [polosatosti], which ensures to us luck in the large things because we
we return to the ransom to bad luck the insignificant for us spheres, in which allow the appearance of
different small vexations. Furthermore, in this stage we learn the development of the open and closed
ways and black strips, [testiruja], will be such our future interrelations with the peace on one or other way
or another, and it is also acquired the habits of overcoming black strips and guarantee of its advance
forward even on the closed ways.
How you do think that does make man, who does not know laws governing the world flows and who
considers that weight with it proceeding - chance? It is correct: it is for the most part beaten by head into
the closed doors. For example, he wants to become the President and vomits to the authority from all
forces, considering that if it already two times the people did not select, then this is simple chance, but
here to third time to it it will transport and it will win selections. He does not the very same know that
chances it does not occur, and it is possible that in reality this for it the dead ended way. And this door
you will not say sym- sym, be opened, it will be opened before it not into what, because keys from it he
does not have and be it cannot. But in its pocket, figuratively speaking, the entire bond of keys from other
doors - if you please, those doors easily before it they will be opened, and there they lie the open for it
ways - behind those doors only it they await! But it was rested - I want to be the President, and all here,
and it as a result obtains infarction after the infarction and ruins its life. To whom this is must? For what
such principles?
Man, who mastered the material of fifth step [DEIR], so foolishly conduct never will be. Knowing about
the nonuniformity of the surrounding peace, it will not climb where not after falling without knowing to
ford. First it is worthwhile to find out road, to estimate its prospects on it - and only then it is possible to
go from one victory to the next, because on that way, where its victory do not await, it and forces its, and
the precious lifetime simply to expend will not begin. But furthermore, to each purpose it conducts many
Thus, at the fifth step we left the inheriting level of reality and already made at this level the first steps.

But now is alien time to already properly view and to be mastered in this new, not mastered to us by man
stage of our development. In order to begin to build its life on it.
Here, as it was promised, the brief survey of the content of this chapter - and entire our covered path.
Now let us pause at this in more detail, more detailed we analyze the covered path somewhat deeper,
namely - let us discover more completely its essence and sense from a evolutionary point of view.


Thus, step is number one. Spoilings, [sglazy], alien influences -down, energy-information parasites
sent further, we now to themselves masters!

It would seem, weight it is very simple - we mastered control over power engineering of our own
body, cleaned energy-information defeats from ourselves and created the protection, which makes it
possible to avoid any aggressive actions from the side. We reached much. I speak about this absolutely
confidently, because into the address of school the letters, where the readers tell about their successes and
achievements, do not cease to enter. Already first stage actually gives much!
But does not lie behind this work something also, about which we earlier did not speak?
Certainly, it lies. Entire first step, which is at first glance, it would seem, dedicated to achieving the
sufficiently prosaic and completely terrestrial, human, material goals of concrete man, in reality refers
straight to evolutionary process on scales of entire humanity.
The essence of this evolutionary process briefly can be expressed thus: the development of individuality
with the purpose of overcoming the [zombirujushchego] influence of society - or, if it is convenient,
collective unconscious.
You, of course, noted that in this book we for the first time use the term, which was not encountered in
the previous benefits, collective unconscious. Why to us is necessary this, it would seem, especially
special term from the lexicon of psychoanalysts? So that it is better to understand entire degree of
[zashorennosti] of contemporary society.
Under the collective unconscious some researchers assume almost god. As not so! God - something
standing out of human nature. Collective unconscious - that which is completely generated by people.
Collective unconscious - this nothing else but the sum of all ideas about the surrounding peace,
accumulated by humanity during entire history of its existence. You do represent, what this is different
medley? And at the same time what this is collection of the stereotypes of perception. The stereotypes,
which we absorb from the childhood itself. We cannot but absorb - because this in air rushes, it prevails
over us, auto climbs up into the brains, it is absorbed into the blood.
You will ask - that in this of poor? Humanity did accumulate the enormous reserve of knowledge, did
create the gigantic layers of culture, why and not to absorb into itself all this wealth with the milk of
Is bad in this the fact that noncritically perceived (but in the childhood of another perception it does not
occur) heritage of ancestors deprives man of the directness of perception, it deprives the possibilities to
compose its own idea about the peace, in the essence, it deprives individuality.
First, we from the childhood master language, but means, the standard values of words, but together with
them - and standard (but not individual, not its) idea about the surrounding us objects and the phenomena.
Small child sees cat, but he yet does not know that this such, does not know that this is called cat, i.e.,
between it and cat there is no barrier of the in the form conventional concept, and it can associate with
this essence directly and independently form relation to it. Child wonderfully perceives, friend this or
enemy, he, thus far yet he does not know the language of people, completely finds [obshij] language
with the things, the objects and the most different essences. Child in this sense - great magician and in the
highest measure creative essence! But here it only grew up, and they said to it: this is cat, it scratches.
Everything! Direct perception as it did not occur. The stereotype appeared: cat (not this concrete, while
cat generally - all cats) scratches also to [nejuluchshe] not to associate. Good-bye, direct perception,
good-bye, the magic of the search for mutual understanding and recognition of peace! In the
consciousness of child appeared the abstract notion [kosh]-
kA ", which does not refer to the living direct perception of peace!

In the second place, we from the childhood are penetrated by standard logical requirements for the
objects of the surrounding peace, being gradually enriched in culture - i.e., by the standard diagrams,
which dictate how to use one or other object or another, as to be turned with one or other value or
another, material or spiritual, is not important. Example of this stereotype diagram of behavior with
respect to the same cat: it must be fed with fish and given to drink by milk. Meanwhile in the light there
are cats, which this food to the spirit will not carry, but people, brought up on the stereotypes, for the
beginning stuff and stuff poor animal by th food e intolerable for it. Yes that there cat - as much as desired
[roditelnits], which its own, human young stuff by food impossible for them only because in the book it
is written, that the child must be fed so. But that that the child by cry goes, because he feels, that above
his unhappy organism is accomplished the violence, so to this by it to spit, it clever book believes more
than to the organism of its own child and to its maternal scent.
Thirdly, we from the childhood possess the energy-information sensations of the surrounding us peace of
people, which impregnates us with the current standard relations to other one or objects or another. Far to
walk it is not necessary after a example - it suffices to take the swiftly mutated relation to the concept of
communism. Why to some people so difficult it was to part from the illusions relative to the fast advent
of communism? Yes because they in the childhood absorbed of the collective unconscious some
sensations relative to communism - and it is then suddenly it turned out that necessary to reconstruct
themselves for entirely other sensations, which also already penetrated in the collective unconscious. But
the stereotypes of childhood to undeveloped people to change oh as is not easy!
Parents embed the especially large bouquet of energy-information sensations into the child. Specifically,
that is embedded by parents, and forms for the most part the attitude of child toward peace. In this case
the parents can even nothing not tell child - their action is transferred not in the words, namely in the
sensations. For example, small child feels, that its mom somehow coldly reacts to the cat, that requires
food, and also love and kindness. How the reaction of mom is perceived as cold? Indeed mom does not
tell child that she coldly relates to the cat, she generally nothing in regard to this speaks. But this cold
indifferent relation penetrates in her view, in the intonation of her voice, and in her changed pose, in the
expression of the person, when it sees cat. Here this [mamino] relation to the cat, in turn, determines the
attitude of child toward animal - in the consciousness of child is activated one or other instruction or
another of behavior, in accordance with the customs of the culture, in which it grew. In our culture a
similar maternal energy-information action, will most likely, cause the following attitude of child toward
the cat: [kisa] - [bjaka]. Indeed rare child at the early age can come to the conclusion that these are
mom - [bjaka], because it does not love animals. And here this [kisa] - [bjaka] can subsequently
activate whole heap of all possible instructions, on which the man will begin to build his behavior - up to
the sadism in the attitude not only of cats, but also people.
Here this relation itself to the surrounding objects and the phenomena, generated by the energy-
information action of those surrounding, and is most important, which in the final analysis and
determines the cooperation of man with the surrounding peace: with the dear and unloved people, with
the work, with the money, with the family, with the health and even with the objects and the phenomena.
Dependence on the energy-information actions of those surrounding determines the behavior of man not
only in the childhood, but also in further life - indeed it from the childhood became accustomed to live
precisely according to this diagram, it became accustomed to build its behavior depending on the
reactions of those surrounding! Here, for example, into your house arrives distant relative, who decided
in you to live it is such [godik]- other. But you greatly love let us assume this relative. Problem in the fact
that you do not know, as your hotly dear wife will perceive its appearance! You very it would like it to
perceive its arrival with happiness - and then to you it will be well. But it, in spite of your expectations, is
in no way glad to the appearance of a relative - and to you from this it is bad. (You feel, as depends your
state on the reaction of another man?)
If we consider ourselves, then satisfactoriness either [neudovletvo]-[reniost] of man by life and,
consequently, also very quality of this life depends on this simple thing as correspondence or
nonconformity to the reaction of the surrounding peace to his expectations. If the reaction of those
surrounding corresponds to our expectations - to us it is good, if it does not correspond - to us it is bad.
Both in that and in the different version we react to this action of those surrounding by the fact that we

include in the action one or other model or another of behavior. For example, in the case with th relative e
imposed to you you can in spite of the opinion of wife invite him to live in you, and it is possible politely
the door. These are - the models of behavior, accepted in our culture, and you odes noy of them will
undoubtedly follow. Probably, you will not follow the model of behavior, not accepted in our culture, i.e.,
[uzrev] anger of the wife apropos of the arrival of relative, you completely not to the sign of the solution
to [oskopit] him and to make a slave in the harem, as is customary somewhere in the east. You also not to
the sign of the solution to send away it into the monastery, which was cultivated in some ancient-
European traditions.
I.e., which does occur? Entire life of man is subordinated to diagram. Any freedom - you are programmed
as computer. In depending on the reaction of other people in you one or other relation or another to the
man, the object or the phenomenon is included, depending on this relation you select one or other
conventional model or another of behavior, in which there is nothing individual, there is no manifestation
of precisely your special features, you act as all, i.e., as heartless robot, because it is so accepted.
You will look all around: people quite often behave in accordance with the diagrams, even without
considering, reasonably this or not, necessarily whether this by them in reality and effectively whether
this behavior. Young man assigns to girl the first meeting and conducts it, for example, in the cinema only
because he somewhere heard, what is so accepted - to conduct girls in the cinema. To it even it does not
occur, which, after being encountered for the first time, would be more reasonable meet in another
situation, have a talk, learn each other rather better, instead of sitting and dully looking at the screen. But
then it cannot understand, why to it so in the personal life it does not convey. Yes because it always
attempts to substitute living relations some by dead diagram.
Parents determine child into the mathematical school, because this is prestigious, and with it it does not
occur to look more attentively to its child and to see finally, that it has the clearly expressed advances of
humanitarian. , in addition living relation to the child is substituted by diagram. But then they will say:
We to it good wanted, and it, thankless It was necessary good to want to here this concrete child,
with his specific features, taking into account these special features, but without attempting to drive on
him under the conventional diagram by what it must be child from the decent family. Yes that to speak
examples can be continued ad infinitum.
These diagrams of behavior are imposed, as you already understood, on the energy-information action of
those surrounding - of both the individual people and [sotsiuma] as a whole. But from the answer of the
surrounding peace to our actions and from the correspondence of this answer to our expectations
depends, strictly, satisfactoriness or dissatisfaction by life, our happiness depends, according to the large
How you do think, what will be the answer of peace to the schematic, inanimate behavior? Naturally, by
in no way such, as it would like us. This is vicious circle. The action of those surrounding leads to the
schematic behavior - schematic behavior does not give the desired result, because, acting according to
diagram, man behaves not as it itself personally he wants, not as individuality, but as heartless
mechanism. Peace is not obligated to answer reciprocity heartless mechanisms. It enters into interaction
only with the living people. But [sotsium] practically does not leave the possibility to people to be living
- it makes with their heartless mechanisms, which act according to dead diagram.
In this case it is necessary to have in the form that all people render the unconscious energy-information
interreaction. These energy-information influences pierce all and each, by such means forming of its kind
of cloud, invisible flows with its regularities, which are included in proportion to the appearance of
external stimuli.
For the best understanding let us recall a example with [egregorom] of the mode: the majority of people
wonderfully visualize that now it is fashionable, but that no, even if never they turned over the pages the
periodicals of modes and even, let us suppose they did not look television set. I.e., if we even do not
follow the mode, then we nevertheless learn fashionable thing with respect to any component: to length,
to color, to the cut, to high platform. But to learn fashionable thing - this yet does not mean to determine
to it relation. [Egregor] here, of course, worked, [prostimuliroval] our perception. But here if [egregor]
goes further and will produce for us this thing for the nearest examination (for example, someone will
propose to you to acquire fashionable thing), then here here already [egregorialno] the blown relation to

this [veshi] will appear entirely.
At first glance on each other of generally no contact and mutual understanding be it can without these
mechanisms of the energy-information actions of [egregorov] and people. Indeed because of the
described mechanisms we increasingly with you adequately associate in one language, we perceive on
one and the same occasions approximately one and the same (in any case, always we can find the set of
adherents - people, which on the similar occasions experience approximately identical feelings). It is
wonderful, you will say nothing: and to think not necessary, in each case there is a finished stereotype of
reaction, even several versions of stereotypes - select any! You want - praise Communists, you want -
scold, and that, etc - previously prepared by appropriate [eg]-[regorami] stereotypes! Dada,
[egregorialnyj] layer even as if thinks for us! And without it to us it would be actually difficult to create
in itself adequacy the surrounding peace - adequacy, which is mastered by us in the process of instruction
and ripening! But as are called those, who do think and do feel in their own way, who is not plotted in the
conventional stereotypes of thinking, sensation and behavior? It is correct: white crows! But whom it
does be desirable to be white crow? No one! Good as everything, to step in the general system and to
consider that the association always of rights!
Thus wonderfully and live people already many and many millenia. Or nevertheless this entirely not too
and it is wonderful? I not randomly the first time do not assign this question - and this question the in no
way rhetorical: what good and that poor in this here [podvlastnosti] to [egregoram]?
Let us examine this prevailing state of affairs objectively and unprejudiced, from the different sides.
Here man is born and only he begins to master that culture, in which for it it is necessary to begin its life.
Kindergarten, school, the collection of experience Consciousness thus far still - the white sheet, which
is only filled up with valuable information. This information is valuable at least because earlier it this
man did not have. And still, of course, because it helped man not only to master the surrounding peace,
but also it is simple to survive. Because if we do not master, let us say, information that fire burns, but in
the water cannot be breathed by lungs, then it is possible and not to live until obtaining of other, also very
interesting information - for example, about the fact that the girls love flowers and, therefore, precisely
with them better to come to the meeting, or about the fact that vodka - bitter, but infusion - sweet. Thus,
the energy-information action of all fact that is produced by the experience of humanity, in the initial
stage of life not only is necessary, but also it is very useful!
But here man enters into the adult life. This implies that the large part of objects and phenomena, with
which deals the culture, to which it belongs, to it it is already familiar. I.e., now it no longer will climb
into the oven to be heated, it will not push fingers into the electrical rosette and it will not begin to imitate
to fishes, being trained in them to breathe under water. It obtained adequate experience and sufficient
knowledge in order to learn to survive in this peace independently. The first stage of adaptation to this
peace is passed. But it is further Further men it must become independent and begin to be developed in
its own direction.
And the here here training energy-information influence of [sotsiuma] is converted from the useful into
the harmful!
Man perhaps is glad further to go on the life freely and independently. But he is already struck by the
bacterium of [egregorialnogo] influence from top to bottom. He already became accustomed, he is
already enmeshed by these networks, he already without this guide of the action of [egregorov] to step
step cannot! He is similar to the adult child, who has long since grown and it outwardly appears exactly
as adult uncle, but itself still without the mom cannot bypass. Dada, my dear reader, is such the majority
of the adult population of our planet today! These are the small children in the essence, who were seized
[egregory] as for [maminu] skirt. And although to grow up it is high time, does not want to [vzroslet]
humanity, oh as he does not want After the the [maminoj] skirt- that heat-, is comfortable, and the main
thing, to on no account answer not necessary, nothing to decide it is necessary to very - all for you
already solved. Yes, [egregoriachnoe] humanity - this is is one continuous kindergarten. But someone in
this kindergarten must finally begin to [vzroslet] with the first. Why these first not to become they with
you? It can't be helped - it is necessary to be trailblazers, therefore as terribly it tired with the soother in
the mouth entire life in the small cradle to sit. Therefore we are encountered again and again on the pages
of our benefits.

So here, at that moment when man like would mature in order to be detached away from the [maminoj]
skirt, that is to say from the action of [egregorov], it occurs that it is completely opened to nonverbal,
subconsious energy-information action from the side of [sotsiuma]! Whatever ex-nova experience it
obtained, it was encountered with whatever unknown phenomena - it is any experience nevertheless will
be interpret according to [egregorialnomu] action! And this action is equal for all, it is standard. Here to
you the example: scientist-materialist, subjected to the influence of [egregora] of science and orthodox
materialism, meets [inoplanetjanina] face to face. What he will make? Of course he will not believe eyes
his, but he will believe what to it whispers [egregor]. But [egregor] gives to this phenomenon the
completely standard explanations: this is - hallucination, this is - the result of ecological catastrophe, this
is - the atmospheric phenomenon, analogous to mirage, etc everything from the stereotype will anything
slip [egregor], only so that the man would forego his direct perception and would go standardly! But
further this scientist will write about this in the newspaper - and the majority of people with it will agree,
because to much more convenient agree with something customary and known, than to assume that in our
peace there is something still unrecognized, incomprehensible, and therefore that frightening.
Thus, whatever ex-nova experience of men obtained, [egregory], they collective unconscious, they
continue to suggest their relation to this experience, to all objects and phenomena of the surrounding
peace to man. Influence of collective unconscious - united for all. It does not depend on personal
experience. It deprives people of individuality. But the deprivation of individuality - this is
Thus, on reaching of adult state the energy-information connections of humanity begin to subordinate to
themselves man and to thus impede his development. Energy-information parasites first [formatirujut] the
psyche of man, making to its similar to themselves, and then this man it feeds up [egregor] to its own, but
consonant [egregoru] by energy, extending it and to its environment. Of this consists the parasitic essence
of [egregora]: without the need of victim to initiate for it the certain process, which supplies parasite with
energy for its own survival.
Traditional interaction with [egregorami] is disadvantageous for the man, because [egregora] has its own
interests. It is dangerous, because it occurs at the subconsious level. It is fatal, because forces man not to
get to know peace, but to simply learn him according to the descriptions [egrego]-[rialyjugo] of layer -
thus [egregory], in the essence, kill the consciousness of man, making with his inherent reflection. It
deprives man itself - directing its thoughts and behavior, making man not with reason, but by the
consequence of the events of the surrounding peace.
If we do not change this state of affairs, then man becomes the simply weakwilled, powerless appendage
of [egregora] - sets in the so-called terminal state, in which the man is capable only to the standard
thoughts and the actions. He becomes fanatic - yes, in the essence, [zombi] (good [egregorov] for the
unprotected man it is not, I already he wrote about this). Only several hundred years ago situation was
not such threatening - but now, as a result of a increase in the role of the media and density of social
bonds as a whole, it became catastrophic. Our century - these are the century of [zombirovanija], the
century of the loss of individuality.
The unprecedented number of religious and commercial sects, motions developed in this century, the

politically resuscitated and newly created religions raised head - and they all battle by word, matter and
weapon for that in order to standardize, to [zombirovat] man so that his consciousness would bring
benefit to them. This is the transformation of people in the marionettes, which act of their own free will,
but not on our own motives and not into its benefit. This is the beginning of the new middle ages or, if it
is convenient, slaveholding era -only instead of the forged iron of fetters on the contemporary slaves -
imperceptible cobwebs of the mental programming, supported by the omnipresent influence of energy-
information parasites.
Moreover, in our time the energy-information side of peace created the monster, that is considerably more
dangerous than is simple [egregor]: this is psychotropic weapon. It uses the same regularities as energy-
parasites, but it acts considerably more strongly - and, similar to energy-information parasite, it
influences the significant groups of people, subordinating to their tendencies of political groupings. To
forbid it is unreal, because prohibition means that it will fall into the hands of special services, but even if
no - that the country, in which the developments will be continued, it will prove to be in the advantage
over others. The advantages of the possession of psychotropic weapon are too great so that this tendency
would stop by itself. So that output from this dangerous situation only one: at least in the first
approximation, to be trained to psycho-energytechnologies in order to acquire immunity to the outside
The [zombirujushchee] action of [egregorov] has the gloomiest consequences - these are the short and
cheerless life, which does not bring satisfaction, early diseases as the consequence of the unrealized
desires and possibilities, forced simplification in the psyches, which do not comfort a attempt at the self-
justification in the case of the nonattainment of that desired (it is green grapes) and eternal melancholy
on something, which lies there, beyond the horizon, which is unrealizable, it is inaccessible. Still! Man
perceives that this life not on it, he wants something other But in this case it cannot change its life,
because the wings of its consciousness of [podrezany] as feathers in the grown fat goose in the collective
farm to pond. It is terrible? Still!
The one who it lives so, it departs without leaving a trace, it scatters, as specter with the offensive of
dawn. The same, who escapes from under the authority of [egregorov], who goes forward, he continues
to live. [Zombirovanie] reduces our life, life of our consciousness, it kills soul, deprives man of the
possibility of the knowledge of peace, discovery of happiness and senses of life.
And here sou march two ways - to be subdued and to try to at least too not be bored, sorting out the
[prievshiesja] matters and occupation one after another, attempting to find in them although anything
which would be absorbed in, becoming in the essence the collector of the same no one not of necessary
rubbish as your own consciousness as the still some thrown out to the slop-container hours with the
[neissjakshej] thus far small battery, or to leave the vicious circle. To leave so as to begin to actually get
to know peace, but not to learn in the surrounding peace of picture of one hundred times of the
[chitannoj] [egregorialnoj] book. In order to become free and to [sozidat] precisely its, but not mean
statistical standard schematic life.
And here in the course of first stage we established the protection, which completely intercepts to th
actions e unconscious by us. Moreover this protection self-sustaining and indestructible - because our
subconsciousness reflector removes entire unpleasant and not planned, using already once understood
prescription. We steel are free from the energy-information parasites. We began to live our own life,
following its true way, placed in us from the generation. We avoided spiritual dying, after renewing
knowledge and mastery of peace.
Our life changed after the installation of this protection.
Diverse energy-information defeats, such as [sglazy], spoiling etcetera (we intentionally use here the
common people's terminology, which designates real phenomena so that from the very beginning there
would be no need for devising some special terms), they ceased us to threaten forever.
Changed very structure of our interrelations with the society - templates of relations, blown by energy-
information parasites, steels to die off, and for the change by it of steel to come already our, carried out
with our experience of tendency and behavior.
Some old social connections left, some new were formed. We finally steel to accomplish behavior on

ourselves, to live our life, but not to copy someone's strange experience.
This established protection in its essence broke for us obstacle in our development. This could lead to
unexpected reconstructions and changes in our life. Indeed unconsciously we always strove forward, but
us retained on the spot [egregorialnye] connections. But we did not know about this eternal brake and
because- that they attempted to make, they fussed, they tried to create something new in their life,
without noting that we are zealous trampled down on the spot how protein in the wheel. Everything, that
we attempted to create in our life, did not in reality serve reaching our true goals, but it was only the
certain labyrinth, created with our tramplings at one place. When from under the ruins of the
[egregorialnykh] walls, destroyed by our protection, began to germinate our own true aspirations and
purposes, such senseless constructions, naturally, died off, with which and were connected the changes in
our life. For example, you intensely made to quarry, erecting the construction of their life, and after the
establishment of protection it is explained, that your true goals lie entirely at other spheres, entire
previous career no longer is necessary to you, you change your way and begin finally to live for the soul,
and not for this senseless social construction. Or you easily and simply achieve this goal in order to pay
attention to others.
And we reached one more. As soon as we cut the influence of energy-information of parasites, we steel
are stronger them: they now cannot influence us, we can accomplish our actions freely. So small limiter
in jack makes it possible to raise the bulky housing of automobile, with the fact that the automobile does
not by no means influence jack!
We ceased to be the consequence of events, we made by their reason.

Changed power interrelation itself us with the surrounding people. We steel are stronger them - and
we are gradually unconscious steel to extend our influence on ever larger and large regions (indeed any of
you in its family he became leader, not so whether?). Our body collected force, our consciousness -
freedom. We changed.
Moreover, this is sewn it will allow us subsequently (this it will be described in the benefit [Egregory],
planned to the publication of a series system of the habits [DEIR]) to use energy-information parasites
into its benefit - as seaman it can use wind, if has a protection from its uncontrolled influence, namely
control and keel.
To first stage [DEIR] of men it is similar to the crank, who already at the most years lies on the winder,
with the fact that is in no way invalid. It completely could walk itself - but for some reason it does not
arise, and the specters of the confluence of circumstances, moved with the will of energy-information
parasites, convey it on the infinite corridors of existence. This state of affairs seems the inhabitant of
winder by way of things - although dullish, because all occupations, which can be found to themselves in
the winder, it has already long ago exhausted and to [pochesatsja] it is somehow in a new way begun
increasingly more difficultly. Life gradually is converted from happiness into the burden.
But that created protection from [egregorov] from this winder arose. And itself is from now on free to go,
opening peace around itself.
Thus, first stage it is radical and it is considerably deeper than it seems, it changed our relations with the
peace. We ceased to be those subjected to the [zombirujushchemu] influence of the energy-information

medium of [sotsiuma]. We ceased to be dependant on the circumstances - we steels themselves by the
reason for events around us. Plus obtained enormous protection. We removed from ourselves supporting
frameworks. The way of further development again was opened before us.
And then, naturally, came the time of step number two. In applied sense it is sufficiently simple (if we
look already from today's positions): we are steel by confident in ourselves, lucky and to the envy of
those surrounding steels to be achieved result necessary to ourselves in everything, for which not let us
undertake, and all because learned to build their life they themselves because we want, without
[podvlastnosti] to energy-information parasites, and to their taste (in detail about all this written in the
book formation).
But this that which lies on the surface. But we today, if you yet did not forget, tell not simply about that
passed in us way, but about the deep sense of this way (about which we earlier did not speak), namely -
about this way from a global evolutionary point of view.
However, what does lie there, in the depth, after this surface layer of our achievements on the second
If at first stage we got rid of the energy-information parasitic actions, which dictate to us relation to the
surrounding peace, then this does not mean that we thus exhausted in ourselves all possible existing in
our culture and society the logic circuits of interaction with the peace. Indeed some of these diagrams
continue to be desirable for us themselves! The fact is that some of th diagrams of behavior e desirable
for us were inaccessible for us, in addition because them they displaced other diagrams, tied by
For example: you always knew that some people greatly it pleases itself to be in the mountains. You and
themselves would not be away there be. But to [egregoru] of mountain climbers or at least simply tourists
you had no relation, because they referred to [egregoru] of inveterate stay-at-homes. Nevertheless it latent
you pulled into the mountains - but [egregorialnoe] action prevented you from realizing this. Now
interference disappeared, you realized your desire. It is wonderful! It must be realized!
Moreover desire, if it strongly is meant, without fail must be realized, because otherwise it will latent
always be present and disturb, and we, themselves of that without noting, we will hinder its motion (this
as you will go on the bicycle and simultaneously you want to smell flower on the curb: this desire either
will force you to slow down motion or so it will remain unrealized). Now, when there is no bicycle -
pulling you after itself undesirable [egregora], completely it is possible to satisfy true desire. Moreover
the unrealized desire, driven in to subconsciousness and not removed from it, can lead to the disease and
already in any case to the strong disturbance of behavior.
And there we realize, how this, it occurs, it is complicated - to independently realize its desire. Because
some diagram of behavior is also necessary for its realization, let unknown to us before, but furthermore
Our life requires diagrams, because we became accustomed to exist under [egregorialnym] control.
This means that you have the same relation to the phenomena of peace and the same diagrams of
interaction with them as in many other people. In this case with the mountains (naturally, if you it there
pulled) this relation it is possible to illustrate by phrase clever into the mountain will not go (well so
already it wanted to force you to count [egregor]) controlling you. Moreover this relation available to you
not only in the consciousness, but also in subconsciousness. I.e., in your subconsciousness, as the
surrounding people, had themselves the finished diagrams of relation and behavior practically for any
case of life. And you simply swam with the flow, listening to the voice of [egregora], naively assuming
him for its own opinion.
According to standard diagrams to act more simply than on the original. When we were freed from th
standard diagrams e customary for ourselves, it turned out that we were not fitted out to live and to act
under these new conditions. But therefore instead of old us were urgently required new diagrams.
If we use analogy with the man, who rose himself from the winder, then it cannot set the apparatus of
lower extremities in action. He does not know as to apply effort to the movement. It does not know how
even to show by finger, where he wants to go. But visualize that in it one additional foot is somewhat
shorter than another (by the way, a certain difference in the length of extremities - this is standard for the
majority of people). For movement it is necessary to learn anew.

And we learn this at the second step [DEIR], which without first stage is simply senseless.
Why it is necessary to learn this specially? Because otherwise you, after being pulled out from under the
influence of one [egregora], here will fall under the influence of another, here and everything. I.e., for
example, after leaving from under the guardianship of [egregora] of stay-at-homes, you will fall for the
action of [egregora] of mountain climbers. And again - good-bye, the freedom: instead of delight in by
mountains in the manner that this it is desirable you, as soul requests, you will be, you want that or not, to
clamber on these unhappy cliffs in any weather, cursing everything in the light and thinking: and what to
me house- that did not sit itself?
Fear to obtain the simple change of [egregorov] instead of the freedom! Fear, after being pulled out of
some stereotypes of behavior, here to please into others! But therefore master technology, that help to the
free movement, for example, the second of step technique [DEIR] (if you, of course, still this did not
make - but I I hope that the majority of the readers of this book already moved at least to the fourth step).
Thus, at the second step we learn to explain to our subconsciousness, what consciousness precisely
wants. Further we will agree this desire with it with the aid of the checking to the truth. In a example with
the winder this corresponds as if we set in action the supporting-motor system of the lying a long time
herself man. We embed programs at random and luck, [zadejstvujushchis] entire range of our natural
capabilities for the motion for necessary purpose.
At the second step we learned to independently apply efforts to our own movement - we mastered
programs to the confidence in ourselves, making possible for us to free necessary quantities energies with
the collision with the obstacles.
We learned to indicate our way to other people, helping them to cooperate with us, after mastering
programs to the effectiveness of our own actions.
We even could correct, correct the unequal length of the extremities of our consciousness - after
removing the already realized, interfering [karmicheskie] chains.
The second step it allowed us not only to arise to the feet, but also actually to begin to be moved. This is
is one additional step on the road to of further evolution, further development. But this step thus far still
makes possible for us to go by the paths, laid in the culture, which surrounds us. We thus far do not
develop new - simply we move already to our purposes to most attractive to us with method from the
collection proposed. I.e., going into the mountains, we already can select th diagram of this journey e
most acceptable for us: to go with the group, either singly or to clamber on the perpendicular cliffs in the
command of mountain climbers, or to be missed by flat paths along the gently sloping slopes. We is not
exerted in undesirable situations, because we make selection [osoznanno].
Let us give the analogy: before the children lie the apple, banana, orange also of discharge. Child can
select any of these fruits - but governess (or [egregor]) speaks: It is today necessary to select orange!
And everyone selects orange. So it was to first stage. After first stage the governess says nothing. Each
selects that which pleases itself it.
Even if we further use ourselves a example with the crank on the winder, we now have the possibility to
investigate that mysterious, but attractive corridor in the eastern wing of our hospital, to verify however,
that it is stored in the room, past which we always passed and so on.

Thus, the value of the second step considerably more deeply than seems first: mastery of programs to the
success, the luck, the confidence, the effectiveness, and also the deliverance from [karma] gives to us the
actual possibility to realize not those logic circuits of the interrelations with the peace, which were
recommended to us by energy-information parasites, but those, which were dictated to us by our true
essence. These are new step - not however, thus far yet deriving us this is the faces of cultural context,
beyond the limits of the conventional schematic behavior - but nevertheless this is step toward the true
Afterward we passed to the mastery of step number three. She in her applied value is still simpler than
two previous. She trains for action on others - in order to as the minimum take out people, with which we
are forced to directly associate, from under the influence of energy-information parasites. Furthermore,
the third step learns to literally read thought, to perceive that which occurs in the internal peace of other
people - we become more sensitive to the people, begin to understand them. In detail all this is described
in Book Three - influence.
Thus, in the common sense here dog it is simple and it is understandable. But let us have a talk, in
addition about the concealed for so long and no longer second, deeper plan of this step. It, as rest, in
reality is much deeper than it seems at first glance, and it leads not only to the solution of simple
everyday problems.
First of all the third step makes possible for man to hear, to directly perceive the consciousness of other.
This gives to us the possibility of pony the mother of another man and to more precisely express their
thoughts and feelings - so as to be understood [im]. i.e., conditionally speaking, the channel, which
connects the trained man with the consciousness of other people, considerably wider than in man of
If we use ourselves analogy with the man, who arose from the winder, then the third step makes possible
for it to understand the sense of motion on the corridors of the hospital - [sotsiuma], in which it proved to
be. If earlier for it this was the simply chaotic senseless displacement of people and objects - that now it
sees, who, where with what purpose it moves, what in this case it has intentions, which is assembled to
make. Peace all around acquires intelligence. To man, who passed third step, everything is
understandable for intentions and purposes of those surrounding, however they attempted this to hide.
Further, the third step gives to us the possibility to report their feelings to other directly, without the
words, achieving a connection consciousness- consciousness. This sharply increases the social
effectiveness of man - still, indeed any social result depends on the effectiveness of communication - and,
where previously were used the words, capable of reporting to other only the faded shadows of our true

thoughts and feelings, now in the course occur directly thoughts themselves in their entire depth and
Furthermore using our analogy, man, who arose from the winder, obtains the possibility to the certain
degree to control the movement around himself, helping others to advance and clearing to himself way.
And finally, the third step makes possible for man to be protected not only from that coding, but also
from the hypnotic influence from the side - i.e., man, who mastered third steps, even having proven to be
under the action of psychotronic weapon, it will know how to recognize this action and to avoid
consequences. This not only is noticeable, but also it is extremely necessary! Because psychotronic
weapon - this is the danger, which potentially threatens the individuality of each our contemporary.
Psycho-tropic the [testiruemye] on the masses psycho-technologies are dangerous by the fact that they
inject in the brain certain thoughts and intentions and the unprepared man cannot recognize heterology of
these thoughts and intentions for himself, he receives them as his own. However, instruction at the third
step [DEIR] makes possible for man clear to distinguish its own thoughts and thoughts, inculcated from
without, transmitted both by energy and [neenergeti]-[chsskimi] methods.
I.e., the third step makes possible for man to independently create around itself the favorable medium,
which facilitates for it forward movement. Well and, furthermore, it makes possible for us to deeply
perceive the energy-information peace of its own consciousness, without which the fourth cannot be
[stupenosvoit] practically.
Thus, step number three facilitates us the realization of the logic circuits of interaction with the peace,
dictated to us by our internal essence, and it makes it possible to transmit them outside, creating the
zones, where the influence of energy-information parasites is ineffective.

And here came the turn of step number four. This is extremely important, stage step. And its value
furthermore is considerably deeper than that which lies on the surface. This step, described in the book
maturity, makes it possible to become integral essence, [osoznanno] those constructing its life, in
which harmoniously interact the soul, the mind and the body, which has developed intuition and the
clearly expressed creative abilities -, first of all, capability for the creation of its own life.
At the fourth step we with you carried out manipulation on the association of consciousness, soul and
ether body. For which and why us this was required?
The fact is that to the fourth step we clearly perceived that, in the first place, our body, our consciousness
require of ever higher energy level - such, which is with difficulty transferred by the existing [chakralnoj]
structure. In the second place, intuitive data of steel for us more accessible (which is natural, indeed the
level of power engineering it grew, energy-information defeats they were liquidated, and interfering
[karma] it was removed), but us prevented from use our intuition the interminable internal monolog,
which is led by the mind of each man independent of of his will - the so-called internal critic. Thirdly,
alien understanding the fact that we see and we can in reality very much, but we do not for some reason
use our potential possibilities, but we use only standard collection of possibilities, such stamped versions
of the behavior (from what we suffer because of [nersalizovannosti]), which are dictated to us by training

and culture of our society. These limitations, in the first place, we had to manage.
But here our purpose is achieved - the energy-information structure of organism is reconstructed, internal
critic became silent, the fixed bias of point I seven made possible a panoramic, wide and bright
perception of reality.
Which result? Highest energy level, the accessibility of intuitive data and the nonstandard, wide view on
the thing, which revealed the possibility of creation.
But the how evolutionary value of the fourth step? It is still more influential than all enumerated
Evolutionary value at this step we with you connected with the fact that master ever more and the deeper
levels of our own internal freedom.
The fact that it is capable to complete men in this life, depends on that how it receives, as it sees the
surrounding peace. And if at the second step we with you learned to reject the customary diagrams of
interaction with the surrounding peace in order to obtain freedom of choice - but we selected, in addition
from the collection of the diagrams, proposed to us all by the same culture, that at the fourth step the new
level of power engineering, the disclosure of capabilities for creation and the activation of intuition make
possible for us to begin still freer - no longer to select from the existing diagrams of behavior, but to
create its, new diagrams of interaction with the peace. This allowed us even to exceed the limits of the
existing senses of words and objects - to enlarge these senses in its direction!
This is colossal jump! This is the achievement of such level of freedom, about which usual man cannot
and sword log path. This completion of socially caused development stage of personality and actual
passage to the new, already [nadsotsial]- ache development stage of man.
If we use ourselves analogy with the man, who left winder, then the fourth step forces it to understand
that in the light there is not only a building, in which it is located, not only the orders, brought in this
building; that the possibilities of movement by the building although are great, they are limited, the
basics by the limits of building - enormous unpredictable and promising the set of possibilities peace, in
which for it now one must make the first steps.
And which does occur with the man, who mastered the fourth step of further energy-information
development? You remember, as this was with you. I remember, as this was with me. After finding the
colossal energy level of the fourth step, you begin to venture newer and newer matters. And the
aggravated intuition prompts, which outcome of one or other matter or another is most probable. But
creative possibilities gradually prompt ever more and the more nonstandard solutions of the confronting
man problems.
In this case everything, which interfere withd us at first stage, no longer interfere withs us. To man, who
mastered the fourth step, no longer threaten neither spoiling nor [sglazy] nor influence of energy-
information parasites nor failure and a deficiency in the confidence in itself nor [karma] nor shortage of
energy nor absence of intuition nor its own limitedness. Everything which presses usual man, everything,
which to it seems very serious, everything that for it - the unsurmountable obstacles, for which mastered
the fourth step compared with the [detsadovskimi] games.
And here here, hardly after being set right from the euphoria, which envelopped us from such
unprecedented possibilities, we albeit not immediately, but gradually we begin to see that one additional
problem stands before us. And this problem is connected with the fact that, investigating with the aid of
the possibilities of the fourth step peace, we we suddenly reveal that [nezhdanno]-[negadanno] of [sopri]
they touched already with the following, [nadsotsialnym] level of the universe. And this level for us thus
far as the mysterious and incomprehensible labyrinth, which only is in prospect to investigate and to
master. Here is it, it was achieved: our it is in the past recumbent and patient, roaming on the building,
leaves to the street and occurs face to face with that unrecognized.

With the peace, in which is world flows, the god, new unknown senses. With the peace without the
boundaries and the horizon.
The evolutionary value of the fourth step [DEIR] lies in the fact that it gives to us the habits, which make
it possible to completely overcome the [zombirujushchie] tendencies of the social level of the
evolutionary development of man and to dip into the following, above- social level. Usual man does not
see this [nadso]-[tsialnogo] peace, because he interacts only with the social regularities.

And here we with you approached the fifth step of further energy-information development. She is
impossible without the fourth step and it is already wholly dedicated to the following, [nadsotsialnomu]
level of the interrelations of man with the surrounding peace. Of what does consist the first part of fifth
step? We left to the level of world flows, we learned to reveal their regularities and to be entered in these
regularities in order to use them for fastest and most successful achieving of its goals, we learned to
govern the regime of [polosatosti] of life, to reveal the closed and open ways and to competently behave
both on those and on others. All this led us to completely different, unprecedented for the usual man

quality of life.
But now, in addition let us have a talk about the evolutionary value of the first stage of fifth step. As you
see from the table, first four stages remove the limitations, superimposed on the man by current
evolutionary development stage of society. But this means that we in our vital activity automatically
begin to encounter with laws governing the already following, [nadsotsialnogo] level.
Please, can ask you, perhaps the aforesaid so is already obvious? Really overcoming one level does
always indicate contact with the following?
Yes, certainly. As soon as the limitations of some regularities are taken, reasonable essence obtains
weight larger access to laws governing the higher order. I will give the example: let us say, in the
childhood you loved candies and ice cream (who them did not love). You knew that the mom buys them.
It means, obtaining candies directly depended for you on the quality of your interrelations with the mom.
This is is one level of interaction with the peace. Everything that to you is necessary for obtaining the
desired candies, to cause other one or method or another the arrangement of mom. You are more nothing
for this to make not in the state.
Later you learned, that for the purchase of candies necessary the money. Now, it occurs, to cause the
arrangement of mom already is begun not so urgently. To much more urgently find the methods of the
obtaining of money. But still later you learned as these money themselves to earn, and for you it became
obvious, that the presence of candies (if you them they did not by that time yet fall out of love with, but if
they fell out of love with, think about the meat or the vegetables) it depends on your working
interrelations with the society. This is already another level of interrelations with the peace, on which you
compulsorily stumbled in the process of your development. This is more highly level, because the laws of
the previous level directly are determined [im]. indeed in fact, in order to provide you with candies, mom
had to act precisely at this level - i.e., to adjust her working interrelations [sotsiumom]. Now the
difference in the fact that you themselves grew to this level, steel with it to associate directly, but not
through the mom as before, which undoubtedly increases the level of your freedom, but at the same time
assigns more than responsibility.
Why thus it did occur, that you did take and did stumble on this another level of regularities? But as it
would be a good thing and not to be encountered it completely, entire life to obtain candies from the mom
and not about which such not at all to think, not to know, as they are obtained, as earned money, etc.
But this was unavoidably - precisely because you overgrew the laws of the previous level, you too got to
know well and mastered them, you passed this step of your development, she to you is absolutely clear.
But that which for us already clearly, rapidly is converted into the passed stage. And we strive further, to
the following, yet not gotten to know level in order and him to get to know and to master.
Here we after the fourth step already reveal mechanisms and laws governing the higher level: our arisen
from the winder patient left to the street and revealed that the peace, which includes and the building,
which it recently it left, also very large and thus far incomprehensible, but that to do, the time of hospital
corridors is past, it is now necessary to live here, in this large peace, and it means, to learn to be oriented
among its infinite streets, areas and houses.
And, first of all, for facilitating our movement in this new peace we master [polosatost] of events. I.e., we
begin to use laws of this [nadso]-[tsialnogo] level (on which, naturally, depend the events of social level)
for the good to ourselves - so the men with walking are used, although not always [osoznanno], the law
of universal gravitation, which makes possible for it to effortlessly lower foot to to the earth and force it
against it, facilitating repulsion.
Moreover, within the framework fifth step we learn to be pilots, to reveal the open and closed ways
before us. I.e., we lay our course, being oriented toward yet not appeared in our life special features of
environment, the probabilities, which are seemed the chance of this peace, subordinated to laws
governing the higher level than the level of man and human consciousness. This is the level of motion
and cognitive processes of reasonable peace around us.
If we use our analogy with th man e left winder, then now it learned to be oriented in the broken ground,
to walk on it or to be moved by another method and to use its sight and other sensory organs for the
optimum formation of its way.
It would seem, what to still desire - everything is simply miraculous!

But the underwater stone, which leads us to the need with the second the paw of fifth step, here and lies.
Yes, now we can live in the large peace beyond the limits of customary hospital walls, we can themselves
change peace around us, we can [sozidat] in it - but indeed the hospital building, which we left, this of its
kind our cradle, this that native house, to which we became accustomed, in which we grew and spirit of
which we absorbed into ourselves. This our abandoned scrap - something other as the building of the
collective culture of humanity. But means - the building of collective unconscious.
Yes, we left beyond the framework of the cultural context of humanity. We left cradle. We are similar to
cosmonaut, for the first time in the history who left into open space. Around absolutely there is anything.
Uncertainty, void and black abyss. As all this to master and to settle in - thus far it is incomprehensible.
But it is clear that the new knowledge will be required for this and habits - completely different, than
those, which we used there, on the earth, in the cradle. Yes, it is necessary to learn to master this
weightlessness and complete uncertainty and to make already with its its settled native house. Since there
is no return to the cradle and it will not be. Yes you do not want to return there, not so whether? And
however uninhabited and cheerless did seem thus far this space - here indeed is more interesting, truth? It
is more interesting, and the possibilities of new - enormous quantity. This as if passage from the flat two-
dimensional and moreover of black and white peace into the peace bright, colored, volumetric, with the
set of measurements. And it remained entirely a little - to select accurate keys to this peace. To create it.
But about this, about the special features of the situation, in which we proved to be after the mastery of
the first stage of fifth step, we will have a talk in greater detail in the following chapter. But thus far we
sum up.
The first part of fifth step begins to train us to use no longer customary, those directly connected
[sotsiumom] laws governing the surrounding peace, but with the new laws, which are determined by the
information- energy structure of the surrounding us universe.


However, give [popodrobnee], both with the practical and with the the [psikhoenergsticheskoj], and
let us examine with the evolutionary of the points of view, in what situation we with you proved to be,
after mastering the first part of fifth step.
Thus, first, we mastered regime the strip/of post.
This means that from a practical point of view we already can place to ourselves on the benefit very
chance of this peace. To master luck. Thanks to which and due to what we this will reach?
We this reached because of whereas the fact that the peace cannot disrupt its own laws. One of these laws
- law of entropy. This is the law, according to which in the world there is a balance of the differently
directed processes - both creative and destructive. I.e., how much was created, so many must and be
destroyed. This means that in the world constantly there are equal probabilities for the events both of that
and other [napraalennosti]. I.e., the events, which seem [raznoverojatnostnymi], are in reality equally
probable. Simply stated, coin in fifty percent of the cases you will fall by eagle, and in fifty percent of the
cases - by tail. This cannot be changed - is such the law of life. On world scales how much occurred the
events of one directivity, so many it will occur events and opposite directivity.
It would seem, you will not go against the law, and, which means, according to this law by fifty percent
of positive for us events it is necessary fifty percentages of negative. Thus? So - yes not thus. Because
our life - piece complex and into the objective laws is not always entered. And now let us be dismantled
As we already repeatedly spoke, in our life us in reality interest not so much the facts by themselves, as
value of these facts. But the value of one and the same fact for the different people can be and cup- in all
is completely different. To obtain 500 thousand dollars - this is good? It is unambiguously good, you in
this are assured? Here one self-confident American thus thought - and simply he did not think, but
passionately it dreamed about this. And [domechtalsja] to the fact that in it entire its family perished in
the plane crash and in addition burnt house, here to it they paid as the insurance precisely this cherished
sum. Thought, as is known, is material; therefore with the dreams it is necessary to be [poostorozhnee]. I
do not think that he greatly was gladdened to the realization of his dream

The same with any other facts. What for the Russian is good - first for the German death, that good - that
for your neighbor excess [moroka] to its sick head, well and so on, you themselves know for you.
But if facts interest us not so much, as their value - that let these fifty percent of negative results fall out
to th facts e insignificant for us. The level of [entropijnosti] in this case will not be destroyed, but we only
will win: fifty percent of positive results in the significant regions with the interest compensate fifty
percent of failures in the insignificant regions! For you are insignificant the gains into the lottery - yes
and god with them, you do not win - and it is not must, let all fifty percent of failures in your life arrive
precisely to the lottery. Then remained fifty percent of successes you will direct toward the significant for
you regions - family life and to quarry, for example. It is necessary only to know how to correctly
distribute successes and failures along these regions! This we mastered during the first stage fifth step.
And what is more - we themselves learned to change the values of facts, appropriating to them sense
good. Even if in reality to us from these facts not good and it is bad - and in no way, either it is hot or
coldly. Why to us this is must? And then in order to slightly deceive law. We appropriate to insignificant
for us facts value good and retain this value, regardless of the fact, we obtain a good result from these
facts or not. I.e., we seemingly await from the fact that it will be good, and it is poor. A quantity of
noncoincidences with our expectations grows. I.e., seemingly grows stress in the spring - because a
quantity of noncoincidences begins to exceed mean statistical level.
Strictly speaking, to us as it does not convey. But in reality this is not more than game - indeed we only
play into the fact that these facts for us are important. For example, we play into the fact that to us is
important to win into the same lottery - we appropriate to gain value good both again and again we
attempt this gain to obtain - but we do not can. Thus we accumulate the high degree of bad luck in the
region, which is in reality insignificant for us (we indeed only made form, that she was meant). (Why
random events for us they are insignificant, is in detail described in the benefit therapy of true
[karma].) But from this the degree of luck only increases in the regions, which are in reality meant for
When we is exerted in the region of events, for us in reality meant, to us already it is not possible to
preserve tranquility! Here to us it is already complicated to make form, that that which is important, in
reality allegedly is not important for us. And if here something does not get along - we cannot appropriate
to these facts value good, we unambiguously evaluate them as badly. And miracle here occurs. The
spring of entropy, mounted by a quantity of noncoincidences with our expectations, begins to be reduced!
Pendulum as if rocks to other side - and it grows a quantity of positive values of facts and events! And to
us it begins to convey in the significant region. Appears [polosatost] - we pay with small vexations for the
luster of great success. One hundred times lost into the lottery - and then they took and they successfully
left marry! By the way, precisely, this law was reflected in the known saying it does not convey in the
maps - it will transport in the love.
From a psychoenergetic point of view we attained this, after displacing the central point of our
consciousness - point I seven - into the region of the virtual space, where is located for us value
good. I.e., we changed our own configuration, having thus created for ourselves rhythm and amplitude
of the desired luck/of bad luck.
From a evolutionary point of view we for the first time used the information level of the universe in order
on the basis of his regularities to create ourselves unique filter - if it is convenient, the shell of the
following level, which passes
to us only those troubles, which we ourselves can allow. I.e., these are the measure is adaptive, which
helps to us to survive to [nadsotsialyjum] level.
Let us continue to sum up the sums of the mastery of the first part of fifth step.
In the second place, we learned to determine the nature of the ways, confronting us: they are opened or
they are closed.
From a practical point of view this gives to us the possibility to previously determine a quantity of
efforts, which is in prospect to spend on achieving of one or other goal or another, and also fundamental
attainability or the unattainability of stated problem,
What us did allow this to attain? We used furthermore the fact that our life- this a result of our interaction
with the external peace. I.e., for the quality of our life is important not outermost peace as it there is, but

our perception of this external peace, the agreement of our expectations and that that this external peace
in response to the expectations gives. This is, in addition connected are with the fact that for us important
not facts as such, but them, facts, subjective for us value. This value, strictly, is determined by our
expectation. But our expectation is determined by our selection. But selection depends on the value of the
object, with respect to which we experience t or other expectations.
And accordingly, we could use the independent of us fragment of external peace - namely test- system,
transfer to it the value of the object, relative to which we be going to conduct studies, to make a selection
of the expected value and to look, how the behavior of object will coincide with our expectation.
From a psychoenergetic point of view to make this us it helped a habit of work with the virtual space,
namely the possibility of the complete and adequate transfer of value for the object of the external peace
(analogous method we used with the creation of energy-information mechanism- assistants, which is
described in the benefit technique of the animation of objects).
From a evolutionary point of view we for the first time actively combined the virtual space of our
consciousness and the element of peace external with respect to the consciousness. This is revolutionary
step, because the consciousness of man is objective to it and it was physically limited in the volume of its
skull and the space of its ideas. Now consciousness approached not the analytical, and direct knowledge
of peace and that not indirected by muscles, but to direct interaction with the peace. Earlier consciousness
was based on the structures of the brain. Now we mastered the way, when it can be based on the not
belonging to body elements of the surrounding peace.
But give let us consider, it is sufficient this complete picture? Are there sufficient whether th habits e
described by us in order successfully to master and stably to be fastened on the new stage of evolution,
the [nadsotsialnoj] phase of further energy-information development?
Means for the mastery of the [nadsotsialnogo] level of peace, which we have in the active membership:
filter for the attraction of success and locator for enumerating the most advantageous way.
I.e., we are protected and can select our way. But that we do know relative to this quite way?
Let us recall the passed steps [DEIR]. It does not seem you that the first part of fifth step is very similar
to first stage, only at the new level? So it there is, indeed development occurs always on the spiral. After
first stage there was the second. And in the benefit, dedicated to the second step, we exactly discussed,
that for the active movement under the free conditions us are necessary two [veshi]: to understand, where
to move, and to learn as to move.
At first stage [DEIR] we determined, where to us further to move in [sotsiume].
We determined during the first stage fifth step, where to us to move in the [nadsotsialnoj] sphere.
At the second level [DEIR] we began to move along the new ways in [sotsiume], and there everything
was simply: we indeed in all realized the most desired by us social instructions on interaction with the
peace. We simply translated our logically, consciously mature idea into the language, intelligible to
subconsciousness, and they checked it according to our own internal wishes - i.e., they checked against
the truth.
Thus, we did not create new idea and did not use new motivation - we were revealed, in what form us
will arrange the [predsushestvujushchaja] social possibility with the existing motivation. What does
indicate [predsushche]-[stvujushaja]? This means that possibility itself, for example, expressed by idea
purchase- kA I to itself bicycle, already had socially significant painting (bicycle to have well), and it
means, had the potential emotional significance (to me it will pleasantly have a bicycle). We only did
determine, accurately us it is desirable it to buy what precisely. I.e., we checked, our idea was supported
by our emotions or no - i.e., will bring or not to us satisfaction its realization.
This was at the second step. In the second stage of fifth step increasingly more complex. Yes, for us also
one must go by new ways. But here, in contrast to the social level, events, [jaa]1[enija], the achievement,
at which we can arrive, have no socially significant existing painting! There is no motivation whatever,
no emotionally significant painting, which already occurred to be to us. But that it does not have the
socially significant painting, then does not cause the desire to obtain this, you will agree. If the quite
[rasprekrasnaja] sheath, which will hang in the shop window of the most expensive store, causes in you
no emotions, then to you it will not come to mind to acquire this sheath. If the conqueror of the
competition of beauty leaves you indifferent, then you will not break into a run with it to become

acquainted and all the more to you will not come to mind the idea it to be married. Everything is simple.
To us is important only that is emotionally meant for us. If generally nothing in the life causes in you
emotions, then you and from the place will not move and simply you will stop in the development.
At the second step with the emotional significances there was everything in the order - they stimulated
sufficiently well your forward movement, to the new victories. In the second stage of fifth step with these
significances themselves it is more complex. Specifically, because in this sphere the previous human
experience is very poor. People not at all know that there, in this [nadsotsialnoj] sphere, it can cause any
emotions. But therefore to be oriented here as to any trailblazers, [slozhnovato].
But it means, in order to want and further to advance, we should learn by itself to create the independent
motivation, by itself create the emotional significance for itself of different phenomena and objects.
Specifically, to create it, because it is earlier, to us, here to this significance did not exist!
What can be meant under the conditions of uncontrolled freedom, boundless space for the actions, where
there are no obstacles and limitations? It would seem, where not you will go - everywhere one and the
same: space and freedom. So what difference, where to go? But indeed go- that somewhere must,
otherwise you will wither, on the spot costing. Output is one: to create new significances. To only so it is
possible accomplish motion under the conditions of uncontrolled freedom. And this - confronting us and
most immense in its essence and in terms of value task.
And only after we will solve this task, only if our way they will illuminate those no longer manufactured
[sotsiumom] of motivation, but our own emotional potential, only then we will be able to effectively use
the new possibilities of action on the peace by thought, opened before us.
Because then the force, which we obtained, after carrying out association of our consciousness with the
peace, external with respect to our body, it will become directed. Then we be able forever to be fastened
in the new evolutionary stage - to live on it, but it is not simple to look at it from the windows of its
The aforesaid by me now, possibly, at first glance seems too complex, yes even torn from that life, which
is called real and terrestrial. However, if we think ourselves above our internal situation, which set in
after the mastery of the first stage of fifth step, then it will become impossible to deny the obviousness of
And by the way, precisely, this special feature of its state notes the set of readers and students of the
courses, which send letters with questions, they ring on the telephone into the branches of school.
Freedom - yes, [okrylennost] by new possibilities - yes, but here where to go further and as this to make -
it is incomprehensible, because from those heights, at which we proved to be, all previous terrestrial
significances of steel are suddenly insignificant, and for us equivalent all possibilities, which are opened
before us. In the second stage we could even something socially that meant approach - for example,
passionately want to become from the housewife the star of stage and to attain this. Now it occurs that
this is unimportant - to be the star of stage or housewife, because in the [nadsotsialnoj] sphere this
already not what influences and our possibilities it in no way regulates. But so that make- that? Where to
go further? If all social paths already of [iskhozheny] and we even did reach on them the apex, but to now
walk on them is simply uninteresting? But where to go in the [nadsotsialnoj] sphere, if there there are no
orientators and significances?
What do perceive we after the first stage of fifth step? It would seem, everything is wonderful - and it
conveys in the important, and it is possible to calculate its way, and energy plenty, and intuition works,
and although detract creative approach I.e., act - I do not want. But act- that often and does not want
Because it is uninteresting.
Much whether we did in fact, attain after the passage of the first stage of fifth step? Everyone whether
their possibilities did realize? Or there is a sensation it is not realized -[nosti]? And you think: [Ekh], to
me into twenty years to be such, as I now I would become famous writer or director and he would
work in Hollywood, and would be married By [demi] Moore or on the miss of peace - Dada, I feel in
itself forces for this, only now- that this all to me why? Like and unnecessarily. Then why this colossal
potential and that with it to make?
Yes, we reached much, but, taking into account the level of its new possibilities, its new potential, these
achievements they could be much, much more!

First: very many things it wants faster subjunctive. I.e., thus: recognized [zhelannost] of idea yes and put
off it into the long box. Can make, but you do not make.
Why? Yes because the idea was from the list of the socially caused proposal. Because we in reality
completely have enough forces to reach Paley's this - moreover to make this we can easily. But that
which easily that is uninteresting. Purpose is unoriginal and easily accessible - so why time to spend on
the fact that it is possible to make by one leftist, indeed which easily is obtained, then does not value.
In fact, even if water does present value and people for it do fight, arranging present cockroach runs
because of one container, and they will accumulate it, and they do store - that will stock the cistern of
water man, who lives directly on the bank of inexhaustible river? Why, if at any moment it is possible
scooped how much must be?
Our subconsciousness - very pragmatic thing. And certainly, in the case easily and at any moment of the
accessible purpose it will not make the reserve: approximately so man, in which there is a credit card,
does not drag with himself in the pocket entire available amount. Therefore this category of purposes is
reached exactly as, as it is subconsiously necessary.
Secondly: it does not want some things. I.e., simply it does not want - and it is useful, and like it would
be interestingly this purpose to reach - but unwillingness.
And is here to this unwillingness exactly and it is necessary to focus special attention. Here this
unwillingness itself is the [nadezhnejshim] evidence of the fact that we encountered for the first time
the purpose, which belongs to the following evolutionary level.
Until now each purpose, which we placed before ourselves, had potential emotional significance- but this
significance was determined by society, its culture. I.e., route there entire lying before us was seemingly
previously marked: to be famous and rich - it is good, this causes positive emotions, it is necessary to
strive to this, but here to be poor and no one not known - it is bad, it is necessary to avoid this.
Now we left to th soil e new for ourselves, where the previous markings were ineffective and erroneous.
In fact, who did say that here, in the [nadsotsialnoj] sphere, it is important and it is good to be famous?
Yes here, can, on the contrary, the less the people you it knows, the better to you, the higher the level of
your freedom! I.e., previous guide signs remained in the previous life, but here they do not work.

And it means, we should these guide signs to create independently, but with them - and the internal
significance of phenomena, events and facts for itself, individual significance, nothing in common having

with the social ideas about by anything.
Thirdly: why our achievements could be above, but they do not become the same after the first stage of
the fifth step: many focused attention, that the thoughts, extended by us outside, into the peace, sharpened
by the habits of five steps [DEIR] (but somebody already were used the slow thoughts, practice on which
is conducted in the confrontation courses of fifth step), they possess the real ability to act on peace, but
problem in the fact that they operate in no way always. I.e., sometimes we can influence the event and it
occurs exactly so, as we planned. But sometimes Why so it does occur?
Yes everything for the same reason: a deficiency in the emotional significances! The thoughts, which do
not have emotional undercurrent, practically it cannot be accurately directed. Indeed our emotions,
activated by the significance of purpose, are axis, rod, which retains entire construction of thought. This
of times.

And naturally, to eat even even two: even if we successfully direct our thoughts and they have all chances
to carry out action on the events of peace, then it is not completely compulsory that these thoughts will
not encounter in the process of their realization against the contradictions with the laws of reality. We did
not thus far yet study these laws - but there is a clear collection of the rules, by observing which it is
possible to guarantee success.
But to now before pass to the detailed examination of the tasks, confronting us, let us name things our


And here now, when we with you discussed the situation, in which they proved to be, after leaving
to the new unattainable previously level of energy-information development, is possible to have a talk
about how because of what regularities we can manage the tasks, which arose before us.
What to us is necessary in this life? Freedom, love, development and happiness for itself and its close
ones. Here, perhaps, and weight so a little! It would seem, to reach entire this and to be quieted, and more
than anything it is must. But is here in that entire and craftiness, that to reach something one once and for
all and on this can be been quieted in our peace well in no way. Therefore as if only we decide, what here
we reached something once and for all - as this achievement here is turned into the dust. Life does not
make possible for us to reach something and to be quieted. Life forces us to again and again approach
new achievements. Because life must be development, by motion - only then it brings happiness.
Stoppage destroys everything. Consequently, life - this is way. Otherwise in it there is no sense whatever!
You will look to the people, which stopped themselves in the development, they swiftly degrade. It
means, in the life there are only two ways - forward either back or, it is more precise, upward or

downward - it is impossible to stand on the spot here, stoppage - this rolling downward. Therefore do not
yield to this illusion: I will here reach this and this - and I will be quieted, because more to me nothing it
is must. It will as soon as be more than anything not must - so life will end. Life exists, until there is a
forward movement. You will reach one level of development - and there, after it, will be opened the
following, which it is again necessary to approach. This is normal, so have be entire life the normal
developing man. But life in each new energy-information stage - this is the laying out of way forward.
But once such a one let us be dismantled with the sense of way. When us it does be desirable to go along
way- any way, although to country road, although to the road of its life? When in front of us awaits
something interesting, when there is a purpose. Moreover precisely the purpose, in the reaching by which
we sincerely, by entire soul, by all feelings and by thoughts are interested. Very well and correctly said
somehow comrade from the television screen: For the realization of any process is necessary personal
interest (true, he said this with respect to our supposedly disinterested parliamentarians, that several me
puzzle, well yes agreeably).
But according to the large calculation, indeed it is complete rights. Here and we with you now should
find this personal interest for continuing its forward movement and upward. But this can seem at first
glance not so simply.
I will immediately open the secret: in reality the situation, in which we with you now proved to be, is
sufficiently simple - but she is complex precisely because in the daily life extremely rarely it is
encountered. Yes which there to speak - is encountered practically never. Because practically no one of
the people entered into the interrelations with the [nadsotsialnoj] part of peace so rapidly, as we made.
Those units, by which it was possible this to reach to us with you, approached the new level by already
armed by colossal experience, wisdom and knowledge. So that they already knew what to make.
We with you passed them. We their long journey passed, in other words, by external student. Therefore to
us, if we want to be held in [nadsotsialnom] development stage, it is necessary to exert separate efforts.
We now will not be concentrated on radical energy-information differences in the man, who mastered
[DEIR], from the usual man. You this and so already visualize sufficiently well. Now another task - of
analyzing the processes of another level.
In the essence, we with you make nothing else but [vzrosleem]-[tolko] not in the physical, but in the
energy-information sense. Therefore give let us look, which occurs with the man in proportion to
[vzroslenija] and how generally differs himself man adult from child. Let the process of transforming the
child into the adult and serve us as model. Indeed if we recall the basics of evolutionary biology, then
ontogenesis (personal development) is the brief repetition of phylogenesis (development of form). Our
with you [vzroslenie] in the energy-information plan - this is nothing else but [vzroslenie] of the very
form by the name of men. [Vzroslenie] of form, which in its basic stages repeats the processes of
[vzroslenija] of the separately undertaken individual.
But and since [vzrosleet] child - and as it [vzrosleet] entire mankind?
Child it gets to know peace playing. In the game it as in the miniature passes the situations, which will be
encountered or can be encountered to it in the adult life. Game - is of its kind the rehearsal of future life.
In the game the child is trained to interrelations with the surrounding peace, checking thus the correctness
of installations - the instructions of behavior in this peace, obtained by him from the adult, first of all
from the parents, while in their face - and from the entire culture. In this case the toys come out as the
symbols of certain objects, phenomena, objects and people, with which for child it is necessary to
encounter in the adult life. Doll Of [barbi], the figurine of fireman, toy machine, small locomotive,
[pistoletik] All this - the models of vital realias of future, intended for training of future actions
under the actual conditions.
Let us note that in child are their energy-information sensation of peace and in it there are its own
predilections and the inclinations in this peace. To it is interesting and important its own peace
completely independent of of relation to this of [sotsiuma]. However, the instructions, obtained by it from
the society, are such, that in proportion to [vzroslenija] of child they require his start in the specific social
games. But the essence of these social games - assertion of the significance of its own personality and in
all, which has this personality and which surrounds it. And as a result the knowledge of peace in
proportion to [vzroslenija] passes very interesting transformation. First child simply implicitly assumes

peace by such, as he there is, as [dannost], which simply exists, and all. This is the cleanest, most direct
children's perception of the peace: [kisa] tells [mjau], trigger makes [tjaf]-[tjaf], mom washes frame,
dad walks to the work - there is not the shadow of censure or self assertion, i.e., there are no these adult
games yet, also, in the mention. Somewhat later social instructions begin to require of the child of self
assertion, assertion of the significance of their peace, for which it must throw unique call the surrounding
peace, after proving that it possesses something, which is not in this surrounding peace: A my trigger
climbs on the trees! Or: My mom is beautiful, and is your is not! And here finally child finally
assumes this social game - i.e., he searches for the confirmation of the superiority of its and its peace into
some the socially acceptable criteria: My trigger best of all, because it conquered on the exhibition! Or:
I best of all, because I learn to some fives.
In this case these here socially significant criteria are, as a rule, erroneous - indeed to learn to some fives
completely does not mean to be best according to all parameters - among the people generally no the
good and worse, this is the vicious system of estimation; trigger also for the loving owner is best in
the world completely not because it somewhere there conquered, but it is simple because here is it such
loved and only, even and the mongrel without pedigree. But therefore all these social games into better-
worse are senseless.
But nevertheless as soon as child accepted here this social game, this means that it is ready to enter into
the adult peace.
So how is differed this adult peace from the peace of child?
Fact that adult man already has the certain capability of selection (even and illusory) - from many social
instructions he selects those, which it more greatly please themselves, i.e., those, which make it possible
to achieve the emotionally significant for it goals. And here men it determines, what social instruction it
signs to the fulfillment in order to move in the necessary direction. (We- that with you we perfectly well
know that of true freedom here it does not smell as a result of the influence of energy-information
parasites, indeed this they in reality impel man to make one or other selection or another, so that the life
of man is similar to the game in designer [Lego], where, it would seem, the set of versions for the
creation - but nevertheless this quantity of versions is limited and is previously predetermined.) but
nevertheless man can select some way - he will become fireman, either by doctor or brainless [Barbi],
will purchase machine or bicycle, it brings family or it will remain unmarried
In this respect difference is clear: in child is only [dannost] of social instructions the immutable collection
their, determined by adult. The child, in the essence, does not have selection - selection is made to it
many generations of the people: learn to walk, to speak, to read, to write and to count, go into
kindergarten, then into the school - there is no even illusory freedom of choice, the collection of
instructions is very rigid. However, at the disposal of adult all instructions of peace or, at least, that
culture, in which it exists, and it can select among these already beaten ways most acceptable for itself,
although selection is corrected by energy-information parasites. The child does not have need and does
not have possibility to make selection - the adult there is this possibility, and this need.

Thus, [vzroslost] - this as the minimum the possibility to select ways.
But as is achieved this selection? We much spoke, that this selection is shipped by energy-information
parasites. But energy-information parasites there are many, and ways, according to which they conduct,
also much. Why one man nevertheless does go along one way, and another - on another, why one does
fall under authority to one energy-information parasite, and another - to another? Why, for example, one
man does occur in authority of [egregora] of money, and another - [egregora] of war? Or let us take the
softer version, connected with the selection of the profession: one man will return himself into authority
of [egregora] of journalism, and another, for example, [egregora] of medicine?
Yes it is very simple: this selection is connected with the personal special features of man, with his
personal interest in embarking on one or other path or another.
So what such personal interest in one or other selection or another available in each man? And which is
important - which the men does obtain, achieving one or other selection or another?
Let us go in the order. Selection itself - this is very interesting piece. On what it does depend? Many
consider in our rational time that one or other selection or another by the majority of people is done
strictly according to the calculation - i.e., man makes his selection depending on the circumstances, in
which he proved to be, and he makes with his in such a way as to achieve desirable goal with the
minimum expenditures.
Yes, of course, they are and such cases - young girls attempt to marry new Russian, since they consider
that this will ensure a good life with them, the graduates of schools enter to learn the prestigious highly-
paid professions, and so on. By the way, inquire at a convenient time, are contented by their selection
subsequently those, who did make it according to the calculation, did obtain they the desired good life?
Most frequently - no. But this is - the theme of another conversation.
But now we speak about the usual mean statistical majority, which is not completely pathologically
prudent. Note, how many people, lamenting to its sad material position, nevertheless for some reason
they do not hurry to change work by the more highly-paid. Yes, they complain about the life, they cry,
they assure, that the fate to them is wrong, and they constantly give self up to unrealizable dreams, for
example similar: Here if I worked in the bank, or certainly, if I was not teacher in the school, but
she would be arranged into any business concern
But it is this is what interesting: complaining to the life and pronouncing similar speeches, these people
finger against the finger will not strike in order to actually replace profession and to thus improve its
material position! Here indeed as! It would seem, by what simpler - go, work in the bank, replace the
profession of teacher to other
THERE IS NO AN! They do not make even attempts at such. In the subjunctive inclination the desire to
replace work is expressed - but actually this it is not done. Everything is limited to this subjunctive
inclination, yes even it does not exceed the limits of the purely abstract theoretical reflections, from
which it follows no action. And, I assure you, it will follow never.
But why? Yes because these people the existing state of affairs in reality pleases itself. It arranges
them, even if they themselves do not return to themselves in this of report. In the depth of
subconsciousness the cancelled banker wonderful understands that never he will feel himself at its place
in the bank. Will not be pleased to disturbances, and everything! And to the teacher, who laments to the
fact that [ugorazdilo] of it to become teacher, also will be pleased not in what other place, except school.
And in the depth of soul she also this wonderfully feels. Although it will tell in all that cannot be lived so
that this work to [se] [szhiraet] alive, that the children are completely impossible, and the pedagogical
association - it is simple nightmare, in this case of the school it will not leave. But everything because it
lacks the emotional interest in any another work. And in man, who purely theoretically envies to those,
who works in the bank, also there is no necessary sincere and emotional content so that the work in the
bank would become for it interesting.
But so that is more important for our selection - dry calculation or interest? It is unambiguous - interest.
We actually finger against the finger will not strike without the interest - what this not I concern. If the
content of work attractive in material sense does not cause interest, man better will suffer the forged
material conditions how make that which entirely to him is uninteresting what is principally not it the
The curious thing is obtained: man, even who realizes the need for one or other step or another, is not
practically capable him to undertake, if this step for it is painted with no interest, any emotions!
If in order to obtain even something actually necessary for itself (by reason received as necessary), it is to
be done something, that not possessing emotional attractiveness, then man, most likely, this will not
make! He even will not begin motion to this allegedly necessary purpose - he will not be able to outline
its way even in the consciousness, if it does not reveal by this method emotional catches. But indeed
these emotional significances in all different - for someone are emotionally attractive reputation,
popularity, worship of a large quantity of people, and to someone is, on the contrary, dearer silence, rest,
domestic cosiness. The set of talented people they did not realize itself only because the universal
attention and reputation for them were emotional they were not attractive. I knew the completely gifted
young man, who felt that it can become famous singer, but here assigned to itself the question: A why?
And it did not find to it answer. Actually - why, when to sing it is possible and it is simple so, for itself,
for the soul, for the friends and the close ones? But glory, worshippers, tour - the only [moroka] is excess,
fuss not terminated. No already, its own sincere rest more expensive
We will not discuss, there are no rights it or, that deprived the peace of the possibility to [litsezret] its
talent. We now speak about other: the most brilliant abilities and the most unprecedented possibilities of
man do not realize, if it does not have emotional stimulus for their realization.
I will foresee the objections: well as so, you will say, indeed in the light as much as desired of people,
which deal with work completely uninteresting for themselves only for the earnings, for the survival of
family Perhaps not thus?
Yes, this so, but you will focus attention: in this case the man most frequently receives his work not
simply as indifferent or uninteresting - and as unpleasant. He considers that it is forced for the money to
be occupied by th matter e unpleasant for himself. But this does not mean that he does not have emotional
interest in being occupied by the unpleasant matter. This emotional interest, it is however paradoxical, to
also eat, although it lies at another, not professional sphere: it is connected with survival and prosperity of
its family. The prosperity of family is received as thing, in emotional sense not simply important, but
pleasant, that causes positive emotions. And these positive emotions from the guarantee of prosperity of
family are stronger than negative emotions from the unpleasant work. I.e., it sacrifices smaller for the
greater emotional significance of men, here and everything. As a result even unpleasant work brings
positive - meant in emotional sense - the result: the prosperity of family.
But could man be occupied by anything for himself indifferent for something, which for it is furthermore
unimportant? No, and again no. For example, and work for it is indifferent, and prosperity does not
disturb its family. So why this work? It is better to look something more interesting for itself - if, of
course, men entirely it did not degrade and did not wave to itself by hand. But such, most likely, work
will not at all be.

But let us allow purely theoretically that man nevertheless proved to be on the indifferent to it to work
and he attempts it to carry out itself without knowing what for. What will come out? Nothing. Because it
is not possible to carry out well the work, which to you is indifferent and which does not promise
achieving any emotionally significant goals. This man will very soon discharge for [profneprigodnost],
iotas and all. Moreover even if this work attractive in the eyes of other people, yes although entire
society, everyone even if to you envies and indicate, as to you it transported that you took for this work,
but you personally see in it no interest for yourselves and the concept of prestige is not for you
emotionally significant, that by this work to be occupied you will not be able. She for you is senseless.
And you without a moment's hesitation will leave from the prestigious work, which is been the object of
the envy of those surrounding, hearing following puzzled [shipene] of these most of those surrounding
and noting, as they, looking on you, unequivocally turn by finger in temple. Well that zh, they have its
truth - in you its, otherwise and be cannot.
Having any abilities and capabilities, possessing all necessary for the accomplishment of quite foremost
discoveries in science and technology, for the creation of something newest and most unprecedented, that
no one to you and into the head it came, anything you will begin to make, if the emotional significance of
both the quite future creation and the process of its creation is equal for you to zero.
Conclusion: so that would arise the motion, development, two poles were necessary: negative and
positive, i.e., you must receive your present position as undesirable, and future purpose - as desirable and
attractive in emotional sense. Motion is possible only between the antipoles. Motion is possible only
between two coordinates: it is pleasant - it is unpleasant. I.e., beginning and end of your way must
have distinct emotional differences. Without this peace it seems dull, monotonous, and there is no
possibility whatever to lay way and to enter to it - because our consciousness generally in the given
circumstances cannot distinguish, where this way is passed and it is there generally.
Only emotions they illuminate the way of man, as if torch, and they set man into the motion along this
Yes, this so - all of mankind is developed in the field of powerful emotional vectors, and precisely they
force us to live, to fight, to reach, to achieve In this case, as we already spoke, in each these vectors
our: whom - the like of the way of action makes it necessary to advance promise to reputation, and
precisely this it is emotional stimulus, it heats soul, which is called, someone is sent for the journey
tendency toward the rest and the prosperity, which are important also exclusively because they cause
pleasant emotions Briefly stated, each strives there, where to it, supposedly, it will be well. But it is
good - this means not that another that there are expected the positive emotions. But here the concept
about this is good, about that which causes positive emotions, in different people there can be different.
And each is approached its good from all forces.
Here is it, the main engine of progress and generally the source of any social motion and development -
not calculation, not dry logic, not the commercial or other cold indifferent interest - and only tendency
toward the positive emotions!
In the world [sotsiuma] with the positive emotions ever more or is less understandable. I.e., each man can
at least approximately determine, which for it will be good which causes these positive emotions. Here,
of course, very often occur error- people they are confused in the orientators, they assume th values for
their true e imposed from without and approach the erroneous the targets, which as a result, in spite of the
expectations, no positive emotions generate. But this is already other conversation. Fact that that
erroneous they or not - but in [sotsiume] of the emotionally painted purposes although detract, and each
man, who did not leave in his development beyond the limits of social level, can select the emotionally
significant purpose on himself - on his talents, possibilities and interests.
Different matter is man, who left in his development into the [nadsotsialnye] levels. At these levels is
already insignificantly all that which was meant at the level of [sotsiuma]. Reputation, glory, authority,
wealth? No, soul it does not heat. Properly wide demands by such trifles you will not satisfy.

Yes, we did learn to ensure to ourselves worthy standard of living, to obtain entire necessary - but here in
order to make from these usual everyday material things some emotionally significant purposes? It is in
small particles, it is ridiculous, it is foolish. In general, kindergarten.
Our purposes are already different. Because we themselves - others.
Yes, to us now it is complex. Because we are located on that stage, when continuously surround us the
things, not painted emotionally.
But from the childhood we became accustomed to other: to the presence in our life of the things, which
already have emotional painting. In any case, we became accustomed instinctively to select of all objects
of peace and to include precisely such things, which have for us emotional value in the circle of our
perception. Dear mom, tasty candy, affectionate [solnyshko] We lay our way precisely among such
emotionally significant objects. And the more of them there are - is the more interesting and
[nasyshchennee] our life.
In this case we are gradually oriented in how why, because of what properties one or other thing or
another becomes for us emotionally attractive, and the value of other, new in our life things, we tie to the
already existing emotional values, we determine the value of these new things in connection with the
value of familiar. For example, the purchase of automobile will not be for us by the emotionally
significant event, if we do not have dear emotionally attractive places, where it is possible to drive on this
automobile, either if there are no people, which cause the positive emotions, which can be rolled on this
automobile, or if we there is no possibility are occupied with the aid of the automobile by another
emotionally attractive matter - for example, to transport the loads, which bring the very even emotionally
painted profit.
The new things, which are appeared in our life, we are ready to admit into it and to make for ourselves
emotionally meant only when they by some means they contribute to achieving other emotionally
significant goals. I.e., in our life in [sotsiume] appears this chain of the emotionally significant objects,
where each following component is caught for previous and directly it escapes from it.
But if we did prove to be in the [nadsotsialnoj] sphere, where originally there are no emotionally
significant objects, to so that even to nothing string the components of this chain, there is no that original
component, from which can everything begin? What to make then - if we did prove to be in th territory e
in no way mastered from a emotional point of view?
Answer is one: emotional significances must be created. To create anew, because there are no old values
in the mastered peace already, but there are no new still.
But as this to make?
But as did arise in us in their time emotional values customary for us in [sotsiume]? How did arise those
first components of these values, to which we did then string entire subsequent chain of our values? Yes,
on the whole, they arose spontaneously. And, on the whole, from the point of view of human they are
sufficiently by chance. Why for us is so attractive the sun, but not some other star? Yes so already it came
out that we live under the sun - auto somehow came out, in any case, man to this hand did not apply, this
languidly. Why thus it did come out that people do use the completely specific method of multiplication
(this process, by the way, for the majority of people it does relate to the paramount emotional values)?
Why not any by others - as, for example, in the known anecdote, where the lady, after feeling in the
crowd, what who - i.e. [tychet] by finger into the back, did see [inoplanetjanina], from which it did learn,
that they precisely thus are multiplied? Yes also because so already it came out - somehow without us
they solved So that original emotional values arose somehow arbitrarily, let us conditionally say -
randomly. But here afterward they stretched after themselves other chain links - and the entire system of
the emotional significances, which, on the whole, and determine the emotional structure of our life, as a
result was created. I.e., emotional values are interconnected, they are added into the certain system,
which, strictly, conducts us according to life and ensures our development.
You do feel, we do already slowly understand nature of appearance and existence of emotional values?
And we make this, in order to learn to create them in our new development stage.
Thus, we go further, the first conclusion: since the emotional values compulsorily create the correlated
structure, we should create not what it fell the values, but such, which will be connected into the specific
rules, i.e., they can be organized into the developing system. This of times.
The second conclusion is connected with that fact that the original emotional values have a habit to
appear spontaneously, without our conscious participation. What is to be done with this? Does mean this
that there is no customary and mastered method of the realized consciousness of such values? Yes, it
means. But this means even that for compiling of the emotional values of new level for us it is necessary
thus to master. This is two.
And the third conclusion is connected with not less most important question: how existence by the
previous values, which allotted [veshi], us those surrounding, with the values, great for us at the level of
[sotsiuma]? These emotional values, from one side, cannot be simply so taken and rejected, and with
another, you will agree, it is very difficult to simultaneously consider phenomenon, object or man and as
the element of one peace of values, and as the element of another. I.e., if we will be as before caught for
the values of social level, this will strongly prevent our forward movement at the new levels.
This nevertheless what to attempt one and the same thing to use simultaneously for two conflicting
purposes. For example, we purchased automobile even we want so that it us would serve both as the dry
depository of vegetables on the dacha and as the means of transportation for the trip to the south. What
will be as a result, if we a selection of the in favor one solution then do not make? Yes nothing it will be:
and vegetables we will not preserve, and we will not leave anywhere.
People, which stop in their motion, obtaining instead of happiness of life gray routine, because they do
not see in it other senses, besides as to eat up and to have a nap (I emphasize: the fact that they do not
want to see - and actually they do not see, they do not have this in the culture), they are similar to the new
contemporary automobile, which for some reason is used as the storage of vegetables. People, which
already know that on the automobile it is possible to go to the south and to generally open entire peace
for themselves, but they fear, that they will lose previous plant life, they are similar to the automobile,
which rusts generally Beza any application, because owner in no way can solve, as it is better to use him.
So already better it in it vegetables stored!
You, my dear reader, once already we with you met here and now, are already ready to open for
yourselves life without the boundaries, because in the previous by heat to cattle shed it is uninteresting,
boringly, there there is no recovery there is not in what form. But it means - forward, use all your
possibilities (which are much more, volumetric and [neobozrimee] than in most contemporary
technology) for the breakthrough into this new boundless peace, which already opened before you its
Consequently, we with you should learn to divide emotional significances between the peace of
[sotsiuma], which by us is already passed, and by the peace, which we create at the present moment. In
this there is nothing uncommon. Previous significances anywhere do not be divided - but they remained
in the past. But now us interest other things. Thus, our dear from the childhood plush bear completely did
not change by itself and did not lose its ability to be comrade in the children's games. But we grew - and

its previous emotional content remained in the past. But today we see in it only the certain object, which
sentimentally decorates room (and still - the potentially dangerous nest of mole).
Thus, we should learn to carry out the boundary between the peaces: by the peace of previous emotional
values and by the peace of the values of new. This is three.
And for us one must learn to all this in the second stage of fifth step.

But also this yet not all.

We with you live in the enormous and mysterious peace. On the tiny planet - the speck, forgotten in
cosmos. And we have reason, even it is more - we have a mysterious, until now, thing - consciousness.
And our consciousness is not reduced to the simple activity of the brain - science very well explains, as
the brain it works, but it cannot explain, why our brain PERCEIVES, are created internal peace, ocean of
the subjective reality, in which we exist, from where in the brain undertook consciousness as the
phenomenon of completely different order.
Our consciousness is built according to the information principles. Therefore we are capable of not only
fixing, what facts and events occur around us, we are capable of recovering the logic of these events,
their value, their sense. Because of this of men it lives as in two peaces simultaneously: one peace - this is
the peace of facts and events, and another peace - this is the peace of values and senses of these events. It
is not difficult to understand that above the first peace of men had long ago been it risen. It simply
overgrew it. Indeed in reality the perception of the entire surrounding only as world of facts and events -
this is the perception, characteristic of animals. Yes, this is the animal level, which there is in the man, but
whom, I repeat, in the process of evolution it is already passed, left behind. Here, for example, wild beast
- let us assume wolf meets hunter in the taiga. It receives this only as the fact: here is danger, and it is
necessary to fight with it. It either runs away or it protects, either it attacks - it manages other one or
method or another the revealed fact. If next day it meets one additional hunter, it will make the same: to
protect itself other one or method or another. But it will be able to think above the sense of these facts and
to make the conclusions no means: something here of [zachastili] hunters - apparently, was opened
hunting season, and the it is possible that entire company of these flayers was located somewhere near, in
the nearest populated area Not to make a foot hence, until skin is entire?
Yes, animal not is capable of investigating sense and logic of those being encountering to it facts and
events. Because the peace of senses and values of facts and events is opened only for the essence of
reasonable - man.
Since we with you - the essence (I I hope) are reasonable, we select our ways in the world not so much on
the basis of the circumstances, the facts and the events of the surrounding reality, as on the basis of value

and sense for us of these circumstances, facts and events. We is oriented only to those circumstances,
which make for us sense and value, so magnet selects from the heap of rubbish iron; so man, who
decided to gather some thing, for example radio receiver, selects from the heap of components and
unnecessary rubbish precisely those components, which are logically connected together, which have a
value precisely for creating the receiver, which are regulated from the point of view of that purpose,
which was placed before himself man.
But according to what principle we do select from the boundless surrounding peace only specific
collection of senses and values? Why we is oriented to some facts and it is not oriented to others? This
depends on our own purpose and on our own logic. This is very simple. Well, for example, we intend to
go to rest to the south. In this case we will be interested in the price of tickets in th direction e selected by
us, in weather in the south and temperature of water in the South sea. Depending on our own purposes the
values of these facts can by us be evaluated as good or it is bad. In this case to us it will be absolutely
unimportant, what temperature of water in the North Sea, what weather on the north and how much cost
tickets to the train, which follows polar circle. I.e., these facts also exist in the world - but for us they in
this case do not have a value. There is no value - consequently, and facts themselves also as and no. For
us, for our internal peace, in their this contextual case no!
It is understandable? Man as essence, which possesses reason, is capable to catch from the surrounding
peace of the phenomena, generated by processes, according to the internal structural logic by similar to
the logic of man himself. This is very important - that that we with you can rest and rest only on such
processes and regularities, which in accordance with our internal logic have for us a value, and also to
those, which we are capable of understanding. But those processes and regularities, which we are capable
of understanding, yield to prognostication. I.e., if to us is intelligible process, then we can even predict, as
it will be developed. Well, for example, we learned, that in the south, where we intend to go, now cyclone
go rains - but by our arrival is expected anticyclone. We this can understand, this has for us a value - this
value good: we can predict that the weather will be improved by our arrival. (Example completely
conditional, since weather - thing sufficiently not predicted for the usual human percent articulation, but
in those processes and phenomena, which are wholly connected only with the people, the prediction of
this type can give even usual average man, and they operate usually almost by one hundred percent.)
But this means that the peace for us - is reasonable. Our reason interacts with the peace, being oriented
toward its those manifestations, which make value and sense, which possess internal logic, which form
structure. The chain of events, facts, that has internal logic, that is folded in the regular process, possesses
all properties, inherent in reason. In fact, if we [ponabljudat] after some regular processes, it is possible to
think that the reasonable essence leads them, some gigantic reasonable computer conducts and directs the
logic of events along the reasonable regular river bed.
Occurs this because man in his each motion, in the act, in the attempt to change peace as if continues his
reason outside, extends him all around, impregnating with its logic the surrounding space and starting in
it regular processes. Man brings into the peace the corresponding to it to very order. Thus he orders peace
around himself.

But there is another level of the ordering of peace - level, which already exists independent of man. But
with this already existing level of ordering can interact only man sufficient high degree of development.
Usually man interacts only with the ordering, created by man. However, of regularities higher order he
even does not receive, he does not see them.
The people have a word for the designation of this higher order, which appears in everything, that
surrounds us, god. The human searches for godly in the world - this is nothing else but our daily activity
on knowledge and transformation of peace.
Certainly, even having left to the high levels of development, even having made accessible for our
perception of laws governing the higher order, we nevertheless cannot directly now get to know the entire
world and begin to interact with all its regularities. Its only small part is accessible to us - indeed events
in the world it is considerably more than it is plotted in our limited collection of values.
But there is nothing terrible in this. Indeed into the system of the values of their primitive man it entered
considerably less than into the system of the values of man of contemporary. But man developed its
system of internal logic so that it gradually it began to cover increasingly more values of peace. And
therefore, the development of our collection of significances makes it possible to use ever a larger
quantity of laws governing the peace. But which for us does make possible to include in the sphere of its
perception more and it is more than signs? Emotional perception of various facts, circumstances and
events. So that the fact would acquire importance, it must for us mean something in the emotional plan. It
must be for us good or poor. When fact to us is indifferent - it for us does not exist, we do not receive
it, and it changes nothing in our life, it does not make it necessary to anywhere move. As recently- that
for us became bad, and something - is good, so immediately began life, began motion, since, as we
already spoke, any motion is possible only between two antipoles, and entire human life is nothing else
but motion between badly and it is good. And it is happy the one who it can rapidly and error-free
determine, which is actually bad for it, and which is good!
So that to begin to receive laws governing the peace, including of laws governing the higher order, we
must reveal the facts, which have for us a value, a value negative or positive. I.e., we must paint the facts
of new level with emotions - only so we can enlarge the collection of potential significances.
But the mastery of new significances - this be, in the essence, the knowledge of god.
It is not very understandable, but possibly, and difficult to realize, to believe, which everything so is
simple? Now I will explain based on example.
Depending on the fact that for the man precisely has emotional value, we can say, what level of
development this man. If for the man only the cost of vodka in the store has emotional value and the
presence of hors d oeuvre in the refrigerator - this of men of one level. Well here more nothing it in the
world rocks, does not disturb, and everything else to it on the drum. In this state for it practically there
is no access to those levels, where there are a love, a creation, to say nothing of god. Here another man -

for it has emotional value that, as relates to it the dear girl, as she at it looks, as he smiles. For it its
internal sincere state, when it reads the dear books and listens to music, also has emotional value. This
gladdens it, this to it is pleasant, this causes in it positive emotions. This of men of already other, higher
level. And there is the third man, which experiences unprecedented emotional lift from the sensation of
its unity with the entire world, with nature, with the universe, it simply does not perceive this - it is glad
at this, this state has for it emotional value, and these emotions on their force and saturation considerably
exceed pleasant agitation from the encounters with that loved, and pleasure from reading of the books,
and happiness during the junket with the friends. I.e., all this also to it not is alien and it is very well
familiar - but it through this passed and left to the higher percent articulation, it already receives the
beauty of peace directly, and not only through the love for the woman or through the books and music-
and this direct perception gives many times stronger emotions.
It means, the higher the levels of reality to which we can extend our emotional perception - the higher the
levels we understand, the higher development level to which we belong themselves.
It means, for further advance the habits of work with the emotions, which make it possible to enlarge the
collection of potential significances, will be necessary by us.
Sometimes man will combine his collections of values with all processes of peace, after getting to know
him wholly, strictly, after merging with this peace together, after becoming them, after mastering the
highest reason of our universe. But this is, of course, long and enormous in its complexity process -
although we to you still will speak about it on the pages of our benefits. But now another is much more
important for us. To it is more important begin this process in itself, enlarging already in our possession
the collection of emotional significances.
Thus, we with you cannot interact with the events, which do not have for us emotional value, i.e., not
plotting in our picture of peace. Such events and facts we do not receive, we cannot have concerning
them no matter - and it means, we cannot change them. If event or fact to us are uninteresting - them no
in the system of our values, they for us are insignificant. But as soon as we interested themselves in any
event or fact - this event or fact occupies their place in our picture of peace and as a result it falls into the
system of our values.
Our interest itself in the fact seemingly derives it from the darkness, where this fact was deprived of
value, and is introduced it into the circle of light - the light of our interest and understanding. And only
after this we can complete relative to this fact some intelligent action. Relative to the fact, which is
somewhere there, in the darkness, i.e., it is not painted with the light of our emotions, we cannot
undertake no action.
But it is here time to recall about how is formed the chain of emotional significances, in which each
subsequent component strings to previous. I.e., not one fact, object or phenomenon from those locating
for us in the darkness will not interest us, if this interest does not arise in connection with the already
existing emotional significances. I.e., in order to introduce into the circle of its emotional significances
new object, it is necessary to apply to it the rules, which act with respect to the already existing emotional
significances. I.e., our emotional relation to the new, thus far to even darker for us object must be
similarly to the emotional relation to some other, already interesting, is already emotionally significant
for us object. Example: not randomly in the religion of god frequently they name a father. For which? So
that to the man it would be more easily make god the emotionally significant for itself object. What is
love for the father - the majority of people is understandable. Religion seemingly proposes to extend the
same feeling itself to the god. I.e., being repulsed from the already known to it emotional significance,
the men it can string to this chain the following component - rule of the love for the father to extend
also to the god and thus make god the emotionally significant for itself object.
I.e., in order in a some manner to interact with the new for itself object of new level, it is necessary with
respect to this object to observe the rules, applied to the already existing chain of emotional significances
- to the already existing in man collection of values!
But, continuing the previous example, let us say: relation to the god as to the father is necessary only in
the initial stage, in order to introduce god into the existing already in pass system of values. But
subsequently, when new object is introduced into the existing system of values, it begins its independent
existence in our perception - it begins to exist in the system of laws governing the new, more complicated

order. Conditionally speaking, relations with the father correspond to laws governing one level, relation
with the god - entirely another, higher level. And we can interact with the god only if our interaction itself
will answer here these laws governing the higher level. Thus, having originally likened god to father, we
then nevertheless must overgrow this perception and interact with the god no longer in the manner that
with our own father, namely as with the god.
Indeed any interaction will not bring the desired result, if it will not satisfy the requirements of already
existing laws governing the same order - laws governing existence, motion and structure of peace itself,
to laws governing existence of god.
Thus, we first introduce new object into the already existing system of emotional values, and we then
begin to interact with it already according to the laws of the new system of values, into which object itself
us, strictly, and is introduced. I will say immediately: here in this exactly consists the secret of the direct
control of the events of peace, which we will study in this step.
It is understandable or still too complicatedly? Here is the analogy, undertaken from the simpler,
everyday level. Let us suppose into our task it enters to pour to itself waters (but we are located we in the
unknown place). We discover the object, which to our consciousness is already known as the closed crane
with the water (i.e., we they revealed the object, entering our system of values). If it already to that would
not enter into our system of values, we and did not look to it. If object proves to be not crane for the
water, then result will not arrange us (in the film the special features of national fishing, for example, in
the analogous situation it took off rocket). If this nevertheless crane, then further we approach the
opening of this crane. If we turn lever not to that side, then result (water) it will not be (i.e., our action
must correspond to the already new system of values - laws governing existence of crane itself, result it
will not be, if our action does not correspond to this system of values).
Thus, if we do not receive new object in accordance with the regularities and the collection of values,
available to us (by our internal diagonal bracing of values), then we cannot recognize and identify new
object. But if we take up interaction with this object, but our action does not correspond to the system of
the values of object itself (external for us values), then action will not bring the desired result.
Thus, here is the way of the knowledge of the new: we extend our outside internal perception, i.e., that
which to us is already known, the already mastered by us values in order in the comparison with them to
identify new object; and then we from the internal go to the external and we begin to understand new for
us values and regularities of new for us, recently identified object.
This concerns not only laws governing the higher order, but also the simple physical actions, this
concerns the processes of the knowledge of any level. First we see object new for ourselves - where it is
convenient, although on the counter of store, and we attempt to recognize, to identify it. That this such?
- assigns to itself a question consciousness. Aha, this is sausage, here it gives answer. Why we do know
that this is - sausage? Because they already saw in their life something similar and we can compare, we
can grasp similarity, we can how essences reasonable, understand that this such. But then we take up the
study of properties and laws governing the precisely this concrete sausage - we try it. And is discovered
for itself much that is new, not previously gotten to know: for example, that the sausage is with the garlic,
with the pepper, and there is such, by which it is possible to slightly poison. I.e., we enrich our internal
peace by the new collection of values and by the knowledge of new regularities! Specifically, according
to this diagram achieves both the knowledge of new gustatory senses and the accomplishment of great
scientific discoveries.
Knowledge of god - not exception.
With the only difference, that the god in contrast to the customary to us material objects exists completely
in the energy-information sphere. And in order to interact with it, it is necessary to produce actions not
physical, but energy-information. But energy-informationMAIionic action in order to produce necessary
effect, must be executed flawlessly! (But if already it executed actually flawlessly, then it ensures whole
avalanche of events!)
But in order to act flawlessly in order successfully to interact with the new energy-informationMAIionic
level, we should study information laws governing the higher levels of reality - the regularities, in which
appears itself the peace, to its scales much larger than human. Simply stated, we must master laws
governing the godly manifestations.

However, what is concrete we for this should carry out?
First, we should master themselves of the technology of action on the events. We with them a little
became acquainted in the first part of fifth step - these are the slow thoughts, which make it possible to
flexibly change the collections of the values of objects, to transpose them into the new system of
significances. But there are other methods of control by the motions of events, and also direction of the
motion of events, and also the methods of changing the values of events.
In the second place, we cannot how does not can universe itself, break the specific rules, on which is
based the motion of events. For us one must study them also.
And finally, we must understand th regularities e existing around us and consider them under the
Not too it is small! Give we sum up.
At the [nadsotsialnom] level of further energy-information development us will be required new habit
and knowledge.
We must master the creation of the new emotional values, capable of being organized into the self-
developing system, and simultaneously learn to use the skill of completion, conservation of the
developed system of values. Having only mastered control of emotions, we will be able to develop our
thought in the necessary creative direction. And for us one must master the use of slow thoughts for the
transformation of the world around us - moreover such that it would increase the ordering around us.
Then we will become the creators of reality.


Certainly, us will be required the methods of the previous steps of the system of the habits of
further energy-information development, which we already mastered. Therefore for us it is necessary to
recall them but we will not nevertheless expend on this too much time. In more detail about these of
technology it is possible to read in the previous books, dedicated to the system of habits [DEIR], yes you,
I do not doubt, them so you remember well. If you met with difficulties, then always it is possible to turn
to the confrontation courses and to the club colleagues of school - into Petersburg on bodies. 346-68-86,
on the telephones, indicated at the end the book, or to obtain any consultation on the Internet site of
school [DEIR]
Central flows. Governing respiration, on the inhalation we cause in itself the sensation of energy flow
upward along the spine, during the expiration - downward, then we combine both sensations, we cause in
itself the sensation of the bead, which hangs as on the small filaments, on these two flows, fed, protected
and supported by them in any situations, wherever we not were located. (See the step of the I, step 9 in
the book release.)
Standard state. We recall the state, when to us it was well in every respect - in the physical, the emotional,
the psychological, we cause in itself this state, as the catches using the real sensations, experienced then
(smells, sounds, picture), we learn to reproduce this state of their own free will at any moment in itself.
(See the step of the I, step 12 in the book release.)
Shaping of the integral sensation of purpose. In order to solve problem in order to achieve its goal in
order to carry out any action, to enter interaction with any object, we should not not simply by mind
realize, that we must make, but perceive our purpose at the sensation level, felt it as should be. Otherwise
this our purpose will not become for us its, it will not obey us. And this we with you already know how
to make - they made, for example, when they got rid of [karma]. (see Chapter shch of the benefit therapy
of true [karma] - the step OF THE II, step 0.) We shut eyes, let us are focused on our internal space and
receive the object, with which we want to enter interaction, in the sensations - we do not think about it,
namely we try to feel all those sensations, which it causes, and sonic, and color, and tactile, and sensation
of the type of ants on the skin - on the whole, everything that let us be able to fix. We reproduce in
imagination and memory only of sensation - and words as they lag, remain some sensations finally they
they merge into the united integral sensation from the object, which we fix in our consciousness, we
attach it.
Checking desire to the truth. We enter into standard state and look at our purpose as from the side so that

it would not emotionally us seize, we check, does correspond our assumed action to standard state, it does
not change it to the worse side. If mood spoils and standard state departs somewhere by itself - it means,
desire not truly and from the intentions is worth refuse for its good. (See the step OF THE II, step 1 into
the book formation.)
Setting program at random and luck. In the process of work us it will be necessary to change the values
of facts, events, objects for those, which are most acceptable for us. For this displacement of values it is
necessary to restore in the memory the habits of work on setting of different programs for itself - first of
all program to the success and luck. We enter into standard state, we perceive how the intentions,
connected with the achievement of the objective, appear, we are concentrated on these intentions, merge
with them and thus we admit them into our subconsciousness. With respect to the desired object will as a
result spontaneously appear the necessary emotions and be born the actions, necessary for the contact
with the object. (See the step OF THE II, step e into the book formation.)
Removal of [karma]. The habits, used by us with the work with [karmoj], will be required and now - with
the difference that now move away we will be not to [karmu], but other conglomerations, created in the
ether tele-. But methods for this adapt the same. We enter into standard state, we cause the integral
sensation of that complex, which to we need remove, then by mental look we study our ether body,
defining the assumed place for the dislocation of object, we perceive it in our ether with tele-, ether hands
we be sufficient this construction and it is torn off it, then we hold it in the ether hands before itself and
pump by energy of the ascending current, mentally burning by this its energy, the remained slags it is
mentally immersed as deeper as possible into the earth so that the sensation would appear, that they fall
through into the void, then we strengthen central flows and we fill with energy formed after the removal
of conglomeration groove in the ether tele-, we equalize it, we attain the sensation of its total
disappearance. (See the step OF THE II, step 17 into the book formation.)
Point I am seven. We shut eyes, we weaken, stop internal monolog, mentally we are concentrated on
any beautiful, gladdening eye visual means, without the thoughts, we receive only emotions from the
means, then emotion as it is concluded to the surface of its essence and we discard them, separate from
itself, we are concentrated on what remained, purified core, your true I and corresponding to it rest, the
sensation of cleanliness and freedom and clear sensation itself as such, out of the thoughts and the
emotions - I seven. (See step IV, step 1 into the book maturity.)
Simplification by intention (transfer). Thought is material and is material for the creation. For us is in
prospect to [sozidat] its new peace in the empty, i.e., thus far yet not mastered by us space of new
[nadsotsialnogo] level. For this we will use such tools as emotions, thought and intentions. To control of
intention we also already learned (see the step OF THE III, step 9 into the book influence) - to you
difficult it will not be use this technology, somewhat altered for the new level. But let us thus far recall
old. After renouncing the thoughts and the emotions and after entering into the true sensation itself - I
seven, are concentrated on my intention and we receive his means in full weight of the sensations
(means of that, what, strictly, you want to reach), then we mentally send the means of its intention to the
object, with respect to which we want to use our intention, and we pour with the object into single whole,
seemingly we push into it that means, which is created with our consciousness.
Detection of virtual space. We weaken, we shut eyes, we see before itself dark space - this virtual space
of our consciousness. They perceived the volume of this space, we feel, that in it, as in the terrestrial
space, there are three measurements. Let us try to visualize there some means - geometric figure, for
example, we determine, in what precisely region of virtual space it appeared, then we recall another
object - let us assume written in verse line, we determine, in what region of virtual space it appears
(below, above, above or lower than the level of eyes, to the left or to the right, etc). Let us make the same
with any smell, by taste, sensation - we reveal, that everything that only there is in our consciousness, can
be found also in the virtual space. (See the step of the V, h. of the I, step 1 in the book confidence.)
Manipulations with the virtual space (animation). We made this with the animation of the objects (see the
benefit technique of the animation of objects, chapter 2, step 0), now by us it will be necessary this for
the animation of other objects. We create the fragment of virtual space, which is subject to animation, let
us mix there figure, for example the chaotically interlaced lines, following the fact so that all lines of
figure would be locked, nowhere not [viselo] of tails. We memorize picture, we shut eyes, we reveal its

place in the virtual space, then we attain the acquisition by it of clearness and brightness (we superimpose
the means of picture again and again on the place in the virtual space, where it was necessary to be turned
in order to recall picture after we it they already placed in the virtual space). Then let us mix this piece of
virtual space to its combination with the object, which we want to animate. In this case in the virtual
space the distortion will arise - we rapidly fill with any its large and volumetric means, representing, for
example, elephant. In this case we do not give to the fragment of virtual space, combined with the
animated object, to leave this object.
Displacement of point I [esm] in the virtual space. Enter into state I [esm], we reveal, where is
concentrated point I [esm] - for example, in the center of head. We try it to slightly move - vertically
upward centimeters to twenty, we feel how our sensations change in this case. Then we displace
downward - again we follow the sensations, then let us mix for the back (this motion it can correspond to
displacement into the past, they can rush recollection). We displace upward for the head (this position it
corresponds to creative inspiration, they can by themselves be written verses). (See step IV, step 16 into
the book maturity.)
The detection of zone is good ". Everything, that there is in our consciousness, has its address in the
virtual space - including such values of objects, facts, etc, as it is good and it is bad. Let us reveal by
their already known to us methods in order subsequently to work with these values at the new level. We
sit down ourselves, weaken, we recall any pleasant event from our life and search for it in the virtual
space. Then we alternately search for still several pleasant events of our past there. We reveal that in the
virtual space all these events have a certain point of intersection, or even overall for all them region. This
is a zone good. (See the step of the V, the step of 2[a] into the book confidence.)
The detection of zone is bad. The same we make with the poor recollections - we reveal, where they
are found in the virtual space, and we find general for them all region. This - zone it is bad. (See ibid.
step 26.)
Use of a test- system - displacement of the values of object for other objects. We with you wonderfully
know how to use test- systems, and this habit will prove useful to us. Let us recall how we made: selected
test- systems (cube, coin, etc) and then they identified this test- system - the utilized object - with that
object, relative to which we want to obtain result. We shut eyes, we reveal in itself in internal space the
object, which interests us, then we completely identify this object with the cube, the coin or another
object, utilized in the test- system, seemingly temporarily we revive and animate this object, allotting by
its properties of th object e interesting us. For this simply mentally we place the object of test- system in
the same place of the virtual space, where th object e interesting us is located, and we combine them, we
attempt to pour off together. After this, it is possible to start test- system. (See the step of the V, step e into
the book confidence.)
Well here we with you recalled old. I want to warn you: in order to achieve success, it is must not simple
to re-read this given here brief reminding about the technicians of the previous steps, but it is compulsory
to repeat them in practice. Imperatively I please you to make this, otherwise further work will not bring
necessary result. If necessary, if something they forgot, you will be reverted to the previous benefits.
When you make this - you are ready to master new.
For us much learn about the peace of its own emotions, which set our reason to the motion, and to master
the information methods of mental action on the events is in prospect to greatly. Forward!

Chapter 2
Emotions - paint of peace for us and surrounding

At first, as it was promised, brief and generalized content of chapter for its best comprehension.
For which to us they are necessary to emotion? In order generally to live, to be developed, to advance,
because only emotions are capable of forcing us to make this, only sensation here this is bad - and here
this good they are capable of forcing us to generally stir. Man without the emotions - patient, whom,
although in it and in the complete order all physiological systems of organism, will lie without the
motion, because he does not have stimulus to arise and somewhere to go. This stimulus is created only by

The contemporary classifications of emotions are misty and diffuse, science is confused, without
knowing what to carry to the emotions, but that no, we we will not go into details of classifications,
because for us, according to the large calculation, is important something more fundamental - only the
fact that all emotions can be attributed to one of two poles - positive and negative. Here, in addition there
is no conventional classification, and it is necessary to be oriented only to its own [oshchu]-
[shchencheskij] experience: positive emotions - this all which to us is pleasant, negative - everything
which is unpleasant.
On the emotions to us it is still very important to understand that the fact that they do not depend on the
consciousness: we cannot by the direct effort of will, without resorting to to [samoubezhdeniju], order
ourselves to become merry, sad, to cease to be disturbed, to be quieted, etc emotions are not subject to
consciousness, because they are the creation of subconsciousness - the our more ancient reason, which is
perturbed only by the basic questions of our existence - and, first of all, by questions of survival.
Subconsciousness issues negative emotions in response to the situations, which it, subconsciousness,
receives as those threatening survival and prosperity. Positive emotions appear as the result of our
actions, which lead from the point of view of subconsciousness to the prosperity and the survival - i.e.,
correct actions. To reconvince subconsciousness with the aid of the logic and to convince it to react so,
but is not otherwise impossible.
And it is possible to nevertheless govern emotions. And we can learn to make this, if we consider that our
consciousness always moves from the negative emotions to the positive. I.e., man always attempts to
leave from badly and to arrive at good. But a eternal and constant stay at point well be it cannot -
this is caused by the physiological special features of our organism, since production by the brain of the
special substances, which correspond to state good, here requires the restoration of equilibrium - and
begins the production of the substances, which include state badly. Therefore, after arriving at good
and by all forces attempting in it to be held, we will not reach success - organism, which is approached
equilibrium, as if pendulum, rejects us to the opposite side. Therefore normal healthy man entire life is in
fluctuation state between the points badly and it is good. This motion is produced besides our will,
and we can use this mechanism for control of emotions and achievings of our goals. Our life - this is
nothing else but here this perpetual motion. But once is motion - it means, to eat some force, such as
energy for the work of consciousness, which ensures this motion. This energy exactly is created by
presence itself in our life of emotional poles badly and it is good. When we realize how to us now
badly and as to us it will be well, when we reach that- that and that- that - we create around ourselves the
powerful emotional field, in which some powerful unknown force literally itself pulls us from badly to
good. The stronger the potential difference in this field (i.e., the worse to you now and the better it will
be on the achievement of the objective) - the more intensive will be our motion.
At the disposal of each man - here is this the powerful, completely free energy, which moves us along the
life. And if we approach this energy with the mind, we can use it for the creation of new peace around
ourselves - the peace, where the leg of man did not step to us, since this is the peace of completely new,
[nadchelovecheskogo] level. One thought alone for creating new its peace it is insufficient - the best
thought, the most brilliant idea is doomed to that in order to die, without having been carried out, if it
does not fall into the emotional field. You can as much as desired think: A here to change work, A
here to go to travel, A here to be married - but you will not move from the place, until these
thoughts obtain strong emotional reinforcement.
Because only emotions - are more accurate, emotional of pole it is bad and it is good, which you
clearly perceive in your life, they can form that most powerful directed vector, which will bring you from
badly to good, to the creation of new in your life.
It means in order to move further in order to create new, we should learn to create in its life of pole
badly and it is good. When our development corresponded to social level, these of pole appeared
somehow by themselves. But now to us is uninteresting that is interesting to man at the social level. But
to move further is necessary - to notes, it is in front, thus far not evidently familiar to us emotional values.
It means, they must be created. How?
Fortunately, emotions possess one additional important quality: they not only exist inside, but also they

are capable of being extended outside. We can transfer our emotions both to other people and to the
objects. When we transfer our positive emotions to some object, this object acquires the so-called
emotional painting. It becomes for us not simply impersonal object - and by our dear, native object.
Moreover transfer this emotional significance to the object we can [osoznanno], of their own free will. To
satiate by its energy and its emotions simple pencil - this means to make it its, native, loved, i.e., to
create it emotional significance in the external peace.
Here this ability to create emotional significances in the external peace greatly will prove useful to us in
our new stage! In our new peace, which we only master, still there are no emotional values. But we can
create them - we can emotionally paint external peace, after deriving emotions from within outside. And
to thus create the emotional field, which is been the guarantee of motion, development.
The creation of new emotional values - this is a guarantee of motion, progress, evolution. People not of
steel nothing to make, not steel to be occupied by science, production, skill, if them did not draw forward
emotional vector from the station badly to the station good. Of this motion, in the essence, and
consists the sense of life.
[Perenosja] emotional significances from within into the external peace, we create new emotional values
in this external peace. After creating these emotional values, we can form two strong poles - it is bad
and it is good. The more powerful of pole we will create, the more intensive and the more successful
our motion will be. The more intensive and the more successful will be our motion - the brighter will be
our creation on the creation of new in the world, new, to us still no one known!
Progress of humanity - in our hands. But therefore - only forward.


Give let us be dismantled - and why in general to us with you emotion? Perhaps for the life it is not
enough altogether only to distinguish, which is pleasant, and which is unpleasant? For the survival, in
principle, it would be completely sufficiently. But we still for some purpose feel melancholy, happiness,
merriment, malice Not too whether this is large luxury in our not very comfortable peace? Indeed often
emotions, it would seem, do not help, but they interfere with living. Emotions whipped, we say about
the man, who in the critical situation could not make a correct decision, it brought himself inadequately,
did not find way out from the complex position But indeed it could manage any problem, had he,
which is called, cold head
So why then to us emotion? Maybe, they are not necessary completely? Now indeed for many people
became ideal such of super-exchanges - cold and impassive, openly deprived any emotions, but always
emerging dry from the water. Maybe, you also do want to become similar even you do consider that
emotion - this is the symbol of weakness, that strong man does manage without emotions?
I this you will answer this is what. Men with the completely absent emotions - this is not who by other as
sick with terminal phase schizophrenia, that is been located in so-called apathoabulia. Absence of
emotions - completely not the symbol of force and invulnerability. These are the heaviest diagnosis, is
this is what this such. Such patients do not have not desires, not will. This illness appears as a result of
the extinction of the specific layer of neurons in the cerebral cortex. And such patients (in which, let us
note, everything else it functions completely normally - there are no only emotions) simply they lie
without the motion. Their reason and body be inactive. By them nothing, besides the absence of
emotions, it prevents from living, but they perish - from the bedsores, pneumonia, rotting
Emotions are necessary, simply necessary - I do hope, you were convinced of this? They are necessary to
us in order to perceive this peace in order to experience feelings in order to distinguish good and evil, and
there is still much for which other. However, almost all existing today in the science of the theory of
emotions designate them as something second - as the sensations, which appear as a result of the external
events and the circumstances or the internal states.
Nevertheless this not entirely thus. Indeed identical circumstances, events and state far from always lead
to the identical emotions. One and the same emotion actually causes even in different people stereotype
reactions - but here the same circumstances different people nevertheless answer different emotions. It
does mean, emotion not too is second? Indeed if it was second, then in all without the exception cases

identical events would cause identical emotions in all people. But this is not so, and it means, it is not
possible to consider emotion the direct consequence of the external circumstances. Consequently, it not
too is second. It is more accurate, it is in no way second.
I will say more: emotion in reality not only not second- it is primary. Indeed, if we consider ourselves,
everything begins precisely from the emotions. Emotion - is not reaction to some event, this action of
subconsciousness, which pushes slightly to the following action already consciousness. I.e., emotion -
this beginning of the following conscious action - its prerequisite.
Emotions are primary - they be born inside us. After being born inside us, they leave they outside and
tincture our thoughts and actions.
Specifically, emotions, being the result of the work of our deep reason - our subconsciousness, set in
action our consciousness, forcing us to accomplish these or other behavior, forcing us to be developed
and to advance.
This colossal significance of emotions is designated even in the bible, in its first lines. I said god yes
will be light, and light became, and he saw, that this is good. You understand, if he did not see, that this
is good, i.e., if the first day of creation would not obtain positive emotional estimation, then we with you
now would not talk! Bible, as the creation of man, is anthropomorphous and therefore reflects internal
peace natural for the man.
Emotions for us with you - this all. These are the force of spirit, will, the fire, which blazes into the heart,
the torch, which illuminates way. If events and processes around us are not painted emotionally - they to
us are indifferent. But if they are indifferent, then we not only do not deal with them, we do not turn on
them attention, but even they are not capable of realizing their logically caused, interconnected existence!
Emotions are necessary in order to force the thought to work, changing peace. This is the only means to
accurately direct thought and to obtain the desired result. This is the method of interaction with the world
flows. All of technology and methods are senseless, if the necessary emotional context is not applied to
And all the more they are important in order to create. Indeed on the spaces of the horizons, yet not
settled by human reason, there are no things, painted with emotions. There is nothing as yet meant,
important for us, that causes emotional response. And for us only one must create this significance.
But this significance is necessary to us, because precisely it contains happiness of life. Happiness of life
both for the man and for his environment.
But first a little about the significance of emotions as motive power in the development of man.
Let us say several words about the object of our consideration. What we do know emotions, how much
them, how they are similar, and are to what extent different between themselves? People since olden
times devised many words, which designate emotions. Of illegible classification so it did not come out.
On the contrary, people themselves were tangled in their determinations of emotions and feelings.
Happiness, melancholy, anger, malice - emotion? Or feeling with the emotional undercurrent? Perhaps.
But fear? Pain? Love, finally? This - also emotion or already something other? Looking in what value, in
what sense, in which context we use these words: pain is sincere - perhaps, emotion, and here pain dental
- hardly, although it is also accompanied by emotions, and sometimes by very bright; the love- passion,
which at any cost desires to possess the object of longing, perhaps, emotion, and here the love is
disinterested, is unconditional, calm, nothing requiring of the object, this is already faster special state of
soul, and not emotion But offense - emotion? If man cries and complains - probably, yes. But if he,
offended, simply does sit silently and it does look into one point, no emotions expressing? This
nevertheless emotion or that which is determined by medical term prostration? On the whole, as we
see, confusion are much.
The so that customary determinations of emotions not at all not shedding light on sense and value of
emotions for the man, but only everything they tangle. Furthermore, one and the same emotion although
is manifested by similar means, it leads to the most different consequences. For example, from the malice
of men it can kill another man - and can be shot down itself. Everything depends on the nature of man, on
concrete circumstances. As much as desired into our days of jealous men, but something far from all of
them are ready to suffocate its to husband as to Othello Desdemona. Emotion- that one - jealousy, but as
are different they can be consequences! Certainly, there - Shakespearean passions, there it was possible

and to smother wife, suspected of the inaccuracy. During our days much more acceptable for the society
reaction - to hire particular detective, and then in the case of what tax to the divorce with the division of
property into its benefit. Which is called, and wolves are satisfied, and sheep are entire. Yes, ground the
somehow external manifestations of emotions during our days!
On the basis of that state aboved, all the idea about the emotions has not scientific, but poetic value faster.
In fact, scientific theory must possess predictive force. The object, studied by this scientific theory, must
yield to prognostication, be sufficient to those to easily predicted. Otherwise scientific theory not on that
befits. If for the prediction of the behavior of object too many initial data be required, then theory also
anywhere does not befit. For example, the theory of universal gravitation anywhere did not befit, if for
the prediction of the speed of the falling object the data about the historical origin of this object would be
required! But indeed for the prediction of the behavior of emotion in one or other case or another be
required even much more complex, more numerous and not easily attainable initial data.
It means, let us try to find the simpler and more acceptable description of emotional mechanisms. In other
words, more is base. Now we this will approach.

Whip and cake for the consciousness

What we do generally know about the emotions? First of all we know that the emotions do not
yield to conscious control. This most important, which to us is known about them. You and themselves
were convinced of this repeatedly. How much not tell itself: Do not be disturbed! - agitation only is
strengthened. It is in exactly the same manner impossible in the majority of the cases by the effort of the
will to order itself not to fear, not to confuse, not to be irritated, not to be angered. If you not great actor,
you do not force yourselves by the effort of the will to laugh and to cry, you will not suggest to
yourselves the need to every day be glad at life and not to be sad. If for you even succeed in several days
contract retaining itself by force in the state of happiness of life, then then the pendulum of your
emotions, completely without asking you, will rock to the opposite side, and you will be immersed into
melancholy and melancholy. But why? Yes because emotions do not suffer violence. They for this - too
thin a mechanism.
If only we could govern our emotions with the aid of the simple effort of will - how simpler there would
be life! Would not be required numerous benefits under the code names you learn to rule themselves,
as to begin to be glad at life, as to become themselves itself and so on. It harvested [knopochku] - it
ridiculed itself, it harvested other - began to cry, harvested third - immediately malice and irritation were
changed into the completely merciful perception of peace. You it does be desirable to be such machine,
robot, controlled by simple pushing of knob? To me is not.
Thus, emotions do not depend on our consciousness - this is fact.
One additional fact lies in the fact that of emotion although they do not escape directly from external
events, nevertheless one way or another they answer the external events. For example, dispatch to the
work in a good mood, they saw automobile emergency - mood it deteriorated, it became sad. But another
man will see, that in the emergency suffered the machine of his bitten enemy, on the contrary, it will be
cheered up. Here to you one additional evidence of the fact that the concrete emotion is not the direct
consequence of concrete event. The event one- and reactions can be different.
Following known to us fact: emotions appear not only (it can be, not so many) as a result external events,
but also as a result emergent in this case thoughts. Emotions answer our thoughts: why can be spoiled the
mood of at the sight automobile emergency? This picture caused thoughts about the frailty of entire
living, about the illusiveness of material values and about the fact that into another peace no one with
itself will take away nothing. Melancholy appears already in response to these thoughts. Another man of
the at the sight this picture will think about the fact that its competitor is render harmlessed and now in it,
but not the competitor has the steepest abrupt foreign-produced brand in the city block. And in response
to these thoughts will arrive turbid in no way happiness.
And another fact, with which we all are familiar: emotions are capable of having a effect on the activity
of the consciousness of man and, as a result, to his behavior, tincturing the same circumstances in the
most different, sometimes opposite tones. In the example with the emergency given above the first man,

possibly, will go into the church, he will pray, will be placed spark plugs about [zdravii] its and close
ones. However, the second on happiness will roll mad embankment in the restaurant or will purchase to
wife new sheath. I.e., event- that one, but it caused the such different versions of behavior, because
original emotions were different. Each of us knows, as, depending on emotions, we can differently
receive one and the same event. The girl left from the young man, it was hollow into the depression. But
the best friend here arrived at it, he brought the bottle of champagne and said: I congratulate you with
the release from this [stervy]! Now you is finally free and can find to yourself worthy pair! And here
mood has already been improved. Everything depends on that, from what side to the situation to look. As
it rehearsed in the former once popular song: If to other departs bride, then it is unknown, coma it
And finally, the even well-known fact: emotions sometimes appear in us Beza any visible reason. I.e.,
reason for sure exists, but it for some reason to us is unknown. They know everything, so it occurs: it
awoke from the morning - and something is sad. And reason, can, and to eat, but some it indistinct.
Somewhere in subconsciousness, not otherwise, it sits. And it is desirable it to from there extract - and in
no way.
From entire this it is possible to draw only one conclusion: emotions are not the production of
consciousness, they catch by deeper structures - namely our subconsciousness. Indeed if things were
different, then emotions would be controlled by consciousness, would be subordinated to control with the
aid of the simple effort of will and would not appear by themselves, as if it is spontaneous, and it would
not be to us sadly without the visible reasons.
Thus, emotion - product of subconsciousness. But what is our subconsciousness? Indeed must be to it
some determination. Or this something mysterious, secret, mystical?
Certainly, no! This also our reason - only reason is more ancient. He does not understand words and
higher mathematics. For it have a value where more important things than those, in which is interested
the consciousness. Consciousness is immediate, it is fussy and is mercenary, into the circle of its interests
such things, as prestige, significance in the society, validity- injustice, plans for day and for year enter
However, subconsciousness operates with those facts of external peace, which have a relation to the
survival, safety, to multiplication - i.e., up to the key, basic moments of human existence. Our thoughts,
which appear in the consciousness, it also receives as the facts of external peace - this is why mood from
the thoughts is capable of being spoiled.
Subconsciousness thinks to its slow and progressive harmony. And the result of its work - this exactly our
emotions!!! However, consciousness is biologically intended precisely in order to achieve needs of
subconsciousness. For this very reason the thoughts and the emotions, placed in subconsciousness, and
have a authority above the consciousness, direct its work. And this [opravdanno], indeed biologically, for
the survival, the thoughts and the feelings, placed in subconsciousness, are more important. Are exactly
as for the life of tree more important the processes of moving the juice in the depth of its shaft, than the
presence or the absence of leaves on the branches. If there are no leaves - this yet does not mean that the
tree is dead, this can indicate only that the winter is alien. But here if tree dried from within - this is
already worse. In exactly the same manner and the man: not so it is important, what it outwardly, glad or
sad, evil or good. This can be immediate manifestation. It is much more important that it hides itself in its
depth of soul, in subconsciousness - the deposit of evil or mountain of happiness. Here this
undercurrent, which is not always visible with the naked eye, in reality and determines life, and death
of man.
Thus, precisely subconsciousness forces consciousness to live, to act, to behave so, but not otherwise. Let
us be dismantled now how precisely it makes.
We now will not go into th details e unimportant for us, because this will take away us in the most
extensive classification of emotions and emotional states, accepted in classical psychology. Give let us
isolate only two poles - positive and negative emotions.
Why they positive and negative? Yes because they are pleasant to us or unpleasant. What attempt to make
we (read: our consciousness), encountering with these emotions? It is correct: we attempt to avoid
unpleasant emotions or to do so that they would cease, we attempt to experience pleasant emotions or to
do so that they would be prolonged. Here, strictly, and everything. In this the sense of our behavior in any

situations. If to us it is cold - we search for the possibilities to be warmed. If by heat- we worry that this
state would be prolonged as far as possible longer. If we are hungry - we search for food. If they are
satisfied - we dream so that then it would be always. As the saying goes, fish searches for where deeper,
and man - where it is better. And you do not indicate that you - exception and you do not search for,
where it is better. You search for, as everything they search for. The difference only in the fact that
everyone understands this better in in own way own way. For someone better to sit on the warm
furnace, while for someone - to with fortitude fight with the difficulties in the untrodden steppes and the
impervious mountains. That zh, about the tastes do not argue.
Thus, we always and everywhere try to leave from the fact that to us is unpleasant, and to arrive at the
fact that to us is pleasant. All the remaining nuances of behavior - this already templates, on which reacts
our consciousness to these or other circumstances. I.e., in response to the negative emotion, for example
fear, different people will react differently, depending on th template e placed in the consciousness: one
will try to run away from the danger, authentic or imaginary, another will rush to this by danger- cams or
weapon. But and that and other reactions differ in no way in the large calculation, since one and the same
purpose is placed: so that the fear would cease. Fear can be ended by two methods: after destroying its
source or after running away further from this source. Depending on specific features different people
will resort to one or other method or another, without a moment's hesitation that the purpose their is one
and the same - to end fear.
Thus, our consciousness always and everywhere moves along one and the same way: from the negative
emotions to the positive. From plus - to minus. Here are they, two antipoles, without which is generally
impossible any motion. You do not be these poles, our consciousness simply would fall and it was
inactive. Why generally something to make, when not from what to run and to to nothing strive?
Here is it, the sense of existence of negative and positive emotions - this nothing else but whip and cake
for our consciousness! Means to force it to live, to work, to stir. It only and makes our consciousness,
which runs from the whip to the cake, it plies from the station badly to the station good and he does
not know leisure and stoppage in the way. But to subconsciousness only of that is must - indeed it,
subconsciousness, he knows that for the survival to man it is necessary to support the balance of positive
and negative. The consciousness, whipped by whip and drawn by cake, itself searches for ways for
restoring this balance. However, subconsciousness looks at this eternal run in the circle and is expressed
satisfaction, if balance is restored (and then to us good), or it sounds the alarm, if balance it is not
restored (and then to us badly, and we sequential time harness our consciousness and think, where to run
and what to make so that it would become good).

You do understand, to what all this? To the fact that, although the emotions are not subordinated to
consciousness, we nevertheless can find keys to control of them. For this it is necessary to master control
of two emotional poles, these by whip and cake for the consciousness.
Accordingly, to us for the solution of the problem presented there is no need for go into the thickets of
psychology of emotions - in order to control the movement itself, its consciousness, to us it suffices to
only master control of the emotional poles: by plus and by minus. But if we master control of these poles,
consciousness auto will be oriented and will find corresponding to these poles emotions of higher order.
But how to learn to govern the fact that to control it does not at first glance yield?

Before answering this question, let us be dismantled with more physiological mechanism, placed in our
brain, which exactly answers for these very plus and minus - positive and negative emotions. Indeed on
the work of this physiological mechanism exactly depend our control capabilities of emotions.

Button: enkephalin -[endorfinovyj] the balance

It is very important to understand the principle of the work of this physiological mechanism,
because on the dynamics of the work of this system depends the dynamics of the change of our moods.
Certainly, we did become accustomed to consider that emotion - these are the material is thin, elevated,
energy-information, and, it would seem, with what here physiology? But we will not forget, that we thus
far still essences terrestrial, material, but therefore must live in the tele-, which obeys the law of
physiology. And it is possible to ignore this fact in no way, but the one who p y -[taetsja] nevertheless this
to make, one way or another dearly it pays for this. Once already to us is given body, so give and we will
be essences solid, but not only spiritual, indeed if to nature then it is already must it would be so that we
are steel by purely spiritual essences, then she and by body us hardly would award. A increase in the
consciousness in the terrestrial tele-, but not outside him - here is our situation on the Earth.
And physical body, and [energoinformatsionnys] of the structure of man, and soul - weight this composes
single whole, these are the completely not odd parts. But therefore emotion, although they have energy-
information nature, they are interconnected in a most straight direct manner with the physiology, and
without it, borne, simply they could not appear themselves in the material peace - i.e., simply and it
would not be them completely in that form, in which we them know.
But so that this for the physiological mechanism, with which are directly connected our emotions?
Prepare: now for you it is necessary to be concentrated and to rework a little purely scientific data. We
will not examine the mechanics, which refers to the rich hormonal control, which renders influence on
the nuances and force of the manifestation of the internal states of man. We will not be concentrated also
on the constructiveness of [dest]-[ruktivnosti] of emotional manifestations, because she depends
exclusively on situation. We will study only the system, which ensures the positive and negative modality
of emotions.
In the human brain there are two antagonistic systems - [enkefalinovaja] and [endorfinovaja]; it is more
precise, usually them they consider one correlated system - [enkefa]- lin -[endorfinovoj].
When to us it is bad, in the brain are manufactured special substances - enkephalins. This if we are
expressed approximately. But if we to be more precisely use more correct formulation, then it is better to
say then: when with us the events, which are estimated by our subconsciousness occur as threatening our
survival or contradicting its tasks, then enkephalins are manufactured. And then they become bad!
I.e., they become bad precisely from the fact that are manufactured enkephalins, but not vice versa! Badly
simply it is not without enkephalins. Specifically, they cause in us the negative sensations, which report
negative charge to emotions.
The same, only on the contrary, occurs during the production of endorphins. Events will recognize by
subconsciousness as corresponding to tasks and facilitating survival and prosperity of organism as a
whole - and endorphins are manufactured. The increased level of endorphins causes in us the sensations,
which we characterize as positive emotions.
It is not well without the endorphins!
I will foresee, that these words in someone will cause the displeasure: what this, allegedly, for the
mechanical world view, which all our motions of soul, flights in the sleep and in reality, dream and
sleeps, happiness and misfortune does assign altogether only to some there chemical substances? It can
seem you that this is the oversimplified approach, which in no way exhausts all depths of most complex
existence of human body and spirit.
No, this not mechanical world view - this world view is realistic, if only we will not fall into extremes
and tighten problem, reducing everything actually only to one chemistry alone. As it cannot be in the
precise sense of this word seen without the visual organs, so without the endorphins there are no positive
emotions. Certainly, both value of various events and facts for us and wealth of the sensations, obtained
in this case, and the degree of finesse and depth of our emotions - all this completely is not reduced to the

action of chemical substances. But these very chemical substances - this is nothing else but that
mechanism itself, which makes possible to realize for thin material - emotions - in the physical tele-. We,
people, live on the Earth in the tele- and without the body can nothing. Without the bone system of men it
cannot accomplish motions, to which motions not it called its shower. Without the nerve ends the
extremity cannot move - how much the brain, [rukovodimyj] with what conveniently high feeling or by
thought, not it sent to it the command to arrive in the motion. In exactly the same manner without
enkephalins and endorphins around us can occur everything anything - peace will collapse, around will
fly the witches on the brooms and skip [vurdalaki], or reckless merriment, on the contrary, around will
spill, peace will rejoice from the happiness - and we so nothing will feel. Here soul with the ether body
and the consciousness without the body of physical something emotional will feel, and thus far man lives
in the tele-, he already so strongly depends on his physiology and strong sensations, reported by it, that
nothing you will here do.
Thus, enkephalins and endorphins - mechanism of the generation of thin feelings at the material,
physiological level. Why to understand this so is important for us now? Why it is not enough to say
simply (as we did already say) that the emotions do have two poles? It is for which necessary to get in
into their physiological mechanism?
The fact is that for the best understanding of problem to us it is very important to realize that enkephalins
and endorphins possess complex action on the human organism. This means that with the development of
various substances changes not only the perception of peace badly on good and vice versa - changes
still and very much other. And it is still very important to understand as precisely and why enkephalin -
[endorfinovaja] system as physiological mechanism is always approached equilibrium.
Give let us be dismantled into this in more detail.
Thus, when is high the level of enkephalins, to us it is bad. But furthermore - the sensitivity to the
stimuli, especially painful, sharply is strengthened. Good this or is bad? You will, of course, say badly:
what zh of good, when it is painful? But here also no. In entire poor always there is although anything
yes good. So here. Are manufactured to enkephalin- us badly - they are strengthened painful reactions
But in this case organism comes into the state of unique alert. He more sharply feels danger - indeed
sensitivity to any stimuli is increased. The reaction of consciousness to entire proceeding is accelerated.
Motor coordination and engine reaction are improved. Now we can more rapidly run away from the
danger. Now we can more easily gain the victory above the enemy - because we act more rapidly, it is
clearer, it is more deftly than usually. Furthermore, organism automatically passes to the optimum energy
consumption - where must it economizes, where must starts reserve reserve. Many occurred in the
complex situations, where authentic or imaginary danger threatened to us. Everyone knows this state -
yes, this state of stress. But stress, if it is not involved for a long time, occurs even it is useful. In this
state actually more easily to conquer, to achieve success - I repeat, if this state is not involved, if it is
short term. I know many actors and other people, whose kind of activity is one way or another connected
with the public appearances, which so speak: If I am not disturbed before my output - this is the
significant place: I will fall through. But here if it is terrible, and cold perspiration [proshibaet], and it
throws into the heat - this is significant place, that everything will pass on hurray. Here is it, that
mechanism itself: fear - agitation - it is bad - the mobilization of organism - force, power, rapidity of
reaction, the clearness of actions - victory - it is good. Organism restored th balance e necessary for it.
But which does occur, when the level of endorphins is high? Yes, to us it is good. And furthermore - in all
whether relations this is good? Sensitivity to the stimuli by, including painful, is at this moment reduced.
When to us it is actually good, we can forget, also, about the pain, and about the serious disease - this all
they know. But why is reduced this sensitivity? In order not to react on the trifles, which, as
subconsciousness is considered, in this situation are not dangerous and it is not at all important. If we
feel, which everything is good, this it means, we on the right track, we do entire we correctly and
successfully solve some important for our survival and prosperity task. For example, we solve the
unconditionally important problem of continuing the kind and for this purpose we go to the meeting with
the special of opposite floor. Subconsciousness also counts this task very of important and proper to be
any executed price - and therefore from the field of our perception departs the toothache, which tortured
us still half-hour back, and also rheumatic pain in the back, cough and head cold and many other

problems. This does not mean that we instantly recovered, we simply to the period ceased to perceive our
illnesses. If meeting is not converted into the sequential stress and to us the actually well Beza any
admixtures of other moods - that the reactions of consciousness slow down, they are made by more inert,
not then clearly is controlled motor coordination (because to run and to fight does not be required).
Organism is not disposed to the protection - it does not economize energy, but it it generously expends,
therefore the resistibility of organism is reduced.
[Ponabljudajte] after itself, when you in the calm, complacent, slack state. Yes, to you are well but the
here even weakest enemy in this state you hardly pobedit. Yes even into elementary children's computer
[streljalku] more easily win one can stress, slightly raised, than in this complacent weakening. Try -
you will be convinced themselves.
Thus, for us is important the fact that in one situation our sensitivity rises, and in another - it is lowered.
And is important for us the fact that in direct dependence from this is located nothing else but our
capability for fight and victory - and it means, to the survival.
But let us note: normal man with the more or less healthy psyche constantly passes of one state to
another, without staying too for long not in one of them, men with even the healthier psyche and it
completely balances somewhere mediator, moving hither and thither, but barely knowing extremes.
So enkephalin -[endorfinovaja] system attempts to observe equilibrium. What this does indicate? That
which subconsciousness knows measure in its claims. Yes, in its forces it would be bring man to the
complete euphoria - up to folly from happiness, or to the total depression - up to the suicide. But it in
reality so occurs extremely rarely, only in the pathologic cases.
However, in normal man raising the level of the endorphins after some time leads to raising the level of
enkephalins, after which the level of endorphins is reduced itself. And vice versa. We already gave this
example in the case of agitation before the output to the scene: fear - agitation - the increased level of
[enksfalinov] - badly - a improvement in the reaction and the alert - success - victory - raising the level of
endorphins - a decrease in the level of [enkefapinov] - is good. But for which our organism such does
Yes it is simple in order not to perish. Indeed the essence of life - in the motion. Stagnation - the
curtailment of motion - the curtailment of life. Thus far we are capable of move from good of badly -
we live. As soon as we fall into some extreme and is there lifeless and motionlessly we thicken - we
Therefore it does not be worthwhile so already boundlessly to strive for state good, to approach the
only happiness. The level of endorphins cannot grow infinitely, it without fail must return, fall to the
standard. But indeed any rapidly [priedaetsja] well, already it ceases so to disturb, as it is earlier, and
us it wants still larger good. I.e., to us it will be wanted to increase the level of endorphins infinitely.
And finally we [zavisli], cannot move from the place. Whereas to organism it is time to solve other
problems - and to rescue from the danger, and to overcome, and to pass to the solution of new positive
problem, but once the organism of [zavis] - it entire this cannot, and therefore it cannot manage the
vital requirements of life, but it means, it will perish.
But if the level of enkephalins would increase infinitely, then man would be in the eternal fight, always
he were beaten with the enemies and the circumstances, losing the sensation of reality, without
understanding that it is time to step back, to accumulate forces, to rest finally because from the eternal
battle of force are wasted and in any enemy increase the chances by the victory. Attacks - they warred,
they tried to manage the enemy or the hostile circumstances - and feet, it will be sufficient. It is necessary
to rest, to estimate its forces: to continue battle or to be subdued to the circumstances, to begin to
consider as the their [dannostju] and to get accustomed to live under the new conditions. [Zastrevaja]
on the obstacle, which immediately does not yield, we never it will overcome. It is sometimes necessary
to move aside, to live as in the shadow of this obstacle - and then, you look, and will be represented
favorable circumstances, in order to go around it.
As we see, the equilibrium of our positive and negative emotions is completely mobilely and has a habit
to approach restoration. Our organism is so already arranged. It is wise? Still!

Human brain itself observes the equilibrium of plus and minus. This is the guarantee of survival. Neither
it is more nor less.
And this survival, as we see, depends on enkephalin -[endorfinovoj] of system - most powerful system of
human brain. It the actually most powerful, because its potential is simply improbable.
Which occurs, when the activity of enkephalin-[endorfi]- new system is disrupted, we see based on the
example of druggies. For example, as we know, there is a heroine addiction. Heroin as the rest
the narcotics of a opioid number, make it nothing else but imitates the action of endorphins.
Druggie exactly makes that which to make is completely inadmissible, it attempts to increase the level of
endorphins ad infinitum. The level of the introduced chemicals considerably exceeding the usual
physiological level of endorphins! Yes, to man first as it is good, as it does not occur with the normal
level of endorphins. But then sensitivity also to this level is reduced - and to man it is required more and
it is more than narcotic so that it would become good. Dependence as a result appears - man cannot live
without the narcotic, moreover doses be required ever greater.
What does occur further? But further organism nevertheless somehow attempts to restore the disrupted
balance. I.e., the brain begins to attempt to compensate the increased level of endorphins by the
appropriate level of enkephalins. What this means - you already understood: from its recently gotten to
know paradise of men it falls through into such depths of hell, that God of [upasi].
But if they ceased to introduce narcotic - it is still worse: breaking begins. But this terrible state, when
man begins to suddenly perceive terrible pain even from the simple, the very run of job of his organs.
Diseases can there any not be - simply organism it works -, also, from this terrible pain. Why this does
occur? Th level of endorphins in the organism e the fact is that artificially raised with the aid of the
narcotic leads to the fact that the organism generally loses the ability to manufacture endorphins
independently. But why to it to work and to make this to very, when so they do introduce, on top of that
at the enormous doses? They ceased to introduce narcotic - and organism already broke the habit to
manufacture endorphins. As a result there are no endorphins in the organism. But the level of enkephalins
is compensating very high. As a result all painful reactions are aggravated to the limit, and man begins to
perceive the painful components of the run of job of organs (these painful components they always be
present in the run of job of organs, but healthy man of this does not perceive, because this pain is
disguised by endorphins.
But the most terrible is in front. If druggie and persistently was treated well, the level of the endorphins,
produced by the brain, gradually again will arrive into the standard. But nevertheless it never will reach
that level, which is reached by heroin. But tested of times of sensation it can be wanted to repeat.
Therefore addiction so complicatedly is treated and so there are many cases of the relapses of this illness.
Narcotic for the man becomes the sense of life, and by friend, and by relative. Even if man greatly wants
to throw itself to assume narcotics, if he applies all forces for the recovery - he is worthwhile for it only
because of anything to be upset, as in its brain it is here created similar of [disba]1[ans] of chemical
substances, which to make even it without the narcotic almost is unthinkable. Indeed [endorfinovaja]
system in it is not trained, but rather it is atrophied after the method of narcotics - it means, endorphins
are not manufactured independently, then [enkefalinovaja] system is, on the contrary, conditioned for

restoring the balance after the method of heroin - i.e., enkephalin it is manufactured over any measure.
And here least trouble leads to the disruption, because the brain itself cannot return equilibrium, manage
this trouble.
Such is even proverb: Heroin knows how to await. Relapses occur after the years.
But not only narcotics are capable of destroying Encke -[falin]-[endorfinovyj] balance - this ruinous
matter successfully manage some nervous and mental illnesses. For example, there is this illness, as
manic-depressive psychosis. With this illness the balance of enkephalins and endorphins displaces by
cycles. Each cycle can last several weeks. I.e., several weeks of patient are joyfully excited, it is in the
euphoria, it is full of forces and activity. Then to the following several weeks it is immersed in the
deepest depression. On the rise enkephalins of men it is capable to commit suicide, moreover sometimes
by the wildest methods, with the aid of the fact that will only prove to be near at hand - for example, after
opening to itself head with the aid of the hammer and chisels. This case was actually - and object
evidence to that can be seen in the museum of the first medical institute in Saint Petersburg. But on the
peak of the endorphins of men can even to itself cut out appendicitis without the narcosis - and such also
I am!
Here what enormous potential is hidden in this system, this is what it can perform with the man,
especially if it goes out of control!
And its compensating possibilities, i.e., possibility on the restoration of the lost equilibrium are so great.
It can even and lead to the standard and the state of improbable grief, and improbable happiness
Therefore we must understand, that the conscious attempts to move the balance of this system, so as to to
be detained in some state, are doomed to failure. This system is very powerful.
But nevertheless no one said that it entirely cannot be governed! No one said that it is not possible to
create condition for the temporary displacements enkephalin -[endorfinovogo] of balance in the specific
circumstances. But in order of their own free will to create these shifts, it is possible to use nothing else
but energy of our emotions We still will speak about this, on these regularities we will rest
subsequently. But let us thus far draw a conclusion from entire aforesaid.
The emotions of man never can be stopped only on plus or only on minus - for the physiological reasons.
Everything that in our forces, this to temporarily shift balance so as to ensure to itself motion - from point
A to point b. from minus to plus. The fixed bias of balance is impossible, and also it is not necessary and
it is dangerous for the life.

Emotions - engine of the thought

Thus, in our brain there is a system, which has a effect on entire our consciousness. Much literature
is devoted to observation of the work of this system - it is more accurate, after the processes, which are
generated by the wear and tear of this system. Yes that there - entire artistic literature, all narrations about
the love, the hatred, the passion, the fear and the happiness - these are still narrations about the finesse of
the sensations, generated by work the enkephalin-endorphin- howl of system with their passage through
the consciousness.
Thus, give let us be dismantled how these sensations they work inside us and as ensure our existence.
Let us begin from the negative pole - from the negative emotions.
When they do appear? They appear when subconsciousness experiences disagreement with the prevailing
situation. As we know, subconsciousness is interested in the limited quantity of things -, first of all,
referring to survival. It as soon as seems subconsciousness that we make something not the, something
harmful for our life and health, as soon as to it is seen danger - it includes button badly, and they
become unpleasant. In this case we experience fear, anxiety, melancholy, melancholy, horror, boredom,
malice, offense, shame, fault, dissatisfaction - i.e., one or other collection or another of negative
emotions. Concrete emotion is tightly connected with the relations between us and those circumstances,
objects, facts, which are potentially or clearly the reason for danger. Well, for example, you decided
neither from that nor from this to go into the deaf taiga and to live there by recluse. It signals
subconsciousness: It is bad, it is terrible! This it does force you to think - so whether already to you this
is must, will disappear you there on no account not about that?

Or you met with the old friend, and she to you such talked, that you then dispatch home and they felt, as
subconsciousness it signals: It is bad, it is offensive! It wants to say to you this: However, well where
you did get in, expensive my, why to you such harmful for you relations? And the enemies are not
necessary with such friends! But well- kA disentangle thus far not late! Well and so on. For example, on
us attacked dog - and we feel fear, dog proved to be on the chain - and we feel the malice (not to it, so to
the owner), completed something that not admitted - we feel fault, this was opened - shame, nothing
specifically it occurs (but indeed subconsciousness it prefers to live, and not to stand on the spot); and it
is present boredom, does not occur something that desired - and it is present melancholy. There is no need
to transfer all reasons for diverse states.
The main thing here another - when subconsciousness signals badly, consciousness immediately begins
to worry. It answers to the call of subconsciousness and it attempts to turn off this negative state. The
longer the negative is included on and the stronger its caused stimulus, the stronger the uneasiness. And
in order to remove this uneasiness, is necessary action - conscious action! And, you will notice, in this
situation we actually approach action. Sometimes it is adequate - we run from the evil dog. It is
sometimes inadequate - we babble something inopportunely under the effect of the shame, issuing itself
with the head. Sometimes it can be even simply symbolic or directed entirely not toward the object,
which became the reason for negative state, for example, man, perceiving anxiety, can place to himself
into the pocket his happy coin, pronounce the ritual phrase (mind you me!) or to shout to the wife. Main
thing, that without the action with the negative emotion anything not to make. All people this feel and
although anything, although nothing of the kind - but something they attempt to make. In me was the
familiar, who acknowledged that it in the army thus became badly from the command quietly!, so for it
it was un- possible to stand on this command without the motion, that it in order to somehow itself save
from the negative emotions, stirred by thumbs on the feet and was experienced in this case enormous
pleasure from the fact that this no one sees and that to its thumbs no one is right to give an order
quietly!, here they behaves as they want, and everyone here. Action ( any action ) as if removes man
from the negative.
But let us suppose nothing it occurs around the man. Nothing it disturbs, but also it does not gladden.
And to subconsciousness to, it would seem, to nothing give neither signal is bad nor signal it is good.
However, and that - we will thicken in the equilibrium, in the immobility? Nothing similar. Our biology
provided, that inside us must occur the motion, so that we would live. The absence any motion it leads to
the fact that gradually the activity of [enkefalinovoj] system rises and we experience boredom, and then
melancholy. And our consciousness again begins to search for output, we thirst new impressions, want
happiness and holiday, we combine the diverse variants of reaching this, accomplish behavior - on the
whole, we come into action. We creep - and this main thing. The life of the majority of people so is
passed - from the searches for sharp sensations and new impressions - to the desire of rest, from the rest -
again into the way after happiness and impressions.
In some people, however, this amplitude is very small - it stopped, it felt miserable, again barely it was
pushed, again stopped For example, it stayed on the sofa, then from the boredom it went to the kitchen,
it was scolded with the neighbor - and it is again good, to again lie it is possible to some period
This exactly and there is the same, which is called plant existence without the present completeness of
But others take the apexes of creation, accomplish exploits, make discoveries - but also to rest they know
how with the soul. Another scale of personality, another degree of depth and saturation of sensations - but
at the basis the same physiological mechanisms.
You already understood, in what sense and the purpose of this eternal human motion - in leaving from the
negative and obtaining of positive. Departing from the fact that is received as badly, then,
[preodolevaja] boredom and the immobility, man by all forces strives for the fact that is received as
good. You will focus attention - in the process of this quite motion to men yet he does not feel well,
which to it is good, it yet does not experience positive sensations, but only it is going to obtain them. It
means, it is approached, first of all, to arrive at the reason here for this good, because as yet there is no
reason - there are no positive sensations. It means, motion from badly towards good - this motion in
search of the reason for this good. But reasons can be different. It can be outside - in some object,

event, phenomenon. For example, man is glad, after obtaining gift. But what is to be done, if gift or other
external reasons it is not assumed? Then consciousness [ishet] another reason - consisting of the
projection of any of the external reasons in itself. For example, we can take out to the surface of our
consciousness the means of the obtained gift or other positive for us means - and find- after all the
desired reason for the state it is good. It means, one way or another - for happiness is always necessary
reason. Happiness groundless - without its causing object or means - cannot be tested.
You will say as so, indeed some people can feel joy simply from the fact that they live. It means, very
process of life in its [sijuminutnosti] is for them that very reason for happiness. Reason can be everything
anything - everything depends on our relation to the peace, to the life, to proceeding. But fact is that that
one or other reason or another for happiness exists always.
And here then - you will focus attention, only if for happiness there is one or other reason or another,
subconsciousness harvests to the button good. To us it is done pleasantly, and we perceive happiness,
merriment, inclination, pleasure, enthusiasm, love, enjoyment, admiration, satisfactoriness On the
whole, we experience the entire spectrum of positive emotions and we perceive: [ekh], live- that as is
good! And immediately we begin to fear, that this soon will end. But it is not necessary to fear - certainly,
it will end, everything in this life ends. But thus far it there is - delight in, be glad Beza any ulterior
motives. But when you will be glad from the soul - then grief will not be such already terrible, but also it
will begin to be received as by one of the paints of life, which supplement its completeness and beauty.
It is thus, present the diagram of our sincere motions: 1) motion from the negative to the equilibrium, 2)
from the equilibrium to the positive, e) from the positive into the equilibrium even 4) slow displacement
into the negative (for the beginning of the following cycle of motion). Moreover the stronger the potential
difference, i.e., the value of negative and positive, the more powerful the action! And this mechanism
works in everything: from the primitive instincts and the needs - to the thinnest and elevated material!
It is simple, not so whether? Yes, man is similar to the fish in the flow of emotions, that is tried to be held
the golden mean and applying efforts so that too it would not carry to the opposite sides. Extremes are
always poor: both the extreme degree of grief and the extreme degree of happiness is none other than
explicit pathology. And those, who strive for the extreme degrees of happiness, must have in the form that
nature of human emotions is similar to the pendulum: with what force it is slanted to one side, with its the
same force then irrepressible it will carry into another. The higher the degree of happiness, the deeper the
subsequent degree of grief will be. Not randomly frequently they tell children: Do not laugh loud so,
then cry you will be! And indeed actually so it very often and occurs: after exhausting the reserves of
happiness, the pendulum of emotions flies to the opposite side, into another extreme point, now already
with the minus sign.
The pendulum, which rocks hither and thither in the eternal searches for equilibrium, as simply! But how
much wisdom in this simplicity! How much wisdom in this rocking of pendulum - and glory to god, that
it rocks, but not [zastrevaet] first here, then there. And glory to god, what fixed stable position is
inaccessible - because man cannot be always in the positive - positive weakens, it cannot be always in the
negative - negative too strains and makes it necessary to spend the reserves of organism, men it cannot be
always in the immobility, indeed immobility - this no longer life. Life - this is motion!
That that life - this is motion, you knew even earlier. But now you know the very important thing: you
know, along what precisely trajectory this motion is accomplished! It is accomplished along the trajectory
of pendulum - from minus to plus and vice versa - with one or other amplitude or another of fluctuations.
Our emotions move along this trajectory. But the most interesting, that along the same trajectory moves
our thought with respect to the objects of internal peace! What this does mean? This means that when we
consider some our problems, behavior, situations, solutions - our thought also searches for this golden
mean, going from the negative to the positive and vice versa. Thinking, we try to avoid negative
emotions, we find the grains, which bring the harvest of positive, but if nothing it occurs - we try
accurately also as emotion, to engage by something our reason in order to leave from the boredom and
the inaction.
They did understand? Thought seemingly is oriented in the field of emotions! This indeed of emotion
creates the field between two poles - negative and positive. And thought, falling into this field, begins to
there search for its direction as the grit between two magnet poles!

And the most interesting, that only the thought, which fell here into this field of emotions and begun
therefore to move in some direction, acquires force in order to be that brought to completion - i.e., to the
realization in the concrete action. If thought is not oriented in the field of emotions, then it remains
passive, it is directed neither to one side, but it means, it cannot be brought to completion, it cannot nor in
what be personified. And whatever there in us in our internal peace crowded problems, concepts,
intentions - all this, most likely, even have not will not be we identified as some source material for the
consideration, for the cognitive activity and all the more for the action as such. Internal resources in this
situation seemingly sleep, they are not switched into the mode of comprehension, in the regime of
ripening for the realization in the material peace. Our reason will be included, and we will begin to work
with the content of our internal peace only if the objects of this internal peace will obtain emotional

Here is a example. The man has the problem, which it is necessary to solve. Let us say, to it to it is time
replace work, because it overgrew that which makes, yes even material reward it is worthy greater. But it
does not for so long and no longer realize this its problem. He simply did not think about this, and in it to
this problem it was formed no relation. I.e., it in its subjective perception thus far for it is not meant -
whereas objectively already it ripened and it requires to itself attention. But since it problem did not
realize, it to it in no way relates, the emotions none it in it causes. Some vague unconscious
dissatisfaction, can, already it ripens, but there are no emotions still. And if someone at this moment says
to it: Change- kA work, you already time, it can answer: Yes? Probably, you rights. But hardly in this
case anything it will undertake. Because this thought did not fall in the field of emotions it did not,
therefore, obtain there force and direction, it did not become that vector, which as a result leads to the
action. But they did not pay off wage to here let us assume this man on his work, they required free of
charge to work overtime, on top of that in this case and [nakhamili] - and all this simultaneously. Here
here there is a large chance, that the field of emotions with respect to this work at long last will be
formed. And this man will flap himself on the forehead and will say: God, such as I am idiot, that, until
now I sit in this hole! Yes this cursed work to me is long ago narrower than [obrydla]! Here this is -
another matter. Here now thought about that which is time to change work, will fall into the powerful
field of emotions and here it will be oriented in it so as to reach the end and to realize in the concrete
action - change in the work.
Thought loaded emotionally, it acquired forces and energy for the life and for the action!
Moreover the greater the stress between the poles of initial and end point - the more powerful the
thought! I.e., the more badly is received the state of affairs at first and the better promises to be the finale,
the greater the intensity with which reason passes way from the start to the finish. As athlete lays out
himself on the critical competition, so also our brain it lays out itself for guaranteeing the victory of
important thought, [zadejstvuja] for this victory all their energy and information resources.
Here now, I hope, to you it is clear, why our thoughts, as follow emotionally charged also in this case
accurately and correctly directed, are not simply capable of not producing effect! But the not found
precise direction and emotionally not reinforced thoughts so depart to the nonexistence, without having
brought no result - to them force is sufficient in order to give birth to the avalanche of the circumstances,
which lead us to the necessary purpose, although for the creation of avalanche sometimes it suffices to
only encounter that very first boulder of rockfall

You do understand, what prospects do open to us these knowledge? You do already sense these
avalanches, which clear to you ways to your purpose, you do already hear their distant rumble? Yes, all
this is actual in front. But if we still consider that our emotions can be meant not only for us, that they are
infectious, and if we feel strong joy - that this happiness perceive other people, those, who next to us
And this happiness makes the event, meant for us, meant also for others. You do perceive, how much
power and energy around, which you did not become accustomed to use for the peaceful purposes? You
do represent, what gigantic takeoffs to us with you does promise mastery of these completely free energy
resources? Spirit does already seize, truth? But once so - give a little let us die and let us bring
intermediate sum.
Emotions ensure the motion of man and his thoughts. The force of emotions ensures the force of our
actions and the effectiveness of our thoughts. The sense of our life - this is motion in the flow of

Emotions - bridge between the consciousnesses

Emotions be present inside. This is fact. But they still are capable of being extended outside. This
is also fact. Here on these two facts we will build our bridge of control of emotions for the good to
ourselves and by other.
How precisely emotions are extended outside? They use for this a usual energy channel. We perfectly
well know that the emission of one man is propagated, seizing the consciousness of another. We passed
this even at first stage [DEIR], but to you this weight is well known not only along the system [DEIR],
but also according to the usual life situations. Everything, and especially woman, they know, as tears are
infectious. It is here in the cinema, on the screen, someone sourly sobs - and tears to the eyes heap
themselves in excellent half of film auditorium (yes even not only in it), and somewhere has already been
heard characteristic [poshmygivanie] by nose. But laughter- that as it is infectious! It is worth to someone
gaily and loudly burst out laughing, as will unavoidably smile yet not one man. Yes even for the simply
glad, smiling himself man it is worthwhile to enter into the accomodation, where all sit serious, it is
worthwhile for it to say something cheerful and merry - and all already smile. Emotions - any: although
negative, although positive - are infectious, because emotions are energy, and energy has a property to
spill and to lap in the space according to its laws, seizing new territories - and it means, extending to
these territories and corresponding emotional attitude.
Nature of this phenomenon is known and it is studied by us, I repeat, even at first stage. But here one
important aspect of this phenomenon we then nevertheless did not examine. Namely we did not examine
the fact that emotion they possess not only straight line, but even and by indirect value!
What is located in the form? Let us suppose some object possesses for us positive emotional painting. For
example, us greatly pleases itself large red apple, it causes the storm of the gladdest emotions. Emotions
in their direct meaning we can experience when we directly we interact with this object - we admire the
apple, which hangs on the branch, twirl it in the hands, we write from it still life or finally [vgryzaemsja]
in it by teeth (this when our emotions of love with respect to apple have straight, but very narrow value as
in the anecdote: To eat I love, and so - n 3 3 t! ).
But here let us assume there is no object as such next. However, and that - no and it cannot be the
emotions, with it connected? As not so! It is worthwhile to only recall this its object, to reproduce its
means in the consciousness - and here are they, emotion, here as here. Ah as beautifully, ah as I love, ah
as want, ah as it is tasteful, surely! Here is it, the entire range of emotions, the in spite of obvious absence
of object in its material visible manifestation. Here this and there is a manifestation of emotions in their
indirect value. This as if shadow of emotions, which we perceive, reproducing in the consciousness the
means of object. This shadow of emotions is usually called the emotional painting of object. We for
convenience in the perception will also use this term, although in reality, if we consider ourselves, it is
absurd, indeed by itself object no such painting possesses, this painting not on it, but in our
consciousness. But vocal dies are vocal dies, to anywhere from them not disappear and to sometimes
without them not manage.
What in this case does occur, when object does obtain here this most emotional painting? We now speak

not about the energy background of this phenomenon, but about its purely emotional sense. But occurs
the fact that our relation to this object changes. Here object was for us indifferent, one of many - while
here we it isolated, we tested with respect to it emotion, straight line or indirect. And this object became
for us special. Special relation to it slips in everything - in the expression of eyes, in our words, gestures,
behavior. Moreover, we begin to build our behavior taking into account the increased significance of this
object for us. They know everything, as this occurs, when we suddenly separate from the crowd of some
man. Here it still was anyone for us - while here we stopped at it view, it was pleased to us, it became the
object of the increased attention and acquired for us special significance. This can be and the attractive
for us person of opposite floor, and can man simply authoritative for us. And here this special relation to
this man has already been read in our eyes, it evidently on our expression of face and motions. Friends
here begin to banter: Yes you to it, that whether, uneven you breathe? You look and indeed even
respiration changed. Well and so on.
Obtaining for us emotional painting, other people, to that indifferent to us, seemingly they enter into our
emotional sphere.
But we with you will begin our experiments, certainly, not from the people. For the beginning let us make
more simply - let us try to learn to transfer emotional significance to any simple object, giving to it
emotional painting.

Step 1. Temporary transfer of emotional significance to the object

Let us take any cheap artificially created object, for example pencil, or anything other, provided it
was small in the size and not too strong.
Now prepare: now will have actively to work in the regime of sensations. First read to the end the text of
exercise, and you will then carry out that, about which it is here written, following so that the fulfillment
would occur precisely at the sensation level, but not at the level of reason, consciousness and words. I.e.,
it is not enough to say: I perceive the form of object. Necessary to precisely perceive it in the manner
that as if you it receive by all sensory organs - sight, by touch, etc.
Thus, first attentively let us look to our object and we will not tear off view to the end of exercise.
Now let us perceive the form of object. Let us perceive its volume, its arrangement in the space,
roundness or angularity, etc you will perceive as in your own way [sovershenna] this form, as it
corresponds to the designation of this object. Now think about the fact that indeed someone this thing
devised, someone represented it precisely in this here form, and who - i.e. he personified - and it put in
this object particle itself, its thought and feeling, its wish of good to other people. It cared also about you,
that examines now this object! You will be enraptured by the human labor, which created this thing, be
penetrated by appreciation to those, who made it. After perceiving this, we direct to the object of a little
energy of the central ascending current.
Feel the material, from which is made this object. You will perceive its density, its hardness or softness,
smooth it or rough, that shines or lusterless, warm or cold. This material also someone obtained,
processed, also in this case it put particle itself, its energy. Feel this heat- human energy in the material.
Again direct toward the object of a little energy of the central ascending current.
Now, in exactly the same manner attentively examining object, you will perceive, as it is arranged, of
what components it consists, send energy of the ascending current to each component. Think about that
theoretical scientific and production base, which did make it possible to create this object, and after this
did how much stand people? Send the part of energy of the ascending current to to that itself imaginary
project, on which is created this object, to its prototype in the drawings and in head of people.
You as before attentively do look at the object? What you now do feel? You do feel, as did change your
relation to the object? It is undoubted! Object seemingly began to heat you, to emit energy on you. Them
as if becomes more warmly from one view on the object.
Now detach view away from the object - interrupt contact.
It is excellent! Now you transferred a small quantity of positive emotional values for the object. But it has
already been made as if a little special, warm, by more familiar and by close one.

Let us look how the possibilities of object during giving to it even of this relatively small emotional
significance change.

Step 2. Detection of the transfer of emotional significance from the object to the man

For fulfilling this step for you it is necessary to ask someone to help - friend, friend, neighbor. Try
to fix, as you do relate to this man in the beginning of experiment - it is neutral, good, very well, it is
bad? You will memorize this relation. You will place before your assistant several objects, analogous to
the volume, which you used in the previous step (in our case pencil). Your object (participated in the
previous experiment) you will memorize or somehow mark so that this would be clear only to you, you
do not tell assistant, what object your. Let the assistant sort out these pencils, in number of which your,
and then suddenly will take and will break one of them! If it breaks not your object, then you hardly
anything will feel. You will ask to continue him to make this further. It breaks even further not your
pencils - and nothing
But here it broke your pencil! What this? Entirely another matter! They offended as if some native
essence. Let us memorize our sensations.
But now you will trace, as your relation to the man, who broke your pencil, changed. True, it is
surprising, is how involuntary and rapidly your relation to this man [skaknulo] by several degrees
downward? Confidence, experienced immediately in man, immediately shook! It was good - it became
poor! Was poor - it became very poor! But why, that happen- that, strictly? It that, you did personally
offend or your native aunt? There is nothing, similar, it simply broke some there pencil, on top of that
made this on your request. Game such, and is more than nothing. Game - by game, and offense is present.
Thus and in the life it is - itself asked man about the service, and then as the his enemy you consider.
That the very important in this exercise - so this is precisely involuntariness of th changes e occurred with
us. Let us suppose man was to us indifferent. And we completely did not intend to acquire to ourselves
enemy. What this man neither said that he nor made - everything was evaluated by us impartially and
generated no relation to it nor positive nor negative. We simply either assumed its words and behavior or
they rejected, but this did not cause emotional response. But it was worthwhile for man to enter
interaction with the object, which possesses potential emotional significance for us, as and same this man
also acquires this emotional significance, he itself and its behavior begin to cause emotional response!
What this does mean? We carried out outside certain emotional values - they transferred them to the
object. And by means of these emotional values they connected itself and another man. They fixed
between themselves and by them this emotional bridge. We immediately perceiving on our own skin this
bridge they directly perceived, they tested emotion in the attitude of man! This means that the remote
outside emotional values can connect man with those surrounding! Moreover to connect directly, in the
sensations! One matter, when others us something tell and we simply hear their words, we receive their
thoughts and we assume all this to the examination. This yet is not direct coupling, this is the defined by
example connection - by means of the thoughts and the words. And entirely other matter, when man, his
words, thoughts, actions cause direct emotions and sensations. Here this already - direct coupling.
Do perceive other people your emotional relation to the object, your potential positive emotions, placed
in it? Certainly! And here here again is a interesting moment - the emotional significance of object is
manifested for others when you you enter into interaction with the object. Then another man also
subconsiously receives your emotional painting of the object, meant for you, frequently he begins to
experience the same emotions with respect to this object. Moreover this reaction is in exactly the same
manner involuntary! The emotional significance of object is also infectious. This is why, for example, in
the teenage medium so frequently it may happen that two friends make fall in love in one and the same
youth or one and the same girl pleases herself two friends - first one gave emotional painting to her, and
then also another tuned. That which meant for one, becomes significant also for another.
And objects such is with the things and that more frequent: one girl friend purchased beautiful dress, and
accurately the same was immediately required by another.
But now we are trained to reveal how emotional significance it is transferred from the man to the object.

Step e. Detection of the transfer of emotional significance from the man to the object

You will again ask someone to help you - only this must be man, which relates to you significantly
and neutrally, and are experienced some feelings - although positive, although negative: it loves you or,
on the contrary, has no special liking. If this man (for example, associate from the work) has no special
liking you - naturally, should it tell everything about essence and purposes of your experiment, can say
that this is this psychological test - this now is fashionable.
You will place before this man several pencils, among which there is one, which possesses for you
emotional significance. You will ask it to sort out objects and memorize, how often this man will take in
the hand precisely your object.
But now you will ask it to gather all objects into the hand and to decompose them in the arbitrary order.
Control your sensations: how you it does seem, as does change in the process of experiment the attitude
of this man toward object - and then to you?
You will note: if you are pleasant to man, then your object will be in its hands much more frequently.
But if you to it are antipathetic - your object will occur in its hand considerably thinner frequent than
rest! One way or another - but the object, allotted by you by emotional painting, will be separated
subconsiously by your partner. With the objects, significance not having, it goes without saying, the
matter will proceed precisely the opposite. They will prove to be for it less they are noticeable.
Certainly, results will become even more obvious, if you will preheat partner by energy of your central
ascending current, but even without this they are present! But indeed outwardly your pencil is differed
in no way from others! However, what does occur? Occurs the fact that your partner involuntary transfers
to the object his own relation to you! This is done unconsciously, and even when partner does not know
that among the objects there is your. Try to modify experiment, after saying to partner, that here this
pencil - your loved. You will see the even more detailed picture: one or other relation or another to this
object from the side of partner will be in the process of experiment completely obvious!
With such things we constantly meet also in the real life: note, if man does not please himself us - us do
not usually please themselves all those things, which it uses. And hat in it is stupid, and suit tasteless, and
machine - junk With the fact that objectively these [veshi] can be completely normal, not better and not
worse than others. But here if man us pleases himself, then us pleases itself everything, which belongs to
it, up to the trifles: and mark in it on the lapel - charm, and [shnurochki] in the boots - is simple miracle

The change in the relation to these objects furthermore occurring completely involuntary, subconsiously,
and consequently, this noncritical change in the relation. With respect to these objects we become
nonobjective! But now think: perhaps only objects can have emotional significance? No! Events, ideas,

concepts, possibilities have emotional significance The emotional significance (it can, personal, and
can, and indirect of the type this is important for me, because this importantly for all) everything has,
that people include in their sphere of activity! Moreover this emotional significance concrete man can
create itself - and it can simply adopt from others consciously or unconsciously: how many people they
discuss according to the principle this importantly for others - and therefore it is important and for me.
You do feel, to what this can lead? Us pleases himself man - even it means, everything pleases itself us
which to it belongs, including all ideas, by it voiced. Even the most delirious.
There is no need to speak, as the chain transfer reaction of emotional values it affects the entire system of
human interrelations! Yes not only interrelations - at entire process of development and evolution of
humanity, on the very progress of civilization! How many excellent ideas disappeared only because
attempted to preach them [nesimpatichnye] people! How many crazy ideas realized only because for their
carriers it was possible to cause the mass
sympathy to itself!
But if we these regularities consider and to use consciously? You do feel, by what possibilities this is
fraught? By unprecedented thus far for the people possibilities!
Thus, we with you recently revealed the staggering regularity, connected with the human emotions,
moreover lying at the basis of social interrelations. The it turns out that emotional values of man and
objects form the present invisible networks of indirect values, the uniting objects and people. This
network operating involuntary and directly, modifying the emotional significances of people, that
participate in the social processes.
Emotional values after appear, certain social motion around the object becomes possible - because for
one man it will increase the level of endorphins, for another - enkephalins. Will follow action, fight,
Object, either idea or anything, that acquire emotional significance, acquire social value!
Being conceived inside one man, his emotional values with the ease [preodolevajut] the barrier between
the personalities, acting not in the manner that word, not in the manner that thought, i.e., not by means of
something, but directly. They are transferred in the sensation, changing its modality, but they are
transferred involuntary. Emotional significances - this propagation of the sensations of one personality
into [sotsium], this continuation of personal consciousness is outside.
You consider the sense of this fact! We with you already explained that the emotions ( positive and
negative pole ) ensure our life, our motion in it. But now was added knowledge that the personal
emotional values were capable of being extended outside. This means that one man can, after carrying
out its values outside, to supply with orientators for the life of the surrounding people! To supply them, in
the essence, with the sense of actions and by the sense of life!
We also can use this regularity. We sum up.
The emotional values of one man with the ease are extended outside him and are involuntary received by
others, creating for them emotional coordinates. Social values so are formed, so are formed the polarities,
motion in which brings pleasure to man. Motion in the emotional gradient - this is the sense of life. But
gradient can be transmitted from one man to the next.


But so that such of emotion? This plus and minus, which did seem us by such simple, until we do
study this phenomenon?
It turns out that emotion - this is the reason for motion and our thoughts, and us themselves, that this is
the reason for all social motions and social interrelations? Yes, it is obtained thus.
And here here we approach the full value of emotions in the life of man and humanity as a whole.
Without the exaggeration it is possible to say that with the development of emotional values in the human
life is directly connected the development of man as such - and man as personalities, and entire human
culture, to civilization, and entire process of human knowledge. Entire history of humanity - this is the
history of the development of emotional paintings. Specifically, so, by however by that not expected
seemed you this determination.

We to you, my dear readers, repeatedly spoke that man as form already far took a step beyond the limits
of the barriers, set on his way by nature. We understand, that a question of the survival of man out of the
excessive density to it does not in general stand the similar. We spoke about this [eshe] in the first book.
We also with the confidence can say that the sense of the life of man stretches further biological sense.
In order not to starve, to survive and to have children, even to read it is not compulsory to learn, to say
nothing of thinner habits and knowledge.
But besides biological sense for us importantly still very and very much other - we should to much learn,
much to reach, to in many respects realize, to much complete, to make, create Our sense of life is
immeasurably more than the simple biological sense of existence.
Human life is unthinkable without the science, the skill, the knowledge, the accomplishments, the
creation. And anything of this is impossible without the emotional significances. It is impossible because
even thought is impossible without the emotional significances, and all the more is impossible action.
Therefore entire progress is reduced to the following diagram. Some phenomenon of the external peace,
such as fact or circumstance falls in the field of the sight of man with the participation of the mechanism
of the transfer of emotional significance. Man turns attention to this phenomenon or fact because he is
situated in the situation, when this phenomenon is capable of one way or another changing this situation.
For example, man drags log and applies to this the mass of efforts. Log is subordinated badly. But
suddenly something occurred - log began to move more easily, with the smaller efforts from the side of
man. Man looks - and reveals that under the drawn log perpendicular to it randomly fell the stick, or the
thick branch, which, revolving there, it thus rolls on itself log. Here is it, the phenomenon, which
randomly fell in the field of the sight of man, phenomenon, capable of changing situation! Man here
formed the emotional significance of this rolling branch: the rolling branch - this is good, it facilitates
labor on the haul of log! Then the thought fell into this created emotional field: and how to make so that
the log always it would be possible to drag with the minimum efforts? The thought, charged emotionally,
led to the action - and here appeared wheel. Wheel, as the carrier of emotional significance, entered into
the human culture and it became its inherent element.
You will focus attention, that so that emotional significance would appear in the rolling branch, man
already had to be located on specific development stage - it indeed it for some purpose was necessary to
drag log! Maybe, he wanted to build dwelling from it or to build any tool. This means that the log already
had for it emotional significance! And the already existing emotional significance involved detection and
creation by new!
And still you will focus attention, that the wheel was invented only after it obtained emotional
significance. It means, in the creation of new emotional significance is primary - as it is primary in the
process of knowledge as a whole!
It is possible to, of course, say that the wheel appeared not at all because of some of emotional
significance, but it is simple because it is useful. But let us consider: indeed word itself useful " already
implies emotional significance. We indeed cannot be indifferent to the fact that to us is useful, but all the
more it is necessary. We want to obtain that which to us is necessary, we experience the desire to obtain
this object, we receive it as good - and this is already emotional significance. Indeed hearth usefully
we have in the form not that the fact that the object is useful in principle there for someone, on other
continent, we have in the form that it is useful precisely for us, in this time and in this place. Here if they
say to us that coating fence by sugar syrup is useful for the attraction of bees, we, most likely,
contemptuously let us snort and will turn by finger in temple in the address of that man, who to us similar
proposes to make. This means that this usefully can be for someone other, but not for us now. But here
if we visualize that in our house of seriously ill, which it can save only medicine from the bee poison, and
there is no other method to reach this medicine, to as soon as directly now catch as much as possible
bees, that here then this wild method of their attraction actual will become useful and necessary also for
us. And sugar syrup for coating of fence will immediately prove to be the possessing enormous emotional
Furthermore, sometimes emotional significance obtain objects, completely not useful from the practical
point sight. What benefit from the beads, the track, the necklaces, the diadems and other adornments? But
many ladies oh as all this love and is given to this enormous emotional value, even if from a material

point of view these trinkets not too much stand. Moreover, emotional significance very frequently even
makes it necessary to go on some victims, to suffer inconveniences. But it was how to ladies with the
enormous plume on the head - adornment from the feathers or in immense [krinolinakh]? Beauty requires
victims, emotional significance - also. But that you will speak about the numerous amateurs of aquarium
small fishes, birds, small hamsters and other poultry? From this what benefit? Losses are some The
emotional significance, entire it, native, it creates truly miracles
Thus, all the development of humanity - this is the development of the system of emotional values. The
emotionally painted objects and phenomena are included in the rational diagram of peace. Humanity, as if
light beam, invades the uncertainty, following its emotional significances, and because of them gathers
force the thought, which follows the action, which creates something new.
To what to us can prove useful all this? It is here now already time to designate the sense, to which lead
all these reasonings. You do remember our basic task, which arose in this stage? This task - of finding
new ways for its own further development on the new, thus far unknown and uninhabited level. We
recently examined the diagram, on which in our peace generally is created something new. New is
created by means of the creation of emotional values inside itself and the transfer them outside.
Only mastery of the skill of creation and transfer of emotional values can help us to create the way of
development for itself - and for others. So that we themselves would pass somewhat more deeply so that
the peace would move somewhat further and so that to the light would appear new, interesting and thus
far still [neotkrytoe] - we should learn to work with the emotional values, using energy, and information
And for this we should learn to work with its own emotional gradient, to master tactics and strategies of
transfer and arrangement of emotional values around us. But this already practice. But in the practice, my
respected readers, we with you are strong and possess the set of effective technician.


We already much spoke about the properties of emotions, erysipelases -[dajushikhsja] in us. But
now for us it is necessary to study these properties thoroughly and is more full. It is necessary to
investigate very mechanisms of their appearance. Indeed without this we will not be able to govern
emotions. But control of them will be necessary by us in order directly to act on the effectiveness of our
thoughts, indeed we already understood that the thought was powerless, ineffective without the emotional
significance. But governing the effectiveness of our thoughts, we will be able of their own free will to
govern the effectiveness of our actions - indeed action is effectively if and only if strong, correctly
directed and effective thought.
The habit of control of emotions is necessary already with planning of action. Indeed we know: the
stronger the potential difference in the emotional field, the more successful the reflection, the more easily
it is to arrive at the most effective plan of future actions. Here we will learn to govern emotions, creating
th potential difference e necessary for us.
And for the beginning let us study development and study of one obvious connection - the connection
between the emotions and power engineering of man.

Energy and the emotion

We with you already know that our emotions have two poles: positive and negative. We also know
the direction of the reaction of man with the appearance of those, etc: man strives to move from the poor
for good. This is - the qualitative side of our emotions and our motion in the emotional field.
But we with you did not thus far concern a question, than as is regulated the quantitative side of emotions
and emotional reactions. Indeed both in positive and in the negative pole of our emotions there can be
one or other degree or another of manifestation, one or other degree or another of intensity. It is possible
simply to frighten - while it is possible to perceive present fear or even horror. It can become light on the
soul, while enormous happiness can arise. Accordingly, and to act, and to react in the case of strong or
weak emotion we will be differently. Here is she, the quantitative side of our emotions. Any emotion can

be both the strong and weak, and it can occupy any intermediate place between strong and weak its
manifestation, and by degree to [se] of manifestation are determined our actions. But with which is
connected this force and weakness of emotion, this sharpness of our sensations and, correspondingly, the
force of our reactions Nath or other emotions?
I think, you already surmised. This is connected not with which with something different as with our
central flows.
You do remember, we to you did speak at the first stage that central flows - this of sensation, they the
energy sources, located even are deeper than subconsciousness? And naturally, the level of central flows
has a effect both on the force of the manifestation of emotions and on the reacting force - i.e., the force of
propagation them it is outside.
Give let us examine this moment.
Here is our the central ascending current. We with you know its qualities - it, first of all, bears force and
emotions. The reverse side of the central ascending current - these are the aggression, or activity, in
the psychological sense of this word. I.e., this is the stimulation of impulse action at all its levels - from
the internal, the mental (i.e., our consciousness begins to accomplish powerful motions), to the external,
the physical (i.e., it is strengthened the loudness of speech, tone, the ability to accomplish impulse
actions). Of course the same influence renders the central ascending current to subconsciousness. The
result of its work is made by stronger more energetic more expressed. But the result of the work of
subconsciousness - this of emotion.
Accordingly, the central ascending current leads to strengthening of emotions. All - and pleasant, and
unpleasant. And it strengthens reaction, and subjective, and physical, to these emotions.
Thus, positive emotions sharply will be strengthened and will lead to the acceleration of reaction during
the making more active of the central ascending current. For example, the weak manifestations of
happiness under the effect of the strengthened ascending current will be converted into the obvious
merriment, which possesses the external manifestations, noticeable by that surrounding. But also the
weak manifestations of grief also can be grown into the stormy grief with the tears and the sobbings
(what, by the way, is not always bad - and very frequently necessary to get rid of this grief once and for
It is necessary to have in the form that the central ascending current, strengthening emotions,
simultaneously accelerates their passage! I.e., for long the glowing in the depth of soul and tormenting
grief with its aid it is possible to make more intensively and to thus accelerate release from it. But the
same will be also with the positive emotions. And instead of the prolonged bright state of soul you will
obtain stormy, but short happiness. This occurs because in the state of grief during the making more
active of the ascending current rises the level of enkephalins - respectively, more rapidly reacts
[endorfinovaja] system, attempting to restore equilibrium. Accordingly with happiness strengthening the
ascending current leads to raising the level of endorphins - and more rapidly it reacts [enkefa]- lining the
system, which reduces happiness on no.
Naturally, during strengthening of the ascending current will be strengthened all those emotions, which in
you be present at the given moment: both fear and offense, and malice. Fear will become horror, offense -
into the malice, and malice - into anger with the obvious consequences in your behavior. But, I repeat,
effect will be powerful, but short-term, since the ascending current will accelerate their passage
furthermore because of the activation of Encke -[falinovoj] system. This means that strengthening
reaction gives hope for the rapid normalization of the situation, which caused negative emotions.
Thus, central ascending current:
1) it strengthens emotions;
2) their passage accelerates;
3) negative emotions are made themselves more design,
i.e., it directs them to the normalization of situation.
The central descending chute of emotion weakens. Both pleasant and unpleasant. And accordingly,
decreases the intensity of reaction. And accordingly, slows down the passage of emotion because the
insignificant level of endorphins or enkephalins more weakly activates the opposing system. If you in this
strong grief, that it whips you and you do not feel in yourselves force from it to be freed, it to manage at

the given moment - can temporarily weaken its manifestations with the aid of strengthening of the
downflow. You will not get rid of it entirely - but you will improve your state, you will obtain respite in
order to be gathered with the forces and again to approach the complete release from the grief. If you are
excessively overexcited, too stormily you be glad, when this is inappropriate, it is possible to lead itself
into the standard, after strengthening the downflow. Happiness from this will not leave, but simply it will
become the flat calm bright background of your sincere state.
Thus, central downflow:
1) it weakens emotions;
2) their passage slows down;
3) negative emotions are made themselves less design,
i.e., it slows down productive reaction - but it gives
time for the more intelligent actions.
Give let us be convinced of this influence of central flows based on the example of its own sensations.

Steps 4 4[a]. the influence of central flows on the emotion

Settle [poudobnee], covered eyes. But now they recalled any the positive and, until now,
gladdening event of their life. We recall it vividly, it is distinct. It is still brighter, it is still more distinct -
try to be immersed into it in the manner that we this we make with the standard state. They felt, as appear
the corresponding emotions, as they are done more distinctly, [nasyshchennee]. We try to be concentrated
more completely at the episode so that the sensations would become increasingly brighter and it is
stronger - we try to strengthen them to the maximum It is difficult? We do not lose concentration at the
But now we begin to strengthen the central ascending current - we make it stronger and it is stronger -
and it is perceived, as emotions are made all by brighter more distinct more living! They reached
maximum Their sensations fixed, noted change in them, memorized this And we are thrown to the
central downflow. We strengthen by it.
And we perceive how emotions they lose their clearness, they fade, they are made hardly by those
distinguished, despite the fact that we as before preserve maximum concentration at the episode.
It is excellent! Repeated exercise with the negative episode and [otsledili] their sensations.
Thus, our central flows influence our emotions. Accordingly, we can, when this to us is necessary,
strengthen or weaken emotional background. Strictly, we this frequently made and so, simply regulating
its state with the aid of the central flows.
It would be possible to add that the fact that there is a feedback: positive emotions at the first moment
strengthen the central ascending current - and decrease the mental acuity, and negative - on the contrary,
therefore they last somewhat longer But this to us already nothing special it will give. Because we so
already solved our task - they saw, that emotions it is possible to govern directly, and they understood on
their experience, as precisely it is possible to make this.
But, furthermore, from that recently tested it is possible to draw another conclusion: direct control of
emotions is possible, but it has for us completely serious limitations.
Actually: we recently [rabota] with those emotions, which already one way or another in us exist. We
already feel them - and it means, they refer to the already achieved situation. They there is in our
experience. They are applicable to this experience. And we have a completely concrete relation to this
But we do not have any and it cannot be concrete relation to the experience, which we yet did not
acquire. We cannot have emotions with respect to that that not known, which only awaits us in front.
Therefore we can learn to govern the already existing emotions - but this habit is not applied to all
spheres and situations of life and it does not by no means help us to go on the life further and to create
lasting orientators in the life.
Action on the already existing emotions is limited on the applicability, since it can influence the already
emergent situation, but not for the motion to the long-range goals.
Everything that in this aspect we can make this, so work out the technology, which will allow us to as

soon as possible solve that or something different, urgent the published moment situation. For this
purpose direct control of emotions - as the saying goes, then that the doctor prescribed. To solve the
immediate problems, which interfere with living, this without ceremony: to get rid of the offense, to
strengthen happiness, to decrease the aggression in order to allow time oneself to think about how
aggression with the fact that is caused more effectively to manage It is possible to get rid of many
problems, knowing this simple technology, but our possibilities wider.

From control to the planning

After noting for itself the limitedness of the action of this technology, let us nevertheless master it
thoroughly. Thus, we already know that it is possible to use action on the concrete emotions for the
permission of the existing problems. But we can use this technology, also, for the output from th
situations e undesirable for us, for creating the desirable situation in our life. We can use it in order to
push slightly ourselves to the fastest solution of problem - and to strengthen its energy action for the real
action, directed toward a change in the situation. Only for this us will be required action not on some, but
on both emotional poles immediately. Indeed to act only on one pole in this case is irrational. We already
know that strengthening only positive emotions slows down mental acuity and rapidly takes away from
the positive state, and strengthening only negative emotions it will help to destroy that which does not
please itself, but it will not help to build that which pleases itself
And only acting on both poles - positive and negative, we create the necessary emotional gradient,
attached to the specific objectives. I.e., we create the necessary potential difference, creating with its aid
powerful emotional field. When are strong both poles - and negative, and positive, only then we obtain
the pulse, sufficient for achievement of purpose. Strengthening negative emotions with respect to the
current situation, we stimulate our activity for its overcoming, and activating positive - we assign th
direction e necessary for the motion. But it is here very important to correctly observe the sequence: first
we designate positive pole, and only then - negative.
Give let us try to use this procedure for solving any specific objectives. Think themselves which now is
urgent for you. To make in the apartment, to bring into order entire business documentation, to prepare
report, to process garden section, to build shed Let this be not too significant a task in your life - but
also not entirely scanty. Still the requirement: task actually must be urgent for you precisely now, it must
not be simultaneous (i.e., it must assume some your efforts for the duration of a certain life cycle), its
solution must depend on you - if not completely, then at least partially.

Step shch. Compiling emotional vector for solving the specific objectives

Settle [poudobnee], covered eyes. They were concentrated on their virtual space (if someone did
not recall, as this is done, you look the step 1 first stage of the fifth step, described in the book
confidence, and also the steps of 2[a] and 26 in order to recall, as to reveal in the virtual space of zone
is good and badly).
They recalled their purpose - that that you intend to make. The position of this purpose in the virtual
space was determined. They displaced this region of virtual space, after combining to [se] with the inner
zone good. Then we begin to pump energy of the central ascending current into such combined band.
We note how positive emotions appear and are strengthened, continuing to retain the combination of
regions. We lead sensations to the limit - we release concentration.
Virtual space is elastic and is mobile; therefore your purpose and zone here are separated well. But the
energy connection between them is already created, and it remains.
But now we reveal the fragment of virtual space, the containing means of the current state of affairs,
when you yet did not approach achieving of your goal. We combine this fragment with the zone badly -
and we saturate combined band by energy of the ascending current. We note how negative emotions they
are strengthened. We lead sensation to the limit - we release concentration.
But now we are concentrated alternately on the sections of virtual space, which contain the current state
of affairs and our purpose, and saturate these sections by energy of the central ascending current. Very

We with you recently made what, it is easy to understand on its own sensations with respect to the
problem in question. But sensations are such, that so directly and you vomit in the battle, and not
You themselves will see, as this feeling it will you literally drive on, until you accomplish task. You will
note that your energy action for achievement of purpose also sharply will be strengthened and that other
people will begin with the great pleasure with you to cooperate. Effect can be will be strengthened, when
we learn to use not zones well and it is bad, but zone it is pleasant and it is unpleasant (them we
we will find somewhat more lately).
The thus, this method is very convenient for the stimulation itself to any good matter.
I will add that the method can serve as splendid addition in order to accelerate the implementation of the
programs, placed by the technicians of the second step, if we use as the plus pole a integral sensation of
program to the success and a luck, and as the minus - its current position, i.e., the sensation of the not
achieved purpose. Only here should be observed caution - because even man, who possesses the energy
reserve of the fourth step [DEIR], is nevertheless limited in the time and the expenditure of too great
efforts for short temporary section - this is serious increment load. But I would not recommend to
experiment with these technicians generally before the mastery of the fourth step [DEIR].
But in spite of entire revolutionary character, splendor and simplicity of this technology and to the
possibility to directly modulate their emotions, it will not help us in our task - of making so as to create
new emotional values and to extend them outside.
As we already spoke, this method is suitable for the already existing situation with the existing emotional
significances. It cannot illuminate uncertainty - it can only conduct among the already familiar view. It
does not befit for the creation.
For the creation to us is necessary the method of the transfer of emotional significances outside, to any
phenomenon - only then we will know how to establish the gradient of emotional pour on, that makes it
possible to go forward.


Thus, we approached the most important technicians of our emotional division. We will speak
about the methods of creation and transfer of emotional significances. But this is - the most important
instrument of progress, as we with you has already been convinced. Here and it turns out that we directly
approached by its hands to create progress.
We recently understood that control of the directly existing emotions is useful and it is necessary, but it,
unfortunately, in essence is limited by the consciousness of one man.
But a sufficient whether significance of object we can extract exclusively from our own consciousness?
No, insufficient. Because the significance for us of any object is defined by far from only our subjective
internal to it relation, but even and with the set of the external things, such as the significance of this
object in the culture as a whole, its value, then, by whom precisely it was prepared, what people have to it
one or other relation or another, and so on, and so forth. Well let us, for example, visualize this situation:
you went for a walk and they found some incomprehensible [stekljashku]. [Stekljashka] to you was
pleased and you placed it into the pocket. She did acquire for you emotional value? Probably, once
already you it did not reject. But this value is very and very small. It is so small, that in the week you
already forgot about [stekljashke] and only it was it they did not reject together with some rubbish, which
were accumulated in the pocket. But at the moment - it is permitted - next to you proved to be familiar to
you jeweller. And he said to you: Wait- kA, is surrendered to me, that this is the diamond of the cleanest
water! Examination confirmed - so it there is. The emotional value of [stekljashki] grew into ten, and
that hundreds of times! Even the emotional value of that episode, when you found [stekljashku], grew
for you. You now and that day and hour, and that locality will remember entire life! What did occur?
From your own consciousness you knew how to extract not this already large emotional value of the
obtained object. So that this value would grow, you was required reinforcement from without: the
knowledge, which are concerned this [stekljashki], accumulated in the culture.

Or you in the house have a antiquarian object of furniture - old cabinet, which very to you roads. But why
it to you is expensive? It is simple thus? Possibly. But if you suddenly did cross out from your
consciousness the fact that this thing it did manage your great-grandfather, of relationship with whom
you greatly do be proud, because it was by prominent persona with the tsarist court, and the fact that this
cabinet was made from the present and thinnest mahogany, and the fact that it does cost on the present
times of fabulous sums of money, and the fact that you do remember this cabinet from the very moment
of your generation, there would be it for you then is already expensive? I think, no. You would relate to it
as to the cheap contemporary faceless object of furniture from [DSP]. And only because in this case
would prove to be they were excluded some external characteristics of object - external with respect to
The fact is that all people in the realized or unconscious selection of preferences rest on the emotional
significances, which are similar for [sotsiuma], i.e., to the socially acknowledged emotional significances.
This socially acknowledged emotional painting of objects is transferred partially by the energy channel.
However, even if this channel overlapped (that we we make, locking shielding shell at first stage) - it
nevertheless continues to influence man. Why? Because from one man to the next the potential emotional
significance of objects is transferred not only directly - by energy way, through the sensations, but also
indirectly. I.e., emotional significance of object in that case transmitted to you from other people does not
become your personal significance - but you it nevertheless receive as significance, socially
acknowledged significance. This occurs completely involuntary, independent of our will. And in reality
this very well - that we cannot end this process by the effort of will or in an even any manner.
Indeed you do not be our his, [sotsium] simply would be pulled down, deprived of emotional cement.
But this process has one consequence: entire our culture, everything that we understand about the
surrounding peace, all coordinates, in which we conduct our life, everything is tied on these indirect
emotional significances.
Everything all around is so pierced by these social emotional significances, which does not be necessary
to be surprised at that fact that the personal emotional significance of object very often occurs
considerably lower than indirect, social significances.
Just as it does not be necessary to be surprised so that man depends on a constant inflow of emotions
from without, indeed otherwise, as we already understood, without these external data about the object to
us not to form our emotional significance.
We, of course, should consider this in its work - indeed how much we not allotted one or other our
purpose or another by emotional significance, she nevertheless never will reach the level of significance,
supported socially! She will simply remain something spectral - existing only in our consciousness, she
will not become reality even for our consciousness and all the more never he will form external reality
either for us themselves or for others. For example, you decided to build in yourselves in the garden
section spaceport - second Baikonur. You from all forces saturate this your purpose by emotional
significance. But she nevertheless in no way is entered in the socially acceptable significances! To you set
of external elements does not be sufficient for the giving to this purpose of the necessary degree of
emotional significance. You do not have rockets, which you will start, you do not succeed in persuading
cosmonauts to take off from your spaceport, to you logical substantiations do not be sufficient - why
spaceport is necessary precisely in your section, to you does not be sufficient finally the permission of
authorities and approval of neighbors. I.e., one as soon as significance of this idea for you personally and
for your internal peace it is insufficient for the realization of your purpose!
If we consider entire that state aboved, it is not surprising that our current emotional state in the
enormous degree depends on its kind of exchange of substances - the unique metabolism of the most
different emotional significances! By Dada, you - to me, I to you, according to this principle lives our
peace, and emotional values in this peace -also. Simply it was not possible to carry out not one idea, to
achieve not one goal - all brilliant ideas so they died without this mutual overflow and mutual additional
supply, without having been born, in the brain of their great creators. Not one book will see light, if it is
important and interesting only for its author. Neither radio nor telephone nor computer appeared never in
our life, if these things did not prove to be necessary and useful for many people, for [sotsiuma] as a

whole, and not only for those, who invented them. For the embodiment the ideas into the life must merge
together several sources of emotional significances.

Exchange of emotions in the world

Give let us be dismantled as it follows with the fact, as this emotional exchange between the man
and the society occurs, yes even generally for which it to us is necessary.
With the fact, as it passes, everything is simple: if already emotions in principle act on man and if they
are involuntary both energetically and indirectly, they are transferred to neighbor, then it cannot be so that
in [sotsiume] would not be established some mechanism of exchange. [Sotsium] lives in the united
emotional field - this is why still so with difficulty it is to get rid of its authority! Socially acceptable
values are painted emotionally - otherwise they would not be values. The socially acceptable means of
life can to you become loathsome but it will continue to climb to you into the soul and to tie itself to you
together with the emotions of those surrounding. In order to be pulled out from th means of life e
accepted in [sotsiume], necessary, that method of life another acceptable for you would begin be
supported to also emotionally not only by you, from within, but also would be obtained the set of the
elements of support from without!
Now let us be dismantled with the fact, why this emotional exchange is necessary to man. It is very
simple: his man uses as a booster agent for the regulation of our own emotional balance.
We know that the human being attempts to avoid negative emotions and to test positive. Furthermore, we
know that the positive emotional state is short-lived, since it stimulates the central ascending current and
is rapidly compensated by enkephalins, and negative lasts somewhat longer (because stimulates the
central downflow and detains its own compensation). But we know that the at rest emotional balance
slowly is shifted to the negative side (therefore rest it gradually overgrows into the boredom - into the
state badly).
What it can subconsiously want men? To first, prolong positive state. In the second place, more rapidly to
get rid of the negative.
Of course it subconsiously comes into action.
What does make men with the positive emotions? It splashes out them outside - to the surrounding people
and to the surrounding objects. Why?
In order to prolong their action on itself. Indeed they soon will end, because of the compensation N-
kephalin -[endorfinovoj] of system.
But so So man preserves them for himself. Indeed splash out these emotions, first of all, on those, who
to man are close (we we give to them smiles, compliments), or to th objects e close to it (we we decorate
its apartment) - and, correspondingly, increases the potential positive emotional significance of these
objects! And already these objects begin to emit emotional significance to the man - they pay to it by the
same! It as if put its values in the actions, which bring big enough dividends, and now it cuts coupons
from inserted wealth! Positive state thus is prolonged - it is packed into something the external, which
stores and returns this positive state to owner! You arrived from the work detuned, they proved to be in
the house, with the love by you [obustroennom] and [obikhazhivaemom], you look and it improved. Thus
we make the reserves of emotional significances and use them as needed.
Moreover with each following at once, with the repeated contacts with the object, man perceives only
more positive emotions, than it is earlier. I.e., these objects increase the difference of the emotional
potentials of that emotional field, in which there is a man, because grows force and power of positive
It usually splashes out the thus, positive emotions of men outside. But which does make men with the
negative emotions?
Here there can be several versions. The first version by sign to some people, which, being in the negative
state, are locked in themselves and they begin to suffer, sometimes even specially winding and making
burning hot themselves according to the principle well and let to me be still more badly). What this, is
simple [mazokhizm]? No, in this behavior, it is however strange, to eat the definite meaning: twisting
itself leads to sharp raising of the level of enkephalins, which, in turn, activates the [endorfinovuju]

system, which here is aimed for the normalization of state. And nevertheless this is completely irrational
way - indeed it does not lead to the solution of problem.
Second version: when man attempts somehow to be distracted or to make to himself a gift, to gladden
himself. This, as a rule, either does not help at all or it helps to the very short period. Naturally, this is
also irrational version, because furthermore it does not lead to the solution of problem.
The third version use people, which know how and which love to pour out negative on others, as a rule,
on whom it fell, who under the hand will fall, especially on those, who do not please themselves, but are
that also to the close and dear people. In this case in those people, on whom is sent this entire the flow of
negative, naturally, it is lowered emotional background, which leads to weakening of the central
ascending current, and, as a result, they become vulnerable, less protected. But the one who, strictly, and
splashed out on them this entire negative, on the contrary, he feels, which to it improved, and it begins to
perceive itself more elevated. But this also not method, since only short term lightening, in addition
gives. It is not justified in the prolonged interval of time, since: A) it is not possible to ad infinitum
reduce the emotional level of neighbors, and b) negative emotional induction from the neighbors in the
final analysis percolates into the consciousness of that, who arranged this negative to them, and he
becomes worse than the previous. This is how the proverb is confirmed: Evil is disadvantageous!
Fourth version: when man irritates himself so strongly and sharply, that changes the quality of his
negative emotions: for example, the offense is converted into anger. The ascending current
simultaneously is strengthened. This is already good, because anger - the design emotion, which leads to
the splash of negative not on whom it fell, namely to the source of problem and, possibly, freed thus
energy helps to solve problem, to somehow convert [se]. Sometimes even it is useful to make completely
consciously such things - indeed often it is, that sits in the soul some splinter, almost unconscious, but
living it interfere withs. But if we irritate this wound to consciously and take out this splinter (this it can
prove to be and the long ago forgotten offense, and the secret malice to the offender), then the concealed
stopped up feelings begin to be manifested opened and it is stormy, offense passes into anger (, until now,
you they suffered: Ah, poor I, for which me thus?, and now arrived other feelings: Yes as it is daring,
[podonok], so with me to manage - with me, which is worthy the most deferential attitude! ), i.e., into
the more design river bed, and rises the activity, directed toward the solution of problem.
I.e., negative emotions also can participate in the social exchange, true, of a somewhat paradoxical
But to us, as you wonderfully understand, is considerably more important another: that that the emotions
can be postponed not only by people, but also to the objects, to the phenomena, to the concepts, to the
ideas - to everything which participates in the [sotsioemotsionalnom] exchange.
Thus, we can draw the important conclusion: if in the very man of emotion rapidly they get into
equilibrium, then their introduction in the social exchange significantly increases the duration of their
action and it in the final analysis serves as if reserve for the man. This, it goes without saying, can be
used for our purposes.

Transfer of the emotional values

Thus, besides the transfer of emotions from to man to the man, there is a transfer of emotions to the
objects, the relations, the concepts, the ideas. Precisely this transfer playing in our life considerably more
important role than even transfer from one man to the next!
Indeed precisely this transfer of emotional values for the objects serves as a reason for the appearance of
the powerful emotional vectors, which force humanity to be developed in that direction, in which it is
There is a vector - there is a development. There is no vector - there is no motion. But it means, there are
no desires, there is no happiness from their performance, from the achievements, from the motion to the
best. There is nothing, besides the satisfaction of basic physiological needs.
If we [ovladeem] the transfer technique of potential emotional values are outside, then we will know how
to create the emotional vector, which supports us in the realization of our purposes and which implicates
into this motion of others.

And for this for us one must reveal on the globe of our consciousness, in its virtual space two zones - it
is pleasant and it is unpleasant.

The step of 6[a]. the detection of zone is pleasant in the virtual space of the consciousness

Give let us strain memory let us find there several pleasant recollections. This there can be the
recollections glad, merry or simply recollection about those moments of the life, when you felt
yourselves comfortably purely physically, when to you it was pleasant, when you were contented. I.e.,
this must be the recollections, connected with any positive emotions.
Settle [poudobnee], covered eyes. We begin to examine the first recollection. We recall first, that this was,
since we in this case perceived with each of the sensory organs, then state itself, when it was well, we
reproduce this state in the sensations at the given moment. We a little strengthen the central ascending
current. We form the integral sensation of recollection. Then according to the same diagram we recall the
following pleasant episode- and join it to previous. With the following recollection we make the same.
We define the zone of their intersection in the virtual space.
Thus, repeating the sequence of these actions several times, we is tracked the zone of intersection of the
integral sensations of pleasant recollections. We memorize it. We reject concentration, it is discovered
It is noticeable! We found our zone pleasantly. General between these recollections only that that they
were accompanied by the ejection of endorphins! Here we found the zone of virtual space, which
corresponds to these ejections. You will focus attention, that this zone is located in our virtual space not
far from the zone good, but nevertheless it does not coincide with it.
But to verify the quality of work is very simple: you will displace the focal point of your consciousness,
point I [esm] into the discovered zone. And immediately you will note, as mood begins to be raised and
the central ascending current is strengthened! It is simply excellent!
But now let us find inner zone unpleasantly.

Step ' b. the detection of zone is unpleasant in the virtual space of the consciousness

But now, [pokopavshis] in the memory, let us select several unpleasant recollections - this there can
be the recollections, unpleasant physically, terrible, sad, disgusting I.e., connected with any negative
emotions. Settle [poudobnee], covered eyes. We study the first recollection according to the same
diagram, that we used also with the good recollections: i.e., first we recall, which this such was, then we
reproduce all our sensations of that moment, everything, which was received by all sensory organs, then
we reproduce sensation itself, as this was badly. Then we a little strengthen the central ascending current.
The integral sensation of recollection is formed. To it we join the integral sensation of the following poor
recollection from th number e selected by you, created according to the same diagram, then even one- is
tracked the zone of their intersection in the virtual space.
We memorize the position of this zone. We reject concentration, it is discovered eye.
Here you revealed the zone unpleasantly, situated on the intersection of several unpleasant
recollections in your virtual space. You noted that this zone was located not far from the zone badly,
but it does not coincide with it. And if you mix point I [esm] into the zone unpleasantly, then this
sharply spoils mood and decreases the central ascending current. For us it is necessary to make for the
solution of our problems and this.
Natural question: why to us are necessary zones pleasantly and it is unpleasant, perhaps it is
insufficient to us zones good and it is bad? Answer is also natural and is simple: the fact is that
values good either badly " appear post factum, already after situation it remained in the past, we it
consider from the positions of present, evaluating that occurred as good or badly. We can still such
estimations not give at very moment of the flow of this situation, they appear more lately. Indeed it
occurs, which that which seemed us good, afterward proves to be in reality poor, and vice versa.
But here such sensations as it is pleasant or it is unpleasant, are more direct, we experience them at
very moment of unwinding situation. Furthermore, it is pleasant and it is good - this completely not

synonyms, also as is bad and is unpleasant - far from one and the same. Indeed there is in the life of
each man a set of the recollections, which, from one side, are unpleasant, but they in the final analysis
prove to be good. For example, kinds. Or the treatment of sick tooth. There are pleasant recollections
about the events, which subsequently are evaluated as poor. For example, treason to husband (wife). Or
gluttony at the holiday table.
The already once and for all appropriated estimation good or badly cannot give birth to no motion -
indeed this is the already thickening, fixed estimation. But us interests precisely motion! Therefore we
will use poles pleasantly and it is unpleasant - as more living more mobile. The motion of thought
catches by vector from unpleasantly to pleasantly - and this is the most acceptable method of motion
in the unknown regions, in which for us one must move. To us are necessary precisely these two poles of
the sensations - it is pleasant and it is unpleasant, relative to which is not made a evaluation good
this or it is bad. Indeed precisely with the aid of the sensation pleasantly we can create in the external
peace, namely at its unstudied levels, pole good (and this it will be completely direct good, imprinted
in our sensations, but not in the rational estimations, given post factum), but with the aid of the sensation
unpleasantly we we can create in the external peace pole badly (and this it will be also the quite true,
given in the sensations badly), and therefore we obtain the possibility to begin so the necessary for us
Here now, when we revealed zones pleasantly and it is unpleasant, we can for the first time properly
transfer emotional significance to any object, idea, concept. If to be precise, then we can never even
create emotional significance it earlier was not, where, and thus push slightly ourselves and others to the
motion in the still unmastered direction! This is improbable before prospect for us with you, yes even for
entire humanity.

The step of 7[a]. creation in the external peace of pole is good

Select the purpose in the form of object, concept, task or idea. Note: people as this purpose cannot
be selected, since, in the first place, this is not entirely ethical, but in the second place, people - are the
usually too significant objects, and to us for the beginning it is better to be trained on the not too
important [veshi].
We shut eyes. We find in our virtual space the region, which corresponds to th purpose e selected by us.
We displace this region into the inner zone pleasantly, simultaneously strengthening the central
ascending current. As soon as they coincided, we start to saturate the received conglomeration as energy
of the central ascending current - is formed the energy cluster, which absorbed into itself and very zone of
our purpose, and the imprint of zone it is pleasant. We continue to saturate - thus far sensation will not
appear, that the energy absorption begins to decrease, but mood spasmodically is improved
Continuing to preserve the intensive central ascending current, is concluded this cluster from its virtual
space we outside and attach it on any attribute of our purpose - this can be any conditional attribute, is not
compulsory purpose itself, but something with it that associating: figure, symbol, etc if we your purpose,
for example, return examination, i.e. attribute can be final book grow prettier by estimation in it. If there
is no material object, which corresponds to purpose, - it is not terrible, we are simply concluded outside,
possible high highly overhead, our idea, the means of our purpose we combine the saturated by energy
cluster with it. Now jerkily we interrupt contact - and it is prepared!
The more the energy of the central ascending current we pumped into our future emotional pole, the
better. Those more powerful it will influence. Verify - you will recall object, purpose - and you will
perceive, as it will literally stretch you to it (naturally, it will stretch to the positive result - and
examination, for example, you you will return on excellently). But if you will move into this region point
I [esm], then you it will literally pour by the heat wave and pleasantness.
Give let us try to now work with the negative pole.

The step of 7[b]. creation in the external peace of pole is bad

Select the purpose (more accurate, anti-purpose - that that you assume as the starting point of
motion, then, what you would want to avoid) in the form of object, concept, task or idea. People it is, in
addition better not to select from the ethical considerations and as a result of the extraordinary importance
of this purpose as men.
We shut eyes. We find in our virtual space the region, which corresponds to th purpose e selected by us.
Let us mix it into the inner zone unpleasantly, simultaneously by strengthening the central ascending
current. As soon as these regions coincided, we start to saturate the received conglomeration as energy of
the central ascending current - is formed the energy cluster, which absorbed into itself and the idea of
purpose, and the imprint of zone it is unpleasant. We continue to saturate thus far it will not appear
sensation, that the energy absorption begins to decrease, but mood jumps.
Continuing to preserve the intensive central ascending current, is concluded this cluster from its virtual
space we outside and attach it on any of the attributes of our purpose (by something, with the purpose
associated). If material object no we is simply concluded outside, let us say, high highly overhead, our
idea, the means of our purpose we combine the saturated by energy cluster with it. Now jerkily we
interrupt contact, interrupting connection! Interrupting contact, we exactly leave entire introduced by us
energy reserve outside.
The more th pole e created by us will be saturated by energy - the higher will be the power of its work,
connection here absolutely straight line. Verify: now, when you recall your anti-purpose, you it will
literally fling away from it! But if we already move there point I am seven Result will be
outstanding! In the sense of the force of impression
Pole badly with its creation will outside help us to design starting point for the constructed emotional
vector - i.e., that point, being repulsed from which, we will be able with the acceleration to move to our
desired point good.
So that we recently did make? We created the energy cluster, which is found in the external space, but
connected with our idea of object and with the emotional zones!
Consequently, this cluster is implicated into the energy exchange - and it simultaneously extends around
itself emotional significance! Everything which includes this cluster, concept, object or idea - it makes
with social value. I.e., it now influences both you and other people, creating around itself the network of
the emotional values, around which the people involuntary are oriented (who to one side, who into
another), they enter into the interrelations, which then will return to you in the form emotional orientators
and emotional support.
I congratulate you! This is reaching colossally not only by the fact that you for the first time created
emotional significance arbitrarily, but also thereby that you created emotional significances for other
people, after presenting to them a difference in the values of emotional field, and consequently,
possibility for their reaching, and consequently, happiness of life!!! This is - the part OF CREATION. I
congratulate you.

And to us can prove useful one additional psychological method - with the small energy-
information modification. It appears simply and superficially, but it is in reality very important and
convenient. Is the fact is that to us sometimes necessary the reserve of energy (which there are it nothing
else but stored up the motivations of for achievement one or other purpose or another, generally for any
motion). This it stored up energy not always near at hand - because not always the solution of simple
problems is capable of in earnest interesting man, who possesses significant possibilities. But also it is
necessary to solve these simple problems in our life. Therefore, so that our consciousness would
automatically create significant emotional and energy splash when this necessarily, to us it is useful to
have near at hand small reserve of the unused motivation. It is created very simply. It even it is not
necessary to designate as one additional step of the system of habits [DEIR].
Bring to itself the habit: after the breakfast, for example, of times or two in the week, having already
brewed to itself coffee or after greasing sandwich - before it is, toss up coin. In this case it is necessary to
satisfy two conditions: the first - so that you actually they would want to eat that the fact that to itself they
prepared, and the second - so that you would make this sandwich, completely without expecting to as a
result from it refuse. You will solve for itself: if coin falls out, let us say, by eagle - for you it is necessary
to put off sandwich (although to you this and it does not want), to set aside cup and to leave [nesolono]
[khlebavshi] in its further matters - for the work, for example. Approximately ten minutes after failure of
your desire you will perceive certain vague dissatisfaction. But the flow of vague dissatisfaction - this is a
flow of energy for overcoming this dissatisfaction. Find the source of this vague uneasiness in your
virtual space and [perenapravte] the radiated by it energy into the inner zone good (but if we make this
with the zone pleasantly, effect sharply it will be strengthened). Uneasiness will calm down itself, and
the state of light elevation will appear. It is magnificent! But the motivation, directed toward the
unfinished actions, anywhere will not disappear. Now, if you cost before some drawn your attention by
interesting task, the fixation of the incomplete motivation in the zone will cease well - and it will leave
outside, increasing tenfold your initial impulse. Th energy e freed from the [nesedennogo] sandwich you
can direct toward other, truly great matters!
Thus, we mastered the base the of transfer technique of emotional values outside.
But this thus far only of technology - and we with you know that everything they solve not strictly
technology, but the sequence of their application. What we can build from the modules, which were
studied? How to use them?
We further and will have a talk on this. But thus far we sum up.
We can create emotional significance in the external peace so that it is formed powerful emotional vector

in the environment, not only supporting us on the way to purpose, but also creating emotional orientators
for others.


Thus, we are ready to have a talk about the first aspect of our task - about a change in the peace,
about the creation in it of new. This part, as you have already long ago understood, is of compiling of
emotional vector - that which is necessary and to us, and surrounding. Indeed knowledge and creation
without happiness of life are unthinkable. But happiness is created only by the motion of thought, man,
society between the emotional poles. Is such [dannost] of our peace.
Technically we can transfer the emotional of pole outside. It is now necessary to be dismantled as to
combine those studied by us technology so that the vector would work.
But this requires satisfaction of several important conditions: the created vector must correspond
precisely to you, and motion in it must bring to you satisfaction. It must be self-developed and help to
advance. It must bring happiness.
This not such already and simple conditions, isn't that true? But their only observance can open peace in
its entire beauty. And in order to reach this, it is necessary to relate to the life with the love.

Truth of the emotional poles

Certain, it would be erroneously to create such emotional significances, which do not correspond to
the already prevailing emotional structure in the external peace. Indeed each of us already has some their
emotional orientators, values - are that which is important from a emotional point of view for us, and to
eat that the fact that it is not important. I.e., in each man there is its own internal emotional peace. We can
create external peace only in accordance with the fact that already there exists in our internal peace. But
another external peace, which does not correspond so that do we have inside, to us, in the essence, and is
not necessary. Visualize that you have the clearly expressed humanitarian abilities, you suffer
mathematics and physics cannot, then you love literature, painting, music. And someone omnipotent, let
us suppose here to you promises simply so, on no account not - is worth you only wanting about which
the career of great mathematician, and you will become even Nobel laureate! But if to you mathematics is
absolutely uninteresting and even it is disgusting - you will forego this brilliant life, because it does not
correspond to your internal emotional values. But to build its life in accordance with the internal
emotional values - most important condition of happiness. Otherwise any career will be not into
happiness, but it will bring only flour.
The so that constructed by us outside vector, which leads us from the pole it is bad to the pole good,
it must, of course, correspond to our internal, subconsious, true desires.
Which occurs, when we attempt to realize the purposes, which do not correspond to true desires, we with
you already know, was passed this at the second step. No one is necessary this purpose, and to you - first
of all.
You did understand, to what this I do conduct? Yes before taking up the creation of th peace e outside
desired for us, we must verify to the truth that emotional pole, for which we strive!
But already this we also learned to do, when the discussion dealt with th purpose e desired for us. But in
the case with the emotional pole there is a small problem. It consists in the fact that when we create new
emotional significance outside, she automatically enters also into our internal peace, it becomes by the
component of that of already existing inside the emotional diagram! I.e., from one side, this emotional
significance begins to be received and to treat as our own emotional part and it starts as consciousness
and subconsciousness without the sensation of contradiction - but from other side, this emotional
significance nevertheless can contradict the trends of development of th emotional values e already
available to us, although we can this not feel, after accepting this new value unconditionally as our!
What as a result does occur? Yes nothing good. Man entire life strives for the realization of his purpose
by that by, being sincerely convinced that the desire to reach it is true and that this purpose is extremely
necessary to it. It expends life on achieving of this goal - as a result, its [dostignuv], it is convinced, that

this nothing of the kind, which to it is in reality must. As a result - the bitter disappointment, the sensation
of the in vain spent decades and regret about the fact that it is not possible to begin life first in order to
live it to more intelligently and find in it the real significance. You will recall at least known history about
baron [Mjunkhgauzena], who, after seeing peacock, solved, that the bird with so excellent a tail assembly
must possess the same exquisite voice, and it spent numerous forces on that in order to hear this
marvellous singing. There was how its disappointment, when instead of the paradisiacal sounds to its ear
appeared some disharmonious and sharp scream. Thus and people strive very often for the fact that by
them it is in no way necessary, only because they created for themselves the emotional value, which
clashes with the needs of its own subconsciousness.
Since to be - if the purpose, converted into the emotional pole, does cease to recognize as foreign? It is
very simple: it is necessary to check the truth of value, object or concept, with which we intend to work,
still before we converted them into the emotional pole.
But still - they must be checked in the development, in the process of their existence. Indeed our feelings
can change, and that what is today true value, tomorrow it can already become obsolete and become
unnecessary load. But how to achieve this testing? Technically - it is sufficiently simple. You to do this
know how - check against the truth your purpose exactly as you made at the second step, only do not
forget, that necessary to carry out this testing before you will form from your purpose emotional pole.
Let us examine the technology of compiling emotional vector based on example. I do not want to give the
examples, connected with the socially not painted value, because then a example will prove to be
incomprehensible. We will take a example with the object, not deprived of social value, but which does
not have active positive painting for [mikrosotsiuma], which surrounds the creator of vector. (But
consider that your purpose you must find independently, indeed the same creation, and you themselves
they must complete this discovery for yourselves, after creating emotional value from the fact that still
recently was unimportant, after converting indifferent and impersonal into that gripping and emotionally
meant; therefore examine this example of altogether only as a example, but not as guide to action).
Let us suppose you intend to build dacha or to take section in horticulture, although there is no money to
this like and family council did not advance this question for the examination, since no one, besides you,
in the family about this dreams. Idea soars in your consciousness, but, in spite of the possibility of the
fourth and fifth step, you not especial- that move in the necessary direction. Why? We already know
answer - too usual a by and large task, you can it manage even without the special expenditures of energy,
therefore desire is some not hotter. But with the dacha it would be better than without it. And here then
you decide to create the emotional vector (certainly, for such socially painted tasks we we use the habits
of the second step, but, as we spoke, the second stage of fifth step is a little similar to the second,
although it is already new level with respect to the second step). As the poles: you have a dacha (plus)
and you remain without the dacha (minus).
We will examine the phases of compiling emotional vector based on the example of this dacha itself.

Step of 8[a]. checking the truth of the positive pole

Settle [poudobnee]. Eyes were shut. They caused in the consciousness the object, which you be
going to convert into the emotional pole (in this case dacha).
We strengthen the central ascending current and we begin to examine object, causing in its imagination of
sensation from purpose itself, from the process of its reaching, visualizing, as you reach purpose and as
you reached it, we represent at the sensation level, as we will feel ourselves, when purpose realizes. In the
virtual space the integral sensation of purpose is formed. We evaluate positive sensations, their intensity
and saturation.
We begin sinking into the standard state. In the standard state we continue the examination of integral
sensation. Emotions must be strengthened. If strengthenings did not occur, then we begin to vary our
vision of purpose, until strengthenings occurs.
Now we continue to examine purpose in all details. Very soon you will note that in the consciousness
only one element of this purpose will remain, as if absorbed entire emotional painting. (For example, this
element - the collection of berries from its own beds, precisely, this causes in you the most complete

range of the emotions, connected with this object as dacha; this there can be so ideas about the fact that
you lie at the chaise lounge on your six hundredths; and can, the most complete sensations in you cause
fact itself that now you have its house.) excellently!
You selected that only element, which organically enters into the collection of your emotional values, it
does not interfere with to them and it can be positive. I will immediately say that in practice, when you
will create pole from the object, not socially painted, emotions will be at first weak, practically
imperceptible. But strengthening positive sensations in the standard state can in this case reach the
significant magnitude. If the decrease of positive emotions occurred or, it is still worse, the flow of
negative emotions - this means that your purpose does not befit as the material for creating the emotional
pole and it is necessary to search for something another. I.e., your desire is not true!
But if positive sensations grow from the examination of the pictures of your realized dream - that purpose
is true and corresponds to the deep demands of your subconsciousness.
Now we in exactly the same manner should verify negative pole to the truth. Certainly, it must not be
emotional indifferent.

Step 86. Checking the truth of the negative pole

Settle [poudobnee]. Eyes were shut. They caused in the consciousness the object, which you be
going to convert into the negative emotional pole.
We strengthen the central ascending current and we begin to examine object according to the diagram: as
you now relate to your negative object, which occurs with it now, which will be, if it will remain in your
life. In the virtual space the integral sensation of negative factor is formed. We evaluate negative
sensations, their intensity and saturation.
We begin sinking into the standard state. In the standard state we continue the examination of integral
sensation. Emotions must be strengthened. If strengthenings did not occur, then we begin to vary our
vision of purpose, until strengthenings occurs.
Now we continue to examine purpose in all details. Very soon you will note that in the consciousness
only one element will remain, as if absorbed entire emotional painting. That which causes the most
negative emotions during the recollection about your negative factor. (For example, this negative factor -
that that you are forced in summer to live not on the dacha, but in the stuffy city, and the most negative
emotions cause the fact that your child it will rummage in the sandbox of court- well, bathe in the creek
and sport on the green lawn.) it is magnificent instead of!
We found material for the pole. Certainly, you understand, that if the negative emotions in the standard
state are not strengthened, then it is necessary to search for another pole. But if they are strengthened,
which means, pole it is incorporated in our existing system of values as necessarily. Pole is found!
The now following task - it is necessary to verify, will be our vector it must developed further, so that the
motion, begun in this direction, would not stop, but it continued, opening further space for the activity.
For most usual dacha as for the already painted with social significances purpose, this not too and
importantly - but if you create something new, what earlier it was not the analogs: new newspaper,
transfer, mode, club, scientific work, trade union, firm, product, method (to say nothing of actually new
things, for which in me and words it will not be located, because as it was possible to name the theory of
universal gravitation or cultural agriculture before their appearance?), the possibility of development it is
principally important.

Self-development of the significances

Actually, emotional vector must be developed. Otherwise from it there is no great benefit and
furthermore it will leave after itself the unique constellation of the emotional significances, which do not
lead anywhere. For example, you created the emotional vector, directed toward the building of dacha, and
it only advanced, and then it took and it was chilled, stopped in the development. As a result you
purchased section, but further the matter did not go. Neither house nor flower garden nor vegetable-
garden - so your acquisition will hang on you by dead weight, and something you interfere with this dead

center move. As a result child as before in summer in the city, and from your subconsciousness
completely inopportunely float up the pictures of the collection of harvest, slack lying in the chaise
lounge, bathings in the creek Nothing, besides irritation and constant vague uneasiness, in the soul
because of the unfinished matter this is caused.
This uneasiness, can in the course of time, and it will pass (when you are finally subdued with the fact
that there was no dacha and will not be), but also in you, and in other people, which participated in the
work of this vector, certain emotional surplus is formed - they were given like the force to something, and
so were not used, [protukhli]. This is the not very pleasant sensation, which is accompanied by a feeling
of disappointment.
But here if vector will be developed - then all in the order, you will not stop at half way, you realize all
your purposes and significances how you will gladden yourselves and others. And dreams about their
own strawberries and about post-meridian leisure in the shadow of their own apple trees will become
reality, and you will see child in that situation, which most is suitable for a child in summer: tanned, that
were being bought and eaten till full fresh cucumbers from the greenhouse.
Consequently, we should verify, is capable our vector of the development. To make this is very simple: it
is necessary to only ascertain that the emotional sum of positive pole and results of its reaching is more
than the emotional significance of pole itself.

Step 9. Checking the self-development of the emotional vector

Settle [poudobnee], covered eyes. They caused in their consciousness future positive pole. We
examine it, simultaneously strengthening the ascending current. Soon they will appear weak (indeed pole
as such we yet they did not create) positive emotions. They memorized their level.
It is immersed into the standard state. In the standard state we continue to check future positive pole,
emotions begin to be strengthened and finally reach fixed level. Now we add to the means in question
one after another the results of achieving this goal (they purchased section - they left construction
materials - they cultivated the earth - they placed the foundation of house - they built walls, roof, they
glazed windows - they gathered the first harvest - we rest in the chaise lounge). We record the level of
emotions! They must be strengthened.
If this it does not occur, then we repeat the step of 8[a], checking the elements of purpose and finding the
pair: the element of purpose - one of the results of achievement of the objective (the purchase of
section - section in our property, the building of house - house it is built), until we reveal the pair,
which leads to the powerful emotional strengthening. It is wonderful!
Here we further will work with this pair. Specifically, she is capable of ensuring further emotional
development to us.
But as we with you already know, if our own emotional significance increases, then it is transmitted
further with a increase. For someone of those surrounding further strengthening it will pass to the positive
side, in someone into the negative - but apathetic will remain no one. Emotional significance grows in all.
And this is wonderful! Because motion from minus plus brings satisfaction - and it will be prolonged
further and it is further.
Now we are ready to speak strictly about compiling of emotional vector - the united entire, uniting pole
and the field of emotional significances created.

Beyond each horizon - happiness

We with you approached the last part of the chapter, dedicated to emotions, in which we summarize
already studied of technology and let us learn to create emotional vector- that which will help us to
introduce into the life new purposes, tasks, happiness, interesting and to us, and other.
What we yet did not examine? Certainly, we did not speak about how to connect the pole of emotional
significances so that they would work together, creating between themselves the field of emotional
But we already so many passed, that this will seem us we dry by trifle. Well, then my respected readers,

Let us first transfer the steps, necessary for compiling of vector.
It is first, necessary clearly to formulate, as we see the emotional space, which we create, and is clear to
visualize this emotional space. Here I to you nothing not to smog to advise, because this your, and only
your space, and it will be completely new for our peace. And if the not pleasing themselves you
circumstances of your life serve as negative pole for it, it will the fact that serve as positive - to decide
only to you Indeed even in principle it does not exist in the light, it new - it your, and only your.
Thus, you formulated the coordinates of future emotional space.
Those in the second place, selected of pole must be verified to the truth.
Thirdly, it is necessary to verify, will be developed positive emotional pole.
Fourthly, it is necessary to create negative pole.
Fifthly, it is necessary to wait several minutes so that the negative pole would be incorporated in your
emotional system, after creating starting point for the incorporation of positive pole.
Sixthly, it is necessary to create the positive pole, which will be the more powerful, the more completely
the negative pole was integrated into your system of significances.
In the seventh, it is necessary to combine pole into the vector of emotional significances.

Step 10. Formation of the emotional vector

Settle [poudobnee], eyes were shut. They strengthened the central ascending current. They found in
the environment negative pole. They established with it the energy connection (best to move into its
region point I seven). Without interrupting energy contact with the negative pole, we find pole
As soon as we this made, we begin to perceive how powerful energy flux was formed between the
negative and positive poles! We interrupt contact!
Fine people! You can verify the result of your labor, if through several minutes, after being distracted and
after thinking about by anything other, you will recall any of facts, objects or concepts, designated by you
as the negative pole.
You it will literally sweep by emotional flow - and you with the consternation will reveal that it is
worthwhile to only recall negative fact, as thoughts by themselves here displace to the positive! It is
wonderful! We with you for the first time created emotional vector in the external space! We created new
human reality!
We created on the colorless thus far phenomena the space, in which can be developed our reason. This is
improbable in its depth reaching. And it can bring much good and happiness into this peace.

What now?
It is now necessary to remember about the fact that we can support existence of this space. We can use
methods of emotional stimulation ourselves to the achievement of the objective, as five are described in
step, we can strengthen negative and positive pole, [perenosja] on them and to the connected with them

circumstances all new emotional significances We possess the additional reserve of motivation in order
to actively advance. But component - this is the already matter of personal fantasy and needs of each.
You will say that this is not too simple? But this knowledge cannot appear simple, because we speak
about the creation of new emotional domain. New - this means that there is no its creation before the
report! But then from where to undertake to emotional support even with the mastery of material? Indeed
if stars ignite, which means, this to someone necessarily
But you, my readers and students, can very much. To you this on the forces.
Try to change your life. Try to add into it paints and sense. Try to reach first small - and the creation of
the new horizons will become for you the captivating and dear matter. It is worthwhile to live for this -
indeed we create new peace.
Thus, we know how to create new emotional space for ourselves and for others. It will help us to reach
new, that not existed before. It will allow us to direct the thought, capable to act on the events of our with
you peace. Indeed this thought is most effective precisely in the [novosozdannom] space of significances!
I congratulate you! That, to what you learned, this skill OF CREATING. Number of people, which can
this from nature, probably of one on entire terrestial globe. I be proud by you. The first task, confronting
us, is executed. One, remained.
Let us total - and again into the way!
The vector of emotional significance creates for us by the most emotional support, which helps to reach
new. Without
emotional poles motion at the [nadsotsialnom] level is impossible.
The vector of emotional significance exists also for other people. It automatically creates emotional
paintings, making positive pole with social value. It creates new space for moving humanity forward.
Emotional support to thought - condition of that so that the thought would be efficient. But in the new
space of emotional significances the force of thought increases dozens of times, because we keep abreast
of peace.
To us it remained to master the information technicians of efficient thoughts. But about this we will have
a talk in the second part of this book.


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