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Natural Science / Vocabulary / 4th Grade Primary School Colegio La Presentacin de Granada

Unit 5. Interaction and health

English Espaol
Vital function Funcin vital
Human being Ser humano
Sense Sentido
Sight Vista
Hearing Escucha
Smell Olfato
Taste Tacto
Touch Gusto
Stimulus Estmulo
To send Enviar
Brain Cerebro
Sense organs rgano de los sentidos
To receive Recibir
Surrounding Alrededor
Nervous system Sistema nervioso
To respond Responder
Musculoskeletal system Sistema musculoesqueltico
To allow Permitir
Response Respuesta
Eyeball Globo ocular
Eye Ojo
Iris Iris
Circle Crculo
Green Verde
Brown Marrn
Blue Azul
Pupil Pupila
Retina Retina
Black Negro
Protective part Parte protectora
Safe Seguro
Natural Science / Vocabulary / 4th Grade Primary School Colegio La Presentacin de Granada

Eyebrow Ceja
Eyelashes Pestaa
Dust Polvo
Sweat Sudor
Lacrimal glands Glndulas lacrimales
Tear Lgrima
Moist Hmedo
Clean Limpio
Eyelid Prpado
Ear Oreja
To hear Escuchar
Sound Sonido
Ear flat Oreja
Pinna Pabelln auditivo
Ear canal Canal auditivo
Eardrum Tmpano
To vibrate Vibrar
Ossicles bones Huesecillos
Tiny Pequeo
Cochlea Cclea
Hair Pelo
Auditory nerve Nervio auditivo
The outer ear Odo externo
The middle ear Odo medio
Inner ear Odo interno
Nose Nariz
Thing Cosa
Odour Olor
Nasal septum Tabique nasal
Nostril Fosa nasal
Olfactory bulb Bulbo olfatorio
Nasal cavity Cavidad nasal
Hole Agujero
Flavour Sabor
Tongue Lengua
Natural Science / Vocabulary / 4th Grade Primary School Colegio La Presentacin de Granada

Food Comida / Alimento

Saliva Saliva
Bump Bulto
Taste Bud Papila gustative
Sour Agrio
Salty Salado
Bitter Amargo
Sweet Dulce
Hot Calor
Cold Fro
Temperature Temperatura
Pain Dolor
Texture Textura
Rough Rugoso
Smooth Liso
Skin Piel
To feel Sentir
Layer Capa
Bodys control centre Centro de control del cuerpo
Message Mensaje
Memory Memoria
Intelligence Inteligencia
Feeling Sentimientos
Emotions Emociones
Tube Tubo
Nerve Nervio
Optic nerve Nervio ptico
Olfactory nerve Nervio olfativo
To travel Viajar
Hungry Hambriento
Skeleton Esqueleto
Structure Estructura
To connect Conectar
Bone Hueso
Internal organ rgano interno
Natural Science / Vocabulary / 4th Grade Primary School Colegio La Presentacin de Granada

Skull Crneo
Jaw Mandbula
Clavicle Clavcula
Scapula Escpula
Sternum Esternn
Humerus Hmero
Spine Espina dorsal
Ulna Cbito
Radius Radio
Coccyx Coxis
Pelvis Pelvis
Phalange Falange
Femur Fmur
Tibia Tibia
Fibula Peron
Muscle Msculo
Soft Suave
Flexible Flexible
To carry Llevar
Ability Habilidad
Knee Rodilla
Elbow Codo
Joint Articulacin
Frontalis muscle Msculo frontal
Jaw muscle Msculo de la mandbula
Sternocleidomastoid Esternocleidomastoideo
Trapezius Trapecio
Deltoids Deltoides
Biceps Bceps
Triceps Trceps
Pectoral Pectoral
Abdominals Abdominales
Gluteus Glteo
Quadriceps Cudriceps
Calf muscles Msculos de la pantorrilla
To read Leer
Light Luz
Sun Sol
Natural Science / Vocabulary / 4th Grade Primary School Colegio La Presentacin de Granada

To brush Cepillar
Teeth Dientes
Sunlight Luz del sol
To put Poner
Object Objeto
Exercise Ejercicio
Healthy food Comida saludable
To sleep Dormir
Family Familia
Friend Amigo
Balanced diet Dieta equilibrada
Protein Protena
Vitamin Vitamina
Mineral Mineral
Carbohydrate Carbohidrato
Fat Grasa
Water Agua
Breakfast Desayuno
Morning snack Aperitivo de la maana
Afternoon snack Aperitivo de la tarde
Dinner Cena
Piece of fruit Pieza de fruta
Yogurt Yogurt
Meal Comida
To need Necesitar
Ill Enfermo

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