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Journal of Vegetation Science 12: 153-166, 2001

© IAVS; Opulus Press Uppsala. Printed in Sweden

- Patterns of plant species richness in relation to different environments - 153

Patterns of plant species richness in relation

to different environments: An appraisal

Pausas, Juli G.1* & Austin, Mike P.2

Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (CEAM), Parc Tecnològic, Paterna, E-46980 València, Spain;
CSIRO Wildlife and Ecology, GPO Box 284, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia; E-mail;
Corresponding author; Fax+34961318190; E-mail

Abstract. We review patterns of plant species richness with and the rate of ecosystem processes such as productiv-
respect to variables related to resource availability and vari- ity are determined by the amount and variability of the
ables that have direct physiological impact on plant growth fundamental environmental resources that regulate plant
or resource availability. This review suggests that there are a growth and ecosystem processes”. Species richness
variety of patterns of species richness along environmental
patterns in relation to the environment need to be under-
gradients reported in the literature. However, part of this
diversity may be explained by the different types and lengths stood before drawing conclusions on the effect of
of gradients studied, and by the limited analysis applied to biodiversity in ecosystem processes. Numerous prob-
the data. To advance in understanding species richness pat- lems regarding the study of species richness need to be
terns along environmental gradients, we emphasise the im- clarified, including the role of disturbance (e.g. Grime
portance of: (1) using variables that are related to the growth 1979; Huston 1994), and the relative importance of
of plants (latitudinal and altitudinal gradients have no direct biotic versus abiotic factors (Grime 1979; Cornell &
process impact on plant growth); (2) using multivariate gra- Lawton 1992; Austin & Gaywood 1994). Many stud-
dients, not single variables; (3) comparing patterns for dif- ies tend to have a zoological bias (Lawton 1999)
ferent life forms; and (4) testing for different shapes in the
though vegetation studies may have much to offer on
species richness response (not only linear) and for interaction
between variables. general issues concerning biodiversity (Austin 1999).
In this context, we review studies of plant species
richness in relation to environmental gradients with
Keywords: Diversity; Environmental gradient; Functional emphasis on the potential differences in response to
type; Life form; Nutrient gradient; Temperature. different types of gradients, differences between growth
forms and the methodology necessary to investigate the
observed patterns.
Abbreviations: AET = Actual Evapotranspiration; PET = In general, plant community ecologists are con-
Potential Evapotranspiration.
cerned with patterns of species response to environmen-
tal gradients (e.g. Grime 1979; Tilman 1988; Wisheu &
Keddy 1989; Moore & Keddy 1989) and tend to adopt
(if only implicitly) a continuum approach to vegetation
with its assumption of continuous change in composi-
Biodiversity has recently emerged as an issue of
tion with position in the multi-dimensional environ-
both scientific and political concern primarily because
mental space (Austin 1985,1999). Huston (1979, 1994)
of an increase in extinction rates caused by human
reviewed species richness extensively, and regarded
activities (Ehrlich & Wilson 1991). Several very large
patterns of species richness as being determined by the
experiments (Tilman & Downing 1994; Tilman 1996;
interaction of disturbance with environmental gradients
Naeem et al. 1994, 1995; Kareiva 1994, 1996) have
and competitive exclusion. Although over any large
addressed the relationship between biodiversity, mea-
region the distribution of species richness is likely to be
sured as species richness, and ecosystem function.
governed by two or more environmental gradients
However, they have failed to reveal a clear causal
(Margules et al. 1987; Pausas 1994; Austin et al. 1996),
effect (Huston 1997). After a revision of some of the
species richness studies in relation to environmental
problems and hidden treatments in these experiments,
gradients have been mainly single-factor studies.
Huston (1997) concluded that they do not provide
Harrison et al. (1992) avoided the analysis of spe-
evidence that increasing biodiversity improves eco-
cies/environment relationships as too problematic in
system function and that “both local species diversity
their study of beta diversity gradients in Britain, prefer-
154 Pausas, J.G. & Austin, M.P.

ring to concentrate on distance and dispersal. They Table 1. Mean number of woody species in the three groups of
examined the correlation between distance and the prin- Cistus ladanifer shrublands (A, B and C with n = number of
cipal components of 16 climatic variables, concluding plots) proposed by Nuñez-Olivera et al. (1995), and mean
that “the strong correlation of distance with climate values for annual rainfall (mm) and mean annual temperature
(°C). Elaborated from the data in Nuñez-Olivera et al. (1995,
makes the interpretation in terms of dispersal versus
Table 2 and Fig. 7). Significance: *** = p < 0.0001; ** = p <
habitat specificity ambiguous at best”. Richardson et 0.01; ns = non-significant.
al. (1995) tested several hypotheses based on biotic
interactions to explain Banksia species richness in Group n Number Rainfall Temperature
of species mm oC
the south of Western Australia. They did not test for
any relationship between species richness and envi- A 14 8.86 681 16.4
ronmental parameters; however they concluded that B 14 5.57 583 16.2
topographic and soil variability may be an explana- C 17 5.35 607 15.9
tion for the patterns of coexistence. They also com- Significance *** ** ns
mented that different regions (i.e. different environ- ln(number of species) = 1.024 + 0.01355 × rain; n = 45; p < 0.05.
ments) do show different patterns of coexistence.
Nuñez-Olivera et al. (1995) studied different diver-
sity indices in shrublands of central western Spain, availability in the south). The diversity-productivity
and discussed the variation in richness as being due to relationship is important, especially for management
competition and biogeographical patterns. A re-analy- and conservation purpose, but in order to understand the
sis of their data (Table 1) suggests that environmental mechanisms controlling species richness there is a need
parameters (especially rainfall) may also be involved to consider parameters that have direct impact on plant
in determining species richness. It is essential to growth.
consider the abiotic environmental (e.g. climatic) con- Below we review patterns of plant species richness
trol over the niche dimensions of individual species found in different ecosystems in relation mainly to
and patterns of local species richness (alpha diver- resources and direct environmental variables. We as-
sity) before attempting to develop general principles sume that environmental conditions act as a filter pre-
for diversity theory. venting species that belong to the regional flora but lack
Cornell & Lawton (1992) have proposed that spe- the traits required to survive in local conditions (Keddy
cies richness is determined by local biotic interac- 1992; Zobel 1997). We review the species richness
tions such as competition and predation, and regional pattern produced by this filtering effect, and emphasize
or historical processes such as dispersal and specia- the importance of multi-factor studies and the use of
tion. Local communities may be saturated or unsatur- non-linear statistical techniques. The effect of distur-
ated with respect to number of species depending on bance is not reviewed extensively (see Huston 1994)
the relative importance of the two types of processes. and is only commented upon briefly.
It is implicitly assumed that occurrence of a species
in a region is simply a function of dispersal and biotic
processes. However, if species distribution is con- Patterns of plant species richness
trolled by variations in climate or soils within a re-
gion, dispersal processes may have little relevance. Nutrients
Although part of the variation in local species rich-
ness may be related to the size of the species pool, Many studies have found relationships between
high regional species richness in Cornell and Lawton's changes in species richness and a gradient of nutrient
analysis could simply be a response to high environmen- availability (e.g. Grime 1973; Huston 1980; Tilman
tal heterogeneity within a region. Any study on species 1982). The typical response observed has been a
pool should consider the filtering effect of the environ- ‘humped-back curve’ (Grime 1979; Tilman 1982): spe-
ment (Pärtel et al. 1996; Zobel 1997; Zobel et al. 1998). cies richness is low at low nutrient levels, increases to
In a recent experiment, Hector et al. (1999) found a a peak at intermediate levels and declines more gradu-
consistent negative relationship between loss of plant ally at high nutrient levels. This pattern has been ob-
richness and loss of above-ground productivity in eight served in a number of studies (e.g., Beadle 1966;
European grasslands. However, they also found that Ashton 1977, 1989; Tilman 1982; Vermeer & Berendse
sites with the lowest productivity were in both the north 1983; Janssens et al.1998; Lichter 1999). The humped
and the south of Europe, and presumably that low pro- pattern has been interpreted in different ways by dif-
ductivity values were caused by different mechanisms ferent researchers (Grime 1979; Tilman 1982; Taylor
(e.g. low temperatures in the north and low water et al. 1990; Huston & DeAngelis 1994). According to
- Patterns of plant species richness in relation to different environments - 155

Grime (1979), few species are able to tolerate extreme ass and productivity gradients carry the implicit as-
conditions of nutrient deficiency. As resources increase, sumption that a specific biomass level has the same
more species can survive and hence species richness effect, regardless of the environmental variable(s) de-
rises. At higher nutrient levels, a few highly competitive termining the level. They suggest that experiments with
species become dominant, suppressing other species. two environmental gradients (e.g. Goldberg & Miller
This competitive exclusion causes a decline in species 1990) are required to test this assumption.
richness. Austin & Smith (1989) proposed that there may be a
Calcium is often the most important exchangeable second hump of high species richness and subsequent
cation in the soil and can control the availability of other decline along the resource gradient as the nutrient con-
nutrients. Pausas (1994) found a humped response of centration becomes toxic. Few studies have reported
species richness in relation to Ca-concentration in this bimodal response for plant communities (e.g.
Pyrenean forests, while Peet & Christensen (1988) found Meurk & Foggo 1988). The second potential hump
a positive relationship in forests of the North Carolina may be confounded with the first if the data is plotted
Piedmont. However, Peet & Christensen (1988) studied as a productivity gradient (Austin & Gaywood 1994),
a narrower range of soil calcium concentration than but supra-optimal levels are not usually reached in
Pausas (1994). The different length of the gradient stud- most studies. The lack of examples may be due to the
ied may explain the different pattern observed in many lack of generality of this hypothesis, the lack of an
studies. For example, Tilman (1982) showed a decline appropriate statistical methodology to test it, or the
in species richness in fertilized plots compared with lack of studies with sufficiently wide nutrient gradi-
control plots in the Park Grass experiment. We could ents; we cannot distinguish between these possibili-
assume that the study corresponds to the declining half ties. pH is an environmental parameter related to nutri-
of the nutrient gradient response. Decrease in species ent and toxic element availability. Grime (1973) showed
diversity following fertilization had earlier been re- that the maximum number of species in an unmanaged
ported for other plant communities (Milton 1947; Willis grassland occurs at a soil pH of 6.1 - 6.5; species
1963; cited by Tilman 1983). Janssens et al. (1998) richness declined towards both acidic and alkaline
found that the highest number of species in European soils. He concluded that few species are adapted nutri-
grasslands is found below the optimum soil phosphorus tionally to exploit highly acidic or alkaline soils. Pausas
level for plant nutrition but at the optimum soil potas- (1994) showed a positive relationship between soil pH
sium level; beyond this optimum, species richness de- and moss species richness in the understory of Pinus
creased. A less clear humped response is found for sylvestris woodland; however, the range of pH studied
nitrogen for the same data set. The degree of correlation was limited because the pine litter tends to be acidic,
between the three soil nutrients is not mentioned nor is a and so, the mosses in that study never grew on alkaline
statistical analysis presented. Huston (1980) found a substrates. Pausas & Carreras (1995) found signifi-
decrease of tree species richness along a nutrient gradi- cantly more plant species in forests on bedrock with
ent in Costa Rican forests, while Tilman (1982) and calcium carbonate (e.g., limestone) than in forests on
Ashton (1989) showed a humped curve in tropical for- non-carbonate bedrock (e.g., schists, granites, sand-
ests of Borneo. The different measures of nutrient avail- stone). Vetaas (1997) found that vascular plant rich-
ability used in the different studies make comparisons ness, and also climber and herbaceous species rich-
difficult; however, most grassland studies and most ness, were positively related to pH in a study in the
fertilization experiments showed a downward trend in Himalayas. The length of the nutrient gradient, the
species richness. correlation with other nutrients present and the influ-
Many studies on species richness in relation to envi- ence of pH on nutrient availability may all influence
ronment find a humped curve in relation to a productiv- the shape of the response of species richness to a
ity gradient where productivity is often imputed from nutrient. Gould & Walker (1999) found a unimodal
the level of an environmental variable. Tilman & Pacala relationship between species richness and pH for vascu-
(1993) show eight humped curves along habitat produc- lar species in arctic riverine communities – but not for
tivity, three using soil nutrient measures, two using lichens.
moisture measures and three based on biomass esti- Braakhekke & Hooftman (1999), in an alternative
mates. Only one from Beadle (1966) used a single soil approach while testing their ‘resource balance hypoth-
nutrient. However, productivity is a biotic variable de- esis of plant species diversity’, found maximum species
pendent on environment. Differential responses to dif- richness at intermediate values of the nutrient ratios
ferent resource gradients (e.g. nutrient and moisture) N/P, P/K and particularly K/N.
can not be distingushed unless examined separately. To summarize, there is a tendency for the response
Austin & Gaywood (1994) have pointed out that biom- of species richness to a nutrient gradient to take a
156 Pausas, J.G. & Austin, M.P.

humped shape or at least a unimodal envelope, but few However, in that study, the underlying factor could
examples show an unambiguous humped shape pattern change from the effect of temperature (in the first part of
(Oksanen 1996). In most fertilization treatments on the gradient) to the effect of water stress (in the second
grasslands, only a decrease in richness is observed. part of the gradient); a direct indicator of water avail-
ability would probably suggest a decrease in species
Water richness with a decrease in water availability. The inter-
pretation is further complicated by the fact that the
Different variables have been used as a surrogate for simple linear correlation between species richness and
water availability (e.g., rainfall, topography, evapo- precipitation is 0.776 and the correlation with minimum
transpiration, soil drainage index). As a resource, water, monthly actual evapotranspiration is 0.773; however,
if appropriately measured, could generate a similar hump- the role of actual evapotranspiration is not explored
shaped curve to that proposed for nutrients. further in the paper (O'Brien 1993). Such correlations
Richerson & Lum (1980) found a positive logarith- between variables are a consequence of physical rela-
mic relationship between Californian plant-species rich- tionships between the variables and the range of cli-
ness and rainfall, the environmental variable that ac- matic conditions in the study region. O'Brien's relation-
counted for the greatest variance in species richness in ship has recently been extrapolated world-wide (O'Brien
their study. Knight et al. (1982) and O'Brien (1993) 1998).
found a positive correlation between mean annual rain- Similar problems of confounding variables have
fall and woody species richness in southern Africa. arisen in recent discussions of whether regional history
Gentry (1988) found an increase in neotropical plant or climatic differences between regions were more im-
species richness with precipitation up to about 4000 portant in explaining species richness patterns (Latham
mm where species richness reaches an asymptote; how- & Ricklefs 1993; Francis & Currie 1998). The two
ever, he also noted that there were differences that hypotheses were equally plausible but could not be
could be explained by seasonality of rainfall and soil distinguished statistically because the predictors were
nutrients. He also reported very high richness for an correlated (Francis & Currie 1998). Several studies of
aseasonal tropical system when approaching 1000 mm. tree species richness in relation to moisture components
Pausas (1994) used a moisture index based on soil and (Currie 1991; O'Brien 1993, 1998) have used geo-
site parameters (topographic position, slope, soil tex- graphical gridcell based counts of species richness. The
ture, stoniness and soil depth) and found a humped large size of these grid cells ( e.g. 2.5° lat. × 2.5° long,
curve of moss species richness. Margules et al. (1987) Currie 1991) ensures that internally many of the cells
and Austin et al. (1996) found more Eucalyptus spe- are highly environmentally heterogeneous.
cies at low annual rainfall levels in eastern Australia, Specht & Specht (1989, 1993) present evidence that
but the pattern of variation in species richness also the species richness of overstorey species (trees and
depended on the values of other variables like mean shrubs taller than 2 - 3 m) is a function of an evaporative
annual temperature and solar radiation. However, total coefficient and of annual solar radiation, both of which
tree species richness showed little relation to annual are related to the shoot growth of the foliage canopy.
rainfall (Austin et al. 1996). Leathwick et al. (1998) These latter conclusions are based on various data sets
used a water-balance model to estimate an annual root- from eastern Australia using simple linear regression.
zone moisture deficit and a minimum monthly mean There is a tendency towards increasing species rich-
humidity measure in a regression analysis of tree spe- ness with increasing water availability. However, as in
cies richness patterns in New Zealand. They found the case of nutrient gradients, it is difficult to compare the
humidity to be the second most important predictor species richness response to a moisture gradient in the
after temperature. different studies due to different measures of moisture
In an extensive empirical analysis using several availability, the different correlative analysis methods,
groups of plants and animals for the North American and the different spatial scale used.
continent, Currie (1991) concluded that potential evapo-
transpiration (PET) is the best predictor of fauna species Light
richness. For tree species, the only plant group consid-
ered, actual evapotranspiration (AET) was the best pre- Brown (1981), Wright (1983) and Currie (1991)
dictor of richness and showed a monotonically increas- have suggested that the capacity of the environment to
ing relationship (Currie & Paquin 1987; Francis & Currie support species is determined by the availability of
1998). O'Brien (1993), using a similar approach in south- energy. Knight et al. (1982) and Austin et al. (1996)
ern Africa, showed a quadratic response (humped curve) found a negative relationship between tree species
of woody species richness to minimum monthly PET. richness and annual incoming solar radiation in south-
- Patterns of plant species richness in relation to different environments - 157

ern Africa and south-eastern Australia, respectively extension of the species-area relationship (Wright 1983).
(Fig. 1). However, in the Knight et al. (1982) study, the However, this pattern is better fitted for animals (Wylie &
radiation is also negatively correlated with rainfall, Currie 1993a, b; Kerr & Currie 1998) than for plants
and the decrease in richness could be explained by the (Currie & Paquin 1987; Currie 1991; Hoffman et al. 1994).
decrease in rainfall. In New Zealand, total tree species The numbers of angiosperm species on 24 islands world-
richness increased with solar radiation, temperature, wide are better related to AET (related to water avail-
soil and atmospheric moisture (Leathwick et al. 1998). ability) times area than to PET (Wright 1983). Hoffman
It is difficult to separate the effect of light from the et al. (1994) found the opposite pattern to that of Currie
other components in the water balance. Radiation has at and colleagues: plant species richness in a semi-arid
least two effects on plants. It serves as a resource for ecosystem was negatively related to energy availability
photosynthesis, and shading (absorption) can reduce the (PET), because the underlying factor was the reduction
availability of the resource to other plants. Light also of water availability. Although some of these patterns
supplies energy which results in evaporative demand are at larger scales than most of the studies reviewed
and the potential for moisture stress. Various authors here, they show the importance of considering both
have combined radiation with precipitation to estimate energy and water availability when studying patterns of
evapotranspiration (see above; Currie & Paquin 1987; plant richness.
Currie 1991; O'Brien 1993; Specht & Specht 1989, Species richness tends to increase with radiation;
1993), or have used multiple regression techniques with however, many studies do not show this trend probably
several variables (Margules et al. 1987; Austin et al. due to the interaction with other parameters. The in-
1996; Leathwick et al. 1998). crease in radiation is often associated with a reduction in
The energy hypothesis, where resources and heat are water availability.
lumped together as a measure of available energy, has
recently attracted attention (Wright 1983; Wylie & Currie Temperature
1993a,b). Species richness is expected to increase mono-
tonically (if water is not limiting) with increasing avail- Richerson & Lum (1980) found that plant species
able energy (e.g., potential evapotranspiration). In this richness in California shows a negative response along
context, the energy hypothesis has been considered an a temperature gradient. Knight et al. (1982) found a
positive linear relationship between South African
tree species diversity and temperature. Austin et al.
(1996) showed an increase in the richness of tree
species, Eucalyptus species (see also Margules et al.
1987 and Austin 1987), and rainforest species with
increasing temperature. However, they also showed
that the pattern of increase depends on other environ-
mental variables such as rainfall. Both Austin et al.
(1996) and Leathwick et al. (1998) found that tem-
perature was the environmental predictor that ex-
plained the most variance in total tree species,
rainforest species (Austin et al. 1996), conifer species
(Leathwick et al. 1998), and eucalypt species (Austin
et al. 1996). The relative importance of the different
environmental gradients and their interaction in de-
termining the species richness of different growth
forms needs to be examined further.
Several authors have used altitude (an indirect en-
vironmental variable) as a surrogate variable for tem-
perature; however, this parameter is complex and may
covary with other climatic factors (e.g., rainfall, cloud
cover, wind) and with the degree of isolation on the top
Fig. 1. Pattern of total tree species richness (solid line), euca-
of mountains. A negative relationship between altitude
lypt (sclerophyll) species richness (dashed line) and rainforest
(broadleaf evergreen) species richness (dotted line) in relation and woody species richness has been reported in differ-
to mean monthly solar radiation (kj m–2 day–1) in New South ent ecosystems (e.g., in coniferous forests by Pausas
Wales, Australia. Statistical models elaborated by Austin et al. 1994 and Rey Benayas 1995; in Alaska, Tennessee and
(1996). Costa Rica reviewed by Stevens 1992).
158 Pausas, J.G. & Austin, M.P.

Many studies have found a general increase in rich- forests where vernal species flower before the tree canopy
ness with temperature. However, the trend may be dif- leaves appear. Another example is the different growing
ferent when water is limiting; so both parameters need seasons of C3 (cool-season) and C4 (warm-season)
to be considered simultaneously. grasses which permit these two types of species to
coexist on the Colorado steppe (Monson et al. 1983).
Environmental heterogeneity Scheiner & Rey Benayas (1994) suggested that cli-
matic variability may be an important factor in explain-
The effect of environmental heterogeneity is highly ing species diversity at the landscape level in their
scale-dependent. The existence of environmental or re- study. However, they did not test variations within
source heterogeneity may create high niche diversity landscapes (e.g., variations in altitude and topographic
and hence allow species to coexist at a large spatial position). Landscape heterogeneity (microsite diversity)
scale. At the local scale, environmental and resource may well be a very important factor for explaining
heterogeneity may explain part of the variability in species diversity at the level reported by Scheiner & Rey
species richness, but it may be secondary in impor- Benayas (1994).
tance to resource and direct variables. For example, in Environmental and resource parameters may deter-
monospecific woodlands of the Pyrenees, understory mine species occurrence and their growth and competi-
shrub species richness showed a significant positive tive interactions, while parameters related to environ-
relationship with overstory heterogeneity (Pausas mental heterogeneity (including disturbance, see be-
1994). This heterogeneity gradient variable entered low) tend to increase coexistence and maintain high
the model (using a forward stepwise procedure) after richness. It is essential to consider both the level of the
the environmental variables, suggesting that woody environmental variable and its heterogeneity simul-
species richness is more related to the environment taneously in order to distinguish between the two types
than to spatial heterogeneity. Richerson & Lum (1980) of parameters.
also showed a positive relationship between species
richness in California and spatial (topographic) het- Disturbance
erogeneity, and in that study, environmental vari-
ables were also more important than heterogeneity Disturbance-, resource- and direct environmental
variables. The relation between species richness and gradients constitute three types of gradients that deter-
within-gap heterogeneity has been reported elsewhere mine plant growth and survival. The intermediate
(Orians 1982; Brandani et al. 1987). At the large disturbance hypothesis (Loucks 1970; Grime 1973;
scale, Ricklefs (1977) suggested that the increase in Connell 1978; Huston 1979, 1994; Tilman, 1983)
plant diversity at low latitudes may be due to the suggests that species richness reaches a maximum at
greater heterogeneity of environmental conditions some ‘intermediate’ level of disturbance. Zeevalking
(latitudinal gradients in physical factors interacting & Fresco (1979) and Lubchenco (1978), studying graz-
with openings in the forest canopies). Analyses of ing intensity gradients produced by rabbits and peri-
environmental heterogeneity should include the ac- winkles, respectively, and Wilson & Keddy (1988),
tual environmental variables as well as an indicator studying a wave-exposure gradient on a shoreline,
of in-site variability in order to separate the two possi- provide classical examples that support the interme-
bilities (Austin 1999), and the relative importance of diate disturbance hypothesis. During & Willems
each will depend on their range. Studies using arbi- (1984) provide experimental support on chalk grass-
trary grid cells at a geographical scale (e.g. Harrison et lands. Huston (1994) gives details of this hypothesis
al. 1992) should consider both within- and between- and its consequences, and demonstrates its applicabil-
grid cell environmental heterogeneity (e.g. Palmer & ity with numerous different examples. On the other
Dixon 1990). Even for broad-scale regional studies, hand, Hubbell et al. (1999) recently found little evi-
Latham & Ricklefs (1993) argue that small plot sizes dence of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis when
should be used because it is only at that scale that studying a large data set in a tropical rainforest. Hiura
species interactions contribute to determining species (1995) found a humped disturbance response in Japanese
richness. beech forests, but he also found that temperature was a
Climatic variability may be predictable (e.g. sea- more important factor in predicting forest species diver-
sons) or unpredictable. Unpredictable (stochastic) cli- sity. Vetaas (1997) examined the impact of canopy dis-
matic variation may be regarded as a form of distur- turbance on species richness in an oak forest and the
bance. The presence of the seasons of the year enables results provide support for the intermediate disturbance
different species with different physiological niches to hypothesis while controlling for other environmental
coexist. A typical example can be found in hardwood variables.
- Patterns of plant species richness in relation to different environments - 159

Without a definition of intermediate disturbance that We argue that there is a need to emphasise the
is independent of its effects, the argument is circular. following approaches when studying the species rich-
Currently, any peak on richness is assumed to be in the ness-environment relationship: (a) choose the appropri-
intermediate level of the gradient; thus, the intermediate ate variables incorporating parameters related to re-
hypothesis fits well. Furthermore, the increase in spe- sources availability and to direct environmental factors;
cies richness after a disturbance is related to a transient (b) study multidimensional gradients using non-linear
increase in the availability of resources (e.g. Grace & regression techniques; and (c) separate species richness
Pugesek 1997), but different mechanisms may produce into the richness of the different functional types. Be-
the observed pattern. Collins et al. (1995) found a sig- low, some examples are reviewed to show the impor-
nificant monotonic decline in species diversity with tance of these aspects in studying plant species richness.
increasing frequency in experimental disturbance. How-
ever, they also reported that richness reached a maxi- Appropriate variables
mum at an intermediate time interval since the last
disturbance. They suggested that a discrete disturbance We assume that resource availability plus the re-
may be an extinction-causing event whereas recovery sponse to direct environmental variables (i.e., param-
following disturbance is a balance between immigration eters that have a direct physiological impact on plant
and extinction (Loreau & Mouquet 1999). Glenn & growth or on resource availability but are not con-
Collins (1992) showed the importance of the scale of sumed, e.g. temperature; Austin 1980) are the primary
disturbance in the differential effect on immigration and causes of the observed patterns on plant species rich-
extinction rates. ness at local scale, and that disturbance and dispersal
The important point is that different processes are are secondarily important. Another group of variables
often confounded under the concept of disturbance (fre- that has often been used to explain plant species rich-
quency, intensity, season and extent), and thus generali- ness include the indirect environmental variables (i.e.,
zations are difficult. Different disturbance regimes or variables that, in themselves, do not have any impact
different moments after disturbance may underlie dif- on plants or resource availability but may be correlated
ferent processes, with different resource limitations. For with one or more direct variables). Examples of this
instance, the humped response could be due to the type that have been applied to studies on plant species
switch from the limitation of one resource (e.g. light) to richness are altitude, latitude or distance from the coast
the limitation of another (e.g. water) at different stages (e.g. Glenn-Lewin 1977; Brown & Gipson 1983;
of the vegetation dynamics. The richness peak may Silvertown 1985; Currie 1991; Stevens 1989, 1992;
occur when no resource is limiting (Lichter 1999). To Pausas & Sáez 2000). Patterns of species richness
better understand the species richness patterns, the dif- along these gradients do not have any direct causal
ferent processes associated with disturbance should be relationship to plant growth.
disaggregated. Numerous different potential causal variables may
be correlated with the same indirect gradient, com-
Potential approaches pletely precluding any mechanistic interpretation, and
therefore, little advance in ecological understanding can
Brown (1981) suggested that “a general equilibrium be made by studying such variables. Similar arguments
theory of diversity must contain two kinds of con- can be applied to productivity gradients. Several studies
straints, capacity rules and allocation rules”. He pro- have concentrated on species richness patterns along
posed that capacity rules define the ability of sites to productivity gradients (Moore & Keddy 1989; Grime
support life, and are related to the environmental char- 1979; Tilman & Pacala 1993; Hector et al. 1999). How-
acteristics of the sites. Allocation rules determine how ever, different combinations of environmental param-
available energy is apportioned among species. Such eters may lead to similar productivity values (Austin &
rules will depend on biotic processes such as competi- Gaywood 1994). Furthermore, inappropriate data analy-
tion and predation, and on the physiological and mor- sis is producing misinterpretations in the diversity-pro-
phological properties that allow the species to exist in ductivity experiments (Garnier et al. 1997). Productiv-
particular environmental conditions. Differences in the ity depends on the environment (as we hypothesise for
environmental adaptability of different species groups species richness), and so it should not be used as an
may explain the differential patterns of richness in rela- independent variable for predicting vegetation attributes
tion to environment (Cody 1991; Currie 1991). A com- (such as species richness) if primary factors are the main
prehensive analysis incorporating different environmen- interest.
tal gradients, growth forms and biotic processes has yet
to be done.
160 Pausas, J.G. & Austin, M.P.

Multidimensional gradients Margules et al. (1987) and Austin et al. (1996) found
that tree species richness showed a complex depen-
In many of the studies only single environmental dency on temperature, rainfall, and radiation (due to
gradients have been considered or, where multiple re- aspect) requiring the use of an interaction term between
gression techniques have been used, only linear additive rainfall and temperature. For a given aspect, the shape of
models with no interaction terms have been fitted. No the Eucalyptus species richness curve against the mean
strong ecological conclusion can be drawn from test- annual temperature depended on the mean annual rain-
ing linear regressions only; non-linear relationships fall. At low rainfall levels, the peak of species richness
are too common in ecology to be ignored. Few studies was at high temperatures giving a skewed curve, whereas
(e.g. Margules et al. 1987; Currie 1991; Pausas 1994; at intermediate levels of rainfall the peak of richness
Austin et al. 1996) have considered how species rich- was at an intermediate temperature.
ness varies in an environmental space defined by more
than one axis of environmental variation and tested for Functional types
different possible response shapes. Species that seem to
coexist (overlap) when examining one or two gradients Several interpretations of species richness patterns
(eg. climatic gradients) may be segregated by a third are based on competitive interactions. For example, the
gradient (e.g. soil nutrients). Austin et al. (1996) ex- humped curve of species richness along a resource
plained tree species richness in NSW by a multi-factor gradient is based on competitive exclusion at high re-
model of seven environmental variables (temperature, source levels (Grime 1979). In a similar way, the inter-
topography, rainfall, radiation, seasonality of rainfall, mediate disturbance hypothesis is based on competitive
soil nutrients and bedrock type) plus plot size. They interactions because disturbance reduces competitive
found that both eucalypt species richness and rainforest exclusion by reducing the dominant competitor and
species richness were higher at high temperatures and at allowing the growth of inferior competitors.
high or intermediate rainfalls. However, although these Because functional types are defined as groups of
species appeared overlapping in the environmental space species that use the same resources and respond to the
defined by temperature and rainfall, they were in fact environment in a similar way, competition would be
clearly segregated by topography. Similar conclusions expected to be more intense within the same functional
were reached by Leathwick et al. (1998) using six envi- type than between different functional types. Al-
ronmental parameters to predict tree species richness in though exceptions to this assumption have been ob-
New Zealand. served (tree/grass interactions), patterns of species
Most fertilization experiments or nutrient gradient richness might be more interpretable by considering
studies do not take into account the availability of water both the species richness of the different functional
or light, and at intermediate nutrient levels the limiting types and total species richness. Different functional
factor may switch from nutrient to water or light; as one types are adapted to different environmental condi-
resource limitation is reduced, another resource may be- tions in such a way that competitive interactions are
come limiting. This change in resource stress may pro- minimized. Spatial heterogeneity may well be related
duce the humped response. Eek & Zobel (1997) found to the number of functional types because of the in-
that additional illumination in an enrichment experiment crease in microsite diversity. The factors influencing
mitigates the effect of fertilization, indicating that ob- the number of functional types may be very different
served changes in biomass were due to increased light from those influencing the number of species within a
competition (and not root competition). Goldberg & functional type (Moore & Keddy 1989; Nilsson et al.
Miller (1990) added water and/or one of three nutrients 1989; Cody 1991; Huston 1994). Few data are avail-
(nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) to a first-year able to test this hypothesis. At ‘equilibrium’, species
old-field community dominated by annuals. Watering should differ sufficiently in order to coexist (by niche,
increased productivity (total above-ground biomass), life form or phenology differentiation, Bengtsson et al.
but had no effect on species richness. Nitrogen pro- 1994); however, the magnitude of this difference is
duced a smaller increase in biomass, but reduced spe- unknown.
cies richness considerably compared to the controls. Environment can be interpreted as a filter remov-
Other nutrient additions had little effect. Annuals ac- ing species that lack traits for persisting under a particular
counted for more than 90% of the above-ground biom- set of conditions (Keddy 1992). In this context, Díaz et
ass in the community, and one annual species Ambro- al. (1998) provide an example of a significant relation
sia artemisiifolia, was responsible for the watering between climatic factors and several plant traits across
response. Experiments of this kind with a greater range a wide spectra of plant growth forms in a climatic
of functional types including perennials are needed. gradient in central-western Argentina. This relation
- Patterns of plant species richness in relation to different environments - 161

between the environment and the key functional traits a.

is the basis of the environment-based functional types.
Disturbance can be considered a second filter, and several
traits have been recognized to be of great importance for
prevailing under a particular disturbance regime (Noble
& Slatyer 1980; Pausas 1999 a, b).
Pausas & Carreras (1995) found that of all the
variables studied, only bedrock type was significantly
related to species richness in Pyrenean forests. How-
ever, when they studied the species richness of differ-
ent life forms, temperature and moisture also became
significant (i.e., woody species richness showed a posi-
tive relationship with increasing temperature whereas
non-graminoid herbs showed a negative relationship).
The increase in predictability achieved by subdividing
total species richness into different life forms has also b.
been observed by Nilsson et al. (1989), Pausas (1994),
Austin et al. (1996) and Leathwick et al. (1998). Al-
though life forms are often a crude division of func-
tional types, it has often been suggested as a first
approximation for functional-type subdivision (Lavorel
et al. 1997).
Grubb (1987) and Goodland (1971) found a posi-
tive relationship between tree species richness and soil
fertility, and a negative relationship between herb spe-
cies richness and soil fertility. Grubb (1987) proposed
that these relationships could be explained by the fact
that herbs have more potential for competitive exclu-
sion and establishment in gaps than trees. Wright (1992)
found a positive relationship between soil fertility and
herbs or understory shrubs richness but did not find a c.
robust relationship with tree species richness. He sug-
gested that differences in the rooting depths of herbs,
shrubs and trees could explain the different patterns of
species richness between life forms in relation to
drought. Moore & Keddy (1989) also found different
patterns of species richness with different species types
while studying the species richness-biomass relation-
Austin et al. (1996) found that tree species richness
is only slightly (positively) related to soil nutrients
(Fig. 2a). However, when the total tree species is split
into species groups, each of these groups presents a
different and strong pattern (Fig. 2). The humped pat-
tern appears only for the eucalypt Monocalyptus sub-
genus. The different patterns of the different subgenera
of Eucalyptus suggest that they may be related to two
functional types. This suggestion agrees with the ex- Fig. 2. Pattern of tree species richness along a nutrient gradient
for different functional groups in New South Wales, Australia.
perimental evidence reviewed by Noble (1989), show-
a) Total tree species (solid line) and eucalypt (sclerophyll)
ing different behaviour patterns for different eucalypt species (dotted line); b) eucalypt Monocalyptus (solid line)
subgenera. Different patterns of species richness de- and Symphyomyrtus (dotted line) subgenera; and c) rainforest
pending on species group were also observed for other (broad-leaved evergreen) species. The pattern is expressed by
variables such as incoming solar radiation (Fig. 1; for the coefficients in the regression (derived from Austin et al.
details see Austin et al. 1996). Leathwick et al. (1998) 1996). Vertical lines refer to the standard error.
162 Pausas, J.G. & Austin, M.P.

also found distinctly different responses for different the importance of the following points:
types of trees in New Zealand. Richness of broad-leafed 1.It is important to choose appropriate variables,
angiosperm trees increased with solar radiation, tem- that is, variables reflecting the amount of resources or
perature and moisture, while conifer species occurred resource availability, and environmental variables that
maximally with low insolation, low moisture deficit and have direct physiological impact on plant growth.
high humidity, intermediate temperatures and impeded 2.We suggest studying multidimensional gradients
drainage. Maximum Nothofagus species richness oc- of resource and environmental parameters, and using
curred on sites with high insolation, low temperatures, non-linear regression techniques and interactions. Single-
high soil moisture but low atmospheric moisture. gradient analyses can easily be confused with other
Pausas et al. (1999) showed that species-area curves variables, and non-linear patterns are too common in
in Mediterranean post-fire shrublands follow the classic nature to be omitted in the analysis of species richness.
power function (linear log-log relationship) for nested It is also important to study long environmental gradi-
plots (Preston 1962; Rosenzweig 1995). However, when ents in order to define the response shape of species
different growth forms were considered, different pat- richness unambiguously.
terns were elucidated: woody species more aptly fol- 3.When studies are carried out using arbitrary sam-
lowed a semi-log relationship, while herbaceous species pling units (e.g., geographical grid systems), variables
fitted well in a log-log relationship. That is, herbaceous incorporating environmental heterogeneity should be
species showed a higher rate of species addition at the considered.
large scale than woody species. 4. Patterns of species richness may be clarified if
Recently, open-top chamber and FACE experiments disaggregated into different functional types. We sug-
in natural pastures have suggested different responses to gest studying the pattern of species richness for each
CO2 enrichment between grasses (monocots) and forbs functional type independently but on the same sites.
(Lüscher 1996; Poorter et al. 1996; Potvin & Vasseur
1997); that is, grasses were reduced and forbs were
favoured. Other studies showed different behaviour be- Acknowledgements. The present work was financed by The
tween C3 and C4 grasses (Owensby 1996; Poorter et al. Spanish Government (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia)
1996). In contrast to nutrient enrichment, CO2 enrich- with a fellowship to the first author. We thank J. Cortina, W.
ment increased diversity and decreased dominance in Delitti, C. James, J. Landsberg, P. Shaughnessy, D. Sprat, and
C. Williams for their comments on the early draft of the
Quebec grasslands (Potvin & Vasseur 1997).
manuscript. Comments from R.K. Peet and two anonymous
referees have greatly improved the quality of the manuscript.

Concluding remarks
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- Patterns of plant species richness in relation to different environments - 163

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Received 5 May 1999;

Revision received 4 July 2000;
Accepted 1 November 2000.
Coordinating Editor: J.B. Wilson.

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