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Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

Implementation of FIR and IIR Filter


Implementation of FIR and IIR Filter

For doing this Pre Assignment has to follow all of the rules.

Rules :

Girls :
Even Group
- NIM digit 9 = even : A [1(a-c), 2, 4, 6, 8], B[1,3,4], C(1,2,3)
- NIM digit 9 = odd : A [1(d-f), 3, 5, 7, 9], B[2,5,6], C(2,3,4)

Odd Group
- NIM digit 9 = even : A [1(g-i), 4, 6, 9, 8], B[2,3,6], C(1,2,4)
- NIM digit 9 = odd : A [1(j-l), 3, 5,7,10], B[1,5,4], C(1,3,4)

Boys :
Even Group
- NIM digit 9 = even : A [1(m-o), 3, 5,7, 8], B[1,2,4], C(2,3,4)
- NIM digit 9 = odd : A [1(p,d,h), 2, 6, 9, 10], B[2,3,6], C(1,2,4)

Odd Group
- NIM digit 9 = even : A [1(c,g,e), 2, 7,8,9], B[1,5,4], C(1,3,4)
- NIM digit 9 = odd : A [1(d,g,o), 3, 4, 5,10], B[1,2,6], C(1,2,3)
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Implementation of FIR and IIR Filter
A. Theory Question h. Ripple
1. Give a brief explanation about : i. APF
a. Filter
j. Frequency Response
b. Equalizer
k. Magnitude Response
c. Analogue Filter
l. Impulse Response
d. Digital Filter
m. Windowing Method
e. FIR Filter
n. Sampling Frequency Method
f. IIR Filter
o. Non-Recursive
g. BSF
p. GUI
2. What do you know about all pass filter?
3. Explain the characteristics FIR Filter and plot the structure realization!
4. Explain the characteristics IIR Filter and plot the structure realization!
5. Mention steps how to make FIR filter using Windowing Method!
6. Mention steps how to make FIR filter using Sampling Frequency Method!
7. Mention advantage of IIR and FIR!
8. What is equalizer and how does it work? What are the functions of equalizer?
9. What do you know about GUI? What are the functions of GUI?
10. Whats the difference between Static Text and Edit Text in GUI Matlab?

B. Calculation Question
1. Feedback of a filter is stated in n-domain as:

21x[n] + 63x[n-2] - 10y[n-1] - 2y[n-2] = 12y[n]

Find the system function in z-domain and determine the systems stability

2. Find the impulse response from this z-domain :

( )
( )( )
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Implementation of FIR and IIR Filter
3. Find the impulse response from this z-domain :

( )
( ) ( )

4. Design IIR HPF using Bilinear Transform with the specification :

a. No ripple

b. Cut-off Frequency of -3dB at 4 KHz

c. -15 dB Attenuation at 1500Hz Frequency

d. Sampling Frequency 12 KHz

5. Design FIR using windowing method with the specification :

Window : hamming

H(ejw) = e-j3w ; -0,5 w -

0 ; -0,5 w 0.5

e-j3w ; 0,5 w

6. Design LPF using Bilinear Transform with the specification :

a. No Ripple
b. Cutoff Frequency -3dB at Fc= 500Hz
c. -15 dB Attenuation at Fs=750 Hz
d. Sampling Frequency Fs=2000 sample/second
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Implementation of FIR and IIR Filter

C. Application Question

1. Make a GUI on Matlab that can do

simple addition operation , as shown on the

2. Design BPF Butterworth filter with orde 3, sampling frekuensi 20KHz. With lower cut off
frekuensi 2Hz and upper cut off frekuensi 7Hz. Draw magnitude and phase response, plot zplane!

3. Design BPF Chebyshev filter with orde 5, sampling frekuensi 40KHz and ripple in stopband.
With lower cut off frekuensi 2Hz and upper cut off frekuensi 5Hz. Draw magnitude and phase
response, plot zplane!

4. Design BSF Chebyshev filter with orde 6, sampling frekuensi 30KHz and ripple in passband
area. With lower cut off frekuensi 2Hz and upper cut off frekuensi 6Hz. Draw magnitude and
phase response, plot zplane!

Bandung, August 2017

Advisor of DSP Laboratory

Ratri Dwi Atmaja ST., MT

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