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How to describe feelings

Intensity of feelings High Medium
Excited Gratified Glad
HAPPY Overjoyed Cheerful Pleasant
Elated Satisfied Tender
Thrilled Relieved Pleased
Fired up glowing Mellow

Intensity of feelings High Medium Low

Depressed Heartbroken Unhappy

SAD Agonized Somber Moody
Alone Lost Blue
Hurt Distressed Upset
Sorrowful Melancholy Disappointed
Miserable Let down dissatisfied

Intensity of feelings High Medium Low

Furious Upset Perturbed

Enraged Mad Annoyed
ANGRY Outraged Defended Uptight
Boiling Frustrated Irritated
Irate Agitated Touchy
Seething disguated Resistant

Intensity of feelings High Medium
Terrified Apprehensive Nervous
AFRAID Horrified Frightened Worried
Scared stiff Insecure Timid
Fearful Uneasy Unsure
Panicky intimidated Anxious
shocked threatened Cautious

Intensity of feelings High Medium
ASHAMED defamed Apologetic Ridiculous
Remorseful Sneaky Regretful
Dishonoured Guilty Pitied
admonished Secretive silly

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