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Dear Lovers of Dragons and Flowing Qi,

Hollywood has popularized dragons in recent years. These are mostly the mythical
archetype of Western dragons, which have wings and swoop down from the sky. It's
part of the generally patriarchal "sky gods rule the earth" model. Msny of them
work for evil forces that need to heroically be overcome by a male teen age
protagonist eager to prove his virtue and manhood.
Chinese dragons occupy a different mythic space and serve a nearly opposite
cultural function. The Chinese archetype, like Taoism, is matriarchal and earth
centered. Dragons dont have wings. They emerge twisting and spinning from the
ocean in the spring, circulate for six months and then descend underground in the
Fall. They are linked to the cycles of the seasons, and symbolize imperial power,
rulership of the earth realm from within. When internalized through spiritual
practice, it is a sign of Self-rulership over the forces of Nature that shape human
destiny. Traditionally, there are five dragons, each a different color and arising
in a different direction, representing control over the five elements or phases of
Natures seasonal Qi flow.
While dragons abound in Chinese arts and literature, there are very few methods
Ive found for bridging the gap between one's personal reality and the mythic
reality of dragons. I never really believed in dragons until I had the spontaneous
experience of BECOMING a fire-breathing dragon. By this I mean that my personal
Energy Body (functional layers of the soul) morphed into a dragon after I
finished a round of spinning movements of a Taoist Bagua Zhang circle-walking form.

Dragon spiralling inside a bagua (octagon)

It was a shock, in a full waking state with eyes open, to see flames and steam
emerging from my mouth. I wasnt sure how to get back into my human form, but
eventually I did. After that, I never doubted the reality of dragons. But its
taken me a while to evolve a reliable practice where I can invoke dragons and they
instantly arrive to work with me energetically to accomplish some spiritual task.

I have evolved the wandering Taoist One Clouds Inner Alchemy Formulas over the
past 36 years far beyond the seminal but limited transmission I received from
Mantak Chia in 1982-83. This has been a gradual process of expanding my personal
Energy Body to embrace and merge, step by step, with the Cosmic Energy Body. This
has made it much easier to manage dragon Qi as a natural part of connecting more
deeply to Nature. In fact, in the last decade I developed a method that works even
for rank Western beginners. You can learn this method from my home study audio
Qigong Fundamentals 1&2 course. Better, get the live transmission via workshop
(Oct. 21-22, details below).
Superior Benefits of Wudang Spinning Pearl Dragon Orbit
The Microcosmic Orbit is the most famous Taoist method of Inner Alchemy meditation.
It is part of One Clouds First Alchemy Formula, so it is foundational. The Chinese
call it the Small Heavenly Round (xiao hou tian). It has other names, like
Embryonic Breathing, Warm Current, etc. It was first written about over 2000 years
ago to described a method of bringing sexual essence up the spine to recharge the
I spent decades studying the many Orbit variations in China. I am confident my
evolution of a version from the famous Taoist Wudang Mountain is the most powerful
orbit method available. One reason I am so confident is because Ive not only
tested dozens of different orbit methods on myself, but also on thousands of
Western students, and observed their positive response. Im a spiritual scientist,
and favor what works now over what worked for someone else in the past. I
discovered the orbit method One Cloud taught to Mantak Chia had a serious flaw in
it: you have to keep efforting and using your personal Qi and will (Yi) to
circulate the orbit. If you drop your focus, the Qi stops flowing. This leads to
students ultimately having a dry practice that they frequently abandon.
When you do a practice long enough, it reveals deeper secrets to you.
Experimentation is at the very heart of the alchemical process. Inner Alchemy is
just a way of describing our human power to speed up our evolution. Alchemy keep
things simple by working directly with the 3 streams of the Life Force. Negative,
positive, and neutral; or yin, yang, and yuan Qi in Taoist language.
The Microcosmic Orbit was poetically known by Taoists as opening the golden
flower. This gold flower blossomed after deep cultivation of light (Qi)
crystallized into an internal feeling of a gold elixir. Essentially, this elixir is
formed when our soul is made substantial. To make sure everyone opens their orbit,
I teach a powerful combination of custom-designed movement form, Open Qi Flow in
the Orbit Qigong, in combination with the sitting meditation Wudang Spinning Dragon
Orbit. This meditation method was so powerful it was actually banned in China due
to it being misused for psychic warfare. I show you how to avoid that pitfall, and
teach it as a very heart-centering practice.
I call my variant method the Spinning Pearl Dragon Orbit. Its my evolution of the
highly secret oral-only Wudang Mountain spinning pearl orbit method that I used to
teach. On my two trips to Wudang Mountain, I did not find anyone who knew this
exact method it may have been lost there due to adepts being scattered during the
Cultural Revolution.
Two things are required to master this new orbit method: the mechanics of the
method itself, and a transmission, which is essentially my helping you to feel it.
The transmission, which I give on the second day of my workshop on Medical and
Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1 & 2, involves inviting in a dragon spirit to
inhabit and spin inside ones personal elixir, or Inner Pearl. So you first need to
know how to form that Pearl, and make it real. I reveal those methods as well.

But inviting a dragon spirit inisde ones body? Dragons in Western mythology are
generally regarded as extremely dangerous creatures. Most Western adults make them
safe by not believing dragons are real. That is partly because their childhood
power of imagination was beaten out of them by adults. The culture does that in
order to make kids grows up into well-behaved social and economic robots.
Perversely, Western culture DOES believe in the Devil, as it wants you to sell your
soul in exchange for a few creature comforts.
Why is Everything in Our Universe SPINNING?
I know for myself that dragons are real; they just arent physical. Like most
spiritual beings, they live in the astral planes, invisible to ordinary sight. But
pretend for the moment that dragon is a metaphor for a natural spinning force.
Even the most nerdy scientist can observe that the spinning force is the dominant
power in this Cosmos.
Electrons and protons spin around neutrons. The earth spins on its axis. The
planets spin around the sun, the sun spins around the zodiac, and the zodiac spins
around some hidden super-galactic center, whose mega blackhole spin is so powerful
it swallows all gravity and light even as as it burps back out 100 trillion stars.

Electron microscope photo of egg & sperm. Photo fails to show the collective force
of hundreds of sperm spinning the egg, readying it for implantation by the lucky
sperm. There is a physically measurable burst of light emitted at the moment of
Men and women spin around each other, in endless sexual play. When human sperm
fertilize an egg, they must first gang up and get the giant (to them) egg spinning
rapidly, so the incoming soul can spin into matter. So spin is the key to
fertility (hint: if youre having trouble getting pregnant, a spinning orbit may
help). Spinning is THE process necessary at the moment of conception, beyond all
the egg-sperm chemistry. The vibratory spin of your soul is your signature, so
Source can track you. All the worlds a spinning theatre, to paraphrase a famous
But how many of us ever figure out where that spinning force comes from? Or why
there has to be a still space of no spin in the center of it? If you did, youd
get the Nobel Prize for figuring out perpetual motion. Nature is not stupid; it
spins for a good reason. Some meditators foolishly dream they can stop the spin,
but Creation seems to keep on spinning despite their ambitions to achieve an
Absolute Emptiness. If you could capture the spinning force, you would have the
greatest power in all Creation at your psychic fingertips. Hopefully you would
apply this spiral power to spreading love, balance, and harmony.
For a lover of Tao, learning the Spinning Dragon Orbit simply means you are
empowered to EFFORTLESSLY create deeper harmony and balance in your life. Thats my
experience. You dont need to effort with your everyday mind to cause the spin. The
spinning Dragon force, once you get it going, is effortless, alive and intelligent.
It naturally keeps spinning.
The Taoists call this spin the True Qi, or Original Yin-Yang force. Its balanced
spinning Qi silently overflows into your health, your relationships, your career.
It deepens your spiritual path by internally grounding you. It guides your destiny
like an internal spinning gyroscope. The orbit supports your unique virtues and
your souls natural loving presence to flow in graceful spirals out into your
everyday life.
If you are into the yogic model, you know that chakra means spinning wheel. The
Spinning Dragon Orbit method creates a Unified Super-Chakra whose spin embraces and
balances all the other chakras simultaneously. I taught kundalini yoga for many
years, and loved it. But I find that opening a single whole-body orbit is far more
efficient than trying to open each individual chakra.
Or consider the metaphor of a car. Once you get it started, it drives wherever you
steer it, at whatever speed you choose. The difference between a car and the Orbit
is that now you are driving the car of your Energy Body, and the fuel source, the
Life Force, is free and infinite. Your rate of internal spin determines how much Qi
you will draw in from the greater field. You dont need to pay for gas or new
tires. The spinning Qi is a free gift from the Tao.
What could be more valuable than this? Do you treasure your personal Energy Body
vehicle as much as you love your metal & plastic-molded automobile? Unfortunately,
a lot of people treat their car better than they do their Energy Body. But its
never too late to wake up and enjoy a life of increased spiritual power. Are you
open to receiving assistance from powerful, harmonious dragon spirits, and to
effortlessly spin your Way to health and happiness?
Read the section below for more details on why this version of the Microcosmic
Orbit is so effective.
I invite you to my live workshop in Asheville. The $144. cost hasnt gone up in 20
years. Eventually inflation will make it virtually free. But dont wait that long.
HOME STUDY ALTERNATIVE. If you cannot attend , consider importing these valuable
practices into your home via DVD and audio CD at a half-price introductory price,
with one year money back guarantee:

Why is the Spinning Pearl Orbit so Effective?
WORKSHOP Details: Oct. 20-22 Qigong Fundamentals 1&2
Primordial Tai Chi Nov. 18-19
Yin-Yang Dragons Guarding My Living Room
Why is the Spinning Pearl Orbit so Effective?

Micro-Cosmic Orbit Aids Self-Healing and Energetic Defense

Spiritually, the Micro-cosmic Orbit seals the physically etheric aspect of your
Energy Body in a never-ending wheel of light. This protects you from squandering
and leaking your energy commonly called stress. It also opens up the 8
Extraordinary Vessels, which feed you refreshing Qi from the pre-birth field of
energy. Many people have gotten powerful healing from this practice alone, often
for chronic illnesses that modern medicine cannot cure.
One of the challenges thta every human faces is creating healthy boundaries between
their inner personal space and what is happening in the public outer space. The
orbit creates an energetic "buffer zone" between the two. This is a much more sane
way to live, and it protects the delicate spiritual changes that need time to
evolve within us before we birth them out into the world.
The orbit practice never grows old the quality of the chi/Qi flowing in it just
matures and feels more wonderful. I was practicing for over two hour this morning
and marvelling at how profound this particular method is something released that
hadnt before. Humans are ongoing works of art, and qigong and inner alchemy are
amazing ways to energetically sculpt our life.

Orbit as Perpetual Motion

Even if you learned the orbit before, or learned a different method, repeated
practice is necessary for most folks to get it deeply. The orbit meditation was
likely patterned after the movement of the sun and moon, which chase after each
other in Natures perpetual dance. Likewise inside our body the fire channel in the
spine and the water channel in the chest chase after each other in a human version
of perpetual motion.

L: Greek Ouroboros, snake (baby dragon) swallowing its tail is equivalent of Tao
micro-cosmic orbit. (image: zarathus) R: calligraphy expresses the circularity of
orbital Qi flow. Note the neutral space in the center = core channel of our
personal Energy Body.

Six Reasons the Spinning Pearl Dragon Orbit is so Effective

1. IT HARMONIZES ABOVE & BELOW. Tao Cosmology holds as one of its primary
principles the correspondence between Micro-cosm and Macro-cosm. There is a famous
alchemical maxim that sums this up nicely: As Above, So Below. The orbit links
Heaven and Earth within our personal Energy Body.

This means that if we can get our Qi flowing in an orbit pattern locally - IN OUR
BODY - that we will be in harmony with the flow of Qi in the larger BODY OF NATURE.
Our body and nature's body are mirror images of each other, a balanced micro-macro
cosmic relationship.But if we are energetically asleep the forces in our
subconscious can act out in wild and disturbing ways.
The Fire Path Orbit flows from our navel down into the perineum, the Yin Gate of
Earth. Then it flows up the spine to the crown of the head, the Yang Gate of
Heaven. On its continuous pathway between Heaven and Earth, Qi flows through key
points that nourish our Human life - our sexual center, navel, solar plexus, heart,
threat, third eye/pineal gland.
The Water Path Orbit runs the opposite directioin - up the chest, over the head,
down the spine and back to the navel.

Both the Fire and Water paths embody a model of INCLUSIVE-NESS within a process of
continuous CHANGE. That is a pretty good summary of the essence of following the
path of Tao.


Historically, scholars believe the orbit may have originated over 2000 years ago in
a sexual practice described in ancient texts. This method was to bring sexual
essence from below to nourish and enliven the brain above. This Spinning Dragon
Orbit method penetrates into the "jing" or substance level much more so than orbit
methods that rely on breath or visualization only. The spinning pearl literally
digs into deeper levels of our Energy Body, freeing trapped creativity.
If you do this method, at some point the "above" feels full and it spontaneousl
overflows and intiates a downward flow. In Taoist alchemy, sexual energy is the
secret alchemical agent that is needed to stimulate and raise our vibration to a
higher level. This orbit version blends all the hormonal energies and concentrates
our sexual essence and blood, making it possible to more quickly transform slower,
more habitual organ pathways that can dominate our personality.


The Orbit Meditation activates two primary deep channels in the body which help
control the balance of yin and yang Qi flow. These two channels are part of the
Eight Extraordinary Vessels, which is best understood as the SOUL CHANNELS that
flow into the 12 BODY-MIND ORGAN CHANNELS.
The yang fire channel in the spine is known in Chinese medicine as the Governor
Vessel, and the yin water channel up the center line of the torso & chest is called
the Conception Vessel. Linking these two allow our personality to effortlessly
shift from spirit into matter and back. The Spinning Pearl Dragon Orbit creates the
ability to shift between Jing-Qi-Shen levels more quickly. Jing-Qi-Shen is the
continuum of awareness from substance (Jing) to subtle breath t(Qi) o broad field
of expanded awareness (aka spirit).

These "8 Extraordinary Vessels" control the yin-yang balance of the 12 meridians
that regulate the 12 vital organs and bowels. So by opening and nourishing the flow
in the orbit, we in effect leverage the harmony between the fire and water channels
to influence simultaneously all 12 of the organ meridians that govern our health
and personality. So instead of trying to "fix" things on the outer level, we
balance the flow of yin-yang Qi from within, on a deeper level.

4. UNIFIED CHAKRA MODEL. If you are a student of yoga, you might re-frame this to
say that the Orbit is adjusting the flow of prana through all the chakras. So
nstead of trying to "open" a particular chakra, you are opening the faucet so the
Qi (prana) pressure is increased and flows like an unstoppable river through ALL
the chakras. The Orbit thus creates a Unified Chakra that integrates all the other
chakras into a single dynamic wheel of life.


Our deepest human instinct is to search for our Source. The orbit open the inner
space in which we cultivate Yuan Qi (Original Breath). iIt offers a stable yin-yang
egg-shaped vessel, where our inner embryo of our immortal soul can mature.
A lot of students think that it's enough to just balance out the flow of yin-yang
Qi. This is generally the viewpoint of our personality, which is controlled by the
tension between our left and right brain hemispheres.

Many have not yet awakened to the reality of a third kind of Qi that is NOT yin-
yang polarized. It links us to our soul and over soul. It is known as Original
Breath, or Yuan Qi. It is the energy of the Primordial Tao, the source of all
creation's many forms that we call Nature. The orbit flows around the center line
of our body, exactly in between our left and right brains. In short, it grows our

Once we have balanced the yin-yang or fire/water Qi flowing around our micro-orbit,
we can take the next step and begin to cultivate and grow our Yuan Qi in the core
channel. This is called the chongmai, or Penetrating Vessel. This Qi flows in the
center of our body, running from perineum to crown. It's also known as the taiji
pole, the spiralling axis between heaven and earth.

The outer path of the micro-orbit around our torso creates the shape of an egg.
When we cultivate our Yuan Qi, it's like we are nourishing the yolk of the egg deep
inside us. That is what Taoists call the Immortal Embryo. When we shift from the
outer orbit pathway to the core channel, we graduate to a deeper level of internal
alchemy, the science of re-birthing our soul and making it tangible.

I first learned a very basic orbit method in1980 from Mantak Chia. It worked, but
not perfectly. I have since tested on myself and my students dozens of different
methods to open and sustain the micro-cosmic orbit. I've concluded the Spinning
Pearl Dragon Orbit method is the most effective. I've been working with it for over
18 years, and have further evolved it, including how to invite spinning Dragon Qi
into it to make it more effortless. I taught this orbit method to Mantak Chia in
2011, but haven't seen that he grasped the superiority of it.

I've also integrated the Dragon Orbit into the One Cloud's system of water & fire
internal alchemy. It kicks the alchemical process into super-high frequencies and
speeds up one's progress. It is like graduating from "dial-up" to "broad band"
internet - easier, faster, and more fun.

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