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Interactive Read Aloud

Name: _Johannah Murdock ____________ Grade Level: _3rd__ Date: _9/26/17_

1. Overall lesson topic / title: Perseverance Through Hard Times

2. Common Core State Standard(s) (CCSS)

Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures;
determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is
conveyed through key details in the text.

Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic,
and link their comments to the remarks of others.

3. Goal

Students will practice listening to a story, thinking about the message, and share their
ideas with their peers.

4. Develop 1 to 4 learning goals

i. What is the main idea of this text? Perseverance pays off in the end.

ii. How does the little girls feelings change throughout the book? In the beginning
she is full of ideas, in the middle she gets really mad, and then in the end she is
full of ideas again and is successful so she is happy.

iii. What is the lesson from this story? Never give up. Even when things are hard,
working hard to achieve your goals pays off in the end.

5. List important new vocabulary that students will need to know in order to
understand the text and meet learning goals.
Magnificent: elaborate or striking, very good or excellent.
Wrenches: a sudden violent twist or pull.
Tweaks: twist or pull something sharply.
Admirer: someone who has a particular regard for someone else. A fan.
Pummel: strike repeatedly with the firsts.

6. Materials and supplies needed (Resources)

i. Teacher:
The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires

7. Briefly describe any student in class who may need additional scaffolding to
comprehend the text and/or may need scaffolding around participation.
Z and M will need encouragement to discuss during the time allowed. The
teacher should check in on them and help expand their conversation.
The teacher will alternate between having partner A and partner B speak first so
that students have equal opportunity to discuss their thoughts. Partners and their
A/B assignment is already established in this classroom.

Instructional Sequence / Procedures: Number of

Preparing for Discussion: Students will be seated on the carpet in their
pre-assigned spots.
Students have pre-assigned partners for discussion and A/B labels.
I will begin by having students sitting on the carpet. 2 minutes
I will gather their attention by saying class class class e-o-o-o and
they will respond yes e-o-o-o

Launch (Hook / Warm-up):

Remember when you wrote about a time that you had to work hard
to get something you wanted?
Students will nod and likely start talking to their neighbor.
Bring class back together if need be by saying claaaass
and they will respond yeeeees. 2 minutes
Were going to read about a young girl, just like many of you, who
worked really hard for something she wanted.

Discussion Plan:

This book is called The Most Magnificent Thing. Magnificent means

excellent or very good. It was written by Ashley Spires.
Page 4: How do you think the little girl feels right now?
Draw sticks
Excited, happy
Page 9: Wrenches means a sudden violent twist or pull. 15-20
Page 12: Tweaks means to twist or pull something sharply. minutes
Page 15: Admire means to respect or approve of something or
Page 17: Pummel means to strike repeatedly.
How do you think she is feeling now? Her idea isnt coming
together and she looks like shes feeling?
Draw sticks
Page 24: Look at the pictures, think about what changes you see
Place book under projector so students can see the pictures
Allow 20 seconds for thinking
Have students turn and talk, partner A goes first.
End of book: How does she feel at the end of the book?
Call on students who raise their hands (1-2).
She feels happy because now she has a scooter.
The little girl in this story feelings change, I want you to compare and
contrast how she feels throughout the story with your partner. This
time partner B will share first.
Give students 15 seconds to gather their thoughts before
starting Turn and Talk.

Exit Activity (Summary / Closure):

Now I want you to think about what the main lesson is from this
Use sticks to call on students.
Encourage students to build off of what a peer has already
Write their ideas on the board to help build one main idea.
After students develop a main idea, write the final conclusion 5 minutes
on the board.
Have students say the main idea together.
The main idea of this story is that hard work pays off in the

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