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Create a contract theat contains standars for colony strength to which the grower and

the beekeeper have agreed.

1. Average and minimum strength requirements
a. 8 frame average and 4 framen minimum
2. Outside temperature at the field site for inspection
a. Temperature of 60 0F or higher or when a majority of hives in the apiary have
bee flihght
3. Inspection should take place within specified of days after placement.
a. The beekeeper agrees to open and demonstrate the strength of 10% of the c
olonies randomly as selected by the grower. Inspection is to be made after th
e hives have been placed in the fields for no less than 14 days and there has
been at least 4 consecutive days of 600F weather temperature, no rain and n
o winds over 10 mph. The inspection will take place after 1 PM and under th
e following conditios

How to evaluate the colony strength of cultivated and wild honyebee according to Sagili
and Burgett (2011)

1. Amount of honey comb

Counting the number of honey combs in a frame with a standard number of combs is 8-
10 frames with sizes 2.160-2700 square inches.
Example frame with comb: 8 inches x 16.75 inches = 134 in2 (on each side)

16.75 inches

8 inches

2. Amount of brood
See if the colony contains eggs, larvae and pupae. In addition it measures each comb
with a standard size of 1.000 inches.
Total area containing healthy brood in any stage of development , including eggs or
larvae in open cells and capped brood.
3. Number of bees
Seeing how many bees are in a well-covered comb, based on a standard in a covered
comb the number of bees is 2.400 adult bees.
4. A normal queen (cultivated honeybee only)
a. Presence of eggs will indicate queen activity within last 3 days.
b. Examine the brood. Look for a solid, good-sized brood pattern.
c. Be careful not to injure the queen during the inspection!
Than knowing the queen's age in a colony in producing honey, based on the queen's
age standard is 2 -3 years. Queen, having just laid an egg, is searching for another
empty cell . Note the larvae, pupae and worker bees.
5. Colony strength inspections
Step 1
a. Single story hive
Smoke the entrance and under the lid
b. Remove lid Two-story hive Smoke the entrance
Separate the two stories using your hive tool
Step 2
a. Top story set aside
b. Carefully remove an outside frame.
c. Assess both sides of each frame while holding it over the open hive.

colony strength inspection was carried out at 65o F by opening random frame and
removing the comb to check for biological activity in the colony. A good colony indicated
by more than 100 bees entering per minute at temperatures of 65 F and above, with
winds less than 10 miles per hour.

Sagili, R.R. and Burgett, D.M. 2011. Evaluating Honey Bee Colonies for Pollination. A
Pacific Northwest Extension Publication Oregon State University. University of Idaho.
Washington State University
Mueller, Shannon. 2012. Honey Bee Colony AssessmentWorkshop. Agronomy Farm
Advisor. UC Cooperative Extension Fresno County

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