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Ann[ A
We get behind the stories that affect you

Online illustration showed

Darrens car with sunroof
and roof bars

As the Prime Minister calls
a General Election, what
does this mean for drivers?
A MONTH from now, the UK
will head to the polls once more
to choose its leader, after Prime
Minister Theresa Mays decision to
call a snap General Election on 8 June.
The early indication is a landslide
victory for May and her ministers,
but if weve learnt anything from
recent pre-voting polls, its that
they cant really be trusted at all.
Whichever way the election
goes next month, what does it mean
for the motorist? Its a question we

Configurator designs a
asked before the Brexit vote 12
months ago, and again back in
2015 when David Camerons
Tory Government was elected.
The answer has been largely the

Fiat that cant be made

same a general disinterest towards
drivers and car owners from all
angles, with manifestos concentrating
on battles over the EU instead. Sure,
there might be a eeting mention
QCASE STUDY 500X options couldnt be chosen together, but the online image suggested otherwise of freezing fuel duty and vague
promises about spending more
on road infrastructure projects
Julie Sinclair
OPTIONS to get Britain moving. Beyond
ONLINE configurators, which let you Darren only that, though, its hard to see too
design and visualise your dream car from realised his roof many sweeteners for drivers.
the comfort of your computer, are becoming bars werent But perhaps this time around,
increasingly popular with new car buyers. included when motorists will be remembered just
Theres no sales rep breathing down your his car arrived for all the wrong reasons. Dont be
neck and theres less chance of being surprised to see several parties look
baffled by jargon or small print, leaving you towards a headline-grabbing diesel
time to pick the right spec at the right price. scrappage scheme, or higher taxes for
It should leave little room for confusion, heavy polluting vehicles as would-be
but thats not what reader Darren Sedgwick MPs look to win the clean-air war.
of Castleford, West Yorks, found. He used Whatever happens, the next
Fiats configurator to order his 500X Cross six weeks look set to create more
Plus, and was confused to discover the uncertainty and ill-feeling in a nation
car supplied by Arnold Clark Motorstore, that seems increasingly divided by the
Leeds, didnt match the one he designed. day. Lets hope whoever comes out on
It should have featured roof bars as He used the configurator refused to comment, and Darren claims top is able to add some much needed
standard, plus the optional sunroof hed theres now a disclaimer which reads stability and perhaps even be on the
selected, but Darren said: When I collected to order his 500X, and was vehicles shown for illustration purposes. side of the motorist once in a while.
the car, the roof bars were missing. I was
told they cant be fitted with a sunroof but
confused to find it didnt Darren asked The Motor Ombudsman
to step in, but as Arnold Clark Motorstore
this was never explained during ordering. match the one he designed Leeds is not signed up to its Sales Code of @AE_Consumer
Whats more, the image generated by Conduct which covers disputes about
Fiats configurator clearly shows the car with vehicle quality during the sales process it
both. Fiat and Arnold Clark refused to take spokeswoman argued: Fiat provides a couldnt help. Arnold Clark refused to say This election, dont
the car back with the dealer instead offering summary page at the end of the configuration how many of its dealers were signed up to
a part-exchange which would see Darren process that sets out specification included the code and wouldnt help Darren further. be surprised to see
lose almost 6,000 in just three months. on the vehicle configured. In this instance, Darren said: I find it amazing neither MPs trying to win
He said: Its clearly been missold and the summary does not include the roof bars. party is willing to offer anything at all under
its totally unacceptable. We agreed, We asked why the 3D image still showed the circumstances. Ill just have to cut my the clean-air war
and called Fiat for an explanation. Its the car sporting both features, but it losses and sell it for half what I paid.

20 3 May 2017

Inbox What do you think?
Contact Martin Saarinen

HOT TOPIC Lexus NX revealed

FROM: Stu889 I SAT in the current FROM: HTG LEXUS has always been a
NX recently and found it nice and Marmite brand you either like its cars
comfortable. However, I was surprised or you dont. I think the new NX looks
Many drivers struggle the lower-spec models do not come with great. The only thing it could do with is
with parking, even bi-xenon lights something Im hoping larger wheels and tyres to compete the
after passing their test the new model rectifies. A car like this look. I have never owned a Lexus, but this
should come with these as standard. may just tempt me to visit the showroom.

Parking too difficult FACELIFT

Readers have
split opinions

for lots of motorists on recently

revised NX SUV

Q Study shows that 45 per cent of drivers struggle to reverse park

Martin Saarinen
NEARLY half of drivers avoid
manoeuvres they learnt for their
driving test as they now find them
too difficult, a study has found. Andy Barrs
Head of Police Liaison
A study by at TRACKER
found 45 per cent of drivers avoid
certain reversing manoeuvres Join the debate at
such as parallel parking or YOU might think car thieves solely Q I bought an NX two years Q The options list on the Q Lexus has always been
reversing into a spot. A further target high-end cars, but our data tells ago and its been brilliant. NX is poor things such one of the best cars in the
10 per cent of drivers admitted us criminals continue to go after more Zero reliability problems as sat-nav dont come as market in terms of build
to avoiding motorways because affordable, popular brands, such as cant see why the new one standard. Hopefully this quality, fit and finish.
they find them too intimidating. Ford, Vauxhall and Volkswagen. In would be different. antonyr will change. Ian Burgess Ab, Netherlands
The results come after the fact, these were stolen in record numbers
Government announced changes last year, with the lowest-value car stolen
to tests from December 2017 and recovered being a 400 VW Golf.
onwards that will actually remove A third of all stolen vehicles recovered Suzuki needs to up its More advice required
certain reversing exercises to in 2016 were valued at less than 5,000, game on new Swift on how to sit properly
make the test more real-world. and half of the cars stolen and recovered
The independent driving part of were valued at less than 10,000. This FROM: John Palfery AS owners of top-spec FROM: Roger Davis IT seems car makers
the test will also increase from 10 suggests age, mileage or brand of Swift and SX4 Cross Suzukis, we were spend lots of resources on designing
to 20 minutes, and require drivers a vehicle is becoming increasingly disappointed with the new Swift (Issue seats, yet there are still many drivers who
to follow sat-nav instructions to immaterial to criminals and should serve 1,466). It no longer looks funky, but complain of backaches. Could it be
teach them how to use the device as a warning to the average car owner. rather ordinary, and the interior isnt any people dont know how to set up a
correctly but this might not be Interestingly, and confirming the more exciting. Next years Sport version correct seating position? Perhaps its
the answer to safer roads, either. demise of the prestige car as the thieves will need to address these issues. something car makers could advise on.
A separate study by number one target, the average value of
found over half of drivers over-rely cars recovered was just over 16,000,
on sat-navs, with 56 per cent down from over 19,000 in 2015. Electricity prices cant Miracle way to mend
admitting they need the device to
warn them of speed limit changes.
While the BMW X5 was the most
stolen and recovered vehicle for us last
go up alongside fuel UKs pothole problem?
Thats despite 17 per cent admitting year, the top three most expensive cars FROM: Simon Parrott CAR makers are FROM: Dave Marriott A FEW years ago, my
their device has displayed the were all Mercedes, with the 120,000 clearly looking at several options local council decided to fix many of the
wrong limit numerous times. G63 AMG hitting top spot. But the reality to replace diesel and petrol engines potholes in my area. They first laid the
Rod Jones, insurance expert is less than one per cent of stolen cars in the future, with electricity looking hole with a bonding agent and then filled
at said: We are are worth between 75,000-120,000. like the best alternative. However, it with a special mixture. I havent seen
officially a nation of sat-nav If you think your car isnt worth enough the Government must make sure other councils use this process since,
junkies, but our addiction to to be stolen, remember three out of four electricity bills dont go up as a but unlike many of the other repairs,
technology is causing us to drive stolen cars were worth less than 20,000. result of the increased demand. our potholes havent returned.
dangerously and risk large fines.

THE following provide help Legal Used car inspections Car registration/history Problems with dealers Problems with makers

Useful with motoring problems.

Some services are free,
AA: 0345 850 1130 (m)
RAC: 0330 159 1446 (m)
AA: 0800 056 8040
RAC: 0330 159 0720
HPI: 01722 422422
AA: 0800 316 3564
The Motor Ombudsman:
0345 241 3008
Consumer Ombudsman:
The Motor Ombudsman:
0345 241 3008
Financial problems

Which?: 01992 878329 Technical advice DVLA: 0300 790 6802
others charge a fee or RAC: 0330 159 0364 www.consumer- Financial Ombudsman:
Citizens Advice Consumer AA: 0370 142 0002 (m)
operate on premium-rate helpline: 03454 040506 Traffic information RMIF: 0845 305 4230
0800 023 4567
lines (p), while some offer Driving licences AA: 0906 888 4322 Safety concerns/recalls
Local Trading Standards Scottish Motor Trade
Local Citizens Advice Bureau DVLA: 0300 790 6801 RAC: 09003 444999 (p) Association: 0131 331 5510 DVSA: 0300 123 9000
advice for members only (m). 3 May 2017 21

Inside story
A different take on the world of motoring


Concerned about the mileage on a potential used buy? We present two cars with a
combined total of 1.2 million miles which prove big numbers neednt be a turn-off

22 3 May 2017

Life with a high-mileage motor Inside story

Otis Clay
70929 2
VOLVO S80 2.5D
Rod Green bought his
Volvo to use as a chauffeur
car. 16 years later, its still
a perfect everyday runabout

Joe Finnerty than half a million miles on the clock, it never missed a beat during the week-long road test we gave it.
We took it up and down the motorway from London
HUNTING through the classifieds for a new motor to Essex for a weekend round of golf, navigated the
can be an exciting prospect, as you look to unearth congested stop-start central London streets and even
your perfect car. Everyone has their own criteria during used it as family transport over the Easter weekend.
the search, with certain cars to be avoided, such as Aside from some worn fabric on the seats, a sticky
those that dont have a full service history or are door handle and a vaguely rattly engine something you
described as having some bodywork issues. could accuse any older diesel of, irrespective of mileage
Many will also place a mileage limit on a new purchase theres little to suggest this Golf has done anything more
100,000 miles on the clock is a barrier that many than the standard mileage of a 15-year-old motor.
buyers are tentative about crossing. What hidden dangers The truth is, though, that this Golf S has been the
are lurking on cars that have covered so much ground? picture of health throughout its life. Its still on its original
While high mileage on a newer model can engine and the cylinder head has never been parted from
indicate its been heavily thrashed, dismissing a the engine block. Aside from regular oil changes, a new
prospective new car purely because it has a high cambelt every 60,000 miles, maintenance on the brakes

508 5 3 8
number on the odometer is both unfair and unwise. and several clutches, the Golf has been an owners dream,
A low-mileage car may not appear to have been used and still manages to average more than 50mpg.
very much, but that doesnt necessarily mean its been The drivers responsible for racking up this incredible
2001 VW GOLF driven sympathetically or well maintained. A car thats
been used for lots of short journeys will wear out faster
mileage are Roy Dyson and wife Doreen, who regularly
used it to travel from their Devon home up to Lancashire.
We tested the Golf for a
week, including motorway than one thats been used on longer distance trips, too. The couple had family and friends there, having left the
miles and town traffic Most engine and gearbox wear takes place when area after selling Roys wholesale food delivery business.
and it didnt falter once the engine is cold, while the brakes, suspension and The Dysons purchased the car in May 2002 from
clutch will wear out much more slowly on cars used for Northfield Volkswagen, Cirencester, with just 6,021
lengthy motorway trips rather than urban stop-start miles on the clock, and soon racked up some serious
driving on roads littered with speed bumps. mileage on many days and weekends away. By the
Most modern cars have a design life of at least 150,000 end of 2002, the Golf was on 30,000, and just over
miles, so you can be happy theyll last at least this long two years after purchase, it crossed the 100,000
if maintained with a service schedule. This can easily barrier. But Roy and Doreen didnt stop there,
be doubled, though, if the car has been well looked after. and by August 2006, theyd passed 200,000.
Just take this 2001 VW Golf 1.9 TDi weve tracked down, It wasnt until the car clocked up 300,000 that it
which is a true member of the High-Mile Club. With more recorded its only breakdown, when a failed alternator

The Golf, with
over half a
million miles
on the clock,
had the usual
signs of wear,
such as frayed
seats. But it still
drove perfectly 3 May 2017 23

Inside story
was replaced by the AA at the roadside. In fact, the only
time it failed to make it home under its own steam was in
the winter of 2010, when a snowstorm trapped them in the
car and they had to use their trusty Golf as lodgings for the
night. Dodgy weather was also responsible for the Golfs
only accident, when it slid on ice and damaged a door panel.
Its a remarkable story, but just goes to show why you
shouldnt discount something just because of its mileage.
The romance of keeping a car for so long aside, buying a
high-miler can also represent great value, as you all but
nullify one of the biggest motoring expenses: depreciation.
Of course, as with any used car, there are pitfalls
to avoid when buying. We caught up with Luv Datta,
of Shire Car Sales near Bromsgrove, Worcs, for some
expert advice on how to avoid picking up a money pit.
He said: Go through the service history with a
fine-tooth comb and see who has done the work, what
theyve done and when. Look at the cars MoT history
you can do so for free at
If the car has failed regularly and racked up lots of
advisories, you know it hasnt been cared for. And
dont be afraid to invest in a professional inspection.
Some of the best used vehicles are ex-company cars,
because theyll have covered high motorway mileage
and will likely have been serviced properly.
And dont be put off by a car thats had lots of money
spent on it, because big bills show its been cared for.
Its also worth considering that these high-mileage cars
are much cheaper than a low-mileage equivalent, so you
can afford to spend some of the cash saved on repairs.
Take a 60,000-mile 2012 Ford Mondeo 2.0 TDCi Zetec
for example. According to Glasss Guide, its worth almost
7,000 in a private sale, but with a mileage of 160,000
its value plummets to just 4,000. You can pay for
a lot of parts and labour with that spare 3,000.
Datta added: When a car reaches 100,000
miles it can become really hard to find a buyer.

However, most buyers turn their noses up once
there are 70,000 miles on the clock, although


high-mileage cars can represent a real bargain.

With more than half a million miles,

this 51-reg Golf never missed a beat ROD GREENs 709,292-mile Volvo S80 2.5D
WOULD you buy a car with 693,000 miles on the
during its week-long road test clock? Thats what Rod Green did or more
accurately, its what his son did for him. However,
while a mega-mileage saloon might seem like a risky
gamble, Rod knew the cars history from day one,
because hed put most of those miles on its clock.
Rod said: I started a new career as a corporate
chauffeur in 2001, and I leased a pre-registered S80
2.5D with fewer than 20 miles on the clock. With an HIGH MILES
annual mileage of 80,000 to contend with, I needed Rod bought his
something that would be reliable and not cost too Volvo S80 with
much to run. However, 10,000-mile service intervals just 20 miles on
meant the Volvo would visit a garage every six weeks. the clock, and
I never skimped on servicing but I avoided main now runs it with
a mileage of
dealers by using independents I got a much
over 700,000
more personal service and I paid a lot less.
With 350,000 miles on the clock, a piece of grit
damaged a drive belt, wrecking the engine. Rods
specialist sourced a factory-reconditioned engine
and fitted it within a week. He added: A main dealer
couldnt have matched this level of service, or cost.
So when buying a high-mileage car, dont be too 700,000 miles and it was still running superbly on the
focused on a main dealer service history. What matters clutch Id had fitted with the replacement engine. But it
is that its been maintained properly using high-quality was looking a bit scruffy and its cosmetics would have put
parts. If thats by a recognised specialist, thats fine. off many buyers never mind the mileage! The S80 proved
At the end of its four-year lease period, Rod bought a great buy as cheap, comfortable transport, though.
the Volvo for 1,000, eventually selling it in 2009, by The Volvo has now done 709,000 miles and has
which point it had covered almost 600,000 miles. needed a new alternator, while the suspension has
When Rod recently retired, his son presented him been overhauled. Rod concluded: Id like to see one
with his original S80, which hed bought back as a million miles on the odometer, but as my annual mileage
gift. Rod added: By now, the car had done almost is now just 5,000, I dont think its going to happen.

24 3 May 2017

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New cars Mercedes E 220 d Coup

Performance Running costs

0-62mph/top speed 61.4mpg (official)
7.4 seconds/150mph 59 fill-up

E-Class Coup is poised,

refined and handles well,
but is not a sporty companion

Sam Naylor was fitted with standard springs rather than the pricey adaptive air-suspension
(a 1,495 option), but even on bumpy
THE Mercedes E-Class is one of our tarmac, we found the big E-Class to be
favourite large saloon cars, blending extremely comfortable indeed.

E 220 d Coup
a classy interior with a composed driving The ride is a little firm at low speed,
experience and a strong range of engines. but push on and it irons out everything
That doesnt automatically mean well well even larger potholes. It feels
love this new Coup model, but with very big here in Britain, though, as our
such a good base, what could go wrong? smaller, tighter roads start to make the
We first drove the car in Spain last month, Mercedes sheer size a bit of an issue.

FIRST UK DRIVE Classy two-door four-seater

and came away impressed with the Coups Despite its strikingly similar looks, its
refined, calm and cosseting character. not as svelte as the smaller C-Class Coup.
Happily, that holds true back in the UK, even That makes driving quickly in the E 220 d
impresses with great build quality and comfort on our notoriously rutted roads. Our test car a bit tougher, and the heavy 1,735kg

Elegant lines of E-Class

Coup look similar to
smaller C-Class Coup

30 3 May 2017

Mercedes E 220 d Coup New cars

Otis Clay
Mercedes E 220 d
Coup AMG Line
Price: 40,135
Engine: 2.0-litre 4cyl diesel
Power/torque: 191bhp/400Nm
Transmission: Nine-speed automatic,
rear-wheel drive
0-62mph: 7.4 seconds
Top speed: 150mph
Economy: 61.4mpg
CO2: 111g/km


EQUIPMENT Dual-screen set-up is

standard on top-spec E 400 or optional
across the rest of the range. It looks
great and offers loads of functionality.
Everything is controlled via slick touchpad

kerbweight means it isnt particularly agile. throttle is all thats needed for a quick models. The true benefit, however,
The body rolls as you dip into a corner, and motorway overtake. It has just about is the strong 61.4mpg fuel economy
while the steering feels nicely weighted, it enough grunt 191bhp and 400Nm of and low 111g/km CO2 emissions.
isnt as sharp as you might want from a car torque to enjoy on a twisty road, but those That means infrequent trips to
that looks as sporty as this. In AMG Line after a bit more performance might want the pumps and decent Benefit-in-
trim (the only spec available in the UK), to take a look at the E 300 or E 400 petrol Kind company car tax ratings.
some might expect it to drive like a V8 models. Theres no full-fat AMG version yet. The sleek looks and high-quality
super-coup, but the entry-level diesel is far Still, this diesel is incredibly refined on interior carry over from the saloon. Up
less exciting than its flashy add-ons suggest. the motorway. The nine-speed automatic front, the cabin is nearly identical to
Still, the Mercedes is composed, grippy gearbox, found in the rest of the Mercedes the four-door, featuring the same wide PRACTICALITY The Coups 425-
and planted when youre driving faster, range, is designed to maximise efficiency, dashboard design and leather-lined litre boot is smaller than youll find on
and also manages to convey a greater sense and seems to short-shift where appropriate dash. Our car was fitted with the superb an Audi A5, despite the E-Class sitting
of speed than either the E-Class saloon to keep the revs as low as possible. dual-screen infotainment system and in the class above. Its a usable shape,
or Estate. The E 220 d is torquey low in the It swaps cogs smoothly and quickly, however, with space for weekend bags
instrument display, too, which gives
rev range, which means a squeeze of the and is just as good here as it is in other the E-Class a real hi-tech feel. However,
at 1,900, its not a cheap upgrade.
Theres only one spec, so standard kit
is generous. All cars come with LED lights,
19-inch wheels, cruise control and a Garmin
sat-nav system. Top-spec E 400 petrol
models include our cars excellent
dual-screen display and air-suspension.
Passengers in the rear seats will be
fine for legroom, but that sloping roofline
means that headroom is a bit too tight for
longer trips. Climbing into the back is a bit
of a pain as well, because of the slow-
moving electric seats. If its raining, THE new Mercedes E-Class Coup
youll get wet waiting for them to move. doesnt disappoint as a comfortable
But when its sunnier, the ability to lower cruiser even on broken British
all the windows for a pillarless driving roads. Its a great-looking car with a
experience is a luxury touch that gives high-quality, class-leading interior
a uniquely airy and light ambience. and a very calm, composed drive,
The 425-litre load bay is actually smaller but the trade-off is that it doesnt
than the Audi A5s 465-litre space, even feel particularly sporty. However,
though that car is technically in the class rock-bottom running costs and
below, but its a still a decent size and a unquestionable style make it a
usable shape. An Audi A7 is arguably more great all-rounder that will no doubt
Passengers in the rear seats get lots of legroom, comparable in terms of its outright footprint, appeal to those after a big two-door
although the hatchback body is arguably less coup without the similarly big bills.
but the sloping roofline means headroom is tight desirable. Still, if you regularly carry luggage,
its an undoubtedly more practical car. 3 May 2017 31
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New cars Volkswagen Atlas

Aaron Gold
THE Volkswagen Atlas is a super-sized When it comes to passenger
seven-seat SUV designed for, and built in,
America. Volkswagen executive Dr Elmar- seating and functionality,
Marius Licharz told Auto Express last year the Atlas proves spot on
that excess production capacity at its plant
in Chattanooga, Tennessee could bring the
Atlas to Europe, although a right-hand-drive
version for the UK is unlikely. Even if the
Atlas were to make it here, would we want
it? We travelled to Texas for a test drive.
The Atlas is over five metres long and
nearly two metres wide slightly smaller
than an Audi Q7 and yet aside from the
sheer size, the styling doesnt make much
of a splash. The crease that runs over the
wheelarches and through the doors feels
like a half-hearted, and ultimately doomed,
effort to endow the Atlas with some
character. You could argue, though, that
the Atlas subdued appearance is a good
fit for conservative American buyers.
Inside, the Atlas dash and doors are
adorned with wood and brushed-metal trim;
Volkswagen rarely makes such attempts
at warmth, and its obvious it hasnt had
much practice. The dashboard is what
wed expect; a sensible (and, to current
VW owners, utterly familiar) layout
dressed in plastics and fabrics
that feel substantial, if a bit drab.

Top-of-the-range SEL Premium models
get VWs new Active Info Display, which

Volkswagen Atlas
replaces traditional analogue gauges with
an LCD screen, showing everything from
speed and revs to maps and trip information.
Its the same system found on top-spec
Golfs, and not too dissimilar to the set-up
that made its debut on the Audi TT a few
years ago. In the UK, it also features in
FIRST DRIVE Big US SUV is capable, but predictably thirsty
models such as the new Tiguan SUV.
When it comes to seating and
functionality, the Atlas is spot on. The third Cabin is finished
row is roomy enough for two adults to sit with wood
comfortably; something that many of its and metal trim,
US-market rivals and most of the smaller although it doesnt
seven-seaters sold in Britain cant claim. feel particularly
Access is easy, thanks to second-row welcoming
seats that slide far forward, even with a
child seat strapped in. The third-row
headrests can be dropped level with the
seat backs, providing an unobstructed view
to the rear when the seats are deployed.
And theres little reason to fold them when
they arent in use, with plenty of boot space
behind them for shopping or small suitcases.
The roomy middle-row seats also recline.
A three-place bench is standard, with
individual bucket seats or captains
chairs in American marketing parlance The suspension is set up for a pillow-soft ride,
as an extra-cost option. They reduce
seating capacity to six, but ease the but the Atlas still grips well and stays composed
problem of warring children. Both back
rows split (50:50 for the third row and
60:40 for the second-row bench), and version felt quick enough, the all-wheel- with front-wheel-drive, but for a road-biased
fold down flat with minimum fuss. drive model, which adds 75kg to the SUV, thats unlikely to matter to many buyers.
Engine choices include a 235bhp 2.0 cars already hefty kerbweight, struggled Fuel economy and emissions are yet
four-cylinder turbo and a 276bhp 3.6-litre when we asked for quick overtakes. to be confirmed for either model, but
V6. For the US market, diesels are out of the We have our concerns about the pace estimates for the V6-powered Atlas equate
question, as are manual gearboxes; both from the smaller 2.0-litre engine, although to just 23mpg for the four-wheel-drive car,
engines are paired with an eight-speed these may well be unfounded, because it and a barely improved 24mpg for the front-
automatic. VW only had V6-powered should reduce weight. It very nearly matches drive model. Its here that the four-cylinder
Atlases for us to sample on the launch the bigger engine for in-gear torque, too. Its version will likely prove its worth. The Atlas
event, and while the front-wheel-drive only going to be made available in the US steering feels lighter than we expected, but

34 3 May 2017
Volkswagen Atlas New cars
Essentials Coming soon
Volkswagen Atlas 3.0 V6
SEL Premium 4Motion RANGE ROVER
Price: $50,040 (39,021) VELAR
Engine: 3.6-litre 6cyl petrol
A RIVAL for the Porsche
Power/torque: 276bhp/361Nm
Macan, the Velar kicks
Transmission: Eight-speed auto, off from 43,830. Its
all-wheel drive
based on the Jag
0-60mph: 7.6 seconds (est) F-Paces architecture
Top speed: 115mph (est)
Economy: 22.8mpg (est)
Audi A1 2018 BMW X2 early 2018
ON SALE Now (US) Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta ST
Kia Picanto May Citroen C5 Aircross 2018
Peugeot 208 2018 Dacia Duster 2018
SEAT Ibiza July Dacia Grand Duster 2018
SEAT Mii X-Perience 2018 DS 3 SUV 2018
Suzuki Swift mid 2017 DS 7 Crossback January 2018
Vauxhall Corsa summer 2018 Hyundai small SUV late 2017
Volkswagen Polo 2018 Infiniti QX50 2018
Volkswagen up! GTI early 2018 Jaguar Baby F-Pace 2018
Jaguar I-Pace SUV 2018
Alfa Romeo executive saloon 2018 Jeep baby SUV 2019
Audi A3 2019 Jeep Compass summer
Audi A6 2018 Jeep Grand Wagoneer 2018
Audi A6 Avant 2018 Kia Rio SUV 2018
Audi A6 Allroad 2018 Kia Niro PHEV late 2017
Lamborghini Urus late 2017
EQUIPMENT In the US, a 12-speaker BMW 3 Series
Citroen C3 Picasso
late 2018
late 2017 Land Rover Defender 2019
Fender audio system is fitted on top- Honda Clarity late 2017 Mazda CX-5 summer
Hyundai i30 Tourer mid 2017 Mazda CX-3 facelift July
spec SEL Premium models, along with Mercedes-EQ SUV 2019
Jaguar XF Sportbrake late 2017
Performance VWs digital instrument cluster, adaptive Mercedes A-Class 2018 Mercedes GLA 2019
cruise control and 20-inch alloys. Nissan Leaf late 2017 Mercedes GLB 2019
0-60mph/top speed Mercedes-Maybach SUV 2019
Subaru Impreza mid 2017
7.6 seconds/115mph (est) Tesla Model 3 late 2017 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross early 2018
Volkswagen Arteon autumn MG ZS late 2017
Volkswagen e-Golf May Mitsubishi Outlander 2020
Volkswagen Golf Mk8 2019 Mitsubishi Shogun late 2017
Volkswagen XL3 2019 Nissan Juke late 2017
Volkswagen I.D. 2020 Nissan Qashqai facelift July
Peugeot 2008 2018
SPORTS CARS Peugeot 5008 late 2017
Alfa 4C Quadrifoglio mid 2017 Porsche Cayenne late 2017
Alfa Romeo Giulia Coup 2018 Porsche Cayenne Coup 2018
Alpina B5/D5 mid 2017 Porsche Macan facelift 2018
Alpine A110 2018 Range Rover Velar summer
Aston Martin V8 Vantage late 2017 Renault Captur mid 2017
Aston Martin Vanquish 2018 Renault Koleos late 2017
Aston Martin AM-RB 001 2018 Rolls-Royce Cullinan 2018
Audi A9 2018 SEAT Arona late 2017
PRACTICALITY Rather than a Audi RS 5 late 2017 SEAT large SUV 2018
conventional second row of seating, Audi TT Sportback 2018 Skoda coup-SUV 2018
Audi TTQ 2018 Skoda Yeti 2018
buyers can spec captains chairs which Bentley Continental GT 2018 SsangYong Rexton late 2017
provide more passenger space but Bentley Barnato 2019 SsangYong XAV 2019
reduce seat count from seven to six. BMW M5 2018 Subaru XV early 2018
BMW 2 Series facelift late 2017 Vauxhall Crossland X summer
BMW 6 Series 2019 Vauxhall Grandland X late 2017
Ford Focus RS500 late 2017 Vauxhall Monza SUV 2020
Ford GT mid 2017 Vauxhall Viva Rocks late 2017
Ford Mustang hybrid 2020 Volkswagen Tiguan Allspace summer
Honda Civic Type R July Volkswagen T-Roc late 2017
Hyundai i30N 2018 Volkswagen Polo SUV late 2018
Jaguar XE SVR 2018 Volkswagen Touareg late 2017
Kia Stinger GT September Volvo XC40 spring 2018
Lexus LC F 2018 Volvo XC60 summer
Maserati Alfieri 2018
McLaren EV 2023
Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 late 2017 Mercedes X-Class late 2017
Mercedes-AMG GT four-door 2018 Renault Alaskan summer
Mercedes-AMG hypercar 2018 Tesla Pick-up 2018

Verdict Peugeot 308 R HYbrid 2018 CABRIOLETS

Porsche Mission E 2020 Bentley Continental GTC 2018
Porsche 911 2019 BMW i8 Roadster 2018
Renault Mgane RS late 2017 BMW Z4 2018
Toyota FT-1 (Supra) 2018 BMW 2 Series Convertible facelift late 2017
it responds sharply enough. The suspension VOLKSWAGENS new US-market TVR sports car 2018 Honda S2000 2018
is set up for a pillow-soft ride, but the Atlas ticks all the right boxes: Vauxhall sports car 2019 Jaguar XE Convertible 2018
McLaren 570S Spider late 2017
Atlas still grips respectably well and stays acres of space, flexible seating, Mercedes E-Class Cabriolet June
Abarth 500X late 2017
composed in the turns. We noted quite and a ride that wont make the Alfa Romeo large SUV 2018 LUXURY CARS
a bit of road noise, although the coarse kids sick. The huge SUV handles Alfa Romeo Stelvio autumn Audi A7 2018
Aston Martin DBX 2018 Audi A8 summer
Texan roads were partially to blame. well considering its size, Audi etron 2018 BMW 8 Series 2019
The Atlas competes against other large although the slightly lethargic Audi Q3 2018 Infiniti Q80 2018
Audi Q8 2018 Lexus LF FC 2020
SUVs not available in the UK, including the six-cylinder engine struggles Audi SQ8 late 2018 Lexus LS early 2018
Ford Explorer, Honda Pilot and Chevrolet with the Atlas two-tonne Audi RS Q2 late 2017 Mercedes S-Class facelift summer
Traverse. Theres a reason those vehicles kerbweight. VW says it could Audi RS Q5 2018 Rolls-Royce Phantom 2018
Bentley Bentayga Coup late 2017 Volkswagen Phaeton 2018
arent sold here, either: theyre too big bring the Atlas to Europe, but Bentley Bentayga Speed late 2017 Volvo S90 Polestar 2018
and thirsty for the average British family. a right-hand-drive version
Were impressed by the Atlas, but its is a long shot for now. Have your say: What

styling and petrol-only engine range show is your car like to own?
it was designed with America in mind.

3 May 2017 35
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} A Ann[
Living with a Skoda Superb Our cars

Pete Gibson
Skoda Superb Sportline
On fleet since: January 2017
Price new: 28,775
Engine/torque: 1.4-litre 4cyl turbo,
CO2/tax: 118g/km/140
Options: Dragon Green Special
Metallic paint (820),
space saver spare (100)
Insurance*: Group: 20 Quote: 643
Mileage/mpg: 5,160/39.0mpg
Any problems? None so far
*Insurance quote from AA (0800 107 0680) for a
42-year-old in Banbury, Oxon, with three points.

Superb excels
for practicality
theres plenty of
passenger and
boot space, and
neat touches
such as the
hidden umbrella

Second opinion
SKODAS 1.4-litre petrol turbo unit is still a sweet
engine, with gutsy mid-range grunt. But, as Steve says, WE LIKE Sportline trim is as
CO2/tax Practicality Running costs if you catch it off boost it can feel at, and while it close as youll get to a vRS in
118g/km Boot (seats up/down) 39.0mpg (on test) terms of design and how it drives.
revs sweetly it feels a little strangled at the top end.
140 or 22% 625/1,760 litres 78 fill-up Design green paint picks out
Still, despite its sporting pretensions not quite being
supported in 1.4 TSI guise, Im glad Sportline trim the styling additions nicely
hasnt clouded what makes the Superb such a great
all-rounder. Its still great to drive, offers kit and build
quality youd expect from an Audi and is well priced.

James Disdale Chief reviewer

WE DONT Central cup-holders

cant cope with bigger bottles,
INTERIOR while the cubby ahead of the
Fake carbon fibre gearlever doesnt shut when a
looks a little low
smartphone is charging inside.
rent, but otherwise,
materials and
finish rival those
of any German Verdict
SPORTLINE trim adds more flair
to the Superbs styling and sharpens
the driving experience even if
Trim line the 1.4 TSI engine isnt the
Sportline trim most convincing choice. Its
adds more still the family car competence
dynamic styling, that really gives the Superb
but smaller petrol an edge over rivals, though.
engine just doesnt
match up on the road 3 May 2017 53
Our cars Living with a Mercedes GLC

Mercedes GLC
FINAL REPORT Its time to say farewell to a car that shows Merc is back doing what it does best

On the motorway, the GLC was

in its element. The revs hovered
at barely more than idle

John McIlroy

AFTER several years without a proper

rival to the Audi Q5 and BMW X3,
Mercedes plugged the gap with the GLC.
This cars predecessor, the GLK, wasnt
offered here, so the GLC has lled a
yawning chasm in Mercedes UKs line-up.
GLC is easy
And the best news of all? Its done it to drive and
while staying true to Mercedes values. to live with;
There was a time, you see, when touchpad
Mercedes went through a bit of a jealous controls the
phase. Perhaps frustrated at the progress infotainment
being made by its more sporty rivals, Audi system, and
and BMW, the three-pointed star decided to is simple
try to join them in offering focused road enough to use
cars. The results were far from positive.
Mercedes is back on form now,
though and I reckon few cars illustrate
this more effectively than our GLC. element. The nine-speed gearbox meant walk up to a GLC 250 d, which brings an
Its partly because of the comfort. The it was the consummate cruiser, with the extra 33bhp, is a relatively modest one
GLC sits on the same platform as the revs hovering at little more than idle. when you look at the monthly payments.
C-Class and, perhaps afforded a bit of The other factor that made the GLC And a smidgen more grunt would help the
extra suspension travel by the higher ride such a good long-distance companion was GLC to get up to that comfortable cruise
height, it arguably rides even more sweetly. its fuel economy. Given its chunky 1,845kg more easily and possibly more quietly
On 18-inch wheels and with the 1,495 kerbweight I wasnt expecting much, but because it would be working less hard.
optional air suspension, it did a great job of the 2.1-litre turbodiesel engine has been The diesel growl under load is a big aw.
soaking up urban road scars and potholes. around for a while now, and is pretty However, the rest of the package behaved
However, the GLC isnt a one-trick pony. efcient. I regularly saw north of 44mpg, perfectly. The classy and comfortable cabin
That suspension set-up did an admirable which was an excellent return on a car that stayed rattle-free, muddy toddler footprints
job of keeping body roll in check through spent the majority of its life nudging its wiped off easily, and while a few extra
the twisty stuff, even if the GLC isnt quite way along the A40 into and out of London. millimetres of legroom in the rear seat
as sharp or responsive as a BMW X3. Indeed, the only thing Id have wished for area wouldnt go amiss, the GLC coped A little more rear legroom would have
On motorways, the car was really in its was a teeny bit more power. I imagine the perfectly well with my familys life. been nice; leather stayed blemish-free

54 3 May 2017

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Ann[ A }}
Visit for our extensive product archive


Got a query?

Best garage security set-up
MY neighbour recently had his garage broken
into, so I am looking for some sort of security
system for my workshop. Which is the best
set-up that would alert me if Im burgled?
Phil Ruppert, E-mail

HIGH-SPEC NAV KEEPS A WEVE had good results with the Nest Cam
security system ( A mains-
powered camera (above) links to the WiFi and

WATCH WITH DASH CAM sends an alert to your smartphone if movement

is detected. The app lets you see what is going
on in the garage. It costs 159, although youll
need a subscription to view recorded footage.
Mio MiVue Drive 55 LM sat-nav TWO IN ONE
New Mio MiVue

Price: 229.99
Drive 55 LM sat- How to keep caps colour
Contact: nav has long list THE centre caps on my Volkswagen Golf
DASH cams are one of the hottest pieces of in-car tech to own at the moment, of navigation have discoloured and it looks like theres
features, plus
with new versions seemingly hitting the market every week, but for drivers corrosion around the edge under the clear
a dash cam is
who use portable sat-navs they pose a problem because theres often only built into the plastic. Whats caused the damage?
one charging socket, and both devices need power. The latest solution to back of the unit Malcolm Parker, E-mail
the dilemma comes from navigation specialist Mio as part of its upgraded
range, it has launched a sat-nav and dash cam in a single unit.
The MiVue Drive 55 LM is the flagship model in the line-up, and comes
with a camera that records in 1296p high definition on top of a sat-nav with
A STRONG wheel cleaner, such as those used
by hand car washes, is the probable culprit
here. Its likely to have penetrated the edges
traffic alerts and lifetime maps. The high-quality Mstar 800MHz processor and attacked the painted surface inside. Its
allows both the dash cam and the five-inch sat-nav to work simultaneously, always a good idea to remove centre caps
with footage recorded on the 16GB SD card that is supplied with the device. before applying a wheel cleaner and ensure
If an incident occurs on the road, a G-sensor is triggered, ensuring footage that any remaining cleaner is rinsed off.
which is recorded on a loop is safely stored. The sat-nav also gets extras like
parking assistance, showing drivers the nearest and most convenient spaces.

Can I run on LPG abroad?
IM planning to go abroad on holiday this
summer with my Range Rover, which has an
LPG conversion. Will I be able to run it on gas?
Ellis Peterson, E-mail

A YOU need to do some research before you set

off. Check that you have the right connector to
refuel because there are four used in Europe.
You may need to buy some adaptors. Youll
find a lot of what you need to known on the website. And dont forget that
LPG vehicles are not allowed in the Channel
tunnel; a ferry is likely to be your only option. 3 May 2017 57

Products Latest kit round-up


New Bentley Home range EXCLUSIVE
Give your home
Price: From 3,220 Contact: the high-end
Bentley look
THE sight of a Bentley on the driveway marks
with Morpeth
out a property as a cut above the rest, but how table lamp,
does the discerning owner keep that up inside Eastgate cabinet,
the front door? The British brand has the answer Sherwood chairs
with a new range of homeware and furniture for and Stowe sofa
those who appreciate fine Italian craftsmanship as part of the
and architectural interior design and who dont sumptuous new
mind spending 3,000-plus on a table lamp. furniture range
The 3,220 Morpeth lamp has a leather shade New Mercedes store
with slender openings to filter light elegantly,
as Bentley puts it. And what better to sit your
pops up at Westfield
lamp on than the 19,340 Eastgate cabinet? A NEW Mercedes Pop-Up store has
Youll need one of Bentleys larger models opened at Westfield Stratford City
to go shopping in if you want to bring the whole shopping centre in East London.
range back, because theres also a trio of soft The temporary site puts customers
furnishings the Stowe three-seat sofa (9,090), up close with the brands latest cars
the Stamford four-seater (12,510) and the such as the new C-Class Cabriolet
Stamford chaise longue (7,460). All three claim (above) plus it sells three-pointed
to provide superior comfort and are finished in star-embossed merchandise, from
neutral tones to blend in with any dcor. keyrings to baseball caps. Theres
For your glass of champagne theres the also a full range of Mercedes-AMG
12,370 Sherwood table, built from noble Petronas Formula One merchandise,
materials and featuring essential lines. and an F1 simulator. The first-floor
After sitting in the Sherwood chairs (4,090 store is opposite H&M, and will be
each) to enjoy dinner, you can retire for the open seven days a week until 11 June.
night in the final item in the new Bentley Home
collection the solid and poised Eastgate
bed, which weighs in at 5,910. For details, go
Extreme bodykits
to the World of Bentley section of the website. for Lambo stunners
CUSTOM bodykits dont always suit
supercars. They can upset the looks,
and also affect the resale value.
So bodykit manufacturer Liberty
Walk has come up with something
different called the Exchange Fender.
This replaces the existing panels with
near-identical equivalents that offer
mounting points for more extreme,
enlarged versions which can
then be added or removed.
The set-up is currently only
available on the Lamborghini
Range is for those who appreciate fine Aventador and Huracn. Find out
craftsmanship and architectural design more at

Ford extravaganza
hits Castle Combe
NEW PRODUCT New cordless
THE annual Pure Ford gathering
Sealey CP2518L Cordless Polisher polisher is
takes place on Saturday 13 May at
Price: 83.94 Contact: 01284 757500, supplied
with foam Castle Combe, Wilts. The show will
IF youve got a large area that needs polishing and cant do it backing pad feature a host of thrills on and off the
by hand, then a machine polisher can be the answer. Sealey and polishing track, including drifting displays.
has just launched a new random orbital version promising bonnet, as Got a Ford track car? See how fast
even buffing to prevent hot spots on car bodywork. well as 18V you can go by buying a track session.
The cordless system comes with an 18V lithium-ion lithium-ion There are also passenger rides with
battery pack and charger, as well as a 240mm foam battery pack a pro. Adult tickets start at 12, and
backing pad and polishing bonnet as part of the pack. and charger camping passes for Friday night are
The durable, soft-grip handles can be adjusted into available. Visit
three working positions, making the polisher suitable
for various tasks, whether youre working to bring Know an event coming soon?
a shine to the roof, door panels or bonnet. Contact

58 3 May 2017

Products Wiper blades mini test

Minitest books,
The Le Mans
Model Collection
Porter Press (
Price: 200 (three-book set) Rating: ++++

THIS set of books is a stunning feat

of research. Every single Le Mans
24 Hours racer is immortalised in
PRICE FROM 14 model form, photographed from
three angles, and captioned with
some useful facts. A few specially
NEW PRODUCT ALTHOUGH the HydroConnect has three adapters, picking the right one commissioned paintings make an
Valeo HydroConnect was easy thanks to the excellent instructions. We had to use some force appearance, too. The high price and
Price: From 14 to get the wiper to fit, but the overall process didnt take long. lack of much actual reading material
Rating: ++++ On a dry screen it was smooth and silent, with no shuddering from blade or mean its a specialist choice, though.
Contact: 01527 838300, arm even at maximum wiper speed. The wiper proved effective when dealing with a medium downpour, clearing the screen efficiently, and leaving no
smears or drops of water. However, under heavier rainfall it couldnt match the
Aerotwin, leaving smears at the bottom of the blade, which its rival didnt do.
How to Restore
A price advantage helps the new design, but the Bosch still has the edge. Classic Car Interiors
Veloce Publishing (
Price: 25 Rating: +++

Does new blade wipe THERE are hundreds of classic car

restoration manuals about, but as
the name suggests this one focuses

floor with our champ? on the interior. It covers all the bases
youd expect plus there are useful
sections on modernising your car. It
would be easier to follow numbered
or step-by-step instructions, plus
Martin Saarinen Aerotwin. We looked for a clean wipe drawings over pictures for complex
FRENCH brand Valeo has launched that left no water smears on the screen, items. But we like the seatbelt fitting
a new range of wiper blades. The plus a silent and smooth action. Good, tutorial a crucial safety upgrade.
HydroConnect line-up comprises three clear fitting instructions were key, as
types, covering cars with flat blades was simple installation. Prices, as quoted We looked for a
as standard, and those with them on
the back plus an upgrade version for
by the makers, were the final factor.
The Bosch remains our pick because clean wipe that Traffic Lanes 2
Available for: Android
vehicles with conventional blades. its so easy to fit and use, plus its wiper left no smears, Price: Free Rating: ++++
To see how the newcomer performs, action was better. Valeos newcomer
we tried the upgraded version against had a price advantage, but couldnt
plus a silent and
our favourite wiper blade: the Bosch match the Aerotwin on the screen. smooth action CONTROLLING traffic lights seems
a simple task, but the intersections
and roads of this game get more
complex as you progress. We love
the semi-realistic graphics, as well
as the hazards such as emergency
vehicles or broken-down cars. If
you have the time to concentrate,
Traffic Lanes 2 is an entertaining
and really interesting brainteaser.

App of the week

BEST BUY BOSCHS Aerotwin continues to impress with its ease of use and excellent Available for: iOS, Android
Price: Free Rating: +++
Bosch Aerotwin action. The instructions are clear although Valeos were initially easier to
Price: From 19.64 understand and fitting is simple; the adapter clicked into place without
Rating: +++++ much resistance. Like the Valeo, there was no screeching on the dry screen WE naturally prefer four-wheeled motorsport
Contact: 01288 251130, with the Aerotwin even at maximum wiper speed, and no shuddering, either. at Auto Express, but this MotoGP app is still This impressive sturdiness helped the blade clear water efficiently under an essential download. It features news,
a medium shower, and it left no smears or lines of water. Under a heavy calendar and video sections, plus riders
downpour the Bosch impressed because it continued to shift water, leaving bios and a live countdown to the next
no pools or smears. Its a pricier buy, but is still our favourite wiper blade. motorbike grand prix. Well worth a look.

60 3 May 2017

Products Impact wrenches tested

Hitachi Wolf Draper Expert 18v 1/2in

WR 18v Li-Ion Cordless drive Cordless Impact
18DBDL2JX Impact Wrench Kit Wrench 83689
Price: 410 Battery/voltage: Li-ion/18 Price: 114.98 Battery/voltage: Li-ion/18 Price: 135 Battery/voltage: Li-ion/18
Contact: 01908 660663, Contact: 0330 123 0001, Contact: 023 8049 4333,
Rating: +++++ Rating: ++++ Rating: ++++

BEST BUY THE only wrench with IP56- RECOMMENDED WEVE come to expect RECOMMENDED DESPITE its lack of battery-
standard sealing against dust and moisture, value for money from Wolf and this was no condition LEDs and impact control, this Draper
the brushless Hitachi impressed on all counts. exception. Although there was just one battery, looked and felt modern. It was easy to feel at
The case included two massive 6Ah batteries, it was a useful 3Ah. The wrench came with home with the lightweight (1.5kg) and well-
charger, and the wrench bristled with tech. a light, four impact sockets and 150mm balanced wrench, and it was hard to believe
There were four impact modes, including self- extension. It wasnt lightweight at 2.4kg and the free-spinning motor wasnt brushless. The
tapping, a light, and battery-condition LEDs. At the brushed motor felt and sounded a bit single battery was just 1.5Ah, which was no
1.8kg and 145mm long, it was easy to use. The rough, but it stepped up to the mark in the hindrance on the hex screws test at 42 seconds
hex screws were sorted in 31 seconds and the tests. A 41-second time for the hex screws was but while the wheel nuts spun off quickly,
wheel nuts and hub nuts came off with no good and waiting just three secs to get the hub we had to wait eight seconds for hub nut
delay. If you can afford it, this is the one. nut moving was third best on test impressive. movement. Good, but just edged by the Wolf.

These battery-powered wrenches take the strain out of car DIY
Every week, we extensively test all the latest car kit from tyres to trim cleaners.
Log on to to look through our huge online test archive.

Dave Pollard
A GOOD impact wrench is a great addition to any How we tested them Verdict
workshop, taking virtually all of the strain out of wheel WE drove four 13mm hex head screws into a block of ITS expensive, but the Hitachi is an impeccable brushless
changing. Modern battery and motor technology means wood, then removed them, noting how long it took with tool covering all the bases, and is the ultimate choice in
the best cordless electric wrenches are as good as their each product. Then we removed four wheel bolts that our test. Where cash is tighter, the much cheaper Wolf
compressor-powered predecessors, and are much more had been tightened to 90Nm, and a hub nut at 175Nm. produced cracking performance per pound, with the
convenient because they have no hoses to contend with. We also factored in the weight and length of the tools, as similar 18v Draper chasing it home.
The latest designs are also light and compact, which well as impact control (important to avoid shearing bolts),
makes them good for use in general maintenance jobs, batteries supplied, voltage indicator and any accessories. 1. Hitachi WR 18DBDL2JX
such as brake and suspension work. All our impact wrenches were supplied with a charger 2. Wolf 18v Li-Ion Cordless Impact Wrench Kit
So which is the one to take the strain out of your and could be powered up in about an hour. Finally, we 3. Draper Expert 18v 1/2in drive Cordless Impact
DIY car maintenance work? We tried eight to find out. checked the prices from a range of online sources. Wrench 83689

62 3 May 2017

Impact wrenches tested Products
Panasonic Draper Expert 19.2V Sealey Cordless
EY75A7PN2G Cordless 1/2in drive Impact 24v Impact Wrench
Price: 350.40 Battery/voltage: Li-ion/18
Contact: 0844 844 3856,
Wrench 13507 CP2400MH
Price: 244.79 Battery/voltage: Ni-Mh/19.2 Price: 175.97 Battery/voltage: Ni-Mh/24
Contact: 023 8049 4333, Contact: 01284 757500,
Rating: +++
Rating: +++ Rating: +++

THIS was startlingly compact, at just 115mm VISUALLY, this model looked rather old school THE Sealey was all about big numbers,
and 1.45kg, coming in a case complete with compared with some rivals here and even its weighing in at a hefty 3.2kg and being the
a charger and two 3Ah batteries. The brushless 18v sibling. Its battery was Ni-mh as opposed longest wrench on test by far, at 280mm, which
machines specification was excellent, with to Li-ion, so it was around a kilo heavier, 50mm led to aching muscles after a while. The single
belt hook, multi-mode LED light, battery-life longer and 100 more expensive than its sister battery was 24V, from which we expected top
LEDs and three-stage impact control including wrench, but that cost included two batteries. performance, but the hex screws took a tardy
a self-tapping mode. It needed an adaptor in Although not that wieldy, the extra grunt of the 51 secs and although the wheel nuts spun off
the 1/4in, auto chuck. The time of 34 seconds 19.2v, 2Ah battery showed, because it was easily, it was 10 secs before the hub nut
on the hex screws was great, although it took quicker by five seconds on the hex screws and moved. While the Sealey wasnt overpriced,
a couple of seconds to get the wheel bolts it moved the hub nut six seconds quicker. Still, we were surprised at the shortage of grunt
moving and six seconds to shift the hub nut, its age is showing, because it had little in the and expected a better specification; there
which wasnt quick enough for a podium place. way of extras not even an LED light. was no impact control or battery-life indicator.

Silverline 18V Bosch

Impact Driver GDR 18-LI
268895 Professional
Price: 66.95 Price: 301.44
Battery/voltage: Li-ion/18 Battery/voltage: Li-ion/18
Contact: 01935 382222, Contact: 0844 7360 109,
Rating: ++ Rating: ++

AT just 1.2kg, this was the lightest BOSCHS brushless entry was the
wrench we tried and the single third here (with the Silverline and
battery supplied was the lowest Panasonic) to need a quarter-inch
rated, at 1.3Ah. As such, it was no adaptor to take our sockets. It looked
hardship to use and it did manage to the part lightweight at 1.3kg and
complete our hex screws test, albeit supplied in a case with charger and two
in a lengthy 68 seconds. However, it batteries, but without impact speed
couldnt cope with even the wheel control, battery-condition indicator or a
bolts. Its overall performance was belt clip. With just a 1.5Ah battery, it was
very similar to that of the Bosch, but short of clout and clocked the longest
it gains a place for its price which, for time on the hex screws, at 71 secs.
domestic use where its low torque Worse still, it was unable to shift
isnt a problem, makes it a bargain. either of the fasteners on the car. 3 May 2017 63

Buying cars New and used buying advice

Got any car queries?

Reject car over history
A FEW weeks ago I bought a used Skoda
Octavia, and I was told the car had only one
previous owner. When I got the paperwork, it
showed two. Am I entitled to a refund or can I
reject the car, as Im worried about its history?
David Rock, E-mail

A YOURE allowed to reject the car within

30 days of purchase if it is not as described.

Suzuki Swift Mk2 58 th

But before doing so, contact the DVLA to
clarify who the second owner was; the
dealer may be marked as the second
owner, which will be easier to rectify.
YOU TELL US... Supermini is great to drive, but not very practical
2016 Results
Economy shortfall a fault?
A GREAT first car. The THE interior quality I CHECK my fuel economy every month
Swift Factfile Swift is stylish, easy to could be improved. and have found that the Fiat Tipo 1.4 T.Jet
drive and cheap to run. Theres a lot of plastic. Estate I bought back in November 2016 is
achieving 6.2mpg below the manufacturers
Years: 2012 to 2017 CO2: 116g/km The 1.2-litre engine The radio loses signal official figures. Is the car faulty?
Fuel economy: 56mpg (1.2 SZ2 3dr) suits the car very well. far too often and the Keith Patterson, E-mail
Best options: Sat-nav, cruise control, climate It feels nippy around sound quality from the
control, electric windows, space-saver spare wheel

Prices: From 4,800

town, but is equally
capable on motorways.
speakers is poor.

I cannot connect my
A MOST cars tend to consume more fuel than
the manufacturer quotes. This is because
economy tests are done in a laboratory at
Very cheap to tax, insure phone via Bluetooth. present. Real-world driving, with hills and
and run. I get close to the wind, is likely to skew the figure. New laws
Bars show where model quoted economy figures. I started to lose pressure are being brought in this year to change this.
OVERALL SCORE finished out of 150 cars in
in my rear tyres.
89.52% our 2016 survey. The lower
the rating the better Enough space inside for
four adult passengers, even The boot lock would
Clutch glitch gone too far
150 120 75 40 1
during long journeys when
travelling with luggage.
sometimes fail on my car.

Over the years Ive

Q MY Renault Trafic has done only 6,000 miles,
but its been to the dealer five times for clutch
BUILD QUALITY 93 Handles well and is easy started to hear more rattles issues, and staff there have been unable to
RUNNING COSTS 28 to drive around town. inside; the latest one comes find an answer to the pedal sticking to the
PERFORMANCE 53 from the dashboard. floor. Can I ask for a replacement?
ROAD HANDLING 6 The service from all the Karl Tallowin, E-mail
RIDE QUALITY Suzuki garages Ive visited The engine is very noisy
has always been great. when accelerating.

Have your say: What

A IF Renault is struggling to resolve the fault,
it would seem reasonable that a replacement
van be provided, at least on a loan until a fix
PRACTICALITY 143 is your car like to own? is found. Contact Renault customer services
IN-CAR TECH 62 on 0344 335 0000 to alert it to the problem.


 3 May 2017 65

Buying cars Peugeot 3008

BUYERS GUIDE: Peugeot 3008

FROM 3,995 After eight years, this is still a reliable all-rounder from Peugeot
Richard Dredge spoils the driving experience, which is Thanks to Imperial Car Supermarkets in
WERE big fans of the new Peugeot why wed avoid it in any 3008. Hampshire for the loan of the 3008 pictured.
3008, which is no surprise considering All 3008s come with electric front Contact 02380 986 917
its the current European Car of the Year. windows, air-con, ESP and remote central
However, we also liked the outgoing locking. Sport adds alloys, rear parking Photography by Tom Wood
model, which may not have the rugged sensors and cruise control, while Exclusive
good looks of the new 3008, but its still comes with a glass roof, automatic lights
a great all-rounder with its blend of and wipers, head-up display, tyre-pressure
generous equipment, practicality and sensors and climate control. Wed also
versatility in one affordable package. recommend a 3008 with the optional
As a family car, the 3008 majors on Dynamic Ride Control.
safety, and thanks to the availability of
some efficient, punchy engines this is Alternatives
also a car thats good to drive and strong THE 3008s toughest adversary is the Skoda
on fuel costs. No wonder the 3008 proved Yeti, which is more expensive but always
such a runaway success for Peugeot; does well in our Driver Power surveys.
now you can buy one for less than 4,000. Another more costly option is the
Volkswagen Tiguan, which is conservatively
History designed but shares most of the Yetis
THE 3008 arrived in spring 2010 with attributes. The Nissan Qashqai is another
1.6-litre (120bhp or turbocharged 150bhp) excellent all-rounder; the original was an
petrol engines and 110bhp 1.6-litre or impressive machine but the Mk2, while very
150bhp 2.0-litre diesel engines. There talented, is proving to be less reliable.
were three trim levels (Active, Sport, The Kia Sportage and Hyundai ix35
Exclusive), but by January 2011 there are more dependable, and theyre also
were SR and Envy specials available, too. good value with lots of standard equipment
From June 2010 there was a 163bhp and long warranties. Meanwhile, the Citroen
2.0 HDi auto option, then in October 2010 C4 Picasso and Renault Scenic are good
the 1.6 HDi was updated, becoming the value and in plentiful supply.
1.6 e-HDi 112. The diesel/electric Hybrid4
of summer 2010 was rated at 99g/km; this Verdict
was cut to 91g/km in autumn 2012. A ITS not often that a car maker massively
facelifted 3008 arrived in January 2014 underestimates demand, but thats what
with more equipment and a more efficient happened when Peugeot introduced the
1.6 HDi engine, now rated at 115bhp and original 3008; it couldnt make them fast
125g/km. The Hybrid4s CO2 emissions enough. Thats despite the fact that when
were also cut to just 88g/km. the 3008 arrived it wasnt obvious which
segment it sat in; was it an MPV or an SUV?
Which one? We ran one for a year and enjoyed
PEUGEOTS Hybrid4 looks good on paper, excellent reliability, impressive comfort
but the high purchase costs probably wont levels, an easy driving experience and
be offset by amazing economy; a regular a spacious cabin with plenty of room for
diesel is cheaper and likely to be almost as five adults. Reliability can be patchy but
frugal. There are few Hybrid4s to choose buy a good one and youll have an
from, and its clunky EGC transmission also excellent family car for a reasonable price.

THE 3008 made its Driver Power debut
in 2013, in 78th place. By 2015 it had
dropped to 105th, so its impressive
that by 2016 it reached 69th. Practicality
(24th) and running costs (47th) boosted
its score, but 115th for build quality and
90th for reliability are less impressive.

COLIN Morton, from Loughborough, owns a
2013 3008 2.0 HDi. He says: Bought used,
its a lot of car for the money. Its easy to Interior
drive and very practical. Its economical, THE dash is appealing, but it takes some getting used to because its very busy. The
but there have been some build quality seats are comfortable, but space is tight if everyone is over six feet tall. The 432-litre
and reliability issues that let it down. split-level boot is well designed; drop the seats and capacity rises to 1,604 litres.

66 3 May 2017
Peugeot 3008 Buying cars
Performance Running costs CO2/tax

Values courtesy of Glasss Guide

0-60mph/top speed
9.7 seconds/121mph
50-67mpg (2.0 HDi 150)
72 fill-up
How much?
66 64 13 61 09
2016 2015 2013 2011 2009

1.6 120 Active N/A 9,150 6,450 5,395 3,995
1.6 HDi Active 12.850 10,250 7,695 5,795 4,275
1.6 HDi Active auto 13,150 10,350 7,150 5,850 4,295
1.6 HDi Allure 14,850 11,795 7,950 6,495 N/A
Hybrid4/Active 15,195 11,995 8,650 7,150 N/A
2.0 HDi 150 Active 13,295 10,450 7,695 6,375 N/A
2.0 HDi 150 Allure 15,195 11,995 8,650 7,150 N/A

THE bottom line for a used 3008 is 4,000, which buys

an early diesel thats covered 100,000 miles, or an early
petrol-engined car with 80,000 miles on the clock.
One in three 3008s has an automatic gearbox, and
these are also priced from 4,000. The Hybrid4 is rare,
and youll do well to secure one for less than 11,000;
petrol 3008s are rare too, accounting for three per cent of
the cars available. Most 3008s have yet to hit 50,000
miles; cap your mileage at this figure and for 5,000 you
can buy a 10-plate 1.9 VTi Sport or 1.6 HDi Active.

Running costs
Fuel CO2 Annual

Insurance group
economy emissions road tax

1.2 PureTech 19-20 54-57mpg 115-120g/km 30
1.6 VTi 120 15-17 39-42mpg 154-165g/km 190
1.6 THP 156 20-23 38-39mpg 167-176g/km 190-220
1.6 HDi 110-120 14-21 55-60mpg 108-138g/km 20-135

NEED TO KNOW TPMS issues 2.0 HDi 150 20-24 50-67mpg 106-146g/km 20-150
2.0 HDi 163 auto 22-25 42mpg 173g/km 220
THE tyre pressure Hybrid4 Allure 25-31 70-80mpg 88-104g/km 0-20
Front tyres can wear quickly; some
owners have struggled to get more monitoring system
than 10,000 miles out of a set. can work erratically, ALL petrol-engined 3008s need servicing every 16,000
because the valves miles or 12 months; for diesels this is annually or every
are either faulty, 12,500 miles. The first two are priced at 170, then from
or may just need three years old they alternate between minor and major,
NEED TO KNOW to be calibrated. at 140 and 250. Theres an Essentials option using
pattern parts that cuts these bills to 115 and 195.
Brake pads (and discs) can need
replacing frequently, especially The timing belt needs to be changed every 10 years
if the calipers are sticking. or 112,500 miles, although its better to cut this to eight
Space-saver years or 100,000 miles because they arent always as
SOME 3008s come durable as Peugeot reckons. The brake fluid should be
with a space-saver changed every two years (at 49) and fresh coolant is
NEED TO KNOW spare wheel, while required after four years or 80,000 miles, then annually.
others are fitted with
If you need to fit a baby or child seat
you might find that your options are
limited by the rear seat design.
just a compressor
and a can of foam. Partwatch
Check whats there.
Dealer price Independent price

LED check Front brake pads (axle set)
Front brake discs (pair)
MAKE sure the Door mirror glass (electric) 52.63 9.99
LED daytime running Front wiper set 59.66 42.99
lights work; replacing
Prices for a 2014 3008 1.6 HDi. Dealer prices from Peugeot UK
them means removing ( Independent prices from Euro Car Parts
the bumper, and ( *Price from
failures arent

all that rare.

SEVEN recalls isnt bad for a car this old. The first came in
Parking brake October 2009, because the windscreen wiper could fail.
THE electronic parking In February 2011, 2.0 HDi models were recalled because
brake can play up, of potential fuel leaks, then in January 2013 cars were
with error messages recalled because the rear brake caliper could work loose.
appearing on the Further campaigns were launched because of faulty
dashboard even spot welds (March 2013), a problematic drivers airbag
Tom Wood

when everything is (April 2014), fuel leaks (December 2015) and oil leaks
working properly. that could lead to engine damage (March 2016).

3 May 2017 67
Buying cars Best buys

Car hunter
18,000 for a premium crossover, but which?
Dear Lawrence, Ive got an Audi A3, but want to
swap it for a crossover. Id like something thats good
to drive, with a classy badge and cabin, for 18,000.
Michael Reisen, Ipswich



BMW X1 Range Rover Evoque Audi Q3

FOR: Simple cabin, handling, strong engines FOR: Dramatic styling, image, off-roading FOR: Spacious, quality cabin, decent to drive
AGAINST: Hard ride, cheap cabin finish AGAINST: Pricey, tight rear, fuel economy AGAINST: Safe styling, DSG gearbox issues

THE first-generation BMW X1 wasnt universally WITH a striking design and the prestige of the Range IF you enjoyed your time with the A3, then a Q3 will
loved due to controversial styling, but if you can Rover badge, the Evoque is the car to beat if you be a familiar upgrade. The exterior design may be
live with that its still a strong used buy. want to turn heads. That dramatic shape harms more conservative than the Evoques, but the Q3 has
Its good to drive, with agile handling and practicality, but the cabin is well designed. the best-quality cabin here and is fairly spacious.
excellent diesels. The ride is firm, however, The Evoque doesnt quite offer the on-road It feels agile, grippy and composed, too, if not
particularly on models with big wheels. The agility of the others, but the engines are smooth as sharp as the X1, but the ride is smoother than
cabin isnt built to the same standards as other and its more capable off-road than anything here. the BMWs. The punchy and frugal 2.0 TDI diesel
BMWs, and its not as practical as the Q3. A 2014 Desirability, costs, however, as a 2.2 SD4 Pure on a is our engine choice, and we saw a 2013 quattro
xDrive 20d xLine with 34,000 miles is 17,500. 61-plate with 50,000 miles can be had for 17,900. 177 S Line with 35,000 miles for 17,500.

INSIDE, the X1 is driver-focused and clear, but THE Evoque has the feel of a cut-price Range Rover INTERNALLY, the Q3 feels impressively solid and
its a shame the materials used are poor in places. inside. The plastics arent as solid as the Audis, though, premium, and the design is also the easiest to get
The driving position is low, and while the rear seats and while rear space is acceptable in the five-door, the along with. Two adults will be comfortable in the back,
offer decent room, the boot isnt all that spacious. three-door is tight. The boot offers 420 litres of room. while the 460-litre boot is the biggest on test here.

THE X1 wasnt in our 2016 Driver Power satisfaction RANGE ROVERS Evoque finished in a fair 89th place THE Q3 finished in a strong 31st place in our 2016 Driver
survey, but in earlier years it was mid-table. Reliability overall in our 2016 Driver Power survey, but its 144th Power survey. Build-quality scores were excellent,
was okay, but driving scores pulled it down. No spare for reliability wasnt great. Rattles and creaks are although 60th place for reliability was due to some
wheel was fitted, so check if it still has run-flat tyres. common, while early diesel engines were problematic. troublesome DSG automatic gearboxes.

68 3 May 2017

Buying cars Used triple test

Hatch of the day

We try out a trio of family hatchbacks to see which one makes the best used buy

BMW 1 Series Mazda 3 Volkswagen Golf

1 BMW 1 Series

THE 1 Series narrowly wins.

Its the priciest of our trio,
but its better to drive and
BMW gets smart interior and has extra tech Lots of kit, but it feels less classy than BMW Plenty of space in sensible and solid cabin cheaper to run than either
rival. Its not the most
116d EfficientDynamics Plus 2.2D 150 Sport Nav 1.6 TDI 105 Match practical offering, but its
Years: 2015 to date Engine: 1.5-litre 3cyl, 114bhp Years: 2014 to date Engine: 2.2-litre 4cyl, 148bhp Years: 2013 to date Engine: 1.6-litre 4cyl, 104bhp a hugely usable family car.

Ins grp: 15 Official econ/CO2: 83.1mpg/89g/km Ins grp: 24 Official econ/CO2: 68.9mpg/119g/km Ins grp: 13 Official econ/CO2: 74.3mpg/99g/km
Why? Its the drivers choice, with balanced Why? Sporty Mazda is a fun drive and pretty quick, Why? Its a great all-rounder with low running Mazda 3
handling and a surprisingly punchy diesel. while it looks stylish and is well equipped. costs, a composed drive and solid interior.

Prices from: 10,699 Prices from: 10,500 Prices from: 9,795 ITS stylish and fun to
drive, and youll get more
THANKS to its prestige image and low THE Mazda deserves serious consideration THIS is a brilliant all-rounder thanks to its for your money than the
running costs, the BMW 1 Series has as a used buy, not least because it costs subtly classy image, composed dynamics BMW or VW although itll
long been a fleet favourite. The characterful less than the BMW. It also offers impressive and low running costs. The VW Golf ticks all also be costlier to run. The
three-cylinder diesel promises 83mpg, too, pace and economy from its 2.2-litre diesel, the compact family hatch boxes, too, with a ride could be better, too,
and while around 60mpg is more likely in sharp handling and well weighted controls. sensible and solid cabin and plenty of space. but its still a great buy.
the real world, its still an impressive figure. It looks good on the outside, but despite It runs the BMW close for quality as well.
The 116d has well weighted controls,
a balanced, agile feel and a comfortable
ride. Its not the most spacious car here, but
a strong kit list, the 3s interior lags behind
the BMWs for upmarket appeal. The ride
is firmer than that of the others here, too,
Yet the 1.6 TDI is the weakest unit here,
trailing both rivals for performance. And to
match the Mazdas kit youd have to spend
3 VW Golf

its roomy enough for most families, has a while the Mazdas weaker residuals mean more on a higher-spec car, although theres FOR all-round ability youll
solid and smart cabin and, following a 2015 that, although its cheaper to buy now, plenty of choice. Dull styling in this trim does struggle to match the Golf,
update, has an increased amount of tech. itll fetch less when you want to sell it on. not help; at least it has decent residuals. but against both rivals here
The 1 Series finished 77th in our 2016 The Mazda finished in a strong 36th The Golf Mk7 finished 28th in our 2016 it doesnt stand out in one
Driver Power survey. Buyers were happier place in our 2016 Driver Power survey Driver Power survey. Reliability scores arent area. Still, as a solid, well
with its build than its reliability, though, with 25th for reliability and 29th for build quite as impressive, with costly repairs to built used buy, you could
issues concerning electrics and clutches. quality are excellent, too. DSG gearboxes the biggest complaint. do far worse than this.

70 3 May 2017


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