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Acfa mefall. Vol. 35, No. 5, PP. 1019-1028, 1987 OOOl-6160/87 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright 0 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd


Department of Materials Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901, U.S.A

(Received 19 December 1985; in revised form 26 August 1986)

Abstract-Transmission electron microscopy of the pearlite: retained austenite growth interface in an

Fe-0.8 wt% C-12wt% Mn steel has revealed a direct relationship between growth ledges and the
formation of steps on the ferrite-cementite lamellar interface. A model is developed to rationalize this
observation and is applied to a number of pearlite growth phenomena, including lamellar curvature,
lamellar fault formation, lamellar branching and hole formation, and synchronous growth.

RCsum&La microscopic Blectronique par transmission de linterface de croissance entre la perlite et

laustknite rksiduelle, dans un acier Fee@8 C-12 Mn, a mis en i?vidence une relation directe entre les saillies
de croissance et la formation de marches sur linterface lamellaire ferrite/ctmentite. Nous dkveloppons un
modile pour justifier cette observation et nous lappliquons $ un certain nombre de phenomtnes de
croissance de la perlite, parmi lesquels la courbure des lamelles, la formation de fautes lamellaires, la
bifurcation lamellaire et la formation de trous, ainsi que la croissance synchrone.

Zusammenfassung-Die elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der WachstumsgrenztlIche zwischen

Perlit und Rest-Austenit im Stahl Fe-O,8 Gew.-% C-12 Gew.-% Mn hat gezeigt, dal3 ein direkter
Zusammenhang zwischen den Wachstumsstufen und der Bildung von Stufen an der lamellaren
Grenzfliiche zwischen Ferrit und Zementit besteht. Mit einem Model1 wird diese Beobachtung erklIrt,
Dieses Model1 wird auf eine Reihe von Erscheinungen beim Perlit-Wachstum, wie Lamellenkriimmung,
Bildung flichenhafter Fehler, lamellares Verzweigen und Hohlraumbildung und synchrones Wachstum,

INTRODUCTION As early as 1956, Frank and Puttick [4] reported

observations of striations occurring at the ferrite-
In the preceding paper [1] it was demonstrated that cementite interface (FCI) (see Fig. 1 for identification
mobile growth ledges are present on the interface of various interfaces) whenever the lamella deviated
between retained austenite and the growing pearlitic from the usually observed planar habit. High resolu-
phases. This indicates that the pearlite growth inter- tion SEM of pearlite carbon replicas by Bramfitt
face, in this alloy, migrates by the lateral movement and Marder [5] also showed this phenomena. In
of steps rather than the unimpeded advancement both cases, the interpretation was that the assumed
of a disordered interface. Based on the evidence low energy ferrite-cementite lamellar habit plane is
presented in [I], earlier work [2, 31, as well as new partially maintained by multiple facetting during
experimental evidence presented in this paper, it has changes in direction of lamellar growth. This hypoth-
become apparent that these mobile ledges play an esis was recently confirmed by high magnification
essential mechanistic role in the determination of TEM [2]. It was found that steps - 5 nm high are
the positions of the three phase triple junction on the present on the FCI during lamellar curvature. It is
pearlite growth interface. The relative positions of observed that when the average interface normal
the triple junctions and how these positions change deviates from the (112) ferrite11[001] cementite
with time determine lamellar spacing, lamellar fault direction, the lamellar interphase boundary becomes
formation, lamellar curvature, and lamellar hole for- stepped. Hence, these steps are referred to as
mation. Essentially, we consider here the interaction direction steps for the remainder of this discussion.
of the pearlite growth ledges with the formation of There is sufficient evidence to indicate that deviation
the ferrite-cementite lamellar interface. from the initially planar FCI occurs only in con-
junction with the formation of direction steps. It is
the purpose of this paper to address the question of
tPresent address: Department of Metallurgical Engineer-
how these steps originate and their relationship with
ing, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, the growth interface as well as various growth
MI 49931, U.S.A. phenomena.


FCI. That is, the growth ledges on the FAI intersect

the FCI direction steps at the triple junction line.
Imaging the growth interface in the dark field
mode, a second set of growth ledges is revealed
[Fig. 3(b)]. This set is about 90 to the first which at
this orientation is out of contrast. Figure 3(c) is a
schematic based on the micrographs and it illustrates
the growth ledge and direction step association. The
TEM micrograph in Fig. 3(d) gives a further example
of this growth ledge/direction step continuity at
the FAI/FCI intersection. This association will be
discussed in greater detail later.
FERRITE: CEMENTITE: AUSTENlTE It would be reasonable to expect that the growth
ledges on the CA1 would also be associated with the
Fig. 1. Schematic illustrating various interfaces in the direction steps on the FC1.T As shown in Fig. 4(a-c)
pearlite reaction. Ferrite-Cement&e Interface (FCI), this is actually observed. The cementite lamella
Ferrite-Austenite Interface (FAI), CementitcAustenite
imaged in the dark-field mode [Fig. 4(a)] shows two
Interface (CAI).
sets of nonparallel growth ledges at the CA1 and
direction steps at the FCI. Figures 4(b) and (c) are
enlargements of the ferrite-cementite-austenite triple
junction indicated in regions 1 and 2, respectively.

Details are given in [l].


Examples of TEM images of direction steps at the

pearlite FCI in the Fe-0.8 wt% C-12 wt% Mn steel is
given in Fig. 2. Figure 2(a) shows the FCI imaged in
bright field with the boundary parallel with the beam
direction. Direction steps of - 5 nm in height are
indicated. If this particular interface is tilted at an
angle to the beam and imaged in dark field, as in
Fig. 2(b), two aspects of the direction step contrast
are revealed. Note first the strain contrast, and
second, the topographical contrast arising from the
inflection of the extinction contours. This combina-
tion of strain contrast with topographical contrast
allows for easy identification of direction steps on the
FCI. As shown in Fig. 2(c), closely spaced direction
steps are present during severe curvature of the FCI
of pearlite in the high manganese steel.
If the FCI and FAI are imaged simultaneously,
structure at both interfaces can clearly be identified.
Figure 3(a) is a representative bright field micro-
graph. The FCI direction steps are quite distinct
(arrows). The observation is made that these direction
steps actually intersect the ferrite-cementite-austenite
triple junction line on the mobile pearlite:austenite
growth interface. At the FAI in Fig. 3(a), several
growth ledges (discussed in [l]) are also indicated
(arrows). If they are traced along the growth interface
until they intersect the ferrite-cementite-austenite
triple junction [between indicated arrows, see also
Fig. 3(c)] it is apparent that the growth ledges on the Fig. 2. (a) FCI direction steps (arrowed). Isothermally heat
treated for 18 h at 610C. Diffraction pattern demonstrates
FAI are continuous with the direction steps at the
the Bagaryatskii orientation relationship with the habit
plane (112), Il(OOI),. (b) The same interface as in Fig. 2(a)
tThis is particularly obvious if one considers that the FAI tilted and imaged in dark field. (c) Direction steps observed
and CA1 often share common growth ledges [l]. at curvature of lamellar interface. 12 h, 600C.

junction is associated with the mobile growth ledges

on the pearlite-austenite growth interface.

Based on these experimental observations the

following postulates are formulated.
I. The FCI direction steps occuring in conjunc-
tion with lamellar curvature are created and are
propagated at the three phase triple junction on
the pearlite-austenite growth interface. This occurs
simultaneously with the advancement of the pearlite-
austenite growth interface.
II. The initiation and propagation of the FCI
direction steps is a direct result of the lateral move-
ment of mobile ledges across the FAI and CAI.
It is in this manner that the mechanism of growth
is coupled with the factors controlling lamellar
curvature, morphology, and spacing.
Consequences to I and II are:
Ia. Lamellar curvature occurs during the growth of
pearlite, as originally proposed by Hull and Mehl [6].
IIa. Changes in lamellar curvature, morphology,
and spacing are initiated by changes in physical
parameters at the growth interface.

The first postulate is based on observation two.

That the direction steps intersect the dynamic triple
junction is an excellent indication that they are
formed simultaneously with new FCI. The second
Fig. 3. Relationship between growth ledges at the FAI and
direction steps at the FCI. 12 h, 610C. gl = growth ledge, postulate arises from attempts to rationalize all three
ds = direction step, and tl = triple line junction. (a) Bright experimental observations into an integrated model
field micrograph showing continuity between FAI growth of the pearlite growth mechanism. The presentation
ledges and FCI direction steps. (b) Dark field micrograph of this model will be followed by a discussion of its
showing a second set of FAI growth ledges not parallel to
applicability to the phenomena of lamellar curvature,
those in (a). (c) Schematic based on (a) and (b). (d) A second
example illustrating the relationship between growth ledges lamellar faults, and lamellar branching.
and direction steps.
(B) Model
It is again apparent that the growth ledges (arrows) A schematic of two adjacent lamella is illustrated
are continuous with the interfacial direction steps in Fig. 5(a) where a single set of parallel growth
(arrows), indicating that the direction step/growth ledges moving right to left is shown on the lamellae
ledge association is operative during the growth of growth interface. Figure 5(a) has one ledge drawn
both pearlite constituents. isometrically with reference point x on its riser. With
increasing time the reference point moves across
the ferrite-austenite interface perpendicular to the
DISCUSSION plane of the ledge. When the point on the growth
ledge intersects the ferrite-cementite interfacial plane
(A ) Introduction
(defined as ABCD), the growth parameters make the
The following experimental observations have been formation of the orthorhombic phase more favor-
made in the previous section. able.-/ As long as no perturbations occur, the plane
defined by ABCD will be continued as illustrated in
1. Lamellar curvature in Fe&l.8 wt% C-12 wt%
Fig. 5(b). Thus the positions of the ferrite-cementite-
Mn occurs in conjunction with direction steps.
austenite triple junctions will be determined by par-
2. These steps intersect the triple junction on the
ameters acting at the growth ledges. If the parameters
dynamic pearlite: austenite growth interface.
controlling pearlite growth are idealized so that they
3. The direction step intersection at the triple
are constant with time, the growth rate, lamellar
spacing, and lamellar thickness will be constant.
tMost investigators believe the growth of pearlite to be con- Consider now a small perturbation of the condi-
trolled by some macroscopic optimization parameters. tions at the edge of the example growth ledge (such
We do not address this problem here. We endeavor only
to show how the growth mechanism may couple the as temperature and/or composition change) so that it
factors controlling growth with the development of is no longer identical with the preceding ledge. Con-
specific lamellar geometries. sider also that this perturbation has slightly increased

Fig. 4. Relationship between growth ledges at the CA1 and direction steps at the FCI. 12 h, 610C.
gl = growth ledge, ds = direction step, and tl = triple junction line. (a) Cementite dark field showing
continuity between CA1 growth ledges and FCI direction steps. (b) Enlargement of triple junction 1.
(c) Enlargement of triple junction 2.

the distance the designated point must travel before ferrite-cementite-austenite triple junction line at an
cementite formation begins, thus increasing the angle, as shown schematically in Fig. 6. This growth
perpendicular distance the point must travel across ledge/directional step configuration is exactly that
the FAI and therefore the lamellar spacing. In this observed experimentally (Figs 3 and 4) giving strong
model, the growth ledge will now grow past the support to the proposed mechanism of directional
geometric plane (ABCD) defined by the previous step formation.
ledge, causing the FCI to be shifted over in space to As a check on this model, the configuration of the
ABCD [Fig. 5(c)]. It should be understood at this FCI direction steps might be examined more closely.
point that the spatial change just described will lead Since the advancement of the pearlite: austenite
to the formation of a step in the FCI similar to the interface occurs by the lateral movement of steps
one at point 0 in the schematic. Note that if we now the position of the interface with time is not a
allow every growth ledge to form a step at the FCI continuous function, but rather occurs by discrete
in question, the ferritecementite boundary plane will steps. Thus, if the model in Fig. 6 is correct, the
be translated in space (shifted over) continuously presence of small jogs on the FCI interfacial steps
as the pearlite colony grows. The resulting ferrite- (direction steps) is expected (see dashed square in
cementite boundary plane morphology would give Fig. 6). The magnitude of these jog heights would be
the distinct impression of lamellar curvature [Fig. a function of interledge spacing, ledge height, and
5(d)]. Thus the steps formed by the growth ledges ledge velocity. These jogs are observed experimentally
provide the exact same function as the FCI direction [Fig. 7(a), (b) arrows]. Thus the type of jog configur-
steps and indeed that is their origin. ation observed in Fig. 7(a) and (b) will occur if only
Consider now a second set of growth ledges (not one set of growth ledges is forming FCI directional
parallel to the first set) on the advancing interface steps while the second set of ledges acts only to
with only one set of ledges forming direction steps. advance the pearlite-austenite interface without
It should be apparent that the growth interface is changing the geometric plane of the FCI.
moving forward while the direction steps are being If we now allow the system to become highly
formed. This is due to the simultaneous lateral move- perturbed with respect to microscopic variations in
ment of two or more sets of non-parallel growth temperature and chemistry during the transform-
ledges. In this situation, both the growth ledge and ations, it becomes apparent that seldom will each
the associated FCI direction step would intersect the growth ledge be subject to the identical conditions as


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Fig. 5. Schematic illustrating FCI direction step formation by pearlite growth ledge. See text for details.

those preceding it. Under these conditions, it would spacings, and directions. If these quantities are vari-
be possible for both sets of growth ledges to form a able, as in Fig. 6(d), the boundary plane (i.e. lamellae)
more complex pattern of FCI direction steps. In this not only may rotate about the FCI direction step but
case, the jogs on the FCI steps will be associated with also has the ability to twist.
the intersection of the two sets of direction steps. This
is indeed observed experimentally [Fig. 7(c), (d)].
Given that two (or more) nonparallel sets of
growth ledges may simultaneously form FCI
direction steps, it is clear that the apparent
ferrite:cementite boundary may become parallel to
a great many geometric planes without losing the
atomic habit plane. In this manner, the plane rotation
axis is not limited to a single geometric direction as
in the one ledge model (Fig. 6), but may have an axis
corresponding to a number of geometric directions. If I

two (or more) sets of nonparallel FCI directional CEMENTITE TRIPLE LlNE

steps are present, as in Fig. 7(c),(d), the boundary Fig. 6. Schematic illustrating the growth ledge/direction step
plane normal is dependent upon the ledge heights, configuration for two sets of nonparallel growth ledges.

Wulff plot [7]. Surface energy anisotropy has, in

fact, already been suggested as the cause of micro-
facetting at the ferrite-cementite lamellar interface
[8]. If the direction steps are the result of surface
energy anisotropy, micro-facetting would be expected
to eventually occur because of lamellar curvature, no
matter what the growth mechanism. Therefore, the
appearance of direction steps at the lamellar interface
may be rationalized on the basis of surface energy
arguments alone without resorting to the growth
kinetics argument just presented. However, the model
does become important in the consideration of the
efficacy and rapidity with which the direction steps
are observed to form. Mullins [9] has already con-
sidered the kinetic problems of facet nucleation and
growth once an unstable surface has been formed. It
has been proposed here, on the basis of experimental
observation, that the direction steps are formed
simultaneously with new FCI as the growth interface
advances. Essentially, this model describes a process
in which the lower energy interface is generated
automatically during growth, thus circumventing the
time dependent process of the nucleation and growth
of stable linear facets from an unstable lamellar
interface. The ramifications of this model on the
theory of pearlite growth are substantial. In the
following sections, it will be shown how the proposed
growth mechanism may be extended to explain some
of the more common phenomena observed during
pearlite growth.

(C) Application of model

(a) Lamellar curvature changes. Curvature of
lamellae within a pearlite colony is a common observ-
ation with optical and electron microscopy in both
high purity FeC steels and commercial alloys. Hull
and Mehl [S] have hypothesized that curvature occurs
during the growth process, although strain effects
following the transformation have been proposed as
an explanation [lo]. As previously shown in binary
Fe-O.8 wt% C [2] and in the current alloy lamellar
curvature occurs via FCI direction steps. This allows
the macroscopic average interface normal or
apparent boundary plane to change while the micro-
scopic or {112} atomic habit plane is maintained.
Fig. 7. Jogs on FCI direction steps formed as a result of
nonparallel growth ledges. (a) 12 h, 610C. (b) 12 h, 640% Since it is apparent from the results section that these
(c) Intersecting direction steps on the FCI. This interface is direction steps are formed by the lateral movement of
nearly perpendicular to the electron beam. (d) Complex growth ledges, a great deal of support is given to Hull
array of intersecting direction steps on the FCI, 7 h, 600C. and Mehls suggestion. Further, changes in lamellar
thickness may be approached using similar argu-
ments. Once again, a deviation in the FCI plane is
To this point, the discussion has centered upon the expected. When lamellae plate thickness changes are
kinetic aspects of direction step formation. No state- imaged in the TEM it is found that the boundary
ment has been made concerning the stability of the plane deviation from the atomic habit plane is accom-
stepped boundary with respect to that of a planar modated by discrete steps [2]. Thus, it would appear
interface having the same average normal. Certainly, that adjustments of lamellar thickness occur by a
it has been shown that such stepped interfaces may mechanism identical to that of lamellar curvature.
be of lower energy than the corresponding planar In both cases, the atomic mechanism of directional
interface if sufficient anisotropy is present in the step formation allows the FCI boundary plane to

Fig I. 8. Lamellar fault mechanism. (a) Schematic of lamellar fault mechanism. (b) Lamellar faults in
Fe- -12 wt% Mn-0.8 wt% C alloy. 7 h, 600C. (c) Lamellar fault in high purity Fea.8 wt% C. 14 s, 600C.
(d) FCI direction steps associated with lamellar fault in F&.8 wt% C. 14 s, 600C. (e) FCI direction steps
associated with small changes in lamellar thickness in Fe0.8 wt% C. 14s 600C.

efficiently adjust to fluctuations in the parameters direction steps are apparent within the hole. Such a
determining lamellar spacing. configuration would allow branching to occur with-
(b) Maintenance of lamellar spacing. Jackson and out the need of a ferrite-cementite disordered inter-
Hunt [1 11, noting the presence of many partial face. In the ferrite dark field in Fig. 9(b), a highly
lamella, proposed that spacing adjustments might complex branching process is imaged and may best be
occur by lamellar faults [Fig. 8(a)]. They noted that visualized by considering the ferrite phase as growing
the abrupt termination or beginning of a lamella across the cementite phase, creating a hole in the
cause a rapid readjustment in the spacing of the cementite lamella and causing the FCI to be almost
neighboring lamellae. In this manner, if the pearlite perpendicular to the beam direction. Note the high
lamellar spacing becomes greater than the opti- density of FCI steps, intersecting the growth inter-
mum, the spacing may be readjusted by the creation face. At the points of intersection, growth ledges are
of a new lamella. Conversely, if the spacing is too apparent on the pearliteaustenite growth interface
small, the growth rate may be optimized by the (arrowed). This micrograph would seem to demon-
termination of a lamella. This type of configuration strate the proposed relationship between growth
has been used successfully by Puls and Kirkaldy [ 121 ledges, direction step formation and lamellar curva-
in the theoretical perturbation analysis of inter- ture. A limited number of prints of this micrograph
lamellar spacing and has been observed experi- are available to interested readers for review.
mentally [Fig. 8(b), (c)] in the present study in both The bright field/dark field pair in Fig. 9(c), (d) also
Fe-O.8 wt% C [2] and Fe-O.8 wt% C-12 wt% Mn. illustrates the application of the growth mechanism
As illustrated in these figures, the lamellar fault presented here to the Hillert mechanism of branch-
mechanism requires a significant amount of lamellar ing. The bright field in Fig. 9(c) shows an example
curvature. It is usually found that the lamellar of the classic Hillert pearlite. A continuous single
curvature associated with the lamellar fault occurs crystal of grain boundary cementite is giving rise
in conjunction with FCI direction steps [Fig. 8(d) to a number of cementite lamellae by a branching
arrows]. Based on the present model, it is possible to process. The dark field of the arrowed region reveals
understand how the formation of a lamellar fault is that FCI direction step formation is operative even
coupled to the growth mechanism of pearlite. This during this early stage of pearlite development [Fig.
coupling, as has been previously proposed arises 9(d)]. Noting that the direction steps arise from the
from the formation of direction steps at the three lateral movement of growth ledges, it follows that the
phase triple junction during the migration of the conditions controlling the behavior of growth ledges
pearlite : austenite triple junction. Small changes in also determine the branching process.
spacing (i.e. one in which the deletion or creation of The interfacial structure model presented here
a new lamellae is not needed) can also be accommo- explains synchronous growth phenomena trivially.
dated by the mechanism of direction steps. Figure Figure 11 in the previous paper shows clearly that
8(e) is of a relatively straight ferrite lamella which individual growth ledges sweep across both the ferrite
on closer inspection contains many direction steps and cementite phases, creating new bee or ortho-
(arrowed). Each of these steps, in turn, decreases rhombic crystal structure for each. It is the efficacy
or increases the proximity of the interface to its of these growth ledges to delay the creation of either
neighbor. In this fashion small alterations in spacing the ferrite or cementite crystal structure (and thus
can be accommodated. form FCI direction steps) that allows the individual
(c) Holes, branching, and synchronous growth. In lamellae to form lower energy FCIs during the
1962 Hillert [13] altered our conception of pearlite alteration of direction, branch, or change thickness in
by showing that in a commercial steel each pearlite response to any change in boundary conditions. The
colony contained only two crystals. One ferrite and principles presented here allow all these phenomena
the other cementite, each intricately intertwined with to occur while maintaining equal growth rates for the
the other. Based on this evidence, Hillert proposed two phases.
that sidewise growth occurred by lamellar branching.
The branching process is very dependent upon the SUMMARY
ability of a pearlite constituent to form a hole
through which the other constituent may grow. This In [l], the presence of mobile growth ledges
mechanism would seem to require large deviations associated with both constituents of pearlite at the
from the usually observed FCI habit plane, again advancing pearlite interface was demonstrated. This
suggesting nonsensitivity to crystallography. How- paper extends the role of the growth ledge by
ever, two (or more) sets of FCI directional steps [Fig. developing a growth mechanism model based on
7(c), (d)] could accommodate the complex habit plane an interpretation of experimental observations. The
permutations necessary for lamellar branching. An proposed ability of the pearlite growth ledges to affect
experimental example of hole formation is illustrated the position of the three phase triple junction allows
in the dark field micrograph in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9(a), the coupling of the thermodynamic and/or kinetic
the hole occurs in the cementite lamella, allowing the parameters controlling the development of lamellar
ferrite phase to be continuous. The two sets of FCI pearlite with the atomic scale growth mechanism.

This leads to a new explanation of a variety of

pearlite phenomena.
Although the pearlite-austenite growth interface
structure in binary steels cannot be observed because
of the intervention of the martensite reaction, the
presence of direction steps during both curvature and
plate thickness adjustment is indicated in Ref. [2] and
Fig. 8(cHe). The demonstration of the direct link
between direction step formation and the movement
of growth ledges in the Fe-C-Mn ternary alloy
suggests growth ledges may also be present on the
pearlite-austenite growth interface in the binary

Fig. 9(d)
Fig. 9. Lamellar hole formation and lamellar branching.
(a) Ferrite dark field showing hole formed in cement&
lamella. 12 h. 610C. (b) Ferrite dark field showina branch-
ing process occurring-at the growth interface. 12Th,610C.
(Insert is enlargement of growth ledges at the FAI.)
(c) Bright field showing initial lamellar branching at con-
tinuous grain boundary cementite. 12 h, 610C. (d) Dark
field of (c) showing the presence of FCI steps at the initial
point of branching.

Fe-C eutectoid. However, before the experimentally

motivated model presented here is considered general-
ized to the binary eutectoid, quantitative consideration
must be given to the possibility that the formation
of the stepped FCI interface is dissociated from the
growth mechanism. In a future report, thermo-
dynamic and kinetic concerns will be addressed in a
quantitative manner [14].
The idea that ledges with extensive deference to
crystallography cannot account for intricate pattern
formation should now be dispelled. On the contrary,
the presence of two or more different sets of mobile
ledges at the growth interface allows the quick and
efficient alteration of the growth direction, plate thick-
ness and spacing via the initiation and propagation of
FCI direction steps.

Acknowledgement-The authors are grateful to the

National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR


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