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Group Number 1.

Rohit Bisht
Stuti Bramhescha
Paloma Saint
Melissa Cotes


The organic solution for your chemical problems

One of the significant findings in the field of neurosciences has been the relation between
emotional states and the corresponding hormonal release. As an established fact, the different
mental states of a man, known as emotions, can be attributed to the respective chemical secretion.
For example, positive states such as eating, drinking, making love etc, are linked to the release of
chemical called Dopamine. Similarly, to counter stress, the body produces Cortisol. A limited amount
of cortisol helps in increasing glucose in bloodstream, increasing brains capability of using the
glucose thereby increasing the availability of substances that repair tissues.

It is crucial to counter the problem of stress and its many effects. Therefore, the need of an
alternative to the chemical solutions is imminent. Introducing Herbo. This new brand is a GMO plant
that carries out an exchange of biochemicals thus relieving the human body of the harmful
chemicals no less than toxins. The connection and the feelling of the human body with the leafs will
inject the medicine through epidermis while at the same time is extracting the harmful chemicals
such as excess cortisol. The reason behind is the absorption of the medicine by the skin that
eventually enters the bloodstream. This is known as Transdermal Drug Delivery System.

Using this phenomenon in our project, we envisioned that in near future, the mere overlap of a leaf
on the skin can be used as treatment. The result will be a reduction of the levels of cortisol therefore
reducing the stress in our daily lives.

We have illustrated the use of our product through its presence in public spaces like parks but also in
a range of products like a sole of a shoe and a hand band. Those products are linked to each other by
the use of the same biologically transformed plant grown outdoors and transformed into wearable

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