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Vocabulary: teaching collocations

Author: Kate Fuscoe

Level: starter/beginner, advanced, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate

Advice and suggestions on teaching collocations.

How can I help my students with collocations? Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation.

Media Shojaee

There seem to be two parts to the question to answer here:

1. How can I help my students with collocations
2. Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation

Its probably most helpful to begin with the second premise that students need to be aware of the importance of patterns such as
collocation. With the rise and rise of the Lexical Approach, there is a lot of support for this viewpoint. I agree with you, that advanced
students need to be aware of the importance of collocation, and I would go further and suggest that this start pretty early in their English
learning career that is, ideally its not just something that appears later in the curriculum for more advanced learners.

One of the key points to consider is the kind of chunks you are going to focus on at lower levels. Rather than learning ever lengthening
lists of new rare words, students may become more effective communicators by combining the words they already have in new and useful

At elementary level, I would suggest simply teaching in chunks, those to be decided on by you, according to the usual criteria of frequency
and usefulness. That we have a meal or a bath rather than make or take one is essential to the elementary learner being able to express
himself. Get into the habit of including useful collocations at write up stage showing on the whiteboard the typical partnerships that
students need to be aware of. The use of columns and substitution tables is very helpful here and gives a model for students own
vocabulary notebooks.

At advanced levels, as you suggest, students really need to be aware of collocation if they are to be effective in English. And here at higher
levels, there is the possibility of students discovering useful word partnerships themselves. Rather than focusing on grammar, they need to
be looking at patterns in a more generalisable sense. Texts are a great way in to noticing collocations. The choice of text can be dependent
on your students needs and ambitions newspaper pages and novels tend to throw up different varieties, for example. I think its important
to let your choice be guided by what kind of English your students are going to need when choosing what to focus on - are they going to be
speaking to native speakers, using English in formal situations? etc. Students of general English should be exposed to a wide variety of
both written and spoken texts. Drawing students attention to patterns, phrases and semi-fixed expressions within these texts and helping
them record them effectively is important. George Woolard in Teaching Collocation, suggests training students in the following process:

1) Isolate key nouns in the text

2) Look for (unexpected) verb collocates

3) Look for (unexpected) adjective collocates

4) Look for (unexpected) adverb collocates

What is an unexpected collocate? An adjective like close when applied to friend, but not an adjective like big or good when applied with
a predictable meaning. Underlining and highlighting are useful techniques here. You will need to help out, especially at first, showing which
parts of the expression are apt to change, which cannot be tampered with. Whole class discussion of what is useful or worthy or noting is a
fruitful exercise. Youll also need to check their vocabulary notebooks, to see if they are recording items correctly/appropriately. Your
students could usefully record items according to key word or topic, or both. It goes without saying that tuning students in to word class
early in on is also very important. Presuming that meaningful chunks exist in their own language, some translation can be helpful to their

So, first to build awareness through noticing, then to maintain contact. Because we know that revisiting aids
acquisition, recycling and further practice become crucial to students actually retaining any of these neatly noticed
collocates. Sorting and matching are key techniques for students to develop. You have lots of possibilities. All kinds of
card games can be devised to promote awareness of collocation:

Students group words according to

Sorting collocate such as make/do
Dominos Students match collocations end to
Pelmanism Sets of cards where students match
up pairs these can be laid face
down for challenge/face up for a
first time exposure
Mingling Matching pairs being distributed
activities and then students wander to find
their partner

I expect you can think of more yourself. The same cards can be used over and over in a variety of ways. Students can be encouraged to
make these card sets themselves, perhaps taking turns at the end of the week to select and write up the sets. These can then be stored in
the classroom for early arrivals/fast finishers to access.

Written exercises focusing on slots, where one or two options may not be correct are also effective, particularly where one of the options is
a false friend or common miscollocate:

She likes light/weak/strong/milky tea

It rained hard/heavily/gently/strongly

Sometimes it is especially meaningful if these miscollocates can be drawn from students own work without attributing them to particular
students - or predicted based on your own knowledge of their language. Or try simple gap fill exercises where you are careful to prompt
the most appropriate slot to fill, perhaps helping students recall with additional contextual clues:

It was bitterly _______ that morning.

If your students are preparing for UCLES examinations these formats can easily be applied to the collocates you and your students have
spotted. Matching word lists can be another effective way of encouraging students to explore collocation, as can arranging words into
groups that take the same verb/noun adjective/noun etc. collocate. Again, this can become more challenging if a few false friends are
sprinkled in there. Think also about how these can be recorded memorably word spiders and columns are useful techniques to promote.
Youll find lots more ideas for devising exercises that focus on word partnerships in Implementing the Lexical Approach, LTP, (Michael
Lewis), and Teaching Collocation, edited by the same author.

Finally then, just a note on materials. For your students to develop their awareness of collocation, exposure to naturally occurring language
is very important. You dont mention what kinds of texts your students are working with, but in a typical EFL coursebook, texts are likely to
be authentic or quasi authentic - certainly so at higher levels. Even if the textbook does not have a focus on noticing, you can apply these
techniques to it, usefully developing the students awareness of collocation and helping them build their word pool. If you are working with
textbooks that do not contain naturally occurring language, other options can be for you to source authentic material yourself or for the
students to bring in their own texts.

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