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ACGIH®, Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice for Design, 28” Edition Errata Listing (as of 04/21/2015) cnapter | secrion | pace [DESCRIPTION wa | PETRIE |x| des the yl or velocy Presi 8 SP change "VF Foreword vii Right olin, econ paragraph Change “serious” to "previous? Tigh colun, ar ira paragraphs Replace "Lor irovah an 5 ss sug | eb0¥" with -Loes though one 30" elbow then 264 alowng ne “atti by numberof fl or partial elbows a nrement of 9°, .€., 2 45° angle (elbow) is 0.5 x loss for a 90° elbow.” Fighecolu, ne Beto as ful paragraph The equation at 3 air | 313 |comains-¥ should be writen as Pia “ne” rom est equation ~ po Seaton [gg Relace: "CONSTANT = 49 the volume.) ee” with “CONSTANT 43.2 = 403 ft”.Ibm/pts ~ Ibm-mole” 2 | Seton 5 [replaces (24 (hevolume..) ee with 124 mg/l emote TP Brampie |, |i enaton in waht calumn, ada minus wo mate Problem 2 Formula [4.8] i.e. “At = - 100,000/2000 ....” ‘Bottom of left column: Change “(see Table 6-6) e Figure 9- 2) Topof rah column: Change "ry =0.8" to "Fy = 05" and Change F,=05° to" = 056", Lst sentence of paragraph ® Section 26) oe Rewrite sentence starting “Table 6-6...” with following new sentence “igure 8am Chapter 9 gives hood entry los coeffiens for savers pis hood types” The hod os eatin ora Ba mouth ety The Raadin ower right of figure) should be changed from “0.05” to “0.04”. Add . Fegura.6:40 639 sentence to FIGURE 6-40 figure caption: “Values shown for round entries” GRRE | egg | Recluse” Rennes gre 65" wih "gare OT, probiams3 | °#° | shine: cnange stor nod fer) ono slot or od ter Frat sentence ofthis Section: Change “Example Preble 6-0 $ = = “Example Problem 6-4”, ‘Second row of table, 3“ column: Change “0.49” to " Various based s Figure 6-43 | 42 | on duct and flange configuration, see Figure 9-2" FT eauanonr? | par | eMAREE YO FIP = SP VP) ~(SPa * VE ‘Add Density Factor (df) to numerator of both Equations: 7 Equation 7.4 te QxFIPxdf and Qx(FSP + VPou) xf Tn Table, rk orn, second aw Replace TUBER an” wh ee : a ca [st cau, ie pararaph, eave Chage"O26 aT a2m—m m Trample] — gy, | nsinth ine: Change 89.66 alto "17-6 gfm™ In ast probe 1 sentence on page Change "100" in Equation sliont"L00" 224 | 9 | ist column, equation nea totom: Change “aus %0 Fan 2 | Fawesa | 95 |in*SwagheOuce change hirto “Fe 3 334 | 97 | Lefoolumn, equation atop of page: Change “Fanon (0 Fra Figures83 | gg qq.g | Wiecolumn paragraphs? and 3 n each Figure: Change “(Chapter (ie) and (8, 5, Figure 9-6) to “(Figure 9)" in frst paragraph, third line: Change "0.86" to 0.87"; fourth ine: ‘Change “Equation 3.23 (IP & Si)” to "Equation 3.25 (IP & SI)" In Example | 4, | solution: Change the P equation for Qu, value from "0.86" to Problem 3 0.87" and answer from "8,944 dct” to "9,048 dsefm”; make same change for dfn metric equation for Qs ("0:86" to "0.87") and answer from “4.15 nm'/s" to "4.20 nm'/s" Brample | gq, | References “Equation 3.23” to determine ACFM, Should reference Probiem3_| “equation 3.5 Example Sai | Twolines after Equation [84]: Change answer trom "S00 Ka/s" to Problem 4 *5.0ke/s" Example Gan References "Equation 3.22" to determine the df. Changeto Problem 5 “equation 3.24", Eaample Gaz | Relerences “Equation 3.22" to determine he dh, Change to Problem 6 “equation 3.24" a 952 9-14 | Right column, line : Change “0.75 bs/ft™” to "0.075 lbs/t™” San | eure s-6 | The duct friction loss factor (Fa) for segments GO and EF is (s1)__| depicted as 0.0180". change both to 0.0147" References Section 7.3.2, Rating Tables, regarding fan curves. oxo 925 | Change to “Section 733, aint of Operation’. Equation | 9.33 | Change Equation to “h= 0.24 T+ (1061 + 0.444 7)" 19.1711 Example 33 __| Change answer in ST units from "05 m7kg-dry ai to 2.07 Problems im’ gd air” perme | 933 [ina ine ange Equation 32° to “Equation 3.21" — Left Column: change “(see Chapter 3, Section 3.12)" to “(see Example aq | Chapter3, Section 3.11)" Problem 11 Right column, second (metric solution) equation: Replace exponent 5.528" with 5.258" ou Gas | Units of measure for bry Ain left column Indicates the value Ih lbm-water. Change to “ba water/min”, Right columa, second fine: Qu = Ca (1+ 07a = (16,000)(3.088)/ 935 938 | 052, i.e, replace comma in 1,809 with period, Also change the “w" a in equation to "u" oe Figure description notes that Paychrometrie Charts are located in Figures-1s | 9-38 | Figures 9-b (IP) through 9} (IP), Change to "Figures 9-¢ IP) through 2m (si) Right column, Insert in sentence starting "Considering the deal Gas ous 4.39 | Equation” the following: “(with constant temperature and weight of gas)"; in following equation change “w;" and "w;" to“,” and bs Tet column, Step 4 (rst equation), change "wy" and "w;" to "Tai" 92s 240 | and "rng. ‘Additional Notes for Fight column, frst paragraph, last three sentences: Rewrite as “For sample o.49 | example in Sample System Design Problem 3, the value at cell (A- system 28/3) would be 33,508 acfm. Its found in Column A-B and Row 3. Design Similarly, the value in cell(A-8/13) would be 0.59." Problem 3 _ _ 916 gar | Right column, frst equation: Replace “Gag = Qua(i = 20\/aP with "Qua. = Quill + @l/dP; second equation: Replace "Qua {(27,500](1,081)/0.52 = 36,380 acim” with "Q,, (27,500)(1.081)/0.54 = 35,032 acfm" (replace comma in 1,081, with period (1.081)) 9 ee 9.42 In Row 3 for Columns 81-8 thru D-E: Change "34,940" to "35,032" Right column, equation near bottom: The line containing the g—_| Aapersiva |g gg | eauation to calculte velocity shoul be writen as: "V = 9 4.043(vP/df)"*; VP = (V/4.043)"df “ (i.e,, replace the “=” sign with a semi-colon and delete the subscrist"p” from the VP equation) 5 Toucan | oas | BRR was ond andsoudincide area = 2.07, a Tables 9-4 | a. 55 409.53 | Remove the word “No” above all Tables ie. “Friction Loss, No VP..." (P&S) Tables lon toss 3 Table | | Bavometric pressure at 1000 feat sted as "265%, replace with () 28.9" For PLAIN DUCT END at top of pager Change "hy= 0393 VPs" t0 "y= 9 riguresa | 957 | Ogavpe 5 Tgueda | 057 | The lable inthe mide section of the figure eraniyenies he Entry Loss Coefficient as “hy”. Change to “Fy” Tn Miscellaneous Values section: change Entry Lowe 9 Figure 9-a 957 | Coefficient F, for Elevators (enclosures) from “0.69" to "1.0"; Change value for Hood Flow Coefficient , from “D.59" to 0.50" Figures. | 958R | nxcans ofboth Figures: Change "FRICTION LOSS (F.4"t0 “DUCT ° a9 9-59 _| FRICTION FACTOR (F',)” D Section | 5.97 | ht Column, 4 ne: Definition of, change “duck 108.1 concentration” to "dust concentration” Page numbers in the index, beginning with Push Pull Hood Design 3 Index 13:3 | bata are incorrect; they ae off bya least one page. (Due to missing page.) 2 Section qaa6 | infst sentence, change “(delta)T <230F [310C)" to "etal > 13.27.7 230F (110C]" B VS-35-20 as6 _| Firstline: Change "0.03 am"/s/m™ to “0.25 am’/s/m™ in Parts discharge and container section: Change "T00 acim/f * vsas-o¢ | 1377 | ( am’/s/m!" to "100 acfm/tt [0.16 am"/s/en}” in Table t bottom: Change “350 acim/f™ to "350 actm/it” and = VSS0-08 aaa "500 acfm/ft™" to "500 actm/ft” Section Right column, fst paragraph in ealon, third ine: ARer the word 13, 13-88 “graph” add “on VS-55-03A"; in fifth line: Change “exhaust gas” to 1355.1 ere Replace this VS-late with new VS-S5-03A and VS-55-088 as per 7 B ee inci Edition and add metric values. 14 | Appendices Add page numbers on 14-1 teu 14-5 Close capture at electrodes Verify Q, SP and operating temperature with manufacture, Alternate designs 1. Some exhaust designs utilize direct furnace roof tp. details, consult manufacturer 2.¢% 1opy hoods can be use as secondary hoods to capture fupitive emissions and charging, (See Vs Slag door hood = 0 (See 13.5511) Electrodes a (sin [Po VS-55-08a Furnace body SECTION (A) 1(3500x 2A +B)) RATE 08 07 os 1600 400 1200 038) W=Q/1852x24+ BD 2 28 2 Eu 2 ‘Meicin 150F [65C) 516 Bs gs 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70, 80 90 100 act x 10° Ce an APPROXIMATE SIDE-DRAFT HOOD VENTILATION VOLUMES 7m = rT MELTING FURNACE -55-03a ELECTRIC (<30 TPH), VS-55-03a CLOSE CAPTURE HOOD 11-13 “CHECK CODES, REGULATIONS, AND LAWS LOCAL, STATE, AND RATIONAL VS-35-03b co take-off 150 fp [0.28 mis} 150 fpm [0.75 ms) hood face V, yo eae vw [Coating System™ Close capture hood (Gee VS-55-03A) See Note L Note: *Cooling Options: ‘The direct evacuation, (Q) requites detailed caleulations to establish ‘quantity, quality, and temperature. ‘Coniact furnace vendar or qualified, ‘experienced consultant Straight Dilation Water Jecket, Radiant Cooler and Dilution ‘Water Jacket end Forced Draft Cooler Dilution, Radiant Cooler an Dilution Evaporation and Dilution (Most Cost Effective) References 13.55.1, 13.552 THE FIGURE MELTING FURNACE VS-55-03b ELECTRI [ATED CHARGING AND TAPBING HOOD 11-13 HECK CODES, REGUTATIONS, AND LAWS LOCAL, STATE, AND RATIONAT) TO ENSURE THAT DESIGN IS COMPLIANT.

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