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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

Live CD/DVD customization tool (JLIVECD)

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Customized ISOs for personal use are fine. If you want
to share your customization with others, whether for
free or for purchase, you'll have to rename it; remove
all distro specific artwork, branding, and other identity
elements; and you can't confuse your intended users
about the customization being associated in any way
with the base distro.

You're free to use the softwares without renaming

those, as they are licensed under GPL. But otherwise, it
will be your own creation and no longer you base

The name and identity elements of a distro are

trademarked and copyrighted. Unless you have

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

approval from appropriate authorization you can't use

those (identity elements and name).

This is a simple command line tool to customize live
cd/dvd of Debian, Archlinux, Ubuntu family, Linux
Mint and some of their derivatives. It does not require
that the host system and the target system be the same,
i.e you can modify debian live cd sitting on ubuntu or
archlinux, or modify archlinux live cd sitting on ubuntu
and so on.

It gives you a chroot environment for modification and

creates the modified iso image. You need to do all the
customizations on your own, JLIVECD itself does not
do any modifications.

It is developed with the help of the

documentation found on:




This tool is intended primarily for

personal use.

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

Please read through the Additional info section before

you start with a Ubuntu or Linux Mint ISO for the first

Resume capability
It works as project basis. For a JLIVECD project, you
need to use your base ISO only once to extract it and
deploy the project. After that, you can keep changing
thigs and building and testing ISOs built on those

Project and Global

It works with both global and local configuration files.
Using config files, you can skip prompts that need
answers from user input. Local (project wise) config is
prioritized over global config.

Global configuration file: /usr/local/JLIVECD


Local configuration file: config.conf file in your

project directory.

1. bash (This is generally installed by default in
most Linux distros)

2. squashfs-tools

3. genisoimage

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

4. syslinux, syslinux-utils (If you want hybrid ISO

image (default))

5. rsync

6. xterm (optional)

7. dosfstools (archlinux)

Install requirements with the following command in

debian like systems:

sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools genisoimage syslinux sy

and the following command in Archlinux:

sudo pacman -S squashfs-tools cdrkit syslinux rsync xterm d

run the file in terminal:

chmod +x ./
sudo ./

How to use:
Run JLstart as root in a terminal or run it from
menu->Development->JLIVECD .

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin


~$ sudo JLstart
[sudo] password for user:

=== Is this a new project: (y/n)?:


Hints are given on the go, follow them to

successfully create a customized live cd/dvd.

It prompts for OSMODE (debian, ubuntu

or archlinux) for new projects and
saves it in project specific .config
file so that next time it doesn't
require you to specify the OS again.
Make sure you don't change it in the
.config file.

If you want to run JLIVECD in specific OSMODE,

there's three option for you:

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

Option Alt. option Detail

Ubuntu mode (for

-ub --ubuntu Ubuntu family &
Linux Mint)

Debian mode (Debian

-db --debian

Archlinux mode
-al --archlinux
(Archlinux family)

Note If you run JLIVECD in a specific OSMODE and

it doesn't match with what's in .config file, it will throw
error and exit.

Examples of running JLIVECD in specific


sudo JLstart -ub #ubuntu

sudo JLstart -db #debian
sudo JLstart -al #archlinux

Directories & Files:

In your project directory, you will find some default
files/directories. Don't change their names.

The directories are:

debcache : .deb or pkg files are kept here. See

the cache management section for more details.

edit : This is the root filesystem (i.e / ) for the live

system (chroot system). Any change you make
here will appear in the finalized ISO.

extracted : This is where the original ISO is

extracted. You can change several things here,

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

like Diskname, release, date, splash screen, etc.

mnt : A directory used only for mounting ISO


mydir : A directory with 777 permission. This

directory is moved inside edit/ during chroot,
thus in chroot it will be available as /mydir .
Use this directory to store/install packages and
files that you need to store for future but do not
want to include them in the ISO.

The files are:

.config : configuration of the corresponding

project i.e DISKNAME and some other defaults
(for internal use)

config.conf : Configuration managed by user.

This is essentially a bash script and thus you can
make intelligent use of it and set dynamic options.
Any non-empty value set to a variable (option)
will bypass its input prompt.

Things to care:
1. Quotation in prompts are taken as literal.
~/"some folder" and "~/some folder"
are different. If you want spaces then give it as it
is: ~/some folder .

2. Do not use NTFS partition.

3. The default is n for all y/n type prompts unless

specified otherwise.

Some Tips & Tricks:

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

1. If you are not being able to get connected to

internet in chroot, you can try running the code:
sudo JLopt -rn in another terminal in your
main system. This may happen if you start
JLIVECD before connecting your pc to the

2. If you want to change the timeout value then run

this code in a terminal in your main system:
JLopt -t timeout_value . "timeout_value"
should be replaced with your desired time in
seconds. Ex: for 12 seconds timeout: JLopt -t

3. JLIVECD seems to have problem running the

mate-terminal properly. For mate DE, install
xterm instead ( sudo apt-get install
xterm ).

4. You can change the default terminal JLIVECD

uses for chroot. To change the primary default
terminal run this code in a terminal in your main
system: JLopt -t1 actual-terminal-
command . To change the secondary default
terminal: JLopt -t2 actual-terminal-
command . For Ex. JLopt -t1 gnome-

5. You don't need to give the full name/path to the

base iso prompt: enter base iso path:
~/Downloads/x . As there is only one file that
matches 'x in my Downloads folder is
xubuntu-14.04.1-x64.iso , it will take that
file as the input.

6. You can use full path with or without .iso .

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

Archlinux specific tips

Do not manually clean pacman cache ( pacman
-Scc ). JLIVECD cleans pacman cache after
backing up the pkg files to reduce future
downloads. If you do clean manually, the pkg
cache will not be available anymore and you will
have to redownload the same packages again
when installing/reinstalling next time around.

Cache management
1. Put your .deb files in edit/var/cache
/apt/archives folder (or pkg files in edit/var
/cache/pacman/pkg/) so that they don't get
downloaded again in the software installation

2. They will be moved automatically to a folder

named debcache (located in the same directory as
"edit") prior to image creation so that they won't
be included in the iso image.

3. You never need to delete .deb or pkg files

from edit/var/cache/apt/archives manually and
you shouldn't (not even with package manager
cache clean program unless you want it that way
for disk space constraint).

4. Alternatively, you can put the .deb or pkg

files in debcache folder too, but in that case you
need to run JLIVECD after you have finished
copying files to this folder.

New features:

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

Support for Archlinux live ISO.

Customization help:
Customization related documents can be found on
JLIVECD github wiki (

Creating bootable USB

By default JLIVECD creates hybrid image. You can
either use tools like unetbootin or something like
dd to create the bootable USB. If you want to use dd ,
be careful about mistyping and what you are doing. For
example, you could end up wiping your hard disk if
you mistype /dev/sdb as /dev/sda . For this, I
have another script (chibu (
/chibu)) that checks the validity of the usb device and
makes sure it's a USB device not something else like a
partition on your hard drive. After cheking validity it
runs a dd command to create the bootable USB.

Note: chibu or dd will destory existing data on the


With chibu , it's like this:

sudo chibu iso_path /dev/sdx

where /dev/sdx (not /dev/sdx1 etc..) is your usb

device, (x is a letter)

You can find the device id with:

sudo fdisk -l

look for the usb device in the output of the above


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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin


USB created with unetbootin may not have its

boot flag set. Check with gparted and set the
boot flag if not set.

USB created with unetbootin may fail to boot

with its first default boot option, choose
failsafe option.

If unetbootin doesn't work, try dd (preferably

chibu (

unetbootin won't work for archlinux, use dd

(preferably chibu (

Tested OS:
Debian (xfce) testing (stretch) @ Thu Mar 23
13:31:53 UTC 2017

Debian (xfce) 8.7.1 Jessie

Archlinux 2017.05.01 x86_64

Xubuntu 16.04 LTS

Linux Mint 17 cinnamon

Linux Mint 17 XFCE

Xubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

Kubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

Additonal info:
1.In Linux Mint 17 XFCE there's a bug. To fix this edit
/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d file (in chroot) as:
replace exit 100 with exit 0 at line 285 and
421 , then apply upgrade. after upgrading revert this
modification (must).

2.In Linux Mint 17 xfce, if you install nautilus then it

will set gnome-session as default session and if gnome
desktop is not installed then no desktop window will
show up in live session. change the link /usr/bin
/x-session-manager to point to /usr/bin
/xfce4-session .

3.In xubuntu 14.04.1 there's another bug: Can't open

/scripts/casper-functions" error) to fix this, run this code
in chroot:

ln -s /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts /scripts

Follow the following link for bug report:
/+bug/1325142 (

4.In Ubuntu 14.04 Gnome LTS you might encounter

two more bugs:

One should be solved by editing:


(change exit $? to exit 0 in the invoke-rc.d


Other one should be solved by editing:

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin


find the following and comment out the if and fi line:

if [ -e /boot/grub/grub.cfg ]; then
#exec update-grub

Revert these changes before exiting the chroot.

Follow the following link for bug report for more

/+bug/1325142 (

5.You may encounter another bug: Ubiquity

installer, hang/freeze on harddisk
detection . This bug can be solved by editing the file
gtkui.desktop and changing the section exex

sh -c 'ubiquity gtk_ui'


sh -c 'sudo ubiquity gtk_ui'


If you are a developer, you can consider contributing to
this project by forking this repository and making
changes for better and do a pull request, or sharing
ideas and suggestions or finding bugs, anything at all,

13 de 15 17/10/17 13:40
Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

what you think will be beneficial for this project.

If you aren't a developer, but still want to contribute,

then you can support the contributing developers
spiritually, by starring the repository
( and/or sharing
ideas. If you want to be notified of the continuous
development, you can add this in your watch list in
Github (

If you see any problems or bugs please open an issue

here (

See Also:
Shell script compiler for Linux. (../shc)

Bulk rename utility for Linux/Unix (../rnm)

TAR archive to shell (bash) script converter


Website copier for Linux (Bash scripting)


Convenience wrapper for ssh (jssh) (../jssh)

letsencrypt wrapper for challenge auto-completion


C++ wrapper for PCRE2 library (../../libs/jpcre2)

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Live CD/DVD customization tool | Neurobin

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