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IJ-II - ingls jurdi c o I I

EDUBP | ABG | s e g u n d o c u a t r i m e s t r e

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 


presentacin 3

programa 3
contenido mdulos

mapa conceptual 5

macroobjetivos 6

agenda 6

material 7
material bsico
material complementario

glosario 7

mdulos *
m1 | 8
m2 | 14
m3 | 22
m4 | 31
m5 | 41
m6 | 50

* cada mdulo contiene:
mapa conceptual

evaluacin 59

impresin total del documento 59 pginas !

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 

p r e s e n t acin

Bienvenido a Ingls Jurdico II

En esta nueva presentacin de la materia, haremos un repaso de los temas ms importantes

como as tambin profundizaremos en aquellos ms complejos.

A la presentacin de un tema le sigue la prctica ejercicios cortos de traduccin e

interpretacin, con los tipos de textos que encontrar realmente en la bibliografa que
consulta generalmente o en publicaciones de actualidad.

La novedad la encontrar en el ltimo mdulo ya que all habr textos referidos al contenido
de su carrera que actualmente est cursando. Adems, a medida que se vaya familiarizando
con el vocabulario especfico, la comprensin de artculos ser cada vez ms rpida e
incluso su lectura ms veloz. El objetivo es que pueda interpretar un texto y extraer la
informacin necesaria para su trabajo. Ud. tal vez dir, si necesito un tema determinado
lo busco en un libro en castellano. Esto es as, pero tambin es cierto que hay un gran
nmero de publicaciones en ingls por lo que no resultar extrao que all encuentre lo
que est buscando. Una lectura veloz puede incluso guiarlo a otras fuentes de bibliografa
que pueden resultarle muy til. Por ello, descartar un texto porque est en ingls puede
significar dejar de lado una valiosa fuente de informacin para orientar su bsqueda a otros

p r o g rama


1. Grado comparativo de adjetivos y adverbios:

1.1. Igualdad:
1.1.1. as / so + adjetivo / adverbio + as
1.1.2. the same (as)
1.1.3. like
1.2. Superioridad
1.2.1. Adjetivos y adverbios regulares e irregulares
1.2.2. the + comparativo + the + comparativo
1.2.3. Comparativo + and + comparativo
1.2.4. a bit / a little / a lot / much / far / a great deal / a good deal / rather /
slightly + comparativo
2. Grado superlativo de adjetivos y adverbios
2.1. Adjetivos y adverbios regulares e irregulares
2.2. by far / easily / much / quite + the + superlativo


1. Definicin de subordinacin
2. Nexos subordinantes
3. Proposiciones subordinadas sustantivas
4. Proposiciones subordinadas adjetivas:
4.1. Especificativas
4.2. Explicativas

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 

1. Definicin de proposicin subordinada adverbial
2. Tipos de proposiciones subordinadas adverbiales
2.1. De tiempo
2.2. De lugar
2.3. De condicin
2.4. De concesin
2.5. De razn o causa
2.6. De propsito
2.7. De resultado
2.8. De modo y comparacin


1. Definicin de voz activa y voz pasiva
2. Formacin de la voz pasiva en ingls
3. El objeto directo e indirecto de la voz activa como sujetos de la voz pasiva
4. Have y get + objeto + participio pasado
5. Need y want + verbo terminado en -ing
6. Pasiva con se
7. Verbos seguidos por preposicin obligatoria


1. El infinitivo y las funciones que puede cumlir:
1.1. en reemplazo de un sustantivo
1.2. precedido por to en una frase verbal
1.3. sin to en una frase verbal
1.4. indicando el propsito de una accin
1.5. modificando un sustantivo
2. El sufijo -ing y las funciones que puede cumplir:
2.1. gerundio
2.2. sustantivo
2.3. adjetivo
2.4. ncleo de una frase adjetiva
2.5. ncleo de una frase encabezada por preposicin
2.6. ncleo de una frase adverbial
3. El participio pasado y las funciones que puede cumplir:
3.1. verbo principal en los tiempos compuestos
3.2. verbo principal en la voz pasiva
3.3. ncleo de una frase participial
4. Verbos seguidos por:
4.1. otro verbo en infinitivo
4.2. otro verbo terminado en -ing
4.3. otro verbo en infinitivo o terminado con -ing
4.4. otro verbo en infinitivo o terminado con -ing pero con distinto

En este mdulo Ud. podr ejercitar todo lo aprendido en los mdulos anteriores,
aplicando vocabulario y textos relacionados con su carrera.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 

m a p a c o n c e ptual

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 

m a c r o o b j etivos

Con el estudio de esta materia Ud. podr:

Entender las diferencias que existen entre el ingls y el castellano en

cuanto a su estructura para poder interpretar un texto.

Lograr una lectura comprensiva de un texto en ingls y entender los puntos

ms importantes.

Interpretar textos relevantes a su carrera

a genda

Sr. Alumno:
Si bien es cierto su proceso de estudio implica leer la bibliografa, realizar
las actividades, comprender y aprender los temas, tambin requiere una
organizacin de sus tiempos de estudio.

Sabemos que cada uno de nosotros tiene su propio ritmo para aprender, y
que de acuerdo a las ocupaciones que nos insumen nuestras actividades, los
tiempos dedicados al estudio sern diferentes para cada uno. No obstante es
nuestra intencin presentarle sugerencias en cuanto al porcentaje que se le
ha asignado a cada mdulo segn la importancia de los temas, y el tiempo
estimativo que puede asumir cada mdulo del total de la asignatura.

Esto le servir a Ud. para distribuir sus tiempos de estudio por mdulos y por
asignaturas, ya sean stas cuatrimestrales o anuales.

Con este objetivo se han construido las siguientes tablas por asignatura, las que
usted podr reproducir en un cuadro general donde distribuya los tiempos por
ao de cursado

Pocentaje estimativo por mdulo segn la cantidad y complejidad de

contenidos y actividades


1 10%
2 15%
3 15%
4 15%
5 20 %
6 25%
TOTAL 100%

1 2 3 4 5 6
9 EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 
1 10%
2 15%
3 15%
4 15%
5 20 %
Representacin de porcentajes en25%
TOTAL 100%

1 2 3 4 5 6

m a terial

Material bsico:

Para el cursado de esta materia usted deber consultar, obligatoriamente, un

Diccionario Bilinge. Si ya tiene uno apropiado, no necesitar comprar ningn
material. Pero si tuviere que comprar uno, le sugerimos que elija entre los
siguientes ttulos:

Collins Diccionario Espaol Ingls, Ingls Espaol.

Larousse Gran Diccionario Espaol Ingls, Ingls Espaol.
Larousse Concise Espaol Ingls, Ingls Espaol.

Material complementario:

Podr consultar tambin otros diccionarios de Editoriales reconocidas como:

Oxford, Longman, etc. Cabe aclarar que no son recomendables las ediciones
de bolsillo

As mismo, le recomendamos consultar diccionarios de trminos legales - Espaol

Ingls, Ingls Espaol. Aqu tome en cuenta el diccionario de Trminos
Legales De Louis A. Robb.

Puede consultar adems Glosarios Jurdicos en Internet.

g l o sario

Esta asignatura no presenta glosario ya que en la misma se trabaja con el uso

del diccionario.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 

m dulos


m1 microobjetivos

Qu tengo que lograr?

En este mdulo Usted podr:

- Aprender la formacin de los grados comparativos y superlativos de adjetivos

y adverbios en ingls.

- Reconocer las palabras, frases y sufijos tpicos de los grados comparativos y

superlativos para agilizar la lectura y la traduccin.

m1 contenidos

Cules son los temas?


1. Grado comparativo de adjetivos y adverbios: A 1

1.1. Igualdad:
1.1.1. as / so + adjetivo / adverbio + as
1.1.2. the same (as)
1.1.3. like
1.2. Superioridad
1.2.1. Adjetivos y adverbios regulares e irregulares
1.2.2. the + comparativo + the + comparativo
1.2.3. Comparativo + and + comparativo
1.2.4. a bit / a little / a lot / much / far / a great deal / a good deal
/ rather / slightly + comparativo

2. Grado superlativo de adjetivos y adverbios: A 2

2.1. Adjetivos y adverbios regulares e irregulares
2.2. by far / easily / much / quite + the + superlativo

m1 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 1

1. Grado comparativo de adjetivos y adverbios

Si decimos La mesa es grande o Tir suavemente de la cuerda, donde

grande es un adjetivo y suavemente es un adverbio, estamos utilizando estas
dos clases de palabras en su grado absoluto. Pero en Esta mesa es ms grande
que aquella o Tir ms suavemente que l, el adjetivo y el adverbio han sido
comparados. El grado comparativo de un adjetivo nos permite comparar dos
personas o cosas y el del adverbio el modo, lugar, tiempo, etc. en que una
accin se realiza con relacin a otra.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 

1.1 Grado comparativo de igualdad
En el grado comparativo de igual decimos que alguien o algo es igual a otra
persona o cosa o que una accin se realiza, por ejemplo, del mismo modo que

1.1.1. as / so (= tan) + adjetivo / adverbio + as (= como)

Ejemplo: Mary is as tall as her sister. (Mary es tan alta como su hermana.)
He drives as carefully as Tom. (Conduce tan cuidadosamente como
Si la oracin es negativa, podemos utilizar so en lugar del primer as.
Ejemplo: Today it isnt so hot as yesterday. (Hoy no est tan caluroso como

1.1.2. Tambin podemos utilizar la frase the same (as).

Ejemplo: We are both the same height. (Ambos tenemos la misma estatura.)
John said the same as always. (John dijo lo mismo de siempre.)

1.1.3. El vocablo like puede significar como al hacer una comparacin de

Ejemplo: He swims like a dolphin. (Nada como un delfn.)
It tastes like lemon. (Tiene sabor / Sabe a limn.)

1.2. Grado comparativo de superioridad

1.2.1. Para expresar superioridad en una comparacin de dos o ms personas

o cosas, debemos agregar el sufijo -er cuando el adjetivo o el adverbio es
corto una o dos slabas. Dicho sufijo no aparece cuando buscamos el vocablo
en el diccionario, por lo que hay que tener en cuenta al traducir que su significado
es ms. Normalmente, luego del adjetivo o adverbio comparativo se coloca
than, que significa que.
Ejemplo: The Niles is longer than the Orinoco. (El Nilo es ms largo que el
long = largo; longer = ms largo

Cuando el adjetivo o el adverbio tiene dos o ms slabas, se coloca el vocablo

more delante de l.
Ejemplo: Your house is more expensive than mine. (Tu casa es ms cara que
la ma.)

Para indicar menos en la comparacin, en lugar de more se utiliza less.

Ejemplo: Their story was less interesting than his. (Su cuento fue menos
interesante que el nuestro.)

Hay un pequeo grupo de adjetivos y adverbios que no siguen la regla de

formacin del grado comparativo y lo hacen de la siguiente manera:
good (bueno/a/s) well (bien) better (mejor)
bad (malo/a/s) badly (mal, malamente) worse (peor)
far (lejano/a/s) far (lejos) farther / further (ms lejano)
old (viejo/a) older (ms viejo) / elder (ms
viejo, mayor en la relacin
hermano / hermana, hijo / hija)
many (muchos/as), much more (ms)
little (poco/a) less (menos)

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 

Ejemplo: She said my song was better. (Ella dijo que mi cancin era mejor.)
My elder brother is 25. (Mi hermano mayor (que yo) tiene 25

1.2.2. the + comparativo + the + comparativo

Esta construccin se utitliza para significar Cuanto / Mientras ms / menos.....,

ms / menos .....
Ejemplo: The more you work, the more tired you feel. (Cuanto ms trabajas,
ms cansado/a te sientes.)
The sooner, the better. (Cuanto ms pronto, mejor.)
The less you eat, the more weight you lose. (Cuanto menos comes,
ms peso pierdes.)

1.2.3. comparativo + and + comparativo

Utilizamos esta construccin cuando queremos indicar que algo se incrementa

o disminuye.
Ejemplo: Its getting harder and harder to find a job. (Se est poniendo cada
vez ms difcil conseguir un empleo.)
Cars are becoming more and more expensive. (Los autos se estn
poniendo cada vez ms caros.)

1.2.4. a bit / a little / a lot / much / far / a great deal / a good deal / rather / slightly
+ comparativo

Podemos dar mayor o menor intensidad a una comparacin colocando delante

de ella las siguientes frases o palabras: a bit (un poco) / a little (un poco) / a
lot (mucho) / much (mucho) / far (mucho) / a great deal (mucho) / a good deal
(mucho) / rather (bastante) / slightly (ligeramente).
Ejemplo: This cars a bit more expensive. (Este auto es un poco ms caro.)
Now I feel a great deal more confident. (Ahora me siento mucho ms

m1 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 2

2. Grado superlativo de adjetivos y adverbios

Si decimos La mesa es grande o Tir suavemente de la cuerda, donde

grande es un adjetivo y suavemente es un adverbio, estamos utilizando estas
dos clases de palabras en su grado absoluto. Pero en Esta mesa es la ms
grande de todas, el adjetivo ha sido utilizado en el grado superlativo. ste nos
permite decir que una persona o cosa tiene el grado mximo de una cualidad
que otros en un grupo u otros de la misma clase.

2.1. Para expresar el grado superlativo, debemos agregar el sufijo -est

cuando el adjetivo o el adverbio es corto una o dos slabas. Dicho sufijo
no aparece cuando buscamos el vocablo en el diccionario, por lo que hay que
tener en cuenta al traducir que su significado es ms. Normalmente, antes del
adjetivo o adverbio superlativo se coloca el artculo definido the, que significa
el / los / la / las.
Ejemplo: The Niles is the longest river in the world. (El Nilo es el ro ms
largo del mundo.)

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 10

long = largo; the longest = el ms largo

Cuando el adjetivo o el adverbio tiene dos o ms slabas, se coloca el vocablo

most delante de l.
Ejemplo: Your house is the most expensive in the block. (Tu casa es la ms cara
en la cuadra.)

Para indicar menos, en lugar de most se utiliza least.

Ejemplo: Their story was the least interesting. (Su cuento fue el menos intere-


good (bueno/a/s) well (bien) (the) best (mejor)
bad (malo/a/s) badly (mal, malamente) (the) worst (peor)
far (lejano/a/s) far (lejos) (the) farthest / furthest (ms
old (viejo/a) (the) oldest (ms viejo) / (the)
eldest (ms viejo, mayor en
la relacin hermano /
many (muchos/as), much (the) most (ms)
little (poco/a) (the) least (menos)

Hay un pequeo grupo de adjetivos y adverbios que no siguen la regla de forma-

cin del grado superlativo y lo hacen de la siguiente manera:

Ejemplo: She sat near the furthest window. (Ella se sent cerca de la ventana
ms lejana.)
Our eldest daughter couldnt come. (Nuestra hija mayor [de todos nuestros
hijos] no pudo venir.)

2.2. by far / easily / much / quite + the + superlativo

Podemos dar mayor o menor intensidad a una comparacin colocando delante

de ella las siguientes frases o palabras: by far / easily / much / quite. Quizs al
traducir debamos omitirlas en castellano por una cuestin de uso.
Ejemplo: It was by far the worst hospital I had ever seen. (Era [por mucho] el
peor hospital que haba visto.)
She was easily the most intelligent person in the class. (Ella era
[fcilmente] la persona ms inteligente de la clase.)

m1 material

Dirijase a la pgina 7 para leer el contenido de este material.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 11

m1 actividades

m1 | actividad 1

Adjetivos y Adverbios.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1.Lea atentamente el texto y subraye los adjetivos y adverbios.


A trade union is an association of wage earners whose purpose is to improve the conditions of
their working lives. Their legal standing and their rights are well established; they are as lawful and
as respectable as banks. Their power and influence have never been greater. They have spread
far beyond the ranks of the skilled craftsmen where
were their early activity was centered. Their leaders
are better known and more often on the public eye than most politicians and play a prominent part
in public life.

2. Tradzcalo.

m1 | actividad 2

Comparativos o Superlativos?

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. Each year, there are approximately 1.5 million felony cases (crimes potentially
punishable by imprisonment for more than one year) prosecuted; less than three
percent of these are prosecuted in the Federal system.
2. A number of states have required unanimous jury verdicts where the Constitution
would allow a less than unanimous verdict in a criminal case.
3. The two gunmen left the shop with more than U$S 10,000 worth of watches
and jewelry.
4. Dueling in Paraguay is legal as long as both participants are registered blood
5. The leading case Salomon v. Salomon was decided by the House of Lords, the
highest court in England, in 1879 and it lays down the principle that a company
is a separate entity from its members.
6. The most important element in all contracts is agreement.
7. How do you prove the existence of agreement which is really no more than a
state of mind?. English judges, who are more interested in practical solutions than
in abstract theories, have adopted a simple approach to this difficult problem.
8. Contrary to popular belief, most contracts in England are just as valid if made
by word of mouth as they would be if made in writing. The most important
exceptions to this rule are, perhaps, contracts of insurance and all transactions
involving land.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 12

m1 | actividad 3

Comprensin de texto.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1- Lea el siguiente

2 - Subraye los adjetivos y adverbios que estn en grado comparativo.

3 - Conteste en castellano las siguientes preguntas.

a) Which Russian agent dressed as a nun?

b) What name did he give himself?
c) Explain the importance and the usage of false documents.
d) Do secret agents receive training?

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 13

4 - Diga si las siguientes afirmaciones son Verdaderas (V), Falsas (F) o No estn
mencionadas en el texto (NO). En caso de ser falsas, indique en castellano la
respuesta correcta.

a) A spy in a false beard is more likely to be successful than in a uniform.

b) For five years, nobody realized Sister St. Innocence was really a man.
c) When an agent takes another name he has to be able to live apart from his
family and to have no contact with it during his operation.
d) It was in 1970 when Viktor Spencer was given the job of photographing
tombstones in Canadian graveyards.

m1 glosario

Esta asignatura no presenta glosario ya que en la misma se trabaja con el uso

del diccionario.


m2 microobjetivos

Qu tengo que lograr?

En este mdulo usted podr:

Aprender la definicin de subordinacin.
Reconocer los nexos subordinantes en ingls.
Reconocer la presencia de proposiciones subordinadas sustantivas y adjetivas
en un texto por medio de sus nexos subordinantes.

m2 contenidos

Cules son los temas?


1. Definicin de subordinacin. A 1

2. Nexos subordinantes. A 2

3. Proposiciones subordinadas sustantivas. A 3

4. Proposiciones subordinadas adjetivas: A 4

4.1. Especificativas
4.2. Explicativas

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 14

m2 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 1

1. Subordinacin

Subordinacin es la relacin de dependencia entre dos o ms oraciones en el seno

de una oracin compuesta. Una proposicin subordinada es aqulla que depende
lgica y gramaticalmente de otra, a la cual completa, y que tradicionalmente en
castellano se divide en sustantiva, adjetiva y adverbial, segn que equivalga a un
sustantivo, a un adjetivo o a un adverbio, respectivamente.

Ejemplo:Lo que dices me alegra mucho. (Oracin compuesta)[Lo que dices]

(Proposicin subordinada sustantiva que completa el sentido de la oracin
compuesta no tiene sentido propio sin la proposicin principal a la que
acompaa cumple la funcin del sujeto de la oracin compuesta un sustantivo
o frase sustantiva puede ser el sujeto de una oracin; por eso recibe el nombre
de proposicin subordinada sustantiva)

[me alegra mucho] (Proposicin principal su sentido es completado por la

subordinada, pero podra existir por s misma)

m2 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 2

2. Nexos subordinantes

Los nexos subordinantes son los indicadores formales de la subordinacin.

Pueden ser una palabra o una frase. Algunos nexos subordinantes son:

Nexos simples: after (despus de), (al)though (aunque), as (como, ya que,

cuando), because (porque), if (si), once (una vez que), since (ya que,
porque), that (que, quien, el/la que, el/la cual), until (hasta), when (cuando),
where (donde), while (mientras, aunque), etc.
For example: While she was waiting for the bus, it started to rain. (Mientras ella
esperaba el mnibus, empez a llover).

Nexos compuestos con that obligatorio: in that (en que, a causa de que, por
cuanto), so that (para que), such that (tal que), except that (sino que, fuera
de que), in order that (a fin de que, para que), etc.

Nexos compuestos con that opcional: now (that) (ya que, ahora que), pro-
vided / providing (that) (siempre que, con tal que, a condicin que), suppos-
ing (that) (suponiendo que), considering (that) (considerando, en vista que),
seeing (that) (visto que, puesto que, ya que), etc.

Nexos compuestos con as al final: as / so far as (hasta, en la medida que,

hasta donde, en cuanto a, segn), as long as (siempre que, mientras que, en
tanto que), as soon as (tan pronto como), so as (+ frase introducida por un
infinitivo precedido por to) (para)

Nexos compuestos con than: rather than (+ verbo sin conjugar o frase sin
verbo) (en vez de, antes que)

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 15

Otros nexos compuestos: as if (como si), as though (como si), in case (por si
Nexos correlativos: so ... (that) (tan ... que), such ... (that) (tan ... que), no
sooner ... than (apenas ..., tan pronto como ...), whether ... or (si ... o)

m2 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 3

3. Proposiciones subordinadas sustantivas

Las proposiciones subordinadas sustantivas ocupan el lugar de un sustantivo o

frase sustantiva en una oracin.
Ejemplo: That she is still alive is a consolation. (Que todava est viva es

I told him (that) he was wrong. (Le dije que estaba equivocado.) (La palabra
that entre parntesis indica que es opcional en ingls. Ello no es posible en
castellano, idioma en el cual se traduce que. Si no est presente en la oracin
en ingls, nos daremos cuenta de su ausencia por la falta de sentido al traducir.
Por ejemplo, si leemos Im sure shell come, y traducimos literalmente Estoy
seguro/a ella vendr, podemos comprender lo que se pudo haber querido decir.
Sin embargo, para que tenga sentido completo, la oracin debe traducirse Estoy
seguro/a de que ella vendr.)

He couldnt remember on which shelf she kept it. (l no poda recordar en/
sobre qu/cul estante ella lo guardaba.)

He couldnt remember which shelf she kept it on. (En este ejemplo la preposicin
on est al final de la proposicin subordinada, lo cual es muy habitual en
ingls. No obstante, en la traduccin al castellano no podemos dejarla en esa
posicin, ya que diramos l no poda recordar qu/cul estante ella lo guardaba
en/sobre. La traduccin correcta es l no poda recordar en/sobre qu/cul
estante ella lo guardaba.

I dont care whether or not your car breaks down. (No me importa si tu auto se
rompe o no.)

What he is looking for is a wife. (Lo que est buscando es una esposa.)

m2 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 4

4. Proposiciones subordinadas adjetivas

Las proposiciones subordinadas adjetivas ocupan el lugar de un adjetivo o frase

adjetiva en una oracin. Los nexos subordinantes son: who (quien/es, que, el/
la/los/las que, el/la cual, los/las cuales), which (que, el/la cual, los/las cuales, el/
la/lo que), that (que, quien/es, el/la/los/las que, el/la cual, los/las cuales), whom
(a quien/es, que, al que, al cual), whose (cuyo/a/s, de quien/es), where (donde),

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 16

why (por la cual) y when (cuando).

4.1 Proposiciones subordinadas adjetivas especificativas

stas modifican directamente a un sustantivo cuyo significado es muy general y

necesita mayor especificacin o precisin para su comprensin en el contexto.
Entre el sustantivo o antecedente y el nexo subordinante no existe ninguna pausa
por ejemplo, no se escribe coma.
Ejemplo: The young man who you met yesterday was my brother. (El
joven que conociste ayer era mi hermano.) (En esta proposicin subordinada,
who es el pronombre relativo que ocupa el lugar del objeto directo del verbo
met: Conociste al joven. En este caso, en ingls podemos omitir who y
decir: The young man you met yesterday was my brother. Como vemos en
esta ltima oracin, la proposicin subordinada you met yesterday tiene como
sujeto el pronombre you, por lo que no es necesario escribir who delante
de l. Este detalle es importante al momento de traducir, ya que en castellano
debemos incluir el pronombre relativo que s o s, es decir, no podemos decidir
dejarlo afuera por una cuestin de economa de palabras.)

The car which crashed into mine belonged to Ted. (El auto que choc contra el
mo perteneca a Ted.)

A baby whose mother had left him was crying loudly. (Un beb cuya madre lo
haba dejado estaba llorando ruidosamente.)
There are several reasons why we cant do that. (Hay varias razones por las
cuales no podemos hacer eso.)

4.2. Proposiciones subordinadas adjetivas explicativas

stas modifican a un sustantivo cuyo significado es preciso y no necesita

especificacin para su comprensin en el contexto, es decir, proporcionan
informacin adicional. Entre el sustantivo o antecedente y el nexo subordinante
se escribe coma, al igual que al final de la proposicin subordinada.
Ejemplo: Mr. Davis, who was always early, was there already. (El Sr. Davis,
quien siempre llegaba temprano, ya estaba all.

She was engaged to a sailor, whom she had met at Dartmouth. (Ella estaba
comprometida con un marinero, a quien haba conocido en Dartmouth.)

They were all friends, many of whom had known each other for years. (Eran
todos amigos, muchos de los cuales se haban conocido durante aos.)

This happened in 1960, when I was still a baby. (Esto sucedi en 1960, cuando
yo todava era un beb.)

Podemos comenzar una proposicin subordinada adjetiva explicativa con el

pronombre relativo which para decir algo sobre toda la situacin descrita en la
proposicin principal.
Ejemplo: She was a little tense, which was understandable. (Ella estaba un
poco tensa, lo cual era comprensible).

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m2 material

Dirijase a la pgina 7 para leer el contenido de este material.

m2 actividades

m2 | actividad 1

Nexos subordinantes
Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.
Una las oraciones de la columna A con su correspondiente de la columna B.

1 A jury is a group of people who A ... defends or prosecutes
2 A lawyer is a person who B ... decides if someone is guilty or innocent
3 A fine is the money which C ... trials take place.
4 A court is the place where D ... sentences a criminal.
5 Witnesses are the people who E ... is paid as punishment.
6 A judge is the person who F ... declare what they know about a crime.

m2 | actividad 2

Traduccin de nexos subordinantes.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Marque los nexos subordinantes presentes en el texto.

One night a burglar broke into a house. While he was stealing things, the
telephone rang. The burglar answered the phone and said that there was
nobody in. The caller asked who the burglar was and he answered he was a
gardener. The caller was suspicious and wondered why there was a gardener
there at night. After he had finished talking to the burglar, he rang the police
and the burglar was arrested.

2. Tradzcalo.

m2 | actividad 3

Reconocimiento de tipos de nexos subordinantes.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

Traduzca las siguientes oraciones y luego indique si los nexos subordinantes en

ellas son simples o compuestos.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 18

1. Inflation of currency is not taken into account, as the sum awarded may be
invested so as to offset inflation.

2. The onus of proof that interest is recoverable on a debt or loan is on the

creditor, except in certain commercial transactions.

3. A buyer is liable for the difference between the contract and the market prices
if he refuses to accept delivery and the market price is lower.

4. If a judge is sitting without a jury he will assess the damage himself.

5. At the initial appearance or the second appearance, the defendant will be

asked to state whether he pleads not guilty, guilty or no contest.

6. The terms written or unwritten are misleading because the expression written
law signifies any law that is formally enacted, whether reduced to writing or
not, and the expression unwritten law signifies all unenacted law.

7. Since the fashion was set by the Code Napoleon many continental countries
have codified much of their law, public and private.

8. Although Parliament casts increasing multitudes of statutes upon us, we have

not adopted the system of wholesale codification which prevails in continental

9. When a judge rules in such a case he legislates because future courts must
follow him.

10. The range of subjects on offer is wide from Family Law to International Law
though in practice most undergraduates take Contract Law o Land Law.

11.Although many undergraduates who read law do so with the intention

of practising, many do not, preferring instead to go into administration or

m2 | actividad 4


Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Lea el siguiente texto.

Employers and Employees

The relationship between employer and employee is one of contract.

Since the Contracts of
Employment Acts of 1963 the employee must be given a written statement of
certain important terms such as hours, wages, holidays, etc., but the contract
itself may be made orally and many more important rights and duties, on both
sides are often not stated but left to be implied by law.
The most important implied duty of the employer is to provide a safe
system of work and the

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 19

most important duties of the employee are to render faithful service and obey
lawful orders. This complex web of rights and duties between the employer
and employee has been evolved by the common law - that is to say, as a
result of judicial decisions.
The Acts of Parliament, that is, The Factory Act, 1961 and the Offices,
Shops and Railway
Premises Act, 1963 make employers criminally liable for failing to take certain
measures for the health, safety and welfare of their employees who have the
right to sue for damages.
The Acts give employees greater protection than the common law not
only because they cover health and welfare in addition to safety, but also
because the duties laid on the employer are stricter.

2. Subraye las trasparencias.

3. Conteste en castellano las siguientes preguntas.

a) What is the relationship between employer and employee?

b) Which terms of a contract of employment must be put in writing?.
c) What is the most important duty of an employer implied by law into a contract
of employment?
d) What are the most important duties of an employee?
e) What are the most important Acts of Parliament passed for the protection of
employees? Mention them.
f) What kind of liability do these Acts impose on employers?.
g) What is the main difference between the duties laid on an employer at
common law and by Acts of Parliament?.

4. Traduzca la expresin: Acts of Parliament.

5. Inferencias:

a) Con ayuda del diccionario bilinge, y haciendo inferencias del texto analizado
establezca la diferencia entre los vocablos LAW y ACT en ingls.

b) Puede distinguir cul es la forma de designar una ley en los pases

anglosajones y en los de tradicin romanista como el nuestro?. Diga en cul
de ellos se utiliza el ao como forma de individualizacin.

6. En el caso de la expresin Factory Act, considera conveniente traducirla

o lo dejara como est?. Fundamente.

7. Traduzca la expresin Common law.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

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m2 | actividad 5


Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Traduzca el siguiente texto.


Someone, usually a citizen, reports a crime to the police, or the police discover the commission of
a crime as a result of their own investigation.

In the American system, the police must have enough evidence to show probable cause to believe
that (1) a crime has been committed and that the person identified as the suspect committed that
(2) crime. At some point during the investigation by the police, a decision is made whether or not
to file charges for a crime. A prosecuting attorney will be consulted, and he or she will determine
whether charges are to be filed. In most jurisdictions, the prosecutor may then file either an
information or complaint, both of which must have supporting facts provided under oath identifying
the basis for probable cause.

The matter may be presented to a grand jury which determines if there is sufficient probable cause
and issues a formal charge in an indictment.

2. Diga cul es la diferencia entre THAT en el primer caso y en el segundo.

3. De 1 ejemplo de nexo correlativo.

4. De un ejemplo de nexo simple.

m2 | actividad 6

Comprensin de texto.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Lea el siguiente artculo periodstico.

A judge ordered an 82-year-old man to pay $ 4,000 damages to a burglar

who was trying to break into his house. Jack Lewis was asleep in his house in
Kent, Wisconsin when he heard noises. He picked up his shotgun and went
downstairs where he found Michael Thompson in the hall with a bag full of
electrical equipment. Thompson claimed that because he was unarmed, he
put the goods down and raised his hands when he saw the shotgun. Lewis
said Thompson had turned to run out of the open front door, so he shot him.
Thompson suffered minors wounds to the legs. In the trial, the judge said
despite the fact that Lewis was defending his own property, the shotgun was
unlicensed and in any case, it was not acceptable for people to take law into
their own hands.

2. Marque todos los nexos subordinantes.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 21

3. Diga si las siguientes afirmaciones son Verdaderas (V), Falsas (F) o no
estn mencionadas en el texto (ND). En caso de ser falsas, fundamente en
castellano conforme al texto.

a. The attacker was a young man.

b. Jack Lewis lived in an apartment on the ground floor.
c. The magistrate ordered a fine of 4,000 dollars for damages.
d. The burglar was looking for money and expensive carpets bought abroad by
e. The weapon used by Lewis was a knife he took from the kitchen.
f. The burglar was seriously injured in his chest and was taken to hospital by
an ambulance called by the local police.
g. Though Lewis was in his own house and acted in self-defense he was taken
by the officials to the nearest police station.

4. Traduzca las siguientes expresiones:

a. Thompson claimed that because he was unarmed, he put the goods down
and raised his hands when he saw the shotgun.
b. The judge said despite the fact that Lewis was defending his own property,
the shotgun was unlicensed and in any case, it was not acceptable for
people to take law into their own hands.

m2 glosario

Se considera que para esta asignatura no es necesario contar con un glosario

de la misma


m3 microobjetivos

Qu tengo que lograr?

En este mdulo usted podr:

Aprender la definicin de proposicin subordinada adverbial.
Reconocer los distintos tipos de proposiciones subordinadas adverbiales a
travs de sus nexos subordinantes.
Reconocer las formas verbales en ingls que deben ser traducidas en el modo
subjuntivo del castellano debido a su inexistencia en el idioma extranjero.

m3 contenidos

Cules son los temas?


1. Definicin de proposicin subordinada adverbial. A 1
2. Tipos de proposiciones subordinadas adverbiales. A 2

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 22

2.1. De tiempo
2.2. De lugar
2.3. De condicin
2.4. De concesin
2.5. De razn o causa
2.6. De propsito
2.7. De resultado
2.8. De modo y comparacin

m3 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 1

1. Proposiciones subordinadas adverbiales

Una proposicin subordinada adverbial ocupa el lugar de un adverbio o una

frase adverbial y puede ubicarse al comienzo, al final o al medio dentro de la
proposicin principal.
Ejemplo: Llegamos tarde. (tarde = adverbio de lugar)
Llegamos cuando la fiesta haba terminado. (cuando la fiesta haba
terminado = proposicin adverbial de tiempo o temporal; ocupa el lugar del
adverbio tarde)

m3 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 2

2. Tipos de proposiciones subordinadas adverbiales

2.1. De tiempo
Ejemplo: When I last saw you, you lived in Washington. (Cuando te vi por
ltima vez, vivas en Washington.)
Buy your tickets as soon as you reach the station. (Compra tus
boletos tan pronto como llegues a la estacin.)

2.2. De lugar
Ejemplo: They went wherever they could find work. (Iban a donde pudieran
encontrar trabajo.)
Where the fire had been, we saw nothing but blackened ruins.
(Donde haba sido el incendio, no vimos ms que ruinas ennegrecidas.)

2.3. De condicin
Existen en ingls cuatro tipos de proposiciones subordinadas condicionales.
Esta divisin se basa tanto en el significado como en los tiempos verbales
que se usan en cada uno de ellos. Los nexos subordinantes tpicos de estas
subordinadas son if (= si) y unless (a menos que).

a. Tipo 0: la condicin expresada es universal o permanente. En la

proposicin condicional se conjuga el verbo en presente (yo amo, t amas,
etc.), y en la proposicin principal en presente o en el modo imperativo (ven,
lee, trae, etc.).
Ejemplo: If you heat butter, it melts. (Si calientas manteca, se
[If you heat butter] = proposicin subordinada condicional el verbo

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heat (calentar) est conjugado en presente (calientas)
[it melts] = proposicin principal el verbo melt (derretirse) est conjugado en
presente (se derrite)

If you see Tom tomorrow, tell him I need to talk to him. (Si ves a Tom maana,
dile que necesito hablar con l.)
[dile que necesito hablar con l] = proposicin principal el verbo tell (decir)
est conjugado en el modo imperativo (dile)

b. Tipo 1: la condicin expresada es posible o probable. En la proposicin

condicional se conjuga el verbo en presente y en la proposicin principal en
futuro simple con will + infinitivo sin to.
Ejemplo: If it rains, we wont go. (Si llueve, no iremos.)
[If it rains] = proposicin subordinada el verbo rain (llover) est conjugado
en presente del indicativo (llueve)
[we wont go] = proposicin principal el verbo go (ir) est conjugado en
futuro con will

Unless we leave at 8:00, we will be late. (A menos que salgamos a las

8:00, llegaremos tarde.) (En este caso, el verbo leave (salir) no se traduce
en presente del indicativo (salimos), sino en presente del modo subjuntivo en
castellano (salgamos). Esto se debe a que no existe una conjugacin especial
del modo subjuntivo en ingls. El sentido del contexto del cual proviene el texto
con el que estamos trabajando determinar el modo para la conjugacin en

c. Tipo 2: la condicin expresada es hipottica. En la proposicin condicional

se conjuga el verbo en pasado y en la proposicin principal en potencial simple
con would + infinitivo sin to.
Ejemplo: If you drove more slowly, you would have fewer
accidents. (Si condujeras ms lento, tendras menos accidentes.)
[If you drove] = proposicin subordinada el verbo est conjugado en pasado,
pero no se traduce condujiste (modo indicativo), sino condujeras, es decir,
modo subjuntivo en castellano [you would have fewer accidents] = proposicin
principal el verbo est conjugado en potencial, por lo que se traduce en el
modo potencial simple del castellano (tendras)

He would feel better if he stayed in bed. (l se sentira mejor si se quedara en

cama.) (Es importante prestar especial atencin a la conjugacin del verbo en la
proposicin subordinada [if he stayed in bed] = [si se quedara en cama], ya que
es un error muy comn en castellano decir si se quedara. Slo el verbo en la
proposicin principal [He would feel better] = [l se sentira mejor] se conjuga
en el modo potencial simple.)

d. Tipo 3: la condicin expresada es imposible o irreal. En la proposicin

condicional el verbo se conjuga en pasado perfecto y en la principal en
potencial perfecto formado por would + have + participio pasado. Would puede
ser reemplazado por por might o could, segn el significado que se quiera
Ejemplo: If he had come earlier, he would have seen Alice. (Si l hubiera venido
ms temprano, habra visto a Alice.)
[If he had come earlier] = proposicin subordinada el verbo come (venir)
est conjugado en presente perfecto
[he would have seen Alice] = proposicin principal el verbo see (ver) est
conjugado en potencial perfecto formado por would + have + participio pasado

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 24

Mickie would have understood if you had told her the truth. (Mickie habra
comprendido si le hubieras contado la verdad.) (En este caso, would have
understood podra traducirse hubiera comprendido, que es la forma ms
usual en Argentina. Had told se traduce en el pretrito pluscuamperfecto del
modo subjuntivo (hubieras contado) y no en el modo indicativo (habas contado).
Esto se debe nuevamente a que no existe una conjugacin de verbos en modo
subjuntivo en ingls, y otros tiempos verbales suplen su ausencia. El sentido
del contexto con el que estamos trabajando nos indicar cul de los modos
(indicativo o subjuntivo) tendremos que elegir para la traduccin.)

If I had known they were coming, I could have cooked a better meal. (Si hubiera
sabido que venan, podra haber preparado una mejor comida.)

e. Combinacin de condicionales tipo 2 y 3: el verbo en la proposicin

condicional se conjuga en pasado perfecto (al igual que en el tipo 3), y en la
proposicin principal en potencial formado por would + infinitivo sin to.
Ejemplo: If I had finished college, I would have a better job. (Si yo hubiera
terminado mi carrera universitaria, tendra un mejor trabajo.)

You wouldnt feel sick if you hadnt eaten so much. (No te sentiras mal si no
hubieras comido tanto.

2.4. De concesin

Ejemplo: No goals were scored, though it was an exciting game. (No hubo
goles, aunque fue un partido emocionante.)
[though it was an exciting game] = proposicin subordinada de concesin
implica un contraste entre dos circunstancias, es decir, la proposicin principal
[No goals were scored] = [No hubo goles] es sorprendente si se la compara con
lo expresado en la subordinada.

Even though he hadnt eaten for days, he looked very fit. (Aunque no haba
comido por das, se lo vea bien.)

El contraste expresado por la proposicin concesiva puede ser introducido por

in spite of y despite.
Ejemplo: Despite the difference in their ages they were close friends. (A pesar
de la diferencia de edades eran buenos amigos.)
In spite of poor health, my father was always cheerful. (A pesar de su
mala salud, mi padre estaba siempre alegre.)

2.5. De razn o causa

Ejemplo: I lent him the money because he needed it. (Le prest el dinero
porque lo necesitaba.)
[I lent him the money] = proposicin principal
[because he needed it] = proposicin subordinada
As Jane was the eldest, she looked after the others. (Como Jane era la mayor,
cuidaba a los otros.) (As tambin puede traducirse tambin como ya que,
porque y en su lugar puede utilizarse since.)

2.6. De propsito

Ejemplo: John visited London in order that he could see his MP. (John visit
Londres para poder ver al diputado de su distrito.) (In order that podra ser
reemplazado por so that.)

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 25

El propsito de la accin expresada por el verbo tambin puede ser introducido
por: (not) to + infinitivo, in order (not) to + infinitivo y so as (not) to +

Ejemplo: I left early to catch the train. (Sal temprano para alcanzar el tren.)
They left the door open in order for me to hear the baby. (Dejaron la
puerta abierta para que yo oyera al beb.)

2.7. De resultado

Ejemplo: He speaks very little English, so I talked to him through an interpreter.

(Habla muy poco ingls; por eso le habl por medio de un intrprete.)

My suitcase had become damaged on the journey home, so that the lid would
not stay closed. (Mi valija se haba daado en el viaje a casa, de modo que la
tapa no quedaba cerrada.)

He dressed so quickly that he put on different color socks. (Se visti tan rpido
que se puso medias de diferente color.)

She got such a shock that she dropped the bag. (Se llev tal susto / un susto
tan grande que dej caer la bolsa.)

2.8. De modo y comparacin

Ejemplo: Please do it exactly as I instructed. (Por favor hazlo exactamente

como lo indiqu.)

She reacted as if she didnt know about it. (Ella reaccion como si no lo

He looked at me as though I were mad. (Me mir como si yo estuviera loco.)

You look like youve seen a ghost. (Parece como si hubieras visto un

m3 material

Dirijase a la pgina 7 para leer el contenido de este material.

m3 actividades

m3 | actividad 1

Identificacin de proposiciones adverbiales.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

Subraye en las siguientes oraciones los nexos subordinantes que introducen

proposiciones adverbiales y clasifquelas: de lugar, de tiempo, de razn,
condicionales, de modo y comparacin, etc. Luego tradzcalas.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 26

1. The jurors couldnt see Peters expression, because his head was turned.
2. The suspect acted as though he knew the place.
3. When he opened the door, she shot him three times in the chest. According
to the pathologists report he died instantly.
4. The workers obeyed him with such a willingness that the strike went on for
over a year.
5. When a complaint is filed, then the government is under obligation to present
sufficient evidence.
6. The last man was emerging from the escape tunnel when a distant shout
signaled its discovery by the guards.
7. Once it was published, the news caused a remarkable stir.
8. The Republicans are against tax rises, in spite of wanting lower inflation.
9. Despite the fact biogenetics sounds like science fiction, most of it is techni-
cally possible at this moment said MD Johnson when asked by the trial.
10. The victim sounded as though she had run all the way.
11. Despite the hard work of the jurors, their service is not considered as impor-
tant as it was in past times.
12. The prosecution have drawn a chart so that his explanation will be clearer.
13. Since the shareholders of the corporation were in debt, they had to borrow
money from the local bank.
14. If a prosecuting attorney files charges for the robbery, our strategy will
15. Mary and Susan visited Chicago in order that they could see their MP.
16. The President looked at the pressman as though he was mad.

m3 | actividad 2

Terminologa aplicada

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Elija del casillero la palabra que ms se adece para completar cada oracin.

Innocent guilty prison offence weapon arrest lawyer

Suspect crime legal charged with confess custody magis-
trate Trial sentence executed for jury judge bail

a) Are you innocent until youre proved to be ..................................., or the

other way round?
b) If youre convicted of drug dealing, you are always sent to .................... or is
there sometimes a fine?
c) Is it an offence to carry a ........................ , such as a gun o a knife?
d) If the police arrest you, are you allowed to call a .........................?
e) If the police ......................... you for a crime, is it legal to remain silent when
they question you?.
f) If youre ........................ a crime, are you always kept in custody while you
wait for a trial?.
g) If you ................ to a crime, do you always get a lighter sentence?
h) Are there any crimes which you can be .................?
i) Is there always trial by ............. for serious crimes?

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 27

2. Clasifique qu tipo de subordinadas condicionales son las oraciones B, D y

m3 | actividad 3

Proposiciones Condicionales

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

Complete los espacios en blanco del cuestionario conjugando el verbo que

corresponde para formar una proposicin condicional de tipo II. Luego marque
la opcin elegida.


1 If you found (find) $100 in the street, would you...
a) take it to the police station?
b) give it to someone who needed it?
c) keep it? X

2 If you ______ (see) an old lady shoplifting in a supermarket, would you...

a) tell a shop assistant?
b) do nothing?
c) tell the woman to put it back?

3 If you ______ (be) at a bus stop and a car ______ (park) there illegally, would you...
a) take the car number and tell the policeman?
b) ask the driver to move the car?
c) ignore it?

4 If you ______ (see) your neighbor hitting their

his dog on several occasions, would
a) tell him to stop?
b) report him to the police or an animal welfare group?
c) do nothing?
d) to present charges?

5 If you ______ (drive) past an empty car and scratched it by mistake, would you ...
a) stop and look for the owner?
b) leave a note on the windscreen with your name and phone number?
c) drive on and do nothing?

m3 | actividad 4

Comprensin de texto.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. A continuacin ver 8 extractos de noticias publicadas en un diario ingls.

Lalos con atencin.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 28

Cu stom s of ficia ls fo und 5 kilo s of
m a rihua na hidde n inside the tyre s o f
the ca r.
Cu stom s of ficia ls fo und 5 kilo s of
B m a rihua na hidde n inside the tyre s o f
When she opened the door, the
he cshot
a r.
her two times in the chest. The doctors
said she died Bimmediately.
When she opened the door, he shot
her two times in the chest. The doctors A
said she died immediately. Cu stom s of ficia ls fo und 5 kilo s Cof
m a rihua na hidde n iThe
the gunmen
tyre s o f left the shop with more
the ca r. than U$S C30,000.
D The four gunmen left the shop with more
Forr es t s aid s he wo uld p ublis h than U$S 30,000.
When she openedD the door, he shot
the two
her ph otos uninlethe s s he g a vThee hedoctors
Forr estimes
t s aid s he wchest.
said tshe
h er died doll aorsu.ld p ublis h
5 50 0immediately.
the ph otos unles s he g a ve he r
anoth er 5 50 0 doll ars . E
C A ransom Eof $ 1,500,000
The four gunmen
DollarsA wasleft demanded
ransom theofshop with
$ 1,500,000 the childs release .
than U$S was
Dollars 30,000.
demanded for the childs release .
He broke F
ForHe r esbroke
t s aid s he wo uld p ublis h
tinto pthe
heinto toflat
h othe s flat
unles s he g a ve he r
3thame r
3 am 5and
50 0 doll ars .
tooktookU$S U$S E
40004000 fromfrom A ransom of $ 1,500,000
a cupboard.
a cupboard. Dollars was demanded for the childs release .
Shortly after
Shortly take-off,
after they produced
take-off, guns and
they produced forced
guns andtheforced
pilot tothe pilot to
He broke fly to London, where the plane was given permission to land,
into the flat fly to London, where the plane was given permission to land,
and surrounded by armed troop.
at 3 am and H and surrounded by armed troop.
took U$S
When the Law H school was
4000 from the after
reopened Lawthe
school was
a reopened
staff after
found the
that weekend,
classrooms had three
been G
staff found that
completely wrecked: furniture Shortly after take-off, they produced guns and forced the pilot to
classrooms had been
and windows were broken, and fly to London, where the plane was given permission to land,
completely wrecked: furniture and surrounded by armed troop.
graffiti had been sprayed on
and windowsthewere Hwalls.broken, and
graffiti had been
When the Law school sprayed
was on
reopened after the the
staff found that three
classrooms had been
2. completely HIJACKING
Elija delwrecked:
el delito que KIDNAPPING
ms se adeca
a la descripcin
BURGLARY de los extrac-
and windows were broken, and
tos periodsticos
graffiti had been sprayed on que ley.
the walls.



3. Marque con una cruz (X) los extractos que contienen proposiciones
subordinadas y tradzcalos.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 29

m3 | actividad 5


Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Lea con atencin el siguiente texto y marque las trasparencias.

A serious breach of contract by one party may give the other party a right
to treat himself as released from any further obligations, thereby bringing
a contract to and end. A contract may also be discharged by agreement,
performance or frustration. Discharge by agreement is quite straightforward.
Since a contract is made by agreement it is logical that it can be unmade in
the same way. If both parties perform all their obligations under a contract,
then the contract must be at an end simply because there is nothing left
for either party. Discharge by frustration, however, does not rest on such
logical foundation. The modern rule is that where something happens after
the formation of a contract, without the fault of either party, that makes further
performance of the contract illegal, impossible or completely pointless then
the purpose of the contract is frustrated and both parties are released from
it. The idea that a contract can come to an end in this way is comparatively
new to English law: it made its first appearance in 1863. Before that time
there was no escape from contractual obligations by pleading, for instance,
that it was impossible to carry them out. The attitude of the law was simple.
If you bound yourself by contract to do something then you had to do it:
no excuses are accepted. The justification for this harsh rule was that you
need not have agreed in the first place, and having agreed you could have
protected yourself from hardship by another term in the contract. But if you
did not trouble to protect yourself it was not the business of the courts to save
you form yourself.

2. Conteste en castellano las siguientes preguntas.

a) In what ways may a contract come to an end?

b) Why can a contract be discharged by agreement?
c) Why is a contract discharged by performance?
d) When is a contract discharged by frustration?
e) When did the doctrine of frustration make its first appearance in English
f) What was the rule before 1863?.

3. De 2 ejemplos de proposiciones subordinadas adverbiales y clasifquelas.

4. Traduzca la siguiente expresin: A serious breach of contract by one party

may give the other party a right to treat himself as released from any further
obligations, thereby bringing a contract to and end.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 30

m3 glosario

Se considera que para esta asignatura no es necesario contar con un glosario

de la misma.


m4 microobjetivos

Qu tengo que lograr?

En este mdulo Usted podr:

harcer una revisin de la formacin de la voz pasiva en ingls.
aprender nuevas construcciones pasivas y reconocer la forma
de conservar el sentido del texto a pesar de no poder respetar
literalmente la sintaxis del ingls al traducir al castellano.

m4 contenidos

Cules son los temas?


1. Definicin de voz activa y voz pasiva. A 1

2. Formacin de la voz pasiva en ingls. A 2
3. El objeto directo e indirecto de la voz activa como sujetos de la voz pasiva. A 3
4. Have y get + objeto + participio pasado. A 4
5. Need y want + verbo terminado en ing. A 5
6. Pasiva con se. A 6
7. Verbos seguidos por preposicin obligatoria. A 7

m4 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 1

1. Definicin de voz activa y voz pasiva

Decimos que una oracin est en voz activa cuando la accin expresada por
el verbo es realizada por el sujeto.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 31

Ejemplo: Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.) (Shakespeare escrbi
Romeo y Julieta .) (Shakespeare realiz la accin de escribir.)
Decimos que una oracin est en voz pasiva cuando la accin expresada por
el verbo es sufrida por el sujeto.
Ejemplo: Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare. (Romeo y Julieta
fue escrita por Shakespeare.)
La voz pasiva se utiliza cuando no se conoce el sujeto que realiza la accin,
cuando ste no es importante para ser mencionado, o cuando quiere resaltarse
quin sufre la accin del verbo. Con bastante frecuencia podemos traducir la voz
pasiva en ingls utilizando la misma forma que en castellano.
Ejemplo: The house was built on the hill. (La casa fue construida en la
Si el sonido de la oracin traducida al castellano no nos parece adecuado,
podemos recurrir a la pasiva con se .
Ejemplo: Potatoes are grown in Crdoba. (Papas son cultivadas en Crdoba.)
(Sintcticamente, la traduccin es correcta, pero no es la forma habitual en
que se dice. Por lo tanto, podemos transformarla en: Se cultivan papas en
Crdoba, o En Crdoba se cultivan papas.)

m4 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 2

2. Formacin de la voz pasiva en ingls

Para formar la voz pasiva en ingls se conjuga el verbo to be (en el tiempo

verbal de la oracin en voz activa) seguido del participio pasado del verbo
principal en la voz activa.

They have pulled down the theater. (Han derribado el teatro.) (Presente
perfecto en voz activa)
The theater has been pulled down. (El teatro ha sido derribado) (Presente
perfecto en voz pasiva)

A continuacin presentamos ejemplos de oraciones en voz pasiva con verbos

conjugados en los tiempos verbales que la aceptan (el presente perfecto
continuo, el pasado perfecto continuo, el futuro continuo, y el futuro perfecto
continuo no la aceptan).

m4 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 3

3. El objeto directo e indirecto de la voz activa como sujetos de la voz


En castellano slo el objeto directo de un verbo puede transformarse en el sujeto

de la oracin en voz pasiva.
Alguien rob mi bicicleta. (Voz activa - Objeto directo: mi bicicleta)

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 32

Mi bicicleta fue robada. (Voz pasiva - Sujeto: mi bicicleta)
El objeto directo de un verbo en castellano no puede hacerlo.
Alguien me envi una postal. (Voz activa - Objeto indirecto: me)

Yo fui enviado una postal. (Incorrecto)
En cambio, en ingls tanto el objeto directo como el objeto indirecto pueden
transformarse en el sujeto de la oracin en voz pasiva, segn quiera enfatizarse
uno u otro.
Her late husband had given the painting to the gallery. (Su difunto marido
haba regalado el cuadro a la galera.) (Voz activa - Objeto directo:
the painting - Objeto indirecto: the gallery)

The painting had been given to the gallery by her late husband. (El
cuadro haba sido regalado a la galera por su difunto marido.) (Voz
pasiva - Sujeto: the painting, que era el objeto directo en la voz activa)

The gallery had been given the painting by her late husband. (La
galera haba sido regalada el cuadro por su difunto marido.) (Incorrecto)
Debemos entonces prestar mucha atencin frente a estas situaciones y hacer
los cambios pertinentes. En el ltimo de los ejemplos precedentes deberamos
haber traducido: La galera haba recibido el cuadro como regalo de su difunto
marido, o inclusive podramos haberla transformado en voz activa: Su difunto
marido haba regalado el cuadro a la galera.

m4 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 4

4. Have y get + objeto + participio pasado

Esta estructura nos permite expresar que algo es hecho por alguien sin
mencionar quin es ese alguien. Observe como llegamos a este significado
cambiando la forma de la siguiente oracin:
The painters are painting my house at the moment. (Los pintores
estn pintando mi casa en este momento.) (Voz activa)
My house is being painted (by the painters) at the moment. (Mi
casa est siendo pintada (por los pintores) en este momento.) (Voz
I am having my house painted at the moment. (Estoy haciendo
pintar mi casa en este momento.) (have [am having] + objeto [my
house] + participio pasado [painted]) (Esta estructura nos permite
evitar el uso de la voz pasiva ms convencional y as obtener un
sentido ms informal.)

Get puede utilizarse en esta construccin sintctica cuando el se quiere

expresar que algo debe hacerse.
Ejemplo: Get your hair cut. (Hazte cortar el cabello.)

El verbo get tambin puede reemplazar al verbo to be en la formacin de la

voz pasiva.
Ejemplo: Martin got (= was) arrested at a football match. (Martin fue arrestado
en un partido de ftbol.)

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 33

m4 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 5
5. Need y want + verbo terminado en -ing

Your hair needs cutting. (Tu cabello necesita ser cortado.) (= Tu
cabello necesita un corte.) (Esta oracin es igual a decir Your hair
needs to be cut = Tu cabello necesita ser cortado.) (Es
INCORRECTO traducir Tu cabello necesita cortando.)

My shoes want polishing. (Mis zapatos necesitan ser lustrados.) (=
Mis zapatos necesitan un lustrado.) (Es INCORRECTO traducir Mis
zapatos quieren lustrando.)

m4 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 6

6. Pasiva con se

Con verbos como believe (creer), know (saber), say (decir), think (pensar), etc.,
que se utilizan para expresar la opinion de otras personas, con frecuencia se
utiliza una construccin pasiva para evitar un sujeto poco preciso y para dar
una opinin generalizada. Esta construccin puede tener dos formas, una de las
cuales es muy parecida a la del castellano, pero ambas se traducen igual: Se
cree / crey / crea que ..., Se sabe / supo / saba que ..., Se dice / dijo / deca
que ..., Se piensa / pens / pensaba que ..., etc.

Referencia de tiempo presente

People think that Smith is in England. (La gente piensa que Smith
est en Inglaterra.) (Voz activa)

It is thought that Smith is in England. (Se piensa que Smith est en
Inglaterra.) (Voz pasiva) (Esta construccin es similar a la del
castellano, pero debe prestarse atencin de no traducir Es pensado que ...)

Smith is thought to be in England. (Se piensa que Smith est en
Inglaterra.) (Voz pasiva) (Esta construccin no se parece a la del
castellano, por lo cual debe evitarse traducciones como Smith es
pensado estar en Inglaterra, que es INCORRECTA.)

People know that Mary is living in Scotland. (La gente sabe que Mary
est viviendo en Escocia.) (Voz activa)

It is known that Mary is living in Scotland. (Se sabe que Mary est
viviendo en Escocia.) (Voz pasiva)

Mary is known to be living in Scotland. (Se sabe que Mary est
viviendo en Escocia.) (Voz pasiva) (Es INCORRECTO traducir Mary
es sabida estar viviendo en Escocia.)

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 34

Referencia de tiempo pasado

People believe that Smith left England last week. (La gente cree que
Smith sali de Inglaterra la semana pasada.) (Voz activa) (El verbo
believe est en presente porque la gente cree ahora, en tiempo
presente, pero left es el que indica la accin principal que se quiere
comunicar en la oracin.)

It is believed that Smith left England last week. (Se cree que Smith
sali de Inglaterra la semana pasada.) (Voz pasiva)

Smith is believed to have left England last week. (Se cree que Smith
sali de Inglaterra la semana pasada.) (Voz pasiva) (Es INCORRECTO
decir Smith es
credo de haber salido de Inglaterra la semana

People thought Sue had paid too much. (Voz activa) (La gente pens
que Sue haba pagado demasiado.) (El verbo thought est en pasado
porque la gente pens en un momento de tiempo anterior al

It was thought that Sue had paid too much. (Se pens que Sue haba
pagado demasiado.) (Voz pasiva)

Sue was thought to have paid too much. (Se pens que Sue haba
pagado demasiado.) (Voz pasiva) (Es INCORRECTO decir Sue fue
pensada haber
pagado demasiado.)

Los verbos suppose y expect tambin son utilizados en construcciones pasivas

similares a las mencionadas precedentemente. Suppose expresa una obligacin
y expect expresa una obligacin o una expectativa.

Students are supposed to wear their uniforms. (Se supone que los
alumnos deben usar sus uniformes.) (Los alumnos deben usar sus
uniformes.) (Voz pasiva)

You are expected to introduce yourself. (Debes presentarte.) (Voz

Prices are expected to rise soon. (Se espera que los precios suban
pronto.) (Se espera una suba en los precios.) (Voz pasiva) (Es
INCORRECTO traducir Los precios son esperados subir pronto.)

m4 |contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 7

7. Verbos seguidos por preposiciones obligatorias

Es comn en ingls encontrar preposiciones al final de una oracin. Si se

hace una traduccin literal, la oracin en castellano tendr un mal sonido o

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 35

bien ser incorrecta sintcticamente, por lo que se aconseja prestar atencin a
dichos casos y llevar la preposicin al lugar ms adecuado dentro de la oracin
traducida al castellano.

We arrived at the answer after much discussion. (Llegamos /

Arribamos a la
respuesta luego de mucho debate.) (Voz activa)

The answer was arrived at after much discussion. (Es INCORRECTO
tranducir La respuesta fue llegada / arribada a luego de mucho

debate. En este caso, debemos parafrasear la oracin y decir La
respuesta fue encontrada luego de mucho debate.)

After the accident the police found out that someone had tampered
with the car engine. (Despus del accidente la polica descubri que
alguien haba tocado el motor del auto / alguien haba realizado
cambios en el motor del auto.) (Voz activa)

After the accident it was found out that the car engine had been tampered with.
(Despus del accidente se descubri que el motor haba sido tocado.) (Voz
pasiva) (En ese caso, al traducir al castellano no necesitamos la preposicin
with, por lo cual simplemente la omitimos.)

m4 material

Dirijase a la pgina 7 para leer el contenido de este material.

m4 actividades

m4 | actividad 1

Traduccin de Voz Pasiva.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Lea atentamente los siguientes extractos periodsticos de la pgina de

policiales. Subraye las construcciones que estn en Voz Pasiva y luego
a) A sixteen year old girl was seriously injured after being knocked off her
motorcycle by a motorist. It is feared that she may never be able to walk
again. The motorist failed a breathalyzer test.
b) An innocent man was released from prison today after serving ten years of
a 30 year prison sentence for murder. The man had been found guilty on
false police evidence. Before leaving the court, the mans solicitor spoke
to reporters: Thanks God we dont have capital punishment any more, he

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 36

c) A boy and a girl were in hospital yesterday after being attacked by guard
dogs. They had climbed over a factory wall to fetch their football. They were
attacked while looking for the ball. If we hadnt been in the factory, this
wouldnt have happened, said the owner. My dogs were just doing their
d) A young mother appeared in court yesterday. She was charged with stealing
U$S 20 worth of food from the supermarket. The woman told the court that
she had stolen the food for her children. She had lost her job and had no

m4 | actividad 2

Comprensin e inferencias lingsticas.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. A continuacin ver una seleccin de noticias policiales enumeradas del 1

al 5. Elija entre los 5 titulares que se encuentran a continuacin y coloque el
ms apropiado a la noticia que brinda cada artculo.

2. Haga una lista con todas las construcciones en voz pasiva que encuentre en
los artculos.

3. Mencione qu tipo de delitos se han cometido y de una traduccin de ellos.

4. Diga en cada artculo, qu tipo de bien se ha menoscabado (la vida, la

propiedad, el honor, la salud, etc.) y a qu rama del Derecho pertenecen los
bienes lesionados.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 37

m4 | actividad 3

Comprensin de texto.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Lea el siguiente artculo y marque las trasparencias.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional

monarchy and a unitary state which is made up of an island of Great

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 38

Britain (including England, Scotland and Wales) and of Northern Ireland. The
common language is English; Welsh and Gaelic are spoken regionally. The
British Islands are not constitutionally part of the UK; these islands, comprising
the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are separate dependencies of the
British Crown.

The independent Kingdoms of England and Scotland were first linked by

personal unions of Crowns of both countries when James VI of Scotland
succeeded to the throne of England (as King James I) in 1603. The political
unification of the two countries was only effected more than 100 years later
through the Treaty of Union of 1707. The treaty and the subsequent Acts
of Union abolished one parliament for Great Britain which was situated in
London. Great Britain was united with Ireland by the Act of Union of 1800
which came into effect in the following year.

English law and Scots law are very different form each other in form and
substance. The separate evolution of the two legal systems, both before and
after the Union, has resulted in different principles, institutions and traditions.
Although in modern times Scots law has been greatly influenced by English
law, it is still based upon principles of Roman or Civil law and upon rules of
Canon, feudal or customary law origin. In spite of the existence of a Common
Parliament for England and Scotland for over 250 years there has been no
assimilation of the legal systems of the two countries. A fusion of law has,
however, taken place between England and Wales, as a consequence of the
subjugation of the latter country in the middle ages.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 39

2. Diga si las siguientes afirmaciones con Verdaderas (V), Falsas (F) o no
son mencionadas en el texto (ND). En caso de ser Falsas, de la opcin correcta
en castellano.

a. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an absolute

b. The common language is English though Welsh and Gaelic are spoken loca-
c. The British Islands are constitutionally part of the UK; these islands, compri-
sing the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are separate dependencies of
the British Crown.
d. The independent Kingdoms of England and Scotland were first linked by
legal bounds when James VI of Scotland succeeded to the throne of England
(as King James I) in 1603.
e. Ireland and Great Britain were united in 1800.
f. Scotland and Ulster are completely independent republics.
g. The UK is a unitary state.
h. The Channel Isles is not part of the UK.

3. De 3 ejemplos de construcciones en voz pasiva.

4. Traduzca el ltimo prrafo.

m4 | actividad 4

Traduccin de Voz Pasiva.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

Traduzca el siguiente texto.

International Law Use of Force and Espionage

French secret agents attacked the boat Rainbow Warrior with explosives while it
was moored in Auckland Harbor, New Zealand.

Two agents using false names were arrested in New Zealand on 12 July 1985
and duly charged with false passport and offences. On 23 July they were further
charged with conspiracy to commit arson, with willfully damaging the Rainbow
Warrior by means of explosives, with the murder of Fernando Pereira, a crew
member, the Greenpeace photographer on the expedition. They plead not guilty
and remainded in custody. In mid-August the French press identified them as
Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur. On 13 August New Zealand demanded
extradition of all those involved, but the French government replied that it could
not extradite French nationals.

France reached a settlement with the family of Pereira on 12 November 1985,

encompassing a compensation of 2.3 million francs and reimbursement of
the insurers. France and Greenpeace agreed on December 1985 to negotiate
damages. Unable to reach an agreement, they referred the matter to a panel of
three arbitrators on July 1986.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 40

m4 glosario

Se considera que para esta asignatura no es necesario contar con un glosario

de la misma.


m5 microobjetivos

Qu tengo que lograr?

En este mdulo Usted podr:

Reconocer las formas de los verbos en infinitivo, los terminados con
el sufijo -ing, y los participios pasados.
aprender las diferentes funciones que cada uno de ellos puede
cumplir y cmo esas funciones afectan su traduccin al castellano.
reconocer las diferencias de significado que se producen al colocar
un verbo en infinitivo o uno terminado con el sufijo -ing despus de
un verbo principal en una oracin.

m5 contenidos

Cules son los temas?


1. El infinitivo y las funciones que puede cumlir: A 1
a. en reemplazo de un sustantivo
b. precedido por to en una frase verbal

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 41

c. sin to en una frase verbal
d. indicando el propsito de una accin
e. modificando un sustantivo
2. El sufijo -ing y las funciones que puede cumplir: A 2
a. gerundio
b. sustantivo
c. adjetivo
d. ncleo de una frase adjetiva
e. ncleo de una frase encabezada por preposicin
f. ncleo de una frase adverbial
3. El participio pasado y las funciones que puede cumplir: A 3
a. verbo principal en los tiempos compuestos
b. verbo principal en la voz pasiva
c. ncleo de una frase participial
4. Verbos seguidos por: A 4
a. otro verbo en infinitivo
b. otro verbo terminado en -ing
c. otro verbo en infinitivo o terminado con -ing
d. otro verbo en infinitivo o terminado con -ing pero con distinto significado.

m5 | contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 1

1. Infinitivo

En castellano, un verbo en infinitivo termina en -ar, -er e -ir. En ingls no

hay terminacin especial, pero podemos identificarlo por la presencia de to
delante del verbo.
Ejemplo: I want to watch TV. (Quiero mirar televisin.)
No siempre va acompaado de to.
Ejemplo: My parents never let me go. (Mis padres nunca me dejan ir.)
a. Puede cumplir las funciones de un sustantivo, por lo que podemos encontrarlo,
por ejemplo, como sujeto de una oracin.
Ejemplo: To be strong in the face of difficulties is not easy. (Ser fuerte ante las
dificultades no es fcil.)
b. El infinitivo precedido por to puede formar parte de una frase verbal:
sin sujeto: The best thing would be to tell everybody. (Lo mejor sera decirles
a todos.)
con sujeto: The best thing would be for you to tell everybody. (Lo mejor sera
que t les digas a todos.) (En este caso, no podemos traducir decirles en infini-
tivo porque hemos incluido que t, y ello nos obliga a conjugar el verbo decir
como digas.)
en construcciones que comienzan con it: It would be better (for you) to tell
everybody. (Sera mejor decirles a todos. / Sera mejor que t les dijeras/digas
a todos.)
c. El infinitivo sin to tambin puede formar parte de una frase verbal:
sin sujeto: All I did was hit him on the head. (Todo lo que hice fue golpearlo
en la cabeza.)
con sujeto: Rather than John do it, Id prefer to give the job to Mary. (En lugar
de que John lo hiciera/haga, preferira darle el trabajo a Mary.)
d. Cuando el infinitivo est en el predicado de una oracin indicando para qu
se hace la accin del verbo, to se traduce para.
Ejemplo: She went to Australia to learn English. (Fue a Australia para aprender

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 42

La frase in order to tambin se utiliza para indicar el motivo por el cual se
realiza una accin y se traduce para.
Ejemplo: They bought the car in order to avoid taking the bus. (Compraron el
auto para evitar tomar el mnibus.)
e. El infinitivo puede modificar a un sustantivo.
Ejemplo: John, soon to become a father, went to Mexico. (John, a punto de ser
padre, fue a Mjico.)
The next train to arrive was from New York. (El prximo tren por llegar
era de Nueva York.)
He lost his ability to use his hands. (Perdi su habilidad para usar sus

m5 | contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 2
2. Sufijo -ing

a. Un gerundio en castellano es un verbo al que se le agrega -ando, -iendo.

En ingls esta forma corresponde a la terminacin -ing. Para poder traducir
el gerundio walking como caminando, ste debe estar formando parte de
la frase verbal en el presente continuo o alguno de los tiempos continuos en

Jack is eating lunch now. (Jack est almorzando ahora.)
b. En cambio, si est funcionando como sustantivo, su traduccin ser totalmente
diferente. Como sustantivo, podemos encontrar un verbo con la terminacin
-ing cumpliendo la funcin del ncleo del sujeto de una oracin o el objeto
directo de un verbo transitivo.

Smoking is bad for your health. (Fumar es malo para tu salud.)
I like working in the garden. (Me gusta trabajar en el jardn.)
La terminacin -ing forma sustantivos comunes que pueden cumplir diversas
funciones sintcticas.

Mining es minera, y no tan slo minar o explotar una mina.
Advertising es publicidad, y no tan slo publicar un aviso publicitario.

c. Un vocablo terminado en -ing tambin puede ser adjetivo. La indicacin

ms clara que tenemos de esta funcin es su posicin junto al sustantivo que

Its an amazing story. (Es una historia sorprendente.He was frightened by an
approaching train. (Se asust por el tren que se acercaba.) (En este ejemplo,
NO hay un adjetivo en castellano que nos permita evitar la construccin que se
acercaba para decir un tren acercante / aproximante; pero si decimos Its
an interesting book, podemos traducir Es un libro interesante, ya que existe
interesante como adjetivo en castellano.)
Si el adjetivo est en el predicado sin el sustantivo, nos damos cuenta de que no
es un gerundio (-ando / -iendo) por el resultado de la traduccin.


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The book is interesting. (El libro es interesante.)

(No podramos traducir El libro est interesando.)
d. Un vocablo terminado en -ing puede encabezar una frase adjetiva. (En este
caso, resume la proposicin subordinada adjetiva).
The woman wearing the red hat is my aunt. (La mujer que est

usando el sombrero rojo es mi ta.) (En este caso, si queremos omitir
wearing decimos: La mujer con el sombrero rojo es mi ta; caso contrario,
debemos incluir el nexo subordinante que y conjugar usar en el tiempo
verbal correspondiente: La mujer que est usando ...)
e. Puede ser el ncleo de una frase encabezada por preposicin, funcin en la
cual no se traduce como terminacin -ando / -iendo.

They were afraid of leaving the house. (Tenan miedo de salir de la

I am angry at Mary getting married. (Estoy enojado por el casamiento
de Mary.) (Tambin podramos traducir: Estoy enojado porque Mary
se cas.) (Es INCORRECTO decir: Estoy enojado por Mary

f. Tambin puede formar parte de una frase adverbial, es decir, un grupo de

palabras que cumple la funcin de un adverbio.

Looking out of the window, I saw them walk by. (Mirando por la
ventana, los vi pasar.)
Being a bit tired, he left the office earlier. (Debido a que / Porque
estaba un poco cansado, se retir de la oficina ms temprano.) (En
este ejemplo es INCORRECTO decir Sintindose un poco cansado,
se retir de la oficina ms temprano, porque Sintindose ...
respondera la pregunta Cmo se retir de la oficina? y no a Por qu se
retir ms temprano?, que es el verdadero sentido de la frase encabezada por el

m5 | contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 3
3. Participio pasado

a. El participio pasado de un verbo es la terminacin -ado e -ido en

castellano, y forma junto con el auxiliar have (haber) los tiempos perfectos o
compuestos en ambos idiomas. En las listas de verbos irregulares del ingls, el
participio pasado corresponde a la tercera columna. Si el verbo es regular,
terminar en -ed; en cambio, si es irregular, el diccionario nos indicar que es
p.p. o part. pasado.
go went gone

I have been there before. (He estado all antes.)

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b. Es parte de la voz pasiva junto al auxiliar to be (ser).
Ejemplo: These cars are made in Brazil. (Estos autos son fabricados en
Tambin puede cumplir la funcin de un adjetivo.
Ejemplo: She was determined to do it. (Estaba decidida a hacerlo.)
He was a sophisticated man. (Era un hombre sofisticado.)

c. Puede formar parte de una frase participial.

Ejemplo: A spy, carefully hidden in the bushes, kept watch on the house. (Un
espa, cuidadosamente escondido en los arbustos, vigilaba la casa.
Surprised by the news, he didnt know what to say. (Sorprendido por
la noticia, no supo qu decir.)

m5 | contenidos | AA

asistente acadmico 4

4. Verbos seguidos por -ing y/o participio pasado

Cuando el infinitivo o un verbo terminado en -ing cumplen la funcin de un

sustantivo en una oracin, pueden encontrarse despus del verbo principal
como objeto del mismo. Algunos verbos admiten ambas formas y otros slo una,
y existe otro grupo que acepta ambas formas pero con cambio de significado.

a. Verbos que slo van seguidos por un infinitivo:

Ejemplo: She wants to travel abroad. (Ella quiere viajar al exterior.)
I advised him to do it. (Le aconsej que lo hiciera.)
b. Verbos que slo van seguidos por -ing:
Ejemplo: They enjoy playing cards. (Les encanta jugar a las cartas.)
I suggested buying the car. (Suger comprar el auto.)
c. Verbos que pueden ir seguidos por un infinitivo o -ing:
Ejemplo: It started raining soon after 10. (Comenz a llover pronto despus de
las 10.)
It started to rain soon after 10.
They prefer staying in a hotel. (Prefieren quedarse en un hotel.)
They prefer to stay in a hotel.
d. Verbos que pueden ir seguidos por un infinitivo o -ing pero con cambio de
Ejemplo: Ive tried to talk to him but hes never in. (He tratado de hablar con l
pero nunca est en su casa.) (No he podido hablar con l. Try + infinitivo indica
que se intenta hacer algo pero puede o no hacerse la accin expresada por el
infinitivo, como hablar en el ejemplo.
Ive tried talking to him but he wont listen to me. (He hablado con
l pero no quiere escucharme.) (Literalmente debera traducirse He tratado
de hablar, pero el significado puede ser ambiguo. Try + -ing indica que se
intenta algo hacindolo, es decir, se realiza la accin expresada por el verbo
con -ing.)
Ted stopped smoking last year. (Ted dej de fumar el ao
pasado.) (El verbo con -ing indica que se ha dejado de hacer la accin por l
Ted stopped to smoke a cigarette. (Ted par para fumar un
cigarrillo.)(El verbo en infinitivo indica la razn por la que se deja de hacer otra.
En el ejemplo, Ted puede haber estado pintando una pared y se detuvo para

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 45

She regretted telling him the truth. (Ella se arrepinti de decirle la
verdad.) (Primero le dijo la verdad y despus se arrepinti.)
She regrets to tell you the meeting has been canceled. (Ella lamenta
decirles que la reunin ha sido cancelada.) (Lamenta el hecho de tener que
decirles algo.)

I remember mailing the card. (Recuerdo haber enviado la tarjeta.)

(Recuerdo el momento en que hice la accin de enviar la tarjeta.)
I remembered to mail the card. (Record / Me acord de enviar la
tarjeta.) (Record que tena que hacerlo y lo hice.)
I forgot mailing the card. (Me olvid de que haba enviado tarjeta.)
(Olvid el momento en que hice la accin de enviar.)
I forgot to mail the card. (Me olvid de enviar la tarjeta.) (Me olvid
que tena que hacerlo.)
Being responsible means committing oneself. (Ser responsable significa
I never meant to commit myself. (Nunca tuve la intencin de

m5 material

Dirijase a la pgina 7 para leer el contenido de este material.

m5 actividades

m5 | actividad 1

Traduccin de ING.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Traduzca los siguientes extractos de sentencias.

a. Driving a motor vehicle unfit to drive through drink contrary to section 5 of the
Road Traffic Act 1972.
b. Using firearm with intent contrary to section 17 of the Firearms Act 1968.
c. Driving a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration above the prescribed limit,
contrary to section 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1972.
d. Possessing firearm with intent to endanger life contrary to section 16 of the
Firearm Act 1968.
e. Having offensive weapon contrary to section 1 of the Prevention Crime Act
f. Causing death by dangerous driving, contrary to section 1 of the Road Traffic
Act 1972.
g. Wounding with intent, contrary to section 18 of the Offences against the
Person Act 1981.

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2. Indique a qu extracto corresponde cada una de las siguientes descripcio-
nes de la cartula.

I. John Martins, by driving a motor vehicle on the 21st day of March, 1997,
on a road, namely Station Road, in a manner which was dangerous to the
public, caused the death of Susan Pitson on 3/21/97. F_____
II. Tom Johnson on November 1st , 2000 without lawful authority or reasona-
ble excuse had with him in a public place an offensive weapon. _______
III. Mary Stuart, on September 19th , 1986 when driving a motor vehicle on
the Fifth Avenue was unfit to drive through drink. __________
IV. Andrew Miller on April 3rd , 1975 made use of a firearm with the intent to
resist or prevent the lawful arrest or detention of himself. __________
V. Pamela Peterson on the second day of the current year, drove a motor
vehicle on Square Street, having consumed alcohol in such a quantity
that the proportion thereof in her blood exceeded the prescribed limit
at the time when she provided a specimen under section 9 of the Road
Traffic Act 1972. _________
VI. Michael Samuelson on December 13 th , 1999 had in his possession a
firearm with the intent by means thereof to endanger life. __________
VII. Alice Ferroth on July 20th, 1995, wounded her husband, John Cook, with
the intent to do him grievous bodily harm. __________

m5 | actividad 2

Funciones del infinitivo.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica qu trata el tema.

Diga que funcin cumple el infinitivo en cada una de las siguientes oraciones y
luego tradzcalas.

1. The judge told Peter not to be so silly in the future and then let him go.
2. The men were caught and sent to prison for two years.
3. The burglars left the bar and went to the bank.
4. To get his revenge the thief went into the toilet at the tax office and replaced
the soap with a joke soap that turned peoples hands black.
5. The two men were charged with robbery, illegal parking and trying to steal a
6. The assistant watched, as the suspects rolled up the expensive carpet and
carried it to the door.
7. The clerk left the courtroom for a few minutes, and then she returned, read
my case and explained it to me.
8. When I was going to court I was so scared.
9. In the Deans absence, the task of interviewing the candidates for Law School
has fallen to Cynthia.
10. We havent got around to the important things yet, like hours and wages,
said the employer.
11. Testimony proceeds by questions directed to the witness, and answers are
given under oath.
12. The oath is a swearing to truthful statements given by the witness.
13. The jury is designed, to the extent feasible, that it will be fair and impartial and

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 47

will decide the case only on the evidence presented.
14. In New York State you are not allowed to shoot at a rabbit from a moving
trolley car. You have to get off the car, or wait for it to come to a complete
stop, then fire away.
15. In the state systems, there is much more flexibility to modify sentences related
to crimes and to choose different crimes for pleas.

m5 | actividad 3

Qu funcin est cumpliendo ING?.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

Indique qu funcin cumple la construccin -ing en cada una de las oraciones

y luego tradzcalas.

1. In the Federal system, sentencing is now imposed for few minor crimes.
2. Trial is a process in which the prosecuting attorney must present evidence to
prove the crime charged beyond reasonable doubt.
3. Public law is that part of the law governing the relationship of citizens with the
State and of one State with another.
4. The jury will decide the case according to the evidence presented and
testimonies given in court.
5. The arrest is based upon a police investigation that has obtained sufficient
information to justify arresting a particular suspect.
6. The prosecutor must have supporting facts provided under oath identifying
the basis for probable cause.
7. A businessman manufacturing or selling a product must be alert of the
potential liability or injury resulting from a defective product.

m5 | actividad 4

Participio Pasado.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1. Lea el siguiente texto y marque las trasparencias.

At all periods in English history it has been necessary for the legislative and
executive to act in harmony if the government is to be carried on efficiently. It is
in order to effect this object that constitutional conventions, which have varied
from age to age, have been devised. Today, as in the past, much of the practical
working of the constitution depends less upon substantive law enforced by the
courts than upon conventional usages founded partly upon the precedents
afforded by history and partly upon the needs of the time, which may be said for
practical purposes of government to have acquired the force of customary law.

The rules and principles embodied in these conventional usages have been found
in experience to be essential to the cooperation of the three parties whom the

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 48

legislative and executive functions of government are vested, namely the Crown,
the Lords and the Commons.

2. Subraye los verbos que se encuentren en participio pasado y diga si se trata

de verbos regulares o irregulares.

m5 | actividad 5

Comprensin de texto.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte terica que trata el tema.

1.Lea la siguiente obra titulada Macbeth, escrita por Shakespeare y subraye las

Macbeth was written in the early seventeenth century by Shakespeare. The play
takes place in Scotland. Two Scottish generals, Macbeth and Banquo, are on
their way home after a battle. As they were crossing a wild and lonely countryside,
they met three witches. The three witches make a surprising prophecy: that
Macbeth will become the king of Scotland. The witches also made a prophecy
about Banquo. They tell him that he will not become king, but that he will be the
father of a king.
At first Macbeth doesnt believe the prophecy, but when he returns to his castle
he learns that the king, Duncan, has had him made king. Macbeth starts to
believe the prophecy. Soon afterwards Duncan comes to stay at Macbeths
Macbeths wife persuades her husband to murder the king. Macbeth kills
Duncan, but Duncans two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain escape to England.
Macbeth has himself made king. Macbeth has made the prophecy come true. But
he remembers the prophecy that one of Banquos children will become king.
To stop the prophecy, Macbeth tries to have Banquo and his son, Fleance,
murdered, too. Banquo is killed, but Fleance escapes to England. Macbeth is
now haunted by Banquos ghost. One night he sees the ghost sitting in his seat
at the table.
Macbeth goes back to the countryside to find the three witches. They tell Macbeth
that hell be safe until the forest called Birman Wood comes to his castle at
Dunsiname. They also tell him to be aware of Macduff, the Thane of Fife. Macbeth
decides to kill Macduff. His army attacks Macduffs castle. But Macduff isnt
there. He is with Malcolm in England, but his wife and children are at the castle.
Macbeth has Macduffs family killed.
Macbeth returns to Dunsinane, where he finds that lady Macbeth has gone. All
the killing has been too much for her and she soon dies.
Now Malcolm and Macduff decide to get their revenge. Their army marches up
from England to Dunsinane. As they are going through Birman Wood, Malcolm
has branches cut from trees. When they attack the castle it, the soldiers carry the
branches to hide themselves. From Dunsinane castle looks like as if the forest
is moving towards the castle. The witches prophecy has come true again. In
the battle that follows, Macduff kills Macbeth and Malcolm becomes the king of

2. Subraye los verbos que se encuentren en pasado participio.

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3. Ordene los siguientes eventos en orden cronolgico.

___ Banquos ghost haunts Macbeth.

___ Duncan visits Macbeths castle.
1_ Macbeth and Banquo meet the three witches on the countryside.
___ Macbeth is made himself king.
___ Macduff kills Macbeth.
___ Macbeth has Lady Macduff and her children killed.
___ Macbeth murders Duncan.
___ The witches prophecy that Macbeth will become king.
___ Macbeth goes back to find the three witches again.
___ Lady Macbeth goes mad and dies.
___ Macbeth attacks Macduffe s castle.
___ The witches warn Macbeth about Macduff.
___ Macbeth becomes king.
___ Malcolm and Macduff attack Dunsinane.
___ Malcolm becomes king.
___ Macbeth has Banquo murdered.

4. Comente en castellano en no ms de 5 renglones cul es el argumento

principal de la historia y cul es el delito cometido.

5. Haga un listado con todos los delitos mencionados en el texto y las palabras
que tengan alguna connotacin jurdica. Luego tradzcalos.

m5 glosario

Se considera que para esta asignatura no es necesario contar con un glosario

de la misma.


m6 microobjetivos

Qu tengo que lograr?

En este mdulo Usted podr:

Consolidar los conocimientos adquiridos en los mdulos previos.
Enriquecer el bagage cultural y los conocimientos especficos de la carrera
al trabajar con material utilizado por nativos en la misma rea de estudio.
Aprehender una herramienta tan til como la interpretacin para adquirir
una ventaja comparativa en el mercado laboral globalizado y resolver por si
mismo los conflictos linguisticos que pueden presentarse en documentacin
que maneja un Abogado.

m6 contenidos

cules son los temas?

En este mdulo Ud. podr ejercitar todo lo aprendido en los mdulos anteriores,
aplicando vocabulario y textos relacionados con su carrera.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 50

m6 material

Dirijase a la pgina 7 para leer el contenido de este material.

m6 actividades

m6 | actividad 1

Comprensin de texto

a) Lea el siguiente contrato de alquiler y subraye las transparencias.

BE IT KNOWN by this document that we, Mr. of the first part, and
Mr. of the second part, of age, and residents of ............... declare
and agree the following:

First: Mr. ........ gives in lease to Mr. ............... the property ............... located at
............... (description).

Second: The term of this contract is for ............... years beginning on the ...............
day of ............... l9...... , and shall end on the............... day of ............... 19......

Third: The price of this lease shall be ............... per annum, payable ...............
without any reduction whatsoever, the first payment to be made on the ...............
day of............... 20......

Fourth: The lessee undertakes the obligation to care for the trees on the property
and to repair the fences, avoiding whatever may cause damage to the property.

Fifth: The lessee cannot cut down trees nor exploit the stone or quarries on the
estate without an express agreement with the-owner.

Sixth: All the improvements which are made shall remain to the benefit of the
property, without the right of indemnity whatsoever.

Seventh: If ............... months shall elapse after the maturity of a due date without
payment having been made, the contract will be considered as matured and the
owner shall be considered to
have the right to start ejectment proceedings.

Eighth: The contracting parties agree to submit themselves to the judges of

............... in case of litigation.

............... ............... ...............20.....

( Signatures)

b) Traduzca las siguientes palabras de acuerdo al contexto en que se

- lease
- party

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 51

- party of the first part
- the term of this contract
- payable
- payment
- lessee
- undertake
- property
- estate
- agreement
- improvement
- indemnity
- maturity
- due date
- ejectment proceeding
- contracting parties
- litigation

m6 | actividad 2

Creacin de su propio glosario con terminologa legal. Traduccin

a) Traduzca las siguientes oraciones y subraye las palabras o frases que Ud.
considere que pueden conformar un glosario con terminologa legal.

1. The company took out an injunction to prevent the newspaper from publish-
ing the story.

2. Every business must operate within the legal framework of the country.

3. They have changed the wording on the packing to comply with the new regu-

4. An employer is not allowed to discriminate against an employee because of

race or colour.

5. You realise that you will be liable for any debts incurred if you sign this agree-

6. If you fail to deliver on time you will be in breach of contract.

7. The company threatened to sue the newspaper for libel unless an immediate
apology was published.

8. Until you can prove you have a legal claim to the property, we are not pre-
pared to do business with you.

9. As this is the first case of its kind it really depends on how the court interprets
the law.

10. They proved that the accident was the result of his negligence.

11. They paid 1 million in compensation because of those faulty components.

12. We cant use that name because its a registered trademark.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 52

13. I think we should consult our lawyers before signing any agreement.

14. The new law will strengthen safeguards against unfair dismissal.

15. Litigation is on the rise as consumers become more conscious of their


m6 | actividad 3

Comprensin de texto

Esta es una situacin muy probable: un cliente suyo decide pedir un prstamo a
un banco extranjero y lo consulta a Ud. sobre los trminos del contrato.

a) Lea el siguiente contrato:

The Rockson Bank


This is the contract for your loan from The Rockson Bank. If you agree to its
terms, sign in
the space provided.

I promise to pay The Rockson Bank at its Salt Lake City office the amount of
$2,410.00 plus
interest (finance charge) from the date the loan is made on the unpaid balance
of the amount
financed at the annual percentage rate of 12.25% shown below.
I will pay the bank in 36 equal monthly installments of $80.53 each, beginning
October 5,
1984, and continuing on the same day of each month and will pay a final
installment of
$73.27 (estimated) on September 5, 1987.

Loan Detail (What you will pay)

I. Amount You Borrowed $2,410.00

2. Annual Percentage Rate 12.25%
3. Interest (Estimated) $489.04
4. Total of Payments (Estimated) $2,899.04

I have received and read a copy of this contract prior to signing it. I agree to its
___________________ ___________________ _________________
Date Borrower Address

b) Determine si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas o falsas:

1. La persona puede pagar en cualquier oficina.

2. El monto que el cliente pide es de $ 2,899.04
3. Hay que pagar una cuota final cuyo monto es distinto al de las otras 36.
4. La persona tiene que leer primero el contrato.

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5. La persona firma el contrato aunque no est de acuerdo con alguna
6. El cliente va a recibir una copia del contrato.

m6 | actividad 4


Lea las siguientes oraciones. Todas giran en torno al vocabulario de contratos.

Tradzcalas y luego arme un glosario.

1. A contract is an agreement drawn up between two parties. It is divided into

sections, clauses and conditions.
2. The contract provides for any problems between the two parties. The
conditions of the contract are binding on both parties. If one party does not
comply with the clauses, this is called a breach of contract.
3. In the case of a dispute, many contracts provide for arbitration but in some
cases the dispute results in litigation. Most parties reach a compromise
without going to court, and the dispute is settled out of court.
4. Some contracts are for a fixed period, or term; also, there are ways in which
the parties can end, or terminate, the contract.

m6 | actividad 5

Comprensin de textos

Suponga que se presenta un problema laboral y una de las partes del conflicto
desea saber cmo se resuelve la cuestin laboral en Inglaterra.

a) Lea el siguiente texto:

The Employers Disciplinary Powers

When an employee is in breach of one of his duties, any action taken by the
should comply with the disciplinary rules and procedures applicable to him.
Guidance on the standards which disciplinary rules and procedures should meet
is given in the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary Practice and Procedures
in Employment. Where the disciplinary action results in dismissal, any failure to
meet these standards may provide the basis for a successful unfair dismissal

Fines and Suspension. There is no general legal right to fine or suspend emplo-
yees. The employer is only entitled to impose sanctions short of dismissal when
provision is made for them in the contract of employment. This may be done by
express terms, by express incorporation of, e.g., work rules where such provision
is made, or by implication which may be based on the custom of the workplace.
If the disciplinary rules and procedures to which the employee is referred in the
note given to him under the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act contain
provision for such sanctions, this will be strong evidence that they are part of the
employers contractual rights. It should be emphasized, though, that this note

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 54

does not of itself incorporate them into the contract.
The provisions of the Truck Acts regulating deductions from the pay of manual
workers for bad workmanship have already been noted (see p. 97).

Damages. The employer has the right to sue the employee for damages for any
breach of his contract of employment, whether or not the employment has come
to an end. But it is very rare for this to be done. One reason is that the amount of
damages would normally be small.

Summary Dismissal. It is more common for employers to exercise their right to

dismiss summarily, that is without giving any notice or pay in lieu. Whether the
employer is entitled to do this depends on the seriousness of the employees
breach of duty. This turns on the facts of each case. For example, being late for
work once would not normally justify summary dismissal. But persistent lateness
in breach of standards set out in disciplinary rules and after a series of warnings
given in accordance with disciplinary procedure, could well do so. This matter
is considered further under both wrongful dismissal and unfair dismissal, (pp.
102-3, 107).

b) Marque las trasparencias.

c) Enumere cules son las acciones que puede tomar el empleador.
d) Traduzca slo los trminos antes mencionados.

m6 | actividad 6

Comprensin de texto

a) Lea el siguiente texto:

Lawyers at work
Professional titles
Although many kinds of people working in or studying legal affairs are referred to
as lawyers, the word really describes a person who has become officially quali-
fied to act in certain legal matters because of examinations he has taken and
professional experience he has gained. Most countries have different groups of
lawyers who each takes a particular kind of examination in order to qualify to
do particular jobs. In Japan, a lawyer must decide whether he wants to take the
examination to become an attorney, a public prosecutor or a judge. In England,
the decision is between becoming a barrister or a solicitor. Barristers specialise
in arguing cases in front of a judge and have the right to be heard, the right of
audience, even in the highest courts. They are not paid directly by clients, but are
employed by solicitors. Judges are usually chosen from the most senior barris-
ters, and once appointed they cannot continue to practice as barristers. Solicitors
do much of the initial preparation for cases which they then hand to barristers, as
well as handling legal work which does not come before a court, such as drawing
up wills, and dealing with litigation which is settled out of court. Solicitors also
have a right of audience in lower courts, but in higher courts, such as the Court of
Appeal, they must have a barrister argue their clients case. In general, it can be
said that a barrister spends most of his time either in a courtroom or preparing his
arguments for the court and a solicitor spends most of his time in an office giving
advice to clients, making investigations and preparing documents. Many people
believe the distinction between barristers and solicitors should be eliminated in

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 55

England, as has already happened in Australia. The government is considering
various proposals, but there are arguments for maintaining, as well as removing,
the division.

b) Marque las trasparencias que encuentre

c) Arme un glosario con los trminos especficos que va encontrando.
d) Mencione cules son las divisiones que se encuentran en la profesin legal.
e) Describa brevemente las funciones de cada uno.
f) Se ha considerado la posibilidad de eliminar esta distincin de la profesin
en Inglaterra?

m6 | actividad 7

Comprensin de texto y traduccin

a) Lea el siguiente texto:

What is insurance

Insurance is a contact relationship entered into by the insurer and the

Such a contract, more commonly called the policy, usually provides that, on
payment of the premium, the insurer promises to indemnify and reimburse the
insured for any loss incurred by him from certain stated causes. The policy,
as a contract, must contain all of the elements necessary for a valid contract.
The mutual considerations here are the premium paid by the insured and the
promise of coverage made by the insurance company.
The causes of damage as provided for in the policy are also called risks.
The company specifically stipulates those risks which are covered under the
particular policy. Any risk that is not stated is not included. This fact is of par-
ticular importance because we often find that after a loss has occurred due
to a risk not included in the policy, we have a tendency to be bitter about the
omission. In insurance, as in every other transaction, we get only what we pay
for. There are no extras, no bonuses. Each coverage you want included has an
additional premium to take care of the greater risk assumed by the company.
In life insurance, the person whose life is insured is generally called the
insured. The person named in the policy to benefit from the death of that
person is called the beneficiary.
In property insurance, the person whose property is insured may be called the
assured. He is in most instances also the beneficiary, since he will recover
for the loss to his property.
The term loss is used to designate the damage or injury sustained as a
result of the risk covered by the policy.

Handbook of Everyday Law, Fourth Edition. Martin Ross & J Ross, 1981. Harper
& Row Publishers.

b) Marque las trasparencias.

c) Arme un glosario con los trminos especficos que va encontrando.
d) Qu diferencia existe entre los trminos insured y assured?
e) Traduzca el texto completamente.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 56

m6 | actividad 8

Comprensin de texto

a) Lea el esquema de un contrato de un seguro de robo de una casa de familia.



In view of the general and special conditions of this policy the .............................
............ COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter called the Company) insures .................
.............. (hereinafter called the Assured) domiciled at .........................................
thing or things specified below and which occupy .............................. situated at
.............................. .
The thing or things referred to hereinafter described are those which the Assured
wishes to include in the insurance all in accordance with the form which he signed,
filed in the Company and which forms an integral part of his Insurance Policy.


1) FURNITURE: Utensils, chattels and all personal effects of the Assured and all
his family and servant, including furniture, table and bed linen, cutlery, ornaments,
glassware, china ware and musical instruments excluding the objects mentioned
in articles 2 and 3.
2) Silver and gold ware, jewels, jewellery, personal ornament, watches, furs and
or trinkets excluding articles mentioned in article 3.
3) Except for furniture, pianos and organs none of the objects assured by articles
1 and 2 shall in case of claim be valued at more than ...........% of the total sum
insured under this policy and never more than $ .............. Argentine currency. If
it is desired to insure any article for a larger sum, details of same must be given

The total sum insured is ............. THOUSAND PESOS ARGENTINE CURRENCY.

In this Policy the definitions of the words ROBBERY and THEFT respectively are
as follows:
ROBBERY is taking possession illegitimately of household goods, totally or
partially, by force or with physical violence applied to persons taking place before
the robbery, to facilitate carrying out after the robbery to obtain impunity. THEFT
is taking possession illegitimately of household goods, totally or partially without
physical violence applied to persons or force on the objects.
The premium including the expense of taxes and Inland Revenue stamped paper
amounts to $ ....................... Argentine Currency.
This Insurance is entered into for a period of ....................... as from the
....................... day of ....................... of the year 19 ..... at noon and expires the
....................... day of ....................... in the year 19 ..... at noon.
It is especially agreed that should the Assured pay the premium 12 hours before
the date of its falling due and the Company accepts that payment, this policy
shall continue in force a further period thus successively for a term not longer
than 10 years as from date of the issuance.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 57

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, Attorney and Manager of the Company
signs this on this day ....................... in the year 19..... in Buenos Aires.

(Signature) .............................................. (Manager)

Examined ....................................
The Argentine Superintendence of Insurance has approved this policy by
Resolution N ....................... dated 19......

b) Determine cules son las partes del contrato.

c) Segn la clusula 3, si una persona desea asegurar ciertos objetos por un
valor mayor qu debe hacer?
d) Con respecto al pago, cul es la precaucin que el asegurado debe tener?
e) Cul es el organismo nacional que debe aprobar la pliza?

m6 | actividad 9

Comprensin de texto

a) Lea el siguiente texto sobre Negligence

Reading and Comprehension

The tort of negligence is probably the most important single civil wrong in English
law today. It is important because it is based on a broad general principle of liability
and its scope is continually being extended to cover new factual situations. As
one judge has said, The categories of negligence are never closed.
The modern law of negligence really began with the case of Donoghue v.
Stevenson, decided by the House of Lords in 1931. The facts in that case where
somewhat bizarre. Two women went into a caf and one of them bought, among
other things, a bottle of ginger beer. The woman who had bought the ginger beer
poured some out for her friend, who drank it. The rest of the bottle was then
poured out -and with it came the partially decomposed remains of a snail. The
friend, who had already drunk a lot of the ginger beer, became, not surprisingly,
severely ill. She wanted to sue someone for damages, but since she had not
bought the ginger beer and so had no contract with the caf owner, she could
not sue him for breach of contract. She, therefore, sued the manufacturer for
negligence. The House of Lords held that, on these facts, the manufacturer would
be liable.
A passage from the speech of Lord Atkin, one of the Lords of Appeal sitting in this
case, is still the classic statement of the principles on which liability in negligence
is based.
He said, You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you
can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. And he went
on to define neighbour as anyone whom you ought to contemplate as likely to
be affected by the acts or omissions in question.
The principle has been applied in many subsequent cases, including one in
which a manufacturer of mens underpants was held liable to the eventual
purchaser who contracted a painful dermatitis from a harmful chemical in the
cloth. It is certainly wide enough to cover Simons failure to take reasonable care
over the varnish on his collapsible chairs.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 58

b) Marque las trasparencias que encuentre.

c) Arme un glosario.

d) Busque en su diccionario la definicin de tort.

e) Responda las siguientes preguntas:

1. Cun importante es el dao por negligencia para la ley inglesa?

2. Cmo se llama el caso en que se basa la ley moderna de negligencia?
3. Qu tipo de bebida estaba involucrada en el caso?
4. Cul era el problema con la gaseosa de jengibre?
5. Por qu la mujer que tom la gaseosa de jengibre no pudo demandar al du
o del caf?
6. Cul es el principio de responsabilidad en caso de negligencia, como lo
especifica Lord Atkin?
7. Quin es su vecino, segn la ley?
8. Estn las cortes preparadas para ampliar la responsabilidad en caso de
negligencia para cubrir nuevas situaciones?

m6 glosario

Se considera que para esta asignatura no es necesario contar con un glosario

de la misma.

e v a l u acin

La versin impresa no incluye las actividades obligatorias. Las mismas se

encuentran disponibles directamente en plataforma.

EDUBP | ABOGACA | Ingls Jurdico II - pag. 59

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