Sie sind auf Seite 1von 321







\ J P 1, Immigration and Naturalization.

2. Espionage Activities - Known or Possible.

3. Surveillances- Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibllity Questionable)-

5. Employment Record.

6. History and Prior Activities.


ADDRESS: Unknofim

L i t t l e i s as yet known concerning t h i s individual.

On October 30, 1940, LILLY STECN r e l a t e d to ELSE HEUSTEHFELD that ^
among the members of "the German Eao^cflnase System known t o her was
one M H H F w h o ca^s h i m s e l f WBBBBI s h e described him as of
mediumhe^nT, blue eyes, brown face and straight parted hair. He
i s believed to reside in Germany.
(Serial 4886, Page 14)


Clerk, U. S. D i s t . Court,
S. D. of New York.

Espionage A c t i v i t i e s - Knomi or Possible.

William Sebold.

Surreillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.


Microphone Surveillance - (iLdaiissibility Qaestionable),


5. Employment Record.
Sperry Gyroscope Co,





The r e c o r d s of t h e N a t u r a l i z a t i o n and Immigration

ce, 641 Washington S t r e e t , New York C i t y , i n d i c a t e t h a t
""7stiH an alien. He entered the United States illegally
on April 6, 1924, deserting the S. S. Deutschland at New York. He
filed a Declaration of Intention in the United States District
Court, Eastern District, at Brooklyn, October 22, 1936, having
validated his entry by reentering through Canada on August 5, 1936,
on a Consular visa issued at Montreal.
(Serial 1237, Page 13, H j
Serial 14G3, Page 2)
That he also made a trip to Germany subsequent to
1936 is indicated in a conversation between EVERETT ROEEER and
WILLIAM SEBOLD set forth in detail under section devoted to
testimony of WILLIAM SEBOLD.
(Serial 976, Page 11J
ecomes a subject in instant case under the
following circumstances 1
March At a
^ meeting between EVERETT M. ROEIER and vOU.IAM
1940 SEBOLD^iCEJJER inquired i f SEBOID has as yet contacted
I H f l s W whom ROE1JEH explained had been fired
from his employmen^s^^he Sperry Qyxoscope Company because he was
not a citizen of tiie United States.
(Serial 553, Page 24)
GSA;JUff 2

April 29, At a second meeting ROEDER again discussedf

1940 explaining that he had been a co-worker of his at
Sperrys, andtirai^ie was an American citizen. RQEJJER
stated that he c o n s i d e r e d ^ m ^ a goodjMariftnr spy work for the
"other side," and that at one time, w h e n f m P p l a n n e d a trip to
Germany ROEEER suggested to him that he take several cartons of
American cigarettes, ROETER related he wrote to the other side
recommending H I H F who was arrested for smuggling cigarettes, but
otherwise treated very wellL^'Biey tried^^induce Mm to engage in
espionage work for the United States. flH^is supposed to have
refused, however, and at this time there i s no evidence of
espionage activity on his part.
(Serial 976, Page 11)


Color White
Height 51 9
Weight 170 Pounds
Eyes Blue-gray
Hair Dark brown
Nationality German
Marital Status
Occupation Can Company,
Newark, New Jersey



arid Naturalisation

Actinias ^ Knonn or Possible

5 / u / a (see Section I- "Scold's Office")

3* j- Corroborative or Direct Evidence



6. and Prior Activities


From the records of IMMIGRATION AMD NA.TORAL-

IZAT3 Washin n Streetj
ed ^ ___
^ratea to the United States Tr6m Bremen, Germany, entering at the
jrk August 22, 1923 on the S.S, SEYDUT2,
He filed a Declaration of Intention # >
fSeptember 3, 1931* He was naturalized in the United
States District Court, Southern District of New York, December 3, 1934,
receiving Certificate of Naturalization #3,825,960.

He became a subject in thi case as a result of the

fo Honing j*


May U STADE, while talking to SEBOLD in h i s office,

1941. stated t h a t he had an appointment with a friend, who
i s a radio man and who wanted him, SEBOLD, t o
meet him a t 7:30 P.M. i n the CROSSROADS 'TATIEN on
Times Square* He t o l d Stade he would be t h e r e . ;
Sebold went t o the said tavern, met Stade and shortly
thereafter a man walked i n and was introduced to
him by Stade, flHHH|HHHf He told Stade and
c o m e u p t o n i s o f f i S e . He left, went to
soffice and they arrived at his office about 8tl0

in 'Euerzburg, Germany!

said he knew a lot of people and named CAPTAIN BEIER

(BAYER), who left to go back to Germany; CAPTAIN JAHN,
whom he stated he knew as being from the LUFTHANSA} and
BANS RITTER, who used to v i s i t the flying club once i a
a while. He said RITTER went to Japan and was stopped
four tiroes* He stated!
comesto v i s i t him once in a while* He also named
fl|HP who i s a newspaper man and who lives in New York*
He said he did not know if any of these men were working
in the spy activity. He stated the flying club was
suspected of such activities and he was called in, and
questioned by the F.B*I* He said he explained everything
to the F.B.I, and that the man laughed about the whol
matter, and sent him home*
He claimed not to have worked as a spy.
SEBQLD tolofl^H||^Pthe nature of his business and
the possible consequences if caught* He also told him if
he engaged in spy activities, if he were caught and
sentenced t o twenty years, he might blame him and told
i t was entirely up to himself if he wanted to work and he
would have to make up his own rnhid.

fstated he was willing to Ttork as a radio

operator; that he has a 1,000 watt radio outfit, as well as a record-
er, and that he can send at about twenty two words a minute* He said
he would need some practice to get the feel of the key again.
Olvly ^ | | ^ | ^ w a n t e d to meet his, SEBOLDTS, operator but he
wrota down his name and address _ _
He "then as*
going to do ^ ^ ^ " " " " r

May 16, STADE, in a conversation with SEBOLD i n h i s office,

1941. stated t h a t W d ^ w a s a l l right, and Sebold told him
that if he accepts him as a new man he would have to
make a lot of preparation in setting up a new radio


The following i s a description o ? V H H I as obtained

from personal observation and from his NaturalizatTonfilej

bflC Height
150 pounds
Hair Blue
Build Blonde, thin on top
Complexion Fair
Marital status
Nationality Naturalized American citizen,
German descent.
Occupation Accountant and clerk*
1. Immigration and Naturalization
Clerk, U.S, D.C. Detroit, Michigan.
Byron H. Uhl, Dist Dir Immigration and Naturalization Service.

2. Espionage Actiyitiea Known or Possible

Underwood Elliott Fisher Co, Detroit.

Firestone Steel Products, Akron, Ohio, 8-12-40
Industrial Press Inc. 7-17-1940
Bullard Company
cy Co.
Consolidated Aircraft Co,
lard Wash, Airport, 9-23-40
Stratford Hotel, Bridgeport, Conn,
_Gnstave Grutgen
Passport Agent,
'onksrs, New lork.
Aercnautical Publications, Inc.
st Librarian, Detroit.
fr-28-41 6-29-41
tic City.
Hotel Governor Clinton
Industrial Commission
t, Automobile Club
Passport Division

,JB,I Lab,
Librarian, Detroit.
fjfffffJP GalTeston, Texas.
^ B r p o r t , Wash. D.C.
r Photo Service
jtroit, Typewriter Specimen
- 2 -


3 Surveillances Corroborative or Direct Evidence


A* Microphone Surveillance - (Idmissibility Qaegtd.ona.ble)

5, 'Employment Record
'Ford Kotor Con^arry

History and Prior Act!vitie8

US,S. Lines, 4^27-40
S u b j e c t ' s name: ED1IUHD CARL HEJJJE, a l i a s BIACKfiELL, a l j as EIMUND
C. HEINE, a l i a s EU.7ARD C. HETJIE, a l i a s KEIKEICH,
a l i a s Y/AILY, a l i a s JACK, a l i a s KONRAD.

Residence: 20 Poplar Park Avenue,

Pleasant Ridge, Michigan
Enployment: Owner and operator of an advertising business
known a s the Display-Rite, Suite 326, Broadway
Market Building, Detroit, Michigan .i'"-- ?'.\* > * >
r :
i; ' :' :' " ' V
V v -*-' '*'*

' i-i...,
r. EDMtfHD CARL HEIKE was ^bprn i n ZWIfflHGJ^\Genn^yy "G&1 :" .-
Januajy 20, 1891, and received* his education there'. He graduated
in 1908 from Hittweida University and speaks various foreign J - ''-.
langiages. He 'emigrated to the United State's on Jojj&*23, l ^ ^ /
and was naturalized on March 1, 19$Q a t Detroit, Michigan. ^ He-
i s married and has three sons, two of whom, were born'Irl' Qeaasany and
one in Spain. His family came t o the United States in'December,
194.0, and a t present reside with him i n Pleasant Ridge,
From ,1914 t o 1918 he -worked a t various positions i n -the '
automobile jjidus%ry and ivas employed around^ Detroit, Michigan'.; . '-
He -ifas employed In 1918 by the Ford Hotor ,<3ompany and a f t e r some
ork in Dearborn, liLchigan, was sent to ths'West Indies
South Amsrica and in. 1923 t o Spain, where he was iaade Assistant
i^nager. In 1926 he vas transferred t o Germany as Assistant JSanager
and i n I929 he was oade General Onager iiiUGermany* This position
he held u n t i l some time i n 1935 ' r<
In September, 1935, he went to mrk f o r the Chrysler
Motor Company'in Detroit and i n 1936 T/as transferred t o t h e i r
Foreign Service Department i n Spain. He voluntarily l e f t t h i s
company's employment i n October, 1938. In,his application for t h e
Chrysler Corporation dated September 5, 1935, ha l i s t e d as
references Dr. HAMS LUTHER, German Ambassador, Vfeshington, D. C ,
whom he claispd to have known for five year/b, His"- Royal Highness
Prince LOUIS^teaDIliMD,cBa er r y ^ ^ ^ L ^ ^ g y j ^ h g c'laimea to
have known, for six y ^^|m^|H|H|ilH
FQSD vdth T&orn. he claiEed^cquairi^nce ibr ten years.
He l a s t arrived i n the United States from Germany on
L!ay 13) 1940} at -which time h i s Anerioan passport vras taken airay
from. him. HEJJJE has no v i s i b l e neans of support i n the United
States "but i s reputed t o be wealthy. HSUJEis a t present engaged
"in the advertising businsss i n Detroit, Hitjhigan, tshere he 'recently
started a business knbtvri as the Display-Rite, Suite 326, Broadray
Liarket Building, Dstpcit, J J i c h i ^ a . ' ' --"*-.>

, ,; y_

i : . . . ,>,...
V ri* r" *; i : . -

HEINE became a subject in this case as a result of a

number of letters dealing ivith aviation information which were
received by LILY STEIN, a known German espionage agent, which let-
ters were subsequently identified as having come from HEINE.
On June 8, 194-0, LILY STEIN, at her apartment, 127
East 54th Street, New York City, exhibited a letter to HARRY
SAVTYER, -which was addressed to her and postmarked Detroit, Michigan,
June 7, 194-0. The letter, whicli was dated June 5, 1940, contains
information concerning airplanes, types of motors, manufacturers
in the United States, etc. This letter bore the typed name,
"HEINRICH". LILT STEIN said that she had no idea who sent the letter
to her and suggested that it TIES probably matit for SAWYER in order
that he might sent it to the other side and she turned the letter
over to him for that purpose*

On June 15, 1940, LILY STEIN turned over to SAYJIER a

second letter addressed to her, postmarked Detroit, Michigan,
June 11, 194-0. This letter is typewritten and dated June 11,
194.0. It bears the signature, "HEINRICH", and deals -with strato-
sphere airplanes, describing particularly the 3oeing Stratoliner,
type 307.
On June 22, 1940, LILT STEIN furnished SAWYER Tdth
another letter addressed to her and postmarked Detroit, Michigan,
June 18, 1940. This two-page letter, dated June 19, 194-0, con-
tains additional details on the Boeing four-engined Stratoliners.
This letter also contained the typewritten signature, "HEINRICH".
On July 5, 1940, LILY STEIN turned over to SAWYER two
more letters addressed to herself at her apartment, one postmarked
Detroit, Michigan, July 2, 1940, which contained Information as to
the number, sources and types of airplanes turned over to the
Allies up to Hay, 1940> and i^ie estimated number to he turned over
by June 30, 1940, as well as other similar information. This
letter also contained the typed signature, "HEINRICH". The second
letter was postmarked Detroit, Michigan, July 3, 1940, but dated
July 5, I94O. This letter lists the names and addressed of 28
airplane-manufacturers in the United States, as uell as other
aviation-information. ..
On July 20, 1940, LILY STEIN, at her apartment, handed
to SAWYER t7/o more letters mailed to hjer, both postmarked at Detroit,
Michigan, postmarked in one case JulyT^, .1940* listing supposedly
all the airplane manufacturers, priv-ate and military, numbering*-.
88, with their addresses. This had the usual typewritten signature
at the end.

The second l e t t e r , postmarked July 17, 1940, and

dated July, 1940, gives a l i s t of 19 airplane motor manufacturers
and. their addresses and other airplane information. I t bore the
typewritten signature, "HEIHRICH" a t the end.
On July 23, 1940, IILY STEIN turned over t o SAWYER at
her apartment three l e t t e r s -without envelopes, each of which bore
the type-written signature, "HEU-IRICH", at the end. These l e t t e r s ,
two of which were dated July 17, 1940, contained information as to
the use of plastics in the manufacture of airplane structures and
one of them, described the use of welded stainless steel in the manu-
facture of plane structures, as well as other airplane construction
information. The third l e t t e r , dated July 20, 1940, gives addi-
tional details on the types of airplane propellers, etc.
On August 15, 1940, when SAWYER was visiting LILY STEIN
at her apartment, she gave him an air mail letter postmarked Akron,
Ohio, August 12, 1940. The l e t t e r i t s e l f was dated August 12,
1940, and dealt vrith construction details of airplanes. This l e t t e r
also contained the typewritten signature, "HEINRICH", at the end.
The contents of the above-mentioned letters in detail that were
received by U U STEIN from, "HEINRICH", have been set cut else-
where under the testimony of 7JILLIftM SE3QLD.
jived a letter dated
May 22nd \ ~^~~"~!!!I_Z__^_
Aircraft Photo Service, 3 "Myrtle Court, Bridgeport., Connecticut,
advising that a German, EDIAED C HEINE, came to his place of
business and placed an order for sixty photographs of the latest
and newest types of UNITED STATES airplanes; that he subsequently
received a l e t t e r from the same individual requesting information
as to the location of aircraft manufacturers and also asked how
many commercial types of planes were built out of 315 planes con-
structed in March. This l e t t e r was written on the stationery of
the Stratfield Hotel, Bridgeport^Connecticut. I t appears that
loubtedly contactedJBHJJ^thTOugh an advertisement
Jplaced each month ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g a z i n e , "Air Trails". HEINE
3ft a business card v f i t h ( m ^ l i s t i n g his name and the
address Clinton Hotel, 31st & Seventh Avenue, ^ew York City.
At the Stratfield Hotel, Bridgeport, Connecticut, the
registration card reflected that EStfeHD 0.; HEINE, ^447 Baldwin
Avenue, Detroit,. Michigan, resided a t the hotel from May 21st t o
ix __ .
jwhich advised that "Ur. t.. C. HEINlS had informec
that he^had been comndasioned by the". American Chamber
of Commerce of Frankfort, G e r ^ j j ^ | ^ s e ^ ^ . anaJOHoNn eD.o rROCKEFEUER,
Governor LEHMAN and himself > f l H i l | | | [ | H | H p ^ ^ wo others,-
concerning aid and influence in placxngGerman refugees from
Germany more satisfactorily i n this country.

I t appears t h a t | H H H H H H F s & n ^ HEINE a l e t t e r stating that he

vrould have nothing to do with the matter.

Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan, advised t h a t -HEINE had been

the Ford Motor Company1 s operations manager i n Germany but -was no
longer "with tile company, although, ha recently attempted t o obtain
re-employment vdth them and they f e l t t h a t he i s dishonest and thus
K i l l not re-employ him. HEINE also^ou^v^anappointmerit with Mr*
HENRY FCRD as an advance agent ^ o r | H H H H H _ L a n open and
above-board good w i l l agent of ADOLPHHlTIER^svnose t a s k i t was t o
attempt t o convince American i n d u s t r i a l i s t s t h a t they should not
manufacture a i r p l a n e s , arms and implements of war f o r t h e B r i t i s h

_0n June 20, 1940, _

} advised t h e eau
of Investigatxon t h a t HSDJE had mistaken him for a _ _ _ _ _
vfoo "was the Ford Motor Company r e p r e s e n t a t i v e i n Germany, and i n
response t o a question as t o what Germanyvould do i f America d e -
cided t o s over and s e t t l e t h i n g s , HEINE s a i d , "We'll take care
of t h a t by creating t h e proper kind o sentiment i n t h i s country."

Through a c o n f i d e n t i a l source, i t was developed t h a t

EDMUND HEINE had i n substance placed t h e following advertisement
i n t h e August, 1943, i s s u e of "Popular Aviation"*



i ground i n s t r u c t o r ,
advised t n e wasmngton office of t h e Federal Bureau of I n v e s t i -
gation on August 2 4 , 1940, t h a t he had answeredtiie ad of EDMUND
C. HEINE appearing i n "Popular Aviation". ^ H H H r e c e i v e d a
card from HEINE t o t h e e f f e c t t h a t he "was c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ k w a s h i n g t o n
and about August 1 5 , 1940, HEINE t e l e p h o n e d H B j M j " a t h i s home
and requested him t o come t o Fourteenth h K S t r e e t s , N. . ,
and t o meet him i n t h e lobby of t h e Tower Building, which he d i d .
A.t the time HEINE explained t h a t he has a seventeen-year old
boy Dfoo was i n t e r e s t e d i n a i r p l a n e s and -was b u i l d i n g model a i r -
p l a i n e s j t h a t h e , HEINE, wishes t o have s u f f i c i e n t enlightenment
about aeronautics i n order that he could talkjrtel^genfely to
his son about the subject* HEINE then drove S a f l H s V ^ - s a u t o ~
mobile to the Hoover Airpor^mdMiie f i r s t question he asked was,
"TShat i s a nacelle", -mhichBHBBfexpIaine'd-. -- -


They then went to the American Airlines hangar, a t which

place HEINE asked many questions, especially concsrning a c t i v i t i e s
of silencing motors. He also discussed the subject of S t r a t o l i n e r s ,
supercharging of t h e i r cabins, the use of oxygen, etfi.
The following d a y J M d P - m e t HEINE and HEINE gave him
a graph or chart, l i s t i n g information he desired, such as the
number of airplane factories i n t h i s country manufacturing a i r -
planes, the number of plants manufacturing accessories, the loca-
tion of these plants and the types of airplanes produced, whether
commercial or military, the number of men employed i n these
factories, the plant capacity and the number of years t h a t these
airplane plants or factories had been i n existence* HEINE ex-
plained that the Ford Motor Company was going into the manufacture
of airplanes and he wanted t o get a l l the information he could
so t h a t Ford would give him a plant t o operate after the manufac-
ture of planes s t a t e d . He claimed to have attended a recent
conference with HENRY FORD and Colonel LINDBERGH, where the manu-
facture of planes was discussed.

HEIHE g a v e M ( ( i J J x G . G 0 3 taken from a b i l l - f o l d f i l l e d

with b i l l s of a large denomination. HEINE also had a typed l i s t
of people he was to see i n Baltimore and ItLverdale, Maryland,
and in New York City.
On August 29, 1 9 4 Q , B H K P ' r e c e i v e d another l e t t e r
fromfcHEINS, in vfoich he requesteaconsiderable information con-
cerning the manufacture of a i r p l a n e s . The Bureau laboratory,
i n a l e t t e r datedSept ember 9, 1940, advised that the l e t t e r s
received b y j H | H p w e r e typed on the same machine on which tfre
l e t t e r s werexypedwhich were received by T^v^jiSjN g^^ signed
"HEJJNRICH". HEINE on one occasion advised
would go along with him he would endeavor
as an inspector i n an airplane factory i n
very close t o members of the General Staff of fete Germany Army.

.who occupies a f]
learned through\
that he i s a GermSS"subject, engaged
^ . .3rmany-as an agent, or associate of the American Chamber of
Commerce' and likewise' engaged i n wc?rk i n Germany for t h e German"-;
Government* consisting '^;ij*4ustrCai. or related; workj -.'.that h i s
mission t o the Tjfcated States' was^W-fpljd^ .to wit> t o carry on
work of Some description for t h e American-Chambter of Commerce i n
Germany .and likewise t o get "information for the l a z i Government
concerning certain i n d u s t r i e s -in the TJnited S t a t e s ; t h a t he i s .
one of a group of about five.or s i x individuals i n Germany who* -
are charged with gathering i n d u s t r i a l information i n t n e U n i t e d
States and t h a t as circumstances warrant, one individual of the
group proceeds t o the TJnited States and c a r r i e s on not only h i s
own business but the missions of t h e German Government*

From confidential sources, about September 3 , 194.0,

i t was ascertained that HEINE had in bis possession a large
quantity of typed reports for undesignated individuals, which
reports dealt in detail with the production and f a c i l i t i e s of '
a l l aircraft plants in the United States, performance of various
types of aircraft and diesel engines and information with regard
to tiie United States Government orders for this equipment,
which, i t was noted, corresponded -with the information included
in the l e t t e r s received by II1X STEIN from "HEINRICH", of
Detroit. A comparison of the photographs made of the reports
in EDMUND HEINE'S possession and the l e t t e r s received by IHZ
STEIN, showed that they were identical. Subsequently, i t was
also ascertained that specimens obtained from HEINE'S type-
writer were compared by the Bureau laboratory with the imprint
of the type used to write the letters received by UI2 STEIN
from. "HEINRIGH". The conclusion was reached that the same
typewriter wrote both of these specimens and the l e t t e r s .

The correspondence files of the Industrial Press,

Incorporated, 148 Lafayette Street, Neir York City, reflect
that on July 17, 1940, that firm received a post card from
EDMUND HEINE, 4447 Baldwin Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, requesting
that three copies of the July, 194-0, issue of the magazine,
"Machinery", published by them aid pertaining to aircraft pro--*
auction for July, be sent to him and that his name be placed
on their subscription l i s t for one year. These copies were sent
to him. This company advised that the March^^L^p^^^sue of
tnc- "Machinery11, which HEINE had sought ^ o m ^ ^ H m Bridge-
port, Connecticut, in his l e t t e r of June 207134Q^was devoted
exclusively to aviation in a comprehensive manner.

The files of the Industrial Commission of Paterson,

New Jersey, reflect that EDMUND C. HEINE, 4447 Baldwin Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan, wrote a post card on July 15, 1940, asking
for booklets on the industrial advantages of Paterson, New Jersey,
which was sent to him. The second post card was received from
Detroit postmarked July 20, 1940, in idiich HEINE requested in-
formation concerning the number of employees and factories in
the aircraft industry dam located in an about Paterson. A
l e t t e r was -written by the commission on July 23, 1940, l i s t i n g ,
among otherf, the Y/right Aeronautical Corporation, the number of
employees that they had, and other similar information.

The correspondence file of the Consolidated Aircraft

"Corporation, San Diego, CaTjCforl&a, reflected that $BMUftB "0. HEINE'
wrote a l e t t e r to them on July 22, 1940, in iftiich he, under the
guise of having a discussion with friends, made inquiry concerning
the time that i t -would take to construct a B~24 type of airplane.
This information was forwarded to HEINE in a l e t t e r dated July 25,


. Subsequently, a letter m s received from HEINE dated

August 6, 1940, wherein, using the same guise, he sbught informa-
tion concerning the time it took from conceiving a new plane
design until it was placed into mass production. This information
the company refused to give him.

1st 12, 1940, HEINE visitec

^ _ * Fir e sU.
and presented a l e t t e r ) 'Auto-
Rader & Felgenfabrlk FroHiffll^^Thur, Germany, which holds
rights to manufacture products of the Firestone Steel Products
Company in Germany. HEINE somght, among other things, information
on the use of rubber in the creation of dies and the use thereof
in power presses, as well as information on factories using such
processes in the manufacture of a luminum or duraliimin parts for
aircraft. This information i s set out in a l e t t e r received by
LIU STEIN from "HEINEICH", postmarked at Akron, Ohio, August
12, 1940.

On Se
September 14, 1940* HE!

liacii of these l e t t e r s contained lruomation relative -co aircraft

production, especially "with reference to military planes. The
l e t t e r s were identical. These are undoubtedly mail drops from
which material i s sent to Germany.

The files of the American Magnesium Corporation, 2210

Harvard Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, contain a letter^at^d^gtober^ 2,
1940, from EDMUND C. HEINE, to the attention of 1
in which HEINE thanks him for the pamphlet e n t i t l e s , "Alloy Data
Book of 1940", and thanked him also for calling t o his attention
the book entitled, "Metals Handbook11, stating that he had ordered
a copy of t h i s .

On November 18, 1940, from a confidential source, i t

was ascertained that HEINE had mailed a l e t t e r to Mr. HEINZ
EHIEHS, 441 East 76th Street, New York City, in which,-.amonfc
other things, he stated -that at l a s t ha had found t JB a dope"
-Hhich he, EHISRS, TiilX find interesting; that he fras sending him
a book which -would enable him to pass on he_information and that
a smaller book T/as included which contained up-to-date-compila-
tion of the latest information issued by the American*.Aluminum
Company; that he had placed on the outside of the package the name
of a friend in New York City in case EHTJSR could not- be. found a t
the address to -which he vias sending 'ttie package.
JGF:Y&[ 8


On the same date he sent a l e t t e r to LIIX STEIN, in

which he advised that he had sent a book to a friend, which book
r?as of considerable value, and that enclosed 7/as a binder contain-
ing a l l kinds of information -which had, taken him a long time to . t,:-
computej that he placed her address as. return incase -faiM ; friend';
no Iqger lived a t the said address. He advised her that she
v/ould know how to handle the package in case i t came to h e r .
He eicned the l e t t e r , "HSDJHICH".
On September 23, 194-0, HEINE, after flying from New-
York City t o Washington, D. C , attempted to secure a passport
at the Passport Division of the State Department, so that he could
go feo Germany. He claimed he wanted to go t o Germany on urgent
business for the Ford Motor Company. A passport was refuE
[t was ascartpAriRd -Bna-h >,tv- TprrMTr. i s very friendlyf
HaTRT FaaQ of the
^_ T?* 5
Motor Company, but vmo i s no longer in the good graces of Mr.
KKD due to the pro-Iai attitude -rahich he exhibited. I t vjas
also learned that Y3TGnKE^personaU.y contacted Kr. HSNRY FOHD
prior to the v i s i t j | ^ ^ ^ ^ H H | | | ^ m V B e t r o i t , L-Hchigan, and
sought a position with^J^PfflWW^or Company, Hr^ FCFT1 told
him that he could have a job in the factory, but that he believed
that he "was in the United States for no good and vias, in fact,
a spy.
I t vj-as also learned that .HOME'S v&fe-was formerly a
stenographer in the office of YiiLLl&H J. CAMERON ,^ who i s the
Public Relations Manager of the Ford Motor Compajiy.

__ arrived in
New York City on September 19, 1940, from San Juan, Porto Rico,
vfhere she owns and operates an automotive and electrical service

E E I N B f H H H | H H | | | H | | | [ y together, any information was

develc^ec^maTcsSangtneywerecarrying on espionage a c t i v i t i e s .
However, rhafcujma^jjiy^^jteveloped at San Juan, Porto Hico, \-ihich
indicatedPmmi|H|i0had been investigated during the last
rcar for espionage; that the investigation resulted from informa-
tion obtained from the censorship of mails j that the information
developed at the time vras insufficient to -warrant placing her in
a detention camp. : ' v . ^.,; -

On October 22, 194D, HEINE took h i s Underwood TypeVfriter

to the- T^derFood-Elliott-Msher Company in Detroit, Michigan, t-o
have repairs made on same. At the time Bureau agents took specif
mens of the type for comparison sith the i;ypB on the l e t t e r s sent
to LILT STEIN, which were sent to the Bureau Laboratory* The . -
Bureau Laboratory compared-the specimens and found be


On January 9, 194-1, HEINE opened an account Tilth the

National Bank of Detroit, "Kith a deposit of $2,500. No evidence
of recent espionage a c t i v i t y on the part of HEINE has been ob-
tained, ' . . . . . . ..-. - ,

o"vm that HEINE i s friendlj

Detroit, Lachigan, since he arranged for t h i s
individual t o sendl a package, which he advised contained s t a t i s -
t i c a l r orts and dry goods catalogues to
presumably in Germany.

Thsre i s no indication that HEINE knows HAEET SAWYER

personally and he i s not known to HARRY SATJIEE, personally.
HEY STEH" has advised HARRY SATJYER that she does not know
HEINE personally.



Assistant Director E* J. Connelley on J O B S 27, 1941,

wore fe> e coapl&iat before United States Cosaiasioner MARTIN C.
EPSTEIN, Brooklyn, Eastern District of New York, charging 3DMDHD
CARL HEINE and others witfc conspiracy to violate Sections 32 and
34, Title 50, United States Code* and a warrant *aa issued for his
arrest} this was aarked aoa est returm sad oertified copies of
said c o s ^ a a n ^ w e r e Juneteken
28 to
l Detroit, Viehigan by Special
AgentfHB-HsHHssV ^ 9Al, Special Agent is Charge
JOHN S^OGAS^filedbefore Uited States CosadSBioaer J. STANLEX
HOBD, Detroit, Michigan, baaed upon said certified copies and a
b fugitive warrant was issued. At about 9:05 P.M., on June 28, s 1941,
HEINE, was taken i d b S * I * + < ch JPflff RrT
and Special Agents^ T ^
at his residence, 505 West Budaon iSireet, Royal Oak, Michigan*
other persons in the house were HEINE1 a wife and his fourteen year
old son* HEINE acquiesced to a search, of his hose and later of his
office and signed waivers of search. He was subsequently brought
te the Detroit Bureau Office where he was questioned and sde the
following signed statement J-

(Detroit file number 65-275)

Detroit, Michigan
June 29, 1941

"I, EBMOHD C. HEX statement

ne as Special Agents 01 im j'ederal Bureau of Investigation,

TJ. S Department of Justice* I have been advised that I
cannot be compelled to aak this statement and that any
statement I sake will be held against me as evidence in
"I was born on the 20th of January, 1891, in Germany at the
town of Zeulen Roda, My father1a name -was JULIUS RICHARD
HEINE, born in Grinsia, Germany, on the 27th day of December,
1859. My mother, MJ20IA. OOLDITZ, was b o m on the 29th of
July, 1860, in the town of Callnberg. Both my parents are dead.
I have two older brothers living in Detroit, Michigan, namely,
WALTER HEINE- 56 years of age, at 4447 Baldwin Avenue, Detroit,
and ROBERT HEIHE, 54 years of age, living on Michigan Avenue,
one mile this side of Wayne, Michigan* WALTER HEINE i s a meat
wholesaler. BOB HEINE is an automobile mechanic at the Ford
Experimental Garage in Dearborn*
"I have four sisters, one in Cranford, New Jersey, married to
GEORGE WEISSLER, employed by the General Motors Corporation*
'-i The name of this sister is GERTRUDE. She is now 40 years of
age* My other three sisters live in Germany Their names
are WALL! HEINE, 46 years of age, living in Falkenstein,
following the occupation of welfare for the city* My second
sister, KiJTEE HEIHE, is *8 years of age. She Is a dressmaker
and lives in Mittweida. My oldest sister, KLARA HEINE, is
married to PAUL MUELLER, who is a butcher and cattle dealer.
i', She lives in the town of Chemnitz and is 52 years old* My
youngest brother, BASS HEINE, fell during the last war in
1918 while serving in the German Army*
"I had eight years of public school, three years of commercial
school and served as an apprentice for three years in the hard-
care trade* After a few years of journeyman, I had to serve
six months in the German Army, was released on account of an
accident, took other employment in the hardware business and
soon became a traveling representative in this line of merchant
disc. ' - --- . .

(Detroit f i l e number 65-275)
I migrated t o the United States i n June 19X4, landed i n New
lork on June 23rd or 24th from the SS "Inperator," swore off
allegiance i n 1916 to the then Geraan government, thereby
obtaining soy f i r s t papers and gotraycitizenship papers on t h e
f i r s t of March 1920 at the Wayne County Circuit Court, D e t r o i t .
I got the c i t i senship papers prematurely on the special exemption
from enemy a l i e n s h i p .
"After working for HENRY C. USER, Hardware Company, i n Detroit*
I was hired by the Michigan Motor Specialties under Mr. BECK,
also i n D e t r o i t , took up nork for the Packard Motor Car Coapany
and I believe i n 1917 vent t o work on a farm between Saint
Clair and Marysvllle, Michigan, because of the somewhat embar-
rassing situation for German nationals or alien enemies at that
t i n e . This farm was owned a t that t ime by Mr* MAX BARTHOLOMAEI
who, I believe i s s t i l l living.
"Beginning 1918, I obtained a job with the Ford Motor Company,
Tractor Division, in Dearborn. Starting as a laborer, I soon
was promoted to work as a demonstrator and as the foreign
representative, and traveled i s this latter capacity t o B r a i i l ,
Uruguay, the Argentine, most of the European s t a t e s , making
my headquarters respectively in the capitals of t h e South
American countries and also in London, England; Triestej and
Spain (Barcelona)

"On the 5th day of January, 1922, I married i n Rio de Janeiro,

B r a a i l , a y present w i f e , Miss JOHANNA-XOESTER, jwhcuBras-^taen
s e c r e t a r y t o Mr. W. J . CAMERON i n Dearborn.

"My wife was born i n Oeraaay in the torn of Rottweil on February

17, 1693. She became a c i t i z e n by marriage.

"Prior t o my -visit i n the South American countries, I was assigned

to Puerto Rico on the same mission. I believe i t was late i n 1920
when I returned from that country*
"After finishing my work i n South America, I returned to the
States f o r * b r i e f s t a y , sent MBS. HEINE t o Germany t o give birth
to her f i r s t child, was r ^ g ^ e d w t t h yms
her in Germany i n
ofl922whenaiy oldest flHHHHB^ P
m i m in Btederitaj Germany*
"Having finished my work as a tractor expert, I was named Assistant
Manager^in.Spain i n 1923 ,or- tb*-Ford Mote* CoHpaajr established
(Detroit file number 65*275)

in Spai'ru I had this position until the end of 1925 when I tras
called back to the States and given a. transfer as Assistant
Manager of the Ford Motor Company in Berlin, Germany.
"During my stay in Spain, ay second oldest son,!

"With the growing business in Germany and appreciable success I

was Bade Manager in 1923 and in 1929 was charged with building
the new plant for the Ford Motor Company A* G. which meanwhile
had been transformed into a German share-holding company, and
I held this position until the Springof 1935 when, through
seme serious disagreement between the home office and Myself,
I severed my relations with the Ford Motor Company after about
IS years of uninterrupted service. The reason for my severance
of relations is attributable to a definite demand for me to
renounce my American citizenship with instructions to become
again a German national. Proof for this demand I have on file
wife gave birth to her third boy,(
I wish to state that a U my children were immediately
registered with the American authorities so as to assure a
proper title to their American citizenship* I have also edu-
cated them by providing for them and children of other American
families my own private American sfchool. They have all been
educated according to the Calvert System*
"The Fall of 1934 saw me with my family on a two months * trip
in the States* I returned to Germany in December 1934, came back
to the States in February 1935, returned to Germany almost at
once and not being able to mend the rift with the Ford Motor
Company, I returned to the States in June or July 1935. Since
I was not able to make the proper tenneetian with Ford, for whom
I had worked 18 years, I advertised in the Bulletin of the Chamber
of Commerce in Washington and located a position with the Chrysler
Export Corporation for service abroad at my choice either Spain
or South Africa* I chose Spain because I was desirous of teach-
ing my children another foreign language md when about to com-
plete an assembly plant for the Spanish Distributor on behalf of
the Chrysler Corporation, I was caught in the Spanish War and
acated on the American battle crusier, "OKLAHOMA.." We were
disembarked in Bayonne near Biarritz, France, and hoped to wait
until thepanish struggle was over, However, this hope was
(Detroit file number 65-275)

futile and I reported try wire to Detroit and was advised to

contact the Chrysler Plant at Antwerp for. new ins tractions.
These I received with orders to proceed to Portugal and North
Africa and also, if possible in the National SIDE of Spaifi
at War* Political upheavals and very precarious money situation
so badly crippled the foreign market for American automobiles in
these parts that my volume did no longer Justify the salary and
expense I was drawing and during the Paris Automobile Show, I
was informed that much to their regret they had no longer a
place on their foreign organisation in Europe for a man of my
caliber. This was in the Fall of 1938.
"Thereupon, I decided to break up housekeeping in Lisbon, Porf
tugal, where I had made my headquarters aai set up my own fur-
niture which I had brought in from Germany after they had been
stored in a warehouse. This furniture, by the way, was the
only valuable substance I could rescue from Germany because as
General Manager of m organisation, my yearly income was pub-
lished, practically mkiiu it impossible for me to transfer any
of my earnings into dollars.
"Having disposed of my stuff and collected most of the money,
I decided to take one year's vacation in my home in the town
of Tegernsee in the Bavarian Alps.
"After the hostilities had broken out in Europe between the
Axis and the Allies, the American Consulate in Munich issued a
notification to all American citiEens, stating therein that
American passports would become invalid after January, 1940,
except for returning trip to the states* This was shortly
before Christmas 1939. Since I was no longer connected with
any American firm abroad, the Consulate at Munich notified me
that I was risking expatriation unless I returned to the States
at my earliest convenience* I finally did so to aave my
citizenship and thereby automatically MRS. HEINE'S but the
Consulate insisted that I send for my family as soon as humanly
possible. This took me quite some time on account of the
money situation involved* Harks I had plenty} dollars I had

"With the money situation as it was, I was naturally looking

out for some business possibility in connection with my trip to
the States and, though I had considerable, amount of money avail-
able from the sale of my furniture and from the sale of a'

(Detroit f i l e number 65-275)

4-door Sedan, I felt that my funds were not enough to live on
the feasts as I bad been accustomed to far the past 25 years.
I , therefore, established contact through the American Chamber of
Commerce i n Berlin, asking them to contact by circular letter
firm i n Germany that most likely night have some business t o
attend to in the United States, bearing in Bind, of course,
that travel during the war would be difficult, perhaps somewhat
perilous, I might be able to do scoe business transactions of
mutual benefit.
"The result of my endeavors were at least three-fold, namely,
I was asked to undertake a certain mission on behalf of the
Jewish Society in Frankfort on the Main. I undertook to settle
some pending business for the German Yolks iragen Verke on one
hand and to obtain some mechanical information for thesame
outfit on the other* The third was to make contact with the
re and Rubber Company on behalf of the manufacturer,
I who has some royalty questions pending for manu-
facturing rights he enjoys under a Firestone franchise operating
In Germany.
"Ihen discussing the question VolksJaeenYerke. I was also
introduced to a party by the name v H H B H ^ F * r & o
- "*
whether I would not keep my eyes openanduiform him through
certain waning addresses made available to me about the avia-
tion development i n general. At that time he did not give any
specific details but mailed me a l i s t of items he felt inter-
esting, t o my residence. I believe thelist contained some
25 or 30 questions. I have not retained same because after
having learned of the inability of my returning to Europe I
discontinued any activities in this regard.
"(I made a pretty close scrutiny of the l i s t and also the
addresses which were given to me so that I cxrald practically feel
sure to know what information was wanted and 1 believe I destroyed
the l i s t while s t i l l on board steamship.)
"I landed in New York on May 13, 19AO, on the liner
after leaving Genoa, Italy, on Hay 4th. Ky f i r s t preoccupation
was to establish contact with three prominent parties on the
question on behalfof^y|^^w^hSocigty i n Frankfort. I suc-
ceeded in seeing H H s f l s s B H E f i S i i f f l B B L ^ meeting
some representative (I beHeve^^wasfl||HH^bf the John
D* Rockefeller I I I ) , but I would not arrange f o r a meeting with

(Detroit file number 65-275)

Governor'LEHMAN of New York. TbelggMgarta^Teontacted on the

above question was the successor ^ H H m | B
Commerce Department in IfesMngtorulnile waiting in Mew York
to meet these people, I took advantage of the proximity of
Bridgeport, Connecticut and tried to settle a natter pending
between toe Volks Wagen Werke and the Bullard Machine Company.
Nothing was settled during the v i s i t . A correspondence ensued about
the satter but I waa not able to accomplish anything practical.
On my way out of New York, I stopped off in EeadiM^Pennsylvnia,
and called with a lettSr of introduction to f/K^/EKKKKKB
in Beading on this gentleman* He invited m e I t o H a t f l s
house, showed me the factory and bid me farewell, myself arriving
in Detroit on Decoration Day 1940*
"I took up living quarters with my brother, WALTER HEINE at 4447
Baldwin Avenue because I had to save my money and paid $10.00 for
board and room per week plus $2.00 for laundry. From here, I
went to work on the various queetions^IJmdpending on behalf of
the Volks Wagen Werke, on behalf offl^^HHB-and on behalf of
any obtainable information relative toavJation and airplane
de-vBlopment in the United States s I had bought a Mercury car
because of the seeming impossibility of getting around on foot
and have used this car on two long t r i p s , one of nhich was
dedicated to call on GLEASON Works, Rochester, Hew York, on the
Heald Grinder people in Worcester, Massachusetts and again on
Billiard in Bridgeport, Connecticut. I was received very courte-
ously but soon found out that between the inability to ship and
the insufficiency of funds in payment for such merchandise, ay
efforts in attempting to straighten out pending matters were
fairly well limited. In fact, I did not succeed to unfree e one
single shipment or one single dollar for the Yolks Wagen Werke.
"A special trip which I made on behalf of the seme people to the
Clearing Press Company in Chicago and which was in reference to
a hydraulic pump proved likewise unsuccessful because Clearing
makes the press but not the pumps and although I waa promised t o
receive the information either by the president or the vice-president
of the Clearing Press Company, His information did not come forth*
"Another matter which I isas asked to possibly take care of was
the selection of ahigh-el&ss foundry man who not only could
set up and organize a foundry but also run i t efficiently.
Naturally with the political conditions i n Europe, i t would be
futile to ask anyone to go to Europe at this time. This l a t t e r

(Detroit file ntnaber 65-275)

attempt was also on behalf of th^ro^r^&jfinJBrkeThe Special

favor I was to do my old f r i e n d j v | H | | ^ H H H H H F '
TiJ and Rubber Company conojsrned ft royalty question pending
between the two firms. H ^ h a s the manufacturing rights for
certain parts of Europe forsome Firestone wheels and the arrangement
is that he i s to pay a certain amount of American money for every
wheel made abroad. However, with the impossibility of transferring
Marks into forei n currency or transferring foreign currency out
of Germany, flHH||H*as apprehensive whether or not his good
standing with^RresTone was in jeopardy and his l e t t e r to Fire*
stone expressed this anxiety. Therefore, I was to obtain a
re~Assurnce that the temporary inabilty to transfer funds had
no bearing on the friendly relations between the two contracting
"With, further reference to my meeting i r i t l i | [ | m and the
infomation I was asked to look up in reference to airplanes and
their developments, I had, of course, whenever the opportunity
allowed, hunted for information which might be in answer to the
vueries asked of me. Itmigh^be opportune at this point to
say a few words about H p H ^ r h o I estimate to be a man
about 35 years of age, Dlond^pertly bald and of whom I had the
impression that he was not a very important personage but never-
the lass he belongs to the group Yolks ffagen Tferke or some group
associated with this enterprise and that he was interested
enough in aviation development to request of me anything that
might be of interest. Not having been familiar with the progress
of aviation in this country, I was at f i r s t at a loss Just nor
or where to get my finger on the pulse and consequently X bought
the available literature on the market, such magazines as "Popular
Aviation", "Aero Digest", "The Model Plane Builder." In short,
I bought a few numbers of any magazine which to me looked l i k e
pertaining to aviation and information about same.
"About the first thing I saw was an ad i n , I believe, the Popular
Aviation of someone in Bridgeport, Connecticut, selling photos of
all types of airplanes, commercial and military, at four or five
cents a copy. I had hoped to receive an answer but being in Bridge-
port, Connecticut, I tried to call on the individual and he made
me up four of five dollars worth of various photos.
"Not knowing much about airplanes, I would have been at a loss i f
the name of the plane or the type of whatever i t was had not been
(Detroit f i l e number 65-275)

indicated on the photo. I believe lie put the type in type-written

letters on the back of each photo. I naed what I thought was
useful or wdern^ndim^led them 1to one of the four or five addresses
given to B^SHHHHS? * can * recall, however, who actually
received T^^^^
"Perusing the various aagaiines I saw very quickly that the i n -
formation desired of me could be easily gathered from the various
monthlies i f one would take the tlae and knew more about what was
what and which concern built which plane. As time went on, I
soon learned to compile this information in a more or less co-
ordinated form. I took i t , however, at the face value of whatever
the magazine stated, having no recourse to check or verify any
figures or data given.
"I bad two definite bases to work on. Besides the magazine
information which -was easily obtainable by merely reading the
literature, I also ran an ad in scene publication (aviation) where
I asked for a capable mechanic or engineer who might give me the
few lessons in fundamental airplane design or construction be-
cause, though I could read the papers, I was lacking the mechani-
cal name for most of the components. For instance, I did not know
what was a nacelle. I did not know what was meant by a feathering
propeller* In short^ayadwas answered by two or three people
of which a c e r t a i n H H H H ^ i n Washington, seemed to have the
ear-aarks of the bes^exper^nced. I believe he was out of a
job at the time.
"We went together to some airport and looked at a ship and I had
explanations given to meright on the sample ship and there I
got my first practical instruction as to the names of the certain
components of an airplane in English* There were also a few smaller
planes i& the hangar which I presumed were private craft and which
I received some other enlightenment. I t must have been a com-
mercial airport.
"With this information I knew more what I read because i t was no
longer a mystery to me and when I foundsomethings which I
could not properly digest I wrote 9 1 1 1 1 1 again but never re*
csived another reply. I cannot ^
requested in this last l a t t e r , but I
- not-re^ly. Perhaps he felt lt_inopportune to
this information.
(Detroit file nuniber 65-275)

"To my recollect^nthere were twenty or twenty-five questions

all told whichfllHHHPwas interested in baving answered. I
cannot recall al^o^These questions but I recall that the
following ware, more or less, the questions for which informa-
tion was desired:
1* What i s the status on stratospheric aviation in America?
2* How do they overcome torsion on planes caused by multi
propellered ships?
3 Approximate capacity of the American airplane industry as
to production] approximate size of plants} approximate
number of total employees, etc*, e t c
4. Are they using one or multiple speed loaders to insure a
uniform air pressure at high altitudes?
5. A l i s t of manufacturers of accessories and equipment for
automotive and/or airplanes*
6* Horse power ratings on various airplane motors.
7 Is the tendency in United States towards air-cooled or
liquid-cooled engines?
8. What are they doing in the United States in the use of
plastics in airplane construction?
9. where are the plants located in the United States?
10* Are they using aluminum or stainless steel in the air-
plane manufacture and what progress i s being made in
this respect?
11. Are propellers made of wood or metal in America?
12* Is there any accepted treatment of hardening or tempering
13. How thin do they weld stainless steel and what are i t s
"Of course, I cannot recall the twenty or twentyfive questions
in i t s entirety but I will endeavor to give you information where
I found the reply to these questions*
"Stratospheric aviation* I found part of this information at
the World1* Fair show where I also found on exhibition a two-speed
loader. I have since learned that when we talk of stratospheric
ships they are not really stratospheric ships, they are merely
airplanes traveling at a very high altitude and not in the
actual stratosphere.
"In order to obtain the answer to question two relative to the
torsion on the ships of multi-propellered craft, I believe i t

(Detroit f i l e number 65-275)

who showed me the different angle on one of the

"The approximate capacity of the various plants in the States I

definitely obtained from some monthly magazines which continuously
gave present plant s i r e , plant expansion, future plant sise, and
sometimes also had reference to the expected number of men to be
"Question four was answered on question number one.
"List of manufacturers of accessories and equipment I certainly
found in one issue of the Aero Digest which gave the complete
array in alphabetical order and I didn't feel that i t was secret
information. I even had i t photographed at the Public Library in
Detroit and paid for i t and got a receipt*
"Horse Power ratings* The horse power ratings on various air-
plane motors were also given in one of the magasines. I
didn't recall which, but i t had a blue cover and gave a l l
the ratings from Luacombe to a Kenasco both for radio engines and
builfmin line engines and opposed boxer motors.
"The tendency of air engines toward air-cooled motors i s quite
definite, as one can s ee by merely looking up at the sky. I
think nine out of t en ships are air-cooled.
"Question eight about plastics used in airplane construction,
there was also an article in one of the trade papers which
gave an excerpt of an official report on the various resinous
materials submitted to teats but I cannot recall the magazine.
"Location of plants in t he United. States of the aviation in-
dustry was also obtained from magazines.
"Question ten was easily replyed by merely looking at the Intern
national Worlds Fair in sew York and by reading the data and
literature on the subject in the various trade papers*
"Question eleven answered i t s e l f by a most gorgeous display of
propeller making machinery both in t he airplane magazines and
I also believe I saw a copy of the trade paper "Machinery" of which
appeared a special number which-1 believe was headlined."Air-
craft Production" number or headlined in some other similar i_
,% , -_"kv^ f

(Detroit, file number 65-275)

"Question twelve* On this question I was stamped because, not
being an engineer or metallurgist, I didn*tjfaiow aluminum could
be heat treated and haTLng remembered when visiting a iianuf ac-
toring leading, Pennsylvania, an aluminum foundry, I
b wrote to
in Reading asking him where I could obtain
I beiievt his sales manager, whose name I
think was referred me to some aluminum company in
Cleveland^ o, from where I did obtain, I think it was 1939
loose leaf binder with all kinds of aluminum profiles and
formulas* This book was accompanied by a letter calling my atten-
tion to, I believe it was the Metal* Handbook or a book of
similar name, which book is supposed to contain the auxLlliary
information not obtainable in the loose leaf binder but since
it takes a metallurgist to understand this, I sent both books*
I seem to recollect that I shipped this last package with LILLY
STEIN as the sender the the name EHERS as receiver, or vive
versa because I didn't -want to have anything to do with it any
longer and it was very probable that I included a letter ex-
plaining that I had used the name of one of them as the sender
and one of them as the receiver so that the package would surely
arrive in somebody's hands who was on my mailing list incase
of change of residence or whatever occurence might have taken
place since it was considerable time since I had previously

"Now remains question thirteen to be answered. It was at the

Worlds Fair where I saw a hot shot welder installed by Budd
people and operated by one of their mechanics right at the
Fair who welded in my presence, three or four thin steel discs
of stainless eteel and he also gave me a mechanical description
of the properties of the steel and the functions taking place
in the cabinet but I cannot remember the functions in the welder
nor the structure or components of the stainless steel nor its
"Now in trying to compile the data on the location of the
various plants, -while I was able to find most of them through
the publications, journals, and magazines, I could not definitely
make out what part the city pf Fateraon, New Jersey, was playing
in the aircraft industry* Therefore, I wrote to the Chamber of
bommeree, who I believe, sent me a booklet on the represented
industries in thai, term but whether the information satisfied
my curiosity or not, I doubt it because I seem to recollect to
have written a second" time without getting the information I
wanted. . .
(Detroit file number 65-275)

"Another contact I made by mail was on tbe strength of an ad in

one of the trade papers stating, I belie-w "From Conception to
Flight so maoy months". This automatically opened up a large
field of speculation for me because conception to flying may
mean a lot of things, but evidently this was considered military
information and I have not received a satisfactory explanation.
Rather I thought the man who had written me felt my inquiry
TOS somewhat out of order. I believe he said in the l a s t para-
grapn on this question, "I beg to check out." Just -what company
this was, I don't recall*
"To the best of my recollection
were located in New York whereas'
were, or should have been located in South America In Lima,
"It seems to me that LILLY STEIN received letters with a type-
written signature EEINEICSi which signature applied to the
others, I am hesitant in making statement because i t i s so
long ago that I might be wrong but I think I am right in s aying
that the signatures that were used were JLACIffiELL, UALLY,!and
"The forwarding addresses given t o me b y H H H H J f w e r e given
without f u l l explanation and I have not asjeecHtorany d e t a i l s *
I merely understood t h a t whatever mail reaches these addresses?
w i l l f i n a l l y get t o h i s bands* I do not know any of t h e i n d i v i d u a l s ,
never saw them, nor have I ever been i n t h e i r places of r e s i d e n c e .
I do not b e l i e v e t h a t they know me or know of me*
" l i t h f u r t h e r reference t o welding, I also got some information
from tiie TaylorHBlns f i e l d 'gelding Company with showrooms a t the
East Grand Boulevard, D e t r o i t , and the factory, I b e l i e v e , i n
Wax-ran, Ohio. This welding i n t e r e s t e d me, however, more for
my own personal point of view because i n planning t o go back t o
Europe there should be some tremendous business i n those welders.
HftrLle I was given some samples of a c t u a l welding done, the
mechanics were, of course, beyond my comprehension b u t I did
forward t h e catalog which showed t h a t t h i s welder was r e p r e -
sented i n Europe, i n Sweden, where any a d d i t i o n a l information
desired could, no doubt, be obtained.
"Cnce i t was d e f i n i t e l y e s t a b l i s h e d . t h a t I-could n o t go back t o
Europe, I made plans t o b r i n g my family over h e r e , e n l i s t i n g
(Detroit file number 65-275)
to this end the help of the Department of State in Washington
who contacted my family through the Imerican Consulate in Munich.
This meant, of course, that ay dollar reserves had to be serious-
ly depleted and I, not being able to find employment, bad set
my mind to buy some kind of honorable business, however modest.
"The business I bought is the firm of Display-Rite located
at the Broadway Market Building, Detroit. I paid $1500 cash
for the business including the inventory of about $1600 to
$1800. I had to buy merchandise to sell to the clientele on
thirty or sixty days credit, thereby investing in this business
about eight to nine thousand dollars. I also had to find
housing facilities for my family arriving on the S S. Siboney
on December 31, 1940, which meant starting to keep house from
scratch without a pot or kettle* I finally located a house
big enough for our wants which I did buy for a thousand dollars
down and sixty dollars a month, thereby providing our own home
and building it up as we can see fit. The money necessary to
undergo this expense is explained as follows?
Own money $5,000.00
Loans from Walter Heine, my brother,
4M7 Baldwij^yeoue, Detroit. 1,900.00
m m i business address
on 1,000.00
\5 From I
San ^___ 1,000.00
From | H H H B Ford Dealer, Miami. 1,000.00
Rece^eoiromSpain for a Dodge car 1,295.00
Forwarded to me from Roche-Prlto
in Portugal 300.00

Total funds $11,495.00

Minus for steamship transportation
for my family 1,300.00

Leaving about $10,195.00

"Of this $10,195.00 X bad bought the business as followst
$1,500 cash payment} $?,500 for new merchandise and outstanding
.accounts and $1,000 .for, the. house I bought as a down payment*.
This leaves me today 'with approximately $300 in the bank/which
I -try t o make the business go and support my family. on

(Detroit file noaber 65-275)

"The foregoing statement consisting of thirteen typewritten

pages was made by me voluntarily and to the best of my
recollection and belief. This statement is complete and
true in all its details to the best of my recollection and
belief. All narrative portions of this statement were
dictated by me. The entire statement has been read to me
and by me and I signed the same of my c m free will and

(SIGNED) Earn. G. Heine


Special Agent*
FBI, U. S. Dept. of Justice
911 Federal Bldg
Detroit, lttch. .



HEINE signed a waiver permitting search of his residence,

505 W, Hudson Street* Royal Oak, Michigan. A waiver permitting search
of his place of business, Suite 326 Broadway, Market Building, Detroit,
Michigan, was also signed. He signed a written consent to remain in
the custody of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and he also signed a
waiver of a removal hearing and consented to removal to any judicial
district within the United States, by representatives of the Department
of Justice.
On June 30, 1941, EDMUND HEINE was arraigned before United
States Commissioner J. STANLEY HURD, Eastern District of Michigan,
Detroit, Michigan, and entered a plea of not guilty. A. final hearing
was demanded which was set for July 14, 1941* His bond was set at
$25,000. On failure to produce bail he was remanded to custody.
On July 14, 1941, HEINE appeared before the U. S. Coraaissioner
and his hearing was continued to a subsequent date.
On July 15, 1941, the Federal Grand Jury for the Eastern District
of New Tork returned an indictment charging EDMUND CARL HEINE and other
named defendants with conspiracy in two counts to violate Section 233 of
Title 22 and Section 32 of Title 50 of the United States Code. Certified
copies of said indictment and bench warrant were forwarded to Detroit,
by U. S. Attorney Harold M. Kennedy and on July 18, 1941, HEINE with his
attorney NORMAN Ji MILUK, of Detroit, appeared before the United States
District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division at Detroit,
Honorable Arthur J. Tuttle, sitting as Judge and was ordered removed to
the Eastern District of New York* He was remanded to custody in default
of $25,000 bond.
On July 19, 1941, bail of |25,OOO for HEINE'S appearance in
the Eastern District of New Tork was posted and he was released from
On July 25, 1941 HEINE appeared before the U. S* District
Court for the Eastern District of New Tork, Brooklyn, and plead not
guilty. His bail was continued at $25,000 and accepted and he was
released pending trial set for September 3, 1941


At the time of HEINE'S arrest there m a found on his person,

in his billfold the calling card of FRiD EDMUND GAEL HEIHE, on the back
of which appeared the symbolst

n E . 441
L, S. 127 54 H
H J. IP . MSM 878B
E. E . LP MF 525J
AHW 0 15
HEINE stated that the above descrlby^symbols were jotted down
by him possibly at the time he talked w i t h f l H H a n d they were for his
added that the A.H.W., he
the symbols to the right
of the initials AHW represent his address which HEINE claimed he could not
now recall or decipher from the symbols. He explained that the K. opposite
HEINRICH EILERS name and address was for_KONRAD; the H opposite LILLY STEIN
3r BLACKWELL and the J opposite
JACK. He admitted sending letters of information
rougn these addresses and using as his signature the names designated.
As a result of further questioning HEINE stated that he used
names other than his own because he "didn't think it was just the right
thing to do", that That he was doing "was not as clean as a sheet", that
"it was not very nice*. He said that he has a big name and isafairly
important person and he didn't want his name to appear* He also said he
never told anyone he was securing information and transmitting it through
the afore-mentioned channels. He felt that had he signed his own same to
the letters transmitting the information he secured, this would possibly
have placed him in an embarrassing position because the information he
was getting was "delicate".
When asked why he hadn't contacted LILLY STEIN and HEINZ EILERS
while in New York City, he vehemently stated that he had never contacted
them, and that he had a "hunch" that something might be wrong and that he
felt it was best for him to conceal his identity from them*
In response to an inquiry as to when he last sent information,
he stated he stopped in November 1940 when hejgsrefixsed^apassport to
leave the United States and in interviewing H H i m ^ m ^ f a s h i n g t o n y
D C, concerning this, she "made a bad slip*%intiatsheasked him if
he wanted to be held as an enemy alien, that "immediately it entered my
mind that maybe I'd better stop] maybe-they know something"} and he
stopped securing and sending information. .He subsequently' stated though

that sometime in the Spring of 1941> he did gather up all the information
he had around the house, such as cataloffs^ndinformation in answer to the
questions given him, and forwarded t o j ^ H H H V o f the Volkswagenwerk.
he sailed ithe
Previously, to him e he had failed to and
receive a letter of
acknowledgment had sent
|^ him
H this
y same information,
whether did not know whether
it was becauseMrSjHEINE, had
informed him upon her a val in the United States |HHHHHV
not received it.
HEINE stated he had received no remuneration for sending
information over to the Volkswagenwerk, but he had some understanding
with then by which they agreed to defray his expense out of any money he
could unfreese in connection with pending purchases in the United States,
although the moving influence was the possibility of his some day heading
the tractor division of theVoUesw*jejmexk or8Oae becoming its general manager;
and he had been a p p r o a c h e d ^ H m m H a R o r high official to that
effect after he left the employSent of the Chrysler Company.
HEINE also stated he received 4000 marks, the equivalent of
$1,000. in American money from the American Chamber of Commerce in Berlin
to defray his expenses in connection with his activity for them concerning
the sending of Jewish refugees to the United States.
(NOTE* From information developed, the Volkswagenwerk, is a German
government owned and operated factory.)



The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D. C,

by letter dated J11I7 5, 1941, advised that the United States State
Department advised there is no record of EDMUND HETJE having registered
as an Agent of a foreign principal or having been notified to the
State Department as an agent of a foreign government.



EDMUND C, HEINE is a member of the United Political Committee,

7209 Jefferson Avenue, East Detroit, Michigan, which address is a German
restaurant and is a common meeting place for persons of German extraction
in Detroit. HEINE -was noted to attend a meeting at the above address on
September 18, 1940, at which time he was accompanied by his brother, WALTER
HEINE. It has been determined that the' United Political Committee has
their main headquarters at the Harmonie Club, Detroit, Michigan, and that
the United Political Committee is in reality a mere branch of the Steuben
Society, which has branches throughout the United States, the Steuben
Society having been first organized in 1919* The purpose of the society was
to i n t e r v i ^ ^ j ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^
According ^Q^|^^^HJj|^mU[^||[^||jH^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r* member
of the party^^eUn^edPoliticaJLCoflmU^tee^^^TsoconslaerecRi small
branch of the National German Organisation.

(Serial 3021, pages 11,12 and 13)

In an application for exception from the classification of

alien enemy number 4279, dated at Detroit, Michigan, December 13, 1919,
HEINE stated that he was six months in the service with the 108 Saseon
Fusiliers in Dresden, Germany. At this time HEINE also stated that his
brother, ROBERT HEINE, age 34, living at Dresden, Germany was in the
air service, and another brother, HANS HEINE, had been in the infantry
(both Germany) but that HANS HEINE was now dead.

(Exhibit 1A8-55)

HHNRICH EILERS l a h i s etateweat on Pag. Three advised of

finding i n h i s reea, which he a*iUAiied at 441 East 76th S t r e e t ,
Hew lork City, a package received by espr#*s and a l e t t e r r e e d v t d by
m i l addressed t o himself as RKHZ EIHLER8, 4 a EMt Tvili Street,
New Tork City, potriced a t Detroit and signed KOIffiAD. fhe paok&ge
bore the return address of LULU STEH. 53ae l e t t e r referred to a
previous letter sent and alse to tbe saterial in the package as being
i&formtioa interesting to him, understandable and p r a c t i c a l . EHE8S
knowing HEXBS.

LILLI 3TKIS i n her s U t e m n t dated June 29, 1941, adaltted

that beginning about Kay 1940 she received f i r e or s i x l e t t e r s or
possibly aore from Detroit, signed HUffillCH, and gave them t o ULSBX
SA1TIER with the exception of one or tiro which the destroyed. These
letters contained industrial information. She also received a letter
from the same source i n November 1940, stating he mis sending a book
'with a l l sorts of information.

r' , '- '

"-f-%. ' '"-' "' "'-


DESG&IPTIOIi from observation and questioniogj

Race Tihite
Sex Kale
Height 5 11"
Weight 2JO pousda
BuiLd He&vy* ftthletlc
Brcnm, nvart horn-riBod. for rdlr
Hair Brown cad
Gonplexion Ruddj-
Extraction Qerma
Born Jan. 20, 1891, at Zuelenroda, Germany
Paceli&ritiee Proanlmnt sole OR l e f t cheek
Speech Dwp, Qermaa accent
Bress Heat, clan shaven
Sears and Marks 2^* diagonal scar on. right aid* at belt
point] round poach holt s i t s of a diae
OTer right kidaty
Occupation MrvrtLtiBg ELsplay buainw*
Terser Occupation AatojBoolle Marmfactariag Ereoutire
Parents Father, Jalius Richard Helm, deceased.
Mother, Mlana Cldit, deoeaeed
Relatives S i s t e r , Mrs, Qeorge Weiesler, Cranford, H
Brother, age 46, Wally Heins, FslKenstein,
Sictar, age 4s, Kathe Heiaa, Klttmlda,Q8B
Slater, age 52, CLara Heine Mueller,
Chcsaits, Qn
Brother. Walter Heine, 4447 Baldwin Are,

$05 lest Hudeon St., Royal


Robert aju*! B H a w v o AW, J.74, xa OfMOt

aow l i v i n g * t 505 W* Hudson Strai.

HaHHSHssflsV" I&cbwalde,
sear Berlia. Qenuar. nor living r


Fingerprint*i Fingerprints and photographs taken and

forwarded to F.B.I.* Washington, D. C.
Criminal Record . None shown in records of Federal Bureau of
Investigation, Washington, D C , indicate
by letter dated July 7, 1941
History See first four pages of statement made by
HEINE as set out herein-above*
JGF-.vli 10


Physical description of EDMUND C. HEINE:

Name: EDMUND CARL HEINE, alias Blackwell, Edmund C
Heine, Edvrard C. Heine, Heinrich, Jack, Wally.
Residence 20 Poplar Park Avemus, Pleasant Pddge, Michigan,
"where he resides "with his family.
Age- 49
Date of "birth January 20, 1891
Place of b i r t h
Height ZEUIiamODA, Thuringia, Germany
$t nit
TFeight 220 pounds
Hair Dark brovin
Complexion Ruddy
Build Heavy, muscular, "well proportioned
Carriage Erect, walks rapidly
Speech Decided German accent and speaks i n a demonstrative
. atur ali zati on Naturalized at Detroit, lUchigan, on Harch 1, 1920.
Occupation No v i s i b l e means of employment a t t h i s timaj.
formerly sales representative for the Ford
Motor Company and the Chrysler Corpora-uiorj., , *
Detroit, Michigan, in Germany and Spain, r~\ 1(^__
Marital status
Photograph In New brk f i l e , which i s an excellent l i k e -
Criminal record None.
t t



1, Imaigrttion and H>tarallatlon.

2. Espionage Activities - Known or Possible.

Chase National Bank^X/22/40, 3/26/40.

% Surveillances- Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4* Microphone Surveillance- (AdalgBiMlity QQestion&ble).

5. Employment Record.

6, History and Prior Activities.




Addressi Van Breestraat 156

Amsterdam, Holland

HETHEY is probably W . HETEEY, formerly of the firm of

"ERDMAM and EETHEY", Bankers, "who -were Amsterdam bankers for
the HOHEbTZOLLEEH family. The firm failed scandalously in 1918,
and it was ascertained, at that time, that the firm v;as operating
practically as a bucket shop. For some time, EETHEY has not been
active in Amsterdam financial circles.

S-1212, p.l

HETEEY became a subject of t h i s i n v e s t i g a t i o n as a r e s u l t

o Ihts following: circumstancess

January 4 , 1940 The CHASE 1IATI0IAL BAKX received

a cablegram from the HOLLAI:;DISCHE
ordering a payment of $200 to
LILLY STEIN, 127 East 54th S t r e e t ,
Kew York C i t y , on the order of W.
HETHEY, Van B r e e s t r a a t 156,Amsterdam.

March 27, 1940 The CHASE EATIOHAL BAIffi was ordered

by t h e HOIXARDISCHE BAM i n Amsterdam
to pay t o LILLY STEIN #200, and t o
Air Terminals Company (Duquesne) ^200,
on t h e order of 11. HETEEY. payments
t o both STEBJ and DUQUES1E were ordered
i n "the same cablegram.

IFSfP :>. <; , n



Clerk, U.S. Dist. Court,
S.D. of New York.

i- Corroborative or Direct Evidence.
3. Surveillances;





S. 5&94> P 21 and 22. At the United States Dis-

t r i c t Court, Bureau of Naturalization^
York m s ascertained that
.ed a declaration of
mtention 8, 1931, at New York, N. Y.,
and that his He listed his occupation as
a stated that he was born
[e indicated his marital
residence was Berlin. He
stated that he emigrated from Hamburg, Germany, to the United States
on February 23, 1930, on the S. S. Hamburg.

AttheSon^oria Corporation, Hmsford, New York, i t

-was d e t e r m i n e d f l B H J H V employed at this place as a mechanic
and has been inxheemployof^the company since September, 1930.
At the present time he is a foreman in the Production Department,
receiving a salary of $40 per week. I t might be mentioned that the
Sonotone Corporation is^ugnufacturing concern manufacturing hearing
devices for the deaf, ^ J m ^ a p p e a r s to hare a favorable record
Tdth this corporation, and no difficulty has been experienced -with

v&th a and an
individ tmeat located on the second
floor that, ,
stejd small business, -which -was cau.eC

equipment i n their apartment. She advised that the above three - -

individuals appeared to work during jthe day and a t night they -would


take the equipment out of their apartment, and it. -was noticed by
her that they appeared to be out of the city over weekends. She \
stated that all three of the individuals -were Germans, and she also
noticed numerous aviation magazines and airplane models in their

S.5694, p. 14, reflects that there ij

set In Hew York file 6f

German Aviation Olub of America. The name! was also

shown in so^fi of the effects found itlESNE'S apartment,
referred to as

S.5&94, p . 14, reflects that "was also

found in a l i s t of names ffice
V v i r* 1/-I d V r>i c-> r*

btl Another reference in the.

made a check payable t
amount of $26.25, and t
reflects that Subject RITTER
"^on March 25, 1939, in the
w*s_an_^ndorsement o n the back of this
3ut i t i s believed that this name
-with 10mi^^^^^reviously resided}

|-was associated
v/ith a^PBIHHmHHHHBHiffsm^HBI^ German Aviation Club
of New York, vdiich makes i t s goal to t r a i n Germans and American
Germans in a l l branches of aviation and to make them efficient, as
well as to offer visiting aviators a port and a cozy home. I t i s
noted that among other officers of the
York the name
Ls lx!

The folio-wing description of^^H^T.<as taken from

his declaration of intention for United-States citizenship number
dated June 8, 1931, Bureau of Naturalization, 64I Washington
,reet, New York City* ' .


Weight 155 lbs
Hair Blond
Eyes- Blue
Race German
- 3 "


Bnigrated from Hambvi-g, Germany,

$ City 8,
Marital Status Single
Occupation Hecharic


1. Immigration and Naturalization.

2. Espionage Activities - Knomi or Possible*

William Sebold.

3 Surveillances - (Corroborative or Direct Evidence.)

4 Microphone Surveillance- (Admissibility Questionable.)

5. Qsployiaent Record.

6. History and Frior Activities.

^^U-i>-:iit-i*i'J.-J.^*iiv-.i**t; A^-*-J.--JI A<* .i/>-^'*ari^^yi^SJii^ii^i^--ii-iiiv>*:



* * * *

The identity of this mam has not as yet been established*

His name enters the case in the following manner*
Oa July 31, 1940 radio message #26 was received from Germany
and read in parti
"For FTJK a ipendable,
(S. 2010, p .

Aug. 2 . WUJ.IAM SEBOLD s e t FRANZ STIGLEE and S t i g l e r s t a t e d t h a t e v e r y -

1940 thing was hot] FEK3E was being followed and was hiding out;
that he (Stigler) would carry on his work. SEBOLD thereupon
turned over tohiatheaboveiaessage. 2m response to a ques-
tion as to ^ S H f l H H L V * * r " ' STIGLER stated that
"They are new m e m w h o a r e ^ o o e brought i n t o the organization, n
(5. 2244, P 6)
Aug# At a, Meeting between STIGLER and SIEGLER and SEBOLD , i n answer
1940 as to who the two new contacts named
STIGLER stated that he nadarstood that
these two fellowir were going to approach hi* and that he was
waiting for them ta do so* Bm indicated that thejrwere possibly
coating over from Germany. ^gOL^gathered t h a t H B * * *
identical with a man naced^mmpTIGLEB saidleft the
United States recently o aGerma^passport via Clipyper to
Lisbon; that he left after his wife made some boastful remarks
to the effect that he was carrying important papers for the
or Embassy i n America. According to STIGLER
HHHflHF * ** Cbicace of German parentage and
a t t h a t timewas supposedly working f o r SCHAEEER'a at the
lbrld Pair
(S# 2244, pe 8)
_ STIGLER has been, observed by agents to frequent HENRI'S Bestrant,
227 East 36th Strt. Mew Yflric Citv.^ad mail has been observed addressed to
bore the return address
b#re the

Ho infarmation has been obtained yet as to the identity of


Sew York, X. T.
Jaly 1, 1941

the following *tst*a*at

m ^ m ^ X Jcoow to toe Special Afsafcs of
thfl FJeralBuiofIrr7eetigation, T&luatarily and of ay own
free will. I hare received BO threats or promises of reward from
thes tad X realise that this etetewmt aay t used as eildeaea i&
a Court eff la*v
X wasfeerai
X nas three years ia a eeHt school and five years
f "iehool. When X m fowrteen X learned to fee pa*trj-
balr, and after four years X vorksd i s a hotl as a pastry ehtf.
In Septeaber, 1929, X ease to the felted State, of Aasrisa an
S. S. Statt^irt. % father paid ay way. Iben X
Iwfc City I vast to Chicago, Illinois, aund X Uve4 t
d in tfa* i%ftboldt Bepartaftjit str as

Aacrieaa EaEport Xdoss as * s*eoad baker* X &sda oat trip on

the S. S. EiDchorda. Than after X wwtt to tiie PaaMuaa Pacific L i s
on t S. S. CaHfonda. X vest one trip, SVM weeks, and left
tbs ship at 1km Tork Ci^r. I vorloea at odd Jobs at varloas bakeries
and i s 1936 X went task to Qn-w to v i s i t y ftodly. I mat oa
tr* S. S. Dwitechland. X tyd six or rrc eelc and I returned
on the S. 3. St. Louie en *ily 20, 193^. Tb I wrot
or aeyaa weeks Xatar at a plaee
them X am asw
three years acquainted with PABL
Be introduced aa ( HLU JAEBII. X sat
PAOL SCBDU wbea be n aalliat yeast from
him. PAUL SGK)U told M that l 4 UB0S
wwOd lae notee at y baloery f or
would be all right t oe a. aad I
$a*t ye-x PAUL ^ B
left * large waehiaa at y plaee wMA leeke like a
SCHDU told we later i t waa eeomattat aachlae. S i t W SCBDU ; :
v k this aaeMiM asayw I nerer read any of theae ootea
of the UM wf iiC wnOd deliver teeae ootafeethB.
)tB& tbey woald^^re^eaea^a^^y wwdld fold thas^ and aitfetr
sryself or xy^mi|HH^^^^^^^^^^V wuuld pnt them on the casli
register, endtiE^Iie^rota^cSSiB. and ask if there wet<$ any notes
for the aad we would give thes the astas.
/ - a -


.*> you *r * Hfti SCBBfcPS hoae, 33$ Es*t 133*4

StarJet, Bronx, Sew tortc City, lav lock?
A. Once. X m s there elrtes o'clock sharp; I f t sight. It
was about in larch, there was *till * l i t t l e cold
yet, aad SCSGLZ Introduce ae to Ma bora ^
to his ton else ana I* picks* as apafe nia o'elftdc narp,
1 w la that plo. _BotI3tl to tee about it ear in
garage in thefcronxf H H H B " * ^ ^ SCaajS*S bcsM aad X
went to tiie g*g, iSria^LVd at SC^UjS^MBe t lmm
o*elock. Han. I vtttt into th i u n u w U H H H l - SGHOIi,
aad one fellov from Inr J*rmy mm ttjnTTlBH know ids
oaste. Darlog tb t w i ^ talkd about y busineoa, about
his basilicas, and tfean bft said thy r going to take a trip
soaevhe?*. MB wife was la the hospital; sbe got . baby and
the bab y died. Th*t is-t^>fellow froa lev Jersey. Then a
l i t t l e liter fas lft HHHBasgSCBOUaad X were alooe.
Then a little later X left i 4 H H | It u s about half
past elevraa. Aj^^snw vast heawTSo^Rent to 86th Street
to ay hone aadfHHHBleft for the hospital.
Q. What was the purpose for your going to PAtJL SCHOLZ'S on this
k. Be invited *e for sapper*
Q* Would you call yoarself e> good friead of fkVh SCBOLZ?
JU-. I nerer went out with Ma drinking or t o . I always kaw hi
for basinees sad that he did aowething t*t * e . lht*e e l l X
taw. I ewaldnH call eyaelf * good friend, jast friend.
eny tiM I asked SGBDU why he did not f e i s Jb aad he id
he jtjst eoalda%t ftsil * 5*, ead be s i l l t ssrful bw*y goiag to
lew ilersey and a l l orer iew Xork, althoxigh be sever told ne what

' * :.- I bwe reeA the abore oeitinE of two

It i true to the be*i of ay belief. '-'-

Speeial A^mW, Fe*nrl Boreau of Infetiatie

TjniUd Slates Deperteent ef Jaetiee
6Cf7 IT. S. Court Beuee, FtUy Sqn*re
Veer lork, S . I .
o *-- v


1, Immigration and

2. Espionage ilctiTdtiea (Known or Possible)

G. Sebold

Surveillance (CorroboratiTe or Direct Egidenoe

4. Microphone Surveillance (Adaissibility Questionable)

5. Btployment Record

6 History and Prior Activitiea




This i s a mail drop famished mLLUlM SEBOID by

April 25,
HEINRICH CLMJSING, on April 25, 1 9 a .

5, SEBOID sent a test letter to the above address.

SEBOID asked CIAUSING i f f l H H | h a d received
Jane 5, his test letter. CLAUSING said he didanomailed an answer
19a. in return. SEBOID told him he had not received the answer
and would mail another test letter to the said address.

STICKLER asked SEBOID for a iaail drop and contact

Jane 19 in SouthAmerica. SEBOID gave him the name and address of



1. Immigration and Naturalization.

2. Espionage Activities - Known or Possible.

William Sebold.

3. Surveillances- Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone SurYeillance - (AdmissiMlity Questionable).

5. Onploynent Record.

6. History and Prior Activities.

REP:JSMc - 1

65-1819 . , .

Captain RUDOLF A. JAHN, with aliases:

Rudoph A, Jahn, Captain Rudolph A. Jahn,
Captain Rudolph E. Jahn, R. A. Jahn,
Captain John

../;,-. Residence: Schulenbuxging 130, Berlin,

T e m p e l h e y " " " -- '"' "' '

Employment: Lufthansa, Berlin, Germany

The records of the Immigration and Naturalization

Service reflect that this man, as RUDOLF JAHN, first arrived in
the United States in October 1936, at which time he landed at
Lakehurst, New Jersey, probably having come from Germany on the
lighter than air ship ELndenburg. The manifest indicated that he
yras the United States manager for the Lufthansa, a German airline.

It is noted that he departed from New York City on

November 7, 1936, on the SS Europa for Bremen; that he aggin arrived
in the United States on April 24, 1937, on the SS Deutschland, coming
in an reentry permit #1119614. He again departed from New York City
on December 16, 1937, on the SS Europa for Bremen. He returned to
the United States on June 2, 1938, arriving at New York City on the
SS Europa from Bremen, coming in on reentry permit #1180632. He
again departed from New York City for Bremen on July 27, 1938. It
is not known how he traveled.

He again returned to the United States on August 29, 1938,

arriving at New York City on the SS Europa from Bremen, coming in on
reentry permit #1217728. He again departed on November 26, 1938, but
his means of transportation is not known. He next returned to New
York City on March 4, 1939, on the SS Hamburg, coming in on reentry
permit #1228694. He again departed from the United States on March
22, 1939, his means of transportation being unknown.

He returned to the United States at New York City on

July 20, 1939i on the SS Bremen, coming in on reentry permit #1237480.
He was last heard of on September 22, 1939, at which time he checked
out of the Alrae Hotel, 37 East 64th Street, and he is reported to
have returned to Germany byway of Japan and Russia.
' - ^* X. *

JAM entered this case as a subject because of the follow-

ing information. . \-V;:.' ;

January 2, 1941*
i '

On this date WILLIAM SEBOLD had a conversation with DUQUESNE,

at which time he advised DUQUESNE that he needed more contacts in this "


REP:JSMc - 2


country in order to obtain information for the other side. DUQDESNE

said that he had at one time known a Captain Jbhn (phonetic) who -was
connected with the Iaifthansa and was also a member of the German
Flight Club, which was formerly Roosevelt Field, Long
Island. He stated that Captain John acted as watchdog for this
club. He also advised SEBOID that this club acted as an espionage
group. He stated that Captain John was quite a man about town and
a night life manj that he had offices at Madison Avenue and 57th
Street. DUQOESNE advised SEBQID that he would go to this office
and see the girl who works there to find out whether Captain John
wqs still interested in espionage activities.

(Serial 4983, pages 10 & 11)

A review of the New York files reflects that one

Rudoph A. Jahn was a representative of the Lufthansa in New York
City about 1938j that he had an office in the Chrysler Building
and also in the Fuller Building, located at 595 Madison Avenue,
which building is about half a block away from 57th Street and
Madison Avenue. It was noted that Rudoph A. Jahn was an associate
of one Paul H. Wilkinsen, a subject in this case, and that he also
associated with some Englishmen (and possibly DUQUESNE). The
files indicate that this man has returned to Germany.

(NY 65-670-1
-26 page 16
-32 page 13
-42 )

This Mr. Jahn was reported to have been very active

in German activities in New York City. It was noted that several
people who knew him stated that they had not seen him for some time.
It was noted that at one time he had his office with a German
airplane company.
(NY 65-5213)

Another file indicates that this man had his office

with the Junkers Aircraft Corporation; that he returned to Germany
after cessation of the "trial flights tiich were conducted between
Germany and the United States by the Lufthansa during 1938.

The files also contain a letter from the Bureau} dated

June 5, 1939, which advised that the Bureau records indicated that
one R. A. dahn, 67 Rue La Fontaine, Paris, was a representative of
REP:JSMc - 3


the German Lufthansaj that he was Goering's confidential man for

aviation espionage; that he cooperates with the Gestapo and he has
a stool pigeon, Hjalmar Kronberg; that he was called back to Germany.

(NY 65-253-103) "'-

It is also noted that the Office of Naval Intelligence

reported this man as being a director of the Lufthansaj that he
had been formerly with the Hamburg American Line for eighteen years;
that he was a contact of the German espionage ring of Alfred Bayer.

(NY 65-4309, exhibit lA2-page 24)

There is no information available indicating that

TJUQUESNE was able to get in touch with Captain JAHN and there is
no information indicating that JAHN is presently in the United States
or that he is operating in connection with the subjects in this
case. Efforts will be made to verify his departure from this country.
REP:JSMc - 4



Name Rudolf A. Jahn

Age 47
Born Sclmalkalden, Germany
Height 6'3"
Complexion fair
Eyes grey ^g.^
Marital s t a t u s married; v i f e ^ m i
Race "White
Nationality German
Occupation a i r l i n e manager

r* .'.t^f^jg^


Immigration and Naturalization

Clerk, U* s. District Court, S.D. . I.
Byron H. TJhl, Ellis Island.

2, l.Espionage Activities - Known or Possible

Federal Communications Commission, M.I.N.T*

6/28/41 7/5/41 7/7/41 8/14/41

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence

5/13/41 5/16/41
3/20/41 4/23/a 4/24/a 4/26/41
4/22/41 4/23/41 5/17/41
3/20/41 4/22/41 4/23/41 4/26/41
5/21/41 6/26/a
10/22/40 H/4/40
4A9/41 4/21/41 4/23/a 4/24/4I
5/1/41 5/11/41 5/14/41
5/13/41 5/16A1


U* Microphone Surveillance (Admissibility Quest!onablfe)

5 Bnploynnt Record

6 History and Prior Activitieg

',,,Vs*. *


FELIX JAHNKE, with aliases:
Felix G. A. Jahnke,
Freddie "'/' -./\'.. .;:;" :

Also, 563 Cauldwell Avenue

Apartment F6
Bronx, New York
* * * *

From the Immigration and Naturalization records,

641 Washington Street, New York City, it was ascertained that FELIX
JAHNKE was born December 6, 1902 in Breslau, Germany. He emigrated
from Bremen, Germany to the United States on the S. S. "Derfflinger"
arriving in the United States on September 19, 1924. His occupation
was that of a soda dispenser, and he indicated that he was coining
to WILLIAM SCHTJfflEL, Suffern, New York.
JAHNKE declared his intention for citizenship on
July 8, 1926 in the United States District Court, New York City,
New York, and he was naturalized on O c t o b e r 2 ^ W 3 O at New York.
JAHNKE is marr^Led^M-s wife*s name beingjJHH|Hp-and they have one
child n a m e < ^ H | H f e w h o is approximately .five years old. Since
coming to NewioTK^JAHNKE has worked at various places as a soda
dispenser, bis last place of employment being the United Vlhelan Drug
Store located at 34th St. and Ninth Avenue, New York City. However,
JAHNKE recently has been out on strike, and has been picketing the
previously mentioned store*
At the present time, due to domestic difficulties.

Inquiry made at the Federal Communications Commission,

New York City, New York fails to disclose that JAHNKE has an amateur
radio operators license*

(Serial 3978, page 52.)



He enters this investigation due to confidential

information obtained which reports JAHNKE is supposed to be a
German espionage agent to -whom JOSEPH KLEIN delivered a portable
transmitting and receiving radio set*
It was farther reported from a confidential source
that he has formerly been an operator in the German Army and is
reputed to be an expert bode nan. He is also known to be a contact
of PAUL SCHQLZ, and has mentioned the name of CARL REUPER in
conversations with AXEL WHEELER-HILL. Recently JAHNKE has been
transmitting coded messages with the radio previously mentioned,
presumably to Germany and the messages were intercepted by Bureau
agents. However, to date, the solution to the coded messages
has not been ascertained.*

October 22, FELIX JAHNKE, accompanied by AXEL "WHEELER-HILL visited

1940 JOSEPH KLEIN at his address, 227 East 126th St,
New York City and upon their departure, JAHNKE "was
followed, and identified by Bureau agents, and iras
observed to go to 401 East 78th Street- New York City.

(Serial 3978, page 26.)

November 4, FELIX JAHNKE, accompanied by AXELflHEEIER-HIIiL,came

1940 to JOSEPH KLEIN* s apartment, and carried away the
portable transmitting and receiving radio equipment
which iras concealed in four black cases, JAHNKE was
identified and folio-wed by Bureau agents, and it was
noted that he carried this equipment to his home at 563 Cauldwell
Avenue, Bronx, New York, from which place he iras not observed to
(Serial 4978, page 46.)

February 20, On this date FELIX JAHNKE iras observed by a Bureau

1941 agent to proceed to the Brooklyn waterfront at the
end of Fulton Street* Upon reaching the waterfront,
JAHNKE walked along the piers looking at the ships
tied at the docks, and at the cargoes being loaded*
He continued along the piers and it was noted that he stopped and
paid particular attention to a number of trucks loaded on lighters
jES 3


alongside the docks at the foot of Amity Street, New York City.
JAHNKE remained at this pier from approximately 11:00 a.m. until
approximately 2:30 p.m.

, (Serial 6751, page 3.)

March 20, On this date, JAHNKE was observed by Bureau agents

1941 seated at a table in the Torkville Conditorei,
1558 Second Avenue, New York City, and he was in the
company of PAUL SCHQLZ and two other unknown individuals
They were seated at a table and were engaged in a
lengthy conversation*

April 19, PADL SCHOLZ was observed to contact FELIX JAHNKE,

1941 1873 Second Avenue, at 3s3O p.m. on this date. They
were observed to converse for a few minutes whereupon
SCHOLZ left JAHNKE and returned to his home, 335 E*
133rd Street, Bronx, New York

April 22, On the afternoon on this date, JAHNKE was observed by

1941 Bureau agents to contact PAUL SCHOLZ in the vicinity
of Church and Murray Streets, New York City, and he
and SCHOLZ thereupon visited the Silver's Cafeteria
on Chambers Street near Broadway where they entered
and had luncheon. SCHOLZ and JAHNKE departed at approximately
five p.m. on this occasion.

On this date JAHNKE, accompanied by AXEL 'WHEELER-

HILL, was observed to leave 563 Cauldwell Avenue, carrying two
black cases. He was assisted by WHEELER-HILL. He was observed
to enter the apartment of JOSEPH KLEIN at which time he and TOEELER-
HTTJi stayed for approximately tiro and one-half hours. Upon leaving,
they were followed by Bureau agents to 563 Cauldwell Avenue, Bronx,
New York*

It should be stated that when they returned to their

address, they were still carrying the two black cases which
contained radio equipment, and at approximately 11 p.m., Bureau :
agents picked up a radio call Coning from JAHKKE*s apartment and
either JAHNKE or HTXL was calling Station BEH/ wnich station they
called for several urinates, and apparently-upon not making contact
the transmitter was. turned off.

April 23, At approximately 2:08 p.m. on this date, a message,

1941 which was being transmitted by FELIX JAHNKE, was
intercepted by Bureau agents. This message was in
code and consisted of 91 letters* Prior to sending
this message, JAHNKE called Station K00 for several
minutes, and it could not be ascertained definitely that he made
a contact* However, he proceeded to send the message*
On this date JAHNKE was observed by Bureau agents to
contact PAUL SCHGLZ, and an unidentified individual and the three
attempted to attend the America First meeting, but being unable to
gain entrance, stood in front of the Manhattan Center, New York
City, and listened to the program over the loud speaker. Upon the
conclusion of this meeting, the three men proceeded to the lorkrille
Conditorel, 81st Street, and Second Avenue, where they sat for
approximately one and one-half hours talking, after which SCHQLZ
proceeded jtso his home.

April 24, Oa this date, JAHNKE was observed to contact PAUL

SCHQLZ, and an unknown individual at
19a made ati
Is meeting ladled tor apj
the conclusion both SCHQLZ and JAHNKE
returned to their respective homes*

65-1819 JAHNKE

May 1, At l;00 P.M. on this date FELIX JAHNKE was observed

1941. to contact an unknown individual at Murray and Church
Streets, New York City. It was noted by Bureau Agents
when he met this individual that he came to attention,
tipped his hat and bowed. The two thereupon talked for
several minutes whereupon they parted. This unknown
individual was followed to the Bennett Rafkin Machine
and Tool Company, 30 Church Street, New York City. Upon
leaving this individual, JAHNKE again tipped his hat,
came to attention and bowed. This unknown individual
was later identified to be WILLIAM KAERCHER.

May 3, On this date an unknown individual was observed to

1941* deliver additional radio equipment to 563 Caldwell
and on the side of the box was marked, "Hallicraft
Coimnunicationsn4 Upon this individual returning to
his automobile- he was observed to hand to AXEL flHEELER-
HILL several feet of -white insulated wire. It should
be stated that subsequent investigation disclosed that
this equipment came from Heifer's Radio Store located
at 157 East 86th Street, New York City.

May 4, At approximately 3:08 P.M. at which time both TOTJEELER-

1941* HILL and FELIX JAHNKE were present, Station NEK was
called for several minutes and subsequently a coded
message was transmitted on the subject's transmitter
located in Apartment F6, 563 Caldwell Avenue, Bronx,
New York City, New York* This transmission ended at
3s41 P.M.

May 10, At 3:15 P.M., on this date, Station KCX was called on
1941. the subject's transmitter located in Apartment F-6, 563
Caldwell Avenue, Bronx, New York City, New York. This
transmission commenced at 3:15 P.M# and ended at 3:22
P.M* At 3s48 P.M. this station was again called over
the subject's transmitter, and the calling ceased at
this time at 3:54 P,M.

May 11, At 3:14 P.M,~StatioTr MO was" "called *nd-tfa* calling

1941* ceased at 3:21 P.M., apparently without Baking contact.
This call was made on the subject's transmitter located
i n Apartment F<>6, 563 Caldwell, Bronx, New York City,
New York.
65-1819 JAHNKE

May 14* ' PAUL SCHOLZ and FELIX JAHNKE were observed by Agents,
1941, meeting WILLIAM KAERCHER at Amsterdam Avemre and 91*t
Street, New York City, at about 6:10 P.M, They walked
down several streets -while talking, and then returned
to the place "where they met*

May 16, PAUL SGHOIZ and FELIX JAHNKE were observed to meet
1941. mLLIAM KAERCHER at about lslO P.M., at Murray and
Church Streets, New York City, and have a conversation*

(NOTE: The coded messages sent over the radio were

decoded after AXEL "WHEELER-HILL'S arrest as a result
of his turning over the book entitled "Half Way to
Horrorn* The messages were in German and -when
translated read:-
The one transmitted April 23, 1941s-

The one transmitted on May 4, 1941:-

AND SUNDAY 20 O'CLOCK MEZ* "WORKING ON 14870 kilocycles." )

June 25, Agents following JAHNKE observed him meet PAUL SCHOLZ
1941. at the corner of 3rd Avenue and EaBt 85th Street, New
York City about 2s35 ^

V5AC/ a package.
(NOTE: See teatisn
re, SCHOLZ, REUPER, and JAHNKE leaving matei
to be picked up.)


On Jus* 27, 1943* Assistant Director E. J. Connelley,

swore to a cosplalnt before United Statet CoI rrsionar MARTIM C.
EPSTEIN, Brooklyn, Eastern District of New Tork, charging that
FELIX JAHHKE and others conspired to violate Sections 32 and 34
of Title 50, United States Code.

t vere together in
Apartaent F-6 at 563 CuldweH Avenue, Bronx, Mew Xork*|
-CafSBHriLth vhoa JAHHKEha|^gftn previoosly living and her
were also present. v H B H V * ' * 8 qpieetioned and the apartment
searched. FELIX JAHNKE -was then brought to lev Tork Bureau Office,
United States Court House, Foley Square, Hew York City and questioned
and made ithe following statements -
*#* mm

; ended 7,15 AM
**^%? *ftfS Q

to twr* I t

***** z sgiAa
i& Brooklyn ai
l l f MCMt '4ttt U


ia f*f3xs end t B tlaa i t t l i w USS.

FAffl. l t r t elo trUnSm iaummk as ha i jr Ojr fri*d
asm a t rry aad Ctarefa sts. # *a t*k C i t y ,
ft* OTTO*.

6 t * lifaiwi m l * lint this* * vaUto

or heir froa tt ^atteA stU. s w n r , J M S
ft Imllieraft Edto % Jdefe i s
r for
M HIM S h*

of 9 and
whioa *re rd t w by Special ifat aad I ftekom&ssj* the
tra Bd errct. I affix wf ignatur
Bow Terk, low l e t *

I , WJB3X JkSMa, 563

Tork, eat* the felleviag statement
free Will to SpecUl J k u r t "
*he have advised as that they ar
Bureau of Xarestigatifta. 1* t&reat* r presdses have b*sa
Bade to M and I realise t&at I % aakt tkis t i

b m o B<HNrtbr 6th, 1902 in Srealas, Oeraany.

I attended aclMftl 1 pvbU* bol ad afUr tk*t tW
ilit*ry eh4^1. AfUr -ilJUrj achool I > l s * 4 the
any of *h Beteieijr anraad 1919, and after I qit the a n y
I e w l trtd to the ^aited 3 u t e , leeriBg Oermnj- en the SS
PKKFfLTJGSR, lMTJLng f rea BrwsrhaTta and exrlTiog i a HeboJcen,
G.pteabw 19th, 1924.

flHi 4 raoT f e s i l j and Felt-

preeently reeid*
y Jfttaket l e a , tkey live i a Oeraaxgr. Mj
father'* o u t I s OTTO A f i m ejd y ther8 aaae i s ULTXIE J4HRSE,
and they live i a Brtslam. Kjr f*tar has SO years ef f*Tenat
eearvlee aad i s presently rtlr4 and i s peasiwMd mem.

yea BATS a s j brethers of i#-

fws brother*, sas siatsr
Bieter'eauie i s

QoeetlOQ tegrfllHI FHx, alnc coeilng to ttie

States, -nbat tea been, yow T U 1 S types of eaplo]weirt?

by Jahakei I f i r s t w k e d eftftfam fr the

oaa %farvKftUtae hcre^lOLLUM SCfiLTJOfH, in fimffem. I werked
for aim *.b*& firs eiitixs, sa^wgsttfcgft^a*t**rked fer
aother faraer ly the tuuee ef f H S H s s s f l l P ^ ** wssswr
of 1925 * c* t o Isw Tort * * I hs.Te erke a s a eod d i s -
penier for arieas cosg>aaiwi# mf l a s t two joss being *ith
WHEUlf mm Stem *nd the SOSRXS PHARMCI.

serea years ago I was residing en 84th Street

betw*sa Secoud and third Avenues, Sent lork City, a t vhieh

aetpaiatod with. PATJL SCfiOU, *aa *s eaployed at th

BOOK STOfiE, laird Arenas, BUT 86th Street, tew lork
City. X astd to psrohast aswspapers fraa ay aaa* t m f
Braslaa, Ooraaay aad other statleaery fr him.
aaa year ago I ass reel
sgridie. * b t that tia*
a snia. mtmai* Wwt tha W t i i T tald ala
taa aad we are here WBSStBUSHBSSmBmS& aad t art c i t -
Iseas and eaa*t do
Qwatloa l a r d i Fllx t what did PAOL SC30U say
to /on i a l a m i 1 to yevr t4.temtt
by ithakmi B* h* t*y wll k*U find
g for M aod h* d21 Utr-dae to * f eUni
naybe hlp out. I had told PAUL SC80LZ that I m l s
aad I u * radio prator.
two Mks Utr I et hla on th street asd 1
took as to CAEI REOPSE aad a l l got in REOPIS's car ift the
aad t nt f a rid*.
^ m B # *** PAUL SCFOLZ t a l l you
tht GAIL REUPa M o*aMted it& tb Qeratm Qo?ernaoat?
Aaswer by *aa**s I* - I ltarM* Utr oa tb*t h
u eoaAoeted with tiui O^raaa OOTMIIInt, tiirov^i ILIZ 1HE&2S-
HILL, bMtiN ALEI w s ta oaly aaa & told x right to y
f M I that h fMs seat ar for that pei*l
aiB Stats Aat oavarsatloa took place
bti 7*% CARL E10P1R aad PAUI SC3K)U valla yo v e r t r l d i a *
ia SXOPia^ ar a

Aasmr by Jahaktt Vll SCKOLZ did net at? aaythlng

in the ear, sat R2UPER aakad i f I * in the ray and if I
tn U3iBg to holf OBO of aia riead* o*t to assist i a Ibis
radio aasiaoas beeasao as IAS not so very good at I t , aad fee
aakad MI * m$ parat varo, bore or i a awaaajr, aad I told
aia \toaj war* Im Stoaaa/i I aa taa aaly oaa l a %bm Saitad States
wall, that*. *bot a l l . .: . :. ;/ .. . ... . -; / :^; : ',
Qwetioa by aaflaaV MA CAfiL HXU?ER t ivo y taa
of tbla indiTidal ^oa you im* to aaaiat i a a l * radio t t a a s -
aad vsrs sxiwagaaaats aad* for aia to eeataet yvat
Aaswer by Jahakot las - AMt as seat to a* at ay
heat aaaat a Tiaek or tsa l a t e r , fie spoko abottt CARL and said
he had sent hi* to see a s .
Question by | ^ B At this time you were Hrlag at
401 E. 7**fe Street?
AnswerfeyJahake* les
Q\*sti*a h y f l H H | lb*t did yon and AI4SI diseass oa
t h i s f i r s t a e o t i m g ? -,.,.":/.,-, - , . . ; > : > ' ' . = - * . >;

Answer by Jahakst Ships - transaitting - Be said that

he needed toebodyjhe hasn't got the Ua* te go dam to fee
plant and look for English beat*, and he nedd seasons) interest*
ed for Geraaay to look ot for boat*. ! -Mated to ksov 'rtiat
thj n r i l o i u . I saiA a l l ritfit I ' U do i t . klL aa my
l i t t l e basr *nd key praciie* set *ad h asked MI i t I can
reeeive mad seal eat how fast I go eaS he* good X m s . I coalte't
t e l l hla how good Z w . All I could t e l l hia i I had dess
i t fears ago and I had forgotten i t , bat i f i t eases to i t I
trill pick i t op fast.
Question by H i ihea did jtn. next see ALEX?
Answer by Ahnket About a veek later CASL EEBPER eaae
ever and took me to ALEX1 house, which I l a t e r learned va* a t
1. U t Street. I didn't knov the amber. I don't know if i t
was doth or 81st Stfeet. They both **re there* they ere talk-
ing business. I was looking out the iado*. They ^poke l a a lev
Toice sod I wen't interested in i t . Afterwards ALEI, UXL did
net say anything to we, Jast said to AXJOL here i s the aaa fer
yoo. I t was e l l on CA61s part. He Jast said to ALEX here i s
the * fr yo* and AIJtl talked to we. On other
m looks like!
ZZ I I QerMn.iwerlcan Bead.
istlng, ALEX U l d M that If I do ge damn oa the pirs
in Brooklyn he will pay we the expenses but at sore, there was
no aoaey if X woold de it, aad X said yes, I woali de it fer
Sermuay. they teld mm especially there was nothing directed
against the United States, only against Great Britain, Mothing
was said la this Meeting about radio, this aeetlng lasted abent
an hour.
Froa then em ALEI nsed to cosie to y hoos* pretty reg-
uUr, when I would giro him the information abowt the shins. He
told me that hit factory where he werked in Germany started
defense work and he had to leave becanse be was aa Aneriean :
cltisen se he eaae to America. ' ' -' '' - " '
aresad September, 1940, X decided to more from 401 E. -
?#th Street. After ALEX saw X wa taUdag about soring, h cog-

gested t o M that he woold l i k e to ae* with ao and p /

h a l f the r e a t . Qa M occasion I caae eat of the heaee 21 by
ayself X ast a folio* downstairs he heat* I aa lookiag far
rniWB aad ho f m as his M M and told M t o f t f j t o CamleV
wll ifMM to the n i l w t t t a office and ask for fMM 1*
the** bslldings, and I ohemld U U tk fat uit b
thr. S th sgsftt ae *r*d *ad SIMWNI th
*akd for a Up Laor9 # AiSI tld M astd a
bo sat4 t U* t*di traaamlttr a4 j raited'
563 QnlAMU Ai
Shortly before we meveAfeeefcovo* ao k i s radio sot
taklog o to &* partmt at 1. 126th
Qatstlea bjr^HH Ttet took pUce rtile yon
in KLEIRi. a*trtaostT
Aaawer by Jaimkei KUII aedCEZ skowod ao too sot
aad HKH lot IIH t i j *t the sot. I orerheord eeaversatiea]
ALHt l d to CUm that ao weald like to eend, to tr*oelt n**~
sfe aiMmt foreiga eoaoerco. fte sot as bailt ia eases aad
m oBomtoA off electric lifht esrroat. It tt*d otet U,000
Kilocycle* oa * 2 actor bead. Ibey ware talklag sot those
aafttears oad thrnt taU sot as fcentiredwatt oot# bvt X eaoa*t
ore wbeth-r i t *** a hvadred watt sot or act. I aotod tbea if
i t wld roaea Oonoaj r aot. Bo eold there m e aaatours oao
eaa roaea fereifa iosaUlas with tea watt sots.
Z went to 4QSBS SLEJJ'a with 4LK aboat ta nooks
after the first Tlelt, t wbich U * e f l | | n B ereooat. At this
tiao-Maras asiat tUOI*s rmdie treaoalttor esd h i . ea aU
letters sa we* aoaiiag with the ate ef the key and he wme try-
lag to ooataet other oaatoars bat had ao oaeeoas.
Qoetlen b y ^ B Felix, do yo kacnr vbe amde the
arresgemeate for obtaining tait radio eqclpaent froa JCLEJJf?
Aacoer by Ahaket ALEX told ao that ho bad got tho
set through CARL &E8PS&. Eo told ae that i t w*e not paid for.
QseeUoa by Felix, when did you and ILK take
doliTery of the radio eqwipeeat fjroarfOSEPIH 1 H . and doseribe
the radio eqeiaooat a s yea carried i t froa the apartaant.;
Aasiwr bjr Jahritex i o took doUTery erond Sorexber
1st, 19A0, aad ASX aoked ao to go with hi u carry the equip-
ent to his reoa. e carried this eqiiipaejit to 563 Caaldwoll
krwam aad i t aa placed i a AlEt* fooja i a ay a$artaBt. t h o r c
warn four black bases which were aada by KLEII. 8* sad* tfcea
a l l by hUeelf bj hand. OR BoTomber Uth, ALE bsllt ftp tb
Mi and s t a r t s * calling the t U U w and called as 1& to lietea
in t# tiy to pick p tea* station he was trying to contact.
ALEI kasw 4dcfa taU h w tryiag to contact bat be didn't
WU s* .,-. m IMm aaitm i t a#t tha^ sb/ e h w i ae hl t4
book s a i I ld Idji tkal I M swt iUr#%4 U te 4* an*
t a i l cd* bok but I m* }*M\ inUrsnt** la rlplag M U t U s
l a . ! told M to b4Wat tkt b^k U s t U 9 a4 h **
# * W aaytMag abet tte eo4, aaa I don't m a kwnr nfeat
i t as S* aerar bad a bo<dc or anything around, ho only had a
pioe* of papor. I saw th eodod aossago* but dldn*t know vtet
Qaestioa b j H B Dttrlag t h i s atlr period 414
coQtlm to go U the Bookljm dock* and the waterfrent to get
inToraaUea for ALEI?
Aunrar by Annke t loa * I trant down a fv times,
aboat ftTO or or Uawfl} abottt onc a week.
fm own
knowledge whether or not GAEL ftHJFEB wa paying aoaoy or taut
rrer paid awwy to ALtJ U HSELEE-HILL.

by Jaaokot th d y ioisg I kaow i t that oso

tixw ALEI aaked to got sow oaoy ttm CARL. I did not know
CAfiL'o addre.a so I went U PAUL SCHOL2 sad told hla that ALEI
auto BOB*?, SCiKJU vantod to kaow if it* roally nooda tea aoaoy
and I oaid "I 4ont know, he i s wottJag". SOBOLZ paid ho woald
talk U CAM. about i t . A font days l * t o r H | H H c a a e ^
ay apartaeat aad aaated ao aa oavelop*. iSiT5*coao oa la" aad
ho vast off f said ho had aa t i a a and bo fare aa aa oarolopo aad
mid hand till* envelope to AlBT. with bert regards fraa CARt".
ALEI wasn't aeoM aad that aaa* night I pat i t on b i s dealt 1B ALF.X'
rooa aad wrote oa tho onrolope "Best regards fvoa CARL* l a

<laotion by H H I Felix, is V H H H V * very close

friend of PASL SCHOU, I S T T B he known ^TSSTW
y Jahnkoi That I don't know. I know that
SCHOLZ ajksflHBhuro close frleads. Skajr *are vaxr aaca i a t e r -
estod in booke. I eaw him In the Geraaida Book Store oa tat
ladder atndying booko.
~ - -" ' ' - . - - - ..,
QaeaUea b / H K f t U X f how aany radio aesaagts did.
you twuwoit twm Ipartaoot F-&, $61 CaldoU *vw, and
furnished \h infration for the o*stsf
answer by Jahokot I eoat prtlafcly Ur, fttr or
fiT, In* *** no contact a t a l l as* X 4m*% teev If t*y * *
mttafs thy tr sot 19 1* fi*~l#*fer grots*. I **%& e%
read i t , AIM ftiraiobed * witfc pfe '****&** After I t r
ltt4 ti fim hlh s t^MltUd 4
Recording to tho i*stractieaa g i n * to oo by aLEX, X
instructed to l i s t s * on tt* 20 aster teals* U,000
sages mro being transolttod to QontCf. AXSX old writ*
for so eoch day &at e s l ^ ^ ^ ^ r a to Xistoft for. Boforo tbe
first aossago -oms seat, M H H P * * * ^
mm.% t o
coae up, TSaT7cUiTerft4 Uwi, I can't gt off, and X wmat
>ou to ea -Tad at tare t elck." I ma *p thr see and b*
ce arMtBd ftgala bgfi*f mm to M M trend ea * Sunday, and
that Saday X did go p, and he me tryiftg to commoA M p
there and started to gat boMjr-Uke, X thoight to jBlf ti
hU Tith tfct xiiiBt, and X didaU toaefa the key at * U .
X 84mt a^eut f1T MBS**** a l l told. X qpdt.
QBtio& t > j H H B flix# a this radio
ever returacd to JOSE^HuS!* for repair*?
assvor by Jafcakot tee - AX4QL aid one aifjat be
d to trazuwit aad b mated ay ascietAoee. So X vost p thoro
aML txlod i t out &ad ttioro M 00 contact. It wouldn't vox*.
H { * t i B to*cb with CLSXI s4 Wld hi* bo eold soft t r a o i t
os i t , aad X doa't kaoir vfeos I t va, took i t dowa to JUHB
aod b* fix*d i t . Ho called aoueone op, X tbiak i t u
bocaoao X tlumgkt bo u tlio brains i s btdldine tho oo
f i r s t placo. k l i t t l o later X fomd tbo toeoivor as ao food
ad X helped kUT tako i t m r to KLEIN'S and h fixed i t , bat
i t s t i l l WHO o good.
(fcieatioa ^rfHHB 5 elix, t3 i s rteponslble for
*ttb. ALKI.TSm^R-HILL in hii work for Qereangrt
anawerto;Jahiie t FkCL SGEOU, bocauM h introctacod
to C*K1 IlEUPBi aod suggested tfcat I f aiioad with tki t .
Bo i s tbt one *feo told b eo^ld fix i t to X could wojfc for"
Qaaatioa by | H ^ X * you to toU M if
SCSOLZ o w n q i M r t i | M M qiili vorklag for 4LKI
HIU and wfay did he ante t h i s reqsostt

l a n t r bj JtMfcft TM l e asked sit U <&% w k l a g

for ALEX iHlKLa-HlLL for tfco veaso* that 3CM0U **[* t *
ctuid < AiaMi fs% o, A* h* has 4 it
If I * *M*UA axU4 to
only lok4 a i f tto7 *nil u t g t wmy from AISX.

Bs said "ToliJC, 1*11 tak* you m t * *n *nd If

jvu a w a4*d f r*4i pirtor IM i l l glv f *
AltJwagh WLOL SCHOLZ I U W I M J N I w t t i t fS
I vovld tmasftit sssags to arwuqr. About f i t * wselcs ago, bo
i a t r o d u c o d mm t o a * a , h o 6 s r i f t g t t i o e o B T e r M t l w i a s l l l
by Folix, yon IMTO boi ahom pic-
tore of IHLLIiM arjSTlTE_i__SSCHIEa. I s t h i s ponem l
with the |rrsoa SCS0L2 I_kt*o<!co4 to yem M OtfOY
Jj-smr by JUUest los
Qaootios ^ H H H * * * * 1 eosntrsatioa took plseo
jtm voro istrodaeod toOtEasCEaBi?

iatmnr by Jahako* t t e cBTer-tloii * tltat i f X

aoodod ho old l o t aw kaov aat took pXao a tbo eornor of
Manray and Gro*mlc_. S t r t , ROT 1crk City. Ho told aboat
dtf frent ao lott_ui sad froqaoacioo to soni om. Eopocially
ho Uld H l t m - o t dirootod afaiast tbo siUd 8Uoo, otfLy
dlrwtod cgsisst Oromt Britsia. I Wld I t t l m i B-dtod States
ciUton ad that tlwro *w-ld bo dasfor. Ho tfeot-f* I had radio
oqaijaoat U-_t boloaged to JJUtX. hen ho fooad ot I didn't haro
any o^aifsjoat ho aad SCJWU oliroo a HAXLIClAmS 8O5. 0a
the aoxt aooUag h thoaght, i t would **t bo necaaaary, that
Qenuuiy eoml4 taks ear* of Groat BritajLxt.

Z r w l l that dorlBg tbo -inter of 19-a, X beUoro

aromd Maroh, ALEX aokod m If I know JOBOOMO that vovld
for t l a gotUac iafoTBatloa about lnll4i boata
>iw. I told M-i I itai a follam fey tko 901 -

To^^aTBe^lo?SSnra5TWaatd all rij^t, aid I said do

aat to oot t a i l follaw, and X told JLLEi tlat ho 11T8
'aad te mt aj> ojaito a few t i a o s .
QMUM WmKtm riix, did ye tell that
ALSI TTHESkJWilLL w*s msftlBg for the Gtnui

Answer by Jahaket X was ALEI t e l d Urn faiaeelf,

a* X introdaeed h l t o AISI. doeu not know JLUI' aaas;
bt kttora Mil by ** aa of 8* OM Sunday aomiiig ALKI
M i s a <lt witfc H go down and show h i * the Aroek-
l j a yt/nrau" t h a t as M I BUM he** l a t e sad he
told a* about i t } than lit a**** M i f I vanW4 to c
Sunday asrniag. I inmi t*te6U t , I aa tlrvd and Sndaj
iag b* earn -fee ^M*d aad w i n p aad said that to as go-
ijig dem to MMtfllB*** *** ^ ^ dOim *" *** Brooklyn fiiera.
and I said "UtxTuiUo Uwd, I Uo alepy, I golag to
atay lunrs.* ALKX aid ! foisf to drop you and report yon to
Qeraaay, aad X aa a l i t t l o aoared, aad orw. Bt out to th
door *od said "PUas* AXSX aom*t do i t , I t * j u t tlrod." ftat
m s aaotbar tie vhoa it* shomNi his awminJlrit of Bt
avfol aeaa taat
I had
reesivsd froa e
ate told as that *n k m
aa airplane factory on Long Island! so X teld M&MX about i t so
AIKX was after as to contact this a*a X told hia aore than a
d o s e a ^ i a a s ^ ^ l a y off sad aet contact hia beeaase X did not
wsatHH^HVaixed l a . Be later teld aet lavtbiaEly. that be
had a i t ^ ^ ^ l y sad said that he did aot telll
he was andttdaot get say iaf oraatioa.
X hat* aade this stateaent eoasistiag of eight pages of
ay own free will sad X have received as threats, preaises or
bodily ham. X have read end had this ststeatat read to a* in
tfee presence of the witnesses signed below sad sign the
stating that i t i s trae sad eorreet.


Special Agent*
federal Bureett of XBrestigctioa
Tj. S . DSpartaMwit of Juartiee - -
607 8* S . OOttrthoitse
Foley Sqoare
Sew Tork, Wat Tori;


Brooklyn, New York

August U , 1941

ing voluntary statement to who
have identified themselves as Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, without any threats or promises knowing that the same
will be used against me.
On December 6, 1902, I was born at Breslau, Germany the
son of Otto and Emilie Jahnke. I attended the public school at Breslau
until the age of 14 and then attended military school for one year. I
then joined the German Army selecting the heavy artillery branch of the
army but was later transfered to the radio branch*
I was in the army for five and one half years and was able
to send and receive 25 to 28 words a minute in code as I was taught code
work in the army*
During 1923, I signed out of the army and came to the
United States aboard the S S DERFIUWSEE arriving at Hbken, New Jersey
on September 9, 1924*
I hare two brothers named
_was employed as a
as a baker.
f married toH___________|a salesman*
After arriving in the United States, I went to the home
of William Schimmel at Suffern, New York, where I was employed as a
farmer* :r_regained_wUjhMr Schimnel for six months and then went te
work ^ r ^ m ^ ^ t Ramsey, New York, as a farm hand and remained
During the summer of 1935* I came to New York City and .
obtained a job as a bus bay at the Exchange Buffet until November 1925.
I then went to work as a soda clerk at various stores until August 1926
when I obtained employment at Schraffts Stores. I worked for Schraffts
on three occasions and obta&ied a job at Woebke store 82 Street and
Broadway, New York City, from about June 1, 1927 until about April 26,
During 1928, 1929, 1930 until June 1933 I was employed as a
soda dispenser at Idggetts Drug Stores and then secured employment with
Schraffts as previous stated above. Sometime in January 1938, I wa*
65~1819 *

employed n a 1T,PA project with the United States Department of

Agriculture Department, at Mahopac Falls, New York from January 1928
until November 1938

Hy next job was with Lofts S t o r e s a s ^ ^ o d a dispenser

during 1936 and 1939 I was also employed ^ 7 H | H P U 9 S First
Avenue as a soda dispenser around 1938 and 1 9 3 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I then obtained employment at WhelanTs Drug Stores
from 1939 until February 1941 at which time a strike was called. About
June l j 1941* I secured a job as a soda dispenser at the Dorris Phar-
macy, corner 94 Street and Lexington Avenue, New Tork City until I was
arrested on June 28, 1941*
Whila residing a t New York City. I resided at U59 Amsterdam
Avenuej 517 West 129 Street; 40 St Clair Place; McGraw Avenue, Brnxi
401 East 78 Street; 563 Cauldwell Avenue; 74 Street between 2nd and 3rd
Arenuej and 84 Street between 1st and 2nd Avenue*

During 1934, I joined the German-American Bund i n order to

associate with German people. I remained a Member u n t i l 1936 at which
time I resigned because the people were against the Bund. While I was
a member f the Bund, I purchased an arm band worn by the Ordnungdienst
whose functions were to act as ushers at the Bund meel
usher when I purchased the band from
and l a t e r left the bund i n 1936*
Sonetiise during 1934, I became acquainted with Paul Scholz,
who i s one of my best friends, while I was residing in Yorkville* At this
time he was employed at the Qermania Book Store where I purchased
stationery and newspapers from wy hose town, Breslau, Germany.
OR one occasion, I informed Paul Scholz that I had been i s
the German Army as a radio operator and about one year ago, Scholz and
X were talking about the war and Iiest&rked that i t was tee bad that
I was a citizen and could not do anything t o assist Germany.

Scholz stated that i f I were i n Geraany I would be better

off. ... . - ,
. : - ' - - L . -

A short time later, Scholz and I were walking around 86

Street and Scholz met aroannamed Carl Eeuper and introduced me to him*
We then spoke about the war and went fr a ride in Reapers car*
&- AF:AOBS 4
': J


I again met Reuper at t h e Genaaaia Book Store a t *Mdn time ;;

I told Reuper t h a t I had been a radio operator i n the Gexiaan Army and '
he told me that he had been in a tank division, i n the German Aroy.
Reuper then asked me what I was working a t and I told him that I was
not -working* He then asked me i f I "would l i k e to go for a ride with
him and I accepted. Reuper then drove t o West 81 Street near Celumbua
Avenue where he stated t h a t he wanted to v i s i t a friend* He asked me
t o accompany him and I did*
I went -Into the house with Reuper, and__he introduced me
to Axel lheeler^Hillj^HHHHHHHH|0H0Bp-who I knew and when
Reuper and Axel entered^^Kos^cw^ersSKn^^waiked over to the window*
After Reuper and Hill were finish (ed) speaking, Reuper
asked me whether x would like to stay with Hill or go with him. m as
much as I knew latel's brother I thought i t would be interesting t o stay and
talk to Axel Reuper then l e f t .
Axel Hheeler-Hill then asked me if I knew anything about radio
and I told him that I had bees, a radio operator in the German Army* He
then asked me to assist him in assisting Germany by sending and receiving
messages to and from Germany. He also asked me t o go down to the docks
in Brooklyn, New Tork to observe the British ships for Germany, He
stated that there was no money to be paid for this work but that he would
pay my carfare. I "was alao instructed to observe the type of cargo*?
the ships were loading and whether they were armed* I agreed to do this
work but Hill did not t e l l me to whom or where in Germany he was sending
the information.
Hill wanted me to stand by tibile he sent the messages and I
was to receive messages because he said he was not very good in receiving
I believe that i t was sometime during August 1940 that I
f i r s t met Hill and during September 1940, he took me to the piers at
Brooklyn, Hew York, where he pointed out the British flag to ne en a ship
and how to leok for armed ships. "Shea we were at t t e piers* we only
observed one British ship, . .
Hhen I f i r s t met Hill, he told me that he had been employed
ia a factory in Germany but'when the war began, he bad,to" leave beoaaise .-
they started to sake defense materials and because he was an American
citizen. '
Hill then visited me at my residence 401 flist 78 Street, New

York City where I exhibited my transmitting key to him. He practiced

with this key for a few minutes and stated that he would come and
v i s i t me more often.
Sometime during September 1940, I told Hill|
scided to move and he suggested that he would like to come
"and live with us and that he would pay half of the r e n t .
X subsequently accompanied Hill to the home of Josef Klein*
227 East 126 Street, New York City, in order that Hill might look over
a radio set Klein was building for him* Upon arriving at KLein'^home
Hi^introduced me to Klein and Klein in turn introduced me S H H H H
H H | I looked at the equipment which was a radio sending anofrece^ring
second then left the room w b i l e H B B instructed Hill in how to operate
the set.
During October 1940 Hill and I went to 563 Cauldwell Avenue,
Bronx, New York where we looked at an apartment and I subsequently signed
s. lease for Apartment F-6 at this address.
About the f i r s t of November 1940 we moved to 563 Cauldwell
Avenue, Bronx, New York.

Soon after we moved, I again accompanied Hill to Klein1 s

hone and assisted him in carrying the radio equipment which was packed
in four black cases and brought this to our apartment.
Shortly after securing the radio equipment, Hill set the
same tip and started transmitting to some station whose call ambers he
had on a piece of paper. He was sending coded messages i n five letter
groups but I didn't know what they were. Hill never gave me any information
about the code and he always prepared the coded messages when I was away
from horns.

OB one occasion while I was helping H H H H ^ f cleaning

tho apartment, I was dusting the table in Hill's ^ o ^ S a ^ e a s k e d me
to be careful of a small book which he said was his code'book* I nerer
looked at this book and do not know anything about i t *
I assisted Hill in sending three massages i n code which were -.
prepared by H i l l . One massage I sent by myself a t two o'clock in the *"
afternoon. Two messages X sent for Hill around ten o* clock i the evening
as repeat messages while Hill stood by. Hill sent the messages first
aad wanted me to repeat them to make sure they were sent. All of the
messages were in five letter groups*


Hill told me to l i s t e n for messages around 14,000

kilocycles but he never told me from what point i n Germany they would
come from*

Sometime around AT.

\s went to reside with)
However, I TisitecTlHjMj^^aTfr every other

Shortly after moving, Hill begged me to go up t o the Bronx

to a s s i s t him with the radio which I did* I t was then found that the
equipment was not working and I assisted Hill in returning the same to
Klein who repaired the set and H i l l and I brought the set back to 563
Cauldwell Avenue, Bronx, New York,

On one occasion, Hill told me that he had some money coming

to him from Carl Reuper, and asked me i f I could gst In touch with Carl
Reuper* I did not know where t o contact Reuper so I went to Paul
Schclz and told him that Hill wanted h i s money. Scholz then stated that
he would t a l k to Reuper about i t and i n a few dayTs ^ H H | H H
came to my apartment at 563 Cauldwell Avenue, Bronx, sewiorK^Mid handed
me an envelope. He^tated that i t was from Carl for Axel. Axel was
not at home* He H m also l e f t a message with the envelope t h a t i t
was sent with bes^regards from Carl. I then put the envelope on H i l l ' s
table and wrote in German on the envelope "Best regards from Carl". Axel
l a t e r told me t h a t there was 20. in the envelope*

I went t o the piers a t Brooklyn, New York three or four

times to observe the British ships and t h e i r cargo's and Hill never paid
me for my assistance to him and Germany. However, he told me t h a t when I
got back to Germany he would help me. I gave H i l l the information about
the ships each time*

During the spring of 1941 I accompanied Paul Scholz to the

vicinity of Church and Murray Streets, New York City, where he was going
to attend t o some business. On t h i s occasion, he met a Mr* Kaercher t o
whom I was introduced* Kaercher and I spoke about the German Army as i s a
custom of the Germans and he asked me what wac ay t r a d e . I told b i s
t h a t the only trade I had was a radio operator i n the German Army* He
then told me t h a t he had i. relative who was building a. radio station
i n Germany and asked me .if I could receive messages i n .code*

He also asked me i f I would receive messages from his r e l a t i v e

and I told him that If I had the c a l l l e t t e r s and the kilocycles I
could do s o . Kaercher stated that he didn't have t h i s information but
would furnish me with i t later* I also told him t h a t I didn't have a set
to receive messages and he said t h a t he would l o s s me one.


A short time l a t e r , I met Paul Scholz at the Deutscher

Leseziricel and ha gave me a pdsce of paper bearing the call l e t t e r s of
radio station " K M 0 I S" and he said "see i f you can receive any
messages from t h i s station". I then asked Scholz if he had the kilocycles
but he said he didn r t have i t . He then sakd that he would contact
Kaercher and obtain the kilocycles.
Kaercher told me that in the event mail could not get through
to Germany he would be able to receive messages from his family*
I again met Kaercher by myself at Church and Murray Streets
sometime around May 1, 1941 but do not recall what we spoke about but
believe I asked him whether he had seen Scholz,
Sometime about May 15, 1941 I accompanied Scholz to
Amsterdam Avenue, and 92 Street -where he was going to attend to some
business. He left me at the corner stating that he would be back in a
few minutes. He l a t e r returned and as we walked one block, we met
Kaercher "who was also walking.
Upon meeting Kaercher, a car, make unknown, drove up to the
curb and Kaercher and Scholz walked over and spoke to the driver. They
then motioned to me to come over to the car and we a l l got i n . Ihen I got
into the car, I noticed two packages in the car and either Kaercher or
Scholz asked me what the number was of my residences I t o l d them and we
drove to Yorkville where Scholz got out*
Kaercher came with me to my home which was then at 1873 Second
Avenue, New York City, and I assisted the driver f the car bring the
packages into my home* The driver then left and I opened the packages
and found that they contained a radio receiving set "S X 25 Hallicrafters"*
Kaercher asked me i f I would be able to receive on t h i s set and I told him
I could get the statioa i a Germany* He then left my home.
Sometime after I met Axel 'Wheeler-Hill he asked me i f I knew
someone who would w>rk for hia in getting information about British ships
oa the piftfrfl of nraaiiJbm^JS^MJTmvV. and I told him that I knew a fellow^"
i might do this work* .


X spoke he said he would do this for Hill and I accom-

panied Hill told Ma^hat he was working for the
German was known t o H H B a s "Willie" and Hill
visited him a few times#
One Sunday mo Hill told me t h a t he was going to poijat
out the piers at Brooklyn ^ and wanted me to go along* I told
him that I was tired and he eatened that he would report me t o
Germany if I didn't go along* I became angry and didn't go with Hill*

^_ About June 15} 1941 I moved back to live|

at 563 Cauldwell Avenue, Bronx, New ^
I recall that d .between|
[that she was
10 was "employed at an airplane
factory. I told Hill about t h i s and he Turantedmeto^contact t h i s man* I
told him to lay off as I didn't want to g ^ f l f l H H f l H V into trouble*
Hill later told me, laughingly, that he contacteatni^man but could not
get any information*
During the early part of 1939 I was out of work and decided
to return to Germany. I then contacte
Consulate at New York City for his assistance and he tola me that I
would have to get references as Germany wanted to know who/ was coming
into i t s country. I endeavored to get references rdth no success and
returned to the consulate without them* H H H ^ H ^ B insisted
that I get the references and I went abou^aao^o^some references*
I then sent | I H i m | H K * the Consulate with the references but
they were laterreturneo^o me without a visa.

I never made an application to rejoin the German kmny but did

receive mail from the Volksbund fur das Deutschtum 1m Ausland which
was to keep ms informed of what was going on in Germany,,
I was also i n correspondence "with I
Breslau, Germany and I sent her about s i x :
contained newspaper clippings relative to the way the Germanpeople were
being oppressed in the United States. I also sent her a snapshot of
myself* ,
I have never returned to Germany since coming to the United
States in 1924-* I became a citizen of'-t-he United States at New York
City during October 1930 and my citizenship has never been cancelled.


This statement consists of _sgven^jaggs "wfaich have been read

by me and read to me by Special A g e n t . B H H f b e f o r e I signed
the same and I acknowledge that the facts contained therein are
true and correct* I sign this statement voluntarily*

Felix Gustav Adolph Jshake (signed)

Special Agent,
Federal Bureau of Investigation.,
U. S Department of Justice,
607 U. S Court House Building,
Foley Square, New Tork City,

65-1819 JAHNKE

The following possible pertinent material was obtained as a

result of searching JAHME'S apartment:-

U One Nazi Flag 2|t x 2*.

2. One Swastika on triangular pennant.
3. One German Flag red, "white and black.
4. One pink, white and blue arm band with swastika thereon*
5* One overseas Bund cap.
6# Officers black belt for Bond urxLforow
7 One gray uniform shirt for Bund uniform.
8. Two photographs of FELIX JAHNKE while a radio operator
in the German arny.
9. Certificate of Naturalization, #3,235,926.
10. One sheet of paper bearing code of German Radio Station,
KMGXS and time to tuen in asj*
KMGXS Wed 5-6 Mez Morgens
Somstag 5-6
Tuesday Nachts 12-1
Fri nachts 121

11. Copy of the International Prefixes of Radio Code*

12. A telegraphic key for practicing and transmitting purposes.

65-1819 JAHNKE

WILLIAM KAERCHER in his statement dated June 29, 1941, on Page

6, admitted knowing FELIX JAHNKE and having been introduced to him by
PAUL SCHOLZ. He claimed -to have met JAHNKE on two or three occasions
and discussed radio with him. ' He refused to discuss without legal advice
the conversation he had with JAHNKE concerning the use of either a radio
transmitter or receiver. He claimed not to know where the station having
call letters KMGXS was located or if it were in existence. He also
refused to discuss turning over to JAHNKE a Hallicrafter receiver, without
legal advice* He admitted having the names and addresses of PAUL SCHOLZ
and FELIX JAHNKE in his pocket.

JOSEF KLEIN in his statement dated June 29, 1941, beginning

on Page 3, stated that in about August 1940 or thereafter, AXEL 'WHEELER-
RILL brought FELIX JAHNKE to his, KLEIN'S, apartment to look over the
radio transmitter and receiver he had built for IHEELER-HILL. He learned
that HKEELER-HIIL knew little about code and that JAHNKE had more knowledge
concerning code. ALEX and FELIX took the radio transmitter, receiver and
generator power supply from his apartment.
Later, JAHNKE and WiflSELER-HILL brought the receiver back to him
for repairs. JAHNKE later told him that WHEELER-HILL had received a letter
stating that his signals had been received and and he knew he meant in

fl|mmpLn his statement, beginning on Page 2, states that

he met FELIXJAHNKEthrough PAUL SCHOLZ. Around January of 1941, SCHOLZ
sent him up to have JAHNKE come down to see him, SCHOLZ was waiting on
the corner. SCHOLZ didn't want to see the Sussian (flHEELER-HILL)*
Later, flHHFdelivered an envelope for REUPER at the request
of SCHOLZ to JAHNKEror TOEELER-HILL, which JAHNKE later said contained

Lso heard JAHNKE discussing with SCHOLZ on another

occasion, information concerning military equipment on a boat for
also information concerning America sending troops to Greenland. *
stated JAHNKE became very excited when discussing the arrest of
and wanted to know if SCHOLZ knew him*
[also heard JAHNKE tell SCHOLZ there was something wrong
with the radio around-13,COO and 14,000 kilocycles. ...
65-1819 JAHNKE

fin his statement dated June 29, 1941, beginning

on Page 5, in telling about how JOSEF KLETJT and himself constructed *
transmitter and receiver for WHEELER-HILL, nho he knew as AT.EX mentions
about another nan accompanying ALEX to KLEIN'S apartment and entering
into the discussion concerning how the set was to be paid for} further,
that this man seemed to have a better knowledge ofradio than ALEX, and
also of the code. This was. in the fall of 1940, H ^ B s t a t e s he also
discussed with them the illegal!ty of using the ^^^

CARL REDPER in his statement beginning on Page 3, states that

he knows FELIX JAHNKE and that he served in the German Army, as a radio
man about the same time that he, REUPEft, was in the German Army; that
subsequently he introduced JAHNKE to THEELER-HILL to assist him in
operating telegraphic code equipment; that he arranged a meet between

AXEL "WHEELER-HILL in his statement dated June 29, 1941,

beginning on PageA; states that upon his arrival from Germany, he
telephoned to and made an appointment with CARL REUPER, who subsequently
introduced him to FELIX JAHNKE, an ex-radio operator, in the German Army,
who seemed to be of some help to his in the operation of radios*
Subsequently, JAHNKE made several trips to Brooklyn to the piers to obtain
information for him concerning ships Khich were sailing to England, neutral
ships and their cargoes. This information he* WHEELER-HIH, sent to Germany.
1HEELER-EILL states he tried on several occasions to reach Hamburg
and in May 1941 decided to purchase a Hallicrafter receiver nhich he wai
forced to return due to losing his Job. JAHNKE then secured a new Hallicrafter
to be used with the transmitter.

65-1819 JAHNKE


FELH JAHNKE signed -waivers of search, custody and of

removal hearing*
On June 30, 1941, he was arraigned before United States
Coanissioner Epstein, Brooklyn, New York, and pleaded "not guilty".
His bond was set at $25,000 in lieu of which he was remanded to
custody pending final hearing set for July 15, 1941
On July 15, 1941, the Federal Grand Jury for the Eastern
District of New York, returned an indictment charging F E L H JAHNKE
and other named defendants with conspiracy in two counts to violate
Section 233 of Title 22 and Section 32 of Title 50, United States
JAHNKE wa3 arraigned before the United States District
Court for the Eastern District of New York on July 18, 1941, and
pleaded not guilty. His bond was continued at $25,000 in lieu of
which he was remanded to custody pending trial set to commence
September 3,, 1941.

65-1819 JAHKKE

HISTORIj as obtained by questionings

SpecialAgent fl((((((^ interview^

that he was born in Breslau, Germany, on December 6, 1902, was baptised
in the Protestant Faith and attended grammar school in Breslau until
the age of fourteen. At the age of fourteen he was sent to military
school for a year and a half and subsequently joined the German Army
at the end of the war as a radio operator and was discharged in 1923.
Subsequent to his discharge from the Army, he emigrated to the United
States as a passenger on the SS Derfflinger of -tbe North German Lloyd
Lines arriving at Hoboken, New Jersey on September 19, 1924 Upon his
arrival in the United States he proceeded to the farm of
SCBTJflflSL at Suffern, New Tork where he was employed as a farmer for
approximately five Months. He stated thayietja|^^soeniployed
a asa
a farmer for about a year and a half ^Jwt^KHBIM ^ ^ 7i
New Tork and then returned to New Tork City where he was employed at
a busboy for two to three years by the Exchange Buffet Restaurants.
Since this asployaent he was employed try Liggets Drug Store*, Schraffta
Candy Stores, Mxelans Drug Stores, U* S Department of Agriculture and
his last employment has been with the Dorris Pharmacy 94th Street and
Lexington Avenue*.

JAEME admitted to AgentflflflBthat he had been a member of the

German-American Bund for the years i9547 1935 and 1V36 and that he resigned
from the Bund because public opinion was against it*



with aliases,
Felix Jahnke, Felix G# A. Jahnke,
Freddie Jahnke
Age 38 born 12-6-19O2 in Breelau, Germany
Height r
Hair Brown
3yes Gray
Build Thin
Complexion Fair
Occupation Soda clerk
Marital Status Common-law marriage
Daughter JsflsflsBaflLw
Nationality American
Naturalised October 2. 1930, S.D.N.T.
b Residence
Certificate #3235926- Petition #165087
563 Cauldwell Avenue,
Bronx, Hew York.
Apartment F-6
Father Otto Jahnke, Retired, v&s former
specialist in munitions
Mother RMRT.T& ,UlTHKTPrj Rrfifi1p f aprrpapy
Brothers ^HH|^H|VSwienemuende, Germany
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V B r e s l a a , Germany
Sister ^ ^ ^ H H M Breslau, Germany
BoreiaSvesresiSSjag in the U.S.
Fingerprints Forwarded to Bureau*
Criminal Record Bureau advised by letter dated June 30,
1941* no record appears in the records of
Hie Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washr


l.A.e Immigration and g a t a r a l ^ i t i o i L >; .<(,;: -

2 ' "Espionage Activities Knona oiv'JPossiblee'

* > ' . * *

Sebold. -.

3. Surveillances- Corroborative or Direct Evidetice.

Microphone Surveillance - (Adaissibility Questionable).

5. Employment Record.

6. History and Prior Activities

\ *

HE i
AUDRESS: Unknown

October 30, Subject ELSE TMEUSTENFELD, during the course

1940 of a v i s i t to subject LILLY STEIN'S apartment
a t 232 East 79th S t r e e t , New York City, while
discussing German espionage agents i n -the- United States,
asked STEIN i f she had seen t h e manjrtiohad
signed the
l e t t e r which -was brought over H [ H f l P STEINn remarked
that the l e t t e r had been given her byJffiINRICH.

(Serial 6309, Page H )

I t -will be noted that the above information m s
obtained throu^i a microphone surveillance of STEIN'S
apartment and that the name flHHHf was indistinctly over-
Further to be noted i s that the "HEINRICH"
referred to is undoubtedly HETJRICH SORAU.

/ * _ n* t O %&&.&*#. ; . . : . . * . :&t#J*k &&&&. "SWrF,



The identity of this man is not known as yet. From a

confidential source it has been ascertained that an espionage agent
signing the above name has been sending material and informal
a knoim address in South America, -where it is readdressed

Information of an evidentiary nature has not been

developed as yet.
. ; . . . . . . - ,/-.*_.*.




Address s

Information from a confidential source indicates

that EDMUND C. HEINE in September of 1940 used this as a
mail drop in transmitting communications to Germany.

5 3021

Immigration and Naturalization

2 Espionage Activities - Known or Possible

Insp, in Chg, FC.C
Consolidated Edison Co*
, FBI.
Consolidated Edison Co.

American Gas & Elec Service Corp.

Consolidated Edison Co,

.vega Radio Inc.


Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence

5/1/41 5/14/a

4, Microphone Surveillances (Adaiasibility Qaestionable)

5 Employment Record

6 History and Prior Activities



mihelm Kaercher, Gustav* William Kaercher,
Ulliam Kaercher.
Addresat R B. Box 18, 4th Avenue,
Westnrood, New Jersey,
Business Address: Designer of Power Plant*
American Gas and Electric Co,,
30 Church Street,
Heir Tork, New York,

* -a- * * *>:&.#

From the records of the Immigration and Naturaliza-

tion Service, 641 Washington Street, Hew York City, it was ascertained
thatfllLHEDiiKAERCHER was born at Stuttgart, Germany, April 10, 1896.
He immigrated to the United States from Hamburg, Germany, arriving at
the Port of New York, December 19, 1923, on the S S, ZEELAND, He
filed his Declaration of Intention in the Federal District Court for the
Eastern District of New York, Brooklyn, New York, February 2, 1924, and
was naturalized in the same court April 23, 1931, receiving cwtificate
of Naturalization #3,458,454*
(Serial 4674, 7813)
The immigration records Ellis Island, New York and
the records of the State Department, reflect that TSIIHELM KAERCHER
arrived at the Port of New York on the S, S ZEELAND, December 19,
1923 as set out above. That on September 5, 1927, he arrived at New
York on the S* S # HAMBURG from HAMBURG, Germany. *
As TOLLIAM KAERCHER he received Passport #575-630,
on August 9, 1938 to sail on the S S. EOROPA, September 17, 1938,
for a visit to Germany, On August 7, 1940 he executed an affidavit
before the American Consulate at Stuttgart, Germany, that he had been
sent by his firm the BRASERT and COMPANY, of Chicago, Illinois to
Gennany to design blast furnaces for steel mills in Berlin and that he
had been absent from the United States^'since.,September 17, 1938; that
he had withdrawn his contract and intended to return to the United States,- *
His passport was renewed for two months and validated until December 5f

K&ERCKER arrived at the Port of New York,

November 21, 1940 on the S, S, EXCMJBUR from Lisbon, Portagal.
(Serial 544-6 page 39 and Serial 4674)

KAERCHSR is a subject in this investigation as a

result of the following:-
From a confidential source it mas learned on
December 2, 1940, that one KAERGBER, who had been an officer in the
German Army daringtiielest war, a Bund member and -who has a brother
in the present campaign, had returned to Germany in 1938, in
connection -with the four year plan, aid had been employed by HfVTfiKE
or I G FARBEN, -which is connected with Hermann Goering in someway,
at one thousand marks per month, returned to the United States, in
November of 1940 under suspicious circumstances*
(Serial 5446 page 13)

May 1, - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b o u t 1 P.M Special Agents and

1941. ^ m ^ a i l s following FELIX JAHNKE observed him meet
an unknenm man, later identified ae RTJSTA7 KAERCHER, and
came to attention and doff his hat to this individual.
They stood on the corner talking for some time, then upon
completing the conversation JAHNKE again came to attention
doffed his hat* KAERCHER -was followed to the Cortland
Building, 30 Church Street, New York City, where he entered
the employees entrance*

May 2, Special Agentsi

1941, shadowed KAERCHER from 30 Church Street to Journal Square,
Jersey City, New Jersey where he was met by apparently his
wife in a 1941 Oldsmobile Sedan, bearing 1941, N J
License R 56 D. He took the wheel of the car and drove
(Notes A check at the Hew Jersey State Motor Vehicle
Department revealed these plates to have been issued to
TOLUfiM KAERCHER, R, D, Box #16, 4th Avenue, Weatwood, N J*.
on March 20, 1941.)

May 14, Special Ageni _ _ _ _ ^

observed PAUL SCHOLZ and FELli JAHME "ineei a man believed
to be KfiERCHHt at Amsterdam Avenue and 91st Street, New
York City about 6:10 P.M. These three were observed to walk
dorm several streets "ifaile talking -then return to the- ' .
original position.

May 16, Special A g e n t s S H B observed PAUL SCHOLZ and

1941* FELH JAHNKE meet KAERCHERawbout 1:10 P.M. at Murray
Street and Church Street, New York City, and have a

June 28, Agents observing PAUL SCHOLZ preparatory to his arrest,

1941* observed KAERCHER meet SCHOLZ get into his car they passed
a paper or papers and the two were arrested together (as
will be set out later in detail).


prior to his arrest on Jane 28, 194L, observed him leave the
DE0TSCHER LESEZIRKEL, a German book store which he operates at
176 East 85th Street, New York City, with a man, walk across the
street and stand in the shadows and talk for a few mlantes. The
two then proceeded to Lexington Avenue, crossed to the Southwest
corner of the intersection at 85th Street and Lexington Avenue,
and entered a b^ckOldsmobileSedan, getting into the front
seat. A g e n t s U P m m m V w h o then procured a taxi, parked
across the streeT^ODserYeaaneT identified the man with SCHOLZ
to be GUSTAV WILLUM KAERCHER, who had been observed making
suspicious contacts with FELIX JAHHKE and SCHOLZ on previous
occasions. SGHOLZ was observed to hand KAERCHER a piece of paper.
They remained in the car about fifteen minutes. KAERCHER then
handed SCHOLZ something; they then climbed out of the car* and
-walked to a point a few feet to the rear thereof and SCHOLZ was
observed talkimg to KAERCHER who was writing on a piece of paper.
The license on the car was observed to be 1941 N. J. R 56 D.
The two then recrossed Lexington Avenue to the North side of 85th
Street and proceeded slowly on 85th Street toward Third Avenue,
to a point across from SCHOLZ' book store where they were contacted
by a third person. At about 10:00 P.M. SCHOLZ and KAERCHER crossed
85th Street and as they started to eater the said book store were
arrested. SCHOLZ had in his hand a 3" x 5" indexjard which had
been folded and started to tear it up when Agent^HBgrabbed it
from his hand. On this card appeared the following which was hand-
printed in pencilt

20/14780 5 0 0 6 00 MEZ /
m/ SA

In SCHOLZ *s pocket among other things were two bits of

paper torn from a newspaper. On one was, hand-printed in ink, the
following t
"Tue 12 Resp* With 5-6 MEZ"
Fri - Sam
- 2 -

On th other hand-fainted ia pencil there appears

KMfas Ifcetwood 1316
- i. Dragster* Bldg.*..

The two mea. were brought to the New lork Bureau Office
United States Court House Building, Foley Square, New York.
KAERCHHl wma there questioned and made the following signed
I i

New York, N, I.
Jane 29, 1941

I , GUSTA^gLJj^MKAERCHER, maket ot h e following free and

voluntary statement ^ HBHssV'"*10111 * know a
Special Agent
of the Federal Bureau orlnveStigation, United States Department of
Justice, No threats or promises have been made to me, and I realize
that anything I say can be used against me in a Court of law*
Q M r . KAERCHSR, where w e r e y o u b o r n ?
A. In Stuttgart/- Gannstatt.
Q. How do you spell t hat?
A. S-lMJ-double T-G-A-R-T dash C-A-double N-S-T-A-double T
Q. lhat i s the date and year of your birth?
A, April 10. 1896.
Q* Tflhen did you first come to the United States?
A. December, 1923.
Q. And on what ship?
A. S S. Zeland.
Q, Spell that, please,

Q And from what port did you embark on this ship?

A. From Hamburg.
Q. After arriving in the United States, how long did you stay?
A. Until 1927.
Q And then you returned to Germany?
,A That's right. I think about ten weeks or two months.
Q, flhen did you next come to the United States?
A. 1927. I stayed only for ten -weeks, I think it was ten weeks.
I do not know exactly*
Q, And from what port did you embark at that time?

A. Again from Hamburg*

Q, How long did you stay in the United States then?
A* Until 1938.
Q, Until 1938?
A. That's right.
Q. Bid you go back to Germany in 1938?
km Yes.
Q. And how long did you stay there?
A, Two years.
Q. TOien did you next come t o the United States?
A. I vtas sent over from-Germany on a contract for two years by
H, A Brassert and Company.
Q "When did you next come to the United States?
A. "What was on Thanksgiving Day last year, 1940*
Q And how did you arrive? On what boat?

A* On Excalibur.
Q* Did you take that boat from Germany?
A.. Boat from Lisbon.
Q. From Lisbon, Portugal?
A. That is right, from Lisbon, Portugal,
Q Are you a naturalized citizen of the United States?

- 3 -

Q, In what year were y o u naturalized?

iU I n 1931# Either i n February or April.
Q Did you'ever serve as a n officer i n the German Army?

A, las* Last World War*

ft, Are y o u acquainted -with a person b y the name of HANS "WALTER RITTER?

A. No.
Q You do not know him?
A* No.
Q Are you acquainted with a man by the name ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ H
A No. I may "be acquainted. I don't know -who he is* I know many
by face*
Q Miat is your present employment?
A* American Gas and Electric Company, as mechanical draftsman^
Q. Will you state the names of the societies that you are a member of?
A* Well, that was, I was a member o f or do you mean a member of?
Q, Either you were a member of or you are a member of now,
A* I was a member of many organizations*
Q Will you name some of them for us?
km Brooklyn Edison Club and Freemason, and luminous Club of Long Island,
and Philatelic. Bond.
Q* Were you ever a member of the Cotovian Society?
A No, first time I hear about that club

Q, Did you say you were a member of the GrermanAmerican Bund?

A* That's right* " ' .. .

Q, Are you now a member of it? .
A* No.

Q, When did you resign?

A. 1938.
Q. Were you known as the leader of the Bund in Staten Island?
A. At that time yes, when I left. Only four weeks.
Q* Were you also known as the leader of the Storm Troopars of the
A. Storm troopers, that is something entirely different*
Q. What is it? HJhat would you call it?
A. Ordnance*
Q. Leader of Ordnance?
A, TJh huh. Yes, I was also a former member of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers.
Q. Do you recognize this card that I am showing to you now?
A Tes. That is a card
Q. Is that your handwriting?
A That's right,
Q, ,TOiatdoes that represent? I repeat, what do the symbols on that
card represent?
A. That is a call for a radio station*
Q The call for a radio station?
A. Radio station.
Q Is this a short-wave radio station?
k* Short-wave radio station*
Q* /Where is it located? .
A. . I don't know*
Q ,lhere did you get it? TOiare did you get the call letters for this
/ radio station? Do you refuse to answer that question?
- 5-

A I don't know idiere it's located* ...---

Q. The question was, where did you get the call letters for the
station? Do you refuse to answer the question?
A, From somebody else*
Q. I beg your pardon?

A* I don't know* (Indistinct)

Q* I can't hear you* I'll ask you again. Ihere did you get the
call letters for this station? Do you refuse to answer the

Ae I got it from somebody else*

Q. Who?
A. I don't want

Q# lou don't want to what? Are you going to answer my question

as to where you got the call letters for this station?
The question still is, where did you get the call letters for
this station? Do you refuse to answer? Do you refuse to answer?
A* I'll have to think that over*
Q. lou have to think it over?
A. Yes,

Q# Do you intend to tell us where you got this call letter?

Do you intend to tell us where you got the call letter? Well,
answer yes or no.
A. Well, I copied it from somewheres.

Q. You copied it from someplace? Is that what you said?

A. Yes*

Q Ihere did you copy, it from? TShere did you copy it from?
A# Well, that is a point that I would like to have legal advice
because I don't think that station exists.

Q Is this the card that you gave to PAUL SCHOLZ

A, That's right.
-, 6 -

Q, Last night?
p. That's right.
Q. m a t w.s your reason in giving it to PAUL SCHOU?
A. I don't like to say more about it.
Q. But you admit that tot's your handwriting?

A, That's right.
Q, And t h a t you did give this card to

A. That's right.
Q# And that there are call letters on it?

A, That's right,
Q. m e n did you first meet PAUL SCHOI2?

A. Jpril.
Q, April of 1940 or 1941?
A, April of 1941.
Q. April of 1941?
I A. That's right
Q. m a t ^ s your association , i t h SCHOIZ?
A. Well, he .as ^ t introduced to - . We started talking,

Q. He was just introduced to you?

A. That's right,
Q. How well do you know hia?
A i don't knew him very well.

Q p.. you
A, No, I don't know.
a.-'' Bo you know FELIX JAHNKE^_

- 7-

Q, How well do you know JAHME?
A. I donH know him very well* I met him only two or three times*
Q And what was your connection with JAHNKE?
A* lie talked about radios. Be was introduced to me by SCHOLZ.
Q, Did you ever talk to JAHNKE or SCHOLZ regarding the transmittal
or receiving of messages from or to Germany? I'll repeat the
question. Did you ever discuss with SCHOLZ or JAHNKE the trans-
mittal of messages to Germany or receiving of messages from
A, I can't answer that questijn,
Q. Why can't you answer the question?
A. Because I'd like first to have advice,
Q Didn't you first tell me that the short-Trave station that appeared
on the card that I showed you a while ago was located in Germany?
A. No, I didn't say. I don't know where it's located.
Q, What did you tell me?

A, I don't know what I told you. But I remember that you asked me
if it was in Germany and I said maybe*
Q. Iho introduced you to PAUL SCHOLZ?
A. I can't remember his name.
Q ?fhere does he live?
A. Maybe if I heartithename,
Q* I'm asking you who introduced PAUL SCHOLZ to you Do you refuse
to answer the question? Do you refuse to answer the question?
The question was, who introduced PAUL SCHOLZ to you?

A. I canlt remember who did.

Q Did you ever pay PAUL SCHOLZ or FELIX JAHKKE any money?
A I gave SCHOLZ five thousand because he was short of money. - -

Q. Do you know JOSEF KLEIN? Do you know CARL RSUFER?

A. No.

Q. Isn't it true that you and PAUL SCHOLZ purchased a Hallicrafter

receiver, for JAHNKE's use? Please answer the question? Do you
have a Hallicrafter receiver in your own home?
' J ' " .
A. I have, yes.

Q. Well, did you and PAUL SCHOIZ purchase one that is, a Halli-
crafter receiver for JAHNKE so that he might be able to re-
ceive messages from Germany? Do you refuse to answer that
question? Am I to assume then that your refusal to answer means
that you did?

A* No, it doesn't.

Q# "What does it mean?

A. Well, I would like to have legal advice before I answer the

Q* Isn't it true that you and'JAHMKE agreed to share expenses in
operating s. radio ststicn s.nd that you were going to hire JAHNKE
to operate it?
A. No, there was no such thing,

Q Didn't you meet JAHNKE and SCHOLZ on 91st Street some while hack,
at which time you discussed using JAHNKE as a radio man to trans-
mit and receive messages from Germany?

A I don't want to answer that question.

Q Well, isn't it true then that the radio station represented on

the card that you gave PAUL SCHOLZ last night was for the purpose
of transmitting messages from Germany?

A. No#

Q. "What was its purpose?

A. Well, I personally don't know myself whether that station exists.

Q. Then nhat was your purpose in giving this card to SGHOIZ?

A To listen* _-

Q. Wiiere did you get it from? Are "you going to answer that question?
8 M 9 ~

A, I can't answer that question now*

Q Than I'll ask you -what you were going to listen to. over this
station. You refuse to answer the question?

A. I can't answer no**

Q. I s n ' t i t true that you carried the name of FELIX JAHHKE, t o -
gether with his address, as Trail as the address of PAUL SCHOJJZ
in your change purse.?
A, That's right.
Q. Ifhat was your purpose in having in your possession the name of
those two men?
A. "When I was seeing 1iiem they gave me the address in case I want
to get in touch with them.
Q. Did you ever call at the home of either one of them?
A, Only SCHOIZ, by telephone,
Q Have you ever been paid any monies by Germany to carry on propa-
ganda for that country?
I A. No,
i Or to carry on subversive activities in this country for Germany?
i <*
! A. Nothing
s Q, Are you now engaged in espionage?

A. No 4
Q. Or any subversive activities?

A. No.
i. If you're not engaged in any subversive activities, irhy do you
Q. refuse to answer the questions regarding the short-wave radio set
and the purchase of the Hallicrafter receiver for JAHNHE? You
refuse to answer tfchat?
A* YJhat was the question, please?

n J S t S J . 3 - * the purch... of th.

recd^r for IMMSt)
- 10 -

A. Short-wave radio set?

Q. I beg your pardon?
A. I dorr't getyou. . .-,
(Stenographer rereads question: If you're not engaged in any sub-
versive activities, -why do you refuse to answer the questions r e -
garding the short-wave radio set and the purchase of the
HaHicrafter receiver for JAHNKB?)
A. That i s a very conflicting question.
Q. I beg your pardon?
A. That is a very conflicting question. I don't know what you mean,
Q. The question was, if you're not engaged in espionage or sub-
versive activities, why do you refuse to answer any questions
regarding the short-wave radio station that you had in that card
that you gave to PAUL SCHOLZ last night
A. Oh, I see.
Q. Or why do you refuse to answer the questions regarding the pur-
chase by you and SCHOLZ of the Hallicrafter receiving set for
J.&HMKE? Are you shielding someone?
A.. I would like to have first legal advice.
Q. Is there anything that you'd like to say regarding your activities
or the activities of others before we close this interview?
A. No, nothing to say.
Q. I would like to ask just a few more questions. While talking
to you today I asked you why you wouldn't t e l l your story regard-
ing your activities, and at that tirie you told me that once you
gave your vrord to a man you never went back on i t . Was that true?
A. That's right.
Q. Ysfhat did you mean by that statement? Did you promise someone that
if you ever were caught at your espionage activities that you
would not reveal their connection -with it?

A. No, that is not the reason.;- -

> , - _ J - ..*'. j-.t-v --:->.- WAort

o - 11 -

Q. Then what "was i t ? Miat ?/as i t you meant by that statement that
once you give your irord to a aan you never go back on i t ? Didn't
you t e l l me that you -would never t e l l on anyone? Does your
refusal to answer these questions mean that you are shielding

A.. I t don't mean exactly, no.

Q Vftiat does i t mean? You s t i l l refuse to answer?

A. Yes.

q. That's a l l .

I have read the above statement and i t has been read to

me. I t i s the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief*


Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Department of Justice
607 U. 5. Court House, Foley Square
Hew York, K. Y.

Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Department of Justice
607 U. S. Court &ouse, Foley Square
New York, N . Y .
,^ ,



In Immigration and Naturalization

2* Espionage Activities ( Known or Possible )

WATLlam Q. Sabold

3. Surveillance (Corroborative or Direct Evidence)

4. Microphone Surveillance (Admissibility Questionable)

5. Employment Record

6. History and Prior Activities



This man has not been identified as yet.

May 5, LEO WAALEN in conversattonwith WILLIAM SEBOID in his

1941. office stated t b a t ^ m who works in a machine
shop that manufacturers and repairs printing machines
and which is located in or near New Rochelle, New Xork,
knows what he, THAALEN, is doing, and advised him that
this company, where he works is going to make anti-
aircraft M A M f s d i j i e knew this man was genuine,
WAALEN said "^""""""""""^""^l told himsbout a man
who works in plant in Philadelphia, whom
Lstworthyj that this man has a brother,
the Catholic Kolpin House on80th or
eet, Xorkville, between Second Avenue and
Lexington Avenye and who is knc """""""


1 Immigration and Naturalization.

2. Espionage Activities - Kho-wn or Possible.

William Sebold.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

Am Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibility Questionable.)

5. Employment Record.

6. History and Prior Activities.





EEWTN SIEGLER, s u b j e c ^ ^ ^ j j j i ^ ^ 1941 men-

tioned to WILLIAM SEBOID, that H H H 0 (phonetic),
a man employed on the South American run, had started to
work for PJ.TJI FEHSE, subject, but uras active only two days
getting informat^^^njjoat^rhen he quit because he was
being followed. flHIiHalV h a s PQ,,J^en identified to
date. He i s probably i d e n t i c a l with ""
Jon the S . 5 . CRDGA

S. 6813 p.5

1 laaigration and Naturalisation

Clerk, U.S. District Court, S.D. of N.Y*

2 Espionage AetJvitiea - Known or Possible

Conmunications Commission, New York, Her Yorka


. New York, New York.

Radio Store.

3. Surreillances - CorroboratiTe or Direct Evidence


4V Microphone Surreillance - Adadssibility Qqestionable

5* Eaployent Record

6. History and Prior Activities



with aliases
Joseph August Klein

Residence Address: 227 East 126th Street

New York, New York
Apartment 18

From the Immigration, and Naturalization Bureau,

641 Washington Street, New York, New York, it was ascertained that KEEIN
was born November 5, 1903, in Dusseldorf but that he immigrated to the
United States from Germany, arriving at "the port of New York on the S. S,
Nieu Amsterdam January 31, 1925* He stated "that he was a commercial
photographer by occupation but he has worked at various odd jobs and
for the past several years has been working as a photographer in various
places in New York City. It was indicated "that KLEIN was coming to
FRANK PFADT, Erie, Pennsylvania. KLEIN filed his first naturalization
papers #400723, on September 10, 1937, in the United States District
Court, New York City, but has taken no further steps in this regard.

KLEIN is not married and is interes

with the radio. He is closely associated with one who i s
a licensed radio amateur operator.

KLEIN i s also a member of the Photographer's As-

sociation of America and he i s not a licensed amateur radio operator,
according to files in the Federal Communication Commission. According
to the files of the FBI, Washington, D. C , JOSEF KLEIN was arrested on
July 7, 1933, and charged with counterfeiting in that be violated sec-
tion 148 and 150 of the United States Code Annotated. KLEIN was received
on this date by the United States Secret Service, New York City, New York,

New York City, advised that JOSEF KLEIN, who lives near East 124th Street,
Second Avenue, New York City, purchased between $700 and $800 worth of
radio equipment from, them during the past yea'r and that KLEIN would ha-ve
nothing but the best materials. They further stated that he came to them
and told them that he desired that a transmitting and receiving set be
built that would be sufficient to receive and transmit messages for a d i s -
tance of 3,000 miles. He further requested that this set be built i n suit
cases so that i t could be easily transported from one place to another.
\ Subsequent investigation disclosed -ghat KLEIN-.was
building this radio set for German agents so ithat they might communicaie
illegally with Germany.


July 29, 1940

___ I'GUiS RADIO CO'PAinr, 89rj Cortlandt S t r e e t ,
ila-rc- York City, advised t h a t JOSSF AUGUST KLEIH, "who r e s i d e s near East
124th S t r e e t and Second Avenue, xle\; York City, had purchased "between
700 and 800 vrorth of radio equipment from them during the past year
and t h a t he would have nothing "but t h e best m a t e r i a l s . They further ad-
vised t h a t KLEIH came t o them and t o l d them t h a t he desired t h a t they
build a transmitting; and receiving s e t for hii>: t h a t would have a range
of 3,000 miles raid thsvfc t h i s se]: TOTIS t o he made in s u i t cases so t h a t i t
could be e a s i l y carried about,
that t h i s i s unusual equipment for anyone l i k e JUS 13

(S. 2012, P . 1)

October 22, 1940 KLSD7 iras v i s i t e d by AXELTCHEELEFI-KILLend ?IJLIX

JAIETKB r e l a t i v e to the radio s e t he -was building
for them, raid while they v/ere there i t v/as reported that they practiced
on ELEXK's radio s e t . I t should be stuted t h a t 1'ftIEELER-HILL and FLLIX
JAIIHKE vrere followed to t h e i r respective hones by Bureau Agents vihen
-i*+:<=d Pvon KLBP r* s D.X>Srtinent and x-:ere identified* HILL was f o l -

York City, from vihich he did not emerge.

JTovember 4 , 1940 KLEIIT delivered the portable radio set vrhioh he had
constructed for AXEL~lilffiELSR-HILL cn.d FELIX J
In Connection Tfith t h i s d e l i r o r y , Bureau Agents i d e n t i f i e d end followed
AXflL THiEKLER-HILL and FELIX JAHNXE to t h e i r respective hojies and i t was
noted t h a t they c a r r i e d four black s u i t cases and T.'ere follcv'.red t o 563
Cruldtvell avenue, Bronx, Eevr York, ilevr York,

(S. 3978, P. 45)

April 14, 1941 iffiSSLER-HILL and FELIX JAHTTKB were followed by Bu-
reau Agents fron t h e i r homes a t 563 Cauldvrell Ave.,
Bronx, Hew York, Fevc York, at Tfhich t i n e they 7fere carrying tvro black
cases believed t o be p a r t o.f the radio transmitting VJX& receiving s e t t o
the home of JOSEP AUGUST KLEIN a t 227 East 126th S t r e e t , Ifew York City.
I t i s believed t h a t JAH1TKE and TiJKSELBR-HILL c a r r i e d t h i s set t o KLEIN t o
have him make r e p a i r s on t h e same.

Y3ES3L2R-HILL and' JAHHKE l e f t KLBIK*s apartment

were followed by Bureau Agents at -which tliae they Trere s t i l l carrying the
two cases t o t h e i r homes a t 563 Cauldwell Avenue, Bronx, Hew York City.
I t i s known t h a t a short time t h e r e a f t e r JAHMB and TiHEnLEE-HILL were heard
t o transmit a coded message -which has not yet been broken.*

A p r i l 2 2 , 1941 On t h i s d a t e AX'' L \MiEELJjR-HILL and FELIX JAHME

were followed by Bureau Agents t o KLEIN*s a p a r t -
ment, 227 E a s t . 126th S t r e e t , Hey, York C i t y , a t which time t h e y had i n
t h e i r p o s s e s s i o n two b l a c k oases and remained a t KLEIIT's apartment for
approximately three hours, a t -which time they left these, the black oases,
with him and \rere follot/ed by Bviroau Agents t o 563 Cauldwell Avenue,
Bronx, l\Tew York City, Hew York.




On Jane 27, 1 9 U , Assistant Director, E. J. Conoelley,

following signed statsasntt-


June 2 9 , 1941

I , JOSEPH AUGUST KLEINt make t h e following v o l u n t a r y statement

t o S p e c i a l Agent | H H H | H H | H H L o f t h e F e d e r a l Bureau of
tigation in tne presenc^o^5peeial Agents flflHH|^H|fl
I have been advised that I do not
and anything I say herein may be used against me in a court of law*
I make the following statement of my own free w i l l without any threats
or duress having been used t o obtain t h e same.
~SCHULZE was employed i n a Germanic Book Shop on 3rd Avenue and
86th S t r e e t . I have known him for a numoer of years of buying l i t t l e
things, and one day he came up t o my place a t 227 East,
a radio of his own t o have i t fixed which I t o o k "
| a s I am net ~ I have n a ^ e o ^ t t i e ^ u U knowledge of radio repair
work, I turned it over to | | J | ^ | j J H H ^ ^ d turned i* over to a
friend of h i s , a radio man^I^wa^an^4^^-l^fteajrajag set* Then,
after-SCHULZE^S-set was fixed, he then inquired about a small portable
transmitter and, not knowing anything about i t , but just having an idea
in his head, he talked about the t ransmitter* I told him plainly that
I r e a l l y did not know what he meant but that I have a friend who i s an
amateur and he could give him some information. He would know more about
i t tnan I do. The friend I refer to s\

Then, prior to t h i s , I baa met a fellow by the name ofALEX in

ths Rotesand Bar on 86th Street* We were talking together with sev
eral German fellows about different tilings and so radio came up and
I explained t o them that I for the past two years had gone into re-<
cording of which I always carried a photograph of some equipment in
my pecket to show what the equipment looks like* Then, t h e fellow who
introduced himself aa-AiES, asked me i f he could come up and said he
would l i k e t o see the equipment.

In t h e early part of April, 1940, several weeks l a t e r , hs came

up and we got talking about transmitters* Then he told me that he
was taking a course for an amateur license i n the YUDA out since he
isi not acquainted or familiar iLtb. any transmitter he would like lio '.
, get a small portable set of 45 watts b a t t e r y operated, which I know," .
as l i t t l e as I know aTsout radio, i s quite impossible to operate
from dry c e l l s b a t t e r y , I said t h a t I would ask a n amateur friend
of mine "wfao would give him the information.. . .i

' Previous t o t h i s , 5CHUL2E""&dT TTSld me. that" he was' goingto' bring

a man to my place t o see about getting a transmitter.


^ m l a t e r f l H H t o l d me that he would see

what could beaone Sometime later he ceane out with QSO Magazine*
He showed me a 100 viatt transmitter, very small, and I explained
i t to ALEX.- He came over -with his earphones and he said he just
came from the IMCA where he is taking his lessons in telegraphy,
and then we talked seme more about the transmitter. He thought
i t was a very nice small transmitter but he wanted to think of
the portable and this transmitter was designed in the magazine to
operate on 110 volt AC.
Then the question of power supply came up, I suggested to him
to use an automobile generator but then we found out that a genera-
tor that size never could produce 110 volt AC So, since I have
very l i t t l e knowledge about generators, I went down to the Douglas
Radio Store, 89 Cortland Street* He suggested a power back v i -
brator but, after a l i t t l e talk, he told me that there was a small
generator designed from a six volt automobile battery that would
operate the transmitter as a portab^eone* I informed ALEX hem-
we made out when we ^ e c i ^ e ^ ^ 9 | j | H H f l | [ H f aa<^ he agreed with the
same. Then, I informed him. ^^wasno^inany position to make
any layout of money and that I would not take any chance in making
a big layout and then getting a rejection* I asked him if he would
please pay for the material used for his transmitter as I see i t f i t
to buy the necessary parts*
He gave me $20* at that time and then paid us as was necessary
to buy, as I was goin^ along, to buy the parts* A period between each
payment of about two weeks elapsed until I needed new parts.
I had this transmitter fejHr before August 12, 1940. I place
this date because of the fact that I have seen a M i l listing a
crystal -which I remember purchasing after the transmitter was
mmm^ a l l technical knowledge in the building

of th^sxransmWteri I did the actual mechanical labor on the job.

during the period I was working on the transmitter,
I thougbt about the fact that SCHITLZE- had asked me for a. trans-*
iaitter and had said something about bringing a man up concerning
a transmitter* I then realized that there must have been'some
connection between*SCHTJLZE and ALEX.
Ihen the transmitter was completed and "the power supplied,
which i s the generator, I ordered a short wave receiver to connect


to the generator power supply*

After the complete o u t f i t had been brought to my place, i t

was several weeks before he f i n a l l y decided t o pay up and take
his equipment* When he decided t o do t h ^ m e $60* of
which I turned the sum of $15. over t o m ^ ^ f o r his help.

During the t i m e ^ J ^ U and I were constructing t h e t r a n s -

m i t t e r , SLEX made several -visits t o my home t o watchthe progress
being made* On the l a s t two occasions that he came he brought with
him a man * o m he introduced t o me as FELIX* I t should be explained
a t t h i s time I began t o construct t h i s s e t I believed ALEX wanted i t
for transmission as an amateur. I t was on t h i s occasion t h a t I
learned that-ALEX-did not know very much about code and t h a t FELIX
was the man who had more knowledge i n reading code. At t h i s time,
ALEX and FELIX took with them the generator power supply, trans-*
a i t t e r and r e c e i v e r .

Two weeks l a t e r he complained that t h e generator power supply

was draining his automobile b a t t e r y a n d t h a t he could not get the
maximum power out of his t r a n s m i t t e r , f ^ a n d myself suggested
since he v^as not using the equipment as p o r t a b l e , t o use an AC
power supply, 120 volt AC He ordered the AC power supply which was
finished i n about a week* He complained t h a t he thought the c r y s t a l
he had was not the r i g h t one and he would l i k e t o have one about
13,800. I informed him t h a t t h i s was a commercial c r y s t a l and he
could not have i t * Then my suspicion grew and I asked him point
blank why he was trying t o use c r y s t a l s i n commercial frequencies
He then point blank admitted what his idea was of using these cry
s t a l s * He said that he had heard there are a number of businessmen
here i n New York that have been doing business with Germany through
RCA for goods t o be shipped from Germany t o the United States and
they had complained t h a t a l l RCA Communication i s going v i a England
and the goods are not a r r i v i n g . So h i s idea was t o transmit t e l e -
grams from c e r t a i n business people and t o try t o get them through
t h a t d e l i v e r i e s w i l l be assured. He explained 1 B needed several
c r y s t a l s on different frequencies I n order t o make immediate s h i f t s
from one frequency t o a n o t h e r . I then r e a l i z e d t h a t I had become
involved i n something I had never expected* The reason f o r me ever
taking on a thing l i k e t h i s or s t a r t i n g and building a trans*-
was t h a t I was sure there, was nothing against the'law
_ _ I got the information from him t h a t it-was l e g a l t o
ransmitter* When I s t a r t e d t o build t h i s t r a n s m i t t e r ay inten**
t i o n was t o gain experience i n radio recording equipment*

"When he gave me t h e information above, I r e a l i z e d t h a t he intended

to violate the regulations of the Federal Communications Commission,
and the United States Government because I knew he had no license t o
operate on a commercial frequency with any foreign country.

Since I ^ m g a b l a t o secure any commercialcrystals I turned the

idea over t o ^ l ^ m ^ H ^ who then, i n t u r n , secured t h e 9,000 Ice.
c r y s t a l s w h l c h were necessary t o operate on a commercial baiUt-and I
JHU^R AIEX wanted t o operate on a commenial band.

t t a i n e d t h i s spqeial c r y s t a l and t o l d me he had gotten i t ,

got the c r y s t a l and brought i t over t o me and ALEX'picked i t up*

After he obtained t h i s c r y s t a l and i n about a month, he complained

t h a t he was not sure t h a t the t r a n s m i t t e r was working because he never
did get a radio reply on h i s t r a n s m i s s i o n s . Then he asked me t o g e t
him a 13j800 k . c# c r y s t a l , which I point blank refused and t o l d him
I wanted nothing t o do with i t and could not get him any f u r t h e r parts
to his equipment.

In about two months l a t e r , I would say, h e , AIEX, one night called

me up and told me that his t r a n s m i t t e r -was not working and he asked me i f
he could c o m e o v e r j d t h t h e t r a n s m i t t e r , which he d i d . Ihen he arrived I
had to call H H H V b y telephone and find out what possibly could
be th e trouble^H^BB^Lnf ormed me which wire to trace in order to find .
whatever the trouble could be. I then ^.ound a loose connection which
I soldered together again.

At this time he said that he thought the receiver had lost power
because he vras not receiving any confirmations of his transmissions*
He said he would bring the receiver over and inside of a week he did
brin the receiver over and FELIX was with him. They did
the power supply with them so I had to get information ^jjjJalss
how to connect i t with one of my amplifiers in order to t e s t the
receiver. fl||Hft*ld m e n o w to'tiook i t up in order to make i t work-
able ThenALEX- admitted that he had taken out the tubes, had the
tubes tested andput back into the receiver any .ay he felt like-
in the wrong place* He said that he had made an adjustment on
the tuning condenser which did put the receiver out of line* I
corrected the conditions which he had caused and the receiver was
in perfect condition again.

I told him then I would not do any more servicing on whatever

might happen to his set since. I had found out that he actaally was
using i t commercially* Since I found out-he was not doing things * *>Tfc*

legally I t r i e d to get out.of the matter.



They took the equipment out and a couple of weeks l a t e r , FELIX
told me that ALES, had received a l e t t e r stating that his signals
were received.
I knew that he meant they had been received i n Europe because
ha told me t h a t he intended t o send radiograms to Europe and that
he was -working for contact He explained that he had never received
a radio confirmation of contact. He l a t e r explained on or about the
f i r s t part of June, 1941> that he had never received a radio con-
firmation of his transmission to Europe and at t h i s time he had
l o s t his job and he asked me i f I would take his transmitting
equipment i n storage, 'which I refused.
At the tine of making t h i s statement, I have identified the
picture of FELIX JAHNKE as a man whom I knew as FELIX and a pjaQ%&~
gsagk_of AXEL MffiELEB-HILL, as a man knora. to me as ALEX. I have
also identified a man naued PAUL SCH0LT2 ss the man I knew as
I have read this stateoentconsisting of four and one half
pages, and it ha3 been read to me. It is true to the best of my
knowledge. I have signed;:each page at the bottom and affixed
my signature at the end to signify that this is all true.



Special Agent,
Federal Bureau of Investigation,
607 Foley Sq., HIC

Speoisu. Agent,
Federal Bureau of Investigation,
607 Foley Sq., NIC "

Special Agent, FBI, 607 Fcley Sq., NYC.

Hs ,*-<-



A search made at the apartment occupied by KLEIN produced the

following pertinent material:-
1 A 6-watt generator which KLEIN admitted he sold to
AXEL WKKLISR-HILL and which he later returned,
2. A photograph of the above generator with transmitter,
receiver, and transmitting key*
3e Various paid bills for radio equipment purchased by
4 Hallicraft Radio Receiving Set, Model SX 17.
5 Meisner Broadcast Receiver.
6- Misnr Fr6<ji* Modol5t+-ori
7. Two radio transmitting keys.
8. One transmitting crystal holder.

65*1819 KLEIN

FELIX JAHNKE in his first statement dated June 29,

stated on Page 1, that in the latter part of October 1940, he met
AXEL ?HEE3JER-HILL and together they called upon JOSEF KLEIN, 227 East
126th Street, New York City. KLEIN had a transmitting set already built
for AXEL THEELER-HILL. The set was built into black grips.
JAHNKE in his second statement, on Page Four, which was made
the same day, added that the set was a 100 watt set, to operate at about
14,000 kilocycles on a twenty meter bandj that he asked KLEIN if it
would reach Germany and KLEIN stated amateurs using ten watts had reached
foreign countries; that AXEL WHEELER-HILL and he, JAHNKE, took delivery
of the set around November 1, 1940.
On Page Six of his statement he states that subsequently, as the
set would not work, they, ?HEELER-HIH. and JAHNKE, took it backto KLEIN
who repaired it, after calling up some one, believed to ^ m ^

flHPin his statement on Page Two states that JOSEF KLEIN

told him aDou^thefirst part of 1940, of meeting SCHOLZ who recoaaended
ALEX (AXEL TSHEELER-HILL^tohim and who in turn wanted a radio transmitter
built for himself. He, J | ^ H ^ asked KLEIN if ALEX was an amateur and KLEIN
said he was taking a c o u ^ ^ ^ S t h e I.M.C.A., in order to become an amateur
operator* KLEIN and h e j H H B t h e n constructed a transmitter capable of
100 watt input which ALEXaoubTed upon seeing the set} that he told KLEIN
and AT.rar it was againsttiielaw for amateurs to transmit to foreign countries
but they did not seem interested. KLEIN then told him that ALEX wanted a crystal
to use with the set, which would cause it to operate in the commercial bands.
He purchased this for KLEIN. ALEX then brought another man (JAHNKE) to KLEIN'S
apartment and he had a better knowledge of the radio and of the code. The
illegal use of the set was then discussed and McGEE suggested they use call
letters assigned to someone else or unassigned call letters.
ALEX and JAHNKE removed the set sometime in the fall of 1940 and
KLEIN then told him after a period that the set worked successfully and
they had made contacts with a station in Germany.
Subsequent to this, something wen^nrong with the set and it was
brought back to KLEIN and he called him, J ^ m for advice on how to fix
it. He learned through KLEIN, idle tubes were reversed. Subsequent to this,
KLEIN told M w that ALEX mast be jittery, due to the arrest of some one, as
he returned the generator* KLEIN then told him that ALEX jbold him about
another amateur moving into the next building, or nearby .and was- afraid he
on him* KLEIN later brought his own transmitter equipment to - .'
s, in order that it would not be- found at his apartment.
- 2 -


I in his statement dated June 30, 1941, amplifies the above

information and on Page Four states KLEIN told him, that ALEX had been
trying to contact a station -with c a n letters believed to be OKD, located
in Hamburg, Germany, KLEIN had previously told him when requesting hist
to purchase the crystal that it was for the purpose of contacting the
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, to send commercial messages and thus avoid
the British censor.
KLEIN also stated that FELIX had told him that the group for
-which ALEX was to work realized his limited amount of radio knowledge
as a communication had been received from Hamburg that ALEX'S calls had
been received and wanted to know why there was no response to their calls.
[stated KLEIN also advised him that ALEX wanted to send a
message on the set from his, KLEIN'S apartment, in what he believed was
cipher code, but he refused to let him do so.

GAEL FiajPER in his statement dated June 30, 1941, on Page Four,
stated that he introduced WHEELER-HILL to JOSEF KLEIN who was in possession
of radio equipment and he also saw the radio set at KLEIN'S which was in
a small black box and portable.

AXEL TKEELER-aiLL in his statement dated June 29, 1941, on Page

Four, stated that about July 1940, CARL REDPER took him to JOSEPH KLEIN'S
house on 126th Street in order to talk things over about the construction
of a portable transmitting set at a price around $200. KLEIN stated the
set he had in view would reach around the world. During the time the set
was being built, KLEIN indicated he knew the set would be used to transmit
commercial information to Germany* KLEIN completed the set and turned it
over about the first of November 1940 and it was supposed to operate on
any wave length in the 20 or 40 meter band.

65-1819 KLEIN

__ 'Douglas Radio Company,

Courtlandt Street, New York City, up until about March 1941, as a
Sales Service man, advised that about July 19-40 JOSEF KLEIN came to
him and wanted a portable radio transmitting set constructed with a
radius of between 3000 and 4000 miles and placed an order for the
necessary parts. A few weeks later he came in with a party comple
transmitter which he had built from the parts ordered and askedj
to rewire i t and put i t in operating condition, mentioning that
was for a Russian friend of his, then attending the R.C.A. Institute and
who desired to communicate with Hamburg, Germany. He also wanted crystals
to operate the set outside of the amateur band. This statement concerning
gmitting to Germany with a set not tobeiN^hintiTfi^amaiaiiiiJjand caused
j t o become suspicious and report t o f l j j H H ^ H m ^ i m m ^ who
turn reported to the Federal Bureau ^ ^

A check of JOSEP KLEIN'S bank account located at the Manufacturers

Trust Conp&ny, 67 West 125th Street, New Tork, New Tork, revealed no unusual
deposits* The highest balance at any one time being f400.00.
KLEIN was employed at the time of his arrest by the Wright Photo
Offset Company, 55 Vandam Street, New York City at an average salary of
$53.00 per week.
65-1619 KLEIN

The Immigration and Naturalization Service, 641 Washington

Street, New York City, file oa JOSEPH KLEIN, 227 East 126th Street,
Hew York City, contains an affidavit dated April 1, 1941, which reads
in parti

Upon ay preliminary examination for naturalization this

day, I was asked the question, (If necessary, are you
willing to take up arms in defense of this country?}.
I wanted to make y position clear on this point and
stated that my father was killed in France in 1914 daring
the Hbrld War, and that I have two sisters and a brother
in Germany and would find it difficult to fight against
ay brothers 1 although I have one brother in Germany, by
the rise of the term Mbrother" I mean, the German people.
I have nota.estitan.cyin stating iu&t I would fight on
this soil or even on foreign soil against any other
nation than Germany. However, if Germany invaded this
country, I would be willing to fight and resist an
invasion by the Germans."

65*0.819 KLEIN

KLEIN signed a waiver of removal hearing and on June 30, 1941,

he -was arraigned before U, S. Coraaissioner MARTIN C* EPSTEIN, Brooklyn,
New York. Upon a plea of not guilty, his bail -was set at $25,000, in
default of which he was remanded to custody pending final hearing set
for July 15, 1941.
On July 15, 1941, the Federal Grand Jury for the Eastern District
of New lork returned an indictment charging JOSEF AUGUST KLEIN and other
named defendants -with conspiracy in two counts to Violate Sections 233 of
Title 22 and 32 of Title 50, United States Code.
KLEIN was arraigned July 18, 1941 upon said indictment before
the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New Tork.
Upon a plea of not guilty his bail was continued at $25,000., and in
default of which he was remanded to custody of the U S. Marshal pending
trial set for September 3, 1941

DESCRIPTIONS as obtained from observation and interview:-

Age 37
Height 5 4"
Weight 130 pounds
Build Small
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Complexion Swarthy
Scar* Oval e car on right shin
Occupation Lithographer
Hobby Amateur radio and recording
Alien Registration 3460240
Social Security #092-01-8333
Religion Catholic^^^^^^^^
Relatives Brother: ^^^^^___


address in Germany


Nieces and nephews:

4 minor in Germany
Education Grammar school in Germany 8 years.
New York Institute of Photography, 3/4 of a
Nationality Germas .
First U. S, Papers 1937
Organisations German Ring 1934
Christian Front 1937
National Geographic Society
Photographers Association of. America
Sympathies Pro-Haai j anti-Semitic " u ' , .'
Bank Manufacturers Trust .Company,
Harlem Branch- checking account.
t #


Criminal Record Arrested K#IG. Police Department

U. S. Secret Service for Counterfeiting
Found not guilty 9-14-1933.
F.B.I. #3686555
N.I.P.D* #B-116OO5
Fingerprints and photographs obtained 7-28-1941 and forwarded
to Bureau.
Hand writing specimens on file.

1* Immigration and Naturalization

of Common Pleas, Jersey City, New Jersey*
Newark, New Jersey*

2 Espionage Activities '* Known or Possible

fewsweek Btiilding, iTatchuan

6/28/41 6/29/41
6/28/41 6/30/41 7/5/41 7/11/41
Laboratory, FBI

3, Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence

M. P. Callahan 7/20/4"
Donegan 1/25/41
7/20/40 7/21/40
_ Uj 5/41
J. A. Sizoo 7/20/40
4. Microphone Surveillance -(Admissibility Qaestionable)

5* Employment Record
U,S, lines
.S. lines,

6. History and Prior Activities


aliasest Herman Hartwig Kleiss,
Hardt, Hard, Jimmy Hard, Richard
Hermann, H. Herman*
130 East 94th Street, New Tork City.
Chief cook on S. S. AMERICA of the
United States Lines.


The records of the Immigration and Naturalization

Service, Newark, New Jersey, file No. 2194-P-57447, reflect that
HERMAN HARTWIG KLEISS was born at Frankfurt, Germany, August 21,
1896, and emigrated to the United States from Bremerhaven, Germany,
entering the Port of ew York November 6, 1925 on the S. a. GEOEGE
WASHINGTON. He filed his petition for citizenship June 12, 1930
under the Seamen's Act, alleging 36 months of continuous service
on ships of American registry. He was naturalized January 8, 1931
at Jersey City, New Jersey, and received Certificate of Naturaliz-
ation No. 3,279,249. He gave as his occupation, cook, and hisen-
ployer the United States lines. He further stated that he was
married and the father of two children. His wife and children
residing at that tine in Wessermunde, Germany; now living in the
United States. He is made a subject in this case as a result of
the following circumstances:

In a conversation between FRANZ STIGLER, EEWIN

SIEGLER and HLLIA2I SEBOED, Stigler had among other things in a
conversation relating to someone to transport materials to the
i ./I other
this b u 3 ^
said that this man would take messages. STIGLER said that he had
a bunch of blue prints of the S. S. America hidden away ions
plac in a basement in New Jersey; that he did not think that he
would send these things to the other side* At this time STIGLER
and SIEGLER were still employees on the S. S. Manhattan*
(Serial 1504, page 48)
i ^ y i i v m . - ' . . \ .''' !>-**>'-*



July 17, SEBOJD received a letter at Post Office Box 574

1940. Grand Central Annex, Sew York Citj
19 _
It was a one
page typewritten comnranication in German and English mixed from
FEHSE, and when translated read as follows:
"Regarding speed boats 60 feet long, 12 feet wide, 3 Wright
motors, high explosive gasoline, 60 knot speed, being built
in navy yard Washington, D. C. for test run being sent over-
land to Chicago for test run on the lakes. 4 torpedoes 10
feet long, 12" diameter, 1 three inch cannon on stern, five
man crew. 8 miles on batteries in case of emergency. 40 on
hand. Over 100 of them ordered* Will not be shown openly.
Regarding tbrpedoe boats, 50 new ones built with 18" diameter
tube instead of 20" which Is usual size only in America. Re-
garding armored tower on new 36,000 ton battleships, 3 n
armored tower superstructure or pedestal, 2" of the true
rit/ covering is welded not riveted. Regarding airplane carriers
from keel up ship skin is 2" thick to water line, 1" thick
with 10" flange. Skeleton not yet far enough along for
further information.
(Signed) Via Fink from Hardt

July 20,
1940. Bureau Agents while shadowing STIGI2K and SIEQLER,
observed HARTSIG KT.KTSS i n h i s 1939 maroon Packard
Convertible Sedan with a canvas top, bearing New
York license plates 4-E-6255, drive FRANZ STIGIER
and ERWIN STJEGIER from New York City to 5714 Central Avenue, Ocean
City, where STIGIER climbed out of the car and talked
le who were later identified to be the relatives H l B
H H R as previously contacted by STIGLEE in PriTlaaelphia
^romthere they drove on to Salisbury, Maryland, arriving on. July
21, 1940, where Agents again observed them to stop near a m11
box located on H. Division and Isabella Streets, and saw STIGLER
again get out of the car and mail a letter, which when checked,
bore the address of MR. B. ZEHZBK3IR, care -ofl


the envl-
then procSedeTon^oTewportNews where they becSecre^mStoers of
the S. S. America then in the shipyards.
(Serial 1987, page 40)

August 2, STIGIER in a conversation with WILLIAM SEBOH), stated

1940. among other things when conversing about various
operatives in the espionage business, that he had re-
cently nailed invisible writing pencils, that is
pencils which can be used to make secret writings to
the men in the Bronx and also to a man whose name sounded something
like WANDTHER (undoubtedly Zenzinger), in care of]
_ _ _ _ _ ^ _ ^ In talking with STIGIER with "rep
Lo message #-25 received
July 31* 1940, which read in part,
"Regarding yesterday s inquiry send by Clipper or export line steamer
via Portugal11, SEBOID asked STIGLER if he knew of someone on an
export liner and SriGLER made the remark that he would have to talk
things over with his chief SEBOID asked him who he meant by his
chief and he said the chief of the S. S. America or possibly the
chief cook; that his chief uses the name of HARD.
(Serial 2244, page 7)

September 5, In a conversation between SIEGIER, STIGLER and SEBOID,

1940* among other things STIGLERtanded SEBOID a copy of
Fortune Magazine of August 1940 which bears through-
out the magazine the stamped words "United States
lines - Please do not remove from library." The
cover page contains the printed name HARD* Within
the magazine there is an article captioned "HOW MANY PLANES, WEEK?"
which is an article concerning the development and production
capacity of Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Each page of this article bears
the printed name in pencil of HARD or R. HARD. An insert in the
magazine "The Fortune Survey XXXUI" concerning public opinion
figures as to (1) The Presidency; (2)The Parties and the War;
(3) The Battle For England; (4) The War Partners to Blame; (5) More
Aid for England; (6) Fan America versus The Nazis; (7) The Places
we would Defend; (8) Will War Come to the TJnited States?; (9) Arms
At All Costs; (10 Trading with a Nazi Europe; also bears the
printed name HARD. Another article in the magazine entitled "SIX
MANAGERS" and concerning six men who were said to be high in finan-
* cial circles, also was.marked with the name HARD. STIGIER wanted -
this magazine sent to Germany* , .
" (Serial 3045, page 15)


September 19, During conversation between COHRADIN DOLD and WILLIAM

1940. SEBOED, DOLD mentioned that he knew STRUKGK, and that
he used to work cm the Washington before coping on
the Excambian, He asked SEBOID if he knew the head
cook on the America and SEBOID asked him if he meant
HARD. DOID siad no, he meant KLEESS. SEBOID then
said that he believes this is the same man as he has known a man Tinder
the name of HARD but had never met him.
(Serial 3045, page 34)

September 20, Again in a meet between SIEGLER, STIGLER and WIT.LTAM

1940. SEBOID, STIGIER produced a typewritten letter written
by HARD and said he guessed he would mail the letter
to Portugal. SEBOID suggested that he let him make
a microphotograph of the letter and mail it. STIGIER
handed the letter to him. The letter is in German
and a translation thereof reflects the following:
"September 17, 1940-

I finished my time in the south some weeks ago and
I am now on a trip to the West Indies. You will
have In the meantiae received my letters from the
south and probably the letter containing the various
patent notices from Zurich, Switzerland is in your
hands* It was too bad that during this tine I did
not have an inconspicuous camera. I had repeatedly
ordered one and 16*. Aufzug told me that X would
receive one vrith the next mail. I could truly have
used the same very well.
The yards there hare lately developed very well and
have employed 11,000 men* Various trade vessels
which have been improved for some time were launched
there* Also certain old ships from 4,000 to 6,000 -
tons from the so-called ghost fleet are being con-
ditioned there and reported to be the ones which
will be sold to England ............. k 35,000 ton
battleship which is just in the beginning, of Its
construction lays in the:slip and really has-been^
(f VEC:CD 5

"making very slow progress and I was stopped not
less than eight times on my walks around as there
is plenty about it going around*
All the planes of the marine ships which are in,
construction in these yards which I-have reported
are. prepared by Gtbbai and Gooks in Itfnr ibrk:, :> :* *
(Glbbs & Coxe) and I have in mind to find someone
. there. : <'' ' *' * '" '' '

Herewith is a little diagram of the small boats

about which I have already written you. (A pencil
diagram of a cross section of a boat appears on
the bottom of the letter).
Concerning the reported airplane carriers which) >
are under construction I have learned the following:
The weight is 35,000 tons, the outter shell from the
bottomf to the water line lj" thick and has a draught
of 35 . 12* below the wiifcer line the ships are
equipped with four pocket tanks of 22 x 2 which
in case of direct hit serve the purpose of leading
the entering water over from one side to the other
and thereby prevent the ship from listing.
Four grappling cables or steel hawsers are on board
at various levels...........
Best regards to you and let me hear from you sometime.
(Signed) J m a SjLRT
(Serial 3045, page 3?)
During a conversation between HARRT STRDNCK and
WILLIAM SEBOID.which took place in SEBOJJDtg
off^ice, STEUNCK stated: among other things that
fgave him two letters to be mailed, one of which was from
addressed to JTJDH HARD. She other was apparently a death
notice,according to STEUNCK, since it was the usual black bordered
envelope and was addressed, to someone in Chicago*
- ' '" -- . (Serial 5680, page 2) -

January 24, YOTUAM SEBOID received through the mail addressed
1941* to him at Post Office Box 67 at Madison Square
Station, ^ew York City, letter postmarked New York,
January 24th, which reads as follows:
"January 24, 1941.
Dear Harry
Jimmy likes to see you Saturday 8 PM. over in your
office and ER will visit you on Monday 83O PK
same place*
Best regards.
(Signed) ER"
(Serial 6332, page 4)

/ 25, At about S P s M Si HARTWIG KLEISS walked into YflLLIAM

1941. SEBOIDfS office, room 627, 352 West 42nd Street,
New York City, and asked SEBOID if he knew who he
was. SEBOID said "No". EtEISS then stated that his
name was JIMMY HARD. They then talked for a little
while about things in general such as their experiences
and former meetings they had had with STIGLER and
SIEGLER. SEBOID then asked KIEISS how he got started in this businesss.
KLEISS said that he was in Genoa and that FEHSE arranged a meeting with
him with GERHOFF; that he only spoke to GERHOFF about five minutes
and Gerhoff told him to act as a messenger. Be said he did not hear
from the other side for months and months and that apparently they
"donH even know his name any more." KIEISS asked SEBOID if he
rraaembered a letter that he wrote to him concerning a Swiss inventor
a few months back. SEBOID recalled the letter and asked KLEISS how
he got possession of it. KLEISS said he approached a negro porter
in the shipyards in Newport News and told the negro that he was a
stamp collector and that the negro gathered up a lot of letters
and handed them to him, and just by luck he found this particular
letter in the envelope and paid the negro $35.OO KEEISS then
gave SEBOID eight blue prints of the various decks of the S.S.AUERICA
and told him that the markings on the blue prints for the B and A
decks indicate the locations of the newly installed emplacements
made at Newport News for the purpose of mounting guns on the boat.


He explained that these guns -would be lifted on hoists when ready

to fire and that ammunition would be supplied in belt conveyors*
SEBOED asked him how he had obtained these plans but he would not
tell* He then put on a mysterious air.
He then spoke about a man by the name of |
and said that this man would not cooperate with him any more. He
man's wife is living in Germany and was going to join
America some time ago; that she was in Genoa, ready to
board a ship, but the Gestapo switched her back to Germany.
K1EISS then spoke about a camera that he wanted to
buy to take pictures of the Panama Canal. SEBOLD showed him his
Leica Camera. KLEISS had the opinion that he could use such a camera
to take pictures of blue prints by simply holding the blue print on
the wall and snapping a shot of it. SEBOLD then showed him the
elaborate equipment he had in his office for the purpose of making
microphotographs. KLEISS did not appear to know much about photog-
raphy and asked SEBOED how much a Leica would cost. SEBOED told
him about $125. for a secondhand one. KIEISS then handed him $80.
to be applied on the purchase price of the camera. He said he
would see Mm on Wednesday night and give him the balance of the
purchase price.
KIEISS also spoke of a man by the name oi
who returned to Germany and took with him a book with some
portant maritime information in it from himself,KLEISS, He -then
gave SEBOLD, besides the blue prints of the AMERICA, various news-
paper clippings and clippings from magazines. Also a letter
written in German written to "My dear Mr. Gerhoff % and dated
New Tork, January 23", which begins as follows*
"Tour dear letter care 4||HBM
7th from London has been recejLvedDy me and I*m
telling you that it pleased me greatly to have
received a sign of life from yon. Since April
last year I heard nothing from you and Hew Tork
has changed itself much in the meantime. However,
it is too bad that you can't be among us. As
you well know I was until toeM^fJuly last year
in the south ....mH^JPwhose wife
a short time before the declarationof war by
Italy resided in Italy pains me greatly*
E^i! iZt.-M.\nkf-d tJM*.nt!j*l*ii*U*'&*iii*- J * .virl.'AVtiiVi.


65-1819 *
I do not know whether he is entirely withdrawn
and unapproachable in spite of this I can't bring
myself to sinply let him fall by the wayaide. Time
will tell what Is wrong* He was otherwise a fine
fellow and for some months nothing better could be
wished ............. You will be able to remember
Mr. Richard Hermann who had so much craving for
caviar. Now what do you think he has brought about?
Since his name sounds too German and he found it a
hindrance in his business he changed it simply to
Jimmy or Hard. "What one here in America can't do
over night is often sinply astounding.
I have heard t h a t ^ H H m | M r a s also supposed to
have gone to Spain^newantea to visit you. At
that time I had given him a book in English for you.
Did he get it over to you all right? ...............
The same could be said about me as far as health is
concerned. If only the political situation here
was not always so strained. As a German half Jew
one must permit a great deal to be done to him here
as even the spy danger has become much too great a
propaganda medium. They also had me before them
and squeezed me out like a lemon ........
concerning nry income I had to give a record. Also
everything in entirety almost as in Germany vntll
they cane across the Jewish background, then it
became easier, and after two hours I could leave. I
think that here in America it will yet become
exactly as in Germany. Oh, they were very interested
as to whether I was a soldier in the last war. Well,
I wasn't in it ...............
The above letter is set out in full under the testimony of VJflLLIAM
SEBOID covering this particular day*
SEBOID ai'HAEDrS request printed the name JBMI H&SB
at the top of this letter. At the time HAR0 handled all of the above
materials he did not desire to have his handwriting appear on them
yet he appeared very anxious that he should get credit for the trans-
c VEC:CB 9

65-1819 ,
mittal of the material to Germany. He therefore requested
SEBOID to print his name .TTMMY HARD on all of the aatetial, which
SEBOID id. PAUL FEHSE and LEO WAAJJEN walked into the office
while EEISS nas there tilth SEBOID* They appeared to knew one
another and did a lot of talking between themselves, mostly about
STIGLER jeing followed, then XT.KTSS left*
(Serial 6332, page 4)

January 27, During the conversation between ERSfIN SIEGLER and

1941* SEBOID in Sebold*s Office, SIEGLER among other
things spoke about HARDj said he ahed to be on a
German sea raider during the world war} that he
wants to be the big boss in this outfit but that
he is only a wind bag who tries to rest on other
peoples1 laurels. SIEGEER also handed SEBOID an additional $50.
to be used for the purchase of a Lelca camera for KEEISS, and
SISGJJER said films should be purchased -with the rest of the money.
(Serial 6401, page 4.)

On January 28, 1941, ERWIN SIEGLER came to SEBOED'S

office and SEBOID turned over to him a Leica camera and film which
he had purchased that day from Abe Cohen's Camera Exchange in New
York City. He gave him in addition 60 in change, stating that
he was keeping the extra 60^ to pay his subway fares, which they
laughed about.
OA$gring the conversation SEBOID asked him what kind
of pictures he/intended to take with the camera and SIEGLER said
pictures of the United States Army and Navy and around Colon.
SIEGLER also stated that HARD makes a lot of money on meat, etc.
besides his salary on the boat. SIEGLER left taking KLEISS* camera
along with him for the purpose of giving it to him on board the
S.S.AMERICA, where both are employed.
(f _ _ . .:i.^;.^,...::,,,..r........ ,.,t, ,,r . ,m



April 25, SIEGLER i n conversation -with SE30ID stated KLEISS

1941. K&S starting that day on a six months vacation.

Hay 29, STRTJNCK s t a t e d to SEBOLD that the u t i l i t y man oa the

1941. Siboney trho norked for KLEISS carrying espionage
information lef^ttxe boat at Idsbonj that he STKONCK
sent h i j ^ H H p in order that he could get a pass-
port* m | H ^ r r a n g e d for his returning to Germany
by planei^STRDNDK asked that SEBOLD not t e l l KLEISS
about this man leaving the ship at Lisbon.
(NOTE: This iras|


Assistant Director E. J. Cennellej, on June 27, 1941,

swore to & complaint before United States Coasdssioner MARTIH C.
EPSTEIN, Brooklyn, Eastern District of New York, charging HARTWIQ
RICHARD KLEISS and others with a conspiracy to violate Sections 32
soed and on
and 34, Title 50, United Sta-
130 East 94th Street, New
York City at about 8:15 P.M. He consented to a search of his
apartment and signed a waiver to that effect. He was thereafter
brought to New York Bureau Office, United States Court House
Building. Foley Square. New York City, where he was questioned
and *ade the following signed statement j-

June 29, 1941.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I, HARTTOG KLEISS, make the following voluntary statement

to V H H H H wh-om I know to be a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of
Investigat^^^No threats or promises have been made in order to induce
me to make this statement. This statement is made freely and voluntarily
because I want to tell the truth*

I am 45 years of age, born August 21, 1896 at Frankfurt,

Germany. At the age of 14 I started as an apprentice cook, Badkissingen,
Bavaria, Hotel Wittelbach. From 1910 to 1913, I worked as a cookj after,
I went to Bremen, Germanyj and got a job as clerk-cook on the run to
Buenos Aires, with the North German Lloyd. I stayed there until 1914 atthe
outbreak of the war* I was in Buenos Aires when war started war No. 1,
between Germany, Russia, France and England. I had to report for service
at the German Consulate for duty and was shipped out from there and became
a sailor in the German Navy, on about September or October, 19l4j and was
transferred there to the sea raider Crown Prince Wiihelm, until the ship went
into Newport News, Va, in April, 1915, and there I got interned and became
a prisoner of war in 1917 when the United States declared war. I was
shipped home to Germany, October, 1919, and arrived in Germany in November,
1919* I stayed home with my parents in Gena until August, 1921* I then
came on the American Steamship "GEORGE WASHINGTON" of the United States Line,
as a member of the crew, to the United States, as cook. On arrival at New
York I got off and joined the steamship "QDANTEC" of the Polish-American
lane as a cook, going to Danzig, then a free city, I stayed on this ship
until May, 1922, and joined the United States Line and have been on this one
ever since until April 25, 1941. I started then my vacation and got paid
up to May 8, 1941.

As War No. 2 broke out, after Christmas, 1939* I made

three trips to Genoa, Italy, on the SS "MANHATTAN". Ihile I was in Genoa,
on the "MANHATTAN", on the second trip I made, a man approached me and asked
me if I wanted to do something for my old country, which I did not exactly-
refused to do, and get information over to Italy* I do not know the man*5
name and he did not even introduce Wins elf as anything. I only spoke
about three minutes with that person* Q& that same day, another man approach-
ed me and asked me if I would take a package over to the United States,
which I refused to do*. On the next day, that same man asked me again
about that package and offered me $100. for it. The first man who
approached me told me that I would get more information about sgr so-called,,
new job) or side job, but on the following trip I did not see him. After :':
I got to New York, another man approached me to take some letters over to
Genoa and I could not do this because I asked already for my duty
vacation and requested to be sent down to Newport Hews to the SS "AMERICA"
as a supervisor inrayparticular department.
# '

Statement of Hartwig Kleiss (2)

Around the f i r s t of June 1940 before I Trent down to

Newport News, t h a t man asked me i f I -would open up a postal box i n mjr name,
which I refused t o do. After, he asked roe i f I knew somebody where he
could have sent a l l mai^orrioneytrnder the name offifGHARD~H!SM!LNiI
advised him the firm f f l | H H ) | F Either myself or him put up a
letter fPS" that purpose wh^h^^eSSher mailed or brought personally to that
firm. After that, the man told me that -would be his name* Qa around
the f i r s t of June, I went down to Newport News, Virginia, and that man
from New York approached me again there and actually told me what to do.
And I took information up to New York, to his brother, at 85th Street and
5th A.venue$ also to the Hotel New Yorker. During my stay in Newport News,
I went to New York three times. He gave me tiro or three times written inform-
ation nhich I had to -write with my typewriter which was either dictated
or written in pencil by him. Any time I went to Jlen York I had to see
what he called his brother in New York,to transfer this information to him*
The information was about ship buildings, including blueprints, e t c .
In July 1940 I gave F. STIGLER a l e t t e r and this was
possibly the l e t t e r concerning Zurich, Switzerland, and told Stigler to take
care of i t , meaning that the destination of the letter was Germany, A letter
dated September 17, 1940, addressed -toflHHH^H^^amburg, Germany,
containing written information was furtu^nec^BjMjMp the man I saw in
rt News. The information in this letter TmsrurSLshed at Havana, Cuba*
>te this letter in pencil which I had to type up.
Q. (By M r . | ^ | ^ H H H | V Is the man whom you refer to as|
who met youxnNewport News and for whom you brought iniormat^STfrom
Newport News to New York, on two or three occasions, the same man whoa
you saw in New York City while you were on your vacation, who asked
you to take information to Genoa, Italy, and whom you told you were
on your vacation?
A* That's the same man*
(Ef HETSS continuing)
. I was supposed to deliver this letter ^owttttf ^-B brother
New Yorker, and I do not remember whether I delivered this-letter
My intention for this letter was to be sent some-*
Hamburg. I think the f i r s t blueprints, or some blue-
this l e t t e r either to STIGLER-or-

Statement of Hartwig Kleiss (3)

OR January 25, 1941, a ^ ^ P j M ^ ^ g n ^ x ) a nMr.

office which address -was given to me by l f l | m i H v delivered the
letter and also blueprints to SEBCRD* A t t n e s m e t i m e l asked him
to buy roe a good camera and deposited $80. on his desk. The camera iras
delivered to me the following day by EHWITT STJ3GLHS. and I paid him the
remaining $40. or $45
I iras supposed to get a camera from somewhere which STIGLER
told me, but I never received any and I do not really know the reaaoa for
i t , I hever knew for what reason I was going to get it I believe that
GERflOFJgMBa8thefirst man that approached me in Genoa, through conversation
I admit that I used JIMMY HARD as instructed by suggest*-
I admit also that I mailed l e t t e r s containing
"ana, Cuba, on March 2, 1941, which also were written
for me to type* The letters were addressed to Mr. GERHOFF
% HARRY SAWYER, Box 67, Madison Square Station, New York'
City. Information in the letters vas of a ship which X saw in the Panama
Canal and conversation which I had with one of my cooks who told me that he
was on one of the ships which was recently sunk in. Indian waters*
Q. (By M r ^ B I H B H I I I V ' I s the
HARRY SAWYER to whom you mailed the above
describe'd l e t t e r s the same individual i n whose office you v i s i t e d on
the night of January 25, 1941, and whom you hereinabove referred t o as

A. Yes, he is*

0*- Do you know who this man whom you refer to as

you know his correct name and address?
A. No.
Is there actually such an individual as|
for did you furnish this information yourself?
A. ^^^_^ Ko I did not* son who said his
name ifljjJsBsW811^ then he said his the. name JTJfflE
H&KD created* Eis brother. I knew only but I do not believe
i t was his brother*
Statement of Hartwig Kleiss (4)

On J u l y l 5 ^ 1 o ^ o ^ ^ l ^ t e r about information of speed*-

boats, which was put U P | H H J H H H ) V I took to New York^jdlanded i t
over t o PAUL FEHSE. ThexnKrjBaTlo&Tnat I received ^jjm^
delivered to Paul Fehse was as follows*
60'., 12* wide, Wright Jfotor; high explosive gasoline*
60 knots, )>ave been built at Navy Yard, Washington, D.G*
4 torpedoes, 3-inch guns, 5-Jnan crew*
Q Did you intend for PAD! FEHSE to send this information to Germany either
directly or through some of his contacts?
A. I turned this l e t t e r over to FEHSE with the understanding &iat he would
know what to do with i t .

(Mr. KLEISS, continuing the narrative)

Wiile I was in Sebord's office, on January 25, 1941j FEHSE
and another man went into the office when I was about to go I hardly
remember that I spoke, or what I spoke, to FEHSE because i t was an unexpected
surprise to IES to sss his thsrs, as I was mars or less under the influence
of alcohol because I remember that I started to take drinks at ten o'clock
in the morning*
Personally, I do not have any contact with the Nazi Party
bund or any organization of that kind. Part of the reason why I did not
object to the approaches was due to various things having been done i n
Gibralter from naturalized English, which I saw with my own eyes were very
adtive in delivering information to Gibralter. I more or less overlooked a l l
activity there from my room which was located next to the U boat where
English boats were tied up, and there was, early in 1940, a slogan around the
ship tha$ every English born had to do something for his mother country*
'With r e f e r e n c e t o t h e m ^ ^ ^ ^ P matter hereinabove mention-
ed, I wrote a l e t t e r t o j | m j | ^ J ^ t e l l i n g him that I had a new customer
for his business by the name -of RICHARD HEEMH. This man being out of town.
would you please hold any mail or money sent on the above name,
I received a l e t t e r addressed, to HARTWIG KLEISS, c/o
750 Broadway, from Gerhoff, Germany Twfaioh was mailed i n Hew Yoik
(ier was received on the stationery, of. a London hotel, asking me for
n e w s * ' . " . . . ' ; ! . : . . ' ' * " . ' ' - . . ' .

This i s a summary of a l l my activities i n collecting

information for Germany* , . .
Statement of Hartwig Kleiss (5)

Has this statement been made by you freely

and voluntarily and of your OTOI accord?
A Tee.
Q. Have any threats or promises of any kind been made to induce you to
make this statement?
A No sir,
Q. Have you dictated this statement in your own words?
A. I have*
Q Is this statement true according to the best of your recollection?
A. les.



Vrfc, Special Agent/

Federal Bureau of Investigation,
607 Foley Sq., KYC


A search of KLELSS residence incidental to his arrest

resulted in the finding of the following possible pertinent inforaafcionw

Leica camera #386559, Lens #261473, TOS found *hioh KJJEESS

admits he purchased through HARRY SAWYER or SEBOLD on
January 25, 194U
A. browi notebook in -which was set out :-
Page 1 R 167 (fr Stigler
23 70th Street
SUB 7-7458 2nd
8:00 P.M.
Zager (illegible)
Page 2 E 167
Page 3 I 167
Page 4 IT 167
Page 5 A 167
Page 6 S 167
Madison Square S t .
Page 7 0
Page 8 0
Page 9 P
Page 10 H.
Page 11 C.

It nill be noted by reading this from bottom to top, that

it probably refers to the address of Informant BOCASE #1, nho ia
HARRY SAWYER, Post Office Box 67, Madison Square Station, New York,
P New York.
65-1819 KLEISS

FErfeE i n h i s s t a t e m e n t beginning on Page Eight admits t h a t he

wrote up certain information which he received from HARTWIG KLEISS and
sent i t to HARRY SA1YER, which read i n p a r t as follows:

Speed boats, 60 f e e t , 12 feet -wide, 3 TIM.ght motors,

high explosive gasoline, 60 knots speed, are built
i n Naval Yard, Washington, D, C. For t r i a l runs
transported to lake across land to Chicago, e t c . ,

On Page Twelve he t e l l s about meeting HARTWIG KLEISS i n

HARRI SJLWXERiS office on one occasion.

STRUNCK in his statement d a t e d J u n e 2 9 , 1941, on Page Three

states that on his l a s t trip to L i s b o n f l H U g a v e him a l e t t e r addressed
to HARTWIG KLEISS at 50 Broadway, New York City and said i t was for HARD.
On Page Six STRUNCK states that he r e a l i a e d j ^ t t ^ c t i n g as a German spy
FiiUL FHS3E were engaged i n gathering and transporting information pertain-
ing to espionage and were .cuLug 8.6 spies for the G^rsaji Goverznfient.


On fJune 30, 194-1, HARTWIG KLEESS was arraigned before U. S.

Commissioner Epstein at Brooklyn, in the Eastern District of New York,
at which time he entered a plea of guilty. His bond was set at $25,000
and he was remanded to custody pending action of the Federal Grand Jury.
On July 15, 1941, the Federal Grand Jury for the Eastern
District of New York returned an indictment charging HARTWIG KLEISS and
other named defendants with conspiracy to violate in two counts Sections
233 of Title 22 and 32 of Title 50, U. S. Code.
KLEISS was arraigned before the Federal District Court, Brooklyn,
on July 18, 1941, and plead not guilty and was remanded to custody in lien
of $25,000 bail, pending trial on September 3, 1941.


The, Employment record of HARTWIG KLEISS as obtained from

the United States lines i s as follorra: (Chef)

Se S. PRESIDENT HARDING 12-21-31 to 12-16-32

S. S. MANHATTAN 12-28*32 to 9-8-36
S. S. MANHATTAN 12-2~36 to 5-15-37
S. S MANHATTAN 7-14-37 to 9-7-39
Vacation 9-&%39 to 9-30-49
5. S. MANHATTAN 10-l~39 to 4-19^40
S. S AMERICA 5-9*40 to 4-24-41

The itinerary of the S. S. MANHATTAN waaj-

Left Port of New York To Returned to Port of New York
12~3O-39 Naples & Genoa, Italy
1-27-40 Naples & Genoa. Italy 2-21=40
2-24-40 Naples & Genoa, Italy 3-18-40
3-23-40 Naples &. Genoa, Italy 4-15-40
4-20-40 Naples & Genoa, Italy 5-13-40
5-18-40 Naples & Genoa, Italy 6-10-40
7-2-40 Lisbon, Portugal 7-18&4O
8-9-40 San Francisco, & Los Angeles
Calif. 9-10-40
914-40 Same places 10-16-40
1-10-41 Los Angeles, California
(This vessel trent aground off the coast of Florida
on January 12, 1941 and returned to Neir Xork on
February 10, 1941)
2-22-41 To Dry Dock,


The itinerary of the S. S iMERICA was:-

Left Port of Hew Tork To Returned to Port of New York

8-10-40 St. Thomas, San Juan,

Port-au-Prince and
Havana 8-22-40
8-24-40 Same as above 9-5-40
9-7-40 Sa$e as above 9-19^40
9-21-40 Same as above 10-3-40
10-5-40 Same as above 10-17-40
10-19-40 Same as above 10~31^0
11^9-40 Same as above 11-21-40
11-23-40 Same as above 12-5-40
12-7-40 Same as above 12-19^40
12-21-40 Sane as above 1-1-41
1-2-41 Navy Tard, Drydocks,
Norfolk, Virginia l10-<41
1-U-<L St. Thomas, San Juan,
Port-au-Prince and Havana 1-23-41
1-29-a Los Angeles and San Francisco 3-4-41
Same as above 4-&-41
4-11-41 St. Thomas, San Juan, Port-
au-Prince and Havana
2 Jt.


Information was furnished |^

United S t a t e s Steamship Lines r e l a t i v e
t o t h e s a l a r y r e c e i v e d by HARTWIG KLEISS:


1939 1940
12/23/38 - 1/557351 $239.17 12/28/39 - 1/247415 $213.20
3/4 252.83 2/21 247.63
3/30 177.67 3A8 229.87
4/27 191.33 4/15 243.53
5/24 184.50 4/19 30.32
6/23 205.00 5/8 129.83
7/20 184.50 5/31 272.17
8A7 191.33 6A5 177.50
9/7 143.50 6/30 177.50
10/5 191.33 7/15 177.50
10/22 153.74 7/26 99.16
n 11A5 227.93 8/7 105.20
-> - 11/29 47.83 8/22 112^75
12/6 47.83 9/5 125.45
12A3 47.83 9A9 126.20
12/20 47.83 10/3 126.20
12/27 47.83 10/17 126.20
$ 2,581.98 10/31 126.20
11/7 61.60
11/21 123.20
12/5 126.20
12/19 126.20
12/20/40 - 117.40
1/9/41 70.40
1/23 123.20
3/4 352.40
4/8 147.20
4/24 9.20
4/25 112*00
5/9 $1,244.60


DESCRIPTION, from observation aad intervieTr:-


aliases, Hartwig Richard Herman ELeiss,
Hartwig Richard Kleiss, H.,Hartfrig, .
Heraan Hartwig JHeissy'Karat; "Hard,'
Jinmy Hard, Richard Herman, Richard
Hermann, H, Herman, -
Addressi Apartanent S-E, 130 East 94th Street,
New York City
Born 44
Height August 21, 1896, at Frankfurt, Germany
Weight 180 pounds
Build Medium heavy
Hair Dark blond or light brora, bald
lyes Gray
Complexion Medium
Nationality German
Citizenship Naturalized at Jersey City, New Jersey
January 8, 1931, Cert. #3-279249
Photograph In New York file, taken 6-28^41
Relatives iafe ERMA. BERla KLEISS (alien) born


Fingerprints Obtained and forwarded to the Bureau

Criminal Record None found as indicated by letter dated**
6 from FBI, Wash, D.C.

: - %

Hew lark' Stv lork

July 5t*>, 1941

AV.N'V;:?:, >-,;;; /;

ad tortnf' thl t i I wiUd for

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office d in dUa work
Chorciv oatll 19(21. t h U alMUe mwpfc ia la
ie an apilajprlla iaatitatl*ii far tfet ftiL aiiid4 &*'%* jpaaw.'
I a a M jHf

W^B^mjB" .


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4 >
p u u 3L&VINB>VQEWJU*9 *(RT - I M K E V W U M N K - TripipJnypTPP ** Q | n l J* W W v %mr
aad vorlctd .fbaxti tt asarlgr * J * ^ . "tl>fi I *nt IMMW aad orie4
nlj U r n MStltft i a tto office for aa orpbaa boo* for tb
Tha I MMtt t i IDStWM aad nwrtc4 tb*r i a an iaatttstloB fr
baakvard cfaildnto - a eorr^Us
I n s l a H**tou% I mi
as tba% i^r mv&Atotijifmm it X
m\^m ^^m^m% ^m^mwm^E^^Km}*^F^-^^^m^mw -jmrmwt^^m^^fp^w^mw^mw^^mi . i^pMr* BBB p^p - ^ ^ ^ 4 P * * ^ ' * _ k " * T ^ " ' ^W^^PMBprWUP* vjppm^'

UfiSDfiOTSCaUID aa4 arriYrt la ftnr Tort > PltwrtT 2&th, -

1927. filscIUti iMMa &a tht rjiU4 8ti I bar. w<M U
mkimimmt '"
1, P*. u d the USCa HJXL HOSPITAL, Trk City. 1
Mt clU>M l a taH, 1936. X hav a*d itm t r i p s back to
v i s i t V othr| | a 193$ f* about thr M on< hlf
lalv jra
PAUIV8CH0U "*'* ' - " '- ~*~*M '
. i * ' i

i at* nm. smati'-u. the fan.

***** | ; W P t t *** W ad SUln paj4r. : >,-

'it;: y^WM^

4am the stairway aad &MIS1 toll**** m and *faea we

town to tho corner kr. SCEOLZ e*s# p the street. went
axowad the bloek until * case to &gKII'efaoiV*eja wt put*


you ask JKftFIB com* to aee him en tle eerner and bt did thej
dlsetw* Is jeur prsacaee? .' ..
Aasr sc sai4 h didn't vast t& BM the
fUv ho Uv4 who he called th P.Mtiaa, *nd 1M
aot IM JAfiiEK for * coapl* ef dj bat h didn't
nt tiui otiwr fll<nr to ec hi. PAUL *skd JAEIfCT *ty he
not l e t hi* ** Ms for oae tia, 4tad JAHMCE Wld hi h
out of *ork Ad 1s h*fi no soiMqr, ad iZiliirXB said tht* tkr
felkm ii0 s Uring with hi* * IMJ fiy bsstim lw didn't
fetlp idbs ot *ith the rent and. would aot fire hta aajr SMMjr,
beeauee tMe other fellow oottld epare . fe* dftLlajni bct be
rtill had w k . JAfa'RKF, didfi%ak SCHOLZ for JV / , tat*
I think PAOL Te him a dolUr, and PAI7L g** *& appointot
Sometime later I
d the eoTBOT of 87th Street
if -SCH0L2 l o f t asy message for me wfcsr* X oaa
w* taat % . S&mU invited n both, hi*
COM i B i s b l f aettas for a l i t t l e talk,
In tho store *a* a ?** fellow *&>
* C*r*g to biqr a heap ear, * Stadebaksr,
bargaia, beeauae this mm n t to CaliforaU and loft
behind. So I vest slsog to i r . 6CB0U' with %m o*k, to r,
0OK3** mftrtoamt. i t ss * oart4r after alae whm X oeao t
W$m* *prteat. ift I MM* to Mr. SCHOW I sat %m and *tU*
* ehort t i s t Itr. C&XL'TU&M came to tho a^artasmt. They had a
foafl eonrejsaUe. abmtt the eicksesa of Hr. TISSUE wife.
to * <pd.te dtmahoarted bteenee he joet oao from tho hoapital,
ae M told M . Bs Uld me teat he didn't ** for a oottple of
iNNd ano he aeked qa#tioc about hie baty wiioh died t*a
hors aftor WLrtlu Tbeti ho took t*> savelopea ot of hi- efttkvt.
jt w baok ad gar* one to kr. SCiWli th* U b l t . them M
aid U r, SCS0L2, woold you j i r e aim that e*Teioje. CH(MU
said be hM a* tia' to do oo ttmnrtmt. m SCBOlUf ajakt4 a# Ut
bo bl* to jet ti to $$ ft*!* nut ayfag t a i . oavolop*
..,.._.....r:. Wrtoai, C 4 f i t f J S | l j a a % | a f | A t l i l i ^ ^
fow oolok. s a t t U told mo 1 oaomU $ l w tho
body Kh *as doi* la J4BK apartotat. 8* said i f
JAHKHI i s thara, toll hl lt for * eartola f U n h aamd
.<<B W M > twsfaifr 1aH f w w t w this ttaaa. the aaxt da/
I twat to j*H*XEa a^artaaat ia th* a f t a r a o - . . X rav* the ,
ball ftr tlBM Md iUOrXE aafwinf tha dteer aad 1 Iniiisl h i s
the Nralejw a*t'$ ealdSCH0L2 g*v MI tht rrlp. H said
4 U jrtttft M I SCSOU *a4 X *!* !, Xast niJt *t kU lw- M
CAHL *&* W. 4 t saU i*t' t h i s , *a& I aid lt*s fr
th EsaalM. I U M I k n v wh*% mm in thi wvpslsf*. LaWr
th>Bh, iftfiSSK told * that there M M M / ia t n l s artlap9
Ux*t b f*v the tattUa. 8e ! fold M *t ihU UUr U%m
that tbif ftllw tue as AIH. and feat tbr* as IS0.00 la

**reh r April, X
FASt SCmU aad FELU J&BWEE flAt la U H r M r
a l l thrt of **, ad I thiak * wtst tht 4rraiag to th
l i b r w y , bot oa th w / to 85th StrMt, SCfiol2 akd OAfilKE
i f ae hM a s / nww. Bs said h had ao a m INMMIVJM i t i t
dlffloolt te ce ta plao be*ua i t is vry amelt vat
JAi3JC Wld hi*, SCHOLZ, aas aooting a *ilor * l e h
case froa arwttd Utt i w l d as a fraigfctar. Taa/ ar
aoatha adr / tM # and thty wtioadad etrfo s a l
was loadad for FngUad. I b*lir ha said thar* vara alrnlaiMi
ator and w aatatUI* far Eaflaad, At th aaa tSat JaffiRCB
aid that JUI2ICA I s Bdia troopc to OSSIifLiW), aad hU opia
la a that t*mb tha aowpatioa of OSEfJUl, taa aaa-^a/
toCTGLAKDeald M cloarod f n CAM*. Ea twa tsisklag that
a l l ahijp* golag orar with a easvoy *wld M protatod by tta
Onltad 6 U t a t .
arur hear the save FUEHflE
ftentleaed ead .hav dM~

f th*t aomtWftfiTTO* *at AWES aakad vary ax-

eitod 'smart i s 3G801& aad i f a* km* fEBSS. fhaa ha
a aav^apar cllplas **. FEfSI taaftiiit * l a t U
tolliag a^otit th PTMrta of raaaala. . 2 tald ABHIt
'Mil if tokaiw^oaa h/tha aua ^.ftSSX aai w i
3B y praaaat
p la tiff jy
d did
th nlht PATH, 6CS0U w s arraatod aad did aaywa aaa thar*
that arasd^ aakli* f ttitt SCjUf -
laawar h ^ S ^ ^ H d e f o r a his arosat A M S V U aara
mttfta I d M t kMt mA at*** fr SCISOIZ. Mr. SCR0L2 *id U
W t k l i l t l r , OtfO. Ttoa to'fttM I g ot for tn ta*t*s # %
l H to teck ** Th#y both *at m% and mm tat* i n ttottt
iMotjr *!***. I t m* iwtto*> 1W, I a# to clttw U ;..-..
atom* % l a t e r to* tldL* M * f&ttwrw i th Bapa|Mr i
saw t**t U

r idtft ltbr PA5L 5COLI

rat!* 4SMNI not wrnrk, tifcw i s anthing wrwg mi tte idle-
cyol tr*d U,OOO,i % aavticeat 33,000 too, i t doi not
f*tti* -no SCUOLkl tld oolA.*t i t W flas4* JAHUOE a*14
M . Ta tttiS* I s god. JASHCf saU ttea to m o t s to bj a
rdU sff e r ^ r l t . 8* sa!4 to SODU sH ywi think to I s
fol Wylng *t4i on c r * l i t . SCBOtf said l t

V5HC- fa n i M . to tollmnt ttot ttoy

e timt to
for (nmjr. l i saat to mj ttoa th*t
which X Us>*i tafes
Ii a c#nm
ttor* aad ki *st i s IcMtatkt
Mm mmm 0F GfcMUIT t
ttot JtfHDI ton *to ssas lyfyttft toama to attlBSi s i t k tola*

1%. tsis M fwad la | w r

8tte to* tMs OIM into

Tats IMt TTiwf* armmfl lirth w i f f i i , MI fnVlof

i % U iif t
a th slto, aai ttos* m t jy
lag frtnlcti *tff, tod Vb sAtaiisu st c M
tto afsmnjp li^iass vtittoa M Ito aargta. tton mm' al-
^^ ff Tlt l s a i l lit
l HtHtl t *T P CWL2

wr _. ibo4y ""ill COBW in and gt this paokaga. The who

call for ih package will **j I wmnt ih pck**w fnm mm*
fln,9 4WrV9XO]y6 WU I B ft^T r*KWI \X0>8Bt X WJMKfafJpOO %A9#O C H | y l W t >
IM1 wxwjppro w i n i n m i s i i p ^ f r \

I have *ti* ttol t l t i a i n t t eoanlBting of ix pf,

wad i t Is th trath to the best of a^ kB{Mrldg *nd belief.

B. S . TJoptrtartitt o f JftM%i
60? C. 8 .

Yortc, 1 . T .




1. Immigration and Naturalization.

Irving Trust Company.





Address: 130 H e e r e n g r a c h t
Amsterdam, Holland

The Rand McNally Bankers D i r e c t o r y f o r 1940

r e f l e c t s t h a t fhs nTin-g-s i s n p r i v a t e bank e s t a b l i s h e d

orresponaenxs are -cne

York C i t y , and IEIULMID BASE, LIMITED,

Subject EVERETT ROEDER on Kay 3 1 , 1938 was

forwarded by KOL and COMPANY, 650. On F e b r u a r y 2 2 ,
1939 ROEDER w a s f w n y h e d w r t h $700 by KOL and COMPANY
on the order o ? f j | H H ^ P Both sums were advanced
t h r o u g h t h e IRVING TRUST COMPANY.

S e r i a l 457, p p . 1 1 , 1 5 .


1. Immigration and Naturalization.

Espionage Activities - Knotm or Possible.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone Surveillance - (-Admissibili-ty Qoestionable).

5. Employment Record.

6. History and Prior Activities.




of four men she knows. According t o STEIN __ is been here since
about 1926; h a s cray-Kreen eyesj i s of medi-um .eight The identity
and activities H | H H H a r e not known*

(Serial 4886, Page 14)




1. Iitimi gration and Naturalization. w>

llmmigrat. & Natur. Service.

2 Espionage Activities - Kncrwn or Possible.

William Sebold.

3. Snrveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibility Questionable.)

5. Employment Record.

6. History and Prior Activities.

*J X X. .




with aliases: Fred Kreutzenstein, Frederich
Kreutzen stein, Fred Kreugulstein.

Addressr Unknown; Believed to be some place in

Last New York Address, King Edward Hotel, New York .
Last known business address, 108 Waters Street,
New York City.

From the records of the Immigration and naturalization

Service, 641 ?fashington St., it was ascertained that Kreutzenstein
was born November 12, 1896 in Szagatpuewen (Ostprussian) Germany and
is a German citizen. He is married and has two children. His wife,
and children are listed as residing at Rua St. Amaro N. 96, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. KREUTZENSTEDJ entered this country on April 7,
1934 at New York City on board the SS Ruy Barbosa for a period of
four months as a non immigrant and traveling on passport number
419^33 issued by ths German Embassy at Rio de Janeiro on October 14,
1933. KREUTZENSTEIN'S stay in the United States has been extended
from time to time.

Other investigation has developed that KREUTZEHSTEIN is

a member of the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents in the
U.S., 50 Rockefeller Center, lew York City, is a member of the
Diarios Associados of Brazil and is the New York representative
of a number of Brazilian newspapers. KKETJTZENSTEIN has been under
investigation due to his alleged connection with MANFRED ZAPP and
the Trans-Ocean News Service which was investigated and charged with
^ A c t . KEETJTZMSTEJJJ is a close
P K R E U T Z E U S T I I N was reported as
was a Nazi espionage agent in
Brazil. KEEUTZENSTEIN is alleged to have taken aerial pictures of
Iona island, New York, (Naval Base) and New York Harbor.

(Serial 4431, pages 43,45,48,51

" KRETTJZENSIEIN became a subject of this investigation as a result r

'. ''_.-.-;- ' of the "following circumstances j "; . :; ."';'

November .21,; 1940 - German radio message number 62 was reoeived^on this date. It reads
as followsj
" F i r s t . Necessary to find one man in South and one in Norti who
are also willing to put up radios. No Germans. Seoond. For
"Bonn - Try to hire the following people, said to be O.K.
~ ironess Rene Bucovich divorced-Yon Friesen now married to
FEC:ES - 2



former German
air officer and Fred Kreutzenstein, German Brazilian, known
sportsman. Latter two i n ^ew York telephone book. Expect
early r e p o r t . "

(Serial 4046, page 11)

lovember 22, 1940 At a meeting between SEBOLD and DUQDESEE a t about 5jl5 P.M.
on t h i s d a t e , SEBOLD handed DTJQUESUE radio message number
62 s e t out above. SEBOLD said he suggested t o DUQDESEE
t h a t DTJQTJESNE should immediately contact the three
individuals named in radio message number 62 as the other
side expected a prompt r e p l y . SEBOLD said DTJQOESNE said he
would do t h i s .

(Serial 4065, pages 4,5,7)

December 11, 1940 At a meeting between SEBOLD and DUTJESE a t about 5:25 P.M.
cua Lids date, SEBOLD stated that he asked DTJQllESltfE i f he,
DTJQDESUE had made t h e new contacts as requested by the
German a u t h o r i t i e s . DUQUESIE said he had made a l o t of
i n v e s t i g a t i o n and did not think i t irorth while to contact
these people. SEBOLD then told DTJQTJESEE t h a t t h e German
a u t h o r i t i e s had asked him to contact these people. DUQGESKE
said he would t r y to contact them i n the near f u t u r e . .

(Serial 4983, pages 6,8)

January 2, 1941 DDQUESHE met SEBOLD on t h i s date a t the Van Axen restaurant s
on Gold S t r e e t . SEBOLD said he again asked i f DTJQUESNE
had contacted the three individuals he had been instructed
to c o n t a c t . DUQTJESIE said he had^motj t h a t he was afraid
he would lead t h e FBI onto these people. DUQDESIffl did not
d e f i n i t e l y i n d i c a t e t h a t he would contact these people,

(Serial 4983, pages 10,11) . ,

To date,; no'proof of espionage a c t i v i t i e s on

the p a r t of Kreutzenstein has been developed. '

description of
The following i s a
Hame with e

44. Born Szagatpuewen, Germany

Age 11/12/1896.
5ll n
Height 200 pounds
Weight Muscular
Build Unknown
Eyes Pair
Blaoi and gray
Married _ ^^ w o n educated.
Marital Status

Father, BBSRIQTB. Eio de Janeiro.

In file
Photograph German
Immigration and Naturalization
Clerk, U S Dist. Court, E.D* of N.Y. Brooklyn
Immigration and Naturalization, Wash,DC.
Byron St. Dir. Immigration and Naturalization, Service*

Espionage Activities - Known or Possible

fit Si)
Foreign Dept se National Bank
Harden. Inc

Ridgewood Savings Bank, Queens, N.Y

ew York City*
iavings and Loan Assoc. Brooklyn, New York*
Orvls Bros. Co., Stock Brokers.
8/18/40 8/19/40
Hamburg-American Line, NY
ector i n Charge
has. . Scbxeiber Travel Bu. Inc.
Ibras, Stock Broktrs
Home Ted. Savings k Loan Assn. Queens, N.Y

3, Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct "Evidence

C. Ellsworth 2/6/41'
10/15/40 2/6/41 3/7/41
2/6/a 3/7/41
2/6/41 3 ?
/ /^- .'.^.

Microphone Surveillance -{Admissibility Qoestionable)


5. Baploynent Record

L. Norden Co.

6. History and Prior AotivitLes

HKRMAW LANG, with aliases:
Henaann Lang, Herman W. Lang*
7436 64th Place, Glendale,
long Island, New York.
Employed as Mechanical Inspector
C. L. Norden, Inc., 80 Lafayette
Street, New York City, N.Y.

The records of the Immigration and Naturalization

Service, 641 Washington Street, Hew York City, reflect that LftHQ
was born at Schwarzenbach am Wald, Germany, August U , 1901. He
emigrated to the United States fros Breasea, Germany, September
10, 1927, arriving at New York September 20, 1927 on the S S.
Breaen. He filed a declaration of intention, No. 217327, August
9, 1933, and filed a Petition for Naturalization, No. 253,212 on
October 11, 1938* He was naturalized in the United States District
Court, Eastern District of New York, Brooklyn, New York, on March
14, 1939, and received Certificate of naturalization No. 4308237.
He is married and has no children.
(Serial 86, page 42)

"With his wife he was absent from the United States

on a visit to Germany between the. period June 9, 1938 and September
23, 193? as indicated by Reentry Permit Ho. 1,197,867, issued to
HERMAN LANG, 5936 70th Avenue, Iddgewood, long Island, at Washington
D.C., April 26, 1938. Also, manifest of the S. S. HANSA sailing
from Hew York June 9, 1938 and the manifest of the S. S. HANSA arriv-
ing at New York September 23, 1938, reflect his leaving and return
to the United-States. , . ,
He has been employed at the Carl L. Norden Co., lac*
and the Manufacturers Machine and Tool Co., Inc., 80 Lafayette
Street, New York c ity, since March 12^1929, and at the tine of his
departure for Germany he mas employed in "the Final "Inspection Depart-^
i ..
ment where the Norden bombsights are assembled and inspected. He


became a Subject in this case as a result of the fact that his name,
HERM. LANG, 59-36 70th Avenue, Woodridge, Long Island, care of I.
C Norden, New Tork, with a password "Greetings fromftanttau,Berlin,
Hamburg11 and a message telling him to return to Germany by -way of
Russia and China was given to WILLIAM SEBOH) in Hamburg, Germany
about February 26, 1940 by DR. REHKEN, one of the heads of the German
espionage organisation. SEBOID was instructed to contact LANG upon
arriving in the United States and give him the said message. During
the conversations which took place at Hamburg between SEBOID, HEINRIGH
SOBAU who used the name Hugo Sebold, and DR. RENKEN who has been
identified by SEBOID as NICHOLAS RUTER, they made it more or less
clear that Germany had the American borebsight and had had it for
about two years though they inferred that it came from a plant in
(Serial 553, page 39)

ir i - r\
3ES0ID addressed . letter to HERMAN LANG
using the address given in which he wrote n I
recently arrived in America and take the liberty
to give greetings from Rantzau, Berlin, Hamburg.
Please name a place and time where I can meet
you. I await your answer by return mail.
With regards
Box 865,
Church Street Annex,
Hew Tork City.8
(Serial 553, page 38)

March 20, 1940, Letter which SEBOID had mailed to HERMAN LANG
was returned to him by the Post Office Department
there being no such address as 59-36 70th Avenue,
Woodridge, Long Island* SEBOID determined that
the city undoubtedly was Bidgewood instead of
Woodridge, and ascertained that LANG had moved
to 74-36 64th Place, Glendale, long Island, New Tork.

March 23, 1940. WILLIAM SEBOLD went to 7A-36 6^th Place, Glendale,
long Island, New York, where LANG case to the
door* He introduced himself as HARRY SAHIER, and
said in the German language that he had greetings
from Rantzau, Berlin, Hanburg. LANG said that he
did not know what he was talking about but to come
in. During the conversation SEBOED told LANG that he was engaged in
German spy work. LANG asked him in good Bavarian German, if he came
from the German Consulate. He told htm that he did not; that every-
one who knew th^Conan^msnanrrin jail. He asked LANG if he knew
DR. GRIEBIi a n d ^ m m i ^ a n d LANG said sure, he knew them
from newspaper stories.
LANG asked him if he had any identification and
he said that he had none; that Rantzau, Berlin, Hamburg greetings
should be enough identification. He asked LADG if he wasn't in touch
with Germany, and LANG said he wasn't, stating that he had not been
in Hamburg and Berlin for a period of two years. He told LANG that
there was something phony because he had been given explicit in-
structions in Hamburg to look him up anl tell him to come to Germany*
by way of Russia and China. LANG said that he is an American citi-
zen and had no reason to go to Germany.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J G s t a t e d that about a year before two men
named SOBNAHW/E/KKKKKKt*'0 see
hi** and asked M m about his
work and abou^hisoeing^amechanlc. The description that LANG
gave of SORNATJ fit that of Hugo Sebold or Heinrich Sorau. LANG
said he had no business with these men and hasn't heard from them
since. He denied sending any information whatever to Germany.
SEBOLD asked him if he hadn't sent over some blue prints from his
factory, the C. L NGRDEN CO. and LANG said he had not; that he
wanted nothing to do -with such business. After leaving LAHG'S
STgRnTn wrote tte foil/wring lfittftr AlidLJLaa-afint to HUGO SEBOLD,
letter read, as follows*
"Mr. Hugo Sebolds
Dear Sirs ' ' '" 'r'r'~- ''-'."

Today I bare talked to your client and give frfo

the greetings from Rantsau, Berlin, Hamburg. He
said^I.donH know anything about your business1
and does not want .to" travel* I will not deal any :
more with him until farther advised otherwise.
Business okay*
Very truly yours,


May 29, 1940 Read message #4 received from German and read in
part: "Lang knows Rantzau. If he feels secure
he may remain. If not, he should return at Rantzau1s
expense. A. good position for him here is securely
established. Greetings11
(serial 1266, page.33) -. .

June 1, 1940 WTTI.TAM SEBOLD went to HERM IANG'S home and handed
IANG the decoded message, LANG then asked him to
name someone else in Germany and mentioned the name
of GEORGE HENRY SQRAU. IANG claimed not to have
heard either of these. LANG then described Rantzau.
The description he gave was that of the man -whom
SEBOLD met in Germany under the name of DR. RENKEN and later identified
as being NICHOIAS RITTER. IANG did not recogniie the name of DR. REMEN.
He asked for another name. SEBOLD could not give him one. He then
asked him to radio Germany for other names and for more information
as he did not know if SEBOID worked for Germany or not. He also asked
for information concerning the shortest rcrate to return to Germany.
(serial 1401, page 4)
June 4, 1940 Message #7 was sent to Germany which reads in part
as follows: UIANG still doubts, Wants another name
from Berlin. More directions how to return Germany
and more proof he is dealing with right people."
(seriW. 1266, page 42)
June 7, 1940 German message #8 was received which reads in part:
"IANG answers follows next week.*
(serial 1446, page 4)
June 17, 1940 German message #10-was received which
"Further references for IANG are EEIE
(serial 1446, page 7)
June 19, 1940 'WILLIAM SEBOLD went to LAKG'S home at which time
he furnished him a decoded copy of the message
. ^A received on June 17, l Q ^ ^ ^ ^ J G '.then stated
w ^~S that he knew BEIER a n d a | m p i n d that the last
L/ group of letters was intended to be FRHJZ SOBN,
r REP:JH 2


who had formerly -worked at the Norden Plant with him. SEBOLD asked.
IANG what he received for his services .and IAHG stated that he does
not receive anything except a promise to be taken care ot; that he
is not afraid of anyone in Germany as,h^^owsidolf Hitler in per-
son having fought -with him in 1923 arid 1927.'
IANG also stated when asked about the plans of the bomb
sight that he had everything in his head* He also stated that
knowledge of the bomb sight would be no good to Germany at the
present time as Hie/had this information tiro years ago. LANG then
discussed the possibility of going back to Germany but stated It
would be difficult to leave. LANG also advised that RMTZAU'S
first name is JTICQLATJSJ that he had been in the United States j that
he used the name of HITTER and that he has a brother in. Mexico.
?/hen questioned further with reference to the bomb sight, LANG
would divulge no further information but stated that he is the
only person who knows the facts about the bomb sight. LANG then
requested that SEBOLD radio Germany as follows s
"FRITZ SOHN of Eheintfals and BEJJER should right LANG
and advise best way to leave the U. S. A. and tra\eL connections.
LANG feels secure".
LANG also stated that if SORAJJ comes to the United States
he wants to s ee him right away. He also stated that apparently the
Americans had heard that the sight was on the other side and there
would probably be a plant investigation but that they would not
find anything on him.
(serial 1444, page 5)

June 20, 1940 Message #13 sent to Germany which reads as follows:
"LANG desires as soon as possible to hear from
FRITZ SOHN and BEEER. Then he would like to have
the best means of leaving by way of Mexico. His
wife is sickly and cannot stand a long journey. 11
Generally he feels fairly secure. I await answer.
(serial 1446, pages 20 and 21)

June 24, 1940' German message #11 was received which rej
parti "LANG'S answer follows next week."
, .- ____-_.^.-_ (serial 1632,; pagfiL-4)



June 27, 1940 German Radio Message #12 waa received -union
reads as follows: *The three hundred sent ;
end of April for Lilly is lost* We have today
sent by "way of Siberia three hundred for you,
three hundred for Lilly, two hundred fifty for
-Dunn* Money goes to each direct. The man who
brings the imoriey over will be in Mexico in
August and help LANG with his journey. More details follow.n
(serial 1632, page

June 29, 1940 WILLIAM SEBOID went to LANG'S home with a

decoded copy of the message received on June
27, 194OJ did not find LANG at home and left
the message with LANG'S wife.
(serial 1930, page 11)

July 5, 1940 German message #15 was received which reads as


August. LANG should notify

riting the date of his arrival.
Password greetings from DR. RANTZAU. Best wishes"
(serial 1632, page 38)

July 6, 1940 WILLIAM SEBOLD wrote LANG asking where he could

meet him.
(serial 1930, page 12)

July 9, 1940 WILLIAM SEBOLD received a letter from LANG ask-

ing him to meet him at his home after 7:00 HI
on July 10 or 11, 1940.
: '* .... : (serial 1930, page 12)

July 11, 1940 WILLIAM SEBOLD went to the home of LANG and
furnished him with a decoded copy of the radio
message received from Germany on 5~9 1940.
IAIIG stated that he.would communicate with
August. At the time SEBOLD arrived
apartment, LANG'S cousin was present.
After the cousin departed SEBOLD asked LANG if
his cousin knew about his transaction of the


bomb sight and LANG said that he did not} that he was the only man
nho knows aboat "the Great American Secret". IANC1 .told SEBOLD a,
few things about the bomb sight. He also stated that he is not
acquainted Trith anyone in. the business in America; that he only
dealt "with men in Germany and that he feels he should have stayed
in Germany the last time he was there. He expressed doubt as to
inhether he -nould be able to leave the United States now. He re-
quested SEBOLD to radio Germany and ask assurance that he would be
reimbursed in the amount of 13000 in American Money for German
money for his stock losses and if so to deposit the money to his
credit in the Dresdener Bank and he also wanted to be assured that
all his and his wife's expenses "wauld be paid.
(serial 1930, pages 13 and 14)

July IS, 194Q Message #25 was sent to Germany which read as
follows: "LaKG desires assurance that you will
reimburs him $3000 stock losses in marks or
dollars. Deposit in Dresdener Bank to his credit
Also travel expenses from here to Germany. He
will w r i t e L n August. Greetings."
^^^ serial 2010, page A)

August 5, 1940 German message #32 was received which reads as

follows: "Tell IANG that $3000 are here at his
(serial 22^2, page 10)

August 9, 1940 SEBOED wrote IANG requesting an appointment.

(serial 2244, page 31)

August 13, 1940 TOXIAM SEBOLD received a letter from LAKG setting
the dated for the appointment as August 14, 1940*
(serial 2244 page 31)

August 14, 1940 TTOuLIAM SEBOID visited IANG at his home at which
time he. handed him a: memorandum ..containing the
message received on August 5, 1940. LAUG"stated
that he did not believe it possible to leave"~the
country because of his position. LANG advised of
a friend in Mexico who "knows about our business
also". He stated this man went to Mexico last year

reentered the United States recently and was held up at the border*
(This is apparently Hans Hitter) He stated that this party is
working on the Irish iai New York; that lie has a brother in the
Gestapoin Hamburg . (probably KICOLMJS BITTER, alias DR. HENKEN) /-
SEBQLD and IANG then discussed their positions and jfchose of the
other operators in this country. IANG Asked SEBOLD to send a
message to Germany that he is not returning to Europe because of
the local situation; that the 13000 should be changed into marks
and deposited to his credit in the Dresdener Bank and his sister
in Dresden notified. SEBOLD advised IANG that he had money to
purchase a bomb sight other than Norden1s and asked IANG about the
prospect of getting another kind. IANG made no direct admission
that he had already gotten a bomb sight, but said that Norden and
Sperry make the only good ones and that Norden's is the bestj that
Norden is now experimenting on a new sight and that he would see
what he could do.
(serial 2244, page 32)

August 22, 1940 Message #44 'ffas sent to Germany which reads as
follows: "IANG requests that $3000 be deposited
in marks in Dresdener Bank and his sister be
notified.he cannot come.11
(serial 2377, page 8)

October 16, 1940 TKLLIAM SEBOLD received letter from IANG post
marked at Brooklyn, N. I., October 15, 1940 in
which IANG stated that he would like to see
SEBOED on October 17, 1940.
(serial 3548, page 16)

October 17, 1940 TfJILIJAM S EBOLD visited IANG at his home. IANG
asked SEBOLD how tilings in general were going.
He also stated that SEBOLD should ask the other
side to verify the fact that the $3000 had been
deposited in the Dresdener Bank and his sister
notified. He stated he would like to send his
wife to Germany and then try to get oyer there
himselfv, He stated that,a friend, nno; isa.
member of the Gestapo of the German High Command, told him that a
man who was sent to the United States from Germany with 1000 for


LANG'S friend and for a Jewess has skipped "with the money. LANG
hinted to SEBQLD that he should try to get him some money. LANG
stated that RANTZAU (NICOLAUS RITTER) had recently been in Lisbon
but had returned to Germany. LANG asked SEBOLD if he knows a man
in Sperry's who was contacted and recruited to the cause by RANTZAU
several years ago SEBOLD advised him that he'is dealing with a man
Who works for Sperry's. SEBOID said this man was supposed to get
him a bomb sight but is experiencing difficulties. He then asked
LANG what he thought of the possibilities and IANG said it is much
more difficult now than two or three years ago. LANG advised
SEBOID that at Norden's they are making experiments with three new-
glider sights} that these have a self-erecting attachment. He
asked SEBOLD to transmit this information to the other side. LANG
and SEBOLD then discussed SEBOLD'S contacts and how he gets money
over here. SEBOLD fiian handed LANG a copy of a portion of a micro-
photograph brought over from Germany by subject MEZENEN, which set
out instructions as to information desired by Germany. LANG stated
that he would see if he could not assemble this information for

October 21, 194-0 As LANG at the last meeting with WILLIAM SEBOLD
requested that SEBOLD make inquiries of Germany
concerning his money and also suggested that
SEBOLD try to f ind out about a messenger who was
supposed to bring some money to LANG'S friend,
SEBOLD prepared a message in code which read as
follows: "October 21, 19-40, letter #15. I have
seen LKNG. He asked me to notify you again that he would like to
have his money deposited in German marks and would also like to have
you notify his sister. He said that in case he has to disappear here
he will then have a reserve in Germany. Then he said his friend from
Mexico told him that a man had escaped with a 1000 which money was
for his friend from Mexico and a Jewess* Tk&ft, possibly had my address.
Is it possible that the man can cause me difficulties? Incase this
is so, please send me a personal description and other helpful mater-
ials. Greetings signed H. S"
65-1819 '

October 24, 1940 A copy of.the-above typed coded

message and a copy of t h e micro-photograph

was handed t o subject MEZENEN on November
5, 1940 and another copy -was handed t o
subject STRTOCK on November 8, 1940.

( S e r i a l 3851, p . 52)

January 22, 1941 Message #164 sent to Germany which in-

cluded the following statement: I sent
micros of ^^tter 15 regarding LANG, 16
g B H ( l 7 our office by MAX to
| | H | middle of November as well as
micros o' papers from]
(Serial 4968, p. 20)

February 3, 1941 German message #98 received -which reads

as follows: "Please ask LANG -whether his
firm received time fuses other materials
out Switzerland. Details abou^same im-
p o r t ^ 7"( 2) "Please t e l l f l H H k h a t Ms
work i s very good and ask whether the data
concerning nArmy Mr Corps are a l l of the
same date*

(Serial #5250, p . 9)

February 4j 1941 "WILLIAM SEBOID addressed a l e t t e r t o LANG

which reads -as follows: "pear Mr. I^ang:
I -would like to see you. I-have some
news from your friend gnd I irould like to
show you my; heir location* Please f phone
Bryant 9^-1609., Otairsday, February. 6 between
5 and 5:30 P.M. Yours truly, Hi SAT5IER." ,
(Serial#6475, pg. 2)
K *


February 6, 1941 LANG c ontacted WILLIAM SEBOID at SEBOLD s

office in the News W e ek Building, 152
' West 42nd Street, New York City, at which
time SEBOID handed LANG a typewritten copy
of the message received on February 3.
LANG then told SEBOLD that NORTJEN & CO.
do not receive time fuses from Switzerland
but only receive stop "watches and speedometers.
LANG stated that he still intended to go tack
to Germany but does not know how he can get
there. He advised that his friend from Mexico,
BSH8S36 HANS BITTER is now in Japan. SEBCOLD
then mentioned the bomb sight and stated that
he had been unable to obtain any information
and asked LANG how he did it. LANG stated
that in 1938 he -went to Germany} that from
HAMBURG -where he met RANTZAU he went to Berlin
and there -with the help of some engineers,
copied the bomb sights from memory. LANG
agains* stated that he would like to send a
reminder to Germany about his last message,
that is, concerning the $3000 being deposited
to his credit in the Dresdener Bank. LANG
stated that he -would like to go to South
America and cattt a plane there for Germany.
LANG then asked SEBOLD if he knew the Jewess
(apparently LILLI STEIN) and he also stated
that the man from -Hie German High Command, to
whom he had previously referred in a conversa-
tion -with SEBOID, as being associated with his
friend from Mexico, was still in the United
States. SEBGLD and LANG then discussed the
war and SEBOID1 s activities and when discussing
bomb sights, LANG stated that there is no new
bomb sight but they are working on one.

(Serial 6475, P* 2)
February 12, 1941 Message #182 was sent to Germany which was as
follows: ' "LANG .says his- firm does not receive .
time fuses from Switzerland but does receive
s^op clocks"and speedometers. He again asked
whether the money was deposited in iixe Dresdener
Serial 5440, p. 8)


February 17, Message #104- "was received fraa Germany, -which

was as follows: "Please furnish exact name
and address of LANG's firnu" .
(Serial 5542,. p . 8)

March 6, 1941 German message #109 "was received -which reads

as follows: "Please t e l l ING t h a t 10,000
marks have been transf erred~to the banking
- Gro; 3lm. to the credit of
j ^ s h o u l r i b e noted that the
person lnentioneflHH|HHHfeLntended as LANG*

(serial 5730(,

March 4, 1941 WILLIAM SEB01D addressed a l e t t e r to HERMAN

L&NG as follcw S: "March 4. 1941, Dear lr.
^ang: Please ccme to my office between 5
and 6 pjm. on Bmrsday, March 6th. (Signed)
( s e r i a l 6658, p . 2)

March 6, 1941 HEBMAN LANG telephoned HTULIAM SEBOLD and ad-

vised him. that he would not be able to come
that evening as he had not been to work. SEBCID
then told him. to come the next day between five
and s i x .
( s e r i a l 6658, p , 2)

March 7, 1941 HERMAN.IANG contacted WILLIAM SEBQID a t SEBOID's

of flee a t 152 W e t 42nd S t r e e t , and at t h i s time
SEBQLD furnishea h i a u i t h the contents of messages
104 and 109 -vrhiiob had been received frcrn. Germany.
LANG stated that the bank i n -which the 10,000 marks
had been de^_g_-_fi-0_o_Ji-B3 p.-rarii f. -i R i n h i s hemetormj

the m a ^ ^ m c m a e h a s f o r S r l y ^ ^ ^ c e n of as his friend

from Mexico i s HANS RITIERj that HANS i s now in Japan*


(March 7, 1 9 a Continued) JANG stated tiiat hennas formerly an active

member 6f the Nassiparty t in Germany but that
he l e f t Germany when thte party mrets dissolved.
IANG stated that during his l a s t t r i p to
Germany, he did not spend unich time in Ham-
burg, but spent most of his time in Berlin;
that he was at the Air Ministry Building
several times and that a t this place, he met
General Udet. He stated that this building
was very closely watched, and that a man had
to be very important or have very important
business to get in there. He did notspecifically
say that he spoke about bomb sights but i t
was indicated so# IANG during this conversa-
tion, gave SEBOTJD the address of the OAEL L.
NOHDEN COMPANY, by whom hie i s employed. He
also advised SEBOLD that Hie Norden Canpany
engineers are taking instruments apart -which
have come off cf German dive bombers and are
experimenting m t h them. He furnished this
information to SEBOU) for transmittal t o Ger-


On June 27, 1941, Assistant Director E. J Connelley

snore to a complaint before United States Commissioner MARTlH C.
EPSTEIN, Brooklyn, Eastera District of H O T York, charging HERMANN
LANG and others with conspiring to violate Sections 32 and 34 of
Title 50, United States God*. A warrant was issued for UNO**
arrest and at about 12t35 A* u- cm .hmm 29, 1QA1. he was taken into

Coned and identified. After a

search was made of the cabin, both LANG and his wife accompanied the
Agents back to their apartment, 74-36 64th Place, Glendale, Long
Island, where L&NO granted the Agents permission to search his
apartment and signed a waiver to -Oils effect* His automobile was
also returned at the time to his garage and locked; both the
automobile and garage were searched. After the search was completed
LANG was brought to the New York Bureau office where he was
questioned and made the following signed stateoentt-

ewlort, StvXeffc
30, U


toft that i t may be used la

not vtex*s v e n IMPS- ywi born?

km I as bora %gmt I I , 1901 at Staraaaaclx a laid* Germany.

mm 4U jm f i r s t eM t o tb States?

Q, lave yon n d t ey tripe back to

1. ! , ta 1938.

Q. lhai did you hr?

A. Jm 193

llvile i n Grany, wb*re did ytm spaad your ti*?

KUy a t bom. f}*a abost tan to twalr* day* in Erlia
and tiro weeks in the Bavarlaa lowrtaias.
tt m$ yoa

A, 1939.
fcttii thi

techine aaA Tool* and C. L.

Q. tbftt TBUI tram 1929 t

i, ten.
Q. *fer* 4 fO l i T t
A. 7436 - tttfe P U ^ . Qlw**l, UMg IslssA.
Q* Ibo l i v a i Xktre * i i h you?

Q. Hurt *ci4iUft8 or dubs or trgoftliftUoaas ba

t o s i a e * big l a

A. I irac In to O*dfUo Lodg. f o r abokt f w

Q. Aay other*?
A. flM B.A.S.
Q. H*t kind of n oreaiti i s that?

A. tfcai v a t a German workers* vnioa or riaiatim.

Q. Bav you vrar bm a aab*r f tlM Cirmaft-AariB4ui

A. 10.

Q. lMHrt did th D.l.B. Ht aaa wbo r aa of th

yon work for a*uaaftrt

Q. fit** has tasft yaw

A. th*

SJjrrUt eoae to too jm. saa
ft. !.

;. ^ho did he tay be was?

1. H said be came fro*. Getwaay and bad greeting* fro*
y relaUfea la Berlla.
x. Did ht indicate *iat he wa going to do ia this
^ .* M v-AMBM laa bad t lav

Q, Bid be t o l l yom t b a t be * goifif t o IM

spy work?
A. X do not r*e*fer tbat be s*M t b a t . I t I* possible tbat
be aBtttioned that.
Qe Froa ble conTerb A tior., did 7 thiak I t possible that be
be here for t h a t parpe**?

A, Ie

4. Ho,



did jm

in thU tcmtrft

4. to.
Q. Dida't a mm to as* yarn wh was lookisc to Idta *
^/ aasatalaf
to A. lorn
Q. Did jtm 1mm any taaim** with t h i s suit
A. I t s I know \h* as taroisji SGBH.
DM Mr. SAIXOI ask | vfettfasv you tea b#n sending

A. So.
Wkct dli ytm W U ktla wa k Ifi<ia4 that ytm
t* knsv abet %bi rk ht was is?
A. ! . IM
we 19MM ks 9mm t* M 70m* Aid IMP ai as i f 70*

A. St said Z aaao fmat Gozvaay* I gaoaa yw koov

I AtamtAan I eoaa froa dcraaagr aaa orlag regards fraa

Q. MA ibU xaa ask ym if 7011 had ssttt ry iaforatttifla vr

to (tonBtaj l i l n blwforixkts, %
k. las.
Q. itet did jtn tll fete.
A. I M n r Mat aByiMac
Q. Bid b t l l TOO thatfa*I M MttijBf 19 a radie UtieaT

A. I do sot r w r i i r tht he *id aBythlttf abBt I t . X

only tOMw that ht> waalsd to swad saages t th otter aid*.
Q. Did ht mmm %m s# fwt a#O sea* fWr
A, 1M. '
Q. Did b

(U So you *! %3m% SAHBK hrm&% jwt * rat*

rwiati asA i f aet ) jtiMHeOA n t a n i *t ftKBtsam'a >Tpiast

A. I gMM t MBUtWt MMtlllBS U t e tfeftt.
Q. Did you than u k l d a i o M M H M pwpU oath* etbw &**
A. ! *heafc* aftlA te M M f r th UMUT i4*Xwuit*4
t kaaw -ttko te fcaom a ta
Q. Did h W M *ny BUMS that, jm
A* ! - \
Q, lk r thayt
km BEia aai 808B.

* ^sr^tr.=r.^s."^^i-'
Q. Did yo u k sift to Mad owr aai t
frlad of si** on th
A. ! . X M U i f tw kasm tew
mum timt
< MA ya t*U Ida that you Xbm right poqaltT

JU Dm. X tbmi h* i s mtts4 wtlli Mm** of

t *** t g th
A. X

Q. Did jm Uk him to lqir f ttMi UMT s i t e

hooU (ft teak t f
JU * . I otwrrt t*t X mAU Mm

A. !


Q. Did b* baa* ya* a Blip of paper vita a Mut on i t

at teat tSaof
A. Mostly T O T ** nlwmt w l a ay p*rta-*t
0s fott anoaisfrar aia obowias yro a aocgoj^d-Ylag at
for jv* iSUS|flj^^^Bkaa FfiTTZ
4 Xs 1 gvtfM I
Q. rhiok f tb n do
A. Z kB*w SHS and SOfflU
Q* Did SHIER t*lk t* ya bot th bMfesi*M ** t l d s ti-?
A, Ha a w t t y Mrt.iowd eoswthing abwit
Qe D yoo ranwtbtr SlWTBt a d d o g jnou wbat y o s r c l v d f a r
year rvieT
A. lagssT
Q Me s v r r i e w i t Germany.
A. I gwas he mmAlmmi sstMAg liict t t e i .
Q. What did you WU hit
A. I told Ma I never fornishd aayiMag to Qeraaay ad
XM W got ay
Q. Ctid y% t4jll Ida tht y w had * p r w i m that yoc woail
te takan eai e f t
A* Bo.

Q. Did you tOl him that you knew ADOLF HITLER and bad fought
w i t s a t e from 1923 t o 19277

A. lot. Bat taftt 1* A *tory I aado 19 and sever vac txm*.

blongd to tbo K*tionai socialist ftrtgr.
Bid tie vwr MOE i f ywa voro a&U t o draw elcoUtiosT
Mo. " " "
W 1

DU you t e l l him tfcat the bowbsight had been i s German

i for two year*?


Do you rwNft&er talking t o MUSK b**t HAKE


& I caaaoi
Q. Do you know a mm i n Grwnjr by the


i s he and trbr do8 be l i v e t

He HTCB i a Berlin,

Do you know KASS EITTES'S tawthar by the naat of PABT7.ATJ7

S U SAJTCK t t to yoa again I s about Jaly

A. !.
W. Did he B*ai f m a * a t thi Uat?
JL. I aa not %it war* bat I geeea h had . M

8tt ffla jejBj%>jr_SJBnDBI haailag jo* a { WLUsg yott.

HHHHHHH||Bb you is ctus to
A. K. I fw SAUta that 11

Q Is i t poeaibltt that he coald haw shmm such to

nd that you have forgotUn th aaat of ttli
i. Ko, X don't think that i s
Q. Pe ywt SAHSR vrlttof tfe*
pice t tdinu

MA SfUXS *akm furtfear i a p i r l M tett tb*

a* tfai*
A. * tOMf* ** a * * * * M*tfelaf a * ^ kosfeaifkW btrl I
a4jTr g** toi* aa a n w or gat* away i ^ t i b

Q. Do yott rnfoiir SJOJia Aairlag yaa if a rt>lati of

te BM j w t lft ymsr i k brt t
of ti bombeight?

lild 70a MIX hi* that yo iwr tb* aolj mam wfeo lowvs
b i Hlw % i t*?
A. 1 g*u X told USA that X kaev about the
a. OU te **k yoa what th UA.bikt Xoaktd XilwT
A. X.
^. *bt 414 ytm tU Ids?
A, X told hia that IftX4&*igiv aagr iafesatiMi on
Did you t*XX hia tfeat i t as oootrmpUon sad* p of
a. Kayfe* X a**tiea*4 soawtaiag s t o a t w&s*mm

U. fifeft worn. H l l Mf AQfthlBC ^MPfl> |M I t

A. So.
,. Did you U l l him Umi ttw l-aahfiight w*a bwlne loprowd and
l l t r sad

A* X*t bcB i t m&vM not

Q. Did yott talk t o SfcYXtft *b4)t y**r *t**fc -rtc*t
A. lea. '
did SAW1SE hav. t o
that M^fb* be woald b abl to
X -woBld get paid*
Q. Did fern eagest that !MI wmA * M t * ^ to tha dther eid
i U U*t you
you be
be pid
p far jtnr
j fltoek JbttSMS i tltt
, $3,000. if m% to
i f j m wm% to rtm
rtm W Gerwuv
A. I arrw bad a ^ b.lUf tii that and I told him ha cotal*

Q. Did jw tU Wa a* cOd f AHMA And s d th **#


,. t i d b* *x be stoi a m a a g s inqairiag aboxit thla

A. i*.
v. 814 S4IHE o te four bom *giB abotrt Aagut 19401

A. X gatss 60.
Qe I jfo* rabar thai to hawto* fa a & that |M salt
b* bad riTai t Geraaay s i t i n g that $3,000. would to*
m% jrwur dlipalt

w. Bid foa tfa*a U U Ma that ywa tfeetgBt i t

for ye* to get wet of t t e cotst*? a t thia tlaa?
A* I Mid it it isfOMlbU a a i t v u a s t intrti U
mt f tte Tjaitod Statos.
Q. Did y<m tU S4HH abi a friend of y o v . fr

Q. I . thU fxttwl Mim

J&* f* t a i l EAUER that H f f l i t wwidLaf i a iw Tort

tog.tfcer with m mm tvm th German High Coaaaatf
Hd you t*U biai'th*t befats brothw i n the

A, I mnme w n t l w i It*

Q. Did SAMUB. <Sisea*t with jom feto . f U r i t i o a i s Km Tea*

and of the other *s woddsg with hla?

0&^F JS^^yA. ^ ^ ^P^SfVMJPS^i'^S*

Fn M.6 conrwoatiOM, didn't jOT gatfeer tJu* h TPJU>

at *n aat for
A. I m* upicloua that be doing MMtfcli that a not

Q. aid yem tvsk SMMTtk t o SMA * MMtg* t o 8*Ba&p *kii

to chang. t t * 53,000. into Mfto and to dpolt i t to
credit l ib DMBdwKT Baakt

X gntas be Be&tio&ed (a1Mfig alNmt i t *

Did you le ak hi* to 4vic the other cidc that J
A. I do ot know i f X told bia il%.
Sid S 4 i m t*U you that he bid mm* moaej witi ubich t

Did you t i l l his thet Sordn wre 3rjHiriatiUjii *lih a

bombaight and that jam. voald I M lt yon eo14 4rf
A. Ho.
Q* Did yoa t e l l hia that the production f Sordos m i
oat hwadred boabichtt a aostfe?
4. I t to poBibl tint hs aaked sslfci- 1D that.
it* Sid S4HE again cows 4a see you i s October
4. I gtttM
Q. XKld h haad you a BWBMfe at this tiaw?
A. I u& ftot < Abeat A flBscags. .. -
w. Bid ftm ftak M *th*r h* Iwi hoard about yor eonty
mis to b depositod in QenMUagf? . . . . . .
A. Ye, he aentioB*d that before end X astoi 1dm i t .
EF 11

Lid /aa t e l l i that you would lib) U OBd your *ife to


I&d you ask ai to verify tit* f*et that the 13,003 had
bat* 4<ix>lUd to yor credit?
A. X*. I coaida't O.UT tbat ha couU gi #5,000 to mj
crwlit aad I did not know for what.
Q. Dti yott *k SASIEB i f bo had axy doaliAgs *ith a Jovisb
a M Xorlu
A. Ho.
s. Wd you tott &4Mim that iiAJS HITTBR'S broths? bad
coUy bM i a L^tboa bt Ut ko hd goto back
Gejra&oy i
I iiAi ywbar an/tbing llfca tiiai*
Di4 you *sk SJtXXMM if has kaem a & la
apparently Juui ooa rocxviioA to tfao oavso?
A. fbat i s possible that asked b i s soaetaisg about Spsrrj.
Q. Juid be t o l l you wbether bo m* deeJLLag with s
voridag for that f i m t

a. OLd MiUS ask you what you tbeagbt would, be the poMibilities
of gotliaf a boabsicMt out of Mor4oa r Spetry?
A. Z gaoss so askot ooaethiag l i t e tbmt.
Q. What did you t e l l ktat
A. I a not iatomstea In say ttotllAg f this kind of
and I kaow soittiag about I t .
Pid yro t o l l SAWYER that Mordaa ha* beea
tbree sew gilder sigfatsT
***- - ~. ~ ^^~^j^ZJZZ?S?Zi1""" * ^^JtXkZtL.'l _ fiffi^V/ _ ^^f* **** f^tXi^Z.' j ' ^ '

m u

Q. Die you t a l l Ma tfc*t these ilghU ham a Mlf-writing

A. I t Is jK*ifcl that I *eatioa4 ea*&lag
Q, Bid you dlscate with EASIER bio eaatat* 4a * lork and }s
1 cats bis
A. H always toLi at tht 1 ]** MOCJ Cri - - -
On* tt*. h* t o l t a h st a^wy f r O
ti b tele at he *ort* as aa tngltr a
Q. B /
copy of a which rqUd that j
infonaaUoa an to air forow, flying schoolt, t.f
A. Ko.
... Did yoa T*r t * U SiMJM that you o*ld try to gt
ittfom&tiaa *^a to air forces *ad aior trmiciac l
for bit
A. o.
Q. la about February 1941 &* 7 a**t SAWfO* als kaoMi a t
S1.BQJJ), at bJLfc offic en 42 Streett
A. Te*.
Q. Did ho atk you to com to th offiot

Q. B W h hoi* ytm a atsvagft at that tiat

A. X gu8 eo.
Q. Bo ya rwwtur bia taBnttaf yxm a iwsaase
i tie faws or ot**r aaWriala froa

A. 1 do Dot tliink that wao a seesat, m asked K i f w got

eat at
Q. tJM.t did you t e l l Mat -
A. X salA that got K M step mitch** mi.
, ..^^..wJBpBL^r^^.^-- .

Rid flBKU ask you bow yew got tho plaw of ba*oigkt
out of C. U fox****
A. ,

Q. I&d yom toll hi that U 193 w1w you w o i o Q<^-MU>y 7*

oat t o Brlia and thoro with tho bolp of soft* tuginooro
tb bortwigat f r

y. Did yw TT tU SEBOLD that yes had done eoek tblng?

f. Ho.
Q. Did you vr talk to SKBOLD *bt * aaft bo m i iBf|isi4
to bring s oo.y to tb- Qaltod Stato. for SOOLD r
BUS BITTER and who 41saf|Mwrd with tha aosey?
A. X CMS* S1BOLD t n t l t i i s * eo-tld about a. m that nantod
to luring
Q. At this sooting did jm tell SKflOLD tfcat you wonld lil to
90M a roaisdor to uaraany cese?aiag tht 3,000 to bo
dopooltod to psm crodit l a the Droodoor Bank?
A. l o t I oaid -thlag afa<wt i t .

Q. Did r** tia go to tho officoe of 6KBOLD a t 42 St*ot i n


Did ho haTo aagr moMge for you a t that tiaot

X dasi't oxsetlgr ka If ho ka4 any saooagos.
So yom rewMafeor that ho haodod yo * aottago roqpootiag
^SfcW^Pl^HF 4^VKS^PBr * * ^ * " ^ ^W^W^Wp> M'SP^P' ^SwV vHasmp1 ^^^fr^aJK ^HVjPlb WOIS|H|KSJS> JVO^SJI MPVSigH4vV^iV*

A* *o> X restottbor that ho had tho fix* m pioeo of papor.

Q. So yom rtabtr looklag p tbo addrwa of tho
im tin tolophoao bookT

A* o, I eaa't rmssiiwr that*

Q. Did SEBOJ^ hand jwa a-ago UtiBg that yo bo notified
that 10,000 Mxts had w , , ^ ^ , 4 ^ <tk> fc^M^ howo
ia ScHwanoabach to tho r * d i 4 H H I H l l s > V \ n
A. Too. ^

Q. At this ***& did fs Wll SB80U) that 70m sat

t UflwiyT
A. ! I s op M Utx Ml U3d Ma that 1 *t
a actiTi >iw *f tk* MMd fturty INA I Mftwr vac
cocnU4 with t* HUol Socialist Party.
Q. Did yo t^U SEBOLD Ut ^ h t d a i t OSMTSX IDET at
A. let. It * M aot t z m . I art nvf ter la tt unitwi
. I did not t hia, X M* hi.
t l l SSWLD that BrtK } W Ut trip to Or-Mugr
apant coniarbl tiaa a t tht Air Hixistcy 6vildia>g In

X eaaooi rwbr tliat I said aj^tklftgj, tto*t X m vat

l a thr.
At this Mtiag <Hd joa fttrsdsk infarmtiao to SBBQLD for
to Oery to tk# offoot th*t Rordon
akiaig iastroMU pari nSdek OM oak of
Oraa d i v - b o a b r s for xporlacsUl porpoooat
So. What X CAB Tiolur i s that taUcsft bot Qeraas
nsonelaltt -irplun.

Q. Which plam
A. It WM imliWMftxi i s Sa FrvKlseo and thy hid i t in th ppor.
^ Bar* you. seon SEFJOLO sistt* this lat *ottag?
A. 9.
Q. Wer* yom vr oaUroly comrincod that SE80UI is MI
of the Hast
A. X nerer coald aako oet in hieli sjr bo M cosaeto4.
Q. 8 i U b#coeo yott woro not nro of JtU t h a t yew wonld not
d i s c u s any "ttors witk hit L
A. X told liia Mraral tiaoo tJwfc I did not Uko to aptk about
y woric or vftat X as deiag*

Why did you cQBtinu* to Be. 51BCLB if you w r t euBpiciooe

of M-ft

JU I u euej>Icio* but did set any hex* V m him.

a. b*t ted you 4OM for y, e. tasstv
the* to ftladly *3,000 to rt41t Sa; Gem-a b*t
A. I eX4 not ttat aad that U 4rj I told SKSCO bs
ca to *hatv.r want* to p*t e y acoo-at S
Have you had ny ftatae% with My otter u n trtw you
possibly sight b* i t?
A. So. C*s 1 say aovethiagT
Q, Oe ahead* say -whtvr yoa liJpt.
About tba $3*000 SSKO *&Uaat4 I bllrr b
to proT aoMthlng % gt H M iaf aemtom abwat tlw

Doe yow wife ksnt g about conversatiMia witto

A* She knows SLBOLD but she aevr DM prcetst wheaa tc0k4

Bid you writ* tfes letter* t SS80g wfeen yea,

with fataf

A. to, sqr wif m writing the lfctnu

Q. t>ee aha vstttlly write ycwr lettem?
A. lee.
Q. Sid your wife ever inquire *s to who BE601D was aM what
he wa
Xt. I eaa rwwwtxir that she w* preat when he
WJ^ the firet tiae .whes he eaid %hat 3fee eaaft from
U. Did you rr tell her that you svsfttfe* hi of biing
foreia Agent?
A, 1 never said anythiag about it.
Was h prent at tha f i w t atttift* * b 1 IndlcaUd teat
I* MM a fereiga agent?
A. Ko, X don't think i r . *K>Lfc *ld anything Mia tJt.
On your trip t o Gersany i s 1938, litnr asefe tia did
^dl in Strlta?
Z m t one wk i Bwrlio, when I_caae from Hamburg; also
before cqaing back toi America.
Q. fell* Uire, did yoy confer withh aajr Iflcsra or vagiatsrs?
A. lie.
v. HOT long ti* yo koown MAIS

A. I t me oc a acrman i t e m r , I don't kao ezaetX/ whe i t

I i t *a i s 3
Do you know whther h was operating as as at is.

A. i io not aink#i&t km
Q. Bo ym know eat

A. Z can reabr that I beard the naae but I do not koqv

vhetbsr I at h * r .

Q Bo jron know anyone by t h M M o f BUKllf.

A. Mo.
A. I o n l y know one CEBCLD, l^REI 5t^0LD.
0. t&tm you were l a Gr*ny l a 193B dM your if
ytm <WB year Iwrilp t Berlin?


ad strWi pvtviswi pas evtvtmXlj aad 2 toot i i t IMI a

ir tetwi>rt of feU. 1 hv inlfcUl*! all rrr U

ummn urn

Agnt, F. B. 1.
Bolted r u t e * fiapafftaast of
607 Q. & Coort Houa
lark, H.I.



As a result of questioning ^ ^ ^ ^
information was obtained by Special A g e n t J | B ( B B H B j f r o a i HERMANN
I M G . He stated that be waa bora at Scnwarsenbach Am Wald, Germaaj
on August 11, 1901j that he came to the United States in September
1927 and became naturalised in 1939. Ke advised that his father and
mother are deceased} that he has the following relatives living in
Schwarzenhach, Germany:

LANG advised that he had resided at the following addresses since

arriving in the United States:
212 SLdred Street, Brooklyn, New York.
120S Patasa Avenuet Brooklyn. New York.
* Between 167th St. and 168th Street on
Brook Avenue, Bronx, New York*
59-36 70th Avenue, Ridgewood, Long Island.
7436 64th Place, Glendale, Long Island.
stated that he had been employed "by one
ang Island City, as a mechanic soon after he had
Arrived in the U. Sj that he then worked for about six months
flHHH|HHHHM owned an optical concern located on
New York where he was employed as a machinist}
that he worked for the Community Machine Co., located on Center
Street for about 7 months and that since 1929 he has been employed
80 Lafayette Street, New York City, being employed in making parts and
as an inspector. He stated that as an inspector he had inspected the
complete instrument manufactured by this company which is a bombsight.
LANG advised that he returned to Germany with his wife
in June 19383 that he had not been absent from the United States at
any other time since his first arrival from Germany. He advised that
after his arrival at Hamburg, Germany in 1933, he and his wife proceeded
to Berlin, Germany where they visited with his wife's relatives for about
one week* Re stated that they also visited his sisters in Schwarzenbach
and also spent some time in_the -Bavarian Alps* He also ^advised that he
spent about five days in Berlin, Germany prior to his departure for the'
United States* He stated that he had resided in Germany for about three
years prior to the time he first came to the United States. 7ftien
r _
- 2-


questioned'about his last two visits to Berlin, -which were made in 1938
he denied that he had had any contact with any officers or officials*
LANG was questioned as to the identity of varioua persons
whom the file indicated he knew or had been in contact with and he
furnished the following information as to each*
EVA SCHMIDT, Schwarzenbach, Germany mother-in-law*
HANS RITTER: Lang stated that he met Hans Ritter in
about 1932^^^party given on a steamer in New York Harborj that
he met f H H H H H H V through Sitter* He stated that he had had
businessaealIngs*Rh HANS RITTERj that Ritter handled a transfer
of certain funds for him,

fcnc ELSE TBEUSTENFELD: Lang stated that he thinks he

remembers having heard this name but does not remember ever having met
NICOLAJJS RITTER? Lang stated that he had heard HANS RITTER
mention that he had a brother but that he does not know whether his name
was Nicolaus Ritter.

HENRY SORATJ; ^ H I H s M I I I I H i f l l l V 8 1 1 ^ ^e stated that none of

these persons^TOreKnowntonam^iie^tated that he once met a man by the
name of ^ ^ H ^ w h o , accompanied by another mac, contacted him in 1939.
He statedtha^these men wore from Germany and were in the United States
recruiting mechanics and machinists to go back to Germany; that these
men recruited FRITZ SOHN nho had been employed by the Manufacturer*
Machine and Tool Company.
Ihen questioned as to whether he knew anyone by the name
of RANTZAU, LANG stated that he knows a milian RANTZATJ a barber 7&o
lives in Berlin, Germany* He stated that this man is about 52 years of
age, short and stout. Ihen questioned as to whether he knows anyone
by the name of BEIER, he stated that he went to school with a man by
the name of BEIER about 23 years ago.
LANG stated -that he has never been a member of the :.'
National Guard and has never been a member of the German-American Bund.
He advised that he was not a citizen until 1939 and therefore would Hot
have been eligible for membership in the Bund until that time* He advised
that he had been a member of T the Odd Fellows lodge for about- five years -

I W -3-


but is not presently a member; that at one time he had belonged to

the D.A.B. which was a German workers club and which met in ftldgewood
Hall, Menahan St., Brooklyn, and ai
ang Island, He stated that ] _____
fwere also members of this club. He advised
~a~store which imports Chinese goods and tha^ieliyesttBar the Aqueduct
Race Track on Long Island. He advised- t h a t f l H H H J B P f o r m e r l y operated
a saloon in Ridgewood but has returned to Ger_f_y^tteal8O stated thai the
D.A.E* formerly met during the summer months at the cabin camp in -which he
was arrested; that this club was a social club -which gathered once every
week or so, at which time they engaged in games and other pastimes. He
stated that he is not presently a member of this club as they had passed a
rule that citizens were not eligible for membership.
LANG was questioned as to whether he had ever dealt in the
stock market and he stated that he had; that in 1932 he had lost about
|8,000 in the stock market but that about $6,000 of this was profit which
he had made on stocks. He stated that he presently owns some stock but
that he has lost money on them, LANG stated that he has accounts at the
Eidgswccd Savings Bank and at the Hamburg Savings Bank and also that he has a
safety deposit box at the Hamburg Savings Bank. He was questioned as to
whether he had sent any money to Europe and he stated that he has sent
$4,500 to be deposited to his aocount at the COMMERZ BANK, Berlin, Germany,
He also stated that he has somewhere around 10,000 marks on deposit in the
SCHMIDT BANK in Schwarzenbach, Germany. He claimed that part of the money
on deposit at Schwarzenbach had been sent over by bjbnj that part of it came
from his mother's estate and that he had also carried some soney over with
him when he went to Germany in 1938,
in attempt was made to have LANG explain just where the
10,000 Marks that he claimed to have on deposit at the SCHHARZENBACH BANK,
came from, but his answers were very confusing and no detailed explanation
could be obtained.
LANG was then asked as to whether he knows anyone by the
name of HUGO SEBOID and he stated that this man came to see him at his
apartment about 1939. He stated that this man is atill in thiB country
and that he saw him about 4 or 5 months ago at his office on 42nd Street*
He stated that SEBOLD iff in the turbine business. As to SEBOEp'S first
visit, he stated that Sebold had met his wife's uncle, FRITZ WEIDTKE,
in Berlin, and when he advised this uncle that he was going to the United
States the ufecle requested that he look up Lang and his wife and give
them his greetings. He stated that when he last saw this man he went to
see him at this office} that the purpose of the visit was Just to discuss-
friends and relatives. As it appeared that LANG was talking about WILLIAM
GOTTLIEB SEBOLD, he was asked whether he knew anyone by the name of HARRX
SAWIER. LANG thought for some time but did not give an answer. A photograph


of a letter addressed to HARRT SAMER by LANG was the exhibited to

It was noted that at this time LANG became very nervous and began to
perspire. He was asked whether the handwriting in this letter was his,
and after some hesitation he stated that it looked like his wife's
writing. He was then asked directly whether it was his wife's hand-
writing and he stated that it was} that his wife writes his lettera
for him. He was then asked the identity of HARRT SAWTER and he stated
that he guessed he was the same as SEBOID. There was then exhibited to
LANG a yellow slip of paper bearing the printed message "Further ;
references for Lang are Beier, Eberhard(jplohnpapsohn^i and he was asked
whether he ever remembered having this message handed~to him and reading
sane. He looked at the message for a considerable length of time and
then stated that he did not remember anything about it. When pressed
further he stated that was all he had to say,
LfiNG was questioned at some length with reference to the
above laessaga bat continued to state that he did not know what it meant
and di^lno^bremasiber ever having seen it. At this time he also asked
\& A g e n t j m i ^ w h e t h e r he had to answer Agent's questions.
Some tins later when the questioning of LANG was again
resumed he stated that he wanted to explain about SEBOID. At this time
he stated that SEBOID came to his apartment some time in the Spring of
1940 at which time he introduced hi*if as HARRT SAWYER. He stated
that Sawyer advised him that he had been in Germany but had come to
America because they were going to take his passport away from him} that
SAWYER told him that he, Sawyer, knew FRITZ 1BEIDTKE in Berlin and had
brought greetings to LANG and his wife, from Weidtke. Lang stated that
he was suspicious of Sawyer and told him that he had nothing to do with
the other side except with his relatives. At this time LANG admitted that
SAWYER, also known as SEBOID, came to his apartment several times and that
he brought messages on slips of paper with him. He stated that he remembers
one of the messages had something to say about LANG staying in America if
he felt safe} that if not SAWYER could arrange something about his return
to Germany. He stated that SAWYER asked him if he wanted him, Sawyer, to
get some names of people on the other side that Lang knew so that Lang would
know that he was connected with the other side* LANG stated that he then
told Sawyer that if Sawyer was interested he could give him some names from
the other aide. ,
LANG also-, stated that _at another time Sawyer brought him
a message which contained two or three names; that'two of theSe name*
were BEIER and SOHN. He stated that he knew BEIER and SOHH and told Sawyer
that he knew these men.
- 5 -


At this point in the interrieir LANd also stated that he had

told Sawyer that he knew HITLER and had fought with him bat Lang stated
that these statements were not true} that he merely told Sawyer this to
Impress him. He also admitted that he had told Sawyer that he had been
a member of the Nazi Party but stated that this was also untrue, stating
that he had never been a member of the Nazi Party; did not know Hitler
and had only seen him once in about 1923. He also admitted that he had
told Sawyer that he met ERNST UDET in Germany; that this also was not ,
true* LANG stated that he had only seen UDET in the United States. LANG
stated that SAHXER once asked him where he was working and what he did and
that he told him he was working on instruments for bombers; that Sawyer
then asked him if they had something like it on the other side and that
he told Sawyer that he did not know. He stated that Sawyer asked him if
he knew anything about the bombsight and that he advised Sawyer that he ;
was well acquainted with the bombsight because he had worked at the C* L
NORDEN CO., for U years and was on the final inspection line. He also
stated that he may have discussed with Sawyer the fact that HANS RITTER
had a brother who worked in the United States previously. He also admitted
that Sawyer had asked him what he was receiving for his services and that he
told him that he was receiving nothing* He denied that he had told Sawyer
that he had been promised that he would be taken care of
LANG admitted that he had discussed his stock losses with
SAWIER at one time and that Sawyer asked him if he needed any money and
LANG stated that he told Sawyer that he did not need any. He stated that
Sawyer also asked him if he wanted to go back to Germany, if he, Sawyer, ..
could arrange about the loss and that he, LANG, told Sawyer, that he was -
not interested but that if Sawyer could get him something for nothing he
would take it but that he did not see how he could get anything. LANG ,
stated that he could not remember having seen any messages concerning a i
man who was to come to Mexico and who would assist him on his trip to ?'
Germany; that he does not remember seeing a message mentioning one

LANG stated that he believes his nephew was at his place

one night when Sawyer came to see him but denied that Sawyer had asked
him whether the nephew knew anything about the bombsight. He stated
Sawyer once wanted to send a message to Germany asking that LANG be paid
for his stock losses; that he told Sawyer that he did not believe that
he could do anything like that. He admitted that Sawyer later advised
him that some money had been sent to his sister* He admitted that he
once told Sawyer that if he wanted to deposit money for him he could
arrange with LANG'S sister or place it in "a bank* in the city, SAWIER
advised him that he would try to arrangs' for this.

He stated that SAWYER once told him that he would like

to know how the bombsight worked and that he told him that he did not
think Sawyer 'would be able to get this information* He admitted that
at the last meeting with Sawyer, Sawyer advisedhiJ^ha^^^^^te|^ri^^^_
to i_
he had been promised had been transferred HHflJH0HBHHH"j|HHB'
iwarzenbach, Germany* LANG stated nowever^hat he doubted that
had been deposited to his credit. Lang stated that he remembers
that at one time Sawyer told him that a man who was to have come to this country
with the money had not shown up* LANG stated that he may have seen a message
brought to him by Sawyer which requested information about airplanes but
that he does not remember seeing such a message and denied that he had
offered to obtain any information of this type for HARRY. LANG stated that
at one meeting with Sawyer, Sawyer asked him if his firm received certain
materials from Switzerland and that he advised Sawyer that they only
received stop watches and speedometers from that country. LANG also stated
that he at one time asked Sawyer how he could get in touch with the other
sidej that Sawyer said "Aw, don't worry about that". LANG maintained that
SAWYER had never told him how he communicated with the other side but all
he had heard about was that he sent and received messages. He stated that
he does not remember any Message in -which Sawyer inquired as to the name
and location of LANG'S employers.
The various meetings -shich LANG had with WILLIAM GOTTLIEB
SEBOID also known as HARRY SAWYER, were then gone into in more detail
with the following result:
TffiLth reference to the first meeting at LANGrS apartment,
Lang stated that he does not remember Sawyer giving him the message,
"Greetings from Rantzau, Berlin, Hamburg", but only remembers that he
brought greetings to him from his wife's relatives in Berlin. He denied
that Sawyer advised him that he was a German spy but admitted that he
gained the impression at this first meeting that Sawyer was an agent for
the German Government, He stated that he told Sawyer that he was not in
touch with Germany and denied having sent any information to Germany and
that he told Sawyer that he did not want anything to do with the business
that Sa-iy-er was in* He also denied that Sawyer advised bin that he was
setting up a radio station and that he would be in contact with Germany
in the near future. LANG admitted that he asked Sawyer for identification '
to prove that he was from the other side and stated that Sawyer did not
produce any proof.
LANG admitted that Sawyer came to see him again in about
May of 1940; that at this meeting LANG asked Sawyer to name some people
on the other side that he knew} that Sawyer named a couple of names but
that he did hot know them. He admitted that it was possible at this
f ~~ ;;: w

meeting that Sawyer brought him a message which stated that LANG knows
RANTZATJ and that if he felt secure he could remain and if not he should
return at RANTZATJ'S expense. He also admitted that he then asked Sawyer
to name some people on the other side as he wanted to know who Sawyer
knew on the other side. LANG admitted that some tiae later SAWYER again
called on him at his apartment at which time he delivered to him a
message bearing the names BELUt and SOHN both of whom he knew. When
questioned as to whether he indicated to Sawyer that he would like to
return to Germany he stated that he told him that he would like to return
to Germany some day when the war is over. He stated that he could not
remember inquiring as to how he should return to Germany. He denied tell-
ing Sawyer that information as to bombsights would be no good to Germany
now as they had been in possession of information as to the bombsight for
two years. He denied telling SASUER that RANTZATJ<S first name is NICOLATJS.
LANG stated that he did not remember asking Sawyer to send a message to
Germany asking SOHN and BEIEE to write him,
LANG also admitted that SAWYER came to see hia at his
apartment in about July 1940, but he^ten^d having received any message
fres Sawyer which stated that one d ^ ^ w o u l d arrive in Mexico in
August and would assist him in returning to Germany* Ke^|teted that he
bid. does not xemember hearing anything about Mexicoor oneflM^BHBand he
denied that SAWYER wrote down the name oflSH^BBfor jBumwith the address
and handed it to him LANG was asked whexnerne^iad told Sawyer that
the bombsight was a contraption made up of mirrors. He stated that he
may have told him something like that but he does not believe he told him
from what position it was operated. He continually evaded admitting
having furnished any information as to the bombsight but at various times
stated that on occasions he furnished some information or made statements
to Sawyer in order to impress him but that these statements were not the
LANG admitted that Sawyer came to see him at his apartment
in about August 1940 at which time Sawyer furnished him with a message
stating that $3,000 was available for LANG, this message supposedly having
come from Germany. LANG stated that he did not believe -that SAWYER could
get this money for hia but told him to go ahead if he wanted to. LANG
admitted tnat he had discussed HANS RITTM with SAWYER but denied that
he had made a statement that BITTER knew about spy activities in this
country* He also stated that he did not remember discussing with Sawyer
his activities and those of the other men connected with Sawyer in New
Tork City. LANG admitted that he and Sawyer had discussed sending a
message to Germany asking that |3 000 which, WAS to be available for him,
be changed-into Marks and that it be deposited, to his credit in the
m _


DRESDENER BANK. He stated that he does not remember asking Sawyer to

advise -tbe other side that he could not return to Germany, He also
denied that Sawyer told him that he had been furnished with money
Tilth which to purchase the bombsight. He denied that he told Sawyer
that the NOHDEN COMPANX were experimenting with a new bombsight and
that he would see what he .could do about it* He stated that it is
possible that he advised Sawyer that the product of the NORDEN COMPANY
was about 100 bombsights per month.
LANG also admitted that SAHXER came to see him at his
apartment in about October 1940, but stated that he did not remember
whether he brought a message at that tine. He admitted that they had
again discussed the money which was to be deposited to his account in
Germany and he admitted asking Sawyer to send a message requesting
that the other side verify the fact that the $3,000 had been deposited
to his credit, Btating that he could not believe that Sawyer could get
$3,000 to his credit as he had Aot done anything to earn this money.
LANG also denied discussing with Sawyer a Jewess who was located in
New Tork and who was supposed to be an agent. He stated that it is
possible that he inquired of Sawyer if he knew a man in SPERKPS who
apparently had been recruited to the cause. He admitted that Sawyer
discussed Twith him the possibility of getting a bombsight out of NOEDEN1 S
or SPERRT S but stated that he told him he was not interested in the
stealing of any kind of instruments and that he knew nothing about it.
He stated that it is possible that he mentioned something to Sawyer
about Eome new experiment the NOEDEN COMPANT was making with sights.
LANG also admitted that he went to see Sawyer whom he
stated, then used the name of SEBOID, at his office located oa the
6th floor of a building on 42nd Street, on two different occasions.
He stated that on one of these meetings SEBOID asked him whether his
company received certain material from Switzerland and that he advised
Sebold that the company received stop watches and speedometers. He
denied furnishing information to Sebold as to the name and location of
his employer and also denied that he had told Sebold that in 1938 when *
he was in Germany that he went to Berlin and there Tsith the help of some
engineers copied the bombsight from memory. He admitted that at the last
meeting with Sebold, SeboJ^JiandedJaLm-^^inessaeewirLch stated that 10,000
Marks had been d e p o s i t e d ^ m m m P a f i e o o n t in the bank in
his hometown, Schwsxzenbach, Germany. LANG denied that he had furnished
information to Sebold for transmittal to Germany to the effect that the
Norden Company was experimenting with bombsights which had been taken from
German airplanes, stating that as he remembers he and Sebold discussed a
Messerschmidt "airplane which had been brought to this country for exhibition,!
9 -


LANG was questioned as to why he continued to contact

Sebold if he believed that he was an agent of the German Government
and he stated that as long as he did not furnish him any information
he thought it was alrightj that he just went to see him to talk about
Germany and people over there*
- 10 -


The following is a complete description of subject


Age 39, born Schwarzeribach, Germany

August 11, 1901
Height 5f U"
Weight 205 lbs.
Build Heavy-*aascular
Complexion Fair-smooth shaven
Hair Light brown, wavy
Eyes Blue-grey
Mouth Straight line* Lines running from
nose to corners of mouth. Lips
Eyebrows Bushy
Scars & Marks 3" operation scar left side below
shoulder blade
Marital status Married
Race German
Nationality Naturalized American
Occupation Machinist- draftsman
Residence 7436 64th Place, Glendale, Long Island
same address.

Two copies of the fingerprints of subject LANG

were obtained and one copy was forwarded to the
Bureau in order that same might be searched
through the Identification Unit. The other
copies of his fingerprints are being retained
in the New York Field Office* Palm Prints and
photograph of the subject were also obtained
at the time he was detained at the New York Field

Letter from the Federal Bureau of Investigation,

Washington, D C, dated June 30, 1941, reflects
that no criminal record appears in their file
for HERMANN LAHG, FBI #223703A.

i^ ^ ^ ^

The following possible pertinent articles were found

as a result of a search of LANG'S apartment:-
A letter in German dated February 29, 1940, addressed
to LANG by HAUTZ & COMPANY which had reference to the transfer of
Rueckwanderer Marks.
Copy of a l e t t e r from the Chase National Bank, Berlin
Office apparently to the Chase National Bank, New York Office, advising
that they have been attempting to ge^^gtouchwithHERMANJL^MG at his
German address and had been advised flflHHJjJilJIHHHHJIi^P
HERMANN LANG is now in the United StaTesTaadrequesting that they inquire
of hiai as to the transfer of certain funds.
One copy of a clipping from the New York Daily Mixror
dated 4-4-1941, which has an article on a Nazi bombsight*
- 12


Tirs. KATHERIHE BE3 , upon

interview by Special Agents _ ^ tated
among other things, that she" was Dorn jujy 14, 1899 in Set 'Zenbach,
Am Wald, Germany; that her father JOHH SCHMIDT is_de
mother still lives in Schwarzenbacht that she hag
Lai the same town* She informed
lat she came to the United States December 15, 1927, on the S.S
"STDTTGART* which entered at Hoboken, Hew Jersey) that she eaie to
this country for the purpose of joining her husband who had cone in
Septembercf the same year. Further that ah and her husband had resided
in Berlin, previous to coming to the United Statesi that she has never
taken out her United States citizenship papers and is still a German
citizen} that she registered in Long Island as an alien under Registration
#3979033. She went on to state that her husband came over for the purpose
of securing work but that she returned to Germany in May of 1934, alone,
at which time she went to Schwarzenbach and remained there until August
of the same year at which time she again returned to the United States*
She stated that she and her husband went back to Germany in June of 1938,
landing in the Port of Hamburg, at which time they were met by no one,
and that they immediately went to Berlin where they remained for
approximately one week with a relative by the name of "WEJDTKE. From there
they returned to their home in Schwarzenbach where Mrs. LANG visited a
sanitorium, after which they returned to Berlin and remained there for
approximately one week or a little more before returning to the United

Because of the highly nervous condition of Mrs. LANG

at the time of the interview, she was not closely pressed for details
concerning her husband's activities while in Germany, however, she did
state that they only visited relatives and d o s e friends while in that
country and he, her husband, transacted no business whatsoever in Berlin.

MRS. LANG added that she knows absolutely nothing about

her husband's business; that he contacted no one who was not an intimate
friend of the family while they were in Berlin* Further, that no strangers
have ever visited them since their return from Germany; that the only
visitors have been acquaintances in the neighborhood. Mrs* LANG stated
that her health is extremely bad and that the climate of New York is not
suited to her and that she must return to Germany in the near future.

le following is a summary prepared by Special Agent

^__________ f a review of the_facts developed relative to
the examination of the savings and brokerage accounts of HERMANN
LANG and his wife KATHERINE BETTI LANG, together with additional
facts developed relative thereto*
HERMANN LANG en May 14, 1934 opened Savings Account
#61201 with the Ridgewood Savings Bank, Ridgewood, Queens, New
Xork, with an initial cash deposit of $35*00, and closed same
on April 6, 1940 with a cash withdrawal of $138.00. The largest
balance in thts account was $2,020.69 on June 11, 1937* The
deposits during the existence of said account ranged from $10.00
to $60.00.
In addition thereto, KATHERINE LANG, wife of subject
Lang, opened Savings Account #$6815 with the Ridgewood Savings
Bank on June 19, 1933 with an initial cash deposit of $35.00,
and en June 6, 1938 this account was changed to a joint account
in the name of KATHERINE LANG or HERMANN LANG, and on July 19,
1940 this account reflected a credit balance of $191.50. The
largest balance in this account since its opening amounted to
$3,061.19 on August 28, 1937. The deposits in the above account
from the date of its opening, June 19, 1933, ranged from $4.50 to
$1,980.43, the latter amount being transferred on July 3, 1937
from Savings Account #61201, mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
Several withdrawals were made from the joint savings account,
#56815, during the years 1937 and 1938 and the proceeds credited
to the brokerage accounts of HERMANN LANG with ORVIS BROTHERS CO.
and NEWMAN BROTHERS & "WORMS, New Tork City. The latter accounts
will be narrated upon hereinafter.
On July 19, 1940 a withdrawal of $475.00 was made
from the joint savings account, #56815, ia the name of the Langs
and the proceeds were applied to the purchase of a Chevrolet
automobile from the MEIER CHEVROLET, INC., Automobile Dealers.
HERMANN LANG on June 8, 1938, opened Savings Account
#112660 with the Hamburg Savings Bank, 1451 Myrtle Avenue,
Brooklyn, New York, with an initial cash deposit of $25.00, and
on July 15, 1940 this account reflected a credit balance of $3*44*
Only 2 cash deposits were made to this account, namely $25*00
and $210.00, the latter being made as of October 3, 1938, and en
July 15, 1940 a -withdrawal of $240.00 was made against this account
and the proceeds thereof, together with $10.00 in. cash, purchased
TJraft'"#56606 of the abovVTjankT"which was submitted^tolbhe Meyer -
Chevrolet, Inc. of Brooklyn, New York,_as a payment on an automobilei
The largest credit balance appearing in Savings Account
#112660 was $243,44 on July 1, 1940.

Hermann and Katharine Lang, as joint tenants, leased

a Safe Deposit Box, #1350, at the Hamburg Savings Bank, 1451 Myrtle
Avenue, Brooklyn, New York on June 6, 1938, at a yearly rental
of $3.50, and surrendered same on Jane 1, 1940* The admission
slips to this box reflect the following:
6/8/38 12:56 PM In Hermann Lang
1:02 PM Out
1OA3/38 2:31 PM In Katherine Lang
2:37 PM Out
11A6/38 2:36 PM In Katherine Lang
2:42 PM Out
4/3/39 6:43 PM In Hermann Lang
6:47 PM Out
(Bank open
Monday evenings)
7/26/39 2:43 PM In Katherine Lang
2:46 PM Out
6/1/40 10:32 AM In Hermann Lang
10:37 AM Out
On November 12, 1938, BETTY LANG, -wife of Heroann Lang,
opened Savings Account #2169 with the Home Federal Savings and Loan
Association of Ridgeirood, Queens, New York, with an initial cash
deposit of $185.00, and the credit balance in this account on
July 8, 1940 was $2,236,28. The deposits in this account from the
date of its inception ranged froa $10.00 to $188.00, all being
cash credits. On October 26, 1940 Betty Lang withdrew from her *"
savings account, #2169, with the Home Federal Savings and Loan
Association $1,950.00, which was converted into Tellers Check
#10230 of this institution on this date, drawn on the Manufacturers
Trust Company, 55-60 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, payable r\
to the "Chase National Bank". O *
Investigation by Special Agent v U H H J I f t t t the
Chase National Bank of. New York, 18 Pine Street, NewYorkuity,
disclosed that the check for $1,950.00, plus $52.50 in cash, was -. .
applied as a partial payment of a $5,600,00 Rueckwanderer Applica-
tion, #2526, Chase National Bank fCLe #1674, for Rueckwanderer
- #


Marks, made through HAUTZ &. COMPANY, 50 Broad Street, Hew lork
City, and executed by HERMANN IAKG on July 8, 1939, which document
indicated that Lang "intended to leave for Germany around the
Fall of 1939". This application for $5600.00 when paid in full
entitled Hermann Lang to the equivalent of EM 22,916, at the
preferential rate of 4*10 Marks per dollar, to be deposited for
his credit with the Cammers-und-Privat Bank9 Berlin, Germany.
The $2,000,00 paid^y Lang entitled him to RM 8200, which was for
his dieposal at the latter-named institution. The #2.50 over
and above the $2,000.00 covered cable charges to Berlin on the
transaction. The above #2,000.00 wasthe only payment made against
the original application. Attention is invited to the complete
file of the Chase National Bank of New Tork, #1674, relative to
the above Rueckwanderer Application executed by Lang.
In regard to the regulations governing Ruedkwanderer
Marks, attention is invited to Decree #104 issued by the German
Minister of Economics as of July 20, 1936, which readst
In my decree, No. 53-35, I have already
declared my agreement, in principle, to the
release to immigrants of blocked marks which
the immigrants hare purchased abroad with a
part of their foreign money and provided that
the balance of their assets is turned over t
the Reichsbank in the form of foreign exchange*
This arrangement continues i& force for immi-
grants who come from countries which hare
exchange restrictions insofar as immigrants
are not in possession of free foreign exchange.
Applications of such immigrants must continue
to be lodged with the Devisionstelle, Berlin,
which has received administrative instructions
from me. A release of blocked marks can, however,
only be considered for such blocked mark balances
which the immigrant has been able to acquire
despite the exchange restrictions of his former
country of residence* Insofar as a part of the
possessions of the immigrant is te be surrendered
to the Reichsbank, this can be done also through
a clearing account of the Reichsbank, This arrange-
ment gives the immigrant a considerable capital
gain* " ... - :- .---.


" For imraigrants from countries with free

exchange or free Reichsmarks the following
procedure will be followed exclusively:
Release of blocked narks after December 31,
1933 will no longer be granted. I have, however,
authorized the Deviaionstelle, Berlin, in accordance
with the Reichsbank to release such immigrants
from the obligation to surrender their foreign
means to the Reichsbank, provided they instead
turn over these assets to the Golddiskontbank.
The Qolddiskontbank will by use of blocked balances
pay the Immigrant an amount in Reichsmarks which
will be higher than the equivalent of the tendered
foreign exchange at official rates of exchange.
The maximum limit which this Reichsmark amount
may reach will be established by the Decisionstelie,
Berlin. I have given the Devisionstelle, Berlin,
corresponding instructions* The Golddlskontbank
has agreed in principle to receive tenders of
such immigrants' assets against payment of the
maximum Reichsmark amount fixed by the Devision-
stelle, Berlin. The Golddlskontbank has reserved
the right to take the required measures in order
to prevent this capital gain from being considerably
reduced by excessive agency commissions* Appllr*
cations are to be submitted exclusively to the
Devisionstelle, Berlin*

The Golddlskontbank will place the amount

to a blocked account of the immigrant with a
German bank which should be designated by the
immigrant. This blocked account will be released
after a domestic domicile has been established*
(The last few paragraphs of the Decree are
irrelevant and concern local administrative rules.) *

above decree is quoted in the report of Special

Agent " " " New; York City, dated July 7, 1941 in the
New York file 1106, which information was obtained
by Special Ag<

The above decree is contained in a German book

3 AUSGABE 3rd Edition
NACH DEM Collection of all Prevailing
STAND VOM 10 APR 1937 Decrees
Existing as of April 10, 1937.
The above book -was published by VERIAG HOPPENSTEDT CO.,
Berlin 8 . The translation i s ^ ^ l t e r a ^ t r a n s l a t i o n of the t i t l e of
the book made by Special Agen-tflHflHfl^l^pof the New York Division
Offic*. -
On August 2 1 , 1940,!
New lork City, f-uraished Special Agent Lth a photostatic
:P7 of
oi' a pamphlet
paapulet i a German ccncrning
ccneernin Roeckwanderer Marks, dated
February 26, 1940, consisting of 7 printed J ^ y ^ u d by the
German Minister of* Speela^AKent^(|^JHP)f the New
York Office informed Special kgexftB///gth&t the translation of
this document will take approxifflatelylO days t o complete* Upon
the completion of t h i s translation, a supplemental report will be

With regard t o the histories of the Reichsbank and the

Goldd^contbanV^attontion g invited to the report of Special
A g e n t I H H H B B B T N e w T o r k Clt 7> <****& Ma7 22 1941 in the

^ foreign Department,
The Chase Jjarionai~Bakk of New Xork, who i s thoroughly familiar
with the general mechanics of Rueckwanderer applications, will
testify as to the HERMANN LANG transaction mentioned hereinbefore*
- The margin account of Hermann Lang w i t h ORVIS BROTHERS
& CO., Stock Brokers, 14 Wall Street, New York City, was examined
from September 16, 1937 to July 16, 1940, and i t reflected a debit
balance of $463*44 as of the l a t t e r date, with the following stocks
"long" therein:

50 shares Briggs Manufacturing Co.

100 shares Calumet and BSekla
100 shares Consolidated Cigars
Another account of HERMANN LANG -with NEWMAN BROTHERS &
TORBS, Stock Brokers, 25 Broad Street, New York City, -was examined
from December 31, 1932 to October 25, 1937, when it was closed,
and 100 shares of Consolidated Cigars and 50 shares of American
Power and Light were delivered into the account and were being
carried In a "long" position.
The results of Lang's trading in securities for the
years 1937, 1938 and 1939 to August 5, 1940 showed a net gala of
$1,059*22, whereas if he had sold the securities he owned as of
August 5, 1940 this gain would be offset by a loss of $1,776.75, or
a net les for the entire period of $717.53
In regard to the known income of HERMANN LANG, it
would not hare been necessary for him to file an income tax return
for 1937 and 1938. Rowerer, he should have filed an income tax
return for 1939, as he had a. known net income ia excess of $2500,
namely $3,516.15, upon which there is due and payable to the
United States Government a tax in the amount of $28.65, exclusive
of interest and penalty. In computing this tax, no allowance
was made for allowable deductions, such as sundry taxes or contri-
information was not in the possession of Special

AgentflHH| obtainec _ ^
L. NDRW, INC., 80 Lafayette Street, New
fork City, the salary paid to Hermann Lang for the following
1937 $2,468.96
1938 1,845.77
1939 2,685.33
idvised that Hermann Lang was on leave of
absence from Carl L Norden, Inc. from June8|1938toSeptember 29,
1938, during which time Lang was believed fl)HHHVto be
Germany. All salary payments to Lang and otneremployees of the
above firm were made ia cash and none by check* A Christmas
bonus of one week's salary was paid to Lang and other employees
in 1937 and 1938, which, bonuses are included in the salary paid to
Lang as shown above* No bonus was paid to any employee of "Carl
L* Norden, Inc. for the year 1938 due to CIO labor unrest* The
U W'


weekly salary paid to Lang by the above~naad corporation for

the years mentioned above i s as follows, showing the increases:
January 1, 1937 $42.00 per week
September 26, 1937 49.00 per week
October 13, 1939 53.90 per week
April 4, 1940 56.00 per week
On October 28, 1937 Heraann Lang and Katherine Lang
of 5936 70th Avenue, Ridgewood, Queens, New York, nade a deposit
of 20.00 with the Charles W Schreiber Travel Bureau, Inc.,
60-89 Ifrrtle Avenue, Ridgewood, for Third Class Round Trip
steamship ticketa. reserving Room 407 on the SS HANSA, sailing
fre New York f or^eraiAy on June, 9, 1938 On April 19, 1938
Hermann Lang changed this reservation to the Tourist Class,
reserving Room 312 on. the above steamship. On May 6, 1938 Lang
purchased Sound Trip Tickets #H15592 and H 11593 for himself
and -wife, as shcssn by the "Steamship Record Book" of the above
agency, as follows:
(1 Round Trip Ticket) $254.00
(1 ) 10.00
Tax 2 I 5 16.00
Head Tax 534.00

Paid in Geraany 246.00


Less Deposit 20.00


informed Spl9TaT"l[gin&IBHV'that his recorcus do not show whether

the above payment of 0268.00 was made by cash or by check] that
tfOSEPHTJEINRICH, In Charge of' the-Foreign Department of this agency,
and who sold the tickets to Lang on May 6, 1938 went to Germany on
a business trip in 1939 and was taken ill on a train and died in
a hospital in Hanover, Germany.
The joint savings acceunt, #56815, in the name of
KATHERINE IANG or HERMAHN" iAlKhwith the Ridgewood Savings Bank
reflects a cash withdrawal of $250*00 on Hay 6, 1938, which
monies nay be the major part of the above-mentioned payment.

In regardtotheS246.00 payment made in Germany, as shewn

hereinbefore>|HHHHHfl|advised Special AgentJMJpthat this part
payment, whicnaoesno^uiclude Head Tax of $8.00 (Head Tax paid and
collected i n the United States) was made in Germany by someone, maybe
a relative, and the evidence relative thereto may be "with the record
of the Round Trip Tickets in the office of the Hamburg American Line
in New York City.
ial Agent ^ m m m m
^Agency Department/Hamburg American Line,
xoom >0l, ol Broa .y, New Tork City, relative to a l l records and papers
in relation to. these of the steamship tickets of Hermann Lang on
May 6, 1938. tated that these records were in thewarehouse
but he would obta em and submit sane to Special ^^HB
Special A g e n t ^ B P > n August 22, 1941 contacted _
of the Hamburg American Line in New York City, who submitted invoice^
#0-4521 of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie, dated., at Hamburg April 4, 1938,
which was translated by Special AgentflflHBl|HHHpbf the New York
Office to read as follows* /


tflD Name of T r a v e l l e r : Hermann Lang
Address: 5936 70th Avenue, Woodridge, L# I * , New York
Payment Receipt No. 500367
of 4* 4* 1938
Agency; Hamburg
from New York t o Hamburg and return
Passage one person paid $246*00
Plan departure Eastward Steamer open
HANSA Jun 9^1938
Westward Steamer open
Remarks: (written i n English]
Please inform pass.
Most friendly,

^^^^ August 2 8 , 1941 t e l e p h o n i c a l l y advised Special

Agent U ^ n a t x n e w o r d "Rufpassage" on t h e above invoice means "Call
Passage", and i t i s a t e c h n i c a l term used f o r a r e s i d e n t of t h e United
S t a t e s whose passage h a s been paid f o r i n Gernanyj t h a t t h i s invoice - i s
the usual form used i n such c a s e s .
9, i


A rubber stamp on the above document indicates that

i t -was received by the Hamburg American Line in New York City on
April 13, 1938.
In addition to the a b o 7 e , m k l s o submitted a
letter dated April 14,. 1938 addressed to Mr. HERMANN LANG, 5936
70th Avenue, Woodridge, L I . , N. I . on the stationery of the
Hamburg American Line, North German Lloyd, Dewriaient^fPassenger
Traffic, 57 Broadway, New York, N, I , , s i g n e d ^ m | o f the
above steamship line, together with a carbon copy of this l e t t e r ,
which in part reads:
We beg to advise that we have just received
from abroad steamship passage ticket(s) to be
issued"-*" from New York to Hamburg and return in
Tourist Class in favor of yourself, but not good
for passage on certain high season sailings*"

Another part of the letter reads:

" At the same time please send us $5.00 for
United States Revenue Tax, and also $8.00 per
person for Head Tax for any one of the above*
mentioned persons sixteen years of age and over
who are not United States citizens."
The back of the original of the above letter reflects
the same compilation written in ink regarding the steamship tickets
as shown hereinbefore, with the exception that the following words:
"Old Rate", are written opposite the figures "254 " These
figures indicate the price of the round t r i p passage.
Lsp submitted a duplicate of an undated
l e t t e r s e n ^ H H H i H f l ^ H a m b u r g American Line, North German Lloyd,
which he states was sent t o Hermann Lang, although the addressee i s
net shown, reflecting "Payment Receipt #500367, Hamburg" aad reads:
" Further t o our l e t t e r of ? - 9 3 J i"* now
take pleasure i n sending you Ticketl15593,
which reads 'For Passage on the SS HANSA,
sailing from New York June 9, 193__ to Hamburg
and Return i n Tour Class i n favor
.. . Mr* Herm. Lang.'

We have received! ' L, - "".*--"

Deposit 176046 10/29/37 10.00 Schreiber Tr.Bur*


Paid abroad i n Reichaarks 246.00

Taxes 13.00
Total 269.00

Due for Ticket 254.00 Old Rate

Due for Tax 13.00

The balance of $2,00 will be settled in Reich-

aarks by the Hamburg-American Line, Hamburg, or
North German Lloyd, Bremen, depending upon which
one of the lines is used*"

On the back of this duplicate letter is a slip of

paper pinned thereto and in peneiled handwriting, which reads:

"Value $254.00 plus tax $13.00* Pd in Hbg

per list 4521, E 500367 Hbg 246.00 E/B
119.00 1F/B 127.00 add! S.00 coll out of
deposit 10*00 leaving 2,00 to be refunded
abroad. Old rate D/L 176046 10/29/37.

OF US Tax H Tax
10.00 5.00 8.00

Two photostatic copies of each of the above documents

are attached hereto.

The Sailing Record Book, entitled "Hapag Sailings

Eaatbound" for June 2, 1938 to September 29, 1938 of the Haoburg-
American Line as of June 9, 1938 reflects that LANG and his wife
changed from Room 312 to Room 310 on the SS Hansa* . ^ ^ ^
advised that Room 310 is an outside room and much larger
ROOM 312, which is an inside room.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'ourist Class Departaent,

located the above r e c o r d 8 ~ f o r m B H ^ n d joined in the above


On August 25, 19
j Hamburg American Line informed Specia ^^^ the
"OldBate" Steamship Ticket, as mentioned hereinbefore, was a
preferred rate to Hermann Lang for the reason that he, Lang, had
made a deposit of $20.00 on these tickets in 1937 and that the
1938 rate would have been #12 to $15 higher than the 1937 rate*
In regard to the address of Hermann Lang "5936 70th
Avenue, Woodridge, I. I., New York" as shown on Invoice #0-4521
of the Hamburg-Amerika little, dated Hamburg April 4, 1938, mentioned
herein above, attentioniskjvited to the Summary Prosecutive Report
of Special A g e n t f l p m New York City, dated July 30, 1941,
Pages 14, 15, a n d T ^ ^ w h e r e i n it is showm that this is the same
address RENKEN handed to Informant SEBOLD on a slip of paper, on
which was written the address of Hermann Lang as "59-36 70th Avenue,
Woodridge, L. ! c/o L C. Norden, He* Yark"# (This address should
be 59-36 70th Avenue, Eidgewood, L I., N. !*) Renken told
Informant Sebold to record the address in his book and return this
slip of paper to Renken. Renken advised Informant Sebold that Lang
was a friend of his and hs should look him up and give him the
message "Greetings from Rantzau, Berlin Hamburg" and tell Lang
to return to Germany; that all Lang's expenses would be taken care
of, and that he, Lang, would be provided with a pea it ion in Germany;
also, that Lang should return by way of Japan, At this same meeting
between Informant Sebold and Renken, HUGO SEBOLD was present, and
the latter tore out of a notebook a page of addresses which he
handed to Informant Sebold and told him to copy them, which were:

Col. Fritz Duquesne ITU.! STEIN

c/o Air Terminals 127 East 54th Street
17 E. 42nd Street
50-36 70th Ave. 210 Smith Street
Woodridge^ L, I., K. Merzick, L. I., N.
c/o L. C. NORDEN



It will be noted that the name of subject LANG, with the

same address, 5036 70th Avenue, Woodrige, 1. I, N. Ym was included
in the above list, reflecting the same address as that which was
given to Informant Sebold by Renkea, Informant Sebold copied the
above names and addresses on a sheet of paper and on January 26,
19-40 Informant Sebold placed the slips of paper he received from
Renken and Hugo Sebold, bearing Lang^s address, in an envelope
and handed it to Mrs. GUT and told her to deliver the envelope to
Hugo Sebold. Mrs, Gut operates the Slopstock Pension, and Informant
Sebold said that he stayed at this rooming house the night of
January 26, 1940.
On January 29, 1940 Informant Sebold boarded the
"SS Washington" and sailed for New Tork, arriving in the latter
city on February 8, 1940.
It will therefore be noted frcm the above that on
May 6, 1938 Lang, through the Charles F, Schreiber Travel Bureau,
I^c.j purchased Round Trip Ticket #fflL5593 for his wife, plus taxes,
as his ticket, #H1559J had already been paid for in Hamburg, Germany
on April 4- 1932 and forwarded to him. On April 4, 1938, Hermann Lang
did not require the as sistance of anyone to pay for his round trip
steamship ticket from New lork to Hamburg, Germany, for the reason
that he had on this date credit balances in his savings accounts
with the Eidgewood Savings Bank, RIdgevood, Queens, New York, as
Savings Account #56815
Savings Account #61201
Total 41,581.88

On May 6, 1938 after a cash withdrawal of $250.00 was

made from the joint savings account of the Langs with the Ridgewood
Savings Bank, as mentioned hereinbefore, LANG had credit balances
with this institution on this date as follows:
Savings Account #56815
Savings Account #61201
HERMANN LANG . - - 80.80 9'

Hermann Lang and h i s wife KATHEHINE LANG were absent

from the United S t a t e s on a v i s i t t o Germany between June 9, 1938
and September 2 3 , 1938, a s indicated by Re-entry Permit #1,197,867
issued t o Herman Lang, 5936 70th Avenuet Fidgewood, New York, a t
Washington, D. C. on A p r i l 26, 1938; and also manifest of t h e SS
HANSA, s a i l i n g fran New Tork June 9 , 1938 and the manifest of t h e
SS Hansa a r r i v i n g a t New Tork September 23, 1938 r e f l e c t s t h e i r
leaving and r e t u r n t o the United S t a t e s (5 163).

With reference t o the $5O8OO withdrawal from t h e

Savings Account #56815 i n the name of KA.THSRINE LANG or HERMANN
LANG with the Ridgewood Savings Bank, Ridgewood, Brooklyn,
New York, on February 16, 1938, which purchased T e l l e r s Check
#106527 with t h i s bank, payable t o Charles . h
endorsed Charles Scbretoer Travel Bureau, Inc,
advised Special A g e n t j K ^ t h a t t h i s check was
purchase of Reichmarks on the 16th day of February, 1938 at the
rate of 24.20, including taxes for the following persons:

1000 Reichmarks for Mrs, KATHERINE LANG

1100 Reichmarks for HERMANN LANG
He stated t h a t these Reichmarks were purchased by his
agency from HATJTZ & COMPANY, 50 Broad S t r e e t , NewYork City,

On August 5, 1940 a German nseesage was received, which

"Tell Lang that $3,000,00 are here , his disposal"
(Serial 2242, P 10)
On August 14* 1940 Lang requested Sebold to send a
message to Germany that hs is not returning to Europe due to local
situation; that $3,000,00 should be changed into Marks and deposited
to his, Lang's, credit in the Dresdener Bank, and his sister in
Dresden notified* (Serial 2244, P. 32). On August 22, 1940
Message #44 sent to Germany and readsj
"Lang requests that $3,000 be deposited in
marks in Dresdener Bank and his sister be
notified he will not come"
(S. 2377, P. 8)

" V
9 %2


On March 6, 1941 German Message #109 was receired,

which readst
"Please tell Long that 10,000 marks have been
transferred to~the banking house NCA L Schmidt
Schwarzenbach Grosa Anson-Grost Wilhelm to the
(Note: The person
mentioned as Long should be Lang* S 5730.)
On March 7, 1941 Lang informed Sebold that the bank
in which the marks had been deposited was in
fgehwargeribach A.M. "Wald, Germany) and thatf"

In regard to German Message #109 received on March 6,

1941 and mentioned hereinabove, the kind of aarks was not designated
b"iC (many kinds of marks are in use in Germany), so it is presumed by
named hereinafter, who were requested by Special Agent
furnish the value of marks as of March 6, 1941, that the
aarks deposited were Free Reichsarks4
_^r____^__mm_r Foreign Department,
Chase National Sank oi1 New "Xork, 18 Fine Street. Hew York City,
on August 21, 1941 advised Special Ag
10000 Reichmarks were worth $4,000*00".
Henry Schroeder Banking
1941 advised Special AgentJJJHbhat fres
Reichmarks as of March 6, 1941 were worth |.4O^^5rIc, thereby
bringing the total value of the 10,000 Reichaarks to $4,000.00*
On August 25, 1941, Special Agent j ^
contacted the following bank officials to ascertainif Hermann
Lang or hia wife withdrew from their accounts three or four
thousand dollars on or before March 6, 1941, which would enable
them to purchase 10,000 Reichmarks, and these bankers answered
in the negative*
Federal Savings
Association, RidgewoocU
g Savings Bank*


Under date of August 6, 1941, (HERBERT P. GIORGIO*

Counsellor at Law, 1691 Putnam Avenue, Ridgewood,TNew York*
addressed a letter to the Chase National Bank, Foreign Depart^
ment, advising that he represented HERMAN LANG and CATHERINE
BETTY LANG, and desired a transcript of his clients' transactions
with, the bank in November, 1940 and April, 1941, covering $1,500,00
and $2,000.00 sent to Germany. At the bottom of this letter is
an affidavit dated August 8, 1941 , which reads:
"CATHERINE BETTI LANG, being duly sworn,
deposes and says that she is the wife
of HERMAN IANG, and (that HERBERT P.'
GIORGIO is Attorney for her and her
husband, Heraan Lang; that she requests
^hat the chaae N a t i o n a l Bank forward to
Mr* Giorgio the; information requested ia
the letter herewith*
The Chase National Bank of New York refused the abore
request for the reason that CATHERINE or KATHERINE BETTY IANG had
no transactions with the bank*
Attention is invited to the fact that Savings Account
#56815 with the Ridgewood Savings Bank was carried in the name of
KATHERINE LANG or HERMANN LANG and Savings Account #2169 with the
Hone Federal Savings and Loan Association of Ridgewood was carried
in the naa* of BETTY LANG} also that Safe Deposit Box #1350 was
leased on June 6, 1938 with the Hamburg Savings Bank, 1451 Sortie
Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, in the names of HERMANN LANG and
KATHERINE LANG as joint tennants*

advised that the address

of Mentioned on Page 8 of
the re dated at New York
City May 22, 1941, in the caie FUNDS, KtSGELLANEOUS
the years 1924 to 1933 inclusive, is
at Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Maw*y

^ ^ ^ 8, 1941, HERMANN LANG -was re-interviewed by Special

A g e n t f l U H H H F a t the United States Attorney's Office, Eastern
Distrlc^ofNewxorK, Brooklyn, New York, in the
United States Attorney T. 7. QUINN, Special g ^ | | p
HERBERT GIORGIO, attorney for HERMANN LANG, who hasofficesaTTwl
Putnam Avenue, Ridgewood, New York.
LANG stated that sometime around Jane of 1938 he and his
wife left the United States for a trip to Germany; that he and his wife
traveled on the S. S "Hansa" of the Hamburg-American Line and landed at
Cuxhaven, near Hamburg, Germany, LANG stated that he spent a few days in
Hamburg and then visited in Berlin, Germany, for a week, during which
period he was engaged in sight-seeing and social activities. LANG stated
he then left Berlin, Germany and went to Schwartzenbach, Germany, where
he stayed for five weeks. After this time he went for ten or twelve days
in the Bavarian Alps, after which he returned to Schwartzenbach, Germany,
for a period of eight or nine weeks. He then left Schwartsenbach and
returned to Hamburg, Germany and en route stopped in Berlin, Germany for
four or five days, after which he -book the 3 t 3. "Kansa" back "to New York
accompanied by his wife,
LAKG stated he was not an American citizen at the time he
made this trip* He said that when he and his wife first arrived in Berlin,
Germany from the United States he registered with the police and furnished
them information about himself and his relatives. He stated he recalled
that he put down on the registration application that he was an instrument
maker but that he did not recall putting down the name of the company by
which he was employed in the United States * the C. U NOEDEN COMPANY.
LANG stated that the German authorities never inquired from him where he
worked in the United States. LANG stated that he received his German
passport in order to travel to Germany from the German Consulate at New
York and he did not recall that he put down the name of the company by
which he was employed in New York in his application applying for a German r
passport. LANG stated he made application for the German passport through
He also admitted that he sent money on two occasions to Germany
through HANS HITTER, a subject in this case. He stated he did not recall
whether he put down the name of the company by which he was employed C* L.
NOEDM COMPANY on the papers which he had executed in connection with
sending re-immigration marks- to Germany through HANS RITTER.
- 2-

LANG stated that at Schwartsenbach, Germany, he had to

register -with the police and also when he returned to Berlin, Germany,
prior to departing from Germany he had to again register with the police*

He stated that he could not understand why the German

authorities should have inquired as to where he worked* Lang stated
that throughout his entire trip in Germany he was not approached by any
official of the German Government directly or indirectly in connection
with espionage matters. He stated that upon his arrival in Hamburg,
Germany, he thought that his baggage was searched very thoroughlyj but
he did not know why the same was done.
LANG was asked whether he knew a RANTZAU in Germany and he
repeated that he knew a barber in Berlin, Germany, by the name of RANTZAU
who was a friend of his wife's uncle. LANG said that he did not see
this barber when he was in Germany in 1938 but that he had seen hia prior
to coming to the United States in 1927. He stated that he knew HANS
FITTER who had left the United States for Japan about six months ago. LANG
stated he originally met HANS RTTTER in 1937 and 1938 in New York through
an acquaintance by the name of HHBon^^eoocasionofaahtopartyon the
S. S. "COLUMBUS". Lang e ^ 1 ^ I ^^^^fl||HHHHHHHHHHH
"Columbus", He stated that he did not
(Lang) worked. He stated that he was also introduced to HANS RITTER by
FRITZ SOHN. Lang stated that he had never met HANS RITTER in Germany nor
had he ever met Hans Ritter's brother, NICOLAUS RITTER, in Germany* Lang
explained that HANS RITTER had told hi* about his brothar who was in
Germany and who was supposed to be a major in the army. LANG stated that
FRITZ SOHN had told him that if he ever wanted to send money to Europe he
should do it through HANS RITTER who vras in the business. LANG said that
he subsequently contacted HANS RITTER on two occasions and sent a total
of $3,500 to Germany to be deposited in the COMMERZ BANK in Berlin in his
favor. Lang stated that he sent over this money realizing that he intended
to return to Germany after the war. He stated that he intended to go to
Germany to live after the war but that he wanted to retain his United
States citizenship. He explained that all of his relatives were there
and that his wife does not like it in this country.
LANG was asked to explain the significance of the message
given to him by HARRY SABTER "Greetings from Rantsau". Lang stated he '
did not know what the message meant and did not know any RANTZAU other
thantiiebarber in Berlin. LANG said he did not know Dr. RENKEN or HUGO
LANG stated he was not a member of the Nazi Party, but that
he had seen ADOLF HITLER many times in 1922 and 1923. Lang was asked
whether he had told SAHIER that he had participated in the beer hall putsch
in Munich, Germany, in 1923. Lang denied making such a statement and stated
that if he did make it, the statement wlwfiatitiouf # - _-. .-.

LANG was interrogated about remarks he was alleged to

have made to SAWIER that he wanted SAWIER to furnish sore proof of
people LANS knew in Germany so that LANG would be sure he was "dealing
with the right people." LANG stated that he did not recall such a ' *
conversation, although he did recall that he asked SAWIER as to whether he
knew some of his relatives in Germany. LANG stated that he believed
Informant SAWIER was connected with something and believed that SAWIER
wanted to find something out from him for someone, possibly himself,
or the German Government. LANG stated that SAWIER asked him if he knew
someone who could steal instruments from NORDEN or SPERRI companies and
that there was big money in this* LANG stated that he was not interested
in what SAWIER was going to do with the information or materials he
obtained. LANG stated that he originally intended to report SAWIER
to the police and was waiting for an opportunity when he could get some
proof on SAWIER before doing so. LANG admitted that at various times
when he met SAWIER that they discussed the bomb sight but LANG emphatically
denied that he furnished any information to SAWIER about the bomb sight.
Lang said that Sawyer brought up the subject of the bomb sight. He stated
he asked Sawyer why he asked all the questions and that he believed Sawyer
was working for Germany and that if Sawyer was going to steal something
he would do it for GeriBftny. LANG stated that prior to the time he went to
Germany in 1933 he did not know how the bomb s ight worked, although he
did work at the C, L. NORDEN &. COMPANY prior to -visiting Germany in 1938.
LANG insisted that no one in Germany during the time he
was there in 1938 inquired of him as to his associations or connections
with the C. L. NORDEN COMPANY. LANG stated that SAWYER wanted to find out
about the bomb sight from him and he told SAWIER that he could tell him
nothing* ALang, however, did recall mentioning to SAWIER on the occasion
of one of his visits to Sawyer 'e office that there were a lot of mirrors
in the bomb sight.
LANG said he did not know if FRITZ SOHN, uno had formerly
worked at the C. L. NORDEN COMPANY, might have been responsible for giving
his name to the German authorities, inasmuch as Fritz Sohn is now in
Germany, Lang stated that after Fritz Sohn left for Germany he had received"
two letters from him*
He stated that SAWIER promised him twenty thousand dollars
for information about the bomb sight. Lang insisted that he could not give
anything to him. Lang stated that he lost considerable money in the stock
market*- about eight thousand dollars* and that SAWYER told him he would
make up the loss for him. LANG said he did not know why SAWYER wanted to
do this. LANG stated that he retailed SAWYER telling kirn thaft tea thousand
Reichsmarks had been deposited, to his account in * bank at Schwartzenbach,
Germany. LANG stated, that he never took this seriously-and thought it was
a fake. - . .
- 4-


LfiNG stated that he had told SAWYER about his relatives

in Germany. H advised h earned sommty daOutars a week at present at
C. L* NORDM COMPANJ* Lang stated that he recalled telling SAITER
that the Norden Company obtained stop watches and speedometers from
SwitBerland. Lang stated he never heard of LILLY STEIN*
He stated that on one occasion when he was at SATiiER'S
ffice he recalled Sawyer handing him a message reading as follows:
is Lang working for C L. Norden* "Shere is it located?" Lang said
the.message was in German and handprinted in pencil. Lang said that
SAWYER told him that he had sent messages to the other side but SAWER
did not tell him how he was transmitting the messages*
IANQ stated that he was telling the truth and that he was
not holding back from telling the truth because of any fear that he might
have of reprisals against his relatives in Germany. He stated that the
German authorities never promised him a job if he returned to Germany and
he denied making a remark to SATHIER to the effect that NORDEN engineers
were taking apart instruments found in German airplanes.

65-1819 LANG

From the information set out above it is noted that HERMANN

LANG and KATHERINE L&NQ made application for and paid a $20.00 deposit
on October 28, 1937 for Third Class Round Trip Tickets from New lork
to Hamburg, Germany.
It is noted from a review of the file that NICHOLAS RITTER,
on October 29, 1937, Bade application for and on October 30, 1937, obtained
a Visitor'8 Visa to enter the United States, leaving Bremen, Germany, via
the S. S BREMEN oa November 5, 1937, and to return to Bremen on December
27, 1937. A check at Ellis Island, reflected that he did arrive at the
Fort of New York on the S. S. BREMEN, on November L, 1937 and that he
departed from the Port of New Tork on the S. S. EOROPA, December 16, 1937,
bound for Bremen, Germany. His permanent address w3 given as Hamburg,
It is further noted that the letter ibicii the Hamburg^Asierican
Line received advising that HERMANN LANG'S fare had been paid for was
dated at Hamburg, Germany, April 4, 1938.
The file reflects that HANS RITTER was employed as a clerk
in the Comptroller's office at the Hotel Aster, New lork City, from
August 6, 1936 to March 24, 1938. On March 26, 1938, he left the United
States and returned to Germany, returning to the United States on October
9, 1938 via the S. S. HAMBURG, Thus he possibly arrived at Hamburg, on
or about April 1 or April 2, 1938, and arranged through NIKOLATJS RITTER
to hare LANG'S passage to Germany, paid for.
Agents have subsequently observed LANG and HANS RITTER together.


'l . The follol'iig is a physical de*ortpUoa

dartjkloa of'' '' '^'JiV
', subjeoi HB8MM lAH!3j ' :

* '" "'bushy '-' -: -

x ^w-'^pr-^-



2. 5/27/40
Conn. Pats.
Eastman Kodak Go.

_ 6/28/41
Post Office Inspector in Charge


5/3/40 to date
8/18/40 on


24 West 76th Street,
New Toik City, N. T.

Sculptress and T07 Designer.

* # * *

Investigation indicates that L0VIS was born at RryettJrSiiLle,

Arkansas in 1902. As a child she went with her family to Dallas,
Texas She is reported to have come to New Tork from Dallas, Texas,
about 1931 and has been in New York almost continuously since then.
LEWIS is11 a sculptress and toy designer doing business as the "Eve-
Lyn Go* Her income from this source is meager* She has resided at
24 West- 76t-h Street-- New Tork Cit/ir-.for t-he "ast- two v-ears and hag
conducted her business from this address. LEWIS indicates in her
conversation that she is rabidly pro-German.
(S. 3022, Page 2 and

LEVVIS became a subject in this investigation because

DUQDESNE has lived with her constantly since before April 10, 1940
at 24 West 76th Street, New York City. Practically all information
tending to prove participation intteconspiracy and violation of the
Espionage lews by LEWIS was obtained as a result of a microphone ,).
surveillance maintained on LEHIS and DUQUESNE at 24 West 76th Street,
New York ^ity, continuously since May 1, 1940.

April 1, 1940 On this date LEWIS addressed a letter to the Eastman :

Kodak Co., Kochester, H.I. inquiring about the con-
tents of an article which was published in the
"Scientific American11 for March of 1934 concerning
infra-red sensitive film, advising that she was in-
terested In infra-red photography and anti-fog devices.
(S. 1000, Page 7 ) .

April 17, 1940 On this date the Eastman 'Kodak "Company replied to "'.-':"
LESIYIS1 inquiry about iiffra-red photography and anti- .>
fog devices by stating the recent steps in infra- ";
red research and enclosing two pamphlets dealing with
the general subject of infra-red photography. '
(S, 1339). I,:.

Mention is made at this point that on January 10,
1941, information was mailed to WILLIAM SEBGED by
DOQUESNE for transmittal to Germany and this
material seems to be identical with that received
by IESSIS from the Eastman Kodak Co, on April 17,
(S. 6655, Page 3 ) .

Hie fHewing is the substance of conversations
overheard as a rcsalt of a micrc^hone snrreillance maintained on
Subjects DUQUESKE and LEWIS at 24 West 76th Street, Mew York City,
The name appearing at the end of the brief statement of the conver-
sation Indicates the name of the Agent who will testify to the con-

May 3 , 1940 LESdS stated that she was very pro-Hitler and that
America instead of being neutral i s pro-British.

May 5, 1940 LEBIS said she threw out several newspapers but
looked through them first to see whether there
was anything in them which would interest DUQUESHE

JBC.J /, U.71+W BUQUESKE t c l d EEftIS about a chap who hadn't seen him
for years but who looked him up recently, DOQUESNE thought
that t h i s individual night be a detective and LEWIS
remarked t h a t i t was funny he should look him up,
indicating that she thought also that he might be a
d e t e c t i v e ^ J L a t e r on LEWIS asked DUQTJESNE i f he had
inf orntecj^^mpAiat t h i s chap might be a spy.
DU3UESNE said yes, he did,

May 8, 1940 LEWIS told TJfJQTJESNE it will be possible to send

the letter air mail b y w a y of Shanghai as late as
May the 14th. DUQCTESNE then typed something and
read "Via S.S. Coldbrook, Seattle, Washington.M
BUQUESKE asked IEWIS if she had clipped the arti-
cle he wanted and LErJIS said she had. DOQUESNE
told LEWIS that the Americans are supposed to have
sights (apparently bomb sights) which are beyond
anything ever; dreamed of*
' I''
May 15, 1940 WSJB said she heard t h a t j t s p y ^ word i s never
taken i n court but they are regarded as l i a r s .


May 24, 1940 LE0IS described Hitler as an ideal leader. She told
DUQUESNE she had heard that all mail except that to
France and England had been stopped. She also told
DUQUESNE that because they had their eyes on him he
couldn*t do anything anyway and DUQUESNE said that
nothing ever gets done if someone doesnrt start it.

May 24, 1940 DUQUESNE asked LEWIS if she t&d "those numbers for
him." EESTCS asked DUQUESNE if they were for his
record and DUQTJESNE told her that he wanted to send
them to Washington. Subsequently there was a sound
of typing, after -which DUQTJESNE nd IEIffIS audibly
checked some numbers. The nuiribers subsequently
appeared to be patent nuntoers, information concern-
ing which patents was requested in the name of

May 26, 1940 IEWIS told DUQTJESNE "If our place was searched we
would both probably go to .jail."

June 1, 1940 LEWIS and DUqOESHE talked about Duquesne's being

under surveillance and LESIS recoranended that they
keep an eye out at her address because fltheyf1might
watch it too.

June 3, 1940 LEWIS told DUQUESNE he would have to be very care-

ful inasmuch as his name had never been cleared
and his reputation was that of number one man in
this country and that.all his movements are going
to be watched.

June 4, 1940 DUQUESNE and EE3HS discussed surveillances being

maintained on Duquesne and DUQUESNE told LEWIS
about how detectives conduct illegal searched.
Duquesne told LEWIS he woulj_Ji^_ery_careful.


June 5, 1940 DUQOESNE told LEHIS that a professional spy japst

be very careful about voice recording apparatusi

June 13, 1940 LEWIS asked DUQUESNE if he could have done what he
did last tine if the F.B.I. had been organized as
it is today. DUQUESNE said he could have because
he introduced a new system.

June 15, 1940 DUQLTESHE told IEBOS that he had been to Metz and
Belfort (positions in the Uaginot lane) many times
to study the lay out of then

June 16, 1940 LEWIS and DUQOESNE had a conversation in vhich

Duquesne explained exactly irhat a spy is. Duquesne
told Lewis that he had inside information about the
military situation in Germany and told Lewis that
people are very well treated in Germany even though
they are foreigners.

June 20, 1940 DUQUESRE told LEfflS that if she had lied as such as
he has, she would know that people never find out
the truth.

June 23, 1940 BUQDESHE mentioned JOSEPHINE, "who runs a millinery

shop." This may be a reference to JOSIPHINE DE MGELIS.

June 28, 1940 DUQTJESKE boasted at length of his exploits as a

soldier, saboteur and- intelligeittie agent* i5Bie,
third person who was present^ sliated thUfesae: could
never be a spy. IEWIS answered that DUQUESRE
a apy^ that he did not report anything; aftd that he
was a sweet thing now.
- . ~~: -. . - (NEHKIEK) .--.
July 1, 1940 DUQUESME told LEWIS and two visitors about his
exploits as a saboteur and intelligence agent,
and about his experiences in various prisons.
DDQUESNE apparently showed these visitors his scrap
book. He also told the visitors that he is followed
all the time and that they think he is the head of
a fifth column* He described himself as only a
three and one-quarter coin

July 12, 1940.

DUQUESNE complained to LEWIS about the extent to
July 23, 1940
which surveillances were being maintained upon him.
and his activities* H H H H B ^ ^ DUQUESNE
and LEWIS during the evening^Ka
DUQTJESHE instructions on how to ge^Tonis farm
and theydiscussed firearms which JJUQUESHE
find a t ^ H I ^ a r i B . TJOQUESNE then related | | H s )
an indden^^ occurred during the course of one
of the surveillances being maintained on him by aen
either from the F.BI.I* or the District Attorney"1 s

UUQUESNE told LEWIS a n d f ^ H H H ^ B ^ a ^ B a l l about

July 25, 1940
his background and his acW
left the apartiaen^^f^^gS. Lewis
dcdng any war "work at the present t i n e . IES?IS said
that they watch him every once in a while an4 follow
hiioi around but "he can*t do anything, he i s jioo f
famous." Subsequently WQLS said, "They neied a big
scandal.- All i t would take would be three people
to swear-anything. His. namewould be bie"

Aagust 6, DTJQTJESNE discussed air mail "postage and the length

1940 of tine required for^a train, to reach Seattle.
DCCPES8E told LEWIS, that the regular rate is. all
right from here to Seattle but the rate to China
is more. DUQOESHE then said that it may cost more
and that he would check at the post office* He-
then stated, "Those G T3* fellows may get the
letter and know,* IEWTjS then asked why DU<#rJ3SNE
didnH put extra stamps on it and drop it in the
mail box, and asked if it would not be better to
address the letter "by air mail to Seattle."

August 7, LEWIS and DUQUESNE again discussed the fact t h a t

1940 Duquesne was under surveillance.

August 8, LEWIS expressed concern about the surveillance be-

1940 ing maintained on DUQUESNE and told him he should
go away for a few weeks.

August 9, DTJQTJESNE and LEWIS again discussed surveillances

1940 on Duquesne.

August 9,
1940 DUQDESNE described to H B In the presence of .
LEWIS, his efforts t o get a gas mask through which
i t would be possible to carry on a^onversaticn.

August H , DTJQ5JESNE told IMIS that he was not able to Jielp.

her more because with the police following him
- the way they Trere i t would rain, her, business.'
said he was going ta;.see if he couldn't
put a stop to these
August 12, DUQTJESNE discussed surveillance and IKTCS said in
1940 reply to Duquesne's question i f she were going
with him, " I ' l l l e t you go f i r s t and then follow
you to see if anyone i s follovring you."

August 13, Shortly after an inspection of the electrical fix-

1940 tures in LEWISr apartment had been made, LEWIS and
BUQCTESHE discussed the probability that this person
was a detective. The landlady subsequently ex-
plained to LEWIS and DUQTJESNE that she was sorry
about the intrusion of the electrical inspector, but
one of her tenants seemed determined to give her a
lot of trouble by making electrical inspections
necessary. LEWIS then attested to ascertain the
identity of the agent conducting the surveillance
LEWIS alsc told, the landlady that DUQUESNE belonged
to the Kaiserts regime and had no connection with
the present Nazi regime.

LESTCS and DUQITESNE again d i s c u s s e d s u r v e i l l a n c e s

on Duquesne.

August 15, LEWIS described a window-washer whom she thought

1940 might have been watching their place. DUQTJESNE
said he must get downtown by lit30 A.M. in order
to catch the mail. At 7:50 P.M. DUQtJESNE said,
letter ought to be half way to Lisbon by now.11

August 17, LEWIS read DUQUESHE a newspaper article concerning

1940 the high pay of Kazi spies in South America and .
- DUQUESHE faid he would lilce to get s o ^ of that. ;
money* L1SWIS itgreed that it would be nice* :

65-1819 '
August 18, DUQffESNE told LESfIS that she should not read hie
1940 letters. LEWIS answered that she wasnH interested
in DDQTJESHE^ letters axid she" wasnH' reading then.

August 19j LEWIS again discussed surveillances being maintained

194-0 on her and DUQUESNE, and attempted to learn the
identity of the inhabitants in a neighboring house.

August 20, LEWIS and DUQUESNE discussed the activities of men

1940 in the house across the street from their apartment*
LEWIS and DUQUESNE were of the opinion that these
people were maintaining a surveillance of DUQUESNE.

August 21, LEWIS and DUQUESNE again discussed surveillances and

1940 LEWIS suggested^ttmlght be better for DUQUESNE to
run up t o H H B f o r a few days. DUQUESNE said he
would not dotnisDecause "they" would wonder where
he was.

August 22, LEWIS again discussed in detail the facts concern-

1940 ing what she thought was a surveillance of her*

August 24, LEWIS and DUQUESNE again discussed surveillances

1940 being maintained on them and both mentioned that
it appeared from the arrangement of the effects in
their apartments that someone may hare searched it*

August 25, LEWIS asked DUQUESNE if he would take her back

1940 with him when the war is oreri TJOQUESNE laughed
and said he would*
hi !


25, At 4x40 P.M., DUQUESNE and LEWIS again discussed

1940 surveillances*

August 29, SNE told LEWIS that an invest: ator named

1940 made inquiries of ncerning him*
said they are just 'to keep track
of him*

September 3, DUQUESNE told LEWIS he was looking for shipping

1940 news in order that he could -write a letter to his

September 4, DUQUESNE told IESfiTS that letters can now be sent

1940 to Germany by Tray of Japan.

September 5, LEWIS told DUQTJESNE that the stories the

1940 were spreading about him would get him into
trouble* DUQUESNE answered that none of his friends
would believe them.

September 7, LERTJS had a woman visitor in the absence of DUQTJESNE.

1940 IEWIS told this woman about surveillances being
maintained upon herself and DUQUESNE, and told the
visitor that if anyone attempted to obtain inform-
ation from her the visitor should disclaim any know-
ledge of LEWIS.

September 10, LEKIS indicated to it she had known


September 16, LEWIS and DUQUESNE again discussed surveillances
being maintained on them.

September 17, At 12:14. A.M. DDQUESNE returned to the apartment.

1940 IEWIS said to him, "Close the door quickly and
come here." DUC3L7ESNE and LEWIS then talked in low
tones and DUQDESHE was heard to say, "I wonder if
they have a whole crowd of dicks over there.n
Shortly thereafter LEWIS said, "Two more Just came
up the steps and went on*" DUQUESNEs "I guess
they are getting ready to arrest me"
LEWIS asked if DUQUESNE supposed they knew he was
in her apartment. DUQUESNE: "Certainly they know
I'm here* All you know is that I*m working in
Wall Street and that you hare known me for a long
ij _ H
LEWIS: "Well, shall I say that you are not work-
ing for Germany, or that I don't know anything
about it?"
DUQUESHEt "Tell them that you knowf I'm not work-
ing fort Germany, that we both hate the Germans and
Hitler s liver, and that this country is the best."
LEWIS: "Shall I just say I knew you worked for
the old regime and that you have no connection with
LEWIS askedT if he mailed that letter* DUQUESNE S
answer wasn b audible but there was a sound of
paper being torn.

September 17, IEWIS in a conversation with DUQUESNE, said she is

1940 amaaed at the repugnant reaction most individuals
have towards spies* LEWIS stated that a person *
should fight for his ideals in whatever way he is
able* DUQUESNE observed that Christ died on the
cross between two thieves for subversive activities,


September 18, DOQUESNE said to LEWIS, "I guess thai last letter
1940 I wrote got to Bermuda all right. Ton don't under-
stand, it never got to Lisbon* There was nothing
in it so it doesn't hurt me." IEffJjS then asked if
it makes anything further ineffective* DUQUESNE
said that maybe not, that two boats left on that
day, and there is a fifty-fifty chance that he got
on the other one.

September 24, DUQTJESNE told LSflS that he had toldl

1940 to t e l l , the Array that h e j H H H had "T.B.*
i f he were conscripted.
DUQTJESHB told LEWIS that he did not think he was
1940 being followed any more*

October 22, DUQDESNE described the method in which he escaped

1940 from Bellevue Hospital.

October 26, DUQTJESNE told LESilS that he saw a gas

1940 shell that America is get ready to drop on
tba Germans*

November 11, told LESOGS that his friend is CAPTAIN

1940 RTPTER.

November 19, LBslS told DttQTjBSHJB thatshe would likffl to have a

1940 copy of an article stating that the Thompson Arms
Company had elected WINSTON CHtJECHIJDL^S cousin an
officer of--the Company* DUQU^SNE said he could
not give it to her as he'need^Ltj that he was going7
to send it awayj that it was very significant,
said, "Yes, very."


December 12, DUQUESNE and LBTIS discussed gas masks. LB9IS

1940 asked DUQTJESNE if he were going to design one,
and he said he was thinking about it.

December 13, DUQOESNE told IBBIS "They're censoring mail for

1940 South America*" DUQUESNE went on to explain that
the United States is censoring mail to South
America; that he has a notice which says, "Do not
send anything to Sao Paulo because of American
DUQffESNE then went on to say that Sao Paulo is
the German district down there. LEWIS said that
"this is very bad."
Mention is made of the fact that the phrase
used by DTJQUESNI in his conversation with WHS
Is almost ident-icsl with the radio message sent
to SEB0Q3 from the German authorities and de-
livered to DUQUESNE by SEBOID.

December 17, DUQUESNE asked hwere his black paper was* He then
1940 said "I am just sending this letter to see if it
will get through." DUQTJESNE and LEWIS then dis-
cuss the surveillance being maintained on them.

December 2 4 , money i n t h e p r e s e n of
1940 ' h i c h LEWIS p a i d
numbers on the bills handed|
fby EE3SIS were checked and it was foi3
that they corresponded with serial numbers on
certain bills handed to DUQUESNE by WILLIAM

January 3, US7IS spent considerable time -typing after-DUQTJESNE .

1941 had asked her if she-would type a letter for him.
Several disconnected words were heard^ such as,
"shell, shrapnel, target, unskilled labor, explosive,
high explosive."

Mention i s h e r e nade of the f a c t t h a t s h o r t l y
after t h i s date TTtLLIAM SEBOID received a l e t t e r
from i)TJQTJESHE concerning gas s h e l l s i n Ttoich a l l
of the above words appear*

January 8, OTQDESNE a i ^ m m f i n the presence of

1941 IOTtS, discussed the arrest of HAMS HITTER and
certain of the activities of

January 28, DUQUESNE told EEWIS he had been to the JAPANESE

1941 CONSULATE to find out if one could send mail to
Europe by a Japanese board, and IEWflS discussed
BUQUESNEtS life and observed that it is no -wonder
people are afraid to meet DUQTJESNE, to -which
Duquesne responded, "People were afraid to meet
Napoleon too."

February 5, DUQPJESME and 1EHJS had a long conversation about

1941 losing an envelope -with an address on i t . LEWIS
off erred t o help him find i t and DUQUESHE refused
her help. DUQUESNE explained the danger of keeping
a number of addresses together, saying that "any-
body gets a l l the addresses at once if they snipe
that*" DTJQUESHE continued, "the only thing to do
i s to write a l l those things down, in the invisible
ink on one piece of paper and that I can *. '

February 8, DUQUESNE and LEWIS discussed a scheme -whereby they

1941 could dishonestly obtain proof of the early date
of a recent novelty inventic

February 9, _ 'OTQTJESHE and EEWIS discussed com-

1941 ntonicating idth Geraany free from English interfer-
ence. They dtJ^cussedcodes and radio communications
with Ge:rmany.(((H(flffIS and.DUQUESKE discussed
f FEC:CD 15

the recent departure of HANS RHTEE for Japan.
Stated that she knew one of the_
DUQUESNE also talked about|
FThey also discussed censorship.

February 12, A New York City policeman addressed DUQUESNE as

"DUQUESNE", and told him h e M better get his car
off the public highway. IMJS asked DUQUESNE how
the police obtained his name. DUQUESKE said since
the car wasregistered in the name of CRAVEN, that
p r o b a b l y ^ m m ^ h a d given the policeman
his name*

February 15, DUQUESNE and LEWIS had a long conversation, the sub-
stance of which was that DUQUESNE was unable to go
to South Africa as requested by the German authori-
ties because the private business of LEWIS was too
pressing at the time the German authorities requested
him to make the trip. DUQUESNE told LEWIS that there
was $15,000. on a plane for him in New Tork to be
distributed in South Africa, but that someone else
hahd handled the promotion of it. DUQUESNE then said
that he is always going some place and that he has to
figure out when and where to go for bins elf * TJ3IIS
said, "Thatts true. I love you ...... but I realize
that you hare things to do, that's your job. Tou
have to do it and that's all there is to it."
LEWIS then asked if he would come back, and DUQUESNE
said he would*

February 22, DUQUESNE and LEWIS had a long conversation in which

1941 DUQUESNE discussed the killing of LORD KITCHNER and
the death of 600 seamen on the Hampshire who were
killed at the sane time ICED KITCHNER was. DUQUESNE
identified himself as the unknown person who escaped
on a raft and DUQUESNE also stated that he did not
stab or shoot JJOED KITCHNER. EEHIS said that "they"
murder'ed all those men, not

March 13, UOTIS t she would like to bare fun
19a with by telling him she has seen the
F.B.I, men wo him around.

March 1 9 , DUQTJESNE t o l d not t o throw away t h e paper

19a with the name on i t .

March 30, DUQUESNE mentioned t o EESTCS h i s idea for decentral-

19a ized airplane training and said that i t looks as
if JSOCKEFELLER has taken over his idea in t h e j ^ j t e r .
DUQUESNE said that he remembered having t l d f l H H
about the matter and that maybe this explains why he,
DUQUESKE, was msder surveillance- LEBIS then told
DTJQTJESKE I t might have been either DIES or HOOVER men
who were following him.

April 2, LEWIS and DUQUESNE agreed that "be" had out-jaanoeuvered

19a the F.B.Ie by not talking. This appears to be a
reference to PAUL FEHSE who was recently arrested
for the violation of the National Registration Act*
FEHSE is also a subject in this case-

April 3, DUQUESNE told LEWIS how she should have written

19a the name "FREDERICK CRAVEN".

ISSIS stated that she would like to get a short
19a wave radio set before the Government takes them
all up or prohibits them.

April 16, IBSIS stated that she .-was willing to trust the
19a future to the Germans who "just look like men
from another world."


April 18, LEWIS told DtJQTJESNE that she told her cousinTs
1941 husband that DrjQUESNE i s either the greatest
herb or the worst v i l l i a n she has ever seen, depend-
ing upon whether one i s pro-JE

April 20, DUQOESNE and IEHIS had two visitors and DUQUESNE
1941 talked at great length in the presence of the two
visitors and IEWIS about his activities as a
saboteur and intelligence agent. LEWIS told her
visitors that she was with DUQUESNE when four "of
them" were following them. DUQOESNE and IEWIS
also discussed the death of LORD KITCHMERe




On June 27, 1941, Assistant Director E. J. ConneUey

swore to a complaint before United States Coaaissioner MARTIN C.
EPSTEIN, Brooklyn, Eastern District of New Tork, charging that
EVELTH CIATTON LEWIS and others conspired to violate Sections
32 and 34 of Title 50, United States Code, k warrant was issued,

arrest i n h e ^ 5 5 S 5 n ^ n * ^ ^ > w o t h Street, New Tork, New Tork,

at the same tiae FREDERICK BUQUESNE was placed under arrest in
her apartaent as he had been living with her. She was wearing a
dressing gown at the tiae of her arrest and was allowed to step
behind a door and put on street clothes* k search was then aade
of the apartaent. She was then brought to the New Tork Bureau
Office where she was questioned and aade a signed statement as


Taken i n 607 U. S. Court House, Foley Square,
New York City, June 29, 1941-
Startedi 12:22 AH
Ended: 1:10 AM
Present: Special Agent R. F. Nenkirk


I, EVELYN CIAYTON LEWIS, make the following free and

voluntary statement to R. F. NEWKIRK, Special Agent of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, well knowing
that I do not have to make any statement and that any statement
made by me may be used against me in Court. No threats, promises or
inducements of any kind have been made to me. The statement is
entirely voluntary on my part.
By A-gent Hewkirk: Now, MISS LEWIS, if you will just give us a
little history as to where you were born and
a bit of your past life - where you went to
school, and your occupation, and so forth.
A. I was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Most of
my schooling I got in Dallas, and I came to
in about 1931* Be was
to Texas then* My mother died, and I came back
for a while the following summer and then
returned to Texas for about three years. In
about April, 1940, FRITZ DUQUESNE came to live
with me at 24 West 76th Street, Hew York City,
and has been there since that time.
To the best of my knowledge he was dealing in
stock fractions. As far as I know, his income
was from small dealings in Jh^^jndfrom. an
allowance which, his friend H H | H H | B w a s
investing in the business, ^ r a n a I know,
during the time DUQUESNE resided with me, he had
very little income.
For the past year he has spent most of the time
assisting me in my own work in the engineering
problems involved in my work in toy designing and

Ducasc - 2 -

mould making. Much of the process is highly

mechanical and there are constant engineering
problems involved and in this he has been of .
great assistance* He also has let me have the
necessary money to buy materials and whatever
happened to be involved at the time. He has
also helped me in searching patents, in Baking
a preliminary search, and I have learned, with
FRITZ'S and my patent attorney's assistance, to
make a fairly good preliminary search, which is
a great saving of money.

By Mr. NEHKIRK: (Showing letter to witness) With reference to

this letter from the EaSTtfaN KOQiK CO., addressed
to you, dated April 17, 1940, referring to Infra
Red Rays, will you tell us why you wrote the
original inquiry to ErVSTMAN KODAK?
Because we had read some articles about it and
were interested to know what development had been
done and my particular interest was in seeing if
there was a relation to the Infra Eed which I
understood was an important part in the photo-
graphing of both colors and sculpture* And it was
simply one of a number of letters that I have
written, some for myself, and the few for him, which
I considered just in the day's work, of getting
information f or the things that I work with. I can
see how easy it would be to slip in a few now and
then that would also have dealing in something else,
without ay realising it. This particular letter was fa
written at the suggestion of DOQUESNE.
DUQTJESNE had gotten a telephone call that sounded
"phoney** and since a number of attempts had been
made at various times over a period of a good many
years by the British Secret Service who would
naturally, from his past experience, be interested
in his activities, he thought it was perhaps some
kind of a trap or the result of articles which had
been written about him by SPIVAK, and I am the
one that suggested that I go with him. fie thought
it was a very foolish thing to do but I wanted to.
We went, and cm-one showed up_ so far-as. I know.
i- . - - u -
Ducase - 3 -

While I was out one evening with fc,

last month, after driving and making a couple
of personal calls, we drove by some place on
lark Ave.. I do not know the address, and he
excused himself to go to the drug store and
said he -would be back in a Hen moments* He
left me in -the car* Later, he told me that a
young fellow that he knew had been separated
from his wife for some time and wanted to find
out her whereabouts and started to write a
letter and asked me, since his eyes were hurting,
to write a note concerning the natter, which I
did, paying little attention to the content.

My c the factory was delayed so he let me have the

money to pay "~^y rent and I gave him my check in a few days
to replace i
Whatever activity he had he certain, I should say, covered
with great skill in his general interest in things scientific and in
just world affairs. I knew that he had been active as a Secret Agent
for Germany during the last war and, as a matter of fact, I believe
he was decorated for doing the outstanding individual service in the
last war for toe Central Powers. For that vmry reason it did not
occur to me - in fact, it was hard for me to believe that he could be
active in a similar way this time, knowing that at least the British
Starret Service would be so interested In his activities. Sis great
interest in world affairs and his close attention and interest in
scientific developments, particularly related to war, I took as a matter
of course as 1 knew him to be a military man.
I have read tha foregoing statement, and the same has been
read to me, by Special Agent Newkirk, and it is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.



Special Agents, Federal Bureau of Investigation

U. S. Dept. of Justice, 607 U. S. Court Hguse,
Foley Square, New York, N. I.

Made in the Federal Building, Brooklyn, N . T
Room 536, on July 2, 1941.

I, EVELIN CLAYTON LEWIS, making the following free

and voluntary statement to R, Ft Newkirk, Special Agaat of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation*
This statement la in addition to the statement given
by se to Agent Newkirk at the office of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, New York City, on June 29th, 194L> No threats,
promises or inducements of any kind have been made me and the
purpose of this additional statement is to furnish more complete
information than I did in my fl.rst statement.
I first met FRITZ D0QUE5NE in 1931 and have been
living with him at 24 West ?6th 5t#, New York City, since April,
1940. A number of incidents occurred during the time he resided
with me which would indicate to me thatfaswas engaged in the
transmission of intelligence to persons outside the United States*
However, I did not know that he was being paid for this infor-
mation or for his services in this connection.
Among the incidents that established in my mind that
DUQUESNE was furnishing information to a foreign country are
the followingx
DTJJOESNE showed a great interest in the sailing dates
of ships, and the arrival dates of ships.
He appeared to have a great interest in the arrival
and departure of clipper ships and expressed annoyance when he
learned that the clipper ships were being routed through Bermuda
and Nassau.
DUQUESNE likewise expressed great interest in getting
his letters off on certain boats.
I also recall that DUQUESNE objected at the time the
Bremen was searched.
Another incident which would now appear to me to be
of a suspicious nature was the fact that DWJTJESNE was interested
to a great degree in military affairs} anything pertaining to
military activities in the United States. He was very well in-
formed on all military matters and kept track of everything of
this nature that was going on through newspapers and radio broad-
I r e c a l l that one time DUQUESNE had a microphotograph
in the apartment, andnoticed that he placed this micrpphotograph
in an envelope for wmiUng but do not recall to whom he mailed
this microphotograph.
He likewise had a magnifying glass which he used in
examining small print and various papers*
I recall that he at one time had a gas mask In the
apartment. To the best of my knowledge he was endeavoring to
invent a gas mask through which a person would be able to carry
on a conversation.
0 , At one tLa i)il BirarjESNE and I were at ParkerHStern's
\s In Brooklvn. DUQDESNE observed a rubber tourniquet and asked
Lf he might have one of these,
him one. Tdo not know what final disposition
^^^ that he at one tine obtained some rubber
tex f r o B U m f o f the Rubbertex Company in the Ofc-aybar
Building, but do not know what he did with this.
On several occasions DUQUSSNE and I discussed methods
of avoiding people whoa we believed to be watching us and at
-various times I took steps to determine whether or not anyone
was following DUQTTESNE and myself.
I also recall that DDQDESfflSa^varioustimea sent
letters to ajgn_JBLjbhe name ofHHHJH|^HHHknd a "?n by
the name o^HUHHfl^VBBd arao^xos^anDyine name of
Sawyer in NewIbrkCity!^^
I recall DTJQTJESNB having a blueprint in the apartment
at one time but never ascertained the nature of this blueprint.

- 2 -

I likewise recall that DUQUESNE spent considerable tiae
studying a dictionary and recording numbers after such study.
At one time I typed a l i s t of numbers for DTJQTJESKB, which appeared
strange to me, but I never inquired as to what they were.
He was likewise interested in news clippings of a
military nature, such as aeroplane production and other data
along that same line, and at various times had asked me to clip
certain items out of the paper, which I would do.
DUQUESNE likewise discussed with me on various occasions
the use of invisible inks and the manner in which invisible inks
might be made.
I have on several occasions observed DUQUESNE putting
a hot iron to a piece of paper or a l e t t e r , but did not know the
purpose of t h i s .
At one time I recall writing something on the typewriter
en the inside of the rectangular surface of an envelope. I do
not recall what I wrote at that time but believe that I did not
finish the message, whatever i t was*
DUQUESNE was likewise interested in saving a l l the
black paper, such as black kodak paper, and at one time I observed
him applying white powder to that paper
I have also noticed DUQUESNE developing his own film
in the apartment.
1 I knew for a fact thatOTQUESNEsent considerable mail
to foreign countries and recall asking him whether or not there
was anything in these l e t t e r s which would involve him. He told
me that this wouldn't make any difference.
Concerning a note which I wrote for DTKJUBSNE, which I
previously mentioned, I now recall that at one time I accompanied
DUQUESNE to a place on York Avenue* At that time DUQEESHE was
attempting to locate & woman by the name of Rothar* Subsequently
we returned to lie apartment and I wrote a note to a man by the
name of Sawyer for DTJSJUESNE.
Some time after that I recall receiving a telegram,
addressed to me* Upon opening the telegram I saw that i t was a.
"request to- call Marie. Rothar. JT discussed this with DUQTJESNE and
he told me to forget about the telegram as i t was tteanVfor Mm
and the matter had already been taken care of.
DTJQTJESNE also at one tine told as thafr he bad sent
telephone books to Europe but I believe that -was some tine ago*
I have at -various times typed letters for DTJQUESHE to
such places as the TJ. Se Government Printing Office, requesting
information of a technical nature.
Likewise on a few occasions I nailed letters for
I have read the foregoing statement, and it is true
and correct*


Dated Brooklyn, N Y.
July 3rd, 1941.
t'C:CD 18


The following i s a coinplete description of Subject



Residenoe 24 West 76th Street, New Xork City,
front apartment, third floor.
Age- About 40. (Date and place of
birth, not known, but believed a
native of Pallas, Texas.)
Height 5 6" to 7"
Weight 135
Hair Brown, straight, long, and usually
worn in knot on back of head.
Complexion Medium dark
Build Medium Heavy
Eyes Color unknown
Marital status Single, Idves with Frederick Joubert
Characteristics Sexual pervert.
Occupation Artist, sculptress, and playwright*
Nativity Believed Dalls, Texas. Reported
to have come to New York City from
Dallas. Texas, July 15, 1931.

1 Immigration and Naturalization.

2. Espionage Activities - Known or Possiblel

William Sebold.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibilq-ty Questionable).

5. Employment Eecm-d.

6. History and Prior Activities,




with aliases, Reverend John
%^> Mathiesen, Pastor Matthiessen

Address: 316 Hamilton Avenue

Trenton, New Jersey

Employed* Minister at ; '

Trinity Lutheran Church
Trenton, New Jersey

Reverend DR. JOM MAITHIESEN is said to be 59 years old,

married, and has teen employed for over eight years as Minister for the
Trinity German Lutheran Church, 191-193 South Broad Street, Trenton,
Hew Jersey. He resides with his wife, NETTIE^ and a twenty-five year
old son, at 316 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, Hew Jersey.

REVEREND MATTHIESEN was first mentioned in connection

with this case on March 5, 1941. On this date PAUL FEHSE, while talking
with WILLIAM SEBOLD at the latter's office, advised that GEOR& SCHOH
knew a PASTOR MATTHIESSEH, whom he stated was closely associated with
BRUNO MDPTMAM a* a confidante; that SCiTUH sent this PASTOR to see a
German doctor in Trenton and to inquire of the doctor about a radio
the doctor was supposed to have for sale; that MATTHIESSEN is very
pro-Hazi and runs errands for SCHTJH but does not know or want to know
for what purpose SCHUH is using him. FEHSE said that this PASTOR is
a man who would help anyone in a pinch.

(Serial 6739, Page 26)

New York, New York
June 29, 19U *

j ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J of Special
Agent f ^ H H H H ^ a n d SpepSu&gentjHHHHBte'riio are known to
me as SpeciSHEgenta of the Federal Tivireai^nS^sfilatxon. This,
statement i s riot made as a result of promises OK threats and I have;
been advised that i t can be used against me in Court at some future

am 25 years of
age, wa ^ ^
N Y. I present
gaged in the operation of a specialized prjntJngbusxnesswhicb. goes
under the trade name ' S^y- hobby for some 5
or 6 years has be radio and I am"TTTicensed operator, my
call letters bein I received my f i r s t license on March 1,
1938 and my licens' 5newed on April 1, 1941*

T met JOE KJJEDJ fully 6 years ago through a printer who

shared the store with him, whom 1 knew. I Tisited the photography
shop -which was what KLEIN had at the time and he was interested in
mechanical and such gadgets* I being interested in amateur radio,
that is radio in general, proceeded to interest him more or less in
radio* He did not get very interested for awhile He was working
and he had a shop and did not have the time or money to invest in
any amount of radio material* After possibly a year or a year and a
half, he decided he wanted a phonograph amplifier, which I built for
him. I had received at this time a license from the Federal Communi-
cations Commission to operate an amateur station* In conjunction #ith
the amateur license, I had built,a transmitter and receiver combina-
tion, which was known as a transceiver, (this set will recei'verias well
as sena) with the intention of operating i t as soon as I had received
my license. I listened on i t , got knowledge of the procedure and got
familiar with the amateurs on that particular radio frequency. After
receiving the license, I proceeded to operate as the Law permits
(Setting back to t he amplifier that KLEIN wanted built, I
built that and he was. not satisfied with i t , so,he bought a bigger
one. Shortly after that, he bought a recorder machine with which
he could record radio programs off the air or from other phonograph
records or speech or music that would be played in his apartment
or his laboratory* From this time on# he continued buying amplifiers
and various equipment and after a time, I decidedt hat since he had
saiH that he intended getting citizenship papers and had goneifarough
most of the formula to take care of getting them, I suggested that he
learn the International Morse Coae and by the time ne received his
citizenship, papers, he would have it down well enough and along with
technical knowledge he would be able to apply for an amateur license*
I also suggested that as long as he had the money "at this time and
jobs seemed to be getting scarce, he seemed to have more trouble day
after day and lay off -was more often, I suggested while he had money
to build up a small transmitter that he could use when he received
the license. Shortly after this, or about that time, I bought a magazine
which gave a diagram for a very practical and simple transmitter, which
I later on suggested that he build. The name of this magazine was QST

In the meanwhile I had also constructed for my own use a

large transmitter, which is known as a single transmitter, bit
actually contains two unitsj separate transmitters in themselves
could be operated on four amateur bands* This transmitter has been in
operation almost continuously since*
Getting back to tie transmitter that I suggested from Q5T
to be built by KLEIN, sometime during the early Winter of 1939, we
proceeded to assemble the transmitter to be used after he would receive
his license, which he would not get until after he received his citizen-
ship; After building this t ransmitter, we checked it, found it to
operate according to the description and suggestions of the magazine
from which it was taken and KLEIN placed this transmitter on the shelf
until he had gone through the rest 01 the procedure and gotten his
citizenship and had applied for license* However, in constructing and
testing the transmitter, it was tested under both dummy load condition
and also tested in actual operation by myself using my call letters.
Digressing from the usual procedure, it was tested at his home in both
cases. This was in testing under the usual conditions and under the
conditions I took a chance to attempt to contact a station somewhere
out of the second district in order to find out whether the transmitter
was really radiating properly* Confirmation of this was received
in the form of a postal card, known as a QSL card. This card was sent
by a Chicago station whose call letters were W9GBC and after that the
transmitter was temporarily placed on the shelf and allowed to remain
there until such time as it would be possible to use it under proper
Approximately three months later, KLEIN told me that he had
a contact from an individual whom he had met, whom I had seen on a
number of occasions, named SCHOLZ who was a partner or at least waited
on customers at the GERMANIC BOOK SHOP located at Third Avenue between
85th and 86th Streets and whom I had came in contadt with on several
occasions when I purchased magazines and when. I had been with KLEIN
when he picked up newspapers from his home town* KLEIN said that this
SCHOLZ *-had: recommended an aeetuaiatasce of his "named AEES-Tsfto "wished to
have a transmitter constructed* This acquaintance of SCHOLZ' -visited
KLEIN and requested a transmitter of about 40 watts input.

Question by Special A g e n t f l M ^ - Did KLEIN t e l l you they were

German Agents?

Answer b^flMHR" Absolutely not at that tame*

. The fellow named ALEX was told by KLEIN that he had a trans-
mitter there which would give a 100 watts input and I believe i t was
shown to ALEX at that time. That was the transmitter KLEM had
built for himself with my help, mentioned previously, to be operated
when he would have received his citizenship and his license. This
also indicates that I helped him in the construction of this original
transmitter. I asked KLEIN whether the fellow ALEX was an amateur
or why he wanted the transmitter and KLEIN told me that he was taking
a course at the Y.M.C.A. in order t o become an amateur operator.

Question by Special A g e n t ^ m ^ At this time did yon

have any idea as to what use ALEX intended to put his knowledge as an
amateur operator and the equipment he was requesting?

Answer b y ^ m ~ No I had no idea at that time. However, I

was told that he had been to some other fellow, a Hungarian' I believe
i t wasj who had charged too touch for the equipment. I am not certain
whether he started to construct the equipment or whether they had
made anything outside of preliminary negotiations.

This ALEX also wished to have a receiver to go along with

this equipment and a generator or some form of power supply which
might be operated from a 6 volt battery source.

Question by Special A g e n t m m ^ - Bid you know for sure

whether or not ALEX had an amateur operators license which would enable
him to transmit at this time?

Answer fy^///B~ ^ e s * I ^nen i*18* ^ ^id n o t 1 l a v e a license,

but I had the information that he was studying at the Y.M^C.A.

I told KLEIN that this generator would be rattier a difficult

proposition because the battery would have to be recharged very fre-
quently and i t would not pay toBun a transmitter off such a source
and as I remember i t nowj this information was related to ALEX, but
tie insisted on the generator which was finally obtained} also parts
for the transmitter were obtained and a receiver was ordered to be used
in conjunction with this equipment.

KLEIN and myself proceeded to construct the transmitter and

the receiver was being made onibe outside by a radio store t the DOUGLAS
RADIO .STORE, and during the time of the construction of. the." receiver "
and the transmitter, as I remember i t , 'the generator had not yet arrived,
but I believe i t had been ordered. "When the equipment was part
way completed, I met ALEX at KLEIN'S and he seemed to disbelieve the
statement that the transmitter was capable of 100 watts and the QSL
card which had been received through the test on KLEIN'S own trans-
mitter, the one we constructed for KLEIN'S own use -when he would r e -
ceive his necessary papers, was shown to ALEX in. order to convince
him that we .were not trying to give him a line of sales talk* The
fact was stressed by me that this transmitter was capable of contact-
ing any part of the world given good weather conditions and proper
a e r i a l . However, since a short time before the contacting of
foreign amateurs outside of the United States and possessions had been
forbidden, I also mentioned that fact* ALEX seemed to be disinterested
in what I had to say and to doubt my statements so far as the power
ability of the transmitter was concerned.

Question by Special A g e n i m | * > TJhen you say ALEX was

disinterested in what you had to say, do you mean he was also dis-
interested in the fact that i t was against the Law to transmit out-
side the United States?

Answer b y ^ H j H " No, I think that that was said in passing

and i t might have been saxd before or sfter the conversation* I am
not giving the conversation exactly, I do not remember i t , I am trying
to bring out points 1 remember,

Question by Special A g e n ^ m H - Did you notice any

reaction of either KLEIN or ALEX to^yourj^aTement that i t was against
the Law to transmit outside the United States?

Answer b y H H B ^ No, I donTt remember anything like that, I

am quite sure I madeTnat statement because the war had started the
previous September as I remember and I would have stressed that point
to anyone who was not familiar Tilth the operation of apparatus.

At that time I was informed by JCE that the fellow wanted a

crystal with the fundamental frequency somewhere in the commercial
bands, which in accordance with the wiring of the set would allew the
set to be operated in a commercial band* When he told me the crystal
frequency he desired to operate a t , I then realized that the equipment
was to be used for other than amateur use and very possibly, as my
suspicions mounted, I figured i t would be used for traneocean work.
However, I figured I was deep enough into i t and. the fact the fellow
seemed to be an odd type of fellow, I figured i t was the dream of some
small group to attempt a contact or something like that and I didnH
knew whether they had ideas planned and I had no idea from the
appearance of ALEX that there was anything 3JI I t , The crystal purchased
for t h i s set was ordered from Pennsylvania, exact address unknown, and
the explanation for use of the crystal~waa. that i t was to. be used in a
variable frequency oscillator, whereas a'matter of fact when "used tin
conjunction with this s e t , i t could not" be used for any other bank but
illegal operation out Bide the amatetir and within the commercial band*

~ 4-

Following this, during the next week or 10 days, we proceeded

to finish the wiring of the portable set and with the transmitter com-
plete along with the generator and receiver, TO had received payment
for some of the parts, in fact it had been completely paid for in. so
far as the cost to us was concerned, this cost amounting to about $100.
This money was paid by either ALEX or another fellow, whom I later saw,
I am not certain, I do not know which* I do not know the other man's
name, but there is a possibility I might identify him.

Quite a while elapsed before any attempt was made to pay the
balance due above the cost of material* A few nights before the equip-
ment was removed, these two fellows, ALEX and the other, came up to
KLEIN'S and discussed paying off the balance and removing the equip-
ment* The other fellow seemed quite attentive to code signals we picked
up on the receiver and in general seemed to have a better knowledge of
radio that ALEX, also a better knowledge of the code* This was sometime
during the Fall of 1940*

On this occasion, the question came up as to the illegal

operation as an amateur station and the question was raieed as to
the use of a call letter assigned to someone besides ALEX* At this
time I suggested that they could either use a call letter to be found
in t he listing of radio amateurs or they could use an unused call

The equipment was removed a. few days following the visit

of these two men, to which I have referred in t he preceding paragraphs \
and after a period of time, JOE KLEIN told me that the equipment (
worked successfully; that they were very satisfied with it and that '
they had made contacts with a station in Germany. The next thing I
heard from these fellows was that something had gone wrong with the
receiver and one of them, I do not know which one, had brought it to
KLEIN to repair* The tubes were found to be reversed in their sockets
and some other adjustments, which I cannot remember now, having to do
with the dial mechanism, were taken care of. In this case, I did not ; it
see the equipment, but gave general instructions by way of telephone
as to what might be wrong and how it might be remedied. There was
also something wrong with either the power supply or the switching
arrangements and I suggested the necessary repairs to be made* This
was on a different occasion, however, but related closely within a
short while of the receiver trouble. This is all I heard concerning
the equipnient until HEIH *bold me, I believe it was by way of tele
phone, that AIEX had either visited him or gotten in cotitaot with him
in reference to the generator for ishich he wanted, a buyer to be found,.
If possible in order to recover some of the investment put into the :
g e n e r a t o r . ".,::. .'.-.' ' .
* ' ' . .

Question by Special Agentj^HHHpt* Had the final payment - -- _ ^ ^

been made to HEU for this equipmenta^tm^ time?
Answer t o V H B r - e s > ^ ^ ^ m l payment had been made a
long time before, upon the removal of the equipment by the two men.
Question by Special A-gentfmHHHL* Did you receive any
payment from KLEIN out of t h i s transactHmV^

Answer t > 3 ^ | | H H | Yes, $14*

KLEIN told him he could not find anyone interested in such

an article at any decent price* ALEX insisted that he bring i t over
anyhow arid see if i t could be disposed of.

KLEIN in telling me about this said he "wanted nothing more

to do with the dealj that they were going to return a l l t h i s equipment
and t r y to get a sale for i t as we could, not get any price for i t at
the present time due to the fact that amateurs are not purchasing
expensive equipment when their chances of remaining in operation are
as slim as they are now* Several days l a t e r , KLEIN returned home to
find the generator returned and 'phoned me and thought i t was quite
unusual that such a thing should be done under the circumstances as
he had not given any encouragement as t o receiving i t if i t was r e -

Upon visiting KLEIN'S place a night or two later, he remarked

confirming the thought that I had also that ALEX must be either
frightened or j i t t e r y when he returned the generator without finding
out i f i t was a l l right to return i t definitely, KLEIN also remarked
that i t might have something to do with the arrest of some man recently,,
approximately a week or two before, saying that i t had been in the
newspapers and I said "Maybe," not having read the article and not
knowing anything about the arrest or realizing that anyone had been
arrested for any serious infraction of the Law,

Question try Special AgentHHHft' Do yu know what this man

charged with upon his arrest?

Answer b y ^ H ^ - * No, but JOE told me that i t had something

to do with his being a foreign agent in order to affect ALEX in this

At about this time, KLEIN that he had heard from

ALEX concerning an amateur who had moved in the next building or
somewhere near where ALEX lived and.ALEX was afraid the man was check-*
ing on hia tranaaitter. The fact that this foreign agent had been
arrested and t h a t the. amateur had moved in, we figured had been enough
to scare ALEX in whatever activity he was conducting at the tims*

Yesterday, June 28, 1941, KLEIH called me and asked if i t

would be a l l right to bring his transmitter and-the electron coupled
oscillator which accompanied the revaifiped transmitter to my home, I "
had previously expkined to him that jt might be desirable for him to
take the transmitter out of his home, because under the circumstances
and even though he had the right to such equipment, he should not take

- 6

any chances of being accused of operating the equipment when he a c t u a l l y

was not I t o l d him i t would be a l l r i g h t to bring the equipment over
and about an hour a f t e r the telephone c o n v e r s a t i o n , he brought the ''
equipment and I placed i t i n my r a d i o room* I t -was packed i n a s u i t -
case with the name TRI-SORO STUDIO p a i n t e d on t i e o u t s i d e . The m a t t e r
immediately l e f t my mind as I had p r e v i o u s l y thought i t t h e b e s t thing
t o do and could see no reason t o have f u r t h e r thought for i t *

At t h e time I am making t h i s statement, I was shown a man

whom I recognized as ALEX I was advised by Special Agents t h a t h i s
name i s AXEL 'WHEELER HUJL I was a l s o shown t o a man whom I d i d not
r e c o g n i z e , but who recognized me and said t h a t he had seen me a t
JOSEPH KLEIN'S apartment on East 126th S t r e e t on one o c c a s i o n . I was
informed t h a t t h i s was FELIX JAHKKE.

I have read t h e abore statement c o n s i s t i n g of b^ pages and

i t has been r e a d t o me i n t h e presence of t h e w i t n e s s e s signed below.
I t i s a l l t r u e t o t h e b e s t of my knowledge*


Special Agents, F. B. I* ,
607 Foley Square, New York, N Y

fork, *. T.

Inretlatlon. No thr*t or praadyifte hav bttn wad* to ne, and
X ba* btn told that I z*4 aft** m stftttaptit. X know that
anything I say eaa b uad against a in oourt.

ay first l&tas*
on Mtroh I, ijm and my Uttat* wa on April 1, 19U.
X ast JOSI? X&HI fully ixyawi ago through a printer
ahwwd ttat M m with MM, vh X few*. tWLa m i a t flOSo
LudagWa 4rnM# Ktw Irk City. H btHM int-ratd in amatoor
rail* through y f f o r t , . B dS4 Aft M M wry it*Mt4 for *
|s nwh wny t fnyN i n w t la tMStinr squlpiaai #r to uapari-
In th*t >sptei. I 4MI4*4 ilurt ainot h u applyiog for

i t dm irtll sugh *1 h-^ btainl Uoteical and

wiring akill t b* 1>X t ap2or for Xlil
vuggMUd to him that m l*ag tfe* lay-off parloda of hi* work
.MrtiH to bt aor* pzaoanei or lnnrnofl* *11 h had tb oaty
and whlls Miattt -w*x domx h ehould attain, r 1% wou34 be * good
to obtain, the xwoaswary parW fr hit aaatw tuisndtt4M'>
h ba conld ooaetniot tod pot M r In nojitwpUtlon of hia
Jh b*d hi. dUnahl#. A<Un n t
bJ < i i r , andpla^ i t en
to Main hia Xloontt. fhi*

I*. .".'- "

-v *,- -
^B/^P'PI^^Pjpfc'JP^ VBBBrVa> ^^(p ^^m M^^^f&^B ^(PSF . ^ . wr. t rr_,

,_ .. 'a* obtaimd tnm m I "! , _

W H F ^ W R *SI>P(P1W ^P* 4|ppSws*^!s^BjjaBnW' ajf ^^Bv^aja^psjajH 4v a^W4KH^F"V* ^Rf ^aXi^p ^*Wiajf

BjddUuz %laa 1sa#t# Hi tHHpi tEf aJX Xtt*t#ra f m t ylM^*^

of tha r#BsXatliom of

bo fi
HIXI j t l l tomb with t* Mi t i l l M that te b4 '
ly AXtt, b Ml bwn W0OWT>Jd tgr * party
kncnm to m elartt t tfa OnianU Bittt
l a waa' X ^
tesa <sl wmm^bsn bs
to that *>Uk m* built for gtSti pewoaal
4U| | - f Ajf in niniiMi4jfcf. t)w| saaia ijsstt%* naHBusr^ K M I
^P^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ F " P ^F ^FJP * ^^^^^^W* PJ^P^ ^^^jj^m^(B|B, ^ ^ p . m^^mr WF^mBmFmpmF^p^B^^^BymmH^H^pm^ i^pp^w ^p^pp^w^ ^S^^iv,

*n& niji ojid|pad ^%h ar/ttal ajRtl44 f l i g l told

Mi oatwiiiaort *.rio*n citlaan ad that ba w
obtain att siMtsttfr T1flianttat ^%fr XlfStlt* 2 waH
f7*y wssis4 thA*) jranaaittax1 f o r aa#' #a M# tfaaavl'
hi* lioanaae I hsA no othtr infomatlon aa to

0P ^^P^SJ "B^^kanpp 4MP^^PW1P ffaawRPiNP W^P|FWa> ^^^p ^BajM^F* ^WMMH*

i d t ^ abro^ 4 w t U Ifp* aad HSU f^owd biji

" ^ f f * "<-> swSIB^^^v ""jr^PaPf" B '^FaS ^_ ____ .....

' S bolirr* that KUffH

e on sr fioUJdi* th tranndtUr UJX had U and b tUl
ttsatmd hM i t m a ' aai:j(( IMs MUt* '
fa VSAMI * etaWtSl W iato th 20

- -1

- "^^ * -

Be had been asking at tfet usual ran of questions about the technical
a b i l i t i e s od oo forth of the transmitter tad tM# exyttfl u J * -
queeted, * f*r M I oan riwnbe*, *t before hi u leaving, i t
alee b a t requert, whioh ** the origtaal order, for * 40 s i t w
aaateur ezyst*!. A* AUCJ int m% h$ 0m u to wderttead that in
"/to fur m worn oeacersed, m woald no* t inv*lTd in thla affair
v nd w wouli b replbl# fr n3FtWUig tbftt i # t bappsn, ALEX
had * **ry na-t^r <U*poitin U & polct *iert I tim<litly dialiicsd
hla and KXJUM tM he fs i t tlst M M */. Thia, hflwrmr, had not
btn th mm on AU|K* pwrriow v i a i t wbn he tdkaA ith KLBXS
ud X M as* {HMMHfe* 6o ALBLf 4oubt aboot tfat
Uno at Moh tbs transittir adgJrt rttt, b u told I t mm
/ capabl* of 5psrUng ftitwai th worU providing goo4 tlU
proper wUnr* and e forth mm \mA* fb* OSL oajrd
i i t d that tl origlaia ti^wdttr whieh
I BKIMOI^ |K#ri<isly as hating
th wINafiS wui shown t to psrw that the &t*tlne e eselly
attain*-*L1to'-the tr*aslttr wttvx&mrxto* Uo at thi tint th
<ia8tion ax-WHr e a auggeetien farao AiEX that a generator to b run
off on a storage btttry, be obtained.
X >3>lnlrd that X did not think i t possible beoaufl, tbt on
X kowf of in the fona of gentr was not oapabl* of delivering th*
i d and tiat b d
^-~ X HAS told by ELKBf eubseqxiaat to this Tlait a t whiah X "t
/ ALB1, that SCHQIZ h*d Tiritwl BJEXi ahortly aftemaaft* and told KLHlf
t o onatruB* aa >H||nr tranmlttMr fdnUr to th w bring sad* f
ALEX and not W l e t AUX know 1% ma btlag *(*. thi* eoorad
mlttr M t bo d*livoi*A to SCKCLZ bwi oopXetod d b *nUd I t
in OMO tho ons whioh AU& t o obtain wa oorufi#o*tod or tolaod bo-
Aftor *rsnff8aoot bad boon aado to eonstraet the sot fox*
AUK* AL51 gavo mMM tho ory tUth *iieh to purohaso tho part and
wo bigan nmotfiXing *ft#r t h i o . Inoidontolly, tho soooai tranoaltto*-
which WM to bo built for SCHOLZ woo to W ehargod to A3JX i n tho MIX.
In. other worfta, i t m* to bo worked i n ther* without his kaenrlodgo.
fi the ucooodiafi *eek, the generator and the
oro ootaitruttad and the' trmnsnltter Xor AU3 ooapletely

One evening X visited KIMS'B apartment ad saw

At the key of the transmitter. 8e was operating i t at this tiae
fad X found *n eaausa to leave Folloaing this, X was iaforned
/by KLSTJH, that AUK had been ettenpting t contact a station which
he thought waft OID, at least this was the call he thou&t was t
lag used. This station was supposed to be looated a t Baaburg,
Qeraany, Previously to t h i s , fellotlng ay f i r s t aeeting with
AUtt, KLEEI told ae that AXES toM hia that the reason far the
/a*tls2 treqoejaey crystal was to sake oonUot with the station a t
the Baabvxg Oheaber ef Ceiaeroe* afte* ay f i r s t asstlng with ALBC,
X learned froa HJHM that the inf onsaUon or asesftgs* to be trane-
aitted to HaabuTf were in the aature of orders for Oerafta products
which were t o be shipped through the British blockade froa Geraeny,
In this oonneotion he q>laijaed these orders had been tranaaltted
throa^j RQA Cttenrnrri nations bat due to the fact that they have a
Bvitieh Xntelligenoe Agent at hand to oheck a l l s*ioh ooaoiuiloatloiiSi
they were net getting through to Oeraany. At this tiae, X had a
reason to doubt those stateaente.
During ant varioua contacts with ALEX and with SCBO1Z,
we were told that in the event we wanted to eentat thea we shotOd gc
te a o e n u s , located at last 86th Street between soad and Thi*d
vherd soaaone ef the grcrap was usually to be found. As *
result ef one or aore etteapts by AlX to oontaet the station at
g from KLSXM's pleee
p with the 20 aeter oooaeroisl erystal
inetalled in the traneaitter, HKI stated he was told by iUS that
the trsiumitter -mat very euooeeafull i a letter r owemmlratlon
/ had been reoeired froa the statJjftn at Baaborg, saying t h s t they had
been wceiriag the oalls seat by ALEX and inquired why no jpsfeetlt.
were aede to their answrs. ' ' '
X also learned through WLS3M that ILEX tact friend, whom
afterwards learned was TSUI, had visited EUXS<* apartaent sad
WBWL had made the statement indioatlag that he was anery beceaat
AtSX had been ooaing up to ELEX8*e apartasnt and using the traasaitter
and thereby incurring considerehle risk sad aXee eUting that a coa-
/unicatien had been reoeiTed frea Bsabarg aUting that ALKX's calls
had been received asldng why no response had been '*fti AOcortling
tc XLEIS, imXl thea releYeed the liaited aaount of radio tawwledge ^
and alee aade the staleasmt whleh indicate that t h i s Lack of knowledge
was only then beooaing known to the group i a whloh WES. worked.

About t h i s tta* considerable tlaa bftd l&pd before ALB

again visited EUOfta apartment, baring aeeaabil* telephone***
feral occasion*. '
I t t* during till* U M that CJO* one day told ao that
AZJEX vtnts* to hfcf* a w v oryaUl installed In the traoaeiUer whloh
would operate i n a nnenital iYqtie&ey itaaiwhaxv around 9094
kU<rjpaXM* fJUE&r wanted aw id purchase this oryttal KLBO* at was
amble to 4o 00 l a W*w Xbrfc Otty. Xa tfal* connection the mm
orytal c l a a r l j indlotd to a* that the tmnaaitter WM to be
operated on A wave b*nd not allott#d to aaatru- use, hih oonln1wi
i t e also r*cht4 by as I s eonntion with the MOtnd crgtUX purohajwd
for the t fftdUKh M for a 20 aWr ccroil band, fb* wm of
ithej* of tha two erywtaJU would contitet an i l l e g a l operation
of the set*

On the occasion when I f i r s t aot AIM X explained to hla

the roquoneie* ahioh wore allotted to easteur use sad that the use
of any other froquoasy would bo an i l l e g a l operation of the s a t sad
would result i n hie getting into trouble. I had *l*o explained to
v hi* that becAuoo of tho preoottt war condition^, the traaaa&Mlon of
aosasgos to any foreign c otiattar hid boon prohibited. My aeaary *a
tbeeo aattert i s rathervagat s to placing thaa i n tho proper sequence.
X roaaabor that prior to tbi* tiao XLUW had toldaa that
on oae occasion whan AXBX was transmitting froa KLSI# spartatnt fat
/ had a s l i p of paper on which was written a wisaege in jvabladl "itMtM
' which UBM took to bt a dphtr sad KUQGV would not perait AUEE f t
traaeMit. At t h i s tdaa X f e l t that i t M nowise to have any farther
to do with AIM r his radio transmitter aad t wonU hew refoaod to
ba*o anythiaf further to a* with i t or to prooww torn new crystail
which ha wentod beoaose X **& that X wwld be ln^lTod i n his
acUri Uee and vary probably alght boaoaa mm sa&Joot of an i m w tig*-
tiaa In connection with tt Hiogat operation of the tranaalttor.
Howewar, in spite of theao aioglvinge I ooula aot forgot the iaplidl
throat which ALEX had aada on the firpt oocwien whan I aet bin end
'" ' ' ' t the knowledge
g whloh he bad of the feett
tht I had operated ELUJYU tnuwdlttor in aft VA*&t aattwr l a ot-
necuon with tho contact J atdt with Chic*gr SWtien 99OBI. X felt
that WBL and the grotrp that ho wta *eociatl with mro a part of
the a saaii aowoent in Mew Jork City and that t f I refoaed t o ecrry
ont hta ro^usets, either n n o l f or ay fsjdly iebt beeoae the ob>et
of reprlaals for my refooal. In thie fooling, SHQ9 aleo ooneurred ,
particularly, by twaaait of tho fet that his family are e t t U i n
Oeraaiiy. Therefore, X aadt up mf lad to eo%ly with AXJCX't requeot*
nd I looieed a a eryrtal aaanfaetoyov i s tho Q3T Radio
other than that i t was Io*te4 ia * w l l toro in pwnnaylwunia.
Slaog i t atgbt re*olt in a inqtiifjr fer an aaateiur to order ft crystal
whioh would be ueed itt MOW Ui*4 other than that allotted t
*as.t*ur ne*s. In 7 ItottfOT owJering the crystal, 1 wo* technical
onrUtaat4on, the ttbtta&s* of which w that | intended to st th
iTBtal i n ooojw*in lth othgr qaJLpiH% urtleh would prodoM <*
itltig fiwqatnoy whleh Wttld^S* oat f tte atur btni. I t U
mj rcollcWoa that the oryatal u ent to w C.O.D. and was psM
for tth aosty fuitdJihed by KLH94 fftio i n tttna obUlnwJ saas from
After the *% aa built and rAy Tor epeiatlon under tr*
iicw JTrBquency, nJGir told ALEX that i t waa gttttag too hot" tat
that h* would have U tt i t <mt or IU %fav i t <rat. A a v
f thl# dwand by ISJOEirfttfutttin a f*y tbert t i .about 6 week or evening h#n I wan a t XUE33r*0 apartnent^ AUS eaaa aecowpanloA
by a m ho u c*lld FBXJX. .
FKLII and IDS waainwd the tMUManlttar aad after the proptr \
crystal had ben lartdlBd m that th Mt would operate in the aaetetur
bM# ALEX att4M-pUd t e trazie-dt a grz*l c o l l . At t h i s point, tOJSJM
beetoet aervwa and pnahed as into the roo, ineieting that 2 be pemitted
to opmte th s e t . Be 414 tfcf* i n order to detw them Mort or lass
fro* txamdftiB fmm Jdi apartanrt. I listtned for general calls whieh
inrite in listening tirtu)W to BUM ooataet with the station seaodiag
%Ya CAU, bnt I remariesd t they were not oeadng la well enotfe to
*runw. At thl tljsi 2 ttined in *ereral aae-tenr tUoae but who wer
tranamltting rery rapidly and X ahowed difficulty la gating their
lgrulf at the sMwft they were trenra&tted with, whereupon FBLtX sup-
plied the letter* %htA idieed to the aaXla. f narttd that I* euro
j could taS cod* well, and he replied that he had been a commercial
^ operator *t Btasn, Oreany yeidra ago.
Arrsngeaerjt* tx nsde for the rwsoval and e. few days later
the equipment wa rexored by ASStod- PSSX d whatever baliace was
/ due *** paiA vpon the reacwl of the s e t . I l l payaeata had been wtti*
by either ALEX or FiXUI to KUIH. -
I have mre or law been undar the iigpreaBion that the aaney
/mat hare coae i n i t i a l l y frOa S(mU by rewon of the fact that the*
/ mm indicated that the aiB*ge had a o o ^ r d a l angle *nd 2 know tht
SC90LZ was oomeeted with til* O^naaoU Book Stor- which would i*v
oocaion to onler goode froa Qefwany.

k^^^^J 4 ^^^^^

Hth raferanat % tha eeooa& transmitter which *a to be

built far SCH0I2 without ALEXs knowledge, he had * transmitter
t*ady Dor d#0iv7 to SCHO1Z but 9GH0LZ never called for I t and
KJJEW subaeqoeatly dintJUri this qi|-irt. i s order t* avoid
baring to doUr*^ tbA trsnaalttar, both EJOK and ayaalf being
of the deairo not to have anything further t e do with this witter.
ktfr AUK aaft FU bad pttwd up th tnmwdtUr fro*
ajrtn*Bt I baeaas uasatjr about the tia* to hleh they w<mld
i t , o I did a Uttlft fttufoMng to whether th story
had t3A 1N^ %raaawLt^ic f*w t*t Qtrmxi prodttots
be Indloated threvfh othsr sottrot.
At thie time 1 had checked
in the Foatal TeXegr*ph Offlea in Torkvilla to tea
of transmitting orders to Germany had dropped off. I told Ma that
X knew about aa unlicensed station that was transmitting orders
had prevtotaly been sent by the regular ooaaareial ehannalt*
that he had not noticed any dropping off in the
7 busiaaam of this s o r t .
^^^^^^ at this I instantly beesae aware that
there waa a poillMliEy that there was same other activity being
/ eonduetad other than what I had been told, namely, that messages
oe*ling with naUoml defense might be inrolTed. The possibility
that tMa waa the eaaa then caused me considerable anxiety because
of my part in the whole matter.
I had ne further oontaet with either ilEl or mSX m&~
q f f y until one day aatafal wonttm later whan KUTW told m that
tot had iaealad a talafhane e a l l fra* ASH that there vas aoaathlns
wrong with the e<}oipo*nt and that they ware bringing i t orer to be
repaired. M i l told ae that ha would endeavor to be out whan tbty
aaaa bat *Aie dM not ork ettt aa the equipMnt was brought in when
JCLHK was at hoaa. Ihen tM ha^xsnftd, ftglff telephoned ae to gat
ay niiggesttoaa far Making the neoaaaary repaira. The tranawittar
M net funetioning and I gave SHIM aoaa suggestion aa to how to
ohaok the wiring aa a result a? which he found otm of the input power
oatmecUooa had baen brotoen fJT. % I explained 4% when this we*
ropaired, tba tianaaitter was functioning l

Shortly after t h i o , the recivr I U brought back t

IHEI for rpairo. 1 a*a seat uggeetlona to KLIU o*ir tho te3*
Bfeoat M to a Mtbod of oonrwcting th po*ir supply to tho recoiver
o* result of whloh hi oticoo4od in locating tho troobl and i t
v u 4ao to Uplaood tbo i n the Mt and eortain MlacUuttwtnto
whioh apparently had boea nad* by ALEt or FELIX to ths toning
Although AIM tfatt tha trnBdUiiig q p
had not fcttu ustd, i a 3 aaA for yvysiM iadieat4
that thi* atat4nnt M ttm ad that the qt4|Met bad, l a
wr TKLEt v i s l t i 4 WBM at his aport*at and during
tb* oon*rati#n u rlat*d to fcgrHBIJL the t
,/that they o ioogor twotod AUJj thatt they ^ A llt that ho woo no
' longar faithful to them end thai arronfesoato were being aede wheremr
ho oiH bo pexwtttod to retain th* tvananlttlng eti$ettnt i&teh ho {
had bo* Jfaet thoy would so Xoager wm Me serviette and in thi* on-
/noctiof wore outgootlae that o now trojwolttor bo eonotjruotod for
oeo by AUX's eooooeeof. JOJOa oouU have nothing to do with thia
propoolUon and neither would I . t e both f e U that wo would htve * *' .
nothing whatever to do with any mrnhtr of tfee grows* .-;-

l,it a wrath tha p j

d by AlEX with r^terenof to th gnimtr/WIBh the t r t n s -
- i t U r had ?ri4li13L7 boon nij>|>od. hi v u a nt volt storag*
b*ttWT *Por*tiT fBjiijpint and wat not being uood by the* for tht
rMSM feat aa A0 fMr wply had toma pw&M. Aoeorsliig U
KLIUI, ALB wants* M* to so* i f h eoold n i l t) gexMfwtttr l a
carter t gtthMAc mm of Hit nspoteif prtao *hi& bad boon paid
for the oquii^tat. | a t i l l i n g oo abotrt i t , fLKIlf otat4 tout ho
would have nothinfi to do with i t and would atfce *rry of fort to
foM Uking poooowiwi of the ganomtor. HOFWOTW, a ftw day* ortoy
thlo I 3*axsod thrt %ho gnortor hod boon loft with the 3*aitx*M
of tht oparte-ont whom XLKK livoo to %o eivon to
-, ^,w~ -P-. .i,.i.,..,.i that a few daya after thiJi
oocurrod, ho waa eoaiaetod by toOopboaa by ALEX rUtir to 41oroiiing
Of the balaooe of tha oquijwont, bat rfaalng to hum anythlnc %
d o w i t h t b U t In wUtiag thia to oo. C X 3 eollod OQT otUation
t# the fast that he bad teen an article in tha nswopapora whioh
zwlated tho arroot of an indivldval on Vm waUrfroot in oonaectioa
with ffao^gxftlklai ehift. Thie io tho UwiiTitoal when t have tooontly
* roooiirwd a eontonoo of year end a day ee a tevlga agsat.

At the t i n WSSM and Z dUes**** t h i s , gZXXff togipstl
th pooiibiOity that ALE or BOM Master ot this group sdght be
oonnecUd with th a c t i v i t i i a of this i*& who M am**** and
by rotam f the arr*t, tt*jr vro afraid to tcatfa i n p
f atich aa itH a tranoalttlns r*dio and therfer, thy
tVTifig to rewrt the ttujpioion a t by returning th i

At about this t l a t KLSIN told m that ha had beard f rot

ALEX <mewdag tha iaMtewr whe had s*sd i n the nact building ear
GOTher* nar wbi ALEI liTd and AIM w afraid that tht am
oheoklng on his tr*naittr.
Jam 28th, WBOt rranl with M to leav- his
lotm coupl*d 0oUUtor whieh *ccmp*zi& i t , <ct
AJC( ay hCM. B flt that unto* the elrtnauUnode i t would not b
l this ^ulpsmiat i n hit how*
6e Jan. 2Oth I WAS ahown a m& whoa 1 rseoesdJMd s ALSX
t*fttf*te in thii Z w*a advistd that this Ma is
AXIL WfiXKUBWCP^. who 3JN raacAbsttd m,

X tA alao s h s * . a a t a who X was nhabU t t vteogaUs but

who roognla4kl M sad stated that he had n m t 401 KZ4Xt*t.
fhK ata*s naae was FELIX
flit abor eUtMnt J oonitiug f niat gf, hao bs*a
read to and by s and h* bnn lgm& i n the prewn of the wltasts
i fligoAturw appar below, f t I s tm and oorrsot.

SpeoUl Agwit*, r*4ral tarmvx of In>ratigatian

D, fl. D^pftrtmurt of JfuUot ~
iH T-rT, w TWk '
{ ,



1. Itrrnii gration and Naturalization.

2. Espionage Activities - Known or Possible.

William Sebold.

3. Svirveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Mcrophone Surveillance - (Admissibility Questionable).

5. Employment flecord.

6. History and Prior Activities.


'of the
German Espionage system in Hamburg. VULLlAil SEBOLD became acquainted
with him at the Klopstock Pension in Hamburg and received fifty
marks from him on one occasion. SEBOLD also overheard him discussing
rental payments with MRS. GUT, "who later informed SEBOLD that
" " ^ ~ lid for rental and food for the occupants of the Pension.

(Serial 553, Page 19)

Persons answering HIHJj|B^ e scription -were

r e l a t e d by LILLY STEIN and FRMZ SIEGLEI^ohave contacted them
concerning t h e i r espionage a c t i v i t i e s -while i n Europe,

(Serial 892. Page 6)

(Serial 1403., Page 25)


Build Slight
Peculiarities Very bald, -wears glasses
Speaks English well


1. TmteLgration and Naturalization.

2." Espionage^ A c t i v i t i e s "-' Knbtihe-or Possible. .'' i> /

William Sebold.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibllity Questionable).

5 Employment Record.

6. History and Prior



I t has been learned through a confidential source

that this individual acts as thea Genaan Esq^nage^epresentetiye
in Lisbon, Portugal, during the ^ s e n c e ^ | ^ p H H H | V Further
information concerning this individual j^expected to be developed
at the arrest of RENE MEZENEN.



MEZERM '. " .__, ' .

1. Iaanlgration' iaid Naturalisation.

'" Clerk, Sup. Court, New Tork City.

2. Espionage Activities - Knotm or Possible.

Passport Bivision.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Eviden

10/5/40, 2/17/41,

4. Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibillty Questionable.)

5. Ekrployment Record. ,

an imerloan Airways,
^U.S.S. lines,
'an American Airways,

6. History and Prior Activities.

^)i. "*"

EfflE 'EMAETJEL i'EZEJTEH, w i t h a l i a s e s

. Max Hezenen, Max Mezanin,
Rene Me z en en, Rene E.

Address - Cambridge Court Apartments, 5640 Bowne .

Street, Flushing, Long Island/ Hew York, telephone
#FL 9-2811.
Employed as a Flight Steward by Pan American
Airways, North Beach, Marine Terminal, Long Island,
New York.

According to naturalization records RENE UEZENEN -was born in Paris,

Franoe, December 8, 1904. He came to the United States two.years later '.
with his father and mother, CHRISTIAN and IDA MEZEHEN, embarking., at
Chefbourg, France, and arriving in New York July 12, 1006. TraveJL^jefrig
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosser. Two other children, ^ ^ ^ ^ B M
ilso entered the United States at this time. Both orMEz!Bffl^S
p a r e n t were born in Saanen, Switzerland. RENE MEZENEN became a cit.if.en
through iiis father, who was admitted to citizenship December 29, 1922,
certificate of naturalization $1797279, by reason of his service with the
TJ. S. Army in the World War.

MEZENEN attended public school in New York City, and also attended
Styvesazrb High School from September, 1919 until March, 1923. However, he
did not graduate from this institution. M E Z E M T has had jobs as a waiter
and steward with the Porcupine Club, Nassau, British West Indies, the
Links Golf Club on Long Island, and the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.< He has '
served as a butler for the Baron and Baroness de Hasper in Franoe, He ,
allegedly was in business for himself for a period at' Amiiiyvilie,' .L>>:!T*i^
as an interior decorator and painter. From February 9, 1939 until 'jfuly''l5,
1932 he was employed by the TJ. S. Lines Steamship Company as a steward.
On March 8, 1939 he became a flight steward for the Pan American, Airways,
and has been employed in that capacity since that time. He %s assigned to
the Atlantic division, and makes the New York to Lisbon, and New York, to
Bermuda run. MEZEUEJT is unmarried and resides alone at his apartmen.t in
Flushing when in New York- ' . . . .-.-;, ,' .

.. He enters this investigation as follows: . _:i/.'-c ,-?xvf'.*.''-",;


;.*'" German radio message, -$25,' Veceived

from Germany contains the following
July 31, 1940 sentence, "Regarding yesterday's .
inquiry send by clipper or export
line steamer, via Portugal". The
yesterday's inquiry referred to
mt-1-TirtMii nr""" **

- 2 -

evidently concerns radio message $35 sent to Germany, -which asks how
accumulated'"bulk materials should be sent, since the U. S. Lines no
longer go to Europe. , ... " -

On t h i s date WILLIAM SEBQLD met Subject

ERICH STETMK a t Columbus Circle, New ?
September 3, 1940 City. STEDK^advised t h a t when he had '
^H^U|B^ Portugal on
his l a s t t r i p t h e r e ^ U M B s a i d that he
knew a trustworthy indiv^Laual by the name
of MEZEffEH on board of the American Clipper, and that he -was going to
write a l e t t e r to WILLIAM SEBOLD, so t h a t SEBOID could make contact with
t h i s man. I t should be mentioned t
Serials from the stewards wfc
carry messages, anc headquarters are apparently in Lisbon.


SIEGLER a t 9:00 pm a t Columbus C i r c l e .
September 19, 1940 Both of these individuals are c a r r i e r s
for the German espionage system, and
employed on boats -which operate between
the United S t a t e s a n d E u r o p e . Subject
STIGLER said t h a t he had received a l e t t e r fromfH^HjjBLisbon, and
t h a t t h i s l a t t e r had been brought to his residenceaadress on West 85th
Street by one KEZEHEN of the Trans-Atlantic Clipper. The l e t t e r told
STIGLEE t o introduce KEZENEN t o WILLIAM SEBOLD. MEZEHM had also l e f t a
note asking STIGLER to meet him between. 8:00 and 11:00 pm on September 19,'
1940 a t Columbus Circle. WILLIAM SEBOLD and the two men spent considerable 9
time trying t o locate HEZENEN, but were unsuccessful.



SIEGLER at Columbus Circle. STIC-LES said
that he had not been able to reaon
September 20, 1940 MEZENEN, but gave SEBOLD, MEZEHES'S tele-
phone number, namely Independence 3-2449,
and told.him when he calls him up to ask
for MAX, and to .call only between 8 s00 and
10:30 pm. ' . :_ _;__ -. .'] ' i4 ' -
- 3 -

WILLIAM SEBOLD t e l e p h o n e d to KEZEHEK

at 11:00 am. I t was ascertained that
September 2 1 , 1940 the number mentioned above is the
apartment house telephone where" MBZEHE1I
. resides. He was 'caviled to the phone,
. ';.''..- . ,: and WILLI^B-BB5BmP.;idyiiseahim, that. . J :.
STIGLEE had told him abou-fc the -letter from^/////f'WZMEM stated t h a t he
had been trying t o make connections witii STIGLEE^or tw'o' and a half months,
but had never been able"-to see him. SEBOLD made arrangements to meet
MEZENEN a t 9:00 pm on September.24, 1940 a t an apple cider j o i n t , located in
the basement of 207 East 85th Street. SEBOLD also gave IIEZENEW his post
office box #334, General Post Office.

WILLIAM SEBOLD waited at the entrance of

the cider j o i n t mentioned above, and v/hen
September 24, 1940 he observed a man who did not appear t o
belong to the neighborhood going downstairs,
he asked i f i t was ME. MEZENEN, and the
man turned around and said, "O.K.". They
walked together to 86th Street, and went upstairs inWESSEL'S HOFBRAU.
WILLIAM SEBOLD stated that L5EZEJIHT appeared to be very cock sure of himself,
end vre.s else curicuc about h i s , SE3QLDJ_ELflCJjl3aJiifi&^-JEZEE^^d about
two and a half months previous flH^^^^^^^|^|||||HH^HHBlVand who
is nowworking in England as a Germanspy^approachedlSmano^^ntroauced him
H ^ ^ i n Lisbon^thai^ie was not entirely satisfied with the contact with
that he H^^^^HHKake him to the German Enbassy in Lisbon so that
he would be suretna^TiewBs dealing with the right people. At the Embassy
he said he was questioned and finally enrolled in the spy service. He said
that he does not recieve any moneyforhis services, but this will be handled
later on. He said that beside sH^^^feie had met another man named "WRMlKj
who is a German, but who poses a^t^IoXLander. He said that this man is very
large, being, t a l l and heavy set, and has immense hands, that he runs around -I
withflHHHp and also handles the propaganda and anti-Semitic activities, and
also nand^es the entertainment of visitors. HEZENEN said that on his last
trip he brought over iwc^ILetters for STIGLER^IIesaid that' when he arrived in
Lisbon he t e l e p h o n e d j m ^ a n d then metfl||^^^^Hfbhe Morasco. (phonetic) .
_Restaurant. This restaurant i s near the note^^jos Nacios. KEZENEN said that
^^^^^m- The following items were given to
"at this" time to take to Imm GennanyT

1 . M i c r o p h o t o g r a p h s s . ;. .".' '.''.'' '.'.''.'

';-.. . a. F o r t u n e , Magazine

concerning Lockheed AircJiraft Corp oration;

"Six Managers"; "The Fortune Survey

. . . .
b. Wew York Journal American, August 25,
1940, a r t i c l e "The American Eaglet".
''"** --

- 4 -

o. Typed sheet from ROEDER, "Canadian

Program as of July, 1940". 5 :,
d. newspaper article from Hew York
Daily Hews, August 31, 1940, "United [
States To Send Canada Old Tanks. .
More War Supplies May Follow." .
e. Newspaper article from Hew York Daily
Hews, August 31, 1940, "United States
Orders 600 Battle Planes, 20,000
f. Article from Hassau Daily Review Star,
September 11, 1940, re "Curtis Permit
Asked by Sperry".
g. Newspaper article from Herald Tribune,
September 5, 1940, "One Out of Every
Four Britons is Reported using U. S.
h. New York Times Magazine article,
September 8, 1940, "From Crude Metal
to Soaring Wings".
i. Newspaper "P.M." article, September 9,
1940, "Shortage of Skilled Manpower
for Plants Vexes New England".
E. Blueprint received from ROEDER "Sohematic
Circuit Diagram-Flightray, No. J0-25644-2050.
3. Cartridges
a. Three .38 calibre brass "bullets
received from ROEDER 7/22/40.
b. Two .30 calibre incendiary cartridges
which are substitutes furnished by
the Bureau.for the bullets handSd
Informant by" ROEDER.
' o. Two .30 calibre incendiary, tmllets
which are substitutes for ROEDER1 S
- 5 -

MEZEHEE a p p e a r e d : v e r y c u r i o u s a s t o w h e r e YflLLIAM SEBOLD o b t a i n e d

the 'bullets^MEZME^said that he would take these materials to Lisbon
and ^ ^ S^|i[miJjHj|^P However, he said that he was leaving the
next morning, Wednesday^ September 25 on a t r i p to Bermuda, that the
plane would then r e t u r n to New York and then would probably go to Lisbon.
SEBOLD arranged for MEZEKEH to meet him each time he i s i n New York.
However, MEZEUEH did not want to w r i t e any l e t t e r s or have any l e t t e r s
sent to him. He wanted to bB contacted "by telephone, but since Y/ILLLAM
SEBOLD had no phone a t t h a t time, they arranged upon a r r i v a l in New
York HEZEKEK would send a l e t t e r to SEBOLD t o his mail box, which l e t t e r
would contain a blank piece of paper containing only a mark of a c i r c l e
with a cross i n i t . This was t h e sign t o SEBOLD that MEZENEtT was in the
city, and t h a t SEBOLD should telephone him before 9:30 am.

In view of the fact t h a t no contact had

been had with the German radio station
October 5, 1940 for several days, i t was deemedadvis^le
to have KEZENEN in contacting _ H B H | | H f
Lisbon to attempt to a s c e r t a i n x n e c a u s e ^
of the breaking off of radio connection.
Therefore, WILLI.AM SEBOLD telephoned MEZEEE1T on t h i s date a t his residence,
I t is pointed out a t this t i r e , MEZENE1I had not yet made a t r i p to Lisbon
with the materials which had been furnished to him previously, although,
he had made several t r i p s between Kew York and Bermuda. WTLLlfiM SEBOLD
told liEZEKEN he had been out of contact with Germany since September 24,
1940, and thought there was some mix up i n t r a n s m i ssion methods, and
asked LJEZENEN to discuss t h e matter w i t h | m j H ^ MEZENEN said that he
would t r y to g et t h i s information before h e r ^ u r n s to Hew York. He
l e f t for Lisbon a t 1:00 pm on October 5, 1940. WILLIAM SEBOLD also handed
LLEZEEEU some additionalm^rophotograph.s a t t h i s time, which included a
letter from J32JMY ^^fBKKKHEKtw- Hamburg, dated Sgptember 17, 1940
with which was a page from WeitS WScilfc magazine, also three a r t i c l e s taken
from AERO DIGEST magazine. SEBODD also gave KEZEMEF his l e t t e r #13, dated
October 4 , 1940, addressed to HUGO and written in code. This l e t t e r begins
in the following words in coded German "I have not been able to get you
on the radio for t e n days, so I am sending you t h i s message from FINK in
t h i s way". The l e t t e r also contains information furnished by FIHK or FESHE.

WILLIAM SEBOLD telephoned MEZEiTM on t h i s

date, and ISEZW.W, had a message for SEBOLD,
which he would mail t o him. SEBOLD stated
October 12, 1940 t h a t he 'would rather come to MEZEMtf'S
apartment fit -once, which was agreeable to
Cambridge Court Apartments i n Flushing,'
wher.e KEZEBEN handed him micro-
photographs and a message from The microphotographs were wrapped
up i n a s l i p of paper on which was written in pencil the following: "Five
- 6 -

idred dollars are coming on the EXORCHORDA with STBTJ1JK. Greets

MEZENEK said upon his arri:
and met him at his home address.
He said
( J p ^ ^ to make -contact with the German radio
for the past ten days,mimVsaid that the radio station operator assigned
to handle SEBOLD1StteSsageshadbeen siok, which would account for the
failure to make contact. (This does not appear to be a; plausible excuse,
as it is apparent from a transmission of messages by the radio station in
Germany that the operators are frequently changed there.)

KEZENEH remarked that he had a contact in lew York at the airport,

who works in the maintenance crew, that this friend of his hides materials
which he carries over in seat cushions and other places where people
ordinarily would not look for the material, and he, MEZEETLU, is able to
avoid suspicion when he gets on the plane. However, he knows where his
materials are hidden, and upon arrival in Lisbon he is able to take the
materials from its hiding place. LEZEKE2J said that he has to pay this
maintenance man something for his services.

MEZENEK s a i d f H H I H f had tried to give him $500 to bring over

for SEBOLD. However, the money was in |1 and ^5 bills, and made a large
package, which he^MEZENEB", refused to carry with him as it was too
bulky, therefore,dBBP'w'as sending the money by way of STRUMK. WILLIAM
SEBOLD asked MEZEIJEH how he felt about doing this sort of work, and he
said that it was nothing to him, and appeared very indifferent to the
matter. He said that the main thing is that the stuff gets across, that
no use for the English with their superior ways. He said that
[told him ^ h & ^ | H f l m ^ H n o w has "the English right where he wants
them, and SEBOLD gathered that the English are using Portugal as a
clearing base, a n d m B h a s access to all the information they are
getting. The two microphotographs which HEZENEN gave to WILLIAM SEBOLD
are identical. The message they contain reads as follows: Tell all
friends except CAER that in the future technical questions do not interest
as much as military questions. These are as follows, and I wish that #

everyone would work very hard and get continuously information.

1. Exact strength air force, giving figures of

flying crews and ground crews separately.

B. Details concerning flying schools, location,

amount of pupils, what special training, length
of training, kinds of planes used for training.

C. Special interest, all kinds of instruction books,

especially such as are not available in- open'

_ D. Of paramount importance if pilots" are specially

trained, for .fighting in England, where are they ,
trained, and length of training.
JWV:PAH '<,.)
- 7-

E. Are they sent over via ship,. or via

air, and what routes do they take.

F. Days of departure. "" ::

These questions pertain to U. S. ;A.

.',::. as'well as Canada ; .. ; ' ;:-;. '".. :..?1v:;- .

It may "be necessary to find friends in the air forces itself, who
may be able to give you'- such information. I am sending for this purpose
another five hundred bucks.

On t h i s date WILLIAM SEBOLD received a

l e t t e r which contained a blank piece of
November 4, 1940 paper on wMch was a c i r c l e around a cross,
and under the c i r c l e and cross an arrow,
which indicated RENE MEZEHEN wished to see
him. At 11s 15 am WILLIiM SEBOLD proceeded
to MEZEHM'S apartment a t Flushing, L. I . ; HEZEEEE was not at home, so he
l e f t him the following note, "Dear MR. MEZENESTJ I w i l l see you Tuesday,
9:00 am a t your place".

At 9:15 am WILLIAM SEBOLD again called on

HEZENEN a t his apartment in Flushing, L. I .
November 5, 1940 This meeting was successful. SEBOLD gave
'MEZENEH microphotographs of a r t i c l e s
contained in the SAE Journal, March and
April, 1940 issues, and microphotographs
of material handed to SEBOLD by LEO 11AALEN, concerning Havy schedule
2780 on ships, and also microphotographs of SEBQED'S l e t t e r s , number 14
and number 15. HEZEMEK said t h a t he had no news f r o m | m i m ^ L > i s b o n .
He asked i f SEBOLD had sent a new man to Lisbon on an export Liner.
SEBOLD said t h a t the man was not exactly a new man, t h a t he was known to
the other side. This referred t o ^ m who was making h i s f i r s t t r i r
a carrier to Lisbon. MEZEHEN said that the man failed to meetl
but t h a t he had l e f t a message there f o i f l ^ P MEZENEH said]
asked him to locate another man on one o f T h e o l i p p e r s as they neec
another e a r r i e r . MEZEHEN said he has i n mind a Spanish fellow who i s
married and has two children, and who would be trustworthy as a messenger.
He said t h a t | m g a v e him money.on. his l a s t contact which amounted to
about.$46. . H^said i h a t upon;his a r r i v a l i n lew York he mailed three
l e t t e r s f o r B K K ' one was to Oyster Bay, L. I . , one. to- Conneetictrfc, and
one to South America." . .

lovember 14, 1940 . W I L L M K SEBOLD oalled at the Gambi[

Apartments, Flushing, L, I., at 2:00 pm

- 8 -

HEZEJJEK was not at home, so he left the

following note, "Dear MR. MEZEHEN: Meet
you tomorrow, Friday, at 9:00 am at subway.
Signed Harry". It should be mentioned that
SEBOLD and MEZENEN had made arrangements that in the future they would
meet at the subway station in Flushing, L. I.

WILLIAM SEBOLD proceeded to the Flushing,

L. I. subway station, and waited there
November 15, 1940 from about 9:10 am to 9:30 am. MEZEHEN
did not appear, so SEBOLD called on him
at the Cambridge Court Apartments. WILLIAM
SEBOLD gave MEZEHEN some material which he
desired to get to Lisbon as soon as possible. This material consisted of
WILLIAM SEEOLD1S coded letter number 17 regarding his having a bank account
in his right name at the Chase National Bank, also letter number 16
regarding his new contact with a man n a m e d m ^ t o g e t h e r with micro-
photographs of five pages of materials furnished by the TJ. S. Army to the
Bureau, covering plane production schedules, dated July 3, 1940. MEZEHEN
gave SEBOLD his private telephone number which he recently has had
Iiistallsd. Hs said he did not know exactly when he would go to Lisbon.


9:00 am for an appointment which was made
November 23, 1940 between 5:00 and 6:00 pm that night. \
WILLIAM SEBOLD called at this time, and \
KEZENE1T said he would probably leave for ;
Lisbon next Tuesday, November 26, 1940.
SEBOLD gave MEZEKEM additional microphotographs whioh included mioro-
photographs of articles appearing in the American Legion weekly concerning
FRITZ DUO.UESEE end of U.S. Navy schedule number 3681 regarding ships, and ,_,
microphotographs of two handprinted pages listing shipbuilders in the
United States and the type of ship they were building, this latter material
having, been given to SEBOLD by LEO WAALEH on Hovember 11, 1940.

MEZENEN'S radio message number 111 sent to

November 23, 1940 Germany contains the following sentence,
-:' ' "More particulars with MAX- in letter 16 n .

. IITLLIM'SEBGLD called on H2EKEH between ];':''

"'- 5:00 and 6:00 pm on this day, and handed /
November 25, 1940 ' hi311 kis ooded letter nftmber 18, dated /
. . "* November 23,' 1940 oTonoerni-ng BUSH, in*which
SEBOLD pointed out to the other side that, i
in his~ opinion, DUNN.had become no good'
as a source of information. This meeting was not covered by Bueeau agents/
MEZEHEH said that he should be back from Lisbon in about five days, and /
that he would send a letter to SEBOLD to his new address, post office box'
'$7, Madison Square Station.
- 9 -

In accordance -with previous telephonic

arrangements made by WILLIAM SEBOLD with
December 10, 1940 MEZENEN, MEZEKEH c a l l e d . a t WILLIAM SEBOLD1S
office -which had j u s t been established,
Room 627, Hews Week Building, 152 West 42nd
S t r e e t . Photographs, moving p i c t u r e s , and
recordings were made of t h i s meeting "by Bureau agents. At %hlfi meeting,
MEZEKM s t a t e d t h a t h e h a d b a d luck on h i s l a s t t r i p t o Lisbon, t h a t he
was unable to c o n t a c t ^ j m f and gave the material taken over t o an
employe in the h o t e l where he usually m e e t s ^ m m and indicated t h a t
t h i s employe was a l s o engaged i n espionage a c t i v i t i e s . MEZEITEN was also
angry over the fact t h a t , upon his a r r i v a l in Lisbon, he had found in
his company mail box a l e t t e r from B H^^^f wherein names were f r e e l y
mentioned. He stated t h a t if t h i s l e t t e r had been examined by the English
a u t h o r i t i e s he would be hung. He indicated t h a t he was extremely careful
in a l l of h i s a c t i v i t i e s performed i n connection with espionage, in an
effort to protect himself from being caught. lie indicated t h a t they had
never gotten anything on him, and he was going t o see t o i t t h a t they
never would. IIEZEI'EK said t h a t he did not expect to leave New v ork for
about eight days.

Radio message, number 141, sent t o Germany

December 20, 1S40 contained the following sentence, "Did
you receive the m a t e r i a l s I sent "vath MAX

Radio message, number 77, received from

December 28, 1940 Germany contained the following sentence,
"Materials from KAX and KETOEKE received?.


on t h i s date, and requested a meeting.
Arrangements were made for him t o c a l l a t
SEBOLD1 S office t h a t evening. IEZMM
arrived tt the office a t 5:50 pm. The
meeting was observed by Special Agents,
and photographs, moving p i c t u r e s , and recordings were made. KEZEEEN
related -that he had seen||B|HfHegave SEBOLD $50 in currency and said
that he had brought i t o v e r f o r ^ ^ m and that i t was a Christmas
present for MORSE. He refused to accept a receipt for the money, stating
that SEBOLJJ should never ask him for a receipt either. He said that he
had. t o l c f l H H that he couldnft take anything else across unless i t was
extremely important. He advised thajt^UHphad given him $80 as pay" upon-"
the last contact, tha-fl^Hjm|had given him nothing to bring over to the
United States on this trip, except the money mentioned- above. WILLL6M---"
SEBOLD produced some material that he desired MEZLNEN to take, but
MEZEEEE declined to accept the material for delivery. He promised to
advise SEBOLD before he left for another trip; and if asytMng extremely
important should "be taken he -would take it. He complained about the
articles he had transported previou&ly, saying that.they,were too bulky
to properly hide. MEZEEM stated that if, this country should, go to war,
it might be important to have a ooptae^on the clipper. .MEZEEpj, asked,
SEBOLD if he knew a man naied m m i H H B ^ ^ German boy. *
He said that he does not know -whether he takes espionage material, but
that he does take other stuff, and that he would introduce 'this man to
SEBOLD some time. MEZHJEN stated that when he was in Bermuda on his last
trip, he saw a convoy of sixteen to eighteen ships, one of which had ten
big guns on it. He reported this t o ^ f l ^ m P and stated that ^ ^ ( ^ ^ asked
him to always report this kind of information to him.

He said that he had t o l d | ^ ^ ^ ^ a b o u t SEBOLD1 S new lay out, and

also that SEBOLD would like to have a lot of money available here, etc.
L'EZEKEN remarked that on the first trip over he had paid someone to stuff
the materials away in the ship the day before, and carried nothing on him.
He said that he got $40 on this trip, but that this trip had cost him more
than |40. He stated that^d^fcga-ee him ten letters to bring back, that
he was not going to be caugh^w-fth. those letters, so they had ifeen hidden
and If anyone found them he would 4-oV 4-Tnt
in Lhe =

He said that he had someone to hide them, and then three hours after the
ship was in the hangar in Hew York, he had someone to go get them out.
SEBOLD asked him how much he wanted to continue the vrork, and he said that
it was only fair if he carried things that he be paid a couple of hundred
a trip. In discussing the spy business, MBZENE1I remarked, "They can get
me for the violation of the Neutrality Act, but if there is a war, then it
is high treason". MEZENEN exhibited some English pound notes, and said
that he pays $8 for these in Lisbon and sells them for |20 in JFerr York;
that the man he deals with wanted him to buy 500 pounds, but that is a lot
of moE^y in this kind of traffic.

Radio message, number 164, sent to Germany

contained the following sentence, "I sent
January 22, 1941 micros of letter 17 about office by"M2X to
flBB middle of November, as well as
micros of papers f ram ( ^ | H | Letter 15
regarding LAJTG, 16 regarding!
- 11 -

MEZEMSN telephoned WILLIiM SEBOLD-at 7:20

pm, and stated t h a t he /was, lea.fing on the
January SI, 1841 clipper the next day for Lisfco&i SEBCED-,
told him t h a t he had nothing urgent" t h i s
time for him to take over. . :

Eadio message, number 179, sent to Germany

contains the followin sentence, "MAX
February 6, 1941 w i l l not take anything more, says that he
i s not paid enough".

It was ascertained from a confidential

short t r i p to ay country. I think t h a t I can be back

- - - &" aumguomp; i o r me on t hxs
i s trii> xI
friend ^ri?f

Ls working in the same business as I, and has been

informed about the kind of service you did for me. I would be very glad
i t you would m e e t B B B K ' y a l l means, that is even i f you have
nothing to give him for m e T ^ m m f r k a l k s French and English, so that
i t will be easy for you to understand each other. He is informed that
you will ring him up as "MAX" from the clipper. I hope to see you,again
within fourteen days. Many regards. Yours truly, s i g n e d ( m f ~ ~
This letter was addressed to MR, REEfE MEZEJIM, c/o Pan American Airways,
clipper service, and was not sent through the mail, evidently being left
at the Pan American headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal.
-V< fif ^ l . ^ l U . l t i l i r ? r !-

(T w

Mm Tork, X, I .

t ttaatt t* Haititi

MPj^|p^HpHBj|p ^B^BJP^pfOjppjppP ^P^iRH'OV'Sr 1 TJMPJPBJSBV^P ^S*S>- ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W I I ^ B / O ^ 4jr ^Svr ViSmv w^^ * B iSiai^^ fP*Bvja|^^

that I 4o * bar* tak * tUtaat aad tbat ajqrtkia| X *!

ba usod in

for P iwxiffA Airway*, njiag btt^MA tte Sait^l ftstes

I a tklr^-ix jmm* old Md tevs racidad la *&
2910, tift X a i brofkt * fr rraae* by -rjr
I hniMMi aa Amria oltla itomgja
of naUoa-
alit^Tf l I WM t ftatiStf Fwaice
!*% Vpriac or
two MS i. Hrtrin,
n m l 4rink g , l^Hp
t M * trim* f tai. At
siutOC to ai told Ms
W b*d a l i t t U talk, aaift*ask4 if I t
boach BMM day. SSM U M laWr w -MM* to tk* boaea,
by a It4j trim* of hU. Ma U U MI tht fa vim
Japerfct? and rporUr.
Itat ttlgfrt had Aiuwr %tfHMr la ,
B told s tfaat iw MBlt4 H t s t n i fzirad t f t t i t s l i i Xork.
at iwl4 tl^at * mated at U oarrjr 2t*** U> U U f rUai 1 spr
>y fAa BrltUfc aamsi. I UOd kla tfest 1 iMld ry %H
lttr Ur to*, m WA m thia l*ttr u an lfltr*c*eti*& fr M
to this frteai in * lork, to *koi> It i dirooted. B Wld M
that titU firMo Sf| ba U M Utt#w f4*r M to srlag baek to
i n that i f I bra*** MM lotWra baok t would b
, althoeh h did not BeDtioa anj poific
not art viio taia , I akod ala
to pr*w aia iUtf to o. t id mOd toU * *t
i d lffbo* WIM
Max tb* t * U**r 8ai. Idenot reall jirt
Howartr, I did go to th Onrvaa CoaamUU i s Ubo aad it|
ho IMS *lrady tlwr* wbi I wrzivta. a iatrodmood ao to a Captain
Brit*, Yboa# yuKt mm 1 &aot rcernll. |HBiAtfdQed this
m 2

to m as frioad of ids and a* a* official of tao eoasulate.

a* that as aiht save MM letters to hriag beck and
fort*, not !- fo>"fe***3eat for the oaptaln. fata X agreed to
do, after the eaptaia teM an t t e t f ^ B n i known to hl and
U right ead vac reliable.

4 day r two 2*ter, im&Ilft Ltsboa, q

a l*iUr givsa to M I q r H H B ^ * ' *a Mad Stiglwr,
vt* id*l la t t e Sert 70e i s M* Tor* City. Upon arri^Lsc iat
9m Xrkt I Mat to t w addrvii wiib U U t t e r ana m told tht
tiltr me oat of the city. I took the lttr tea* with M .
I w i t M|B|^MLisboii f I W34 Ida that X had
to cootaet E t i g l r T f H | ^ fare swwral aer* l*%tr
to lariog war aaA told MI to try anScSatact Stiglvr fia rtn Z
got to IMI Xork. I aailod the loiVir* b g*1** * upa y arrival
in Mov York. I do not recall tfeo addrsO8 on these letter*.

X tried eat or two aar* ti*o to got in Umeh with Stiglor,

and the U s * tSao, *lUh h i v u a o t i t feo*e, I left the letter
with hi* lmasiluJy. X aikt alao ataUott that prior to loyrlag the
note at Siiglwr's X tg<wag,tit. ever sovaral noro l e t t e r s f ! ~
which X aailMl after *rriTing i s the United Statoa. Three of
letters wore addressed to the e**o person ia Ojstor B&y, Rev York,
sad two wore to aaother porsoo i a Qroonarieh, Cozmeetlent.

X k o o w | H m p o be eomtsotod with the Ooraaa Govornnont,

follcwiag ay interview with Captain Frit* at the Qerasa Cionwloto la
Lisbon. I know that these letters wore boisg seat through no by
arola the British cessors la Bermuda. gowoorf X did oot
eoatoats of aajr lottors X kra aoBtioaod so f a r .
Perls* *** l*ttor pevrt of eaatoabsr 1940 X rooolvod a
esOl t m f c s w aha told M t m t m mm * friea* of
mM got i a tomoa with MK. I know t t e t
**** cewatrf. Sho asn oa the tslophoas
arraBgeacste aoro aaoo for a aootlng
outside aa spplo cldUir plaoo oa lost 8$ta Btroot. m U H ^ a d
proTlcosly told ao aboat Berry Sawyer and that X was to got i a touch
with Mm through ftigler.
After meeting Barry Sawyer, X trout with Ma to Voosoll's .
HojCbmi, s& bo tumo4 o*or to no so^ersa airepliotocrapihs,
print, aaa aawowd ballot*. 1 told aia th-t X would taka t h i s
smteril t d f l B l l a Ueboa. lbs day 1 loft for the plaae I
witb *y bag* to the airport and oari^odUSinryor** wateriaX to tea
plane ia ay pocket ia aa eavolope". .--- :- " --

Waan X got to Usbon X telepiwrnad t e S H B t a d aado an

mppoiatwmt with him and later gavo the material to ala. X aa i t
to bia i a tto Xradoaoo taataarant. H * * * * at forty dollar*
apoa raeoipt of tto aatorial. Tto UMMSJ was iaovewdas, Portagaoat
t o t a l l y 1,080 oaowdoa. ... . - - -. -

tto t*tt ttot Soayar t*od **rttoalwoprint and

, t o i l tollotty waaJEMasd to am
ami wi"f BJMHI-U m t aJBcamml l a 4 i t

. . to add ttot before I loft for U*boa, a*

_ aaeio, a fow days aftor / firtt sootiBg with Barry ~
eaao to ay ajiM'tMl nd statod ttottotodtooatoTlngt r J
- i L ' ^ A i i j ' _* i^.__ _ - _...- J ._' __*. _. -fc.-a . fc^4fc.W%- - i i f c - > " i , -MWPM at PM mfr .**- ^ J
ni-l 'M-HISBB U i a i W ; ' * _ aaSsmBw slnB I B L2flB
^P^mpppp^ppp^ P^VPPPP^PJBPPJPPPA - GJ^GHr-^^^^&mJB 'JPft ^PPP^PPPF^P* PPPP' mp^P" ^ ^ P ^ I B ^ ^

^ ^ f#fm,l wtiT<pbfftoi*'*| %ij lwttor> ami articios
from aaftaiaoo. I ttooroforatodtwo paekagoa irisiea X took to

Bfr I rwter*td to the United

g p g i pg
he irrapp^d l a a alip of papar tn rticii to ** that 500 iwOd to
cat <m * tost ith mm mm &mm nmm I d oat rocall. * wuttad
ini *>X>, trot X x%fVJ*d, toettBM i t M I too balky.
told m %tt t e l l a*y*r that the radio tatlon la
iKoteat Amm, fast tbat i t was now in working ordor.
8qrr oaXlod mm f olXoviag aj anriral in tate cowatry
and aikMi i f 2todaaythiae for kimf I told his I did, andtooas*
to iy oparteoat. I turod oror tteaieroptotognpto aad
Wutrj Smjmr oallod at ay oyartoaat oa two or ,$>o**a ~
oooaxioaa &a' IfaNaaaoir JAaA aad * > l a sirs aaa oawwiito|iertt2&B
^^TPr^p^^^mm^m^P^p^mBPr. - ^^^wr'mvmjpR^Bnv^HRmBr, . ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m ^ ^^^pp^^ j^^p.mi^mr . mPB^v* - T ^ ^ m r m f m i ^p" ^p^ppF^p* ^vppvp^pqp ^Pjpppppp^ ^p^rmpup>^pq|pvp>^p'

to Uto t m B f Mato. 1 took tho* artiolto Li*toa in

tb* l a t t o r i a r . f 'Arvoater. I triod %o e a l l d ^ | y i r b t a I ot to
idLttoe, bat tto voaaa 4ao asunrorod aaid thattowaa out of tows.
laft l i ith t t o .mm* me ator, wb saidtokaowaH^faad woald
tto aatorlal to aia. M M M I prorioagly told at thatto*a*
known at tat* totol. ., . -
1 toadolivorod thi* aatorial t f t t o iwtol, I ot a
in LUtoa, t a l l i - ao t t o ttowa totoomt of
few daya and tbat 1 aaowOd flva anytaiae X had for hia to
e^^T"!^ mjppPi wWflWl* P^pppmBP^r wJ^^H|v'nvB(''^P''W^^W ^B^apJ 4|p|p)^WW'^lllFWfla * ^i|^0*'a' W'a*^^ ^k pj^

taia yoroon. - - '

I r*tTaod to Sew fork City and vaa eoataetod ojr
awyr aad alltd oa hi* *t his offica. X told Sawyor teat X tod
- 4 -

not temjggggj bat bid left the aaterisJLs at e betel ia Lisbon.

A wee* or ee later I left lew lor* again fer Lisbon.
This was i a Seeaaber of 1940. I e a X l a d | m | a t tee telephone
amoer ** ad fire* m, to find oat i f beweebaek i a tee* tad i f
be bad received the aetariale I had left fr Ma at t&e betel.
Be was back, aad t aet a|a i a a Usbos eafe- X tola Mia tbtt I
bad obeeneU several eld|e, ese ef wkieh bad several foas on i t ,
near Beraade, on the way ever. 8e tW we that that was tbe Jdnd
ef iafonsetioa he wasted aad to elways t e l l hia if aayt&inf ef "
^wse^fcay ^'W9/^^ ^a^^ae a^ aMipr^Fa W^SJW* ^^pai ^s^** ^F^s1 asj^p a * ja %^^s^i^ ^ssp^ea^waj^^p a ^eaftBew^ww ^fc^p r"sja^p

equiveleat of eighty dollars. Be gea as $50 ia Aaerieen

to briag back to Sawyer, aae said that I should tell aSa it
for faorke.
mj return t lew fork, X celled arry Sawyer ead
aede enpaageaeate to coae to hie of flee. I did this end delivered
to Ma tfee tbove aontioned mmmf tor Eaex4ee. I told Barrjr Seeder
a t tlais tiae that I did not desire to oarry inXaratiem say. aor,
aaleee i t 'was very laportentj thet I felt that i t wet tee aaea of
e riak to omti&me to carry materials, aalees i t was of the ataeet
iaport&flCe aod necessary for iaaediete dalivery. X also ea!4 X
thottght I abould be jpeid at least $200 a t r i p for carrying arterial

fagain the aext time I vent to ilsbea, which

tb latter partor^aimaiy 1941, and told nl- also that I did
not desire to carry any more saterials, unless i t was urgent ad
iaportaot. Be gare ae 2,000 eacatto* at this Uxe.W/f/g/fUM m
that if he had anything iaportasfc be voald get in touch with ae and
that Harry Sawy*r eld de the eeaa thing in tbm lork. I did aot
certy any aere aaterial f e 4 H H V r fei^ejyer. After tids
aeetlng X tad l i t t l e opportunity fd *9*m/K/jM because oar plaaes
stayed over in II ebon for only a day and a uigfct *t%*r the lattar
pert of Jaaaary 1941, daw to the rearrejaeeaeHt of sHwdule vhieb
took vus to Africa.

X hare read the foregoing statement, conaistiag of

ead three pretdoas typed pges, and i t i s true to the beet ot ay
fcaerledge sad belief.


special Agpxtts, Je&tti&l Bure&u of Investigation -

U. &. Coart feouae, Jfoley Square, Hew lork, U. 1.
_.t Vji/d-

- 12 -



a l i a s e s Kax Mezenen, Max
Mezanin, Rene Hezenen, Rene
E. Mezenen
Cambridge Court Apartments, 3640 Borne
Age Street, Flushing, L. I., Hew York.
Date and place of birth 36
Height December 9, 1904 - Paris, France
Hair 149
Eyes Dark brovm, receding at temples
C omplexi on Dark brown, deep sit.
Build Slender, athletic
Prominent cheek bone, large prominent
ears, eyebrows high at point near nose,
Occupation high forehead.
Education Steward, Pan American Air Lines
New York Public Schools, attended high
Citizenship school three and a half years.
Entered United States July 12, 1906.
naturalized through father, December 29,
Criminal Record 1922
Uone known. Fingerprint on record was
Photograph no good for comparison purposes.
Relatives Available and in file
Mother, Mrs. CHRISTIM MEZEKffi, widow -
^5g East 87th^reet New York, Hew York.
T* BIB ""^ address.


* * * * * *

This is a mail drop furnished to WILLIAM SEBOID by

the German authorities at the time he left Germany* SEBOID
was to forward materials to this addressfortransurittal to
UTi 0 Germany. SEBOID further iras to c o n t a c t d H H f ^ t t i e event
U ^-^ the United States went to war with Germany*
(S. 86, Pages 21, 22)

Apparently the drop is used generally by members of

the German Espionage System. SEBOID furnished the name and ad-
dress to DUQTJESNE in March 1940, and on several occasions SEBOID
has used the drop himself. The drop was referred to in our
Message No 133 December 8, 1940, and German Message No 73,
December 19, 1940.
(S. 4479, Page 9)
(S. 4296, M 3 3 ) .
Is a
T+. has been ascertainedtha;
aao Piulo" with a fair business
S e s in Brazil. Nothing
auw __ jg
determined conce: (S. 4359)


1. Immigration and Naturalization.

2 Espionage Activities - Knotm or Possible,

William Sebold.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone Surveillance - (Admlssibilily Questionable).

5. Employment Record.

6. History and Prior Activities.


Ls indicated to be an associate of
HEIIfelCH SORMJ in German Expionage activities. He enters this
case under the following circumstances:

May A LILLY STEIN turned over a l e t t e r she had received

1940 from Germany to Y/ILLIAM SEBOLD. This l e t t e r read
substantially as follows:

"Haiaburg, jipril 13, 1940

I -will send you ^300 a t tiie end of t h i s month
in order that you can get out of your present


Supplementing this l e t t e r , she turned over to

SE.:OLD another communication from HEIITHIGH SOP-kU, reading i n

" T have therefore asked my co-Trorker.l

_^~_^^^~~~f to answer any mail received
from you during my absence.

(Signed) HBIHKICH"

Further details concerning this transaction are

in the testimony of WILLIAM SKaOLD and Special Agent



1. Immigration and Naturalization*

2. Espionage Activities - Kncrwn or Possible.

William Sebold.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibility Questionable).

5. Employment Record.

6. History and Prior Activities.



Very l i t t l e information i s shown concerning the background

of thia subject. I t i s known thathe resides at the above address in
Bhich i t will be noted i s the same address where Subjects
HIIHHHHH and they are believed known
wth and a constant companion
ofSubjec^ltlEERJCH KARL VON SCHLEBRTJGGE with whom he often takes t r i p s
along the Mexican Coast, and i s thought t o be i n the- Marine Division
4-Via m sen'f nnsna mrofom oi nnrt wi +>1 OTVJ Q

Information indicates that he is also known and has been

contacted by Subject TOLUAM SCHREIBER, who is presently -working in
San Antonio, Texas.
I t has been ascertained address
in Mexico G i ^ H H U H i l ' and the cable addres 8
^ n Berlin
with the Mexican ^ ^ ^ ^ ^nt of
rams addressed t o ^ U m f should be sent
'which i t .will be recalled i s the Post
Box used by subject VON SCHLEBRUGGE. Further messages being received
by the radio station operated by this Bureau at Centerport, Long
Island from Station GBO have been signed,
A message Station GBO in Mexico City on
ss in Mexico City was
he possibility exists
ir a name used by

Informatii office of the Naval Intelligence

alleges that i s an associate of a man by
the name


1. Immigration and Naturalization.

2. Espionage Activities - KhoTm or Possible.

William Sebold.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

Microphone S-urveillance - (Admissibility Questionable),

5. Employment Record.

6. History and i^rior Activities.

w ^W





l i t t l e i s know, of t h i s person other than that

his address i s used as a mail drop in Hamburg to -which comnninications
for the Marine Division of the German Espionage system are sent
for delivery to AUZIEGER, alias Adolf Gerhoff.

He enters this case under tiie following circumstancest

June 2 5 , FRANZ STICKLER -was observed mailing a letter addressed

1940. to A. GERHOFF, c/o H. PETERS, at iiie above address.

(Serial 1672, Page 15)

December 16, LEO MALEN handed WILLIAM SEBOLD an envelope

1940. addressed as above to A. GERHOFF, c/o H. PETERS,
The envelope contained items set out in detail in
the section devoted to WILLIAM SEBOLD.

(Serial 4403rPage 14)

December 31, LEO itAALEN turned over to idUJM SEBOLD a similarly

1943- addressed envelope, the contents of -which are set
out in detail under the section devoted to YJILLIAM

(Serial 4 7 a , Page 17)



1, Immigration and Naturalization.

2, Espionage Activities - Kncrwn or Possible.

William Sebold.
T. J. Donegan - Statement of Paul Fehse.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibility Questionable).

5. Employment Record.

6. History and Prior Activities.


* *

The above name and address were used as a mail

drop by PAUL FEHSE in forwarding information to the German
Espionage system, k letter bearing this address and returnable
to "B. VITALS, 5& Prospect Place*, Brooklyn, New York," a
fictitious person, and postmarked April 22, 1940, was turned o"vier
to the Bureau by the Postoffice Department as a dead letter,
having borne no postage and being unretumable. The letter con-
tained information concerning British shipping, and -was later
admitted by FEHSE to have been written by him.
Details concerning this transaction are set forth
in the section devoted to PAUL FEHSE.
(Serial 1672, Page 17, 18,19)



1. Immigration and naturalization,

2. Espionage Activities ~ Kncrraa or Possi"ble.

Chase National Bank, 11/7/40.

3. Surveillances - Corroborative or Direct Evidence.

4. Microphone Surveillance - (Admissibility Questionable).

5. aaployment Hecord.

6. History and Prior Acti-vities.





On Hoveiriber 7 , 1940 LILLY STEI1T r e c e i v e d a
c r e d i t of $200 t h r o u g h t h e CHASE EATIOKAL BAKE. The
payment was t h e r e s - a l t of a cablegram r e c e i v e d b y t h e
Lisbon, Portugal, acccrant The cable author-
izing the |200 payment, a l s o a ed "800 succeed".
s not
The real identityflHJBP-
Serial 6309, p.10.

Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen