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Student Observation

Classroom: Huggins Observer: Elizabeth Prothero

Grade: 5th Date:9/18/17
Curriculum Area: Science Time:10:45-11:45AM
What I notice Thoughts, Questions, Connections to
Methods Classes
-A lot of student interaction How will safety be addressed with arm
-Interesting ways of posing thought provoking wrestling?
balance VS. unbalanced questions
-no automatic push to get students writing Why read off sheet wit out showing on the
-Worksheet board (though students have the worksheet
-have students come up with examples it might be better to have it on the board
-students making outside connections (very too)
-students referring to text Reads a bit too fast
--provides extra materials Think pair share is not as effective with
-peer checking excited students (they tend to get off topic)
-a bit of chaos with the are wrestling but it Pausing videos for student interaction
helped their understanding

I thought the teacher established her goals well by adding onto the previous lessons and indirectly
provided answers to questions by having other students answer them (she had made sure to correct if
students provided the incorrect answers). The teacher also tracked the progress by having the
students answer for her and by walking the classroom asking questions and observing. Students could
then write down and questions, answers, or note they needed in their notebooks that they and the
teacher could refer to.

The teacher was fairly effective at managing her classroom by keeping an eye on them, participating
with the more rambunctious students, and walking the room. She would often have ot remind them
to stay focused or quiet though and stay at a level zero on their noise scale (a level zero being

She did well on helping interact with the new science concepts by reapplying old concepts (building on
schema) and having them apply what they new to the new concept before adding on. She would also
pull the concept into real situations they would see or have seen and drew from examples the
students provided. I believe that this concept of tying into everyday life and other subjects deepened
their understanding of the new science concepts greatly.

The teacher effectively engaged students with having them repeat the directions or phrases back to
her. She also pulled in fun games, had them use the think, pair, share method to share ideas, and
participated in the exploration with them for encouragement.

I do believe this was a inquiry based lesson plan because of the student based teaching and their
exploration and questions that the students preformed and created.
I would definitely keep the amount of student interaction and sharing from this lesson and the
repeating the directions back. Though I dont know if I would do the arm wrestling because I was
concerned for the safety of the students and how they were doing this experiment. I also think I will
keep the idea of having all the students getting copies of the text but would add it onto the projector
as well.

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