Sie sind auf Seite 1von 8

Me llamo ____________________________

Fecha: el 16 de febrero

Participation Preguntas
1. ¿Có mo te llamas?
2. ¿Có mo está s?
3. ¿Cuá l es tu numero de telefono?
4. ¿De dó nde eres?
5. How many countries speak Spanish?

What are today’s 3 key points?

1. Know the ______________________________________________________________________ in Spanish.

2. Know the ______________________________________________________________________ in Spanish.

3. Be able to ask and respond to the question ________________________________________.

Intro to New Material Key Point ONE:

Know the Days of the Week in Spanish
Los días de la semana:
¿Qué día es hoy? (What is today?)
¿Qué día es hoy? (What day is tomorrow?)
Today is _____________

Tomorrow is ____________
Flashcards: Y N

Around the World

And the winner is…

1. Raquel Rodrigo 4:20 7:20 Mon Thurs

2. Victor Violeta 1:30 11:30 Sat Sun

3. Antonio Alejandro 7:50 2:50 Wed Fri

4. Miguel Marta 9:05 5:05 Wed Fri

5. Juan Juanita 12:30 2:30 Wed Fri

Checks For Understanding:




Intro to New Material Key Point TWO:

Know the Months of the Year in Spanish

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

1. Days of the week and months of the year are not capitalized in Spanish.
ejemplo: lunes, domingo; junio, noviembre

2. In Spanish, the shorthand of dates puts the day before the month:
ejemplo: Es el veintiuno de febrero.  21/2

3. On the first day of the month you must say el primero instead of uno. For all the other days,
just say the number.
ejemplo: 1/5  Es el primero de mayo.

enero, is January
feBrero, B FeBuary
MARZO is March-OH
abril - - April –
mayo, not mayo, the month of May
junio is June-IO. We Know. We Know.
julio, July-OH. to the beach we go, go, go.
Till agosoto, its August.
septiembre, Sepember – EH.
Y octubre, you spook me. Oh oh oh October- O.
noviembre is November- EH
Y finalmente diceimbre

Checks For Understanding:



Intro to New Material Key Point THREE:
Be able to ask and respond to the question ¿Cuál es la fecha?

“HOY ES __day __ , EL # DE month .”

In Spanish, to ask “What’s the date?” you say


You respond by saying “Today is ____(day)_____ the ____(number)___ of ____(month)___”


NOTE: If you want to say the date without the day of the week, you simply say “Hoy es el (number) de

To say your bithday :

Checks For Understanding:



You must ask your classmates his/her birthday in Spanish and record their answers below with the
month in parenthesis. Profa’s is done as an example.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ms. H: enero

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 21
You will be able to ask and answer about the date using
12 months of the year and the phrases ¿Cuál es la fecha? and Es el ___ de ___.
1. Th, 17/2 ____________________________________________________________

2. Mon, 4/9 ___________________________________________________________

3. Fri, 27/11 ___________________________________________________________

4. Wed, 2/4 ___________________________________________________________

5. Tues, 12/12 _________________________________________________________

6. Sat, 6/8 ____________________________________________________________

7. Sun, 25/1 ___________________________________________________________

1. Fri Tues 29 19

2. Sat Sun 14 4

3. Tues Wed 14 15

4. Sat Sun 12 21

5. Th Fri 20 28

6. Mon Tues 31 13 __/7

7. Tues Th 4 5
You will be able to ask and answer about the date using
12 months of the year and the phrases ¿Cuál es la fecha? and Es el ___ de ___.
1. Tues, 19/6 __________________________________________________________

2. Sat, 14/4 ___________________________________________________________

3. Wed, 15/1 __________________________________________________________

4. Sun, 21/12 __________________________________________________________

5. Fri, 28/2 ____________________________________________________________

6. Mon, 31/9 __________________________________________________________

7. Thurs, 5/11 _________________________________________________________

1. Fri Thurs 27 17

2. Sat Mon 4 14

3. Th Fri 27 17

4. Tues Wed 2 21

5. Th Tues 12 2

6. Mon Sat 6 16
7. Sat Sun 24 25

Independent Practice:
1. ¿Qué día es hoy?
2. ¿Qué día es mañana?
3. What days are the weekend?
4. What day does the Spanish calendar start?
5. What is your favorite day of the week?
6. What day was yesterday?
7. What was the last day of the week we had class befote the blizzards?
8. What was the day before yesterday?
Fill in the following the the apropiarte month in Spanish:
1. Your birthday month:
2. The month we start school:
3. The month we get out of school:
4. Ms. Harcrow’s birthday month:
5. Your favorite month of the year:
6. The month of Halloween:
7. The month of your best friends birthday:
8. The last month of the year:
Write the following dates in Spanish:
1. 4/12

2. 6/10

3. 31/5

4. May 5th

5. January 14th

6. New Years Day

7. Your birthday

8. ¿Cuál es la fecha?

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