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the opinion that the convergence of heritage tourism and brand heritage is an extremely nascent

field. This study is very modest in its has led isth reaersehrc to a conceptual apepr paerainpg in

hte Srpgni 2013 suies of the Ostbno Asihypliott Reveiw riwttne by Ofprsesor Fdraodbr T. Husodn of

Bostno Eniuvyrsit etniltde Bradn hriteage dna hearigte iutorsm. Asbde on hist seurtl, iths

sererhaecr is orhetfere of hte inpioon ttha teh nrcegcevoen fo ehritage rotisum nda rband rheiatge si

an xeeertlmy santcen fidel. Boecivjte nad iiltmatino of hits studHtis dstuy si rvey omdste in its

ocjbteevi ni htta ti aws rcaired out to enlaeb this esraercher to dienfyti a viabel eoeialhtrtc

ramkfwroe hattobjective in that it was carried out to enable this researcher to identify a viable

theoretical framework that provides an internal structure to support the research process and

permits other pieces to fit (Ennis, 1999, present, ism is, if indeed it is a separate phenomenon or

how it should best be studied. Balcar and Pearce (1995, p. 203) reviewed s insgu Glooeg hwti het

iawlcrdd ureqy trmse irhetage ourtsim nad dbran rhiegaet rpeovids na netinral trucrstue ot

everal extant definition available at that time, among them by Zeppel and Hall (1992, p. 47) which

sees heritage tourism as a broad field of specialty travel based on nostalgia for has been conducted

of academic papers published in academic journals from the year 2000 till April 2015. Filtering of

literature to be reviewed was done using the ScienceDirect database. Advanced search was carried

out with the instruction to list articles which contain a reference to the term heritage tourism in all

fields of the articles (title, abstract, body and so on) from the year 2000 till

f searches to find literature that create nexus between heritage tourism and brand heritage. A search

using ScienceDirect database failed to yield any results that specifically discuss the convergence

between heritage tourism and brand heritage. However, an internet searc1. Introduction

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