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Executive Summary

Evaluation and Management of Women

and Newborns With a Maternal Diagnosis
of Chorioamnionitis
Summary of a Workshop
Rosemary D. Higgins, MD, George Saade, MD, Richard A. Polin, MD, William A. Grobman, MD, MBA,
Irina A. Buhimschi, MD, Kristi Watterberg, MD, Robert M. Silver, MD, and Tonse N.K. Raju, MD, for the
Chorioamnionitis Workshop Participants*

is particularly important to recognize that an isolated

In January 2015, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National maternal fever is not synonymous with chorioamnionitis.
Institute of Child Health and Human Development A research agenda was proposed to further refine the
invited an expert panel to a workshop to address numer- definition and management of this complex group of
ous knowledge gaps and to provide evidence-based conditions. This article provides a summary of the work-
guidelines for the diagnosis and management of preg- shop presentations and discussions.
nant women with what had been commonly called cho-
(Obstet Gynecol 2016;127:42636)
rioamnionitis and the neonates born to these women.
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001246
The panel noted that the term chorioamnionitis has been
used to label a heterogeneous array of conditions char-

acterized by infection and inflammation or both with
he term chorioamnionitis has been in existence for
a consequent great variation in clinical practice for moth-
several decades.1 In the strictest sense, the term im-
ers and their newborns. Therefore, the panel proposed
plies that a pregnant woman has an inflammatory or an
to replace the term chorioamnionitis with a more gen-
infectious disorder of the chorion, amnion, or both. This
eral, descriptive term: intrauterine inflammation or
infection or both, abbreviated as Triple I. The panel diagnosis often implies that the mother and her fetus may
proposed a classification for Triple I and recommended be at an increased risk for developing serious infectious
approaches to evaluation and management of pregnant consequences. Because of its connotation, the mere entry
women and their newborns with a diagnosis of Triple I. It of chorioamnionitis in the patients record triggers a series
of investigations and management decisions in the
mother and in the neonate, irrespective of probable cause
See related editorial on page 423.
or clinical findings. As a result of the imprecise nature of

*For a list of names and affiliations of the workshop participants, see Appendix 1 The National Institutes of Health, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
online at Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) staff had input
into conference and manuscript. The content of the summary is solely the respon-
From the Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National sibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Maryland; the National Institutes of Health.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Texas Medical Branch at
Galveston, Galveston, Texas; the Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University, Corresponding author: Rosemary D. Higgins, MD, Pregnancy and Perinatol-
New York, New York; the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern ogy Branch, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health
University, Chicago, Illinois; the Center for Perinatal Research, The Research Insti- and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, 6100 Executive
tute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio Boulevard, Room 4B03, MSC 7510, Bethesda, MD 20892; e-mail:
State University College of Medicine, Columbus, Ohio; the Department of Pediatrics,
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Financial Disclosure
the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, The authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.
2016 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
The workshop was cofunded by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo- by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
gists, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. ISSN: 0029-7844/16


Copyright by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the definitional elements and the heterogeneity of clinical more than one) of these signs and symptoms does not
manifestations, there is no unanimity in the approaches necessarily indicate intrauterine infection, or actual
for diagnostic workup or for obstetric and neonatal man- chorioamnionitis, is present.
agement. To address these wide-ranging issues, the Eunice Intrauterine infection may lead to serious maternal
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and complications such as sepsis, prolonged labor, wound
Human Development, the Society for Maternal-Fetal infection, need for hysterectomy, postpartum endome-
Medicine, the American College of Obstetricians and tritis, postpartum hemorrhage, adult respiratory distress
Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Pediatrics syndrome, intensive care unit admission, and, in rare
(AAP) invited a group of maternal and neonatal experts instances, maternal mortality. However, by erring on the
to a workshop on January 2627, 2015. In this article, we side of treatment for any suspected chorioamnionitis,
provide a brief summary of the workshop discussions health care providers may not be fully considering the
and the expert opinion concerning management and adverse effects of unnecessary treatment. Treatment with
evaluation of what has heretofore been labeled cho- antimicrobial agents for fever during labor is generally
rioamnionitis. This is not a formal Consensus Develop- safe for the mother with relatively few side effects.
ment Conference recommendation by the National However, rare instances of anaphylaxis2,3 have been re-
Institutes of Health. ported with serious implications for the fetus when ute-
roplacental blood flow and oxygenation are adversely
REVIEW OF THE CURRENT UNDERSTANDING affected. The prevalence of anaphylaxis was found to
OF CHORIOAMNIONITIS be 2.7 cases per 100,000 deliveries.2 In addition, a diag-
The term chorioamnionitis has transitioned from nosis of maternal chorioamnionitis has significant impli-
its original autologic scope (to express what it cations for the evaluation and management of the
describes) to a more heterologic term (not corre- newborn. It often leads to additional laboratory evalua-
sponding), essentially becoming an out-of-date mis- tion, unnecessary treatment, and hospitalization in higher
nomer. Although the term literally points to acuity units.46 For all these reasons, the workshop
inflammation limited to the chorion and amnion participants agreed that there is a need to change the
layers of the fetal membranes, it is often used when prevailing and unsubstantiated perceptions associated
other intrauterine components are involved such as with the term chorioamnionitis.
amniotic fluid or the decidua. Adding to the confu- Maternal fever can occur as a result of intrauter-
sion, the term is commonly used to denote clinical ine or extrauterine causes. Infectious causes can
suspicion of intrauterine inflammation or infection include pyelonephritis, upper and lower respiratory
even before any laboratory or pathologic evidence tract infections such as influenza as well as infections
of infection or inflammation is uncovered. The find- in other organ systems. Noninfectious causes of fever
ings on such an examination are often not conclusive, include use of epidural analgesia during labor,7,8
are not available until after the neonate is delivered, hyperthyroidism, dehydration, elevated ambient tem-
and are not always aligned with clinical features. The perature, and the use of pyrogens such as prostaglan-
term chorioamnionitis does not consistently convey din E2 for the induction of labor. It may not always be
the degree and severity of maternal or fetal illness, possible to differentiate between intra- and extrauter-
which makes it difficult to assess the consequences ine causes of fever or to categorically exclude cho-
of this diagnosis for the mother or neonate. rioamnionitis, particularly early in its presentation.
In its current use, the term chorioamnionitis For these reasons, a plan to rule out chorioamnioni-
refers to a heterogeneous group of conditions that tis or to treat presumptive chorioamnionitis is
includes inflammation as well as infections of varying sometimes made and entered into the medical re-
degrees of severity and duration. Inflammation in- cords, which often triggers an unnecessary workup
cludes a reaction that results in tissue edema, swelling, for sepsis and antimicrobial treatment for the new-
and irritation. Infection includes inflammation with born. Because not every intrapartum fever is of infec-
concurrent invasion of bacteria, virus, fungus, or other tious origin, treating all fevers with antimicrobial
infectious agent. Often a designation of chorioamnio- agents will result in overtreatment of mothers.
nitis is made when any combination (or even one) of The neonatal team might interpret maternal
the following elements is noted: maternal fever, antimicrobial treatment itself as evidence of potential
maternal or fetal tachycardia or both, elevated mater- maternal and fetal infection, leading to additional
nal white blood cell (WBC) count, uterine tenderness, neonatal laboratory testing and treatment of the
and purulent fluid or purulent discharge from the neonate with antimicrobial agents for varying dura-
cervical os. However, the presence of one (or even tion. Thus, a diagnosis of chorioamnionitis has serious

VOL. 127, NO. 3, MARCH 2016 Higgins et al Chorioamnionitis Workshop Executive Summary 427

Copyright by The American College of Obstetricians

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implications for the management of the newborn. The (which also treat the fetus), they are frequently given
guidelines developed by the Centers for Disease for febrile episodes with a low likelihood of intrauter-
Control and Prevention (CDC),9 the AAP,10 and the ine infection. Therefore, giving antimicrobial agents
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence11 to a newborn simply based on an isolated maternal
differ in some of their specifics, but all three guidelines fever will likely treat many neonates with a very low
recommend treatment of well-appearing neonates likelihood of infection. Because such circumstances
born to women with suspected or proven chorioam- are relatively common, some consensus around the
nionitis. For example, for well-appearing neonates management of well-appearing neonates exposed to
born to women with suspected chorioamnionitis, both antimicrobial agents in utero and how to target
the CDC9 and the Committee on Fetus and Newborn investigation and treatment of neonates at highest risk
of the AAP10 recommend a blood culture at birth for early-onset sepsis is needed.
followed by treatment and subsequent laboratory tests Ideally, antimicrobial treatment of the newborn at
(eg, WBC and differential count, C-reactive protein, high risk of early-onset sepsis should be initiated
or platelet count). The National Institute for Health immediately after birth but restricted only to newborns
and Care Excellence guideline from the United who might benefit from treatment (ie, those likely to be
Kingdom11 recommends blood culture and C-reactive infected). Unfortunately at this time, diagnostic tests
protein determination followed by initiation of with the ability to identify newborns likely to be infected
antimicrobial agents for any neonate whose mother are not clinically available. One approach to limiting the
received antimicrobial agents for confirmed or sus- unnecessary use of antimicrobials is to use the sepsis
pected bacterial infection including chorioamnionitis. calculator developed by Puopolo et al15 to estimate the
The consequences of the three sets of guidelines probability of early-onset sepsis using maternal risk fac-
outlined include a significant increase in the number of tors in neonates born at 34 weeks of gestation or greater.
neonates exposed to antimicrobial agents in an attempt The model uses three categorical variables: GBS status
to treat rare cases of early-onset sepsis as well as an (positive, negative, uncertain), maternal intrapartum
increase in the workload for health care providers and antimicrobial treatment (GBS-specific or broad spec-
cost.46 In addition, many newborns are treated with trum), and intrapartum prophylaxis or treatment given
antimicrobial agents for prolonged periods despite neg- 4 hours or greater before delivery (yes, no) in addition
ative blood culture results.5,6 Because administration of to the following continuous variables: highest maternal
antimicrobial agents oftentimes is accompanied by intrapartum temperature (centigrade or Fahrenheit),
admission to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), gestational age (weeks and days), and duration of rup-
a large number of newborns are additionally exposed ture of membranes (hours). A predicted probability per
to the NICU environment where there is increased risk 1,000 live births can be estimated using the calculator
of acquiring infections with multidrug-resistant bacte- (
ria. Children in NICUs are also separated from their research/InfectionProbabilityCalculator.aspx). In a ret-
families, which may have consequences for mother rospective study, Shakib et al16 demonstrated that the
neonate attachment and successful breastfeeding. Anti- use of the sepsis calculator in a population of well-
microbial agents also alter the gut microbiota.12,13 The appearing neonates (34 weeks of gestation or greater)
overall implications are even more concerning consid- with a clinical diagnosis of chorioamnionitis would
ering the likelihood of an infectious etiology is small. have reduced the proportion of neonates having labo-
Since the early 1970s, neonatal care providers have ratory tests and antimicrobial agents to 12% of the total
been rightly concerned about early-onset sepsis, espe- and would not have missed any cases of culture-
cially group B streptococci (GBS) disease because of its positive early-onset sepsis.16
high morbidity and mortality. Much of this concern Escobar et al17 recently refined the sepsis calcula-
began in an era before routine maternal screening for tor developed by Puopolo15 by combining the same
GBS and intrapartum antimicrobial prophylaxis. How- risk factors for sepsis described (pretest probability)
ever, after publication of GBS management guidelines and the neonates clinical presentation (clinically ill,
by several professional societies and organizations, the equivocal presentation, or well-appearing) during the
incidence of early-onset GBS sepsis has dropped signif- first 612 hours of life (posttest probability) to esti-
icantly.14 The authors found no concomitant increase mate the probability of sepsis in neonates born at 34
in Escherichia coli sepsis during the study period from weeks of gestation or greater. Escobar demonstrated
2006 to 2009.14 that in well-appearing neonates with risk factors for
Although confirmed maternal infection needs to sepsis, the incidence of early-onset sepsis is extremely
be treated with appropriate antimicrobial agents low (sepsis rate of 0.11/1,000 [0.080.13]), but not

428 Higgins et al Chorioamnionitis Workshop Executive Summary OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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quite zero. Both algorithms will need further modifi- Table 1. Features of Isolated Maternal Fever and
cation as new data are generated. Triple I With Classification*
There is a general consensus that neonates who
have persistent signs associated with sepsis, whether or Terminology Features and Comments
not born to mothers with a diagnosis of chorioamnio- Isolated maternal fever Maternal oral temperature 39.0C
nitis (suspected or proven), should receive broad- (documented fever) or greater (102.2F) on any one
spectrum antimicrobials after appropriate cultures are occasion is documented fever. If
taken. However, some newborns will initially be the oral temperature is between
38.0C (100.4F) and 39.0C
symptomatic immediately after birth and will become
(102.2F), repeat the
asymptomatic over the ensuing 46 hours. Those neo- measurement in 30 minutes; if
nates should be managed as if they were healthy- the repeat value remains at least
appearing. The management of the well-appearing 38.0C (100.4F), it is
asymptomatic neonate born to a mother with a cho- documented fever
Suspected Triple I Fever without a clear source plus
rioamnionitis diagnosis remains controversial. As
any of the following:
noted, the CDC,9 the AAP,10 and the National Institute 1) baseline fetal tachycardia
for Health and Care Excellence11 recommend a diag- (greater than 160 beats per min
nostic evaluation and antimicrobial coverage. Given for 10 min or longer, excluding
that clinicians may have a low threshold for labeling accelerations, decelerations, and
periods of marked variability)
the patient as having chorioamnionitis, and this deci-
2) maternal white blood cell
sion does not take into consideration the resulting neo- count greater than 15,000 per
natal interventions, it is important to reevaluate the mm3 in the absence of
approach to this group of women and neonates. corticosteroids
3) definite purulent fluid from the
Confirmed Triple I All of the above plus:
OR BOTH (TRIPLE I) 1) amniocentesis-proven
The workshop participants noted that use of the term infection through a positive
chorioamnionitis conveys a definitive infectious etiol- Gram stain
ogy when this may not always be the case. Health care 2) low glucose or positive
amniotic fluid culture
providers often use this term even when the only sign
3) placental pathology revealing
is a maternal fever. The panel of experts agreed that diagnostic features of infection
maternal fever alone should not automatically lead to *
Discontinue the use of the term Chorioamnionitis. See the text
a diagnosis of infection (or chorioamnionitis) and to for discussion.
antimicrobial therapy. They also sought to develop
new terminology to better describe various scenarios speculum examination to be coming from the
associated with fever or infection during the intra- cervical canal)
partum period. 4. Biochemical or microbiologic amniotic fluid re-
To clarify this issue, the panel recommended new sults consistent with microbial invasion of the
terminology that differentiates the mere presence of amniotic cavity (see subsequently).
fever from infection or inflammation or both and Fever in the absence of any of these criteria
clarifies that inflammation can occur without infec- should be categorized as isolated maternal fever.
tion. Therefore, given the historical inconsistency in Isolated maternal fever can include but is not limited
use, the panel proposed to altogether discontinue the to fever secondary to epidural anesthesia, prostaglan-
intrapartum use of the term chorioamnionitis and din use, dehydration, hyperthyroidism, and excess
instead use intrauterine inflammation or infection or ambient heat. In the clinical situation of labor with
both or Triple I as shown in Table 1. Under the fever and unknown GBS status at 37 weeks of gesta-
new proposal, Triple I is diagnosed when fever is tion or greater, intrapartum prophylaxis should be
present with one or more of the following: initiated as per CDC guidelines.9
1. Fetal tachycardia (greater than 160 beats The panel also recommended that the diagnosis
per minute for 10 minutes or longer)18 of fever be standardized as follows: maternal temper-
2. Maternal WBC count greater than 15,000 in the ature 39.0C or greater or 102.2F on one reading
absence of corticosteroids constitutes a fever. If the temperature is 38.0C or
3. Purulent fluid from the cervical os (cloudy or greater or 100.4F but less than 39.0C or 102.2F,
yellowish thick discharge confirmed visually on the temperature should be retaken in 30 minutes for

VOL. 127, NO. 3, MARCH 2016 Higgins et al Chorioamnionitis Workshop Executive Summary 429

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confirmation. A repeat temperature 38.0C or greater or infectious processes have failed to show clinical
or 100.4F constitutes a documented fever.19,20 For the utility when these markers are assessed in the mater-
diagnosis of fever, temperature should be measured nal circulation. Although some authors have proposed
orally.21 using AF analysis to rule out Triple I in women with
The panel suggests that Triple I be categorized as preterm premature rupture of membranes managed
suspected or confirmed. Without confirmation, Triple expectantly, a recent Cochrane review found that
I should be qualified with the term suspected. To be the quality of evidence is poor.26 Although a meta-
confirmed, Triple I should be accompanied by objec- analysis was not possible as a result of the small num-
tive laboratory findings of infection in amniotic fluid ber of studies, it is clear that high-quality evidence is
(AF) (eg, positive Gram stain for bacteria, low AF needed to guide clinical practice related to the role
glucose, high WBC count in the absence of a bloody of amniocentesis and AF analysis in management of
tap, or positive AF culture results), or histopathologic preterm premature rupture of membranes. There is
evidence of infection or inflammation or both in the a similar paucity of data regarding the need for amnio-
placenta, fetal membranes, or the umbilical cord ves- centesis in women presenting with preterm labor and
sels (funisitis).19,22,23 Obviously, the histopathologic intact membranes or advanced cervical effacement.
evidence would be applied in retrospect. Recent studies recommend ruling out Triple I using
Cases can thus be categorized as follows AF analysis before surgical placement of a foreign
(Table 1): body such as cervical cerclage.2729 For example, sub-
1. Isolated maternal fever (not Triple I) clinical microbial invasion of AF was found in 9% of
2. Suspected Triple I women with an ultrasonographically short cervix (less
3. Confirmed Triple I. than 25 mm in the midtrimester).30
Even when analyzed in AF, there is controversy
BIOMARKERS as to which biomarkers are most informative and
Members of the panel agreed on the critical need for whether they are markers of intraamniotic infection,
discovery, validation, and implementation in clinical intraamniotic inflammation, or both. In the few
workflow of biomarkers that could objectively assess institutions where amniocentesis is performed to
the level of risk for early-onset sepsis. Biomarkers with confirm Triple I, the laboratory tests that are used
potential to guide neonatal management can either be for clinical management are glucose concentration,
antenatal or postnatal. lactate dehydrogenase activity, WBC and red blood
Antenatal markers should be aimed at diagnosing cell counts, Gram stain, and bacterial cultures. Culture
Triple I and assessing its severity. In combination with results are usually not available in time for decision-
gestational age and clinical manifestations, such bio- making. Therefore, clinicians must rely on the re-
markers have potential to play an active role in the maining analyses, which have turnaround times in
management as noted subsequently: hours. Unfortunately, the tests noted (glucose, lactate
Consideration for admission or transfer to a health dehydrogenase, WBC count, and Gram stain) do not
care facility with maternalfetal medicine service always concur in ruling out or confirming Triple I;
and level 3 or 4 NICU if warranted by the clinical therefore, the interpretation of the test results may not
assessment be straightforward.22 Studies of biomarkers of Triple I
Decision for expectant management compared with are confounded by the lack of a gold standard for
delivery diagnosis. Bacterial cultures depend on the choice of
Decision to perform a cervical cerclage or to with- media and do not routinely identify all species, some
hold such a procedure of which are known etiologic agents of Triple I31 and
Timing for steroid administration of early-onset sepsis.32 Moreover, AF inflammation
Decision whether to initiate tocolytic treatment has been linked to poor pregnancy and neonatal out-
Decision whether antimicrobial treatment of the comes27 even in the absence of infection. Biomarkers
mother is needed. also have different diagnostic accuracy in various sub-
Because most intrauterine infections have a sub- groups of women (preterm premature rupture of
clinical stage,24 one should recognize the challenges of membranes compared with preterm labor intact
interpreting results of antenatal markers of Triple I. membranes compared with a short cervix). This
The first challenge results from the compartmentali- makes them less practical in the clinical setting
zation of the gestational sac from the maternal sys- because the patients condition may evolve from one
temic circulation.25 As a result, studies focusing on to the other. Despite a plethora of hypothesis-driven
markers traditionally associated with inflammatory and omics discovery studies (primarily proteomics

430 Higgins et al Chorioamnionitis Workshop Executive Summary OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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and metabolomics), only a few biomarkers have been blood sampling after birth is that it poses a small risk
validated or tested clinically. for the neonate and the amount of blood that can be
To overcome the need for amniocentesis, many safely obtained is severely limited, especially in very-
investigators have searched for markers informative low-birth-weight neonates. Most importantly, the
of Triple I in biological fluids that can be sampled interpretation of some biomarkers such as C-reactive
noninvasively (urine) or through minimally invasive protein and interleukin-6 is confounded by physio-
approaches (maternal blood, cervicovaginal secre- logic changes that occur in the immediate postnatal
tions, vaginal amniotic, or vaginal washings fluid in period, which affect their specificity.38,39 Other soluble
preterm premature rupture of membranes cases). or cell-adhesion molecules have been suggested as
Maternal blood has been the compartment most markers for identifying newborns with early-onset
extensively explored, but so far none of the markers sepsis, but none is accurate, widely available, or both
is sensitive enough to diagnose Triple I or to estimate enough for current clinical use.40
its severity. The issue of specificity is more difficult to Commercial development of a diagnostic test for
evaluate because the majority of published studies fail sepsis generally requires reporting of sensitivity and
to include cases with other types of systemic inflam- specificity, which is not possible for early-onset sepsis
matory conditions with overlapping symptomatology because an accurate gold standard does not exist and
(pyelonephritis, appendicitis, and other conditions). there is no established consensus on the definition for
Postnatal markers have the potential to affect the neonatal sepsis.41 Despite claims that the neonatal
postnatal care of the newborn. Indeed, postnatal blood cultures are the gold standard for early-onset
markers could be particularly useful because they: sepsis, their use is severely limited by both false-
Remove some of the subjectivity from the interpre- negative and false-positive results.41 Therefore, any
tation of symptoms of sepsis, which are nonspecific new biomarker that is technically superior at identifi-
in newborns or may not be apparent to an untrained cation of true disease will appear inferior when com-
health care provider pared with blood culture results. Accordingly, novel
Help with the decision to admit a newborn to an biomarkers should be assessed against clinically
intensive care unit and to promptly initiate broad- important neonatal outcomes.
spectrum antimicrobial therapy
Guide the duration of antimicrobial therapy MATERNAL MANAGEMENT
Facilitate counseling of the mother and family with Isolated fever and suspected or confirmed Triple I are
respect to probable cause of preterm birth and not, by themselves, indications for cesarean delivery.
future pregnancies. The approach to antimicrobial treatment in the
Cord blood and neonatal blood, sampled within mother is similar to the one for the neonate. In the
72 hours of birth, are the biological fluids most often presence of isolated fever, particularly in the late
explored for markers indicative of early-onset sepsis. preterm and term patient after epidural analgesia, it
The chief advantage of cord blood is that it is available may be appropriate to avoid antimicrobial agents and
in relatively large quantities immediately on delivery; monitor the patient for additional signs or symptoms
its sampling is technically easy to perform and does of infection.
not pose a risk of infection or hemorrhage for the The choice of antimicrobial agents in the case of
neonate. Its disadvantage is that some analytes of suspected Triple I should be guided by the prevalent
placental origin might be present in increased con- microorganisms causing intrauterine infection. In
centration in cord blood compared with neonatal general, a combination of ampicillin and gentamicin
blood (although this has not been systematically should cover most relevant pathogens. If a cesarean
addressed). Cord blood levels of C-reactive protein, delivery is performed, the addition of anaerobic
procalcitonin, interleukin-6, interleukin-8 and more coverage after delivery may be considered (clindamy-
recently of haptoglobin and haptoglobin-related pro- cin or metronidazole) to decrease the risk of
tein have been studied alone, in combination, and as endometritis.
add-ons to hematologic indices.3337 In women treated intrapartum with antimicrobial
Blood obtained from the neonate after birth is the agents for suspected or confirmed Triple I, continu-
biological fluid most often used to test for sepsis ation of antimicrobial agents postpartum should not
biomarkers (including hematologic indices), which are be automatic, but rather based on risk factors for
used in some centers to guide initiation and duration postpartum endometritis. Women who have a vaginal
of antimicrobial therapy. Postnatal blood samples are delivery are less likely to have postpartum endome-
also used for bacterial cultures. The problem with tritis and therefore are candidates for discontinuing

VOL. 127, NO. 3, MARCH 2016 Higgins et al Chorioamnionitis Workshop Executive Summary 431

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antimicrobial agents after delivery. Even in women assessed and treated per current guidelines.911
undergoing cesarean delivery, one more dose of When Triple I is suspected, but not confirmed, care
antimicrobial agents after delivery has the same should be individualized, but the majority of well-
efficacy as continuing for a longer duration.4244 The appearing late preterm and term neonates can be
presence of other maternal factors in the postpartum observed without receiving antimicrobial agents pro-
period such as bacteremia, sepsis, and persistent vided they remain asymptomatic. The sepsis calcu-
fever may be used to guide duration of antimicrobial lator of Puopolo et al15 may help with the decision to
therapy. treat or not to treat in cases with suspected Triple I.
Controlling the maternal temperature with anti- Using the original sepsis calculator, if the hypothet-
pyretics and judicious hydration may be required. ical risk of sepsis ranged from 0.65 to 1.54 per 1,000
Because antipyretics may prevent or mask further live births (based solely on historical risk factors),
fever, a decision regarding the likelihood of infection 823 well-appearing neonates born to women with
should be made before they are given. suspected Triple I would need treatment to capture
the one truly infected neonate (the number needed to
NEONATAL MANAGEMENT treat). Such newborns account for 11% of all live
We recommend that neonatal management be guided births. If the risk of sepsis at birth was less than
by the maternal category of isolated fever, suspected 0.65 per 1,000, 9,370 newborns would need treat-
Triple I or confirmed Triple I, gestational age at ment to identify the one truly infected neonate. All
delivery, and clinical evaluation of the neonate. neonates born to women with suspected or proven
Clearly, for the appropriate neonatal treatment to be chorioamnionitis who are not treated need frequent
applied, communication of the diagnosis between close observations.
obstetric and neonatal teams is essential. A proposed
algorithm for neonatal management is provided in Neonates Born at Less Than 34 0/7 Weeks
Figure 1. Typically, management is different for late of Gestation
preterm and term neonates compared with neonates There is currently no sepsis calculator for newborns
born at less than 34 weeks of gestation. born at less than 34 weeks of gestation. However,
premature neonates born to women with risk factors
Late Preterm and Term Neonates for sepsis (including suspected or confirmed Triple I)
In cases of isolated maternal fever not attributable to are at a much higher risk for early-onset sepsis.45,46
Triple I, current evidence suggests that treatment is Therefore, the threshold for evaluation and treatment
not beneficial for well-appearing late preterm and of these neonates should be significantly lower when
term neonates, regardless of whether the mother was compared with the late preterm and term neonates.
given antimicrobial agents. Conversely, when there There is a strong inverse relationship between gesta-
is confirmed Triple I, these neonates should be tional age at birth and the likelihood of an infectious

Fig. 1. Proposed algorithm for

neonatal management.
Higgins. Chorioamnionitis Workshop
Executive Summary. Obstet Gynecol

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etiology, especially when Triple I is suspected or con- SYSTEMS ISSUES
firmed. Therefore, neonates born at less than 34 0/7 The management of isolated maternal fever and
weeks of gestation to women with suspected or Triple I requires important practical and logistic issues
proven Triple I should be started on antimicrobial to be addressed. Communication regarding the mater-
agents as soon as cultures are obtained. Healthy- nal diagnosis among health care providers for optimal
appearing premature neonates born at less than 34 maternal and neonatal management is necessary.
weeks of gestation to women with isolated maternal Improved communication also should occur during
fever might be observed if laboratory testing is not the postpartum period, because the maternal course,
suggestive of sepsis, but this recommendation is laboratory results, and histopathology results in the
not evidence-based. Furthermore, as the degree of hours and days after delivery may be relevant to the
prematurity increases, most of these neonates will be management and treatment of the newborn. Commu-
symptomatic and not meet the designation of nication at the time of patient handoff (shift change)
healthy-appearing. also is key to ensuring continuity of care. Institution of
a checklist that would convey information needed to
DURATION OF NEONATAL assess and manage the neonates may be helpful. Box 1
ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY provides items that could be potentially included on
Once antimicrobial therapy is started, evidence to such a list. Furthermore, systems to communicate this
guide the duration of treatment is limited. The postnatal information to the neonatal team should be
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence established as well as neonatal information (ie, posi-
guidelines11 suggest 36 hours of antimicrobial agents tive culture) to the obstetric team.
for term newborns while awaiting negative blood cul- Education of obstetric and pediatric or neonatal
ture results. Studies are warranted to guide clinical staff is important for communication, identification,
practice for duration of antimicrobial treatment when and appropriate treatment of mothers and neonates at
cultures are negative. In most well-appearing neo- risk for Triple I. Programs for recognition, evaluation,
nates, there is no compelling evidence that antimicro- and intervention for Triple I should be introduced in
bial agents need to be continued beyond 48 hours, labor and delivery, postpartum, and neonatal wards.
especially when blood cultures are negative and irre- Audit and feedback mechanisms can be utilized to
spective of how abnormal laboratory data are found determine whether guidelines are being followed and
in these newborns. Information regarding duration of to identify opportunities for quality improvement.
antimicrobial therapy for rule out sepsis predates
routine GBS screening and prophylaxis. Duration of RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES AND GAPS
antimicrobial agents was based on information from Multiple areas in need of further investigation were
the 1970s assessing how long cultures generally identified during the workshop (Table 2). Key areas
needed to be evaluated to determine whether bacteria
were present.47 There is ongoing concern about the
validity of blood cultures in neonates born to women Box 1. Checklist of Items to Include in
who received broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents Communication Between the Obstetric and
before delivery. More research is needed to address Neonatal Teams
this concern, because it is a common reason for treat-
 Gestational age
ing newborns with antimicrobial agents for 5 or more  Maternal tachycardia
days.  Fetal tachycardia
 Maternal white blood cell count greater than 15,000
 Maternal group B streptococci status
COST IMPLICATIONS  Duration of rupture of membranes
Depending on individual hospital practice, some well-  Duration of labor
appearing newborns who undergo evaluation or  Purulent fluid
treatment for possible infection may be admitted to  Amniotic fluid evaluation
 Highest maternal temperature
transitional care units, special care units, or NICUs.  Epidural anesthesia use
Costs vary widely depending where the evaluation  Prostaglandin use
and care are rendered in the hospital. The workshop  Antimicrobial agent(s) used
participants agreed that evaluation of the well-  Antipyretic used
appearing neonate can be performed in the regular  Spontaneous preterm birth
 Prior spontaneous preterm birth
nursery or in the motherbaby unit.

VOL. 127, NO. 3, MARCH 2016 Higgins et al Chorioamnionitis Workshop Executive Summary 433

Copyright by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Research Gaps and Opportunities

Area Maternal Topics Neonatal Topics

Prevention of infection Yes Yes

Prediction of infection Yes, colonization vs infection Yes
Scoring system for probability of sepsis; Yes, placental histology, microbiome Yes, need to define by gestational age,
infection prediction models to guide microbiome
clinical management
Isolated fever in labor Managementantipyretics, Management evaluation and antimicrobial
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, agents
antimicrobial agents
Biomarkers Prediction, consensus for design of Prediction, guidance for management,
biomarker validation studies, consensus for design of biomarker
reporting of accuracy, or all of these validation studies or reporting of accuracy
Outcomes In hospital; subsequent reproductive In hospital, morbidities; longer term outcomes
outcomes including neurodevelopment
Antimicrobial agents Timing, duration, selection of Timing, duration, selection of antimicrobial
antimicrobial agents used agents used
Postpartum events Fever, clinical course, and its
relationship to newborns care and
Epidural fever investigation Management and treatment Management and treatment
Maternal fever Timing, duration, height, and effect on Timing, duration, height, and effect on
clinical care and course clinical care and course
Duration of antimicrobial therapy Timing and selection of antimicrobial Term neonatewell-appearing
agents Term neonatesymptomatic
Term neonateresolved minor symptoms
Preterm neonate
Link studiesmother and neonate Effect of infection on neurodevelopment
cohorts impairment or cerebral palsy
Observation vs treatment Low-risk cohorts
Corticosteroids Effectsshort and long term Effects prenatal and postnatal
Microbiomematernalfetal Perturbations, influence of Symbiosis vs pathology
microbiome ecosystem gastrointestinal flora on
genitourinary flora

for study include accurate identification of infection chorioamnionitis restricted to pathologic diagnosis.
during labor and appropriate treatment of mothers The participants identified many gaps in research and
to avoid poor maternal and neonatal outcomes. Much opportunities to advance knowledge to affect care for
work is needed in the neonatal arena, particularly the health of mothers and newborns. Better evidence
evidence-based studies for the management of the to guide appropriate provision of care is desperately
well-appearing late preterm and term neonate. Trials needed.
evaluating the effects of withholding antimicrobial
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