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SOLs: Social Studies

2.5 The student will develop map skills by a) locating the equator, the seven continents,
and the five oceans on maps and globes
2.6 The student will demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title,
map legend, and compass rose.

Materials Needed:
Blank world map
Colored pencils
Grid (to discuss coordinates and the prime meridian)
Pic of earth as a grid with a labeled prime meridian

Pass out blank maps to the students
Begin by asking students what a continent is and how many there are
Have blank map projected onto the smartboard for students to look at as we talk
North america
South america
Ways to remember: North (north america), South (south america), East (europe),
and the 4 As (asia, africa, australia, antarctica)
As we go over each of the continents, students will guess where each one is on the map
and will suggest a color to make the continent
Each continent will be a different color (excluding blue because it will be the
oceans) and students will color both the continent on the map and the name at
the bottom of the paper the same color
Continue by asking students what an ocean is and how many there are
Again use projected map for students to use as a reference/example
Ways to remember: Arctic is at the top, there are 3 (4 if you count the two sides
of the pacific) in the middle - PAI, and Southern at the bottom (in the south)
As we go over each of the continents, students will guess where each one is on the map
and we will do a different design in blue for each ocean
Arctic - vertical lines
Pacific - dots
Atlantic - colored in

Indian - squiggles
Southern - horizontal lines
If time allows, go over the prime meridian
What is a grid?
Show grid
What are coordinates?
Show example of coordinates
Say that the prime meridian goes vertically through the center of the earth
Show picture of earth as a grid with the prime meridian
Draw the prime meridian on our map with a different color

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