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God gave wine

The gift of wine to remember your blood shed for us - as we look back to what you have done. Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to a wedding
feast or celebration or a wedding party, and He was likening it to a Jewish wedding!. The casual onlooker may not know that we are in Godly
control, since every time they look we are holding a drink in our hand, and they cannot know that it is the same drink they saw half an hour ago,
therefore in outward appearance we too could be wrongly accused of being drunkards and gluttons no different from those all around us.
Throughout the entire book, Scripture is the foundation of every chapter. Alcohol abuse can cause many problems, but abuse is the problem.
Nehemiah rated it really liked it Apr 05, No where in scripture does it say that God gave us wine to purify water. Just a moment while we sign you
in to your Goodreads account. Jun 25, Bob Hayton rated it really liked it Shelves: Your book helpfully pulls together many of the passages of
scripture that eased my transition. Remove any stumbling blocks that would hinder anyone from coming to Christ, or drawing closer to Christ.
Wine was also used as medicine. In many homes it is justifiably a sensitive issue. David rated it really liked it Jun 20, Here in Northern Ireland
we've often been so against alcohol in any shape or form that there are ministers who confidently teach that when Jesus turned the water into wine
He turned it into non-alcoholic wine. The water did John no harm. Gentry spends a lot of his time proving that the various words for wine in the
Bible refer to alcoholic drinks. Top of Page Back. Go forth and multiply means go forth and have sexual intercourse. The author comes from a
conservative fundamentalist background and cannot drink due to a medical condition, so those that would accuse him of coming to a conclusion
that meets a pre-supposition or a personal agenda will have to weigh the book on it's own merits. I became a wine enthusiast in the summer of at
the age of 55, after most of a lifetime as a teetotaler. That's necessary for his case because he proceeds to show the many uses of those words in
positive contexts. He also clearly states that "Too often the Bible takes the back seat in social and cultural argument for and against alcohol A good
book that demonstrates from the Scriptures the goodness of wine and deals with both abstentionists and prohibitionists arguments. Rather, it
forbids in no uncertain terms, the abuse of alcohol. Had I wished I might have started a conflagration at Worms. For in eating each one goes ahead
with his own meal, and one is hungry and another is drunk. But He cared not about their religious arrogant piety. Insightful and easy to understand.
Written by an author who does not drink, it is filled with evidence that directs toward the modernist view to be an okay one. Exactly as God
applies it. The Man, the Myth video download. Evidence for God from Science:

Florida Tropical Fruit Winery

Wine was on the list of supplies that the Persians furnished the captive Jewish people when they returned to Jerusalem Ezra 6: Copyright Christian
Reader. Personally - and it is personal between the Lord and myself - I enjoy wine, or an occasional beer, when I'm in the company of people
who know me, and know where I stand with the Lord. Find Similar Products by Category Books. Click the button below to add the God Gave
Wine: The Christian faith has been delivered once for all. Scripture says that wine is to 'gladden the heart' Psalm Christian living, biblical criticism,
alcohol Click here to Buy: However, he abused the gift of wine, fell down on top of his bed, drunk and naked. Clearly it seems more compatible
with Christian discipleship to enjoy, rather than to forego, wine. For our doctrine to be God's doctrine it must be able to accommodate everything
God has to say about it. However the continual fruit of His non condemning friendship and the demonstration of His perfect liberty in the midst of
their bondage bore testimony to His wisdom. Then one of the disciples tells Him to remember to water it down. Tony Campolo humorously
suggests that we should get T-shirts made declaring 'My God is a party Deity' At this point every religious spirit within us will be rapidly rising to
the surface! A refreshingly honest look at what the Bible actually says that is free from pandering to cultural traditions, the "wisdom" of men or
knee-jerk emotionalism. Mixed with a drug, it was used to ease suffering Matt. Of course, being drunk is a sin, but all sorts of good things can be
abused: But God has powerful restrictions to place on the use of wine. If your motto for sanctification is: So there's a careful balance. Why was
Jesus accused of being a drunkard? And for some people, God has specific personal demands regarding abstinence , and He will let these people
know of His will on this matter. The Word did it all. If your sanctification and ideal of holiness makes you aspire to be more holy than Jesus, then
you might want to tone it down a bit. Both available at www. Shall we then prohibit and abolish women? Feb 07, Jeremy rated it really liked it
Shelves: Young's Literal Translation And wine -- it rejoiceth the heart of man, To cause the face to shine from oil, And bread -- the heart of man it
supporteth. Amy Crick rated it it was amazing Jul 27, There are preachers who tell us that the wine in the last supper was non alcoholic. Alleged
Negative Passages Leviticus Kevin rated it it was amazing Apr 02, And so God's word is firm on such abuses. Total abstinence has been linked to
Godliness, and those Christians who feel at liberty in Christ to enjoy wine are often made to feel 'ungodly'. Mlimber rated it really liked it Jun 13,
Amongst the first things Noah did when he emerged safe and sound out of the ark was to plant a vineyard. We'll let Jesus have the final words on
the fruit of the vine. Lists with This Book. Andrew Sandlin , Center for Cultural Leadership. We must learn to separate the abuse from the gift and
not let Satan's religious spirits cause us to state or even imply that God's gifts are in themselves 'bad'. But He cared not about their religious
arrogant piety. Bobby Crenshaw rated it really liked it Dec 28, In this four part docu-lecture, Dr. He holds that each of these theological
distinctives are logical and theological Kenneth L. With the backdrop of Psalm But some distance away the religious pious were busy placing a
great divide between themselves and those who most needed the good news about the Kingdom of God. This is not to send people out to buy
wine, it is simply to bring God's word in to play in place of traditions made of men. You will have that 'peace'. Good Birth Ministries https: See 1
more picture.
God Gave Wine: Drinking with Christ & the Apostles (video download) - Christian Reader
Secondly, and more basically, 'wine' is fermented grape juice. Perhaps the god gave wine enjoyable part of this book is it's analysis of both Greek
and Hebrew words to prove the bible isn't merely speaking about Grape Juice, but in almsot every single instance uses a word that is directly
speaking of an Alcoholic substance such as Yayin or Oinos. If your sanctification and ideal of holiness makes you aspire to be more holy than
Jesus, then you might want to tone it down a bit. All over a righteous man's abuse of one of God's gifts to him. We cannot hold on to the negative
scriptures alone and build a man made doctrine which of necessity must then turn a blind eye to the positive scriptures. Jesus gave wine the highest
honour of representing His precious blood during the last supper, and asks His followers to use wine in remembrance of His death until God gave
wine comes. Published June 28th by Oakdown god gave wine published June 1st CJ Bowen rated it really liked it Aug 23, And if the devil can't
counterfeit God's gift, he will encourage its abuse and so bring discredit god gave wine it. Jan 02, Tim Miller rated it it was amazing. Share Tweet
Pin Email. So quite clearly, unmistakably, scripturally, wine is a good gift from God. The wine used in the New Testament church was alcoholic
wine, because Paul gave off to them about over eating over drinking and getting drunk at church. Let the culture change to reflect the glory of God
god gave wine the faith He so generously gave mankind. In this greatly revised and expanded version of his controversial book, formerly titled
The Christian and Alcoholic Beverages, Kenneth L. And so God's word is firm on such abuses. Trivia About God Gave Wine: Tony Campolo
humorously suggests that we should get T-shirts made declaring 'My God is a party Deity'. The fruit of the vine is God's gift to us to gladden our
hearts, and as with all good gifts from above, it is to be used god gave wine wisdom in order that it should be a blessing in our lives and not a gift
that has been hijacked by the devil and transformed by his evil touch into a curse. A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!
Wine was on the list of supplies that the Persians furnished the captive Jewish people when they returned to Jerusalem Ezra 6: If that were true,
how did Noah get drunk from the grapes of his vineyard? Share with us Facebook Twitter. While Gentry himself is not a drinker nor am I for lack
of any desire due to his god gave wine of the taste, he relentlessly clings to scripture. Kenneth Lee rated it it was amazing Sep 12, In this four part
docu-lecture, Dr. It is forever up to datetimeless. The earth is the Lords, and everything in it, and all things were made for His glory. Open
Preview See a Problem? To ask other readers questions about God Gave Wineplease sign god gave wine. Everything God made He declared as
'good'. A warring family line that is still outworking that original curse in the cauldron of the middle east at this very moment in time. People are free
to not drink wine, to drink wine, or to water down their wine.

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