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Ages and Stages Report Form

Childs Name: Noah Brown Date of Birth: 1/21/13

Date of Examination: 2/21/17 Date of Report: 2/22/17

Chronological Age: 4 years, 1 month, and 0 days

Examiners Name: Kalen Critchley

Name(s) of Assessment: ASQ-3

Name(s) of Other Assessment Procedures: None

Reason for Referral:

ECE 362 Class Assignment

Background Information:
Noah is the youngest of three children in his family. He is a lot younger; his two older sisters are married and
moved out on their own. Noahs parents are on the older then most of the other childrens parents that are his
age. Noah just lives with his mom and dad, and recently had his uncle move in with his family. Noah lives in a
rural community outside of the Brookings area. This is the second semester attending preschool at Pugsley, with
no prior schooling. Noahs mom works at SDSU, while his dad own Pizza King in Brookings, which is where
Noah spends most of his morning helping at the restaurant. Noahs likes to play with Legos, trucks, outdoor
activities, sand/dirt, Johnny the Tractor, sensory table, fishing with his dad, likes vehicle models and can name
them all. Noah has a large family with ten uncles and six grandparents and loves being involved and spending
time with them. Noah has a fear of the dark at times, and is a picky eater, and not willing to try new foods. Noah
does not participate in activities with other children his age besides preschool. Noah loves animals and being
around them, he finds them very interesting.

Assessment Results:
Noah scored a total of 50 point in the communication category. Noah was able to respond and meet all
expectations for communication for a 48-month-old assessment except for one question. Noah did not meet the
requirements of being able to respond to three items from a common category, Noah only responds with one
item. Noah excels in the gross motor category, he was able to successfully complete all components of catching
a large ball with both hands, climbing the rungs of a ladder, and slide down a slide, throwing a ball over his
head in the direction of a person, hops up and down on either foot, jumps forward at a distance of 20 inches, and
Noah is able to stand on one foot for at least 5 seconds. Noah is close to the cutoff mark in the fine motor
category with a point value of 25. Noah was able to put together a five to seven piece puzzle, and was able to
copy all four of the shapes provided. Sometimes Noah is able to color within the lines in a coloring book, but at
times comes outside of the 2-inch barrier. Noah is not able to cut a piece of paper in half; he uses both hands to
attempt to cut. Noah has not yet been able to unbutton one or more buttons, and does not draw a person with at
least three features. Noah reach a 60 point score In the problem solving category. Noah successfully completed
repeating, three numbers in the same order, identifying which circle was the smallest from three options, he
follows three directions that were vocalized to him, provided knowledge of knowing five different colors, he
uses Play-act, and also can count five objects in order. Noah was also successful in the personal-social
category with receiving a total score of 60 points. Noah is able to serve himself by taking food from one
container to another using utensils, he is completed all 6 options of information correctly such as stating his first
name, age, city, last name, gender, and telephone number. Noah demonstrates he is able to was his hands using
soap and water, and dry off with a towel without any help .Noah knows all his classmates names and his teaches
names. Noah demonstrates that he is able to brush his teeth and dress himself without any help.
Noah is assessed on schedule and above all the cutoffs except for fine motor. Noah should continue his course
of education by attending his preschool but also attending activities that has peer interaction with children his
age, Noah seems to enjoy being around his classmates so providing more opportunities for his will just expand
his development. The public library offers great opportunities such as puppet shows, music makers, and read
aloud books. Noah is near the cutoff in his fine motor category, these activities such as scissor use,
drawing/coloring, as well as buttons are provided in free play during free play during Noahs preschool hours.
Noah tends to stay away from these activities and plays in the areas that are more gross motor. Having these
activities infused into Noahs small groups activities can help him develop these fine motor skills. Noah has
excellent scores in communication, gross motor, problem solving, and personal-social, I do not see an need for
further action in these categories at this time.

Self-Evaluation of Testing:
Noahs dad was hesitant when I asked him about signing the release form for screening Noah. Noahs dad asked
about what the assessment involved, and what he would be doing for the assessment. I had a hard time
evaluating and providing a good environment for Noahs assessment because my mentor teacher would not
allow me to pull the child from the classroom. Some of the assessment happened naturally through observation
of the child. On the contrary it was beyond hard to assess Noah during free time, small group, and outside,
because of the activities that he was interested in doing and not wanting to be distracted by a teacher which is
totally understandable for a 4 year old. This experience taught me how every child ranges in all areas; some
may be really strong in certain areas and not as strong in others. A lot of the questions and activities that were
apart of the assessment surprised me; I was not expecting the wide range of categories apart of the assessment
such as gross motor, fine motor, language, etc. I was also taken back by asking personal questions to the family
such as hearing health, and medical information. Another question that made me feel uncomfortable was asking
Noah if he was male or female, his body language and tone of voice was like he was trying to understand why I
was asking him this question, or why I couldnt tell his gender by how he looks or is dressed. Overall the
experience was eye opening with all the information and steps that go into it, to receive the end results and

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