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85 Beautiful words of the world:

1. Cynosure: A focal point of admiration

2. Dalliance: a brief love affair
3. Ebullience: Bubbling enthusiam
4. Evanescent: Vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time
5. Insouciane: Blithe nonchalance
6. Mellifluous: sweet sounding
7. Petrichor: The smell of earth after rain
8. Quintessential: Most essential
9. Tintinnabulation: Tinkling
10. Scintilla: A spark or very small thing
11. Serendipity: Finding something nice while looking for
something else
12. Pulchritudinous: Physically beautiful
13. Imbroglio: An altercation or complicated situation
14. Halcyon: Happy, sunny, carefree
15. Elixior: Agood potion
16. Fernweh: Feeling homesickness for a place you have never
been to
17. Komorebi: the sunlight that filters through the leaves of
the trees
18. Pochemuchka: A person who asks too many questions
19. Gokotta: to wake up early in the morning with the
purpose of going outside to hear the birds sing
20. Jayus: a joke so poorly told that one cannot help but
21. Iktsuarpok: to go outside to check if anyone is coming
22. Litost: a state of agony and torment created by the
sudden sight of one's own misrey
23. Kyoikumama: a mother who relentlessly pushes her
children towards academic achievement
24. Tartle: the act of hesitating while introducing someone
because you've forgotten their name
25. Ilunga: a person who is ready to forgive the first abuse,
tolerate the second time, but never forgive nor tolerate on
the third offence
26. Wabi-Sabi: finding beauty in the imperfections, an
acceptance of the cycle of life and death
27. Schadenfreude: the feeling of pleasure derived from
someone else's misfortune
28. Hyggelig: a warm, friendly. cozy demeanor
29. Ya'aburnee: Both morbid and beautiful at the same time
30. Duende: the mysterious power that a work of art has to
deeply move a person
31. Saudade: the feeling of longing for something or someone
that you love and which is lost
32. Jolie-laide: the type of beauty who is not conventionally
attractive but has a sort of fascinatingly quirky look that
makes them even more charismatic
33. Razliubit: the bittersweet feeling of falling out of love
34. Fremdscham: embarassment you feel on behalf of
someone who is to dumb to realise they should be
embarassed by the thing they have done
35. Tsundoku: the practice of buying a bunch of books and
then not getting around to reading them
36. Chantepleure: Singing and crying at the same time
37. Voorpret: the feeling you have just before you are about
to do something fun
38. Bilita Mpash: a blissful dream in which all is forgiven and
39. Geborgenheit: the feeling that, when with a certain
person or in a certain place, that nothing could harm you
40. Koev halev: empathising with someone else so deeply that
it causes your heart to ache
41. Tocayo: someone who has the same name as you
42. Acqiver: Quiering, trembling
43. Ineffable: too great to be expressed in words
44. Nefarious: wicked, villainous, despicable
45. Limerence: the state of being infatuated with another
46. Bombinate: to make a humming or buzzing sound
47. Ethereal: extremely delicate, light, not of this world
48. Excelsior: to keep on rising
49. Arrivederci: till we meet again
50. Iridescent: producing a display of rainbow like colours
51. Aurora: Dawn
52. Epiphany: a moment of sudden revelation
53. Supine: lying face upwards
54. Syzygy: an alignment of celestial bodies
55. Phosphenes: the light and colours produced by rubbing
your eyes
56. Ephemeral: lasting for a very short time
57. Vellichor: the strange wishfulness of used bookshops
58. Sonder: the realisation that each passerby has a life as
vivid and complex as your own
59. Cromulent: appearing legitimate but actually being
60. Zeitgeist: the general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time
and place
61. Mahatvakaankshee: Ambitious
62. Chamatkaar: miracle
63. Gungunana: to hum
64. Jhilmill: to sparkle
65. Vismaya: Amazing
66. Schnapsidee: an ingenious plan one hatches while drunk
67. Waldeinsamkeit: a feeling of being alone in the woods and
feeling connected to nature
68. Toska: it is a sensation of great spritual anguish, often
without any specific cause
69. Goya: the suspension of disbelief that can occur through
70. Razbliuto: a feeling a person has for someone he or she
loved but no longer feels the same way
71. Forelsket: the indescribable euphoria experienced as you
fall in love
72. Gurfa: the amout of water that an be held in one hand
73. Trepverter: a witty riposte or comeback you think of only
when it is too late to use.
74. Fika: gathering together to talk and take a break from
everyday routines
75. Kilig: the feeling of buterflies in your stomach
76. Commuovere: often taken to mean heartwarming but
directly relates to a story that moved you to tears
77. Luftmensch: someone who is a bit of a dreamer
78. Extrawunsch: someone who is slowing things down by
being fussy
79. Mokita: the truth we all know but agree not to talk about
80. Verschlimmbessern: to make something worse when
trying to improve it
81. Abbiocco: that sleepy feeling you get after a big meal
82. Desenrascanco: the ability to improvise a quick solution
83. Mangata: the reflection of moonlight on water
84. Zaida: an alien, one who came from the outside
85. Dolilyts: to lie with your face turned down to the ground

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