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Google search string indexof

It's a public site, just go to jsperf. NoWomenNoCry 69 1 7. You can change this to a particular college if you want focus your search. By
subscribing, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. In it, you'll get: Learn, Share, Build Each month, over 50 million developers come
to Stack Overflow to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Performance wise indexOf will at the very least be slightly faster than
match. Sign up using Email and Password. Adding zip to the list of file types gets you more but often junkier results. Makes sense to me,
henceforth we'll be running with indexOf unless additional RegExp functionality is required. The correct way to run a truthy test with the return
from. It returns a boolean, which is what you care about It is more performant than str. An Array containing the entire match result and any
parentheses-captured matched results. For what it's worth, I agree with your colleagues on this: Cheers, I will do. Aside from the performance
implications, which are addressed by other answers, it is important to note that the return values for each method are different; so the methods
cannot merely be substituted without also changing your logic. Follow these steps to search these things on Google: Find music and comic books.
But if nobody of your users uses ie8 google analytics would tell you than omit this answer. Notice that I am only changing the word after the parent
directory. You ask whether str. Focused search for movies and more. You can just change the mp3 aac part to whatever file types you're looking
for, separated by pipes. To search for information about music, just type the next search string: The index within the calling String object of the first
occurrence of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex. LukeH k 40 Readability aside, are there any discernable differences
performance perhaps between using str. Search strings tell Google to search for something very specific. Both of those issues aside, if two tools do
exactly what you need them to, why not choose the simpler one? Try this search for Nirvana tracks: In your case, where you're looking for a
verbatim string, indexOf should be sufficient. Walf 3, 1 17 The week's top questions and answers Important community announcements Questions
that need answers. Obviously you can change the band name or file type to better define your search. Match when Searching Strings? If you need
to match entire words and want to avoid matching substrings, then regular expressions give you "word boundary anchors". On the other hand,
regular expression engines can be optimized, and have been improving in performance in the last years. Here are some hints to get you started. It is
very good to Use a combination of advanced search operators to specify. This searches only educational sites. When deciding which to use ask
yourself the following question:

Learn, Share, Build

Each month, over 50 million developers come to Stack Overflow to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Yogesh Mangaj 1, 4 21
As other posters have suggested, the use cases and return types of these methods are different. But if nobody of your users uses ie8 google
analytics would tell you than omit this answer. This command will find open directories with mp3 files with Pearl Jam. Here is a very specific search
string. With RegExp, you also have to make sure the string is properly escaped, which is an extra thing to think about. Sub out Nirvana for the
band you're interested in. Using this string we are using the "index of" and the inurl commands to attempt to isolate directories only. There is still
one application for regexes, though: In your case, where you're looking for a verbatim string, indexOf should be sufficient. The correct way to run a
truthy test with the return from. Here are some hints to get you started. The index within the calling String object of the first occurrence of the
specified value, starting the search at fromIndex. Sign up using Facebook. The same type of search recipe can find comic books as well. On the
other hand, regular expression engines can be optimized, and have been improving in performance in the last years. According to this jsperf test it
simple not true that indexOf is always fast: Your comparison may not be entirely fair. I should have said at the outset that this is for functions that
will be doing partial plain-string matching to pick up identifiers in class attributes for JQuery rather than full regexp searches with wildcards etc. As
you can see in the comments, some comparisons have been done that show that a regex may be faster than indexOf - if it's performance-critical,
you may need to profile your code. Using indexOf should, in theory, be faster than a regex when you're just searching for some plain text, but you
should do some comparative benchmarks yourself if you're concerned about performance. The mp3 tag on the end tells Google to look for mp3s
in these open directories. Go to the Google search bar you can find it also on the top of every page of this site In the search bar you can put any
one of these strings: NoWomenNoCry 69 1 7. Information about search strings. It is very good to Use a combination of advanced search
operators to specify. Readability aside, are there any discernable differences performance perhaps between using str. By subscribing, you agree to
the privacy policy and terms of service. We were wondering if it mattered? The test to which you refer might be accurate, or might not -- it
certainly got the RegExp wrong, which does not inspire confidence. Post as a guest Name. By registering, you agree to the privacy policy and
terms of service. When deciding which to use ask yourself the following question: You can add additional search criteria to focus your search
more. Sign up using Email and Password. You can just change the mp3 aac part to whatever file types you're looking for, separated by pipes. In it,
you'll get: Search strings tell Google to search for something very specific. Returns null if there were no matches. This isolates directories only
Apologies, I didn't supply enough info, pls see edit above. Now you do not need to search illegal sites, when you can search at Google for what
you wish for. Tim Pietzcker k 31 I thought it a fair question, coming from a Perl background, where an equivalent regex is faster than indexOf.
Adding zip to the list of file types gets you more but often junkier results. Notice that I am only changing the word after the parent directory. The
return values are different Aside from the performance implications, which are addressed by other answers, it is important to note that the return
values for each method are different; so the methods cannot merely be substituted without also changing your logic. Obviously you can change the
band name or file type to better define your search.
EZ-Google - How To Search For Music With Google
I thought it a fair question, coming from a Perl background, where an equivalent regex is faster than indexOf. It returns a boolean, which is what
you care about It is more performant than str. With RegExp, you also have to make sure the string is properly escaped, which is an extra thing to
think about. RegExp is indeed slower than indexOf you can see it herethough normally this shouldn't be an issue. By subscribing, you agree to the
privacy policy and terms of service. It's a public site, just go to jsperf. Here is a very specific search string. Indexpf you need to match entire words
and want to avoid matching substrings, then regular expressions give you "word boundary anchors". For what it's worth, I agree with your
colleagues on this: Check here - http: LukeH k 40 Adding zip to the list of google search string indexof types gets you more but often junkier
results. If you're trying to search for substring occurrences case-insensitively then match seems to be faster than a combination of indexOf and
toLowerCase. Here is an example of a string to search for MP3s: Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. The index within the calling
String object of the first occurrence of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex. According to this jsperf test it simple not true that
indexOf is always fast: An Array containing the shring match result indexoof any parentheses-captured matched results. I've just run jsperf. Post as
a guest Name. This command will find open directories with mp3 files with Pearl Jam. By registering, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of
service. Cheers, I will do. Returns strnig if the value is google search string indexof found. Sign up using Facebook. Focused search for movies
and more. To search for information about music, just type the next search string: It all comes down to the specific implementation. I personally
prefer match and regexp but colleagues seem to go the other way. This searches only educational sites. Sign up or log in StackExchange. Walf 3, 1
17 The google search string indexof type of search recipe can find comic books as well. Makes sense to me, henceforth we'll be running with
indexOf unless additional RegExp functionality is required. When deciding which to use ask yourself the following question:. Find music and comic
books. When deciding which to use ask yourself the following question: Using google search string indexof string we are using the "index of" and
the inurl commands to attempt to isolate directories only. We were google search string indexof if it mattered? Both of those issues aside, if two
tools do exactly what you need them to, why not choose the simpler one? Returns null if there were no matches. It's no apples with oranges
comparison as a trivial regex can be optimized to be as fast as indexOf. The first asks "where in ggoogle can I first find google search string
indexof Apologies, I didn't supply enough info, pls see edit above. You ask whether str. In your case, where you're looking for a verbatim string,
indexOf should be sufficient. In it, you'll get:

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