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Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein:

A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF
Detectors, and Critical Thinking

Rachel Shannon

EE 418

Dr. Mani Mina

Iowa State University

December 2016
Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

Table of Contents

Abstract. .2


Developing Beliefs in Pseudoscience.4

Pseudoscience in Mainstream Media..6

Understanding EMF Detectors8

Measuring EMF Radiation.13

Causes of Measurement Errors..15


DIY: Arduino Electric Field Probe18







Arduino Sketch..21


Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking


The purpose of this research is to critically analyze pseudoscientific claims by studying the belief

system of pseudoscience supporters and the physics of popular ghost hunting devices,

specifically, EMF detectors, in which an Arduino sensor capacitor circuit is demonstrated. The

goal is to identify why a belief in pseudoscience exists despite the amount of evidence against it

and to identify sources of error in measurement devices which may be misconstrued by

paranormal investigators as evidence of ghostly entities. A belief in pseudoscience has been

found to be associated with the amount of formal education an individual receives.

Consequently, many who become paranormal investigators lack the training required to produce

substantial, empirical evidence of the paranormal. A flaw found in the investigation process of

paranormal researchers is placed on the limitation of understanding of their own electrical

devices in terms of what is being measured and how the device is taking measurements. The

question as to if ghosts exists is dependent on the belief of an individual and the ability for that

individual to critically analyze information.

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking


In a world where information is readily present and opinions obfuscate if not overrule fact, it

may be difficult to differentiate what is true from what is false. This misinformation - and the

opinions which are built upon it - can be detrimental to the progress of society. This is evident by

the recent presidential election in which the GOP candidate, Donald Trump, has been voted in as

President-Elect Trump. How could a man with dangerous rhetoric win the hearts of many

Americans? The answer is simple: he appealed to peoples emotions (Edsall, 2015). Donald

Trump spoke in a way that tapped into the American people's dissatisfaction with the

establishment. By tapping into how the American people were feeling, he was able to influence

supporters into thinking that he was the man for the job.

A much less polarizing topic, but as equally influenced by emotions and non-fact based opinions,

is the realm of ghost hunting and the supernatural. As such, it is important to analyze

pseudoscientific claims by employing critical thinking techniques, objectively examining certain

alleged or perceived truths pertaining to the supernatural. In light of the popular nature of the

topic, it is incumbent upon members of the scientific community to investigate and inform the

public of any erroneous claims or logical fallacies (Hines, 2003).

The way in which data is measured largely determines if it can be used as legitimate evidence. It

is then vital to analyze the tools and methods of measuring supernatural phenomenon, as many

different types of tools are now being cited as providing evidence of the paranormal. By using

critical thinking and the scientific method, we can review the methods employed by paranormal

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

investigators to assist in discerning the validity of their claims. To this end, we will review the

physics of one such popular measurement device - the EMF detector - to determine potential

sources of error that may register as evidence of the paranormal.

Developing Beliefs in Pseudoscience

In psychology, the essence of cognitive-behavior therapy is derived from the theory that how we

think impacts how we feel and behave (Seltzer, 2008). Unfortunately, feelings seem to rule the

day, and judgment on the validity of statements seems more heavily influenced by emotions and

opinions rather than facts or logic. Opinions are not facts. Fact is something that can be checked

and supported with evidence. A better definition of fact is objective truth in which it does not

matter if one does not believe in it, it still holds true. The fact that the earth is round is an

objective truth. Yet to this day the argument that the earth is flat versus that the earth is round

still exists evident by the Twitter quarrel between musical artist B.o.B. and American

astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson (Wagner, 2016). Feelings, which most opinions are based on,

are in itself based on a belief or view. Ones ability to critically analyze information and

determine whether it is emotionally or quantitatively based tells a lot about how a person thinks

and perceives reality. According to self-affirmation theory, an individual will reduce the impact

of threat, i.e. evidence contrary to their beliefs, by focusing their attention on other areas that still

provide them a sense of self-worth (Cohen, et al., 2000). In other words, individuals will look for

evidence that supports their beliefs while neglecting evidence that tells them otherwise.

Self-affirming bias may help explain why so many believe in pseudoscience. Rather than

adapting inquiry, open-mindedness, and critical thinking as a basis to understanding the

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

unknown, many people find it easier to believe some perceived truth that aligns with their

personal beliefs, all in the name of self-preservation. It seems that in order to reduce the degree

to which self-affirming bias can be detrimental to an individuals intellectual growth, the ability

to be open-minded is necessary.

Open-mindedness is an aim of education where it becomes a skill useful in achieving new aims

by breaking down resistance to new ideas (Hare, 1993). Thus, to fully comprehend how an

individual develops beliefs in pseudoscience, it is necessary to examine their education. Studies

show that a belief in pseudoscience is related to the level of formal education in an individual.

The study conducted by the National Science Foundation looked at public attitudes and

understanding of Americans in regards to science and technology spanning from 1979 to present

day. The participants were at least of 18 years of age and education was taken into consideration,

however, not religion. The NSF looked at indicators of basic scientific literacy: the degrees to

which respondents demonstrated understanding of basic scientific terms, concepts, and facts; the

ability of the individual to comprehend how science and technology generates and assesses

evidence; and the capacity to distinguish science from pseudoscience (National Science

Foundation, 2014).

The results concluded that younger generations are less likely to believe in pseudoscience than

older generations. On average, younger generations have had more formal education than

Americans coming into adulthood 50 years ago (Patten & Fry, 2015). The study also took into

consideration the type of education one receives: high school degree or less; a two-year college

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

degree; a baccalaureate; and an advanced degree (Losh, et al., 2003). Those who have specific

majors in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields are less likely than

business majors to believe in pseudoscience.

Although Americans are more educated today than generations before, about one-third still

support pseudoscience like astrology and nearly half reject evolution (Losh, et al., 2003). This

begs several questions: How are schools teaching science literacy? How can belief in

pseudoscience be reduced? Is there enough inquiry into critically thinking? It should be

suggested that educational institutions should include in their science classes an analysis in

regards to why others believe in ghosts and the paranormal itself which can help students discern

the process of scientific inquiry from those of pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience in Mainstream Media

The popularity of pseudoscience can be attributed in part to television programs where

paranormal investigators attempt to debunk the presence of paranormal activity in various

locations. Shows like the Sci-Fi Channels Ghost Hunters, launched in 2004, proved to be a

rating success, drawing nearly 3 million viewers regularly by its third season. The success of

Ghost Hunters gave rise to a plethora of paranormal-themed reality shows like A&Es

Paranormal State, Biographys Celebrity Ghost Stories, the Discovery Channels Ghost Lab, and

the Travel Channels Ghost Adventures. The influence of these shows on the population

contributes greatly to how the media can shape beliefs about the paranormal (Brewer, 2012).

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

A belief that many ghost hunters share is the belief that strong support for the existence of ghosts

can be found in modern physics. A Google search renders nearly 16 million results and many

sources, mostly paranormal websites, cite Albert Einstein as offering a scientific basis for the

reality of ghosts. Often many believers spout that Albert Einstein said that matter cannot be

created or destroyed, which is commonly known in the scientific community as the Second Law

of Thermodynamics. For example, ghost researcher John Kachuba, in his book "Ghosthunters"

(2007, New Page Books), writes, "Einstein proved that all the energy of the universe is constant

and that it can neither be created nor destroyed. ... So what happens to that energy when we die?

If it cannot be destroyed, it must then, according to Dr. Einstein, be transformed into another

form of energy. What is that new energy? ... Could we call that new creation a ghost (Radford,

2011)?" Clearly, an understanding of basic science is amiss. When an organism dies, its energy

basically goes back into the environment: as food for other organisms such as plants which

absorb it from the earth, and consumption of flesh by other animals. Energy is simply broken

down for use by the surrounding environment.

While many ghost hunters believe that ghosts are a manifestation of energy after death, they also

hold the belief that ghostly energies can be measured with devices such as the ever popular EMF

(electromagnetic field) detector. The EMF detector is the modern day ghost researcher's

tracking device, a very important piece of equipment according to, a

website that gives advice on how to ghost hunt and what to bring. It is also evident from

watching paranormal reality shows and doing a little research that the EMF detector is the go-to

device. Private firm, Richmond Investigators of the Paranormal, lists off a few essential devices

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

to bring along in investigations such as, not surprisingly, an EMF detector and a temperature gun

(Ahmed, 2011). Tom Cook of, explains how EMF detectors work: "At a

haunted location," Cook said, "strong, erratic fluctuating EMFs are commonly found. It seems

these energy fields have some definite connection to the presence of ghosts. The exact nature of

that connection is still a mystery. However, the anomalous fields are easy to find. Whenever you

locate one, a ghost might be present....any erratic EMF fluctuations you may detect may indicate

ghostly activity (Radford, 2006)." Paranormal investigators often rely on these high-tech

gadgets to produce evidence of ghosts. To understand exactly what kind of evidence

paranormal investigators are collecting, it is essential to understand their measurement devices

and the method of which they obtain that data.

Understanding EMF Detectors

EMF detectors, or meters, were originally designed to look for electromagnetic pollution,

another pseudoscientific claim originating from the mid-1970s, out of fear that electromagnetic

fields from power lines caused cancer, particularly in children who live near power lines (Hines,

2003. p.389). This pseudoscientific claim still persists today even when the National Cancer

Institute clearly states:

Numerous epidemiologic studies and comprehensive reviews of the scientific literature have

evaluated possible associations between exposure to non-ionizing EMFs and risk of cancer in

children (1214). (Magnetic fields are the component of non-ionizing EMFs that are usually

studied in relation to their possible health effects.) Most of the research has focused on leukemia

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

and brain tumors, the two most common cancers in children. Studies have examined associations

of these cancers with living near power lines, with magnetic fields in the home, and with

exposure of parents to high levels of magnetic fields in the workplace. No consistent evidence

for an association between any source of non-ionizing EMF and cancer has been found.

In 2002, the International Agency for for Research on Cancer (IARC), a component of the World

Health Organization, appointed Working Group to review all evidence of such claims and

classified ELF-EMFs as possibly carcinogenic to humans, based on limited evidence; and

static electric and magnetic fields, and extremely low frequency electric fields were determined

not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans (National Cancer Institute, 2016). The

possibility of carcinogenic effects on humans, though based on limited evidence, is clearly

taken seriously by companies wanting to make a profit evident by websites such as; whose services are designed for anyone seeking a healthier indoor

environment and peace of mind,; home to the International Association of Certified

Home Inspectors who provide articles to the public like EMFs in the Home, and; a company that provides cost-effective, technology-based solutions to

problems regarding electric and magnetic fields. Though these businesses mean well, they only

magnify the hysteria regarding cancer causing EMF radiation. This particular movement is

similar to the stances that anti-vaxxers have against immunizations. The only legitimate use for

those who offer services is in identifying any electrical wiring problems within residences and

businesses. A much more legitimate concern of EMF radiation are from sources of high energy,

like microwaves, x-rays, and gamma rays which are strong enough to damage human DNA

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

rather than consumer electronics and wiring (Shermer, 2010). While the concern for health is

undoubtedly important, it is the ability to discern information that will help reduce the amount of

misinformation flooding through our newsfeeds, social media, and our everyday lives (Isaac,


Paranormal investigators often explain EMF detectors as a device to look for spikes in the EMF

signal, with the spike suggesting a change in electrical current, and thus a spirit being (Veronese,

2012). Many paranormal investigators give this generic explanation and never actually dive into

the true physics of how an EMF detector works. A popular EMF detector promoted by

paranormal enthusiasts is the TriField Broadband Meter 100XE manufactured in the USA by

AlphaLab, Inc. This device is recommended by sites such as who review

ghost hunting equipment and an outdoor recreational lifestyle website with a

slant on the paranormal and ghosts.

The Trifield BroadBand 100XE Meter is described as a gaussmeter, electric field meter, radio

field strength meter in a single unit. According to the product page the meter features and

application include:


Detects the three types of electromagnetic pollution: AC magnetic fields, AC electric

fields, and radio/microwaves.

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

AC magnetic and electric fields are 3-axis, allowing quick accurate readings regardless of

meter orientation.

Two magnetic ranges cover 0.2-100 milligauss.

This is sufficiently sensitive to detect the background field almost anywhere (except far

from civilization), while measuring up to very strong AC fields.

Electric range covers 5-1000 V/m (or .5-100 kV/m with original version of the Trifield


Radio/microwave covers 10 to 1000 microwatts/square cm which includes the maximum

permissible public exposure levels in all countries.

Operates about 40 hours on replaceable standard 9V battery, has a low battery indicator.

Analog (needle-type) display has very fast response time compared to digital. (However,

AlphaLab also manufactures digital meters.)


Measures AC (artificial) magnetic fields rapidly. (Does not measure DC of static fields,

such as the Earth Field. Click here for other magnetic meters).

Measures AC electric fields rapidly, such as from overhead power lines or improperly

grounded equipment. Can locate wiring in walls (using the 100XE version).

Measures major RF/microwave sources such as leakage from microwave ovens, or the

field near cell towers. (Note that wireless internet transmitters and individual cell phone

are designed to emit very little power and usually are well below international RF

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

exposure threshold. Consequently, the Trifield Meter will only detect these if very near

the source.)


Extensive research indicates that there exists no true technical document outlining the physics of

how consumer EMF devices work, only Users Manuals and product descriptions which provide

the user on how to read and operate the device to measure electric and magnetic fields. Thus, we

must rely on the branch of physics concerning electromagnetism to understand how electric

fields and magnetic fields are measured.

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

Measuring EMF

To measure a field without interrupting the field itself, the desired measurement is the fields

effect on another object. There are two basic models for which an electric field and a magnetic

field is measured: the parallel plate capacitor and the Hall effect, respectively (, 2016).

The parallel plate capacitor model consists of two thin parallel conductive plates over an area A,

separated by a dielectric with permittivity . A charge density = Q/A exists on the surface of

the plate. The electric field E, is separated by a distance d, between the two plates, and the

electric field near the center of the device is of uniform magnitude E=/. The electric field E is

measured either in volts/meter or Newtons/Coulomb. Thus, the electric field can be defined as

the electric force per unit charge given in the following equation

E = F /q

where E and F are vectors, and F is the electric force in Newtons, and q is the charge in

Coulombs (Sadiku, 2015).

Figure 1: parallel plate capacitor model

The voltage is defined as the line integral of the electric field between the plates:

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

d d
V = E dz = dz = d = Q
0 0

When applying the parallel plate capacitor model for use in devices to detect an electric field, it

would be advantageous to measure the voltage and use that data in return to calculate the electric

field. A sensor device to determine the distance between the conducting plate on the device and

the conducting source being detected may also prove to be useful in the design.

To measure a magnetic field, one should consider the Hall effect as it is extensively used as a

magnetic probe. The Hall effect is named after and discovered in 1879 by Edwin Hall. The Hall

effect is the production of potential difference across an electrical conductor due to the force

exerted on the charges when a magnetic field is present. This force is called the Lorentz force

and can be described by the following equation

F = qE + qv B .

If a particle of charge q and velocity v are present in an electric field E and magnetic field B,

then a that particle would experience a force (Sadiku, 2015).

Figure 2: The model for the Hall effect.

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

The Hall effect can be demonstrated by running current through a conducting plate. When a

magnetic field is nearby, force should then be exerted on the charged particles and the potential

across the plate can be measured.

Causes of Measurement Errors

Paranormal investigators often do not think about reducing variables during investigations due to

a lack of training in scientific inquiry. Variables like recording equipment, a conducting or

ferrous metal object nearby, or naturally occurring geomagnetic fields can all cause the EMF

detector to spike. These are all causes of measurement errors that need to be taken into

consideration when investigating haunted locations. It was stated earlier that EMF meters were

originally designed to measure mains-frequency magnetic and electric fields in buildings. Using

a device not suitable to its design is a vital flaw in measurement itself (Townsend, 2011). The act

of being directly involved during data acquisition creates a sleuth of variables that can interrupt

proper measurement methods. To properly conduct measurements in a haunted location, a

baseline reading of every device, if possible, should be taken of the area for at least 24 hours. No

actual human should be present in the area of investigation, only the equipment itself. It would

also be useful to take a geographic survey of the area to determine any man-made or natural

source of electromagnetic fields.

If these causes of error are being misinterpreted as evidence of ghosts by paranormal

investigators, then it should follow that ghosts do not exist particularly due to the fact that the

link between ghost and electromagnetic fields has not yet been proven. For those who still

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

believe in the reality of ghosts, there exists the MWI, the Many Worlds Interpretation, that states

that all realizations of reality are possible and exist in parallel (Vaidman, 2014). For those who

do not believe that ghost exists, The Ghost in the Machine, is an article published in the Journal

of the Society for Psychical Research authored by Vic Tandy and Tony Lawrence of Coventry

University, a public research university located in Coventry, England. The abstract states,In this

paper we outline an as yet undocumented natural cause for some cases of ostensible haunting.

Using the first authors own experience as an example, we show how a 19hz standing air wave

may under certain conditions create sensory phenomena suggestive of a ghost. The mechanics

and physiology of this ghost in the machine effect is outlined. Spontaneous case researchers are

encouraged to rule out this potential natural explanation for paranormal experience in future

cases of the haunting or poltergeist type.


The unknown makes most people uncomfortable, and to preserve self-worth, many people turn

to sources like pseudoscience to confirm their beliefs instead of challenging their beliefs with

critical thinking. It is then necessary to teach critical thinking not only as a tool for science but as

a tool of living. Paranormal investigators, who often fall into the realm of pseudoscience, mean

well but often misinterpret data due to the lack of training in scientific inquiry. This does not

mean that the paranormal is nonexistent. This just means that the investigator needs to be

cognizant about sources of error. Methods of measurement, emotionally and quantitatively, need

to be reassessed so that true empirical evidence can be found. Thus, it is important to keep

looking into the mysterious, into the unknown.

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which

stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder,

no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. -Albert Einstein

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

DIY: Arduino Electric Field Probe

This Arduino EMF detector is adapted from Makezine. Makezine is a source that provides

do-it-yourself projects for the general hobbyist. This EMF detector is modified to be equipped

with audio and assumes that the user is familiar with using an Arduino. Further discussion is

included on the physics of how the Arduino EMF detector collects and converts data into useful



Makezine describes and suggests that the Arduino EMF detector truly senses EMF radiation. The

goal of this project is to determine the source being measured. It is hypothesized that the source

is only an electric field and not truly an electromagnetic field as the original project suggests. For

example, let us apply the parallel plate capacitor model. Let the antenna probe be one of the

capacitor plates and the human body be the other. The human body is a well known source of

capacitance (ESD Association, 2010. Fundamentals of Electrostatic Charge). When the detector

senses the electric field present between the human body and the wire antenna, it takes the input

as voltage ranging between 0 and 5 volts then using an A/D, converts that data into integers

ranging from 0-1023 which can be mapped to an indicating device, like an LED for visual, and

piezo element for audio (Arduino, 2016. analogRead).


Arduino Uno
LED (10)
1M ohm resistor (3) or 3.3M ohm resistor (1)
330 ohm resistor (10)
piezo element

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking


1. Connect Arduino to a computer and create a new sketch.

2. Recreate t he diagram below on the breadboard and Arduino.

Figure 1. Created with fritzing v0.9.3 -

3. Copy and paste the Arduino sketch provided. See section: Arduino Sketch

4. Open serial monitor to view data for calibration.

5. Compile and upload.

6. Observe what you see.

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking


The detector worked well near microwaves, outlets, and various household electronics. Touching

the antenna indicated a voltage reading. Production of electric field by humans is weak, thus

decreasing distance between the source and self generates an electric field detectable by the

meter. The addition of the piezo element for audio caused the Arduino to constantly detect.


The addition of the piezo element may have caused extra noise to be detected. Another source of

noise may have been coming from the Arduino itself. To reduce noise, an addition of a filter

needs to be implemented. To confirm electric field detection for this particular model in case, a

known source of constant electric field radiation that illicites between 0 and 5v on the meter can

be used as a test source. Collecting multiple sets of data and comparing the calculated electric

field to that of the theoretical value of the field should help in determining the source being

detected. To create a true EMF detector, a true capacitive sensor circuit is suggested, and the

addition of a hall-effect sensor is recommended.

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

Arduino Sketch:
//Electric Field Probe// By Rachel Shannon // EE 418 // Iowa State University// December 2016
//This sketch is a modification of a popular Arduino EMF detector.
//Modification consist of the addition of a piezo element to audibly
//alert the user of an electric field in conjunction with the existing LED bargraph.
//The purpose of this project was to determine how this particular EMF detector
//collects data as input, and determining that source of data. It is hypothesized that
//the input being collected is an electrical field, not an electromagnetic field as the original
//project suggests.
//original code/project by Aaron ALAI -
//modified for use w/ LED bargraph by Collin Cunningham -
//modified for use w/audio by Rachel Shannon -

#include "pitches.h" // definitions of notes to frequencies

#define NUMREADINGS 15 // raise this number to increase data smoothing

//Create an array of notes being called from pitches.h

int note[] = {NOTE_C5, NOTE_D5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_F5, NOTE_G5, NOTE_A5, NOTE_B5, NOTE_C6, NOTE_D6, NOTE_E6};
int noteDuration[] = {4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4}; //note length

int senseLimit = 15; // raise this number to decrease sensitivity (up to 1023 max)
int probePin = A5; // analog 5
int val = 0; // reading from probePin

int LED1 = 2; // connections

int LED2 = 3; // to
int LED3 = 4; // LED
int LED4 = 5; // bargraph
int LED5 = 6; // anodes
int LED6 = 7; // with
int LED7 = 8; // resistors
int LED8 = 9; // in
int LED9 = 10; // series
int LED10 = 11; //
int speaker = 12; //modification

// variables for smoothing

int readings[NUMREADINGS]; // the readings from the analog input

int index = 0; // the index of the current reading
int total = 0; // the running total
int average = 0; // final average of the probe reading

void setup() {

pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // specify LED bargraph outputs

pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); //SPEAKER

Serial.begin(9600); // initiate serial connection for debugging/etc

for (int i = 0; i < NUMREADINGS; i++)

readings[i] = 0; // initialize all the readings to 0

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

void loop() {

val = analogRead(probePin); // take a reading from the probe

if(val >= 1){ // if the reading isn't zero, proceed

val = constrain(val, 1, senseLimit); // turn any reading higher than the senseLimit value into the senseLimit value iterates
val = map(val, 1, senseLimit, 1, 1023); // remap the constrained value within a 1 to 1023 range

total -= readings[index]; // subtract the last reading

readings[index] = val; // read from the sensor
total += readings[index]; // add the reading to the total
index = (index + 1); // advance to the next index

if (index >= NUMREADINGS) // if we're at the end of the array...

index = 0; // ...wrap around to the beginning

average = total / NUMREADINGS; // calculate the average

if (average > 50){ // if the average is over 50 ...

digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); // light the first LED
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH); // and play a note to the speaker
tone(12, note[0], 1000/noteDuration[0] ); //assign note frequency and duration
else{ // and if it's not ...
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); // turn that LED off

if (average > 150){ // and so on ...

digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[1], 1000/noteDuration[0] );
digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);

if (average > 250){

digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[2], 1000/noteDuration[0] );
digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);

if (average > 350){

digitalWrite(LED4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[3], 1000/noteDuration[0] );
digitalWrite(LED4, LOW);

if (average > 450){

digitalWrite(LED5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[4], 1000/noteDuration[0] );

digitalWrite(LED5, LOW);

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking

if (average > 550){

digitalWrite(LED6, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[5], 1000/noteDuration[0] );
digitalWrite(LED6, LOW);

if (average > 650){

digitalWrite(LED7, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[6], 1000/noteDuration[0] );
digitalWrite(LED7, LOW);

if (average > 750){

digitalWrite(LED8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[7], 1000/noteDuration[0] );
digitalWrite(LED8, LOW);

if (average > 850){

digitalWrite(LED9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[8], 1000/noteDuration[0] );
digitalWrite(LED9, LOW);

if (average > 950){

digitalWrite(LED10, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH);
tone(12, note[9], 1000/noteDuration[0] );
digitalWrite(LED10, LOW);

Serial.println(val); // use output to aid in calibrating

// delay(); //enable delay to slow down readings to serial monitor

Ghosts, Trump, and Einstein: A Foray into Pseudoscience, EMF Detectors, and Critical Thinking


Ahmed, B. (2011, October 31). Paranormal Technology: Gadgets For Ghost-Tracking.

Retrieved from

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