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activity pages just for our NICU brothers and sisters

Hand to Hold wants to support you in your journey. Whether you are a family who is experiencing or
has experienced the premature birth of a baby, received a diagnosis of a special health care need or
has experienced the loss of a child, we are here to listen and to help. We believe that these things
impact the entire family, and we have a comprehensive support program in place to meet you and Platinum Sponsor
those you love right where you are. If you are in need of support, need resources or would just Hand to Hold
love for somebody to listen, please visit or call 855-424-6428. Sibling Support Program
Hand to Hold knows that the premature birth of a baby, a baby born with special health care
needs or the loss of a baby due to these and other complications affects the lives of all family
members. Like parents, siblings need support, encouragement and information to process and
understand the challenging things happening in their family. It is important to keep in mind that
the sibling relationship is often the most influential and longest lasting relationship in the family
unit. We are committed to Sibling Support the combination of programs, information,
resources and events that provide support, comfort, encouragement and understanding to
siblings. This program will help to reduce the impact that having a baby brother or sister in the
NICU, a brother or sister born with special health care needs or the loss of a brother or sister
due to these and other complications has on the youngest members of the family unit.
Hand to Hold understands that siblings are special and aims to ensure that siblings facing the
circumstances above have the best possible outcome.

Note to Parents

It can be very stressful to have a baby in the NICU. During this time, it is helpful to include
siblings as much as possible. Explain in simple terms what is happening with your new baby.
Keep in mind that siblings need to be reminded that they have not caused the baby to be early,
sick or small. They need to be reminded that they are not the cause of your current worries,
and that what the baby has will not cause others to be sick. Most of all, you should reserve
special time just for them, and remind them daily of your constant and unconditional love.
More than ever, they need to feel secure, valued, safe, and loved by you and others.

For resources please visit our website at

Platinum Sponsor
Hand to Hold
Sibling Support Program
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mother bird and her babies

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Hand to Hold wants to support you in your journey. Whether you are a family who is experiencing or
has experienced the premature birth of a baby, received a diagnosis of a special health care need or
has experienced the loss of a child, we are here to listen and to help. We believe that these things
impact the entire family, and we have a comprehensive support program in place to meet you and Platinum Sponsor
those you love right where you are. If you are in need of support, need resources or would just Hand to Hold
love for somebody to listen, please visit or call 855-424-6428. Sibling Support Program
Find 10 Hidden Giraffes
Hand to Hold wants to support you in your journey. Whether you are a family who is experiencing or
has experienced the premature birth of a baby, received a diagnosis of a special health care need or
has experienced the loss of a child, we are here to listen and to help. We believe that these things
impact the entire family, and we have a comprehensive support program in place to meet you and Platinum Sponsor
those you love right where you are. If you are in need of support, need resources or would just Hand to Hold
love for somebody to listen, please visit or call 855-424-6428. Sibling Support Program
Hand to Hold wants to support you in your journey. Whether you are a family who is experiencing or
has experienced the premature birth of a baby, received a diagnosis of a special health care need or
has experienced the loss of a child, we are here to listen and to help. We believe that these things
impact the entire family, and we have a comprehensive support program in place to meet you and Platinum Sponsor
those you love right where you are. If you are in need of support, need resources or would just Hand to Hold
love for somebody to listen, please visit or call 855-424-6428. Sibling Support Program
Recommended Book List for Children

No Bigger Than My Teddy Bear by Valerie Pankow, Illustrated by Gwen Connoly (ages 3-7). This picture book uses simple, straight forward language to describe
the NICU experience as seen through the eyes of a new big brother. Family Books, 2004.

My Brother is a Preemie/My Sister is a Preemie: A Children's Guide to the NICU Experience by Abraham R. Chuzzlewit and Dr. Jos. A. Vitterito ll (ages 3-9). A
brief child-friendly introduction to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit meant for siblings or young relatives. Ideally this book should be read together with your
children before visiting the hospital to help alleviate some of the fears or uncertainties associated with visiting a baby in the hospital. CreateSpace, 2010.

My Baby Sister is a Preemie by Diana M. Amadeo, illustrated by Cheri Bladholm (ages 4-8). ln this story about a baby who arrives too soon, Sarah can see that
Mommy and Daddy are worried, and that tiny Amy is sick. But her parents help her to see that God is with the family. A special section at the end written by R.
Scott Stehouwer, PhD, provides suggestions for parents and caregivers, Zonder Kids, 2005. Available for Kindle.

Katie's Premature Brother by Elizabeth Hawkins-Walsh, Illustrated by Anne Catharine Blake (ages 9-12). Includes both English and Spanish translations. Come
with Katie and visit her new brother. "She couldn't wait until that special day when he would come home. She already liked Christopher, and she just knew he
was going to like her too." Centering Corporation, 2006.

Sibling and Coping

That's When I'm Happy by Beth Shoshan, illustrated by Jacqueline East (ages 2-6). Baby bear reminds
himself that even when things are gloomy there are still things that make him happy, like running through
the leaves or cuddling with mommy. Parragon, lncorporated 2007.

I'd Rather Have an Iguana by Heidi Stetson Mario (ages 3-7). When Mom and Dad bring home a new baby,
big sister is not amused. Amid the commotion and disrupted routines, the little girl sulks and wishes she d
been given an iguana instead. Charlesbridge, 1998.

Barfburger Baby, I Was Here First by Paula Danziger (ages 4-7). Jonathon can't figure out why grown-ups
love babies! But he is going to have to get used to being a big brother. He is not the only kid in the family
anymore, and he is not happy. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2004. Puffin, 2007.

A Pocket Full of Kisses by Audrey Penn, illustrated by Barbara Leonard Gibson (ages 4-8). Raccoon has a
baby brother, and the baby brother is taking over his territory. But Mrs. Raccoon soothes his fears with her
own special brand of wisdom, finding just the right way to let Raccoon know he is deeply loved. Child and
Family Press, 2004.

Activity pages developed and illustrated by David Merchen

Hand to Hold wants to support you in your journey. Whether you are a family who is experiencing or
has experienced the premature birth of a baby, received a diagnosis of a special health care need or
has experienced the loss of a child, we are here to listen and to help. We believe that these things
impact the entire family, and we have a comprehensive support program in place to meet you and Platinum Sponsor
those you love right where you are. If you are in need of support, need resources or would just Hand to Hold
love for somebody to listen, please visit or call 855-424-6428. Sibling Support Program

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