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Teddy bears

Two bears are made from the same pattern

Large Ted is 27cms tall Small Ted is 16cms tall

Materials for large ted

UK 4.00mm US G crochet hook

About 140g of DK wool (yarn) any colour
Small amount of black wool for the nose
2 Safety eyes if you are making it for children
2 black buttons for eyes if its not for children
A piece of ribbon
Strong sewing thread
A large sewing needle

Materials for small ted

Old UK 1/0 US 3 crochet hook

About 50g of 1ply wool (yarn)any colour
Black embroidery thread
Strong sewing thread
A large sewing needle
Black wool (yarn) for eyes
A piece of ribbon
Sc =Single crochet
( )=number of stitches


1. Make a magic circle with 6sts

2. 2sc in each st around (12)
3. 1sc in the first st then 2sc in the next st around (18)
4. 1sc in the next 2sts then 2sc in the next st around (24)
5. 1sc in the next 3sts then 2sc in the next st around (30)
6. 1sc in the next 4sts then 2sc in the next st around (36)
7. 1sc in the next 5sts then 2sc in the next st around (42)
8. 1sc in the next 6sts then 2sc in the next st around (48)
9. 1sc in the next 7sts then 2sc in the next st around (54)
10. 1sc in the next 8sts then 2sc in the next st around (60)
11. Work 7 rounds
12. 1sc in the next 8sts then 2sc invisible dec around (54)
13. 1sc in the next 7sts then 2sc invisible dec around (48)
14. 1sc in the next 6sts then 2sc invisible dec around (42)
15. 1sc in the next 5sts then 2sc invisible dec around (36)
16. 1sc in the next 4sts then 2sc invisible dec around (30)
17. 1sc in the next 3sts then 2sc invisible dec around (24)
18. 1sc in the next 2sts then 2sc invisible dec around (18)
19. Place the safety eyes 12 rounds down from the magic ring and about 8sts between each eye
20. Stuff the head
21. 1sc in the first st then 2sc invisible dec around (12)
22. Add more stuffing if needed
23. 2sc invisible dec until the hole is closed

1. Make a magic with 6sts

2. 2sc in each st around
3. 1sc in the first st then 2sc in the next st around (18)
4. 1sc in the next 2sts then 2sc in the next st around (24)
5. 1sc in the next 3sts then 2sc in the next st around (30)
6. Work 1 round
7. 1sc in the next 4sts then 2sc in the next st around (36)
8. Work 1 round
9. 1sc in the next 5sts then 2sc in the next st around (42)
10. Work 1 round
11. 1sc in the next 5sts then 2sc invisible dec around (36)
12. Work 1 round
13. 1sc in the next 4sts then 2sc invisible dec around (30)
14. Work 1 round
15. 1sc in the next 3sts then 2sc invisible dec around (24)
16. Work 5 rounds
17. 1sc in the next 2sts then 2sc invisible dec around (18)
18. Work 1 round
19. Stuff the body
20. 1sc in the first st then 2sc invisible dec around (12)
21. Add more stuffing if needed
22. 2sc invisible dec until the hole is closed
23. Fasten off


1. Make a magic circle with 6sts

2. 2sc in each st around (12)
3. 1sc in the first st then 2sc in the next st around (18)
4. 1sc in the next 2sts then 2sc in the next st around (24)
5. 1sc in the next 10sts then 2sc in the next 5sts (29)
6. 1sc in the next 7sts then 2sc in the next 5sts (34)
7. Work 2 rounds.
8. 1sc in the first st then 2sc invisible dec around (24)
9. Fasten off.

Ears (make 2)

1. Make a magic circle with 6sts

2. Dont join the circle instead chain 1 and turn then put 2sc in each st (12)
3. Chain 1 and turn, then put 1sc in the first st then 2sc in the next st around(18)
4. Chain 1 and work 1 row.

Paws and arms (make 2)

1. Make a magic circle with 6 sts

2. Dont join the circle instead chain 1 and turn, then put 2sc in each st (12)
3. Chain 1 and turn, then put 1sc in the first st then 2sc in the next st around (18)
4. Chain 1 and turn, then put 1sc in the next 2 sts then 2sc in the next st around (24)
5. Chain 1 and turn, then put 1sc in the next 3 sts then 2sc in the next st around (30)
6. Fasten off
7. Repeat rounds 1-5 again to make the second half of the paw BUT DONT FASTEN OFF
8. With the right side facing pick up 9sts along the open edge
9. Then chain 1 and pick up 9sts along the edge of the first half of the paw

10. Then chain 1 and join to the second half of the paw you should have 20sts

11. Work 2 rounds.

12. Cut the wool (yarn) BUT DONT FASTEN OFF
13. Turn the paw halves inside out and sew the open edges together leaving the top edge open

14. Turn the paw right side out then re-join the wool (yarn) and carry on working from where
you left off.
15. Work 10 rounds. (if you are making the smaller bear stuff the paw first then the arm every
few rounds)
16. 1sc in the next 3sts then 2sc invisible dec around (16)
17. Stuff the arm.
18. 1sc in the next 2sts then 2sc invisible dec around (12)
19. Add more stuffing if needed.
20. 2sc invisible dec until the hole is closed.
21. Fasten off.

Foot and leg (make 2)

1. Make a magic circle with 6sts

2. 2sc in each st (12)
3. 1sc in the next 4sts then 2sc in the next 4sts, then 1sc in the next 4sts (16)
4. 1sc in the first st then 2sc in the next st around (24)
5. 1sc in the next 9sts then 2sc in the next 9sts, then 1sc in the next 6sts (33)
6. 1sc in the next 2sts then 2sc in the next st around (44)
7. Work 1 round in the back loops only.
8. Work 3 rounds normally.
9. 1sc in the next 15sts, then (*1sc in the next st, then 2sc invisible dec*) repeat(**) 6 times,
then1sc in the next 7sts (37)
10. 1sc in the next 13sts, then (*1sc in the next st, then 2sc invisible dec*) repeat(**)6 times,
then 1sc in the next 7sts (31)
11. 1sc in the next 14sts, then (*2sc invisible dec *) repeat (**) 7 times, then 1sc in the next 4 sts

12. Work 15 rounds. (If you are making the smaller bear stuff the foot first then the leg every
few rounds)
13. Stuff the foot and leg.

14. (*1sc in the next 2sts, then 2sc invisible dec*) repeat (**) 5 times, then 1sc in the next 3sts
15. (*1sc in the first st, then 2sc invisible dec*) repeat (**) 6 times (12)
16. Add more stuffing if needed.
17. 2sc invisible dec around until the hole is closed.
18. Fasten off.

How to assemble

Put a small amount of stuffing into the muzzle then sew it on to the head 12 rounds down
from the magic ring. (just below the safety eyes)

Next sew the ears on to the head two rounds away from the centre, stretch the ear so the
edge sits flat to the head.
Next sew the head on to the body.

Tie off any loose ends on the arms and legs and pinch the tops to flatten them.

Using strong sewing thread double up about 30cms on a large sewing needle.
Put the needle in to the back of the bear and out through the side for the arm, make sure
you leave enough thread hanging out of the back.

Pick up a few stitches on the inside of the arm near the top, and then push the needle
through the body and out the other side.
Pick up a few stitches near the top on the second arm, and then take the needle back
through the body and out the back of the body where you started off.

Pull the threads tight and tie off.

Then do exactly the same for the legs.
For the eyes cut two lengths of black wool (yarn) about 20cms.
Next tie a loose knot, and then wrap the wool (yarn) around again so you end up with two

Now slowly pull the two ends until the knot has tightened up it should measure about 7-
10mm (Dont pull to hard or the knot will be to small)
Repeat for the second eye.
Sew the eyes on just above the muzzle and about 8sts apart by taking the wool (yarn)
through the head and out the back. (Make sure the wool (yarn) comes out in the same place
at the back dont tie off yet)
Pull the wool (yarn) so it creates a little dimple behind the eye but not too tight or the eye
will disappear in to the head then tie it off. (before sewing on the buttons on the large bear
use a piece of wool (yarn)with no knots in the same way as the little bears eyes, to create
the dimple first then sew on the buttons.)

You can add a small white stitch to the eyes to brighten them up.
For the nose (use wool (yarn) for the larger bear) use three strands of embroidery thread.
Starting in the middle just above the magic ring sew one line up then work from the middle
out to the right try to keep the stitches even, when you are happy with the amount of
stitches sew back over them to the middle then repeat this on the left side.
For the mouth sew a straight line down from the middle of the nose, and then sew over it

Then sew an upside down v shape for the mouth, and then sew over it again.

Then take the thread back up to the right hand bottom corner of the nose, make one long
stitch across the bottom and the same across the top of the nose to neaten it up.
Tie off the threads.
Add a ribbon around his neck.

This is an original pattern by Beverley Arnold please do not claim this pattern as your own.

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