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The Magnetic Field in a Slinky

by Ashley, Matt, and Sana

Hypothesis: If we insert a Magnetic Field Sensor between the coils of a Slinky with an electric
current running through it, then the magnetic field will increase linearly as the current increases
because B = 0 nI , where B is the magnetic field, 0 is the permeability constant, n is the
number of loops of wire, and I is current. The magnetic field will also increase as we compress
the slinky because of B = 0 nI . We can also use this equation to find the permeability constant if
we measure B, n, and I. If we measure the magnetic field outside of the slinky, then it will be
close to zero because the components of the magnetic field in other directions are cancelled by
opposing fields from neighboring coils. If we measure the magnetic field at the ends of the slinky,
then it will be half of the magnetic field at the center of the slinky. This is because there is slinky
on only one side of the end, as contrasted to the middle where there is slinky on both sides.
Lab Questions:
Determine the relationship between magnetic field and the current in a solenoid.
Determine the relationship between magnetic field and the number of turns per meter in a
Study how the field varies inside and outside a solenoid.
Determine the value of 0, the permeability constant.
Preliminary Questions:
1. Hold the switch closed. The current should be 2.0 A. Place the Magnetic Field Sensor between
the turns of the Slinky near its center. Rotate the sensor (graph 5) and determine which direction
gives the largest magnetic field reading. What direction is the white dot on the sensor pointing?
The sensor reads a maximum value when the white dot is pointing parallel to the slinky.
2. What happens if you rotate the white dot to point the opposite way? (graph 6) The readings
become negative. What happens if you rotate the white dot so it points perpendicular to the axis
of the solenoid? It decreases dramatically.
3. Stick the Magnetic Field Sensor through different locations along the Slinky to explore how
the field varies along the length. Always orient the sensor to read the maximum magnetic field at
that point along the Slinky. How does the magnetic field inside the solenoid seem to vary along
its length? (graph 7) The field is at maximum value near the middle of the slinky, but at a
minimum value near the ends of the slinky.
4. Check the magnetic field intensity just outside the solenoid. (graph 8) The magnetic field
decreases in intensity as the sensor moves farther away from the center of the slinky.
Data Tables:
Part I
Current in solenoid I Magnetic field B
(A) (mT)
0.5 0.064
1.0 0.128
1.5 0.200
2.0 0.263

Length of solenoid 0.74

Number of turns 81

Physics with Computers 29 - 1

Experiment 29

Turns/m (m1) 109

Part II
Length of solenoid Turns/meter n Magnetic field B
(m) CCurrentCC
(m1) (mT)
0.5 163 0.28
1.0 81 0.13
1.5 54 0.10
2.0 40 0.08

Number of turns in Slinky 81

1. Plot a graph of magnetic field B vs. the current I through the solenoid. Use either Graphical
Analysis or graph paper. (See graph 12)
2. How is magnetic field related to the current through the solenoid? The magnetic field
increases linearly as the current increases.
3. Determine the equation of the best-fit line, including the y-intercept. Note the constants and
their units. Y=0.133799x + 0.003319. 0.003319 is the y-intercept, or the magnitude of the
magnetic field in mT when the current is at 0 Amps. 0.133799 is the increase in magnetic field
mT per 1 Amp increase.
4. For each of the measurements of Part II, calculate the number of turns per meter. Enter these
values in the data table.
5. Plot a graph of magnetic field B vs. the length of the solenoid (m). Use either Graphical
Analysis or graph paper. (See graph 13)
6. How is magnetic field related to the turns/meter of the solenoid? The magnetic field is
directly proportional to the turns of the slinky.
7. Determine the equation of the best-fit line to your graph. Note the constants and their units .
Y=0.001641x + 0.017132. 0.017132 is the y-intercept, or the magnitude of the magnetic field in
mT when the current is at 0 Amps. 0.001641 is the increase in magnetic field mT per 1 Amp
8. From Amperes law, it can be shown that the magnetic field B inside a long solenoid is

B = 0 nI
where 0 is the permeability constant. Do your results agree with this equation? Explain. The
equation suggests that B is proportional to I. The graph in part I is consistent with this prediction.
The equation also suggests that B is proportional to n. The graph in part II is consistent with this
9. Assuming the equation in the previous question applies for your solenoid, calculate the value
of 0 using your graph of B vs. n. 1.3 x 10^-6 T*m/A
10. Look up the value of 0, the permeability constant. 4pi x 10^-7, which is about 1.26 x 10^-6
T*m/A. Compare it to your experimental value. Our experimental value is very close, with a 3%
11. Was your Slinky positioned along an east-west, north-south, or on some other axis? Along the
north axis. Will this have any effect on your readings? No, because we zero-ed the sensor before
we started.

29 - 2 Physics with Computers

The Magnetic Field in a Slinky

1. Carefully measure the magnetic field at the end of the solenoid. How does it compare to the
value at the center of the solenoid? Its about half of what it is in the middle. (graph # 7) Try to
prove what the value at the end should be. The value at the end of the coil should be half the
value at the center.
2. Study the magnetic field strength inside and around a toroid, a circular-shaped solenoid.
According to the internet, the magnetic field B in the center of the toroid is equal to the number
of loops times the current in each loop. Which means that B2piR= 0NI, or B= 0NI/2piR. Since
R=0.2m, I=3A, and N=81, our hypothetical B is 0.1143mT. Experimenting, we get an average
magnetic field of 0.1256mT, which gives a percentage error of 4%.
3. If you have studied calculus, refer to a calculus-based physics text to see how the equation for

the field of a solenoid can be derived from Amperes law.

4. If you look up the permeability constant in a reference, you may find it listed in units
of henry/meter. Show that these units are the same as tesla-meter/ampere. Henry = 1 tesla
meter^2/ampere, so henry/meter*(tesla meter^2/ampere)/henry = tesla meter/ampere.
5. Take data on the magnetic field intensity vs. position along the length of the solenoid. Check
the field intensity at several distances along the axis of the Slinky past the end. Note any patterns
you see. Plot a graph of magnetic field (B) vs. distance from center. Use either Graphical Analysis
or graph paper. How does the value at the end of the solenoid compare to that at the center? Its
about half of what it is in the middle (see data table). How does the value change as you move
away from the end of the solenoid? It continues to decrease (see data table).
Distance from the Magnetic field B
center the slink
(m) (mT)
0.0 (the middle) 0.124
0.15 0.102
0.30 0.089
0.45 (the end) 0.061
0.60 0.034
0.75 0.022
0.90 0.010
1.05 0.003
1.20 0.001
(See graph 14)
6. Insert a steel or iron rod inside the solenoid and see what effect that has on the field intensity.
It increases dramatically at all points (at the middle, the magnetic field is .305mT and at the ends,
magnetic field is .159mT). Be careful that the rod does not short out with the coils of the Slinky.
You may need to change the range of the Magnetic Field Sensor.

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Experiment 29

7. Use the graph obtained in Part I to determine the value of 0. It is the slope of the best-fit
regression line, 0.133799 T*m/A.
1. Our hypothesis correctly answers the lab questions.
2. Our hypothesis was correct! As the current increased in intervals of 0.5 Amps, the magnetic
field did in fact increase, from 0.064mT to 0.128mT to 0.200mT to 0.263mT. As we stretched out
the slinky in intervals of 0.5 meters, the magnetic field did in fact decrease, from 0.28mT to
0.13mT to 0.10mT to 0.08mT. We were also able to calculate the permeability constant by
measuring magnetic field B, number of turns n, and current I. We estimated 1.26 x 10^-6 T*m/A,
which is very close to the actual value 4pi x 10^-7 T*m/A with a 3% error. Also, as we moved the
magnetic field sensor towards the end of the slinky in intervals of 0.15m, the magnetic field
decreased until it reached the value of the middle at the ends. This is evidenced by the data
0.124mT at the middle, to 0.102mT, to 0.089mT, to 0.061mT at the end. It continued to decrease
past the ends (0.034mT to 0.022mT to 0.010 mT to 0.003mT to 0.001mT).
3. There are three possible sources of error for this lab. One is that the magnetic field sensor could
have rotated as we moved its location in slinky. This would have made our trials unreasonable to
compare, as the sensor has a different normal level as it is rotated. This could be alleviated by
moving the magnetic field sensor along a roller track over the slinky that is perfectly parallel with
the slinky. Another possible source of error is that the current reading on the current sensor
jumped around a lot, so we werent sure if the current going through the wire was really what we
recorded it as. This could have skewed the data. This issue may be alleviated by using a
battery/current sensor that doesnt jump around a lot. A final source of error could be that the
direction of the coil moved during the experiment. This would have influenced the magnetic field
sensor because the sensor has a different normal at each point on the compass. As a result, our
trials would be unreasonable to compare. This could be alleviated by fixing the coil to the table
so that it doesnt move.
4. We use the magnetic field generated from metal coils and electricity in everyday life.
In a car or truck, a solenoid is part of the starting system. The solenoid receives a large electric
current from the car battery and a small electric current from the ignition switch. When the
ignition switch is turned on by turning the key, the small electric current forces the solenoid to
close a pair of heavy contacts, thus relaying the large electric current to the motor.

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