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Continuing professional development

Uses for genetics in pharmacy
It is likely that pharmacogenetics will be one of the earliest applications of genetic science in the post-genomic era. In a second
article on genetics and medicines, Philippa Brice and Simon Sanderson look at current and future applications of
pharmacogenetics in drug development and prescribing

harmacogenetics can be defined as the

P application of genetic analysis to predict

drug response, efficacy and toxicity.
More recently, since completion of the
Human Genome Project, the term pharma-
cogenomics has come into common use (see
Panel 1) but in this article, we will continue
to use pharmacogenetics.
The discipline of pharmacogenetics dates
back to the 1950s with the observation of
variable inherited clinical responses to pri-
maquine, isoniazid and the anaesthetic
succinylcholine. Primaquine can cause
haemolytic anaemia in those with glucose
6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) defi-
ciency, isoniazid is likely to cause more severe
side effects in people who are slow drug Identify knowledge gaps
metabolisers, and patients with a defective 1. What is pharmacogenetics?
metabolising enzyme experience prolonged 2. How might pharmacogenetic information be
muscle relaxation when succinylcholine is used in drug development?
used. The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 3. Can you name a drug for which
sequences of the genes involved, however, pre-prescription pharmacogenetic testing is
have only recently been determined. currently available?
Pharmacogenetics is
Drug discovery and development increasingly being used Before reading on, think about how this article may
The discovery and development of new drugs as part of drug help you to do your job better. The Royal
is expensive and risky. Most fail in early clin- development pipelines Pharmaceutical Societys areas of competence for
ical trials, with a failure rate of around 9799 pharmacists are listed in Plan and record,
per cent being common. It typically takes 13 (available at: This
or 14 years to bring a new product to market, article relates to effects of inter-patient variation
at a cost of around 550m. Pharmacogenetics on drug therapy" and keeping abreast of issues
could help to reduce high failure rates and affecting pharmacy.
development costs by identifying potential
responders and non-responders to a drug at
an early stage, using genetic variants that are genotype for a common polymorphism in the
markers of drug efficacy. Most of these vari- multidrug transporter gene ABCB1 at posi-
ants are single nucleotide polymorphisms tion 3435. There are two alternatives, C or T,
(see PJ, 8 July, p53), acting alone or in combi- and individuals will be either CC, CT or TT
nation (haplotypes). with respect to this variant. Classification of
By identifying genetic markers that sug- patients by genotype may also allow particular
gest how trial participants are likely to react gene variants to be identified that would have
to a drug candidate, a subgroup of potential been missed if unselected groups of patients
good responders can be selected for subse- were used. For example, GlaxoSmithKline is
quent later-stage clinical trials, helping to now storing DNA from all participants in
reduce their cost and to improve the success Phase IIA clinical trials so that genetic analy-
rate. For example, a group of individuals ses can be conducted if drug efficacy is
could be subgrouped according to their demonstrated in only part of the study popu-
lation. Patients with different variants of drug
metabolising enzymes (especially those be-
Panel 1: Whats in a name? longing to the cytochrome P450 enzyme
Although the terms pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics are often used group) are now being included in trials so that
synonymously, there are subtle differences in their meaning. Pharmacogenetics the related differential treatment responses can
essentially refers to how a persons genetic make-up influences their response to drugs be assessed at an early stage.
and, in particular, how specific genes affect the responses to specific drugs or drug Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly
classes. using pharmacogenetics as part of their inter-
Pharmacogenomics is a somewhat broader term, referring to the genome-wide nal drug development pipelines. For example,
search for genes and associated products (such as enzymes or other proteins) that may pharmacodynamic markers (a surrogate meas-
be suitable targets for new drug discovery or that interact with other genes and ure of pharmacologic response, such as corti-
environmental factors in determining drug response. sol levels in the serum or urine) are used
to screen novel corticosteroid compounds. 22 July 2006 The Pharmaceutical Journal (Vol 277) 109

There are around 22,000 to 25,000 human
Examples of gene variants that influence drug response genes in the human genome. Probably only
around 1,800 currently known genes belong
Gene variant Name Drug response (phenotype) to possible drug target groups (such as nuclear
receptors and kinases) but it will take time for
Pharmacodynamics functional gene variants and their proteins to
ADRB1 1 adrenergic receptor Increased response to salbutamol
be identified and for new drug molecules to
COX Cyclo-oxygenase Variable response to aspirin and other non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs. Individuals with
be developed on this basis.
extensive metaboliser COX variants require higher The identification of sub-groups of pa-
doses for therapeutic effect. tients with specific polymorphisms or haplo-
types may streamline the drug development
CETP Cholesterol ester transfer protein Increased response to atorvastatin and pravastatin. process by directing development specifically
HTR2A Serotonin receptor 2A Reduced response to clozapine. for these groups. This approach has been
termed drug stratification and has created
Pharmacokinetics: drug transporters some ethical concerns about who will bene-
ABCB1 Drug transporter MDR1 Resistance to anti-epileptic agents (eg, phenytoin); fit from new drug development approached
increased immune recovery after starting anti-HIV
(see Article, p113).

Pharmacokinetics: metabolism Prescribing

CYP2C19 Cytochrome p450 2C19 Decreased response to omeprazole. In the US, reference is now made to drug-
CYP2D6 Cytochrome p450 2C9 Variable response to codeine. Individuals with metabolising enzyme genotypes in prescrib-
extensive metaboliser CYP2D6 variants require ing information for theophylline, celecoxib,
higher doses for a therapeutic effect and those aripiprazole, modafinil, thioridazine and ato-
with poor metaboliser variants require lower doses moxatine. For example, the label for thiori-
to avoid side effects. dazine states that it is contraindicated in
GSTM1 Glutathione S-transferase M1 Increased survival following chemotherapy for
patients, comprising about 7 per cent of the
ovarian cancer.
normal population, who are known to have a
genetic defect leading to reduced levels of ac-
tivity of P450 2D6. It is not clear, however,
Identification of compounds that produce whether or not prescribers are using this
pharmacodynamic profiles that differ from information in their day-to-day decisions.
those of standard drugs or pro-inflammatory Also in the US, prescribing guidance for a
agents are of interest as candidate drugs with number of drugs (including imatinib,
improved efficacy and safety profiles. Since the trastuzumab, somatropin, tretinoin for
genetic basis of most responses to a drug is the leukaemia and cetuximab) now includes in-
product of multiple interacting genetic fac- formation on the use of predictive pre-
tors, involving variants in different genes prescription genetic testing.These tests can be
involved in drug metabolism pathways, there is used to help prescribers identify potential
increasing interest in pathway-based pharma- responders (or non-responders), or those who
cogenetics, looking at inter-individual varia- are likely to suffer adverse drug reactions
tion in whole metabolic pathways as opposed (ADRs), before treatment is initiated.
to a specific key point in a given path- Nevertheless, judgements about the clinical
way. Already, drug candidates found to be usefulness of pharmacogenetic tests are highly
metabolised by pathways known to be subject context-specific, depending on patient fac-
to significant pharmacogenetic variation can
be excluded from further development in
Reference to tors, their illness, treatment goals and the
likely costs, benefits and harms of interven-
order to produce drugs that will be effective in drug- tion pharmacogenetically suitable patients
all population subgroups. (eg, responders) are not necessarily clinically
Most drug targets are currently selected on metabolising suitable patients.
the basis of disease pathophysiology but the Currently, pre-prescription pharmacoge-
completion of the Human Genome Project enzyme netic testing is largely limited to expensive
has energised the search for new drugs on the
basis of newly determined gene sequences.
genotypes is drugs for conditions such as cancer, where use
of an ineffective treatment would not only be
The two main groups of genes that are im- being given in costly, but could also have a significant impact
portant in understanding drug response and on the survival prospects of the patient, for
are, therefore, of interest, are: prescribing example, by delaying access to an effective

Those influencing the pharmacokinetic

information alternative. For example, trastuzumab is
licensed for the treatment of metastatic breast
properties of drugs, such as genes respon- cancer in patients with tumours that over-
sible for drug metabolising enzymes and express human epidermal growth factor
drug transporters receptor 2 and tumour cells are tested to
Those influencing pharmacodynamic prop- identify patients for whom trastuzumab is a
erties of drugs (eg, genes responsible for treatment option.
drug targets and their associated pathways) In theory, a test that could function as an
efficient factor in determining the best choice
The completion and widespread availabil- of drug for a given patient and condition
ity of both the human and mouse genome might also be useful for conditions such as
sequences means that many genes can be depression or hypertension.Although the ini-
analysed in silico (the computerised analysis of tial cost of the test would be high, its function
on-line genome sequences) for target genes. in reducing the number of repeat visits to the

110 The Pharmaceutical Journal (Vol 277) 22 July 2006

Continuing professional development
clinician and months spent receiving ineffec- being low-dose aspirin, warfarin, other non
tive medicines might compensate for this in steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and diuret-
terms of both patient experience and overall ics.2 Another example is given by a study that
expenditure. However, the availability and investigated chemotherapy-induced toxicity in
timeliness of genetic tests is also a concern ovarian cancer. The study assessed the costs of
when decisions have to be made quickly the three most common ADRs: neurotoxicity,
in some cases, performing a genetic test neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. Average
would take too long to be of any practical costs per patient directly attributable to these
value to guide prescribing. problems were 390, 4,281 and 1,854, re-
If efficacy-based pharmacogenetics is to spectively. Indirect costs (eg, patients loss of
make an important contribution to patient earnings) were also found to be substantial.3 If
management, clear evidence linking specific these ADRs could be prevented, patients
genotypes to clinical outcomes in different would have improved quality of life and the
populations will be needed, as well as clear costs of treatment would be averted.
guidance about the practical prescribing Pharmacogenetics may provide opportuni-
actions to be taken. ties to improve drug safety, starting with the
development of new drugs. As mentioned
Personalised medicines Pharmaco- above, clinical trials for drugs in development
genetics may provide a way of tailoring the can now be designed to include patients with

Klaus Gulbransen/Science Photo Library

prescribing to individual patients, based on certain genetically determined variants in spe-
their genetic make-up, with the aim of im- cific drug-metabolising enzymes, some of
proving their safety, effectiveness and cost- which may be responsible for ADRs.
effectiveness. Some have suggested that, in the For example, during GlaxoSmithKlines
future, patients will have personal pharmaco- Phase III trials of the drug tranilast for the pre-
genetic profiles that will enable prescribers vention of restenosis (now discontinued for
to use genotype-specific treatment guide- efficacy reasons) 4 per cent of trial patients de-
lines. However, these developments are still a veloped asymptomatic hyperbilirubinaemia,
long way off: the Royal Societys 2005 report creating concerns about its future develop-
on personalised medicines1 concluded that Some pharmaceutical ment and possible product licensing restric-
pharmacogenetics was unlikely to revolu- companies are storing tions. Genetic analysis of genes with a
tionise clinical practice in the near future and DNA from participants in potential role in metabolism of the drug found
that its mainstream impacts were probably clinical trials for genetic that this reaction was strongly associated with
1520 years away. The major problem is that analyses a variant in the uridine diphosphate glu-
treatment responses, failures and the occur- curonyltransferase gene (a known cause of
rence of ADRs are highly complex phenom- Gilberts Syndrome which also leads to
ena that cannot easily be reduced into asymptomatic hyperbilirubinaemia). Using a
categories based solely on the genetic data. similar strategy, it would now be possible to
Pharmacogenetics is not a magic bullet use genetic analysis to help understand ADRs
that will solve all efficacy and safety problems. earlier in the development process, influencing
As our understanding of pharmacogenetic decisions about whether or not to continue
mechanisms increases, it will become increas- with drug development, or to target drug de-
ingly possible to develop appropriate tests and velopment to specific sub-groups (eg, anyone
drugs for certain diseases, disease subgroups with Gilberts Syndrome would be excluded).
and eventually patients but these will need to The late identification of serious ADRs
be properly evaluated in trials to assess their post-launch has serious clinical implications for
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness on a case- patients and can lead to product withdrawal.
by-case basis. Ultimately, pharmacogenetics Pharmacogenetics may be able to assist in post-
may also help stratify patients into groups marketing surveillance by providing a mecha-
defined by genotypes, providing an additional nism for identifying patients at risk of serious
source of information to help prescribers and rare ADRs through the rapid development
make decisions. of a genetic test (as in the tranilast example).
Some researchers have proposed that DNA
Efficacy and safety Definitions from the first 250,000 patients treated with a
Drug response can vary by as much as 30-fold Genotype The specific genetic new drug should be collected and stored. If
between individuals and some of this variabil- constitution of an individual. serious ADRs occur then this DNA could be
ity is genetically determined.Variants of genes used to identify associated genetic variants and
can affect drug response. Examples of genes Phenotype The observable to develop a predictive test. While this might
that are linked with response to drugs and their traits of an organism, resulting seem attractive, there are a large number of
pharmaceutical impact are shown in the Table. from a combination of genetic practical difficulties with its implementation,
The prevention of ADRs is extremely and environmental factors. including obtaining informed consent, ensur-
important both for patient safety and for the ing the privacy and confidentiality of data.The
cost-effective use of limited health care Polymorphism Common question of funding for the DNA collection
resources. In 2004, Pirmohamed et al pub- variation in a region of DNA and its storage is another issue that could prove
lished an analysis of the impact of ADRs on sequence among different problematic.
two large Merseyside NHS hospitals over six individuals; the variation A more practical approach for improving
months.They found that 6.5 per cent of over should be present in at least safety is pre-prescription testing to identify
18,000 admissions were due to ADRs, and one or two per cent of the patients at risk of ADRs. The best clinical
projected that the annual cost to the NHS was population to be considered a example of this approach is for the thiopurine
around 466m. Most of these events were polymorphism. drugs azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurines
thought avoidable, with the main culprits (see Panel 2). However, as demonstrated in this 22 July 2006 The Pharmaceutical Journal (Vol 277) 111

Panel 2: Thiopurine S-methyltransferase and There is no doubt that pharmacogenetics will
have an important role in improving the effi-
the thiopurines cacy and safety of drugs in development and
Drugs such as 6-mercaptopurine, azathioprine and 6-thioguanine are widely used in of those currently available. Although there
oncology, dermatology and other specialist fields of medicine. These have a number of are few current examples of the use of phar-
potentially serious side effects, including fatal myelosuppression. Metabolism of these macogenetics in practice, these will increase
drugs is performed primarily by the enzyme thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT), as our understanding of how genes influence
although others are involved, including methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. A number of drug response increases. However, genetics
common polymorphisms in the TMPT gene determine the level of enzyme activity. should not overshadow the critical non-
Individuals with low or intermediate activity are at risk of drug toxicity unless the drug genetic factors that also determine drug
dose is reduced, usually to about 10 per cent of standard doses. response, including age-related physiological
Pre-treatment genetic testing has been carried out in the US for around 10 years now, decline in drug metabolism, diet and other
and there is evidence to suggest that it is cost-effective in certain health care settings. lifestyle choices (eg, cigarette smoking), other
One of the difficulties of transferring testing to other countries is that there are around 13 illnesses, polypharmacy and drug interactions,
known alleles associated with reduced TMPT activity, first identified in predominantly as well as compliance with treatment. Greater
Caucasian patients. However, these variants have different frequencies in different understanding of how these genetic and
population groups as well as variation in functional effects between heterozygous and environmental factors interact is required and
homozygous individuals, suggesting that other genetic or environmental factors have a the skills of prescribers and pharmacists will
role in determining drug response to these particular drugs. continue to be important contributors to a
patients drug response.
Translating knowledge of pharmacogenet-
example, the availability of a genetic test does ics into clinical practice will remain an
not necessarily mean it is going to be useful in important obstacle to its successful imple-
clinical practice because of the large number mentation; clear evidence of clinical and
of non-genetic factors that influence drug cost-effectiveness will be needed if pharma-
response, such as comorbidities, comedication, cogenetics is to fulfil its promise.
nutritional status, compliance and so on. In
addition, some hospital physicians prefer not
to use available pre-prescription testing, References
because they believe that high levels of patient 1. The Royal Society. Personalised medicines:
monitoring are as effective in the prevention hopes and realities. 2005. Available at
of serious adverse reactions. Nevertheless, the (accessed 17 May 2006).
2. Pirmohamed M, James S, Meakin S, Green C,
capacity to predict drug efficacy in advance of
Scott AK, Walley TJ et al. Adverse drug reactions
treatment based on patient genotype is an area as cause of admission to hospital: prospective
of particular interest within pharmacogenetic analysis of 18 820 patients. BMJ 2004;329:
testing, since this would represent a major 159.
clinical advantage in treatment terms. 3. Wolf R, Smith G, Smith RL. Science, medicine and the future:
The potential economic benefits of pre- pharmacogenetics. BMJ 2000;320:98790.
prescription pharmacogenetic testing need to
be considered on a case-by-case basis for each
pharmacogenetic test or drug combination. In
particular, although the use of a test might Action: practice points
allow the prescriber to determine whether or Philippa Brice, PhD, is Reading is only one way to undertake CPD and the
not a particular drug is suitable for use for a science policy and Society will expect to see various approaches in a
given patient and condition, would the bene- dissemination manager for pharmacists CPD portfolio.
fits from avoiding ADRs or inefficacious drug the Public Health Genetics 1. What drugs should be avoided in G6PD
use outweigh the costs of delivering the test? Unit (part of the Cambridge deficiency? Read section 9.1.5 in the British
Besides the cost of the test itself, a full Genetics Knowledge Park) National Formulary.
health-economic analysis must allow for a where her work focuses on 2. Explore pharmacogenetic issues further.
range of variables including the likely ratio of initiatives to stimulate the Read the Article on p113 about some of the
drug responders to non-responders in a transfer of genetics ethical and economic implications of
patient population, the likely incidence and research into clinical pharmacogenetics. Discuss these issues
costs of ADRs and the effectiveness and cost practice, and on the with a colleague.
of the drug in question. Unless a test is cheap, effective communication of 3. Consider how would you explain the influence
the only situation in which testing is likely to genetics based knowledge of genetic and environmental factors on
be economically justifiable is where the pro- to health professionals. health and drug response to a member of the
portion of non-responders in a population is She previously worked in public.
high or the potential adverse reactions are sig- biomedical intelligence in
nificant, or both. the pharmaceutical Evaluate
From a commercial perspective, the use industry. Simon
of genetic testing that subdivides the Sanderson, DPH, FFPHM, For your work to be presented as CPD, you need to
patient population may make that drug finan- is clinical lecturer in evaluate your reading and any other activities.
cially non-viable. For this reason, it may be primary care genetics in Answer the following questions:
smaller diagnostic or biotechnology compa- the Department of Public What have you learnt?
nies that produce pharmacogenetic test kits Health and Primary Care, How has it added value to your practice? (Have
rather than the drug manufacturers them- University of Cambridge you applied this learning or had any feedback?)
selves, whose primary interest in pharmacoge- and public health physician What will you do now and how will this be
netics is as part of the internal drug at the Public Health achieved?
development process. Genetics Unit

112 The Pharmaceutical Journal (Vol 277) 22 July 2006

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