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Crop Protection 89 (2016) 178e183

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Dry heat treatment of Andean lupin seed to reduce anthracnose

sar E. Falcon a, *, Viviana Ya
Ce nezeMendiza
bal b
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida, Carrera de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Sangolqu, Ecuador
Universidad de las Am n, Estudios y Desarrollo de Ingeniera, Facultad de Ingeniera y Ciencias Agropecuarias (CIEDIeFICA),
ericas, Centro de Investigacio
Quito, Ecuador

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The potential of dry heat treatment of Andean lupin seed to reduce seedeborne infection of the
Received 21 March 2016 anthracnose pathogen, Colletotrichum acutatum, was investigated. First, the effect of dry heat (65  C) over
Received in revised form duration times of 0e96 h on germination and disease incidence after germination was evaluated for
15 July 2016
articiallye and naturallyeinfected seed. Dry heat treatment from 8 to 96 h reduced disease incidence
Accepted 16 July 2016
after germination to undetectable levels in four cultivars compared with 7.5% disease incidence after
germination in seed maintained at room temperature. Moreover, heat treatments of 4e12 h showed seed
germination rates that were equivalent to the nonetreated control. Under greenhouse conditions, dry
Dry heat
heat treatments for 8 or 12 h reduced transmission of the pathogen from seed by 75 or 85%, respectively
Lupinus mutabilis and dry heat treatment increased emergence of seedlings in comparison the non-treated control. Dry
Anthracnose heat treatment is an environmentally friendly alternative for reducing anthracnose infections in Andean
Colletotrichum acutatum lupin seed.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction infected seedlings. Most aerial parts of the plant, especially pods,
seeds, and stems are infected (Falconi et al., 2013).
Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) is a native legume In Ecuador, anthracnose control in Andean lupin is based on a
domesticated by indigenous people of South America for its food combination of genetic resistance and fungicide seedetreatments.
value (Jacobsen and Sherwood, 2002). In Ecuador, this legume is Recently L. mutabilis cvs. ECUe2658 and Ie450 Andino were
considered an agroeindustrial food source to produce nutritional released based on their adaptation to different environmental
dishes for children and young people of the National Educational conditions and good agronomic qualities such as white grain color
System (Acuerdo Interministerial 1e10, 2010). Recently interest in and early date of maturity (Peralta et al., 2012, 2004). Both cultivars,
growing L. mutabilis has extended worldwide due to its value as a however, are susceptible to anthracnose and their yield in presence
lowefat protein source in foods such as soups, breads and snacks of disease is not high enough to satisfy market demand. For this
(Jacobsen and Sherwood, 2002). reason, farmers more frequently grow Criolla seed, an anthrac-
Despite the agroeindustrial importance of Andean lupin, there noseetolerant cultivar locally adapted to Cotopaxi and Chimborazo
are signicant problems that limit its production, especially fungal provinces.
diseases similar to those reported for other lupin species (Talhinhas The production of diseaseefree seeds with strict seed certi-
et al., 2002; Thomas, 2003). In Ecuador, anthracnose caused by the cation programs minimizes yield reduction from fungal
seedeborne pathogen, Colletotrichum acutatum, is the most seedeborne diseases (Mancini and Romanazzi, 2014); however this
devastating fungal disease (Falconi et al., 2013; Peralta et al., 2012). is difcult to perform for lupin under Andean conditions. The
Planting infected seed usually results in poor emergence and Instituto Nacional Autonomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
(INIAP) is an institution that deals with the production of dis-
easeefree seeds; however, seed production is used mainly for
* Corresponding author. Plant Pathology Research Group, ESPE, P.O. Box research purposes. Under INIAP guidance, smallholder farmers
171e5e231B, Sangolqu, Pichincha, Ecuador. attempt to select apparently healthy seed but are not always suc-
E-mail addresses: (C.E. Falcon), cessful. Farmers sell phenotypically healthy seed in nearby towns
ec (V. Ya bal).
0261-2194/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.E. Falcon, V. Ya bal / Crop Protection 89 (2016) 178e183 179

but retain their own lowequality seed for sowing. This seed is ovens were maintained at 65 2  C. Seed aliquots of 271 g were
exchanged within local networks, which increases risk of pathogen placed in open, individual glass Petri dishes (9  1.5 cm) and were
dissemination (Falconi, 2012). grouped within the oven to avoid spatial variability. Seed exposure
Seed infection is the main source of primary inoculum and time treatments in the ovens were 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, and
further epidemics in the eld. The pathogen is located on the seed 96 h. Seed lots in similar dishes at room temperature (25 2  C)
coat and embryo (Agarwal and Sinclair, 1997). During germination were used as control. When removed from ovens, seed lots were
the pathogen is transferred from seed coat by colonizing the cot- placed in plastic bags and stored at 4  C until all heateduration
yledons, radicle and plumule of the emerging seeds (Yesuf and treatments within that experiment had been completed. For each
Sangchote, 2005). Primary infections as low as 1 in 10,000 seeds seed lot, four replicates of 100 seeds were treated at each exposure
are predicted to produce over 15% yield loss when lupinesuscep- time. The experiment was repeated twice.
tible cultivars are grown in high rainfall areas (Thomas and
Sweetingham, 2000). Fungicide seed treatments have been re- 2.3. Laboratory assessment of dry heat efcacy against C. acutatum
ported to reduce transmission to emerging plants, but they are not
completely effective (Thomas and Sweetingham, 2003). In this For determination of the pathogen incidence on seed, four
context, methods to improve disease management that support 100eseed replicates from each seed lot and exposure time were
and sustain local communities are needed to suppress anthracnose supercially disinfected with a 95% ethanol rinse, followed by 0.5%
of Andean lupin. sodium hypochlorite for 5 min and rinsed twice in sterile distilled
Several studies have shown that dry heat treatment is an water. Seeds were plated onto Petri plates with potato dextrose
alternative to reduce fungal seed infections. Clear et al. (2002) and agar (PDA) amended with chloramphenicol (500 mg L1 Chloro-
Gilbert et al. (2005) demonstrated that dry heat treatment at 70 mycetin; Parke Davis Co., Detroit, Michigan, USA). Plates were
and 80  C for different periods of time eradicated seed infections incubated for 9 days at 25  C under a 14 h photoperiod provided by
caused by Fusarium graminearum in wheat and barley. However, uorescent lights. After incubation, the presence or absence of
temperatures over 70  C or 80  C reduced signicantly the viability C. acutatum was determined by microscopic observation
of the seed. Thomas and Adcock (2004) reported that dry heat (50  magnication for colony morphology and
exposure of Lupinus angustifolius seed for 4 days at 70  C or 8 days 400  magnication for conidia identication).
at 65  C reduced anthracnose infection caused by Colletotrichum For determination of seed germination, four 100eseed repli-
gloeosporioides to an undetectable level without greatly affecting cates from each seed lot and exposure time were placed system-
seed germination. Dry heat treatment of 65  C could be an efcient atically between two thoroughly wetted sheets of Grade S50 seed
treatment to reduce or eradicate Colletotrichum acutatum seed germination paper (Sartorius, Madrid, Spain). The sheets holding
infection in Andean lupin. the seed were then rolled to form a cylinder. One end of the roll was
This study reports laboratory and greenhouse experiments to constricted with an elastic band and rolls were placed together,
determine the potential performance of dry heat treatment at 65  C constricted end down within plastic bags. After 7 days incubation
for reducing or eradicating infection of C. acutatum in Andean lupin at 20 2  C (12eh light dark cycle), rolls were opened and the
seed. We also evaluated the effects of the most promising seed proportion of germinated seed determined. The percentage of
treatments on germination of seed, seed moisture content, emer- infection and germination from different dry heat treatments were
gence of seedlings, and transmission of infection from seed to the determined.
2.4. Effect of dry heat on seed moisture content
2. Methods
Quadruplicate samples of 10-g nonetreated and dryeheat
2.1. Seed and fungal pathogen treated seeds as described above were placed in alumi-
numeweighing boats and dried in a convection oven at 130 2  C
The seed used in this study was from Andean lupin (Lupinus for 3 h. The moisture content (MC) of seed was calculated based on
mutabilis Sweet). Anthracnoseeinfected seed was harvested from the weight loss after drying and expressed as percentage based on
greenhouse experiments where lupin plants (cvs. ECUe2658 and methods of ISTA (1999) and Booth and Bai (1998):
Ie450 Andino) were articially infected. For inoculations, 2 ml of
Colletotrichum acutatum isolate Lup 18 (EMBL ITS accession number %MC M2  M3  100=M2  M1 (1)
JN543063) suspensions of 106 spores/ml were sprayed on the apical
parts of plants in pod ll, by using a small handeheld Venturi where, M1 represents the weight of container, M2 is weight of
atomizer (aerograph) with an air pump. The inoculated area of each container and seeds before drying and M3 is weight of container
plant was completely covered with a black plastic bag for 72 h. A and seeds after drying.
piece of cotton drenched in sterile distilled water was added to the
bags before sealing to maintain high relative humidity and to 2.5. Effect of dry heat seed treatment on seed anthracnose infection,
promote infection (Falconi et al., 2015). Naturally infected seed (cv. emergence of seedlings and pathogen transmission from seed to the
Criolla) was obtained from Andean lupin farmers of Cotopaxi and seedlings
Chimborazo provinces. Seed lots were stored at 4 1  C and low
humidity to maintain seed infection levels until experiments Articiallyeinfected (cvs. ECUe2658 and Ie450 Andino) and
commenced. naturallyeinfected seeds (cv. Criolla Cotopaxi and Chimborazo)
were randomly subesampled into approximately 1.25 kg seed lots
2.2. Dry heat treatment and dryeheat treated for 8 and 12 h as described above. Control
treatments were noneheated seed with or without fungicide. The
Dry heat treatments of seed lots were conducted in faneassisted fungicide treatment was Vitavax 300 WP (Carboxin
convection ovens (Memmert, Schwabach, Germany) in which 200 g kg/1 Captan 200 g kg/1, Chemtura Agrosolutions) at
temperatures were monitored with a data logger (IFC 400, Madg- 2 g kg1 of seed.
eTech, Inc, Warner, New Hampshire, USA). Temperatures in the For planting, seed was randomly subsampled from the dry
180 nezeMendiza
C.E. Falcon, V. Ya bal / Crop Protection 89 (2016) 178e183

heate and fungicideetreated seed lots. The experimental unit (a)

comprised 10 pots with 10 seeds each sown in a 22ecm diameter,
20ecm deep pots, which contained 4 kg of a mixture of sterilized
soil/grinded pumice/coconut ber (1:1:1). All pots were placed in a 7

Incidence of C. acutatum (%)

greenhouse held at a temperature of 12 2  C night/20 2  C day
(12 h photoperiod) and relative humidity of 70 10%. Treatments 6
were arranged in a randomized block design, with four replicates.
Emergence of seedlings was counted 4 weeks after sowing. The 5
incidence of anthracnose on stems and leaves of all emerged plants
was evaluated 7 weeks after sowing, based on the twisted stem, 4
brown lesions on stem with masses of pink conidia or dead seed-
lings (Falconi et al., 2013).
2.6. Statistical analysis
All experiments were repeated twice and data were pooled to
make analysis. Data from dry heat laboratory assays were plotted in 0
gures where the error was represented by the mean standard 0 1 2 4 8 12 24 48 72 96
error (SE) of eight replications of each sampling time. Data from
the laboratory and greenhouse experiments were analyzed using (b)
univariate normality tests of SAS. The General Linear Model pro- 80
cedure of SAS system (GLM, Statistical Analysis Systems Institute,
V8, Cary, NC) and means were separated by Student Newman Keuls
test (P 0.05). Seed germination (%)

3. Results 60

3.1. Laboratory assessment of dry heat efcacy against C. acutatum 50

Dry heat treatment (65  C) of articial and naturally infected

L. mutabilis seed reduced the incidence of anthracnose pathogen, 40
C. acutatum recovered from seed placed on potato dextrose agar.
The degree of reduction was dependent of the exposure time 30
(Figs. 1 and 2); exposure to dry heat also reduced seed germination.
On seeds lots articially inoculated with C. acutatum (cvs.
ECUe2658 and Ie450), anthracnose infection declined signicantly 0 1 2 4 8 12 24 48 72 96
(P 0.05) from an initial level of 8.0% to 2.7 to 1.5% and 7.5% to 1.3 to
Tme (hour)
0.5% after 8 he12 h of dry heat treatment, respectively. For dry heat
exposure periods >24 h, infection of C. acutatum was undetectable Fig. 1. Effect of different exposure times to dry heat (65  C) () or room temperature
(Fig. 1a). Dry heat treatments of 1, 2 or 4 h showed seed germina- () on anthracnose infection (a) and seed germination (b) in Lupinus mutabilis cvs.
tion similar to seed maintained at room temperature (Fig. 1b). ECUe2658 (-), Ie450 Andino (:) articially inoculated with Colletotrichum acuta-
tum. Lines represent mean response from 8 replicates (pooled data from two repeat
Exposure times of 8 or 12 h reduced seed germination of cvs.
ECUe2658 by 14e17% and Ie450 Andino by 11e12% in comparison
with 75% germination in the nonetreated control maintained at
room temperature. Exposures longer than 96 h reduced seed of 8 or 12 h signicantly reduced (P 0.05) moisture contents of
germination to less than 50% compared with nonetreated seed articial and naturally infected seeds compared with seed main-
maintained at room temperature (Fig 1b). tained at room temperature (Fig. 3).
On naturally infected seed lots of cvs. Criolla from Cotopaxi and Before treatment, seed moisture contents were 10e12%. After
Chimborazo provinces dry heat reduced signicantly (P 0.05) the eight hours treatment, moisture contents of articially infected
initial infection rates from 7.3 to 2.8 to 1.5% and 7.5% to 2.5 to 1.3% seeds cvs. ECUe2658 and Ie450 Andino were 7.7 0.0 and 7.7 0.1,
after 8e12 h, respectively (Fig. 2a). After exposure for >24 h, respectively. In naturally infected seed (cv. Criolla) from Cotopaxi
infection was undetectable, similar to cvs. ECUe2658 and Ie450 and Chimborazo provinces moisture content after dry heat treat-
Andino (Fig. 1a and b). Seed germination of cvs. Criolla was not ment was 6.9 0.1 and 6.4 0.0, respectively. The 12 h treatment
signicantly affected by dry heat treatments for 1e4 h (Fig. 2b). moisture contents of cvs. ECUe2658 and Ie450 Andino were
Exposure times of 8 or 12 h reduced seed germination from 88 to 4.8 0.5 and 4.8 0.4, respectively; and 4.5 0.2 and 5.4 0.1 cv.
70% in both sources of cvs. Criolla seed (Fig 1b). Dry heat treatments Criolla from Cotopaxi and Chimborazo provinces, respectively.
from 24 to 96 h reduced germination progressively in naturally Treatments over 24e96 h reduced moisture contents over 80% on
infected seeds, similar to articially infected seed (Figs. 1b and 2b). articially and naturally infected seed (data not shown).

3.2. Effect of dry heat on seed moisture content

3.3. Dry heat efcacy on seed anthracnose infection, emergence of
The exposure times used in further experiments were 8 and 12 h seedlings, and pathogen transmission from seed to the seedlings
to 65  C. These exposure times were chosen because results in
previous experiments indicated that they could reduce seed Dry heat treatments at 65  C for 8 or 12 h reduced signicantly
infection with minimal effect on seed viability. Dry heat treatments (P 0.05) anthracnose infection compared with nonetreated seed
C.E. Falcon, V. Ya bal / Crop Protection 89 (2016) 178e183 181

maintained at room temperature on both articially and naturally

infected seeds (Tables 1 and 2). Exposure times of 8 or 12 h reduced
incidence of detection of C. acutatum from seed of cv. ECUe2658
from 7.8 to 1.8 and 1.3, respectively. Dry heat effect at both exposure
times was similar to fungicide treatment. On cv. Ie450 Andino, dry
heat efcacy was similar to cv. ECUe2658, however infection
reduction with 12 h exposure was lower than 8 h and fungicide
treatment (Table 1). On seed cv. Criolla from Cotopaxi and Chim-
borazo provinces, both exposure times of 8 or 12 h reduced
signicantly (P 0.05) incidence of detection of C. acutatum
compared to nonetreated seed; however, infection reduction with
12 h exposure was lower than 8 h and fungicide treatment in cv.
Criolla from Chimborazo province (Table 2).
Emergence of seedlings from dry heat treated seed was signif-
icantly (P 0.05) higher than the nonetreated control for all cul-
tivars at 4 weeks after sowing (Tables 1 and 2). Emergence of
seedlings from cvs. ECUe2658 and Ie450 Andino treated at 65  C
for 8 h was equal to the fungicide treatment and higher than seed
dry heat for 12 h (Table 1). In cvs. Criolla from Cotopaxi and
Chimborazo provinces, seed dry heat for 8 h and fungicide seed
treated had signicantly (P 0.05) higher emergence than 12 h of
dry heat (Table 2).
Dry heat treatment at 65  C on articiallye and naturallye
infected seed had signicant (P 0.05) effect on reduction of
pathogen transmission to the emerged seedlings compared to the
nonetreated control (Tables 1 and 2). Nearly 2.0 and 1.3% of plants
grown from nonetreated seed of cvs. ECUe2658, Ie450 Andino,
respectively (Table 1) and nearly 1.8% of cv. Criolla from Cotopaxi
and Chimborazo provinces (Table 2) were diseased at 7 weeks after
sowing. Treatments of 8 and 12 h were signicantly (P 0.05) equal
to fungicide treatment for reduction of transmission of the path-
ogen from the seed to the seedlings on all cultivars, at 7 weeks after
sowing (Tables 1 and 2).

4. Discussion

Fig. 2. Effect of different exposure times to dry heat (65  C) () or room temperature Dry heat treatment at 65  C at different exposure times was
() on anthracnose infection (a) and seed germination (b) in Lupinus mutabilis cvs. shown to reduce or eradicate C. acutatum from seed of Andean
Criolla from Cotopaxi province (-) and Chimborazo province (:) naturally infected
lupin (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet). Thomas and Adcock (2004)
with Colletotrichum acutatum. Lines represent mean response from 8 replicates (pooled
data from two repeat experiment).
demonstrated that heat exposure of different varieties of Lupinus
angustifolius, Lupinus luteus and Lupinus albus to temperatures of
60e80  C for a twoeweek period or less reduced lupin anthracnose
infection. Weimer (1952) reported that anthracnose seed infection
in L. angustifolius was reduced by 80% after hot air treatment for
15 7 h at 70  C and eradicated after a similar period at 75  C. We found
that dry heat exposure of L. mutabilis seeds at 65  C for 8 h or 12 h
A reduced anthracnose infection by around 84% on articially and
H 71% on naturally infected seed, and in most cases 48 h or longer
Seed moisture (%)

10 exposure time reduced infection to an undetectable level.

Dry heat treatment, however, reduced seed germination.
B Thomas and Adcock (2004) reported that temperatures of 60  C for
one or two weeks had little effect on seed germination of
C O Z L. angustifolius cv. Belara, but the same temperature signicantly
affected germination of L. luteus cv. Wodjil and L. albus cv. Kiev
Mutant. In our experiments, exposure times of 8 and 12 h at 65  C
reduced germination of L. mutabilis by 14e18%, comparable with
the results reported by Thomas and Adcock (2004) with reductions
Cotopaxi Chimborazo ECU-2658 I450 Andino of seed germination on L. luteus cv. Wodjil, after 60 or 70  C
Seed type-Heat treatment treatment for one week.
Dry heat treatments at 65  C did not affect emergence of seed-
Fig. 3. Effect of dry heat at 65  C for 0 h (-), 8 h (,) or 12 h (Q) on moisture content lings comparable with the results reported by Thomas and Adcock
of Lupinus mutabilis seed cvs. ECUe2658 and Ie450 Andino articially inoculated seeds (2004) on L. angustifolius cv. Belara exposed for 4 days at 65  C.
with Colletotrichum acutatum or cv. Criolla naturally infected seed from Cotopaxi and
Chimborazo provinces. Bars represents means of 4 replicates. Different letters indicate
Furthermore, our results demonstrated that dry heat treatments at
signicantly differences within each cultivar according to StudenteNewmaneKeuls's 65  C increased emergence of seedlings compared with the non-
Test P 0.05. treated control in four cultivars of L. mutabilis. In other studies,
182 nezeMendiza
C.E. Falcon, V. Ya bal / Crop Protection 89 (2016) 178e183

Table 1
Effect of 8 h or 12 h exposure to dry heat (65  C) or fungicide treatment of seed articially infected with Colletotrichum acutatum on reduction of infection in seed, emergence of
seedlings, and transmission of infection to seedlings of Lupinus mutabilis (cvs. ECUe2668 and Ie450 Andino).

Cultivar Treatment Infection (%)a Emergence (%)a Diseased plants(%)a

ECUe2658 Nonetreated 7.8 1.0a 50.3 1.7a 2.0 0.0a

Carboxin Captan (2 g kg/1) 1.5 0.6b 69.5 1.6b 0.8 0.2b
8 h/65  C 1.8 0.3b 69.8 2.5b 0.5 0.1b
12 h/65  C 1.3 0.6b 66.1 1.4c 0.3 0.0b
Ie450 Andino Nonetreated 7.6 0.3x 50.6 1.5x 1.3 0.0y
Carboxin Captan (2 g kg/1) 1.0 0.0y 69.8 1.3y 0.3 0.0z
8 h/65  C 1.1 0.3y 69.5 1.6y 0.5 0.1z
12 h/65  C 0.3 0.5z 63.3 3.0z 0.5 0.0z
Means standard error are the average of eight replicates (pooled data from two repeat experiments). Means followed by a different letter in the same column are
signicantly different at P 0.05 according to Student NewmaneKeuls's Test.

Table 2
Effect of 8 h or 12 h exposure to dry heat (65  C) or fungicide treatment of natural infected seed with Colletotrichum acutatum on reduction of infection in seed, emergence of
seedlings, and transmission of infection to seedlings of Lupinus mutabilis (cv. Criolla), from Cotopaxi and Chimborazo provinces.

Cultivar Treatment Infection (%)a Emergence (%)a Diseased plants(%)a

CriollaeCotopaxi Nonetreated 7.4 1.1a 54.8 2.2a 1.8 0.3a

Carboxin Captan (2 g kg/1) 1.6 0.3b 66.8 1.5b 0.8 0.3b
8 h/65  C 2.5 0.4b 66.3 1.3b 0.3 0.3b
12 h/65  C 1.9 0.3b 61.3 1.7c 0.0 0.0b
CriollaeChimborazo Nonetreated 7.9 0.5x 54.3 2.5x 1.8 0.3y
Carboxin Captan (2 g kg/1) 2.0 0.0y 61.9 2.0y 1.0 0.0z
8 h/65  C 2.4 0.5y 64.6 1.5y 0.5 0.3z
12 h/65  C 1.1 0.6z 57,8 1.0z 0.3 0.3z
Means standard error are the average of eight replicates (pooled data from two repeat experiments). Means followed by a different letter in the same column are
signicantly different at P 0.05 according to Student NewmaneKeuls's Test.

the dry heat treatment of cotton seed up to 60  C for 8 h effectively nonetreated seed. Our results are in line with Thomas and Adcock
promotes seedling emergence (Basra et al., 2004). Both evidences (2004) who found that a 4eday exposure of infected seed of
support that dry heat treatment promote the emergence of seed- L. angustifolius to 65  C reduced infection to a level that produced
lings and conrm that this methodology is very useful for reduce only one infected plant compared with 8 infected plants from
anthracnose infection in Andean lupin seed. nonetreated seed. However, one infected in 1000 seeds can result
L. mutabilis is harvested between 10 and 13% of moisture content in total yield loss when susceptible cultivars are grown in rainy
(OrtegaeDavid et al., 2010; Peralta et al., 2012). In our study, orig- regions (Thomas and Sweetingham, 2000). Our results suggest that
inal seeds of the L. mutabilis cultivars were within this range. 8 h exposure to 65  C is an effective means to reduce anthracnose
However, 8e to 12e hour exposure time to 65  C affected seed infections for semiearid areas where Andean lupin is grown.
moisture reducing it 35e55% compared to nonetreated seed on all Further protection can be added by combining heat treatment with
cultivars. The removal of moisture from the seed surface causes an other techniques, such as biological (Ya nezeMendiz abal et al.,
imbalance that affects migration of moisture from the inner regions 2015) or chemical control (Thomas and Sweetingham, 2003). If
of the organ (Hill and Johnstone, 1985). At physiological maturity, dry heat treatment of seed is used for high rainfall regions, foliar
seed quality of L. angustifolius is optimal when the moisture content sprays should be supplemented to suppress dispersion of
is between 13 and 14% (Parker and Edwards, 2011). Thomas and C. acutatum in the eld and subsequent infections. Thomas et al.
Adcock (2004) did not measure reduction in seed moisture in (2008) determined that eld application of fungicides during
L. angustifolius due to dry heat treatment. Development of L. owering and podding reduced incidence and increased yield of
angustifolius cultivars is the result of an introgression of a large susceptible and resistant cultivars grown in higherisk areas of
number of wild and external accessions within a breeding program Western Australia. Dry heat treatment is an environmentally
in which selections were made that seed is adapted to weather friendly technology that could be a component of integrated
extremes (Cowling, 1999). In contrast, cultivars of L. mutabilis are management of Andean lupin anthracnose.
the result of selection based on agronomic traits and adaptation to
the cold environments of the Andean zone. Seedecoat thickness is 5. Conclusions
50% higher and saturated fatty acids are 60% greater in
L. angustifolius, compared with L. mutabilis (Sweetingham et al., Dry heat (65  C) exposures of L. mutabilis seed from 48 to 96 h
2005). These facts may confer more resistance of L. angustifolius reduced pathogen infection to undetectable levels. Dry heat from
to dry heat in comparison with cultivars of L. mutabilis. Elliott et al. 24 to 96 h decreased germination of seed up to 49%. Dry heat for 8
(2011) and Ellis et al. (1987) reported that moisture content of or 12 h reduced C. acutatum transmission by up to 85% from seed to
Lupinus spp. strongly inuences seed viability and germination, and the seedlings in greenhouse. Dry heat for 8 h did not reduced
this depends on physiological characteristic. Our results suggest emergence of seedlings in four lupin cultivars.
that 8 h of exposure at 65  C are enough for a safe moisture limit to
maintain viability and vigor in L. mutabilis cultivars. Acknowledgment and disclaimer
Eighte or twelveehour exposure of infected seed to 65  C
reduced infection to a level that produced only 2 or 1 infected The authors are grateful to the Universidad de las Fuerzas
plants in most cultivars, compared with 8 or 5 of plants from ArmadaseESPE (PIC-15-ESPE-001) and Universidad de las
C.E. Falcon, V. Ya bal / Crop Protection 89 (2016) 178e183 183

Ame ricaseUDLA (FICAeCIEDI) and Ecuadorian Government, Sec- Gilbert, J., Woods, S.M., Turkington, T.K., Tekauz, A., 2005. Effect of heat treatment to
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(SENESCYT) through Mejora de la cadena productiva del chocho Hara, M.D., Brock, J.L. (Eds.), Producing Herbage Seeds. Grassland Research and
(Lupinus mutabilis) en Ecuador Project for providing funding for Practice Series 2. NZGA, Palmerston North, pp. 53e57.
the research. To Dr. Kenneth B. Johnson, Oregon State University, for ISTA, 1999. International rules for seed testing. Seed Sci. Technol. 27, 302.
Jacobsen, S.E., Sherwood, S., 2002. Cultivo de granos andinos en Ecuador: Informe
critical reading of the manuscript. sobre los rubros quinua, chocho y amaranto. Organizacio n de las Naciones
Mention of commercial products is solely for the purpose of Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentacio  n (FAO), Centro Internacional de la
providing specic information and does not imply recommenda- Papa (CIP) y Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Editorial AbyadYala, Ecuador, p. 34.
Mancini, V., Romanazzi, G., 2014. Seed treatments to control seedborne fungal
tion from Universidad de las Fuerzas ArmadaseESPE and Uni- pathogens of vegetable crops. Pest Manag. Sci. 70 (6), 860e868.
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