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1.1 Research Background

Language is a means of communication which cannot be separated from human. It is

also one of human needed to interact, give information, and express feeling on direct or

indirect. To communicating, we have to need to face one another. The sophisticated of the

technology can facilitate us to communicate in the social media.

However, before the existence of social media we able to communicate by send the

latter. Usually, people write the latter to the people who away to knowing their news. But

sometimes, people write the latter to the person who closes at them. It is to express their

feeling that cannot explain by mouth. Not much different with the latter, searching

information and science can we get by reading. We also can enjoy a tale, the people

experiences, autobiography or a biography of someone by book. For example, we can enjoy a

tale by short story or novel, and the people can share their expperience in a short story and

novel too.

A short story and a novel that we discuss above are some of the creative form in

literature. Literature is an art which represent a man, culture and language. It is because

literature represents life and life is in larger measure of social reality, even though the

natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of

literary imitations (Rene Wallek : 1956).It means that literature is the miror of life because it

is related to social reality.

Categories or genre of litetarure are prose fiction, drama, poetry, and nonfiction

prose(Roberts and Jacobs, 1993). Poetry is the most condensed and concentrated forms

ofliterature and said in fewer words and less space. Poets choose words for the sense, but they

also choose words for what they hit at or suggest, for the way their sound and for the word

picture they create (Perrine, 1977:9). Poetry is different from short story or novel, short story

or novel is a literary work in history form, poetry is more specific and pholosphical than

history. Because it usually represents about condition of authours soul expressed through

writing. Potry was more philosophic than history but it always remained much inferior to

philosophy itself , there is more than a touch of superciliousness in his treatment to poetry

(Aristotle, 1982). Poetry also contains philosophical messages. It is called poem that usually

poet use to communicate their experiences of life, emotions, imaginations, and sense.

Poem is different way to tell poet story. it is becausepoet express their feeling which

would hide by their philosophical word and have specific meaning. Also, poem read by poet

that have rhythm itself. Many language symbols in poem that made a lay people somtimes

cannot understand about the figurative languange in a poem. Figurative language is a type

oflanguage that uses words or phrasesdifferent from literal meaning. It generally serve

purpose of explanation, information, exaggeration or alteration and manipulation (Mahmood,


As a reader or listener can not understanable to know poet imagination that seem in

their poemlike use a simbol in to the imaginative thing. So, that figurative language help to

compare something that we are writing about, it makes a reader to read well.

First up now Aceh enlivened by the poets.Starting from SyaikhHamzah Al-Fansury,

tengkuChikPanteKulu, SyaikhAbdurrauf Al-Singkili, A Hasjmi, Tgk Adnan, and many

others. Not inferion to the others, Nazar Shah Alam is one of the successor to the prominent
poets other. He is generator of the young poets from Aceh who create many of poem with the

unique a pictures of the words which has a hidden meaning. Thoughts that he put in his

works, Nazar Shah Alam able to describe the meaning of poem with the words that

interesting. Kind of the poems by Nazar Shah Alam is modern poem where is free from the

rules like old poem such as related to the number of lines,the number of syllable, rhyme, and


Nazar Shah Alam oftentimes to shed his feeling to his philosophical word. He often

write about his life, his country, and the earth indeed. Ting, Sebuah Pesan Pagi, Qadisa

Kita, Kicau Bul-Bul, kubah dan Suara, Kepadamu, Malam, Matamu Matahari,

Rubaiyat DuaSungai, Menuju Bisu, and Telah Kita Bunuh Diri Sendiri are the poem

by Nazar Shah Alam that the writer becomes interested in studying the use of figurative

language of his poem.

Refering to the explanation above, the writer was interested to studying the use of

figurative language in the poems by Nazar Shah Alam, they are....

1.2 Research Problem

Base on the discraption above, the writer want to know the figurative language in

Nazar Shah Alam poem in this research.

1.3 Research Objective

The research objective in this research is to find out and to take comprehenshive

understanding related to the us of the figurative language of ten Nazar Shah Alam poems. It

is ting, telah kita bunuh diri sendiri,... The spcific objective of the research are follows:

1. To know the kinds of figurative language commonly used in ten Nazar Shah Alam

2. To know the meaning of figurative language used in ten Nazar Shah Alam poem.

1.4 Research Significance

the writer hopes the researcher can give any significance to the reader, especially

those who will enjoy, understand, and appreciate Nazar Shah Alam poems.

1.5 Research Scope

The scope of this study is only focus on figurative language of ten poem by Nazar

Shah Alam. There are ting, telah kita bunuh diri sendiri,...

1.6Theoretical Orientation

1.6.1 The meaning of poetry

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1993. p.2), poetry express a conversation or

interchange that is grounded in the most deeply felt experiences of human beings. Poetry

exists in many formal and informal shapes, from the brief haiku to then prose fiction in its use

of words, poetry realies heavily on imagery, figurativelanguage, and sound.

Poetry have been use of human beings in the world. The most of people knew poetry.

People have read it , listened to it, or recited it because they like it and give them enjoyment.

Poetry might bedifined as a kind of language that says about imaginative feeling. There are

have imagery to painting of pictures in the readers minds.

1.6.2 Figurative Language

Figurative language is not simply a set of various lexical items, but rather employs the

utterers/writers intentions as a guiding principle in shaping the meaning (Krawczyk, 2017,

p. 31). Besides, it is language used by writers to express ideas in imaginative way, and to

produce images in readers minds.

Figurative language is very common in poetry or in lyric of song, and is also used in

prose and nonfiction writing as well. There are some kind of figurative language, such as

metonymy, smile, paradox, metaphor, and many more. The kind of figurative language is

have a different ability. Such as, smile is to to compare two seemingly unlike things, and

metaphor to comperes two things by implaying that one thing is another. This figurative

language is usually present in poetry which use poetic language.

1.6.3 Types of Figurative Language

According to Kennedy (1983) as cited in Sari (2015), the type of figurative language

consist of metonymy, repetition, personification, synecdoche, litotes, metaphor, simile,

hyperbole, paradox, ellipsis, and allusion.

The definition types of figurative language are explain bellow:

a. Metonymy

b. Repetition

In poetry, grammar or structure are not function. Poet can use much of repetition of

word or sentence.

c. Personification

Roberts and Jacobs (1993, p.655) personification is the artributtion of human

characteristics to either non-human object or abstractions. Poets introduce

personification to explore relationships to enviroment, ideas, and inner lives.

d. Synecdoche

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1993, p.655), Synecdoche is a devicein which a

part stands for the whole, or a whole for apart, like expression All hands aboards to

signify a ships crew should return to ship.

e. Litotes
f. Metaphor

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1993, p.649), a metaphor (a carrying out a

change) describes something as though it actually were something else, thereby

enchanching understanding and insight. One of Shakespeares bes-known metaphors

is All the worlds stage, and all the men and women merely players, its explanation

is human life in terms of stage life. It is important to recognize that the comparison,

asa metaphor, does not state taht the world is like a stage, but that it literally is a stage.

Metaphor comperes two things by implaying that one thing is another. Rather

than saying that somthing is like another, a metaphor says it actually is that thing. For

example, his face was a book, she could read her every thought and emotion.

In this examples, this examples tell us that the girls face is a book, but it is

not. The writer develop the methapor slightly by using the word read. It is mean

that as you read a book, so she read the guys face.

g. Simile

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1993, p.649), a simile ( the showing of

similarity or oneness) utilizes similarity to carry out the explanation. Simile uses word

like or as to compare two seemingly unlike things. For example, the sun looked

like a golden coin in the sky.

In this example compares the sun and a golden coinbecause both of them have

similar attribute, such as bright, circle,and shine.

h. Hyperbole

Hyperbole or overshooting is use of exaggerated term for the sake not of

deception, but of emphasis, as when infinite is used for great, or a thousand apologies

for an apology (Garner, 1991, p. 152).

Hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make point in a fun way.

Hyperbole sometimes seems like smile or metaphor which compare two things.

Rather, hyperbole has a humorous effect created by an overstatement. For example, I

saw a man as tall a the electric.

i. Paradox

According to Rollof (1973, p. 170) Paradox is an apperent contradiction in

language. It is means that paradox is a statement that seems to be contradictory. In

logic, a paradox is a statement that contradicts itself absolutely. In everyday language,

a paradoxical statement might only seem contradictory. For example, I am a smart

boy. This would be accepted as a paradox in a logic arena. If it is true, then it is not

true. In other example, to shut down computer your computer, first click Start. In

everyday language, a paradox seem contradictory, but it is true.

j. Ellipsis

k. Allusion

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1993, p.794), allusion is the adaptation and

assimilation of unacknowladged brief quotations from other works and references to

historical evants any aspect of human culture like art, music, literature, and so on.

An allusion occurs when an author indirectly references another work, event,

person, or place. It is to express a similar sentiment to the object of the allusion or to

evoke particular emotions.


2.1 Research Method

In term of research methodology, the researcher uses the qualitative research method.

The qualitative research is used to produce descriptive data about peoples word and the

behavior of people being observed. As described by Ary (2006, p.24) qualitative

research focuses on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the human

participants in the study. While, descriptive research is focused on providing

descriptions of phenomena that occur naturally, without experimental or artificial

treatment (Selinger&Shohami, 1989, p.116).

This research aimed to describe the figurative language of the poems by Nazar shah

Alam. However, the reasearch was also

2.2 Research Location

This research will be conducted in Syiah Kuala University, main library of Unsyiah,

library of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Unsyiah and other libraries

providing references and information about material that the writer need.

2.3 Research Subject and Object

subject of this research is all of Nazar Shah Alam Poems

object of this research is ten of poems by Nazar Shah Alam. There are..

2.4 Source andKind of Data

The data of this research are the figurative language of the written Nazar Shah Alam

on blog. In this research the writer will analyze the figurative language from the blog

Nazar Shah Alam (

2.5 Research Instrument

The main ofinstrument of this research was the writer herself. One of the

caracteristics of qualitative research is that the writer uses human being or the writer
herself/himself as the main instrument of the research. As describe by Sugiyono

(2010 p.222), qualitative researcher as human being instrument, serve to get the focus

of research, choose the information as data source, collecting the data, evaluate

quality of data, analyze the data,interprate the data and make conclution over


2.6 Techniques of Data Collection

To collecting the data, the writer will use document analyses as the method of

collecting data. Dokumentation is notation the events that has passed. Document can

be in writing, pictures, or works from anyone (Sugiyono, 2010, p.240). The writer

take the data of Nazar Shah Alam blog (, this blog

collect decumentation the works of Nazar Shah Alam. There are short stories, written

poem and so on.

2.7 Techniques of Data Analysis

In the process of analyzingdata, the writer will apply the step. First, the writer

determind the kinds of figurative language in each poem. All of ten poem will analyze

in order for to figuring out the kinds of figurative language in each poem. After

determaining the kinds of figurative language that occcur in each pome. The writer

will classifying the poem.

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