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Quiz : Circulatory System

Q.1 How many chambers does the heart have?

A) Six
B) Five
C) Four
D) Three

Q.2 The movement of blood through the heart and body is called:
A) Circulation
B) Locomotion
C) Ventriculation
D) Heart pump

Q.3 The beating sound your heart makes comes from:

A) Blood going in the wrong direction
B) Valves closing
C) The heart skipping beats
D) Your ears playing tricks on you

Q.4 With circulation, the heart provides your body with:

A) Oxygen
B) Nutrients
C) A way to get rid of waste
D) All of the above

Q.5 The atria are the upstairs chambers of the heart and these parts are the
downstairs chambers:
A) Valves
B) Ventricles
C) Blood
D) Candy hearts

Q.6 What wall separates the left side and right side of the heart?
A) Ventricle
B) Atrium
C) Septum
D) The great wall

Q.7 What parts act like doors that control blood flow in the heart?
A) Valves
B) Heart dams
C) Kidneys
D) Chambers
Q.8 What organ removes waste from blood?
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Eyes
D) Kidneys

Q.9 You can keep your heart strong by:

A) Eating heart-shaped candy
B) Doing activities, like playing outside, riding your bike, and swimming
C) Smoking
D) Sleeping 18 hours a day

Q.10 These are tubes that carry blood back to the heart:
A) Arteries
B) Veins
C) Pipes
D) Tubas

Quiz : Digestive system

Q.1 How long is an adults small intestine?

A) 22 feet
B) 30 inches
C) 30 miles
D) 17 feet

Q.2 The digestive process starts in the:

A) Stomach
B) Esophagus
C) Mouth
D) Bathroom

Q.3 The livers role is to:

A) Mash up food
B) Turn water into food
C) Help the stomach
D) Remove harmful substances from the blood
Q.4 When they reach the stomach, mashed-up food particles mix with:
A) Guava juice
B) Gastric juices
C) Mucus
D) Bile

Q.5 Bile is made in the:

A) Large intestine
B) Stomach
C) Liver
D) All of the above

Q.6 What does the digestive system do?

A) Breaks down and handles food
B) Pumps blood throughout the body
C) Helps you breathe
D) Helps your arms and legs move

Q.7 Your food can spend up to this long in the small intestine:
A) 4 minutes
B) 4 months
C) 4 seconds
D) 4 hours

Q.8 What tube moves food from the back of your throat to the stomach?
A) Epiglottis
B) Oesophagus
C) Feeding tube
D) Pharynx

Q.9 Which organs help with the absorption of nutrients?

A) Pancreas, liver, and gall bladder
B) Liver, heart, and spleen
C) Gall bladder, kidneys, and appendix
D) Kidneys, liver, and bladder

Q.10 The large intestine measures about:

A) 1 foot long
B) 10 feet long
C) 5 feet long
D) 100 feet long
Quiz : Respiratory System

Q.1 Your body couldnt breathe without this system. Which one is it?
A) Perspiration system
B) Respiratory system
C) Photosynthesis
D) Urinary system

Q.2 The respiratory system is made up of the trachea, the lungs, and the:
A) Liver
B) Diaphragm
C) Esophagus
D) Pancreas

Q.3 When you breathe in air, you bring oxygen into your lungs and blow out:
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Carbon monoxide
C) Oxygen
D) Hydrogen

Q.4 When you inhale, your lungs:

A) Inflate
B) Turn purple
C) Deflate
D) Do a dance

Q.5 What is the name of the tiny air sacs in your lungs?
A) Bronchioles
B) Ravioli
C) Alveoli
D) Bronx

Q.6 _________ is not good for your lungs.

A) Exercising
B) Singing
C) Smoking
D) Yelling

Q.7 The trachea is also called the:

A) Lung
B) Diaphragm
C) Windpipe
D) Bronchus
Q.8 The tiny hairs that keep mucus and dirt out of your lungs are called:
A) Lung hairs
B) Stubble
C) Bronchioles
D) Cilia

Q.9 The voice box is also known as the:

A) Alveoli
B) Larynx
C) Trachea
D) Motormouth

Q.10 As you breathe, this contracts and flattens to give your lungs room to fill up with
A) Larynx
B) Lung balloon
C) Diaphragm
D) Bronchiole

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