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Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16

At t e n t i o n

Our guides content is not a substitute for professional medical care and
diagnosis. If in any doubt whatsoever, have poor health, or pre-existing mental
or physical conditions/injuries do NOT attempt the training or dietary plan
without clearance from your physician or doctor first. We are NOT medical
experts nor do we purport to be.
As with any training programme by participating you knowingly and voluntarily
assume all risks associated with such exercise activities. LDN Muscle accepts
no liability for any injury, loss or damage resulting from physical exercise. By
following our guide you knowingly and voluntarily assume the inherent risk
of physical/resistance training. When training you should do so in a safe and
controlled environment, ensuring you have supervision and are assisted by
another competent/qualified gym assistant when required. At no time should
you attempt to perform such activities alone and unsupervised.
Should you suffer from any medical conditions, injuries or allergies, or should
you be in any doubt whatsoever, we advise you seek medical/professional
advice immediately and do NOT proceed to partake in any activity.
Any supplements featured within the guides are optional and must be taken in
strict accordance with manufactures recommendations, if in any doubt always
consult a physician. Always ensure your technique is correct, train within your
own capabilities and observe any safety practices/code of conducts present
within your own gym.

2 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

About Team LDNM

We are two sets of brothers from South West London comprising of the
Bridger Brothers, Lloyd and Max, and the Exton Twins, James and Tom.
We have trained together for years each with a slightly differing background
but the same goal: a natural, lean and aesthetic physique. As a group, we have
all been heavily involved in weight training and promoting the often-overlooked
importance of general health and fitness.
Having all extensively trained for a number of years and had to fit this initially
around full time University education and sport, and now around our full time
professions and social lives, we whole heartily empathise with the juggling act
that is required. We create all our guides with this firmly in mind.
We all approach areas from a slightly different angle, we all have our own
positive and negative experiences to draw on when providing practical advice
and opinions about both training and nutrition. This valuable knowledge, gained
over years of experience will help you reach your training goals and develop the
lean and natural looking muscular results that we all strive for. With advice and
tips to suit everyone, no matter what your starting point is.
We are, and always have been 100% natural, using only legal, commonly
available supplements- strictly no pro-hormones, steroids or performance-
enhancing drugs. We are intent on spreading the natural ethos we all uphold.
LDN Muscle aims to open peoples eyes to the dishonesty, false claims and
naturally unattainable physiques that are sadly often mis-sold to people with a
gimmicky supplement or generic one size fits all plan.
We at LDN Muscle are also 100% independent, having repeatedly turned down
various sponsorship offers this allows us to give unbiased, simple, honest and
realistic advice. We chose to distance ourselves from supplement companies
as we believe the vast majority attempt to sell customers the dream, as does
much of the fitness industry as an entirety. We became highly frustrated and
increasingly disenchanted with an industry commonly fortified by unjust, bold
and spurious claims.
Were all proud to practice what we preach- our muscular gains have not
been drastic over a period of months, we have had to work hard year on year,
learning from our mistakes and determining what kind of training and nutrition
works for us; all four of us with different genetic strengths and weaknesses.
Unlike many other companies, LDN Muscle offers unrivalled advice, support and
motivation with NO hidden agendas.
Best of luck on achieving your health, fitness and aesthetic goals, we wish you
every success from all of us here at Team LDNM:
Lloyd, Max, James & Tom.

3 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs


Following on from the sadistic Abnoxious Abs pack, we have put our heads
together and devised the spiteful new Abnoxious Abs V2! Consisting of 6 all new
workouts formulated to increase your strength and size (combined with a good
You can expect epic results that come as standard with all of our Flagship
Guides and as ever; we love to hear your feedback and progress, even if it is just
to moan about the pain and brutality of the workouts so be sure to tweet us.
All thats left to say is let the gains begin, and enjoy your DOMS.
Lloyd, Max, James and Tom

Tempo, failure, rest times and protocols

The tempo for the lifts in sessions should be:

Less than 6 reps: 1:1:1
6 to 12 reps: 2:1:2
More than 12 reps: 1:0:1
Use an appropriate weight for each exercise that will allow you to reach failure
on the final set, unless stated otherwise.
Rest times between sets should be:
Less than 6 reps: 120-180 seconds
6 to 12 reps: 60-90 seconds
More than 12 reps: 30-45 seconds
In depth description for the different protocols can be found in the Glossary at
the rear of the guide.

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workout 1
Cable Crunches
exercise no.1
a B
6 sets of 4 reps
Kneel in front of a high pulley with a rope
attachment. Take hold of the rope either
side of your head, holding your arms and
shoulders at a fixed position throughout.
Aim to keep your lower back straight,
crunching your upper body forwards and
down by contracting your abs. Focus on
not pulling through your arms to lead the

weighted hanging leg raises

exercise no.2

a B
5 sets of 6 reps
Grip a high bar shoulder width apart (or
where comfortable) and allow your body
to hang downwards, keeping your head
neutral. Hold a dumbbell between your
feet. With almost straight legs initiating
the movement, draw your feet forward in
an arc until they are above your hips and
control the return phase. You should feel
tension on your lower abs throughout.

weighted oblique crunches

exercise no.3

a B
5 sets of 6 reps
Standing tall, take a weight in one hand
by your side and place your other hand
on the side of your head. Pivot sideways
from the hips, lowering the kettlebell as
far down your thigh as possible. Contract
your oblique and abs on the opposite side
to the kettlebell to pivot your body about
and over your hips as far as possible.

Ab rollouts
exercise no.4

a B
3 sets of 10 reps
Start with your knees on the floor, flat
back and ab roller directly under your
shoulders with straight arms. Keeping
your neck neutral slowly roll forwards
keeping your back and arms straight, as
far as possible before drawing yourself
back to the starting position

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workout 2
tuck jumps
exercise no.1
a B
5 sets of 8 reps
From a half squat position, jump
directly upwards and using your abs
simultaneously raise your knees up into
your chest- you may use your arms to
generate additional upwards momentum.
Land in the same spot with soft knees and
repeat. Be sure to keep your head up and
looking forward to avoid kneeing yourself
in the face.

l ay i n g l e g r a i s e s
exercise no.2

a B
3 sets of 15 reps
Laying flat on a mat- arms either by your
side or behind your head supporting
yourself- lift your feet upwards through
their natural arc to a 60-degree angle by
powerfully contracting your lower abs.
Then in a slow and controlled manner
lower them- but do not allow your feet to
touch the mat!

Russian twists
exercise no.3

a B
3 sets of 20 reps
Assuming the top of a sit up position but
with your feet raised from the floor, elbows
locked by your sides. Gripping a medicine
ball or plate weight; twist from your core,
moving your torso and head in unity to
one side, return to the centre then to the
other side. Avoid bouncing the weight and
keep your legs pointing forwards.

bicycle crunches
exercise no.4

a B
3 sets of 20 reps
Laying flat on a mat, hands touching your
head and feet raised from the floor and a
90 degree angle at your knees. Crunch one
side of your body upwards so that your
head and elbow move towards the middle
of your body. At the same time, bring the
opposite leg to meet your elbow. Return
to the starting position and repeat for the
opposite side.

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workout 2
reverse crunches
exercise no.5
a B

5 supersets of 15 reps to plank to failure
Start laying flat on your back, legs straight
up in the air with your feet directly above
your hips, arms flat either side of your
body. Aim to raise your pelvis off the mat
by contracting your lower abdominals.
Hold for one second before slowly
returning to the start.
Place you forearms flat on the floor with
your elbows just within and directly a
below shoulders. Your body should be
in a straight line from head to toe with
a neutral neck. Keep your core tight
throughout and breathing regular.

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workout 3
cable crunches
exercise no.1
a B

incline bench crunches

feet raised crunches
3-5 sets of 6 reps to 12 reps to 25 reps
Kneel in front of a high pulley with a rope
attachment. Take hold of the rope either
side of your head, holding your arms and
shoulders at a fixed position throughout.
Aim to keep your lower back straight,
crunching your upper body forwards and
down by contracting your abs. Focus on a B
not pulling through your arms to lead the
Set a bench to a 15-degree incline. Lay
on the bench so your head is in line with
the top of the bench and grip behind your
head. Raise your legs so there are right
angles at your hip and knees. Crunch
your knees towards your face contracting
the lower abdominals. Hold briefly at the
peak and control the return to the start
Lay on a mat with your legs at a 90 degree a B
angle to your body, feet placed on top of
a bench. Shuffle your body so that your
bum is close to the bench and there is a
90 degree angle at your knees. Keeping a
neutral neck crunch directly up, pausing
for a second before slowly returning to
the start.

m o u n ta i n c l i m b e r s
exercise no.4

a B
3 sets of 60 seconds
Assume a press-up position and draw your
knee under your body directly forwards
as far as comfortably possible, return to
the starting position and repeat with the
opposite leg. Draw you knee towards the
opposite elbow to increase the difficulty.

8 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

workout 4
Swiss ball pikes
exercise no.1
a B
40 second circuit
Adopt a press-up position with you shins
resting on a Swiss ball, so that your body
forms a straight line. Without bending
your knees, hinge from your hips and roll
the Swiss ball towards your body. Aim to
finish with your toes on the ball, pausing
for a second before controlling the return
to the starting position with your abs and

hanging knee raises

exercise no.2

a B
40 second circuit
Grip a high bar shoulder width apart (or
where comfortable) and allow your body
hang directly downwards, keeping your
head neutral. Initiating the movement
from your pelvis, draw your knees forward
and up to your chest, pause for a second
and control the return phase. You should
feel tension on your lower abs throughout;
avoid any swinging!

bicycle crunches
exercise no.3

a B
40 second circuit
Laying flat on a mat, hands touching your
head and feet raised from the floor and a
90 degree angle at your knees. Crunch one
side of your body upwards so that your
head and elbow move towards the middle
of your body. At the same time, bring the
opposite leg to meet your elbow. Return
to the starting position and repeat for the
opposite side.

feet raised crunches

exercise no.4

a B
40 second circuit
Lay on a mat with your legs at a 90 degree
angle to your body, feet placed on top of
a bench. Shuffle your body so that your
bum is close to the bench and there is a
90 degree angle at your knees. Keeping
a neutral neck crunch directly up, slowly
returning to the start phase.

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workout 4
M o u n ta i n C l i m b e r s
exercise no.5
a B
40 second circuit
Assume a press-up position and draw your
knee under your body directly forwards
as far as comfortably possible, return to
the starting position and repeat with the
opposite leg. Draw you knee towards the
opposite elbow to increase the difficulty.

exercise no.6

40 second circuit
Place you forearms flat on the floor with
your elbows just within and directly
below shoulders. Your body should be
in a straight line from head to toe with
a neutral neck. Keep your core tight
throughout and breathing regular.

10 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

workout 5
Cable crunches
exercise no.1
a B

reverse crunches
10 supersets of 10 reps to 10 reps
Kneel in front of a high pulley with a rope
attachment. Take hold of the rope either
side of your head, holding your arms and
shoulders at a fixed position throughout.
Aim to keep your lower back straight,
crunching your upper body forwards and
down by contracting your abs. Focus on
not pulling through your arms to lead the
movement. a B
Start laying flat on your back, legs straight
up in the air with your feet directly above
your hips, arms flat either side of your
body. Aim to raise your pelvis off the mat
by contracting your lower abdominals.
Hold for one second before slowly
returning to the start.

M yo tat i c C r u n c h e s
exercise no.3

a B

bottoms up
8 supersets of 8 reps to 8 reps
Lay over a Bosu ball, the ball in the lower
part of your back, plant your feet flat on
the floor with your knees bent. Extend
your arms behind your head and bend
until you feel a good stretch in your abs.
Lift your shoulders by contracting your
abs, exhale at the top and contract your
abs, slowly lower to the start position.
Laying flat on a mat with your legs pointing a B
directly up in the air, place your arms flat
on the mat besides you engage you core
and raise you bum and legs upwards,
control the return motion and begin the
next rep the moment you feel contact
with the mat.

11 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

workout 6
weighted hanging knee raises
exercise no.1
a B
4 sets of 6 reps
Grip a high bar shoulder width apart (or
where comfortable) and allow your body
hang directly downwards, keeping your
head neutral. Hold a dumbbell between
you feet. Initiating the movement from
your pelvis, draw your knees forward and
up to your chest, pause for a second and
control the return phase. You should feel
tension on your lower abs throughout.

weighted feet raised crunches

exercise no.2

a B
4 sets of 8 reps
Lay on a mat with your legs at a 90 degree
angle to your body, feet placed on top of
a bench. Shuffle your body so that your
bum is close to the bench and there is a
90 degree angle at your knees. Holding
an appropriate weight directly above
your head crunch directly up, pausing for
a second before slowly returning to the

oblique cable crunches

exercise no.3

a B

Cable crunches
4 sets of 8 reps to 12 reps
Using a D-Handle and a high pulley stand
side on, taking a grip of the handle with
your closest arm. Keeping a 90 degree
angle at your elbow crunch your body
sideways, aiming to pull your elbow into
your hip, pause for one second before
controlling the return. Switch sides after
completing given number of reps.
Kneel in front of a high pulley with a rope a B
attachment. Take hold of the rope either
side of your head, holding your arms and
shoulders at a fixed position throughout.
Aim to keep your lower back straight,
crunching your upper body forwards and
down by contracting your abs. Focus on
not pulling through your arms to lead the

12 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

workout 6
Ab rollouts
exercise no.4
a B

Russian Twists
4 sets of 8 reps to 20 reps
Start with your knees on the floor, flat
back and ab roller directly under your
shoulders with straight arms. Keeping
your neck neutral slowly roll forwards
keeping your back and arms straight, as
far as possible before drawing yourself
back to the starting position.
Assuming the top of a sit up position but
with your feet raised from the floor, elbows a B
locked by your sides. Gripping a medicine
ball or plate weight; twist from your core,
moving your torso and head in unity to
one side, return to the centre then to the
other side. Avoid bouncing the weight and
keep your legs pointing forwards.

13 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

The LDNM Cutting Guide V3 has arrived! wanting to shred body fat and maintain (or
This instantly downloadable E-Guide builds even increase!) lean muscle mass, or as an
upon the monumental success of its pre- epic follow on to your Bulking Phase with the
decessors (Cutting Guide V1 and V2), both LDNM Bulking Bible V2.
of which have produced and continue to
produce thousands of incredible, inspiring, Get your hands on the original and market
life-changing and sustainable transforma- leading guide for under 2.50 a week, which
tions. will leave you both looking and feeling
The LDNM Cutting Guide V3 guides you,
step-by-step through your diet and training,
in a safe and easy to understand way max-
imizing the effectiveness of your cutting
phase and enabling you to reach your
shredded end goal while maintaining (or
even increasing) your muscle mass!

Fully adaptable for your weight and body

type, with unrivalled support and motivation
from the LDNM team via Twitter, Facebook
and E-mail getting in shape has never been
easier no matter what your starting point is.

This is a 130+ page, 18 week progressive

plan, which can be run standalone for those

14 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

The LDNM Bikini Guide V3 has arrived! This Get your hands on the market leading guide
instantly downloadable E-Guide builds for a under 2.50 a week, which will leave
upon the unparalleled success of its pre- you both looking great and feeling fit and
decessors (Bikini Guide V1 and V2), both of healthy.
which have produced and continue to pro-
duce thousands of incredible, inspiring, This is a 130+ page, 18 week progressive
life-changing and sustainable transforma- plan, designed to get you that Bikini Body
tions. that you have always desired.

The single most comprehensive and sus-

tainable diet and training plan available,
dont accept any imitations. Specifically
designed to get YOU in the shape you have
always yearned for, and NOT a generic one
size fits all plan.

Fully adaptable for your weight and body

type, with unrivalled support from the
LDNM team via Twitter, Facebook and E-mail.

Getting in shape has never been easier no

matter what your starting point is the
Bikini Guide is designed to lead you through
your journey, every step of the way, in an
easy to understand manner.

15 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

The LDNM Bulking Bible V2 is here! This This is a 100+ page, 22 week progressive
E-guide builds upon the massive success plan, which can be run standalone, or im-
of the original LDNM Natural Bulking Bible, mediately following the LDNM Cutting Guide-
which produced thousands of fantastic life- ideal for those looking to embark on an ex-
changing and sustainable transformations. tended bulking phase to achieve maximal
hypertrophic and strength gains.
The Bulking Bible V2 takes you through a
step-by-step, lean bulking phase, ensuring Get your hands on the market leading guide
the best results possible- increasing your for under 2.50 a week, which will optimise
size, strength and power- without unneces- you gains in strength, size and power.
sarily increasing body fat.

Rather than just lifting heavy with no real

aims or goals, the Bulking Bible V2 training
programme exploits Undulating Periodiza-
tion and training phases of Accumulation
and Intensification.

Bulking Bible V2 diet is fully detailed for

your weight and body type, ensuring you
arent unnecessarily piling in extra calories
and putting on pounds of fat. It is an ideal
complement for any athletes current train-
ing regimen looking to stay lean while in-
creasing their strength, size and power.

16 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

Here we have collated and listed
the most common terms that you
may not be familiar with and handy
replacement exercises.

If you are still left perplexed or

there are any terms you dont see
included, please dont hesitate to
tweet us, or ask on any of our other
social media channels.

17 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs


Regularly used or complicated gym jargon.


These numbers are the length (in seconds) each movement should take, or be
held for.
2 (concentric phase) : 1 (isometric hold) : 2 (eccentric phase)
For more information on tempo, read this article.


Abbreviation of repetitions. Refers to the number of times you should perform

the full movement of the exercise for one complete set.


The amount of times you should perform the full number of specified reps
taking the specified break between each.


The push or pull section of the exercise/movement the hard part where you
are doing the positive work of the rep. A type of muscle activation that increases
the tension on a muscle as it shortens.


The hold at the peak of the concentric phase (e.g. at the top of a bicep curl.) A
contraction, where the muscle fires but there is no change in its length and no
movement at the joints.


The section of the exercise/movement where gravity is acting upon the weight;
you must control this and resist gravity as you lower/raise (exercise dependant)
the weight. A type of muscle activation that increases the tension on a muscle as
it lengthens.

18 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs


C o m p o u n d v s I s o l at i o n

A compound lift is a multi-joint exercise, engaging multiple muscles, e.g. squats.

An isolation exercise aims to only engage a single muscle group, e.g. quad


Exactly how it sounds. Hitting a point where you cant physically finish a rep
and your muscles fail to contract properly. This doesnt mean going crazy with
a dangerously heavy weight. It requires you to push yourself to your maximum
without compromising form or tempo.


This is where you perform one exercise immediately after another different
exercise, aiming for a 0-10 second rest between each. Supersets can be used to
target a single or multiple muscle groups and are utilised for various training
protocols. Their most effective use is to stimulate hypertrophy and increase
muscular endurance.
We have integrated supersets within Abnoxious Abs V2 to challenge you and
add volume and variety where required you have been warned!

drop set

Once you have reached the first number of specified reps for the given exercise,
you should reduce the weight by 30-40% (you should reduce the weight by
a higher percentage if you are required to reach a high number of reps) and
perform the reps to failure.


This is where you perform a single exercise, utilising a heavy weight to failure,
followed immediately by a set with a reduced load of the same exercise.
Generally you reduce the weight by 40-50% from the heavy set to get your
weight for the light set. Aim for no more than 10 seconds rest in the transition
This style of training is best placed within hypertrophy cycles, given its wide
recruitment of muscle fibres and cross-sectional rep ranges.

19 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs



This is a method of training where you perform the specified amount of

repetitions, followed by a break of between 15-30 seconds, before completing
more repetitions to failure with the same weight. This counts as 1 set. You
should then rest for 90-120 seconds between sets.
Rest-pause is great for both strength and hypertrophy training, allowing more
total weight to be moved (for strength), and increased time under tension with a
heavier weight (for hypertrophy). A good example of this is singular deadlifts at
the same weight with a short rest period between them.
Singular reps also help to maintain form on complicated exercises, improving
the quality of muscle contractions and safety of the sets in comparison to
conventional heavy low rep sets.


Perform 6 reps of the first exercise (tempo 1:1:4), rest 10 seconds, then perform
12 reps of the second exercise (tempo 1:1:3), rest 10 seconds, 25 reps of the
third exercise (tempo 1:1:2) .This is one set- rest for 180 seconds between sets.
For a more in depth explanation, read this article.

20 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs


Replacement exercises
Cant perform a certain exercise? Weve got you covered.


Cable Crunches: can be replaced with feet raised weighted crunches.

Hanging Leg Raises: can be replaced with hanging knee raises or laying leg
Laying Leg Raises: can be replaced with hanging knee raises or incline bench
reverse crunches.
Myotatic Crunches: can be replaced using a hammer grip with dumbbells.
Ab Rollouts: can be replaced with barbell rollouts or Swiss ball rollouts.
Incline Bench Reverse Crunches: can be replaced with reverse crunches.
Swiss Ball Pikes: can be replaced with Swiss ball knee tucks.

21 w w w. L D N M u s c l e .c o m Purchased by Daisy Dean on 2015-09-29 15:05:16 Abnoxious Abs

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