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Izbor iz liburnskog nakita

A selection of liburnian jewellery

Prethodno priopenje Zdenko Brusi
Prapovijesna arheologija Odjel za arheologiju
Sveuilite u Zadru
Report Obala kralja Petra Kreimira IV/2
Prehistoric archaeology HR-23000 ZADAR
UDK/UDC 904:671.12(398)652

Primljeno/Received: 23. 06. 2010.

Prihvaeno/Accepted: 13. 01. 2011.

Nakon kratkog osvrta o Liburniji, gradinskim naseljima, njihovoj funkciji, liburnskom importu i uklapanju Liburna u grko-helenistiki svijet
nastavlja se s ilustrativnim materijalom pojedinih istaknutih i importiranih predmeta materijalne kulture Liburna.

Kljune rijei: Liburni, gradine, fibule

The short overview of Liburnia, its hill-fort settlements, their function, Liburnian imports and the ways in which Liburnian people fit into the
Greek-Hellenistic world continues with the illustrations of selected remarkable and imported items of Liburnian material culture.

Key words: Liburnians, hill-forts, fibulae

Pojedina mjesta na istaknutim uzvienjima gradine, ine Certain settlements located on prominent elevations,
osnovni tip naselja naroda koji su tijekom eljeznog doba known as hill-forts, constitute a basic type of settlement bu-
obitavali na istonojadranskoj obali, njenim otocima i zaleu. ilt by Iron Age peoples inhabiting the Eastern Adriatic coast,
Na temelju rekognosciranja, istraivanja i toponomastikih its islands and hinterland. Field surveys, research and topo-
podataka samo kod naroda Liburna koji su ivjeli na nomastic data have established more than 350 such elevated
prostoru izmeu rijeka Rae u Istri i Krke utvreno je vie settlements on Liburnian territory alone, which covered the
od 350 ovakvih naselja na uzvienjima karakteristinim po area between the River Raa in Istria and the River Krka; the-
suhozidnim konstrukcijama od lomljenog kamena to su se settlements were characterised by dry-stone encirclements
ih okruivale (Batovi 2004: 605609). Gustoa gradinskih made of crushed stone (Batovi 2004: 605609). The density of
hill-fort settlements in certain smaller areas, such as the Island
naselja na pojedinim uim prostorima poput otoka Loinja,
of Loinj, the Biograd-Stankovci area and some other locations,
biogradsko-stankovakog prostora i nekih drugih mjesta,
where distances between such settlements never exceed 2,000
gdje meusobne udaljenosti ovih naselja esto ne prelaze metres, causes us to consider the purpose served by such areas,
dvije tisue metara, namee razmiljanje o njihovoj namjeni encircled by dry-stone walls and located on an elevation provi-
odnosno svrsi suhozidom ograenih prostora smjetenih na ding a commanding view of the surrounding area. Based on the
uzvisini s dobrim pregledom prostora koji ovakva gradinska field surveys conducted at certain hill-fort settlements, we can
naselja okruuje. Temeljem rezultata rekognosciranja nekih observe that the quantities of hill-fort ceramics which, along
od gradinskih naselja uoljivo je da koliina gradinske with the remains of dry-stone constructions, serve as the stron-
keramike, koja je uz ostatke suhozidnih gradnji najvaniji gest indicator of the existence of a former settlement do not
indikator postojanja naselja, ne odgovara obimnosti povrine correspond to the volume of the areas enclosed by the stone
koju zatvara kameni nasip, a est je i potpuni nedostatak enclosure and that, very often, no ceramic fragments at all are
keramikih ulomaka unutar ovih suhozidnih konstrukcija. found in these areas encircled by dry-stone constructions. Ba-
Moemo pretpostaviti, temeljem navedenih podataka i sed on the above data and the facts that Liburnian economy,
spoznaje da je liburnsko gospodarstvo kao i ono kod ostalih like the economies of other Iron Age communities inhabiting
eljeznodobnih zajednica du dinarida poivalo na stoarstvu the area along the Dinarides, relied on the farming of, mostly,
i to preteno ovidima, da su primarno ove kamene suhozidne sheep, we can presume that the dry-stone constructions we
konstrukcije najee krunog odnosno elipsoidnog oblika, refer to as hill-top forts, which were most frequently of circu-
koje nazivamo gradinama, uz naseobinski dio koji obino lar or ellipsoidal shape and included a living quarters usually
zauzima manji dio ovog prostora sluile kao obori za stoku occupying a smaller part of the area, served primarily as cattle
a neke od njih mogle su biti i iskljuivo obori za stoku. pens; some of them could have, indeed, served exclusively as

Zdenko Brusi, IZBOR IZ LIBURNSKOG NAKITA, Pril. Inst. arheol. Zagrebu, 27/2010, str. 241-248

Naime teko je pretpostaviti neke vee meusobne sukobe cattle pens. It is difficult to assume that such massive enclosu-
susjednih gradinskih naselja da bi se trebali ograivati res were built because of some large-scale conflict between
masivnim nasipima ali je svakako bilo neophodno da se neighbouring hill-fort settlements; on the other hand, at night
stoka tijekom noi i u zimi zbrine i osigura od dvije vrse and in winter-time, cattle certainly had to be sheltered and
grabeljivaca vuka i aglja koji su i danas, vuk u veoj mjeri, protected from two predators: the wolf and the jackal. Even
glavna opasnost za stada ovida, posebno na karakter lova today, the hunting patterns of these predators, wolves in parti-
ovih dviju zvijeri.1 Vjerujemo da je jedina zatita stada od cular, pose a most serious threat to herds of sheep.1 We believe
vukova i agljeva, kojih je tada sigurno bilo u znatno veem that the only way to protect a herd against wolves and jackals,
broju, bila t da se zatvore u manji prostor i uvaju. which were certainly more numerous at the time, was for the
cattle to be penned and guarded.
Sva ova brojna naselja na liburnskom prostoru nisu sigurno
All these numerous settlements on Liburnian territory did
egzistirala u isto vrijeme tako su neka od njih, ako je suditi
not exist simultaneously; some of them, judging by the ceramic
prema naenim keramikim ulomcima domae, odnosno fragments of local provenance that were found, or rather, by
odsustvu ili prisustvu importirane keramike trajala krae to the presence or absence of imported ceramics, lasted shorter
je posebno uoljivo u mlaem razdoblju od sredine prvog than others; this is particularly obvious in the later period, in the
tisuljea prije Krista. Naime u posljednjih nekoliko stoljea second half of the 1st millennium BC. In the final centuries BC
prije Krista neka od ovih naselja postat e gospodarska, some of these settlements became economic, administrative
upravna i kulturna sredita manjih regija tako da e se njihov and cultural centres of minor regions, and their number was re-
broj svesti na pedesetak teritorijalnih sredita to se primie duced to approximately 50 territorial centres; this approaches
broju od 3035 opinskih sredita (civitates) koji e doekati the figure of 3035 quoted by Pliny when writing of municipal
rimsku okupaciju, a koliko ih navodi Plinije. centres (civitates) active at the time of the Roman occupation.
Za ovaj preobraaj liburnskog drutva zapoet oko This transformation of the Liburnian society, which began
sredine prvog milenija prije Krista sigurno su zasluni around the middle of the 1st millennium BC, was definitely the
liburnski rani kontakti s grkim i helenistikim svijetom koji result of early contacts established between the Liburnians and
se ogledaju u prilivu raznih dobara ali i prihvaanju novina the Greek and Hellenistic world; they were reflected in the in-
to ih je taj svijet nudio. Te se novine ogledaju u nainu flux of various goods from this world and the adoption of the
pokopa, prilivu novca i drugih predmeta posebno veem innovations it offered. These innovations included burial prac-
importu keramikog posua, organizaciji naselja te boljoj tices, the influx of money and other items, in particular an incre-
obradi kamenih konstrukcija bedema naselja na kojima ased import of ceramic dishes, the organisation of settlements
se ve od treeg stoljea primjenjuje tehnika gradnje i and an improvement in stone dressing techniques: already in
obrada kamena megalitskom tehnikom kao i na grkim the 3rd century, the megalithic technique from Greece was
applied to the construction and dressing of stone enclosures
prostorima.(T. 1: 1) Pribliavanje grkog svijeta izgradnjom
(Pl. 1: 1). At first, the Liburnians seem to have fiercely opposed
kolonija na srednjem Jadranu kojima su se Liburni u poetku
the approaching Greek world that was expanding through its
izgleda estoko opirali, sudei po Jadestinina (stanovnicima
colonies in the Central Adriatic: the Iadestini (inhabitants of the
liburnskog Jadera) koji su s ostalim liburnima organizirali Liburnian Iader) and other Liburnians organised an armed re-
oruani otpor ovom prodoru, ubrzo je splasnuo te ve u sistance against the invasion. However, armed resistance soon
drugom i prvom stoljeu prije Krista Liburni trgujui s ovim dwindled and in 2nd and 1st centuries BC, the Liburnians were
prostorima uvelike nabavljaju razne proizvode helenistikog trading with those territories, buying considerable amounts of
svijeta ali i neke proizvode poput vina, kojeg sami, iako su various Hellenistic products, including wine, which they were
poznavali vinovu lozu nisu mogli proizvesti u potrebnim unable to produce in sufficient quantities even though they
koliinama. Veliki broj antikih brodoloma na istonoj obali were familiar with grapevine. This trade is well documented
Jadrana s karakteristinim tipovima vinskih amfora iz drugog by numerous Antique shipwrecks on the Eastern Adriatic co-
i prvog stoljea prije Krista te ulomci ovakvih amfora na ast containing characteristic wine amphorae from 2nd and 1st
gradinskim naseljima dobro ilustriraju ovu trgovinu. Isto tako century BC and by fragments of such amphorae found at hill-
brojno keramiko posue koje se koristilo pri posluivanju fort settlements. Also, numerous ceramic dishes used for ser-
vina a izraivano je u radionicama grkih naselja na Jadranu ving wine, crafted in the workshops of the Greek settlements
ispunjava sada grobnice raene po helenistikom uzoru na on the Adriatic, fill the graves constructed after the Hellenistic
liburnskim naseljima Arauzoni, Gradini kod Dragiia, Aseriji, model in the Liburnian settlements of Arauzona, Gradina near
Nadinu i dr. Dragii, Aserija, Nadin, etc.
Vjerojatno je ova rana helenizacija da je tako nazove- This early Hellenization was the result of numerous contacts
mo, bila posljedica brojnih kontakata Liburna s helenistikim between the Liburnians and the Hellenic and Roman worlds.
i rimskim svijetom, pa je moda imala za posljedicu to Li- This may be the reason why the Liburnians never shared the
burni nisu doivjeli onu zlu sudbinu kakvu su proli njihovi ill fate of their neighbours, the Histri, the Iapydes and, in par-
ticular, the Delmatae, and why the Romans did not occupy the
susjedi Histri, Japodi a posebno Delmati, te rimska okupaci-
Liburnian territory by the sword but through, as we say these
ja liburnskog prostora nije izvrena snagom maa ve tihom
days, quiet diplomacy.
diplomacijom kako bi danas kazali.
In addition to ceramic products, the manifold links the Li-
Mnogostruke veze Liburna s grkim i helenistikim svije- burnians maintained not only with the Greek and Hellenistic
tom ali i s ostalim susjedima i onima na susjednoj obali Jadra- world but also with other neighbours and the peoples living
na osim po keramikim izraevinama ogledaju se najbolje on the opposite side of the Adriatic are best reflected in other
u drugim primjerima materijale kulture posebno u nakitu items of material culture, in particular jewellery which, as we
a on je kako znamo bio glavna preokupacija znanstvenog
1 Vuk i agalj, koji je u priobalju endemska ivotinja, esto napadaju u 1 Wolves and jackals, which are endemic to the coastal region, frequently
skupinama i ubijaju veliki broj jedinki, tako ponekad strada stado od vie attack in packs, killing large numbers of animals; a flock of several dozen
desetina ovaca. sheep may be killed at a time.

Zdenko Brusi, A SELECTION OF LIBURNIAN JEWELLERY, Pril. Inst. arheol. Zagrebu, 27/2010, P. 241-248

istraivanja kolegice Dunje Glogovi kojoj je posveen ovaj know, was the main topic of research conducted by our colle-
broj Priloga a ja se pridruujem ovim prilogom koji svaka- ague Dunja Glogovi to whom this issue of Prilozi is dedicated.
ko ne pretendira da obradi sve bogatstvo liburnskog naki- My contribution does not presume to analyse the entire we-
ta ve nastojim da kroz nekoliko primjeraka ve poznatog alth of Liburnian jewellery but simply attempt, through several
nakita i drugih predmeta iz liburnske ostavtine osvijet- pieces of known jewellery and some other items from the Li-
lim narod Liburna iji korijeni seu u duboku Sredozemnu burnian heritage, to shed light on the Liburnian people whose
prolost (Brusi 2008: 9293). roots reach deeply into the Mediterranean past (Brusi 2008:
Od dvadesetak vrsta i veliki broj varijanti liburnskog na- 9293).
kita svakako najdue je bila u upotrebi spiralnonaoarasta Out of the twenty or so types of Liburnian jewellery and
their numerous variants, the spectacle fibula with its many va-
fibula s brojnim varijantama i privjescima te iako prvotno
riants and pendants was in use for the longest period of time;
nije svojina liburnskog prostora ova vrsta nakita masovno
even though it did not originate in Liburnia, this type of jewel-
se izraivala u Liburniji (T. 1: 2). Druga vrsta fibula koja se lery was mass-produced on its territory (Pl. 1: 2). The other type
dugo zadrala kod Liburna je luna fibula s unatrag zavr- of fibula which remained in use in Liburnia for a long time was
nutom noicom koja se pojavljuje u razliitim veliinama a the bow fibula with the foot bent backward: it came in various
izraivana je najprije u bronci a kasnije kada dobiva vee sizes and was first crafted in bronze and later on, when its size
dimenzije i u srebru. U mlaoj fazi liburnske kulture poseb- increased, in silver. In the late phase of the Liburnian culture we
no treba naglasiti razne varijante ploastih fibula nastalih must single out the many different variants of the plate fibula
pod helenistikim utjecajem ali s posebnom liburnskom crafted under Hellenistic influence but displaying distinctive Li-
osebujnou. Donosim stoga vie varijanti ovih srebrnih burnian traits. I have, therefore, included several variants of the-
fibula od kojih neke imaju i pozlatu a pojavljuju se u po- se silver fibulae from the last two centuries BC, some of them
sljednja dva stoljea prije Krista (T. 4: 14, T. 5: 2). gold-plated (Pl. 4: 14, Pl. 5: 2).
Privjesci su takoer brojni i raznoliki te kao i aplike, osim Pendants are also numerous and varied. Like appliqus,
ukrasne namjene imaju i simbolino i magijsko znaenje. they served not only as mere decorations but had additional
(T. 5: 1). Ovdje posebno treba spomenuti antropomorfne symbolic and magical meaning. (Pl. 5: 1). Here, we must single
privjeske iz Nina i Zatona (T. 2: 3) te privjesak iz Jagodnje out the anthropomorphic pendants from Nin and Zaton (PL.
Gornje s ukomponiranim staklenim gemama (T. 2: 2). Istiem II: 3) and a pendant from Jagodnja Gornja with inserted glass
posebno velike kope s ljudskim protomama iz Nina te ve- gems (Pl. 2: 2). I would particularly like to point out the large
liku pojasnu kopu iz Aserije, koje uz upotrebnu namjenu buckles with human protomes from Nin and a large belt buckle
imaju i simbolino znaenje (T. 3: 1, 2). Od naunica poseb- from Aserija, which, albeit intended for use, also had a symbolic
no treba spomenuti one mlae nastale pod helenistikim meaning (Pl. 3: 1, 2). Among the earrings, we must single out
the more recent ones, made under Hellenistic influence. The
utjecajem. Tako iz devastiranog groba iz Ljubake Kose
lower part of the already known silver earring was thus found
potjee donji dio ve poznate srebrne naunice naen za-
in the despoiled grave in Ljubaka Kosa together with two sil-
jedno s dvije srebrne monete2. Od ogrlica posebno treba
ver coins2. Among the necklaces, we must point out the silver
istaknuti srebrnu ogrlicu iz ostave na osinoj gradini kod necklace from the osina gradina hoard near Jagodnja Gornja,
Jagodnje Gornje ija etiri privjeska imitiraju novac Meta- which has four pendants imitating the Metapontum coin from
ponta iz estog stoljea prije Krista (T. 2: 1). Veliki prsni nakit the 6th century BC (Pl. 2: 1). Large chest jewellery, pectorals,
pektorali ine posebnu vrstu liburnskog nakita a najvie constitute a separate group among the Liburnian jewellery
su u upotrebi u starijem razdoblju. Jantarni proizvodi su and were mostly used in the earlier phase. Items made of am-
takoer brojni i oni obiljeavaju liburnsku kulturu tijekom ber are also numerous and characteristic of Liburnian culture
itavog trajanja. Brojni primjerci novca pronaenog u osta- throughout its duration. Numerous coins found in hoards and
vama, grobovima i sluajnim nalazima ukazuju na njegovu graves, or by accident, indicate that money was in use, either
upotrebu, bilo u meusobnoj razmjeni ali i u razmjeni Li- in exchanges conducted among the Liburnians themselves or
burna s antikim svijetom. Ovdje donosim jedino primje- in those conducted between the Liburnians and the Antique
rak keltskog srebrnog novaca pronaenog na Gradini kod world. I have included only a sample of Celtic silver coin found
Dragiia (T.V: 5), gdje je takoer pronaen i vrak bronane at Gradina near Dragii (Pl.V: 5), where the tip of a bronze th-
trobride strelice vjerojatno skitske provinijencije.3 (T. 5: ree-blade arrowhead, probably of Scythian origin, was found as
4 ). Ovo kratko i ilustrativno nabrajanje liburnskih nalaza well.3 (Pl. 5: 4 ). I will conclude this brief and illustrative enume-
zavriti u s bronanom figurom ratnika koji je vjerojat- ration of Liburnian findings with a bronze warrior figure which
no trgovakom razmjenom preko june Italije dospio do probably came to Ljubaka Kosa via trade routes from South
Ljubake Kose. Motiv ratnika uz razne druge prikaze esto Italy. Along with other representations, the warrior motive fre-
se pojavljuje kod sardskih bronanih figurica lijevanih u teh- quently appears in the Sardinian bronze figurines cast in the
nici tzv. izgubljenog modela izraivanih sredinom prvog so-called lost-wax technique, crafted in the middle of the 1st
millennium BC in Sardinia (Pl. 5: 3).
milenija prije Krista na Sardiniji (T. 5: 3).
2 Naalost spomenute monete i ostali materijal iz Ljubake Kose kojeg 2 Unfortunately, the coins have been lost along with the other material from
ovdje donosim je izgubljen Brusi 2002: 224240. Ljubaka Kosa presented here Brusi 2002: 224240.
3 Vei broj ovakvih skitskih strelica naen je na Visu. 3 A large number of such Scythian arrows was found in Vis.

Batovi, . 2004, U osvit povijesti, Opera selecta II, Liburnska grupa, Zadar, Brusi, Z. 2002, Nekropole liburnskih naselja Nina i Kose kod Ljupa, Hi-
589650. stria Antiqua, 8, 213241.
Brusi, Z. 2008, Pokrovnik, naselje iz neolitika, ibenik.

Zdenko Brusi, IZBOR IZ LIBURNSKOG NAKITA, Pril. Inst. arheol. Zagrebu, 27/2010, str. 241-248

T. 1

T. 1 1 detalj bedema iz Lergove gradine kod Slivnice, 2 spiralnonaoaraste fibule iz Nina

Pl. 1 1 detail of an enclosure from Lergova gradina near Slivnica, 2 spectacle fibulae from Nin

Zdenko Brusi, A SELECTION OF LIBURNIAN JEWELLERY, Pril. Inst. arheol. Zagrebu, 27/2010, P. 241-248

T. 2

1 2

T. 2 1 srebrna ogrlica iz osine gradine u Jagodnji Gornjoj s etiri privjeska koji imitiraju metapontski novac iz VI st pr. Krista (u gornjem
uglu prikaz originalne monete), 2 srebrni privjesak iz osine gradine sa staklenim gemama (prikaz u gornjem uglu), 3 antropo-
morfni privjesci iz Zatona i Nina
Pl. 2 1 silver necklace from osina gradina in Jagodnja Gornja with four pendants which imitate Metapontum coin from the 6th century BC
(image of an original coin shown in the upper corner), 2 silver pendant from osina gradina with glass gems (shown in upper corner),
3 anthropomorphic pendants from Zaton and Nin

Zdenko Brusi, IZBOR IZ LIBURNSKOG NAKITA, Pril. Inst. arheol. Zagrebu, 27/2010, str. 241-248

T. 3

T. 3 1 kope iz Nina, 2 detalj sredinjeg dijela pojasne kope iz Aserije

Pl. 3 1 buckles from Nin, 2 detail of the central part of the belt buckle from Aserija

Zdenko Brusi, A SELECTION OF LIBURNIAN JEWELLERY, Pril. Inst. arheol. Zagrebu, 27/2010, P. 241-248

T. 4

3 4

T. 4 1 ploaste kope iz Nadina i Nina, 2 kopa iz Kose kod Ljuba i njena rekonstrukcija, 3 kope iz Kose kod Ljuba i osine gradine
kod Jagodnje Gornje, 4 kope iz Aserije, Nina i Kose kod Ljuba
Pl. 4 1 plate fibulae from Nadin and Nin, 2 fibula from Kosa near Ljuba and its reconstruction, 3 kope from Kosa near Ljuba and osina
gradina near Jagodnja Gornja, 4 kope from Aserija, Nin and Kosa near Ljuba

Zdenko Brusi, IZBOR IZ LIBURNSKOG NAKITA, Pril. Inst. arheol. Zagrebu, 27/2010, str. 241-248

T. 5

1 2

3 4

T. 5 1 aplike iz Aserije i Kose kod Ljuba, 2 mele kope iz Kose kod Ljuba i osine gradine u Jagodnji Gornjoj, 3 prednja i stranja
strana bronane figurice- strelca iz Kose kod Ljuba, 4 vrh bronane skitske strelice iz Gradine kod Dragiia, 5 Keltski novac iz
Gradine kod Dragiia
Pl. 5 1 appliqus from Aserija and Kosa near Ljuba, 2 small fibulae from Kosa near Ljuba and osina gradina in Jagodnja Gornja, 3 front
and back of the bronze archer figurine from Kosa near Ljuba, 4 tip of a bronze Scythian arrow from Gradina near Dragii, 5 Celtic coin
from Gradina near Dragii


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