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Online version at The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2016 December;56(12):1518-25


Muscle contracture diagnosis: the role of sonoelastography

Daniele BRUSCHETTA 1, Demetrio MILARDI 1, 2, Fabio TRIMARCHI 1,
Debora DI MAURO 1, Andrea VALENTI 4, Alessandro ARRIGO 1, Barbara VALENTI 3, Giuseppe SANTORO 1,
Filippo CASCIO 1, Gianluigi VACCARINO 1, Alberto CACCIOLA 1

1Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphological and Functional Images, University of Messina, Messina, Italy; 2IRCCS Centro
Neurolesi Bonino Pulejo, Messina, Italy; 3Diagnostics Fiumara Centre, Santa Teresa Riva, Messina, Italy; 4Department of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
*Corresponding author: Demetrio Milardi, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphological and Functional Images, University of Messina, Italy.

BACKGROUND: Sonoelastography plays today a major role in musculoskeletal disease, showing minor muscle injuries not well appreciable in
conventional B-mode ultrasonography and integrating it in major muscle injuries diagnosis. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the ability
of elastosonography in the diagnosis of muscular contracture in football players presenting negative basic echography.
METHODS: We examined twenty-two football players using basic echography and elastosonography approximately 24-48 hours after the trau-
matic event and we subsequently re-evaluated them after two weeks.
RESULTS: Conventional echography showed, in the early stage, no muscle injuries; in twenty-two out of twenty-two patients, sonoelastography
had instead underlined a heterogeneous colorimetric map, related to decreased elasticity in the area of the muscle contracture. An evaluation
effected 1-2 weeks later showed a clear improvement of the sonoelastographic appearance.
CONCLUSIONS: This information will be useful for prognostication, post-traumatic monitoring and to detect subclinical changes in MIs even
before there are changes on the routine B-mode ultrasound.
(Cite this article as: Bruschetta D, Milardi D, Trimarchi F, Di Mauro D, Valenti A, Arrigo A, et al. Muscle contracture diagnosis: the role of sonoelas-
tography. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2016;56:1518-25)
Key words: Ultrasonography - Contracture - Muscles - Elasticity imaging techniques.

M uscle injury (MI) is a common pathological event

in competitive sport practice, since it may be a
predictable consequence in those subjects whose prin-
resents a defensive action occurring when the muscle is
stressed beyond its physiological tolerance. The patient
feels a slight or widespread pain in the affected muscle,
ciple of training is to get higher levels of performance involuntary increase in muscle tone and lack of muscle
and to implement muscle endurance resistance;1 whilst, elasticity during movements. Muscle fibers are overex-
in people practicing non-competitive sport, it may be tended till the limit point without muscular fibers strip-
due to inadequate general warm-up, inappropriate phys- ping, indeed conventional B-mode ultrasound examina-
ical preparation and abrupt or violent movements.2 MIs tion performed in these patients was shown to have a
are classified in minor trauma (contractures, contusions negative result.4, 5
and elongations) and major trauma (strain of a small However, in recent years ultrasound elastography
contingent of fibers, partial or total breaks).3 Muscle (USE, Sonoelastography) has assumed a key role in the
contracture is an involuntary, painful and persistent diagnosis and follow-up of MIs, allowing to identify the
contraction of one or more skeletal muscles, which rep- precise location and extent.6

1518 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness December 2016

Elastographic techniques used in addition to imaging We performed conventional echography and USE in
techniques (ultrasound, resonance magnetic or optical) 22 painful subjects 24-48 hours after the trauma to in-
provide new clinical information on the pathological vestigate MIs. Primary aim of this paper is to show the
state of soft tissues. diagnostic utility of USE in the identification of muscle
USE, whose development started about 20 years ago, contractures and to suggest it as a daily technique, in-
aims at imaging tissue stiffness, which provides addi- tegrating conventional echography in post-traumatic
tional and clinically relevant information. Initially so- events.
noelastography used manual compression and allowed
only for qualitative evaluation, now some methods ap-
pear to apply a non-operator dependent compression. Materials and methods
Images are acquired before and after soft compression
of tissues and the deformations are evaluated. Mapping Twenty-two football players with anamnesis and
clinical diagnosis of minor traumatic MI, caused by in-
the stiffness can either be estimated from the analysis
direct mechanism, underwent to our observation. Each
of the strain in the tissue under a stress or by the imag-
subject signed an informed consent and the entire study
ing of shear waves, mechanical waves, whose propaga-
was approved by our Ethical Committee, which con-
tion is governed by the tissue stiffness rather than by its
firmed that all examinations were in conformity with
bulk modulus7. USE has proven to be highly specific
the relevant regulatory standard and that all the proce-
in the diagnostic evaluation of lesions situated in vari-
dures that have been followed were in accordance with
ous organs: breast, prostate, thyroid, lymph nodes and the Helsinki declaration of 1975. Conventional echog-
testes,8-17 organs mechanically stressed by either ex- raphy shown negative results, even if patients reported
ternal or internal forces. On these bases it is possible a persistent symptoms of localized pain.
qualitative or quantitative evaluation of tissues elastic We excluded subjects with positive conventional
properties from the measured displacement of induced echography related to muscle fibers breakdown.
tissue movement. It is also needed to consider several The majority of the examined patients were profes-
approaches: 1) manual compression by operator using sional football players and the traumatic event occurred
the transducer; 2) organ compression by heartbeat or during a match. Among the rest of the examined pa-
vascular pulsations; 3) push pulse waves compression; tients, amateur players, trauma occurred during a run or
4) supersonic shear waves. a five-a-side football game.
USE can be classified into four types: quasi-static Traumas sites were localized in the thigh and in the
compression, dynamic mechanical analysis, vibration- adductor region, indeed the injuries were located in cor-
controlled transient elastography and hyper-frequency respondence of the femoris quadriceps, in particular the
viscoelastic spectroscopy.18 Our work focuses on real- rectus femoris in 12 patients, the adductor in 4 patients,
time static sonoelastography, which applies quasi-static the femoris biceps in 4 patients and semitendinosus in
compression of tissue and simultaneously images it by 2 patients.
means of ultrasound. The vibrations and compressions All patients came to our observation about 24-48
are provided physiologically by vascular pulsation and hours after the trauma, in acute and sub-acute phase,
respiratory motion. The calculation of tissue elasticity presenting localized, spontaneous or provoked pain,
distribution is performed in real-time and the examina- and inability to contract the traumatized muscle. In
tion results are colour-superimposed over the conven- three patients palpable swelling was reported.
tional B-mode image. One radiologist with 15 years of conventional so-
Although the utility of USE in the study of the mus- nography and 5 years of elastosonography experience
culoskeletal system has been demonstrated by several performed the examination. Conventional echography
studies on muscle stiffness,19, 20 degenerative altera- examination was performed by using a Siemens Acu-
tions of the Achilles tendon,21 neuromuscular disease 5 son S2000 equipment with small parts probe 7-14 MHz,
and lateral epicondylitis,22 to the best of our knowledge, integrated by assessment with a high-frequency probe
there are no previous reports of USE findings of muscle (18-7 MHz) for the study of muscular stripes and more
contracture. shallow soft tissues in thin subjects. An intermediate-

Vol. 56 - No. 12 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 1519

frequency probe (9-4 MHz) was used for the study of

deep muscular structures in subjects presenting high
percentage of body fat and muscular mass. First, ultra-
sound examination was performed during muscle relax-
ation status, then in active or passive contraction phase.
Sonoelastography was performed by gently compress-
ing the heel with the hand-held transducer. The force
applied to the heel was adjusted according to the quality
factor set on the machine, which was displayed on the
screen in real time. The optimal compressive force was
indicated by a quality factor 60.23 During the examina-
tion, the elastogram appeared within a rectangular re-
gion of interest as a color-coded image superimposed A
over the B-mode image. The elastography image was
represented by color-coding. Color scale ranged from
red (elastic tissues-areas with significant deformation)
to blue (rigid elements-areas with low distortion); green
indicated intermediate degrees of elasticity. The con-
ventional B-mode ultrasound image was displayed on
the left side of the screen while the color-coded real
time sonoelastogram was depicted on the right side of
the screen. For each area of interest were recorded 4 im-
ages. In all patients, examination was also complement-
ed by eco-color-Doppler with parameters modulation
for the study of slow flows. The eco-color-Doppler was
useful to document, in some of the cases, the presence B
of reactive vascular signals, especially referred to inter-
fascial connective tissue. The integration of eco-color-
Doppler resulted therefore aspecific and less helpful to
confirm diagnosis of muscle contracture.


Conventional echography resulted negative in nine-

teen patients, without visualization of muscular lesions
(Figure 1A). In three patients with palpable tumefac-
tion, during muscle contraction, a nuanced structural
diffused hypoechogenicity of muscle fibers was found, C
surrounded by adjacent regions mildly hyperechogen- Figure 1.Axial Scan of rectus femoris muscles. A) Negative ultra-
ic. These areas of hypoechogenicity presented a faded sound test; B) conventional B-mode echography of semitendinosus
muscle shows ipoechogenicity with other adjacent widespread ipere-
aspect of the fascia and the inter-muscular connective chogenic area, signs of edema; C) axial scan of semitendinosus muscle
tissue, with indicative traces of edema, not present con- fibers that documents nuanced hyperechogenicity.
tralateral (Figure 1B, C). In all patients, examination
was also complemented by echo-color-Doppler with the color blue in the colorimetric map (Figure 2A). The
parameters modulation for the study of slow flows and eco-color-Doppler documented in some of the cases,
by USE (Figure 2), which underlined a decreased elas- the presence of reactive vascular signals, especially
ticity of the painful muscular region, corresponding to referred to inter-fascial connective tissue (Figure 2B).

1520 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness December 2016

muscle contraction is displayed as a reduction of the

elasticity in the traumatized muscle region (Figure 4A),
compared to the contralateral one (Figure 4B). Indeed,
the contralateral pain free muscle showed signals of
good elasticity, as clearly represented by the graphical
color distribution.
USE check-up at 1-2 weeks showed a gradual nor-
malization of the colorimetric map with an increase of
the color green, as shown in (Figure 4C).

Ultrasound examination is universally accepted as a

first level exam for the study of muscle-skeletal system,
playing a major role in the dynamic evaluation of muscle
components, which cannot be revealed by other imag-
ing techniques. Muscle ultrasound is a non-invasive and
real-time technique to visualize normal and pathological
muscular tissue (i.e. traumatisms and neuromuscular dis-
orders).24 Traumatic muscle pathology includes different
types of damage: there is contusion in case of direct trau-
ma, and contracture, stretching, tearing and breaking, in
case of indirect trauma.25 Muscle contracture is an invol-
untary, painful and persistent contraction of one or more
skeletal muscles, which appear rigid and hypertonic. The
Figure 2.Axial Scan of rectus femoris muscles. A) Elastosonographi- contraction is itself a defensive reaction occurring when
cal study highlights decreased elasticity of painful muscle region, cor-
responding to blue in the colorimetric map; B) eco color Doppler shows the muscle tissue is stressed beyond its physiological en-
signs of vascular reaction. durance limit, since the overload induces the muscle to
contract. Predisposing factors can be mechanics or meta-
The integration of eco-color-Doppler resulted therefore bolic, but their involvement is still unclear.26 The most
aspecific and less helpful to confirm diagnosis of mus- important biochemical finding is a marked decrease in
cle contracture. the ability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to accumulate
In twenty-two out of twenty-two patients, USE has calcium ions. The concentration of muscle phosphory-
instead evidenced decreased elasticity in painful mus- lase is normal, but the ratio of the active form is unusu-
cular region, corresponding to a heterogeneous colori- ally high, as well as venous-blood lactate during rest.4
metric map, indicative of low elasticity and therefore Contracture frequently appears to be a consequence
poor contractile function of the interested muscle region of a lack of general or specific warm-up, inappropri-
(Figure 3A, 3B). The blue color is indicative of mus- ate physical preparation, excessive stress, sudden and
cular rigidity and contracture (Figure 3A). Color distri- violent movements, joints problems, and postural and
bution is graphically represented for each figure. This muscular imbalances. It is therefore a very common
color detection was not appreciable into not painful, pathological event in sport practice, mostly affecting
contiguous muscles, and even within the same muscle, lower limbs, especially quadriceps femoris muscles and
in the upstream and downstream portions of the region triceps surae muscles.
affected by painful symptoms. The lesion is characterized by metabolic intracy-
These findings suggest that muscle contracture is not toplasmic changes of myofibrillar and mitochondrial
detectable by using conventional echography, but it can structures, in addition to the involvement of connective
be revealed by the expert use of USE, through which tissue.27, 28

Vol. 56 - No. 12 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 1521

Figure 3.Elastosonographic evidence of elasticity reduction of painful muscle region, shown as heterogeneous colorimetric map. The color blue
indicates muscular stiffness and contracture. Color distribution is graphically represented.

What happens is simply a permanent and involuntary It is noteworthy that diagnosis of muscle contracture
increase of the muscle tone, which is perceived quite can be improved today by USE, a recently developed re-
clearly and the athlete complains of a lack of muscle al-time technique for in vivo imaging of the distribution
elasticity during movements, inability to contract the of tissue strain and elastic modulus.29 The conventional
injured muscle, and modest and widespread pain. ultrasound examination uses less than 15% of the infor-
In this situation, the conventional B-mode ultrosound mation contained in the native ultrasound RF signal.
examination shows no detectable echo-structural altera- USE provides information on tissue stiffness, which
tions. is independent from the acoustic impedance and vas-
However, since the border between contracture and cular flow information provided by B-mode and Dop-
stretching is thin and it may happen that a simple hy- pler imaging, since it originates from the deformations
pertonus hides the elongation of some muscle fibers, induced by the operators hand (slight compression or
the conventional investigation plays still a major role in vibration).30 The only technique currently able to com-
excluding fibers breaking. pete with USE is the Magnetic Resonance elastography,
Contraction may be followed by a marked increase which is not limited by the presence of bone or gas, is
of the thickness of the interested muscle, due to the ex- sensitive to the omnidirectional movement with volu-
tensive edema, which is shown by conventional echog- metric acquisitions at high speed, can be performed by
raphy as a nuanced hypoechogenicity of the interested relatively inexperienced staff and gives a clear inter-
muscle, compared to the contralateral one, and with pretability of data. However, USE is relatively fast and
some signals of peripheral vascular reactivity at the eco- more accurate and precise; access to equipment is easier
color-Doppler investigation. In addition, magnetic reso- for the operator and for the patient and overall costs for
nance imaging (MRI) allows to clearly point interstitial investigation are much lower;31 it is used for several pa-
edema out by using fat-suppressed sequences. thologies with good results: prostate cancer,32 thyroid

1522 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness December 2016

Figure 4.Elastosonographic evidence of elasticity reduction of the painful muscle (A), compared to the contralateral one (B). The latter shows an
intermediate signal of good elasticity. Colorimetric distribution is graphically represented; C) elastosonographic examination after 1-2 weeks shows
a gradual normalization of the colorimetric map with an increase level of the color green in painful muscle.

cancer,33 azoospermia,34 breast lesions 35 and neuromus- lated to the refractive power of the ultrasound beam by
cular disorders.36, 37 the tissues, which can be just partially discriminated.
USE image is represented on the monitor by a color The elasticity of a material describes its tendency to
window overlapped to the B-mode image, associated deform itself and to resume its original size and shape
with an elastogram, in which blue is used for econding after being subjected to a deforming force (stress). The
hard tissues, red for soft tissues, and yellow/green for resulting difference in size or shape is known as strain
tissue of intermediate stiffness. The colorimetric repre- and expressed as ratio (e.g. change in length per unit
sentation better depicts information provided by tradi- length).30 In particular, muscle elasticity corresponds to
tional examination but not perceptible in its entirety by the ability to stretch through its contractile elastic ele-
the human eye: B-mode ultrasound provides a different ments.
representation of the various tones of gray, closely re- In painful patients with muscle contracture, the in-

Vol. 56 - No. 12 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 1523

elastic area of contracture can interest just one portion Finally, this is a preliminary study on a limited num-
of the muscle, with preserved regular elasticity of the ber of muscle injured subjects, although it is meaningful
muscle tissue located upstream and downstream of the as a novel way for diagnosis and also for rehabilitation
region concerned. In muscle ruptures, ultrasound exam- in muscular traumas.
ination shows the presence of structural inhomogeneity The strength of this method is that sonoelastography
and hemorrhage zones, appearing in muscular trauma as may be used as a routine practice during sonographic
homogeneous areas, very soft on elastographic image. examination for MI, since it is low-cost, it allows fast
In addition, USE is proving to be useful in dynamic scan time and it may increase the diagnostic accuracy
for evolution of MIs, showing perilesional irregular of conventional US by supplying information about the
areas of different elasticity, which bi-dimensional ul- elasticity of muscle tissue.40, 41 However, future longi-
trasound could reveal as normal. Indeed, lesions with tudinal studies including a wider sample of patients are
favorable evolution are usually characterized by a soft needed to improve our findings.
elastic ribbed appearance, whilst fibrosis causes a wide USE can provide valuable information for patients
range perilesional predominantly stiff appearance (blue with MIs and appropriate treatments thus ameliorating
image elastography) in which soft areas (red image elas- elasticity properties of the injured muscles.
tography) could be present, depending on lesion length.
In this study, we found a correspondence between the Conclusions
muscle painful region and the elastic area of USE. This
finding confirmed the hypothesis of muscle contracture USE is a useful imaging technique that produces
and directed us to a favorable prognosis. Indeed, about muscle elasticity maps, and its use as a diagnostic pro-
1-2 weeks later we noted the complete regression of the cedure is based on the premise that pathological pro-
pain symptomatology and of the partial loss of muscle cesses as MIs alter the physical characteristics of the
function. In addition, USE showed a regular elasticity involved tissue.
of the muscle fibers involved. All these evidences suggest that the muscle-skeletal
USE completes the conventional B-mode ultrasonog-
raphy, and it is able to provide functional information
Limitations of the study about muscle and tendineous tissues, being able to re-
veal minors traumatic pathologies (i.e. elongation and
However, this study has several limitations. First, it muscle contracture).
is noteworthy that several artifacts can be encountered This information will be useful for prognostication,
during the USE examination of skeletal muscles, such post-traumatic monitoring and to detect subclinical
as red lines appearing at the interfaces between adjacent changes in MIs even before there are changes on the
muscles, due to tissue shifting; fluctuation at the edges routine B-mode ultrasound.
of the elastogram and at the medial and lateral borders It is likely that USE may help to clear many diagnosis
of thin structures due to out-of-plane movement of the doubt and facilitate follow-up evaluation as a relatively
transducer.38, 39 These artefacts have been minimized by accurate, non-traumatic and non-expensive technique.
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Conflicts of interest.The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.
Acknowledgments.The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the staff of the Diagnostic Fiumara Center for the assistance in obtaining and archiv-
ing the ultrasound data.
Article first published online: March 19, 2016. - Manuscript accepted: March 14, 2016. - Manuscript revised: February 25, 2016. - Manuscript received: June
4, 2015.

Vol. 56 - No. 12 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 1525

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