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A ngel Ritual of Muriel

Katherine Torres, Ph.D.

Ritual sets the stage to assist you in maintaining a spiritual focus.

It is the quality of being aligned with Universal energies. When you are
in a reverent state of focus, you allow the Universal energies to pass through you and manifest a positive
result in your world. The manifest is based on the focus and intent you carry through the ritual. Ritual is
the foundation that allows you to align spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, egotistically, and soul-
wise within a higher state of consciousness.

Ritual with Angels specifically creates an alignment for certain causes you wish to see come to
fruition: i.e., spiritual quests, healing, harmony in a relationship, new career, Universal Insight, dealing with
surgery, extracting yourself from an addiction, a relationship, a circumstance, or event that no longer serves
you, and so forth. Angels are Divine Messengers and Holders of specific matrices that Source Created.
There is an angel for everything. Whatever you can imagine, there is an angel watching over the matrix of
that creation, whether it is formed already or simply resides in the Creative Mind of the Divine who has
inspired your desire to manifest it. So, if you are someone inspired to design a new lock and key, there is
an angel for the lock and key and you need only call that angel, Angel of the Lock and Key, come and assist
me, please.

Angel Rituals are empowered by setting an environment that exudes sacred intent. It
is empowered by the use of an incantation (prayer, chant, rhythmic poetry, naming the purpose) calling into
the Earth the blessings of Source and the exact vibration that is the subject to be manifested (i.e., vibration
of abundance may manifest as money, opportunities, love, creativity, and other realities in our world; or the
energy of love may be manifested as a lover or peace and compassion for those around you; or the energy
of creativity may be manifested as a career, or art forms specific to your talents; and so forth. It is your intent
that manifests the what will occur). When in the alignment with an Angel Ritual, you receive help in
knowing and maintaining the matrix of your desired manifest. A Matrix is the archetypal design and
completely woven pattern of a thing, event, person, or circumstance. For instance, if I am seeking to gain
angelic help with writing a book, that book already has an archetypal design and completely woven pattern,
it resides in etheric form, and by the focus of my intent and ritual to manifest it in my world, I align with an

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angel of writing (i.e. Raphael) and call forth the book into my inner spaces so I may use the inspiration of
it to produce it in the world.

The angel ritual calls us into a vortex of energy at a higher vibrational level than what we reside in
through our normal daily activities and interpersonal events. The ritual allows our consciousness to be alert,
aware, and awakened to the multi-dimensions in which we reside, but often do not realize. Most of the time
our focus is in our personal world, the 3rd Dimension. Yet, we are multidimensional and through angelic
rituals, we feel this, some see this, and all know this. In the Angelic Realms, we move into the 4th dimension
and may align in higher dimensions (5th dimension, 6th dimension, etc.), depending on our readiness and
choice to move harmoniously and with higher integrity into other dimensions. Why is this needed? So we
can absorb the energy in which we align, and use the Matrix Energy of Source that the Angels have
contracted to maintain for Source and for us. Otherwise, we feel virtually nothing and do not realize the
energy field we are aligned in. With intent, we can feel and know the energy we are working with (we do
not have to remain ignorant or in blind faith). God/Goddess intends that we become Masters of the Energy
World so we can take dominion over our positive powers to manifest.

We feel the subtle energies at work during our focus in ritual. We work within these energies fields
and abstract the archetypal alignment and transform it from the realm of nonmatter into the realm of matter.
At some point, either by cognitive intent or spiritual intent, our ritual seems to stop and we return to our
personal reality. Yes, sometimes we wonder if we obtained anything. Yet, when we continue to form a
union with the ethereal realm, we learn what we are doing and through practice, become Alchemical
Masterscalling forth the change. If our intention is higher, our evolution is steady through the spiritual
quest we abide in, then moving into higher dimensions allows an awareness, an energetic experience, and
a realization that we have, indeed, absorbed energy and taken on the new levels of inspiration for use in our
personal reality. Holding a sacred attitude through the ritual and afterwards, does enhance our ability to
channel the energy into our personal reality with grace and accelerated qualities of manifestation.

Sigils of Angels Box

What has been interesting over the years is to discover that we can create signs and signatures (sigils)
of the Angels in order to Call Forth their Energy into the World of Matter. Some of our Ancient Masters
from Mystical Wisdom Schools have designed many of them. However, obtaining script that reveals all of
the Sigils is nearly impossible.
The word Sigil has several meanings: Sign, Signature, and/or Seal (to Sanctify). It is designed by
letters, numbers and design. The final design is known to contain the power of the Angel, Person, or Event
and carries the thought, emotion and higher frequencies that is used to virtualize (rays of light meeting in
one place) the power of the desire one wishes to sanctify. Use of sigils produces the vibrational effect of

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anchoring the specific (i.e. angelic) assistance and matrix of the desired manifest.
In asking Spirit for help to create Sigils (signatures for Angels that are mystically used to call their
energy into form), the following matrix was given to me, during meditation, and the means to use it.
This numerical process utilizes the Tibetan Numerical system and the Master Numbers of 10, 11,
and 22. Do Notice that the Master Numbers carry symbols with them: Circle, Square and Triangle; symbolic
of Natural Law, Human Law, and Sacred Law (respectively).

7 10 1 4
6 5 8 11
22 2 3 9

Sigil Treasure Box

To use this Sigil Treasure Box will provide you a means to design the Seal or Signature of the Angel
for your ritual.

First you must obtain the sacred numbers of the Angels Name via the Tibetan Numerical Process.
If, for any reason, the numbers 10, 11, or 22 are revealed, do not reduce them. You will use them as part of
the gathering of the energy of the Angel.

Here is the way to decipher letters and numbers via Tibetan Alignment with letters corresponding
to numbers. In this system letters are aligned with numbers 1 through 10 before returning to a single digit
deciphering process.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Your intent is to create an equation of the Spiritual, Mental, Physical and Soul
vibration within a name. It is done by taking the letters of the Vowels and matching them to
the numbers, adding them together, and if necessary reducing them to a single digit (unless
they are the numbers 10, 11 or 22). Then you take the Consonants and match each letter with

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a number, add them together and come to a final number. Once that is done, you add the
Vowels (Spiritual Number) to the Consonants (Mental Number) and come up with a number
that is the Physical Number. Then, you add all together (Spiritual, Mental and Physical) and
come to the final number, the Soul Number. For Instance the name of the Guardian Angel,
Muriel produces the following Equation:

9 15 Spiritual 6
5 8 3 Mental 7
Physical 4 (Soul - 8)

Using the grid above, we create the Guardian Angel Muriels signature as:

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S etting the Stage for Angel Rituals

Ritual requires that certain components be adhered to in order to create the

outcome desired. These components can be regarded as the alchemical properties, and when
blended, becomes the energetic alignment that melds, molds, and creates the final manifested
reality. These alchemical components are:

m Establish a Spirit of Purpose (reason for alignment; a focus); establish date

and time that best suits your purpose:

Days of the Week:

- Sunday for alignment with your Higher Self
- Monday for alignment with your emotional and intuitive
- Tuesdays for activating and heading out on the quest
- Wednesdays for enhancing your mental qualities and focused
- Thursday for enhancing expansion of anything in your life
- Fridays for enhancing relationships
- Saturdays for enhancing career, financial stability, and
dedication to commitments made

Lunar Cycles (New Moon - New Seed Planting Time; Full Moon
- Honoring the Birth of something you have been
working on)

Solar Cycles Each time the Sun Moves into a New Sign a New
Beginning occurs: Aries - All About me and my goals; Taurus -
cultivating worthiness, earnings, and soul intentions; Gemini -
empowering communication, writing, choices and discernment.
Cancer - family enhancements, home, and solidifying your base
security. Leo - Creative expression, dealing with children; honoring
the Sacred expression through you; Virgo - ability to stabilize,
intellectualize and solidify dreams, healing, and service; Libra -
balance and harmonize, open to relating, finding the place of justice
and fairness; Scorpio - Deepening sexual connections, empowering
your ability to share, to heal and be healed, and to uncover the
psychological shadow-boxes; Sagittarius - setting forth your travel
plans, educational programs, spiritual programs, and helping the
judicial system harmonize for humanity; Capricorn - placing
everything in order for career development, patterns of personal

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authority, successful achievements; forming the Laws of the Land;
Aquarius - Awakening to a Higher Power, opening to humanitarian
quests, allowing your individual and unique qualities to be
uncovered; Pisces - aligning with the sacred mysteries, allowing
compassion and global healing to occur, uncover the secrets
undermining your life.

Time of Day or Night or Cycles of the Moon:

- Sun Rise - New Beginnings

- Noon - Call to Action
- Sun Set - Fulfillment of and Completion of projects
- Midnight - Sacred Mysteries and Sacred Endings
- New Moon - Initiate and plant seeds
- Full Moon - Gratitude for the Birth and manifestation
- Balsamic Moon - Releasing and Ending events and circumstances

m Create Signature, Sigil, Seal of the Angel you are

calling forth. Use the Sigil above for Muriel

m Bring to your altar components for your ritualistic act: Angelic replicas
(pictures, statues, etc.) Whimsical things like wings, gossamer cloth, and
other things that represent angelic realms to you. Add colors of candles,
plants, oils, stones, etc. that are to be used for a particular rite, i.e., money,
relationship, healing, etc.; as well as all other altar pieces of your desire. For
instance, Soft Yellow, Blue and Violet = Spiritual Quest; Writing and
Communicating = Yellow; Creative Energy and Spontaneity = Orange; Vigor
and Vitality = Red; Money = Green; Relationships = Passionate red; Careers
= Indigo integrity and truth; Health = Yellow Green, etc.

m Self Purification - (bath/shower, sage or other cleansing incense/elixir). This

releases old energy that clogs the channel and places you in purity of thought
and sacred action.

m Cleanse the place where ritual will occur (sage or other incense to clear the
area, elixir for room clearing, symbolic sweeping with a broom). This
releases old energy that clogs the channel and places your environment in a
channel of purity which allows you to hear and feel the inspiration of the
Holy Hosts.

m Symbols of Life, the Four Worlds and the Four Faces of the Divine are placed
on your altar as well: Fire (candle with specific color), Water (in cup or
shell), Air (incense or double edged knife) and Earth (a stone or pentacle
symbol) as well as sacred items that align your heart and mind with Spirit and
the Spirit of Purpose.

m One of the most important aspects you can honor is to be sure to clear you

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mind of all thoughts except for what you are here for. Clear your emotions
from fears, concerns and outside realities. Center your mind and emotions
into the purpose of your sacred alignment with the Angels, and thus, Source.

m Create a sacred vortex (a conduit for energy to be mixed and aligned from the
most Sacred spirit of the vibration to the most sacred manifested vibration).
This is done by drawing a circle of light around you (clock-wise). You may
do this with your imagination and your mental and emotional focus aligned
with Source. You may also set this circle (conduit) by walking a circular
pattern; by placing candles, a rope, or flowers that define your circle which
becomes your area of intent for a vortex to be enhanced.

m Align with the 4-quarters and the channels Above and Below, calling the
energy Within you (and circling throughout your vortex). Sanctify the circle
by honoring the directions (each ritual will have a suggested process to
follow; though you may certainly create your own). Call in the Angel(s), and
the Spirit of Purpose in the manner that is most comfortable for you, but
always with clarity and deliberate focus of your intended reality.

m Speak out louda component of the ritual that draws the etheric energy into
matter. Also, speak your words of prose, poetry or your incantation for what
you desire. This helps you focus more deeply, aligns you with the vibrational
matrix of your desire and alerts the Universe that you are truly aware of what
you want to bring into the World of Matter.

m Take the time to sit in the midst of your vortex and let the energy flow into
your being. Entrain with the Angel(s) you are working with. In this moment
of synchronization with the Angel(s), let the energy continue to move through
your Holy Living Temple (your body) and into the core of Earth Mother. Let
is settle into the Crystal Iron Core. Visualize the combination of the energy
you have drawn from the higher resonance of Source through you (Angelic
Being and focused intent), intermingling with Earth Crystals in the deepest
space of Earth Mother (which are holders of Sacred Energy of Source), then
oscillating to the rhythm of the Earth Mother (approximately 7.5 cycles per
second), raise the energy (feeling and sensing an ascent of energy from the
crystal core, up through the creative mantel of molten energy, up through the
crust of the Earth, back into your body, activating the oscillation of your
desire through your cellular essence, and further on up through your channel
within your Holy Living Temple, and then back to the higher dimensions,
giving gratitude to Source and the angelic beings, that you have aligned the
most sacred vibrations into the Temple of Matter and you are now the Holder
and Director of this energy for its outcome in your life (and/or the life of
another). Let your Heart well up with sacred purpose and your mind align
with sacred focus. Feel the energy rise and descend, rise again and descend
into the 3rd dimension; the world of expression.

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m Maintain the flow of this energy you have created. Remain in a Meditative
state for approximately 15-30 minutes. Visualize and Feel the manifest as
complete. When you feel it complete, say Awen (It is So) and complete
your meditation.
m Give gratitude to the Angel(s), the Goddess/God (Source) and all energy
fields of assistance: The elements, the 4-quarters and conduit alignment
Above and Below. Acknowledge that all is within you now.

m Close your circle by snuffing out your candle, and walking in the opposite
direction that you set your circle (counter-clockwise) and gather all energy
of the circle from the ground and up and into your Holy Living Temple. This
allows for all you gathered (known and unknown) from the Sacred Vibrations,
Matrix of your Desire, and the Intent of God/Goddess, to be held within

m Say Awen (So it is, So Mote it Be, It is complete).

Motto of Spiritual Practitioners

Everyone who aligns themselves with sacred ritual practices align with certain
attitudes and principles. The motto below represents the posture of the Wyse Women and Men
of the Daughters of the Moon and the Wizards Circle. May you enjoy aligning with it as well.

m Honor the Goddess in all that you do

m Come to all experiences with love
m Hold all life sacred
m Live with Integrity
m Harm None

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Spiritual Ritual

With Guardian Angel Muriel

Angel of the Dominions: Mercy, Healing, Merging of Spirit and

Muriel is known as the Angel of the Zodiac Sign of Cancer, the Law of Containment, and
the Intelligence of the House of Influence.

This guardian assists you in setting the parameters of your Spirit so you may
contain the influence of the Divine Presence. He opens the doorway of Mercy where the
blessings of Source continue to flow for all purposes under heaven.

As a Master Healer, Muriel brings forth the energies of healing the subtle and
material bodies. Whether it is a healing of your spirit, your mind, emotions, ego, body or
soul, Muriel is part of the band of angels that is by your side to influence the healing
through you.

As a Master of the Merging of Spirit and Matter, he aids in many different levels:

- To help you form a Union with Source and know that while in matter you
are Source Embodied. This brings forth the power of Abundance in all
areas of your life.

- He helps your emotions, mind and ego merge with your Soul and from that
union, merge with Spirit. This allows you to remain centered in your
Earthly purpose and existence.
- He helps those who are passing from the Earth to Merge with Spirit, be
healed and balanced as they leave behind their Earthly Consciousness and
Merge into the ethereal realm.

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Intent: Prepare to Merge and Contain Spirit in Matter
Prepare and call forth the purpose of your time with Muriel. Name all the areas
in your life that you want to form a union with the Divine Presence and bring forth
results in your life.

m Set the date and time you wish to use for alignment of your ritual (New
Moon? Full Moon? Eclipse time? A certain day of the Week? A
Certain time of the day?) In union with Muriel, it would be good to
do your ritual on and around the Full Moon.

m Bring to your Altar area, the tools that will enhance your alignment

S Bring your list of areas you desire patience; pictures if you desire.
S Items that honor the Angelic realm
S Blue, Blue-Green and Yellow Orange Candles
S Plant world alignment: Water Lilies and/or other plants of the
S Stone world alignment: Moon Stone, Lithium quartz (clears
S Incense: Carnation, Chamomile, Rosemary
S Oils: Carnation, Chamomile, Rosemary
S Your cup for Water, Stone for Earth, Incense for Air, Candle for
Water can be set in the 4 directions (Water - West; Stone -North;
Incense - East; Candle - South)
S Bring other inspirational items to your altar
S Music, if you wish, that helps you align in a sacred and peaceful

m Take time to create your poem, prayer, prose, or incantation (it is truly
best that you create it for it will come from your heart and be focused on
your desire).

A suggested prayer to Muriel:

Muriel, Guardian of Mercy, I call to you

Bring forth the Love from within of Divine Presence
Assist me in setting the parameters for Contain the Light of the Highest
Help me channel this energy to perfect and create ________________

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(name your desires). I honor the Power of Containment for I know it
assists me in Merging with Source.

Muriel, Angel of the Dominion, Master of Healing and Union, Guide

me in the Mastery of Merging with Source that I may reveal the
highest light within me. Awen!

m Cleanse and purify: bath/shower; sage or use Aura cleanser; clear the
room in which you will create your sacred vortex, and clear the energy
of your altar to release any old fields of consciousness wrapped around
your altar items.

m Take time to review what you have written as your goal and incantation,
and focus on your Desires.

m Set your Circle and begin your Ritual with your Highest Intent
(suggestions for setting the circle are below).

Set your Circle (as noted in the Setting the Stage....

above (and by use of the incense, oil, candles, etc.)

After placing your elements in the four directions on your

altar, touch the water and sprinkle it across your Altar as a blessing
and honoring of the West Portal; the place of the Ocean of
Consciousness, the Akashic Records, and the Wisdom within All.
Circle around your altar to the North and touch the stone, acknowledging the sacred
place of Earth, the place of faith, humbleness and the power of manifestation. Circle
to the East and Light the Incense. As the smoke releases, cup your hands and take the
smoke over your Crown Chakra, three times; Give Honor to the Divine Breath that
flows through you and the power of vision that expresses the intent of your dreams and
desires. Light the Candle and give honor to the Light of the Divine that is ignited
within you and setting you into the stream of Purpose, Intent and Integrity to
intermingle with all that is necessary to manifest your desires.

Draw a circle by standing in the center of your space, face West (the initiating
place of Water, Healing, Wisdom, Knowing, and the Records of All Time. Allow
yourself to draw in from the Etheric Realm above you, white light from the heart of

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WomanSpirit (Source) to your heart. Feel it expand in your heart, release this light
into your right index finger, and circle clock-wise, releasing the light as you complete
one full turn around the circle. Your vortex is now defined by this light.

As your return to the West, begin giving honor to the 4-quarters and calling in
the elements as well.

Facing the West:

WomanSpirit, from my heart to your heart I ask to align with the Light of the
I ask that this door be open and the Archangels Gabriel and Muriel and the
Goddess Arianrhod help me cross this threshold of wisdom
I desire to align with the enchantment of Water
I ask the angels and goddesses of the sacred inner realm to enter my circle and
assist my travels through the astral fluid of Divine Wisdom
I, the daughter/son of the Goddess become one with the powers that be that will
assist me in flowing through my inner temple and Merge with Source.

Face the North:

WomanSpirit from my heart to yours I ask to align with the Light of the North,
the spirit of faith, the foundation of Spirit in Matter.
I ask that this door be open and the Guardian Angel Auriel and the Goddess
Eiru help me through this threshold of stability.
I desire to align with the enchantment of the Earth
I ask that the angels and goddesses of the Sacred Place of Faith enter this
circle for me now.
I desire to become one with the grounding forces that will help me manifest all
that I desire as a vehicle for Source Manifesting through Matter.

Face the East:

WomanSpirit, from my heart to yours I align with the Light of the East
WomanSpirit, I ask that this door be open and the Archangel Raphael and the
Goddess Deirdre assist me in crossing this threshold of Higher Sight.
I ask to align with the enchantment of Air
I ask that the angels and goddesses of Vision help me hold the vision of, and
know the love and power of Mercy, the Grace of Your Essence.
WomanSpirit allow me to become one with the vision of my Intention and the

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place of my Higher Self that I may flow with this power easily and gracefully.

Face the South:

WomanSpirit, from my heart to your heart I ask to align with the light of the
I ask that this door be open and the Archangel Michael and the Goddess Taillte
help me cross this threshold of Inspiration
I ask to align with the enchantment of Fire
I desire to align with the angels and goddess of integrity, and intent to allow
the power of Mercy to be my magick right here and right now.

Create a symbol of Anu (five pointed start within a circle) and say

Muriel, Guardian Angel of The Dominions

Walk and Talk with me each day, teach me the power of Union with
Source and the Grace of Mercy always provided.
Let me know the Light of Love, Healing, and Containment so the
Influence of The Divine is knowing easily in my heart and mind.

Speak out the incantation: (yours or the suggested one)

Muriel, Guardian of Mercy, I call to you

Bring forth the Love from within of Divine Presence
Assist me in setting the parameters for Contain the Light of the Highest
Help me channel this energy to perfect and create ________________ (name your
desires). I honor the Power of Containment for I know it assists me in Merging
with Source.

Muriel, Angel of the Dominion, Master of Healing and Union, Guide me in the
Mastery of Merging with Source that I may reveal the highest light within me.

Raise energy (feeling and sensing a rise of energy from your lower belly, begin to
visualize it forming a ball of light (i.e., with Muriel, the Ocean Blue), hold tight your
sphincter muscle and let the energy rise to your heart, then with a large exhale, direct
the energy, ball of light, from your heart into the circle, knowing that it carries and
forms the spirit of your purpose).

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m Meditate in the energy you have created. Visualize the manifest
complete and utilize the powers of knowing that it is so: Feel it, put a
smell to it, a taste, sound, and see it so. Use Empowering Vision with
Feeling. When you feel it deep within, end your meditation.

m Give gratitude to the Goddess, deities, elements and elementals, the 4-

quarters and conduit alignment above and below. Acknowledge that all
is within you now.

m Close your circle by snuffing out your candle (or blowing it out knowing
that the light goes out to the world), and walking in the opposite
direction that you set your circle to gather all energy unto yourself.

m Say Awen (So it is, So Mote it Be, It is complete).

Awen It is so!
Blessings to you all.

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